Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Lê Công Đức

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Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily! | 1
Lê Công Đức

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Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily! | 2

Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Tổng hợp này được biên soạn dành cho các bạn đang theo học
Tiếng Anh có được một nguồn tài liệu ngữ pháp tổng hợp và được viết bằng Việt ngữ
có giải thích và bài tập cụ thể để tham khảo và tự học một cách dễ dàng hơn. Cuốn sách
này có thể được sử dụng dành cho tự học, làm bài tập như bài tập về nhà, và trong lớp

Cuốn sách được thiết kế theo đơn vị bài và có hai phần một phần lý thuyết và phần
thực hành để tiện cho các bạn đọc, suy ngẫm và hiểu kỹ hơn đơn vị ngữ pháp mà mình
đang học để hiểu được ngữ cảnh, tình huống và đặc điểm mà mình cần dùng nó trong
việc nói, viết, hoặc các mục đích khác một cách thích hợp. Các bạn có thể làm bài trong
một phần giấy khác hoặc làm trong phần sách này và sau đó đối chiếu phần đáp án ở
phần sau sách.

Mặc dù đã cố gắng và nỗ lực hết sức mình, nhưng cuốn sách cũng không thể tránh
khỏi những sai sót trong quá trình biên soạn. Xin cảm ơn các bạn đọc học thức uyên bác
ra công chỉ dạy và đóng góp cho những sai sót đó để tác giả hoàn chỉnh cuốn sách một
cách hoàn chỉnh nhất và hoàn thiện nhất có thể. Hy vọng cuốn sách sẽ là người bạn
đồng hành của các bạn trong quá trình chinh phục Tiếng Anh, thứ ngôn ngữ được sử
dụng một cách toàn cầu như hiện nay.

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thời gian quý báu để giúp hoàn chỉnh tập sách này tốt hơn!
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Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily! | 3
1. Chủ từ của câu là người hoặc vật thực hiện hành động của động từ. Đại từ làm chủ từ
(subject pronouns) được dùng để thay thế chủ từ (người hay vật) của động từ.
Chúng ta không nói

John is tall and John is intelligent.

Chúng ta không lặp lại John hai lần như vậy. Chúng ta dùng đại từ làm chủ từ he để thay
thế cho John.
John is tall and he is intelligent.

2. Các đại từ làm chủ từ trong tiếng Anh

Người thứ nhất

Số it I Tôi, Mình I am a student.
Số nhiều We Chúng ta We are students.
Chúng tôi
Người thứ hai
Số ít You Bạn You are a teacher.
Số nhiều You Các bạn You are teachers.
Người thứ ba
Số ít He Anh ấy, chú ấy … He is a teacher.
She Cô ấy, cô ấy … She is a doctor.
It Nó It is a dog.
Số nhiều They Chúng … They are teachers.
They are doctors.
They are dogs.

3. Khi nào thì sử dụng IT

 Dùng để thay thế cho vật, động vật hay ý kiến
The dog is big. It is also hairy. (It = the dog)
My bed is small but it is comfortable. (it = my bed)

 Khi nói về người mà không nói về giới tính

The baby is very small. It only weighs 2 kilos. (It = the baby)

 It được dùng nói về thời gian, thời tiết, nhiệt độ

It is five o’clock. (Thời gian là năm giờ)
It is cold today. (Thời tiết lạnh hôm nay)
It is 300C outside right now. (Nhiệt độ bên ngoài bây giờ là 300C)

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Practice: Điền vào chỗ trống với những đại từ thích hợp

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1. Túc từ là những gì bị ảnh hưởng bởi hành động của chủ từ. Hay là đối tượng của hành
động của chủ từ thực hiện hoặc hướng tới.

I like soccer. (I là chủ từ của hành động)

They like me. (me là túc từ của động từ like.)

2. Các đại từ làm chủ từ trong tiếng Anh

Chủ từ Túc từ
Đứng trước Đứng sau động
động từ từ
I Me She likes me.
We Us He likes us.
You You I love you.
He Him We work with him.
She Her They like her a lot.
It It This pen is nice. We like it.
They Them These pens are nice. We like them.
Tom and John are very cute. He likes them.

