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Kelompok 2

1.Gledys Marselina Maboko

Nim : 711440121066
2.Jelita Oki Manoppo
Nim : 711440121061

I. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech.

a) ‘Congratulations! You have come first in the exams,’ the principal said to me.
The principal congratulated me and said that I was first in the exams.
b) Mohit’s father said, ‘We must not watch TV while having our dinner.’
Mohit’s father said that they must not watch TV while having their dinner.
c) ‘What an expensive car he drives!’ remarked Rahul’s neighbour.
Rahul neighbor said that he drove an expensive car.
d) ‘How well you speak German,’ his teammate remarked.
His teammate praised that he spoke German very well.
e) ‘Hurry up!’ said Viru’s mother. ‘The bus will be here in a minute.’
Viru’s mother asked him to hurry up and said that the bus would be there in a minute.
f) The policeman ordered the truck driver, ‘Show your licence.’
Policeman asked the truck driver to show him is license.
g) ‘You will have to surrender your passport,’ the officer said to the passenger.
The policeman told the passenger that he would have to surrender his passport.
h) My grandfather said, ‘May you have a long life!’
My grandfather blessed me I might live long.
i) Mr Jain said to his colleague, ‘Will you please drop me at the airport?’
Mr Jain requested his colleague to drop him at the airport.
j) ‘Light travels in a straight line,’ the teacher explained.
The teacher explained that travels in a straight line.
k) ‘I saw an interesting film last evening,’ said my friend.
My friend told that he saw an interesting movie the previous evening.
l) The caller asked, ‘May I speak with Shweta?’
The caller asked if he might speak to Shweta.
m) ‘May I know who is on the line?’ her father enquired.
Her father enquired who was there on the line.
n) ‘Ouch! The bee stung me!’ the child said.
The child exclaimed with sorrow that the bee stung him.

II. Read the following dialogues and fill in the blanks.

a) Husband — Did you talk to Dr Trehan?
Wife — Yes, but it is important for you to rest.
Husband — What is it?
Wife — Silence.
Husband — Is it one or two?
Wife — No.
Husband — Is it three or four?
Wife — Yes
Tushar was admitted in a hospital with a complaint of tumour. He was resting.
A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and asked his wife i) if she had talked to Dr. Trehan.
ii) said that she did, but that it was important for him to rest. He asked her if it was one or
She iii) said that it wasn’t. Finally, he wanted to know if it iv) was three or four and she
with him.
b) evang : I have invited four of my friends for dinner today.
Wigel : Then I’ll invite my friends also.
Evang : That will be a good idea.
Wigel : So, what should we have for dinner?
Wigel : Let us decide the menu now.
Evang told wigel that i) he had invited four of his friends for dinner that day. Then wigel
said ii) she would invite her friends too, which evang thought iii) that would be a good idea.
Wigel asked iv) what should they have for dinner evang replied v) they should decide the
c) Principal : Where is your mother?
Lea : I have no mother. She died five years back.
Principal : Who was the lady with whom you came in?
Lea : She is a stranger. She brought me for a treat.
Principal : You should not accept food from a stranger.
The Principal asked lea i) where her mother was. Puzzled, the girl told the principal ii) that
had no mother, she died five years back. At this the principal asked her iii) who had been the
with whom she had come in. Lea replied that she was a stranger who iv) she was a stranger
broughther for a treat. Then principal told Rhea v) that she should not accept food from the
d) jelita : ikla, how much money did you give for the rabbits.
Ikla : Five shillings and six pence.
Jelita : I think I’ve got more than that in my box upstairs. I’ll ask mother to give it to you.
Ikla : What for? I don’t want your money. I’ve got far more money.
Jelita : I want to buy some more rabbits.
Jelita asked ikla i) how much money he had given for rabbits. Ikla replied promptly ii) that he
gave five shillings and six pence for the rabbits. Jelita told him iii) that she thought she had
more than that in her box upstairs and she would ask mother to give that money to him. Ikla
iv) that he didn’t want her money and he had far more money. Jelita told him that v) she
wanted to buy some more rabbits.
e) Doctor : Hello, How are you feeling now?
Patient : I am much better, sir.
Doctor : Are you not fully well? Don’t you take proper rest?
Patient : I am not fully well as I cannot have proper rest because of the busy schedule.
Doctor : Take some tonic to regain your health, ok?
The doctor asked i) about his health and the patient replied ii) he was much better the doctor
asked iii) he didn’t took enough rest and looking tired the patient replied iv) he was not fully
as he did not had proper rest because of busy schedule. Finally, the doctor advised the patient
to take tonic and rest and he’ll be fully well.
f) Read the dialogues between the two girls and fill in the blanks.
Jelita : Why do you look so worried?
Ikla : I have not prepared well for the exams. I have read only general articles.
Jelita : Don’t worry. There will be no questions from MCB. Reading general articles from
or newspapers will help you develop reading skills.
Ikla : Thank you, I am very relieved. Thank you indeed.
Jelita asked ikla i) why did he look so worried. Ikla told with concern that ii) she had not
prepared for exam and that she had read only general articles. Jelita assured her not to worry
as iii)
there would be no questions from MCB reading general articles from magazines or
newspapers would help her develop reading skills. Ikla looked relieved at jelita’s assurance
thanked her for her consoling words.

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