1. Hãy gạch chân những từ là đại từ và ghi rõ là đại từ làm chủ từ (S) hay đại từ làm
túc từ (O)
1. We are teachers. __________________
2. They don’t listen to me. __________________
3. We love him so much. __________________
4. The dog is very cute. I love it. __________________
5. We watch them on TV. __________________
6. John is a good boy. Everyone likes him. __________________
7. Go and ask her. __________________
8. My friends are good. I like them a lot. __________________
9. My mother loves us a lot. __________________
10. He asked you to be quiet. __________________

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2. Điền vào đại từ làm túc từ cho đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. I can’t see Hoa. I can’t see _____________.

2. Where are you? I can’t see _____________.
3. John and Mary are my children. I love _____________
them very much.
4. We are studying. Don’t bother _____________,
us please.
5. John is my good friend. I usually talk to _____________.
6. Hồng is friendly to everyone. Everyone likes _____________.
7. Where is my dog? I can’t find _____________
it anywhere.
8. They are my pencils? Do you like _____________?
9. They are my sons. Can you help me to look after _____________?
10. You are very nice. Everybody will miss _____________
you a lot, John.

3. Chuyển các chủ từ trong ngoặc sang túc từ

1. I go to school with _____________

him (he) every day.
2. her
I see_____________(she) at the supermarket every Monday.
3. She speaks to _____________
us (we) every morning.
4. Do you like talking to _____________
me (I)?
5. We are talking to _____________
you (you).
6. We take _____________(they)
them to school every day.
7. We like listening to _____________
him (he). He sings very beautifully.
8. We are looking for _____________
it (it) everywhere.

4. Điền vào chỗ trống với đại từ làm chủ từ hay đại từ làm túc từ
1. _______
we are working with __________.
him (we/us – he/him)
2. _______
he doesn’t like watching _______.
it (he/him – it/it)
3. _______
she usually talks to _______
us every morning. (she/her – we/us)
4. _______
i don’t like _______.
them (I/me – they/them)
5. _______
he usually goes to school with _______.
me (he/him – I/me)

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1. Đại từ phản thân là những đại từ như myself, yourself, … để nói về hành động mà chủ
từ thực hiện hành động, và đối tượng hướng đến cũng là người thực hiện hành động đó.
Ví dụ: Tôi yêu chính mình. Thì chính mình là đại từ phản thân.

I usually talk to myself. (Tôi thường nói chuyện với chính mình)
I love you for yourself. (Anh yêu em vì em là chính em)
2. Các đại từ phản thân trong tiếng Anh

Chủ từ
I Myself I taught myself to play the guitar.
We Ourselves Be careful with that knife. You might cut yourself.
You (số ít) Yourself You should learn to cook yourself. (you = 1 người)
You (số nhiều) Yourselves You should do the test yourselves. (you = nhiều người)
He Himself He introduced himself.
She Herself She bought a present for herself.
It Itself My cat usually lick itself.
They Themselves They try to help themselves overcome the difficulty.

Một số lưu ý:
1. by + đại từ phản thân (by myself, …) có ý nhấn mạnh rằng ai đó làm gì đó một
mình và/ hoặc không nhờ ai giúp cả.
I drew this picture by myself.
(Tôi tự vẽ bức tranh này.)
She walked home by herself.
(Cô ấy tự mình đi về nhà.)

2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn (on, next to, …) chúng ta dùng đại từ túc từ
He put the backpack next to him.
(Anh ta đặt ba lô kế bân ảnh)
He had a suitcase beside him.
(Anh ta có cái vali bên cạnh mình)

3. động từ + đại từ phản thân + túc từ: khi chúng ta làm gì đó cho chính mình
I cooked myself a bowl of noodles.
(Tôi tự nấu cho mình một tô mì)
We taught ourselves French.
(Chúng tôi tự học tiếng Pháp)
4. động từ + túc từ + đại từ phản thân: để nhấn mạnh người khác không làm hoặc
không giúp chuyện gì đó.
I repaired the tire myself.
(Tôi tự sửa xe)
They did the homework themselves.
(Chúng tự làm bài tập đấy)

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1. Điền vào chỗ trống những đại từ phản thân phù hợp

I myself He himself
You (số ít) yourself She herself
We ourselves It itself
They themselves You (số nhiều) yourselves

2. Hãy điền vào chỗ trống đại từ phản thân thích hợp để hoàn thành câu.

1. Don’t help us, Dad! I and Jim can paint the car all by ________
themselves (they).

2. Please come in and make ________

yourself (you) at home.
3. You are five years old, Danny. You have to comb your hair ________
yourself (you).

4. Peter lives alone, so he has to cook meals ________

himself (he).
5. No one was at home, so I repaired the gas stove ________
myself (I).
6. My sister is always looking at ________
herself (she) in the mirror.
7. Every day I wake up, wash________
myself (I) and clean my teeth.
8. We always do the homework ________
ourselves (we). Nobody helps us.

9. The lion can defend ________

itself (it).
10. They usually paint the room ________
by themselves

3. Điền vào chỗ trống với đại từ phản thân hoặc đại từ túc từ sao cho phù hợp
1. She put her schoolbag next to ________
her (she).
2. She always talks to ________
her (she) when she is sad.
3. David? I spoke to ________
him (he) last week.
4. He is travelling to Phu Quoc Island by ________
herself (he).

5. You need to be confident in ________

yourself (you). [one person]
6. They talk about us, but they don’t really know about ________
us (we).
7. Goodbye. Take care of ________
you (you).
8. I was at home by ________
myself (I). No one else was with me.
9. He likes to talk to ________
her (he) all the time.
10. She had a suitcase beside ________
her (she).

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1. Đại từ sở hữu là là những đại từ như mine, yours, his, hers, … thể hiện sự sở hữu.
Nhưng khác với tính từ sở hữu là nó có thể đứng một mình mà không cần danh từ theo
Hãy so sánh
That’s my coat. That coat is mine. (mine = my coat).
This is my car. That is yours. (yours = your car)
Which is your house? Which house is yours? (yours = your house)
2. Các tính từ sở hữu trong tiếng Anh
I Mine I don’t know which pen is mine. (mine = my pen)
We Ours We found their shoes, but we couldn’t find ours. (ours = our shoes)
You Yours I don’t know that car is yours. (yours = your car)
He His All the essays are good, but his is the best. (his = his essay.)
She Hers My mother is a teacher. Hers is a doctor. (Hers = her mother)
It Its The dog’s hair is very comfortable. I like touching its. (its = its
They Theirs John and Andy don’t like your car. Do you like theirs?
(theirs = their car)
Lưu ý:
1. Các chữ s trong đại từ sở hữu là viết liên tục. Chúng ta không viết your’s
2. Đại từ sở hữu có thể đứng đầu câu làm chủ từ.
My car is black and hers is red. (hers là chủ từ trong mệnh đề hers is red.)
3. Đại từ sở hữu có thể đứng sau động từ làm túc từ hoặc bổ ngữ
I love my family. Do you love yours? (yours là túc từ cho động từ love)
This is my pen and this is yours. (yours là bổ ngữ cho động từ is)

1. Hãy gạch chân những từ là đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu. Nếu là tính từ sở hữu
thì ghi (PA), còn nếu là đại từ sở hữu thì ghi (PP)
1. Don’t use my laptop without my permission.
2. My flowers are dying. Yours are lovely.
3. These aren’t Mary and Peter’s children. Theirs have black hair.
4. Looks at these pictures. Mine is the big one.
5. My essay is good, but his is better.
Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily! | 10
2. Mỗi chỗ trống cung cấp cho bạn một đại từ làm chủ từ, sau đó bạn hãy đọc kỹ và
chuyển thành tính từ sở hữu hay đại từ sở hữu cho phù hợp.

1. _______
my (I) book is very interesting. What about _______
yours (you)?
2. I don’t like _______
my (I) new laptop. Do you like _______
yours (you) new one?
3. _______
his (He) sister is very good-looking. _______
mine (I) is very good-looking too.
4. Mary’s new hair is very nice, and so is _______
yours (you).
5. This is ________
my (I) brother, and where is ________
yours (you)?
6. John is ________
my (I) best friend. Who is ________
yours (you)?
7. ________
their (They) new teacher is very strict. How is ________
ours (we)?
8. It is not Peter’s dog. ________
his (He) is bigger than this one.
9. ________
your (You) photos are very good. ________
ours (We) are terrible.
10. Where are ________
your (you) books? I found ________
mine (I) here on this table.
3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu
1. ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________?
A. Mine – your B. My – your C. Your – mine D. My - yours
2. Katy has lost ________ Iphone.
A. hers B. her C. she
3. ________ computer is Mac, but ________ is a PC.
A. Hers – His B. Theirs – hers C. His – Hers D. Yours - our
4. I think this is not John and Mary’s house. ________ has a very big garden.
A. Theirs B. Ours C. His D. Hers
5. These grammar books are very different. ________ has 300 pages, but ________
has only 287.
A. Your – mine B. Yours - my C. Your – my D. Yours – mine
6. Was ________ new badminton racket expensive, Thu?
A. you B. your C. yours D. your’s
7. I gave her ________ telephone number, and she gave me ________.
A. mine – her B. my – her C. my – hers D. mine - hers
8. You can’t have any chocolate! It’s ________.
A. mine B. her C. its D. our
9. This bird has broken ________ wing.
A. it B. its C. it’s D. its’
10. This is not my parents’ car. ________ is black and white.
A. Ours B. Yours C. Theirs D. His

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1. Danh từ đếm được là tên gọi các vật thể, người, ý tưởng tách rời nhau mà có thể đếm
được. Chúng ta có thể dùng số đếm và mạo từ A. an với danh từ đếm được; những danh
từ đếm được có dạng số nhiều.
Ví dụ:
Số ít: a book a sister a house a country a student
Số nhiều: two books sisters houses countries students

2. Danh từ đếm được được phân thành

1. Danh từ đếm được số ít, khi ở dạng số ít chúng ta thường sử dụng kèm với mạo
từ A. an
Nếu danh từ bắt đầu bằng a, o, e, u, i thì An apple, an orange, an elephant, an
chúng ta dùng an umbrella, an intelligent boy.

Có một số trường hợp tuy danh từ bắt đầu A university, a uniform

bằng những từ trên, nhưng chúng ta dùng a (NOT: an university, an uniform)

Còn lại nếu không thuộc trường hợp như đã A boy, a girl, a teacher, a doctor, a
nói ở trên thì chúng ta dùng a mother, a father

Lưu ý chữ hour vì chữ này không đọc chữ An hour (NOT: a hour)
h, nên khi thêm mạo từ chúng ta dùng an An honest man (NOT: a honest man)

2. Cách thức biến đổi danh từ số ít sang danh từ số nhiều

 Thêm es vào những danh từ tận cùng bằng -o, -ch, -s, -x, -sh
a mango  mangoes, a watch  watches, a kiss  kisses, a box  boxes

 Danh từ tận cùng bằng

o phụ âm + y  ies
a country  countries, a lady  ladies
o nguyên âm + y  thêm s bình thường
a play  plays, a bay  bays, a key  keys

 Danh từ tận cùng bằng –f/ hoặc –fe  --ves

o a knife  knives, a life  lives, a wife  wives, a shelf  shelves

 Những danh từ đặc biệt

A man Men A child Children
A woman Women A person People
A tooth Teeth A mouse Mice
A foot Feet A goose Geese

 Nếu không thuộc những trường hợp trên đây chúng ta thêm s vào danh từ
số ít để thành lập danh từ số nhiều
a book  books, a house  houses, a school  schools
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1. Thêm a hoặc an vào trước những danh từ đếm được số ít sau đây

1. ________
a boy 6. _________
an hour 11. _________
an umbrella
2. _________
a tree 7. _________
a very bad night 12. _________
a student
3. _________
a flower 8. _________
a university 13. _________
a lady
4. _________
an explosion 9. _________
a vegetarian 14. _________
an article
5. _________
a worker 10. _________
a uniform 15. _________
a teacher

2. Hãy biến đổi những danh từ đếm được thành danh từ số nhiều đếm được

1. Tận cùng bằng –o,-ch,-s,-x,-sh

1. watch __________
watches 5. brush brushes
2. bus __________
buses 6. church _____________
3. box __________
boxes 7. tomato _____________
4. actress __________
actresses 8. potato _____________
2. Tận cùng bằng -y, -f, hoặc -fe
1. country __________
countries 6. thief _____________
2. fly __________
flies 7. lady _____________
3. shelf __________
shelves 8. day _____________
4. boy __________
boys 9. monkey _____________
5. leaf __________
leaves 10. wife wives
3. Danh từ đặc biệt
1. foot feet
__________ 6. ox _____________
2. tooth __________
teeth 7. person _____________
3. louse __________
lice 8. man _____________
4. mouse mice
__________ 9. woman _____________
5. child children
__________ 10. goose _____________

3. Hãy biến đổi những danh từ đếm được thành danh từ số nhiều đếm được ở dạng
tổng hợp

1. doctor __________
doctors 11. chairwoman chairwomen
2. goose __________
geese 12. mouse mice
3. baby __________
babies 13. church ______________
4. actor __________
actors 14. brush ______________
5. salesperson __________
salespersons 15. form ______________
6. scientist __________
scientists 16. calf ______________
7. key __________
keys 17. friend ______________
8. businessman __________
businessmen 18. husband ______________
9. dog dogs
__________ 19. wife ______________
10. guy __________
guys 20. language languages

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1. Danh từ không đếm được là tên gọi chất liệu, chất lỏng, chất lượng trừ tượng, sự tổng
hợp và những thứ khác mà chúng ta nhìn thấy rất nhiều mà không có giới hạn rõ rang.
Chúng ta không thể sử dụng số đếm với danh từ không đếm được, và hầu hết danh từ
không đếm được đều ở dạng số ít.
Ví dụ:
accomadation (nơi ở), baggage (rác), equipment (dụng cụ), furniture (nội thất), research (nghiên cứu),
work (công việc), progress (tiến trình), money (tiền), water (nước)

2. Danh từ không đếm được được phân thành

1.Danh từ chỉ chất Bread (bánh mì), cream (kem), gold (vàng), paper (giấy), tea (trà), beer
liệu chung chung (bia), dust (bụi), ice (đá), sand (cát), water (nước), cloth (vải), gin (rượu
gin), jam (mứt), soap (xà phòng), wine (rượu), coffee (cà phê), glass
(kính), oil (dầu), stone (đá), wood (gỗ)
2.Danh từ trừ tượng Advice (lời khuyên), experience (sự trải nghiệm), horror (sự sợ hãi), pity
(sự tiếc nuối), beauty (vẻ đẹp), fear (sự sợ hãi), information (thông tin),
relief (sự cứu trợ), courage (sự khích lệ), help (sự giúp đỡ), knowledge
(kiến thức), suspicion (sự nghi ngờ), death (sự chết chốc), hope (hy vọng),
mercy (lòng nhân từ), work (công việc)
3. Một số khác Baggage (hành lý), damage (sự hư hại), luggage (hành lý), shopping
(việc mua sắm), camping (việc cắm trại), furniture (đồ nội thất), parking
(việc đỗ xe), weather (thời tiết)

3. Một số danh từ tuy có hình thức số nhiều nhưng được xem là danh từ không đếm

1. Một số bệnh tật: mumps (bệnh quai bị), rickets (bệnh còi xương), diabetes (bệnh tiểu đường),
shingles (bệnh zona)

2. Một số môn khoa học: Mathematics (toán học), economics (kinh tế học), politics (chính trị
học), physics (vật lý), …

3. Một số trò chơi: billiards (bi da), darts (phi tiêu), draughts (cờ đam), bowls (trò lăn bóng gỗ),
dominoes (đô-mi-nô)

4. Một số từ khác: news (tin tức), traffic (giao thông), vocabulary (từ vựng)

Lưu ý:
1. Đối với danh từ không đếm được chúng ta chia động từ theo dạng số ít

2. Để đếm được chúng ta thường dùng những cụm từ chỉ đại lượng khác vào
news  a piece of news (một mẫu tin tức)  other pieces of news (những
mẫu tin tức khác)

Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily!
1. Hãy đọc kỹ và ghi nhớ nghĩa của các từ ở trang bên và ghi nghĩa cho những danh từ
không đếm được sau đây trong khung
Bread banh mi Advice loi khuyen
Experience kinh nghiem Horror su so hai
Pity su tiec nuoi Beauty ve dep
Fear su so hai Information thông tin
Relief su cuu tro Courage khuyen khich
Help giup do Knowledge kien thuc
Suspicion nghi ngo Death cai chet
Hope hi vong Mercy long nhan tu
Work viec lam Cream kem
Gold vang Paper giay
Tea tra Coffee ca phe
Beer bia Dust bui
Ice da Sand cat
Water nuoc Cloth vai
Gin ruou gin Wine ruou
Jam mut Traffic giao thong
Soap xa phong Glass kinh
Oil dau Stone da
Wood go Baggage hanh ly
Luggage hanh ly Camping viec cam trai
Damage pha huy Shopping mua sam
Furniture noi that Parking viec do xe
Weather thoi tiet Mumps benh quai bi
Mathematics mon toan Physics mon vat ly
Economics mon kinh te Diabetes benh tieu duong
Shingles benh zona Rickets benh coi xuong
Politics chinh tri Billiards tro choi bida
Draughts co dam Bowls tro lan bong go
Dominoes tro choi do mi no News tin tuc
Vocabulary tu vung Work viec lam

2. Ghi (U) cho danh từ không đếm được và ghi (C) cho danh từ đếm được
1 keys ____ 11 advice ____ 21 calves _____
2 work ____ 12 beauty ____ 22 forms _____
3 news ____ 13 mathematics ____ 23 experience _____
4 information ____ 14 people ____ 24 damage _____
5 children ____ 15 countries ____ 25 camping _____
6 teeth ____ 16 geese ____ 26 monkeys _____
7 politics ____ 17 cheese ____ 27 death _____
8 mumps ____ 18 shampoo ____ 28 mercy _____
9 luggage ____ 19 chairwomen ____ 29 bread _____
10 languages ____ 20 suspicion ____ 30 mice _____

Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức DUCLE ELT Đăng ký kênh để học online nhé! Learning hard, living happily!
1. Trong tiếng Việt các bạn cũng hay nói “cái này, cái kia, những món đồ này ở
đây, những cái kia ở đằng kia” để chỉ khoảng cách đồ vật. Trong tiếng Anh cũng tương
tự, họ dùng “this, that, these, those” để diễn đạt ý này.

 Để diễn đạt khoảng cách gần: this, these

 Để diễn đạt khoảng cách xa: that, those

Hãy xem ví dụ dưới đây:

 This cat These cats

 
 That watch Those watches

 
2. Ghi nhớ
A – Sử dụng this, that, these, those với danh từ

This I like this painting.

Danh từ số ít
That How much is that computer?

These I like these paintings.

Danh từ số nhiều
Those How much are those computers?

B – Sử dụng this, that, these, those mà không dùng kèm với danh từ, khi nghĩa
đã rõ ràng

I have a lot of pens, but this is the one I like best.

Trong câu trên nói: “Tôi có rất nhiều viết, nhưng cây này (this) là cây
mà tôi thích nhất. Nên chúng ta có thể sử dụng “this” mà không dùng
danh từ người nghe vẫn hiểu “this” là “this pen”.

Mike gặp mẹ ở sân ga. Cậu ấy giúp mẹ xách các va-li, và nói:
These are heavy!
Trong câu nói trên, chúng ta hiểu These là These suitcases.

C – Dùng this, that, these, those để nói về thời gian

 Dùng this, these để nói về những gì xảy ra gần với chúng ta về mặc thời
John (ở tại buổi hoà nhạc) nói:
Some of these songs are beautiful.

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 Dùng that, those để nói về những thứ đã xảy ra không gần chúng ta về
mặc thời gian.
John (sau khi xem xong về nói lại)
Some of those songs were beautiful.
A – Điền vào khoảng trống với “this hoặc these”

1. Who are ___________

these students?
2. ___________
this is wonderful. I love a hot bath after school.
3. ___________
these sandwiches are so good.
4. I love reading ___________
this book. It is very interesting.
5. Do you have cheaper pens? ___________
these are very expensive.

B – Điền vào khoảng trống với “that hoặc those”

1. Look at ___________
those clouds. I’m sure it’s going
to rain.
2. Do you usually watch ___________
that film.
3. ___________
those pictures over there are so beautiful.
4. ___________
that washing machine is on sale.
5. I like sitting on ___________
those chairs. They’re
more comfortable.

C – Điền vào khoảng trống với “this, these, that hoặc those”
1. A: Are you enjoying your dinner?
B: Yes, thanks. ___________
this (1) fish is excellent.
2. A: This is my brother, Steve, and ___________
these (2) are my
sisters, Kate and Joan.
B: Hello. Nice to meet you!

3. A: Come here. ___________

this (3) is our hotel.
B: Can you see ___________
that (4) mountain? We’re going to
ski there tomorrow.
4. A: ___________
those (5) exams last week were very difficult.
B: Yes. I hope ___________(6) exam today is easier.

5. A: ___________
this (7) is your bed here.
B: But ___________
these (8) beds, there, look more comfortable.

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive I am  I’m She/He/It is  She’s/He’s/It’s
You/We/They are You’re/We’re/They’re
(-) Negative I am not She/He/It is not  She isn’t/ He
You/We/They are not  You aren’t/We isn’t/It isn’t
aren’t/They aren’t
(?) Questions Am I …? Is she/he/it…?
Are you/we/they …?
Động từ Giữ nguyên Động từ Thêm ES khi động từ tận
I go to school cùng bằng:
We work in the factory  Ong CHín Sản Xuất SH
She goes to school by bus.
He watches TV every night.
(+) Positive  Phụ âm +y  -ies
He (fly) flies to New York once a
Hoặc Còn lại thêm S bình thường

He works in a bank.

(-) Negative Thêm trợ động từ DON’T Thêm trợ động từ DOESN’T
We don’t like the film He doesn’t like the film
(?) Questions Thêm trợ động từ DO/DON’T ở đầu câu Thêm trợ động từ DOES/DOESN’T
ở đầu câu
Do you like it? Does she like it?
Don’t Nam and Hoa play football? Doesn’t Nam play footaball?
 Every … (every morning/ every month/ …)
She often goes shopping at the weekend.

BE< Never/sometimes/often/usually/walways < VERB

They never go shooping because they don’t have enough money.
 Diễn tả thói quen (hành động thường xuyên lập đi lập lại )
She always gets up at 6 every morning.
They often go swimming twice a week.

 Những khái niệm bất biến (mặt trời mọc hướng đông, nước sôi ở 1000C…)
The sun rises in the East.
Water boils at 1000C

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1. Chia thì hiện tại đơn ở dạng khẳng định với động từ be. Sau đó viết lại câu
bằng cách viết tắt động từ be.
1. My father ____________ (be) a teacher. ________________________
2. I____________ (be) a doctor. ________________________
3. She ____________ (be) twenty-six years old. ________________________
4. He ____________ (be) from Paris. ________________________
5. They ____________ (be) in the park. ________________________
6. We ____________ (be) students. ________________________
7. John and I ____________ (be) fourteen years old. ________________________
8. Tony ____________ (be) in the bedroom. ________________________
9. It ____________ (be) very hot in here. ________________________

2. Chia thì hiện tại đơn ở dạng phủ định với động từ be. Sau đó viết lại câu bằng
cách viết tắt động từ be.

1. I ____________ (not be) a doctor. ________________________

2. My parents ____________ (not be) rich. ________________________
3. It ____________ (not be) cold today. ________________________
4. They ____________ (not be) at home now. ________________________
5. Scott and Andy ____________ (not be) in the park. ________________________
6. My friend ____________ (not be) from France. ________________________
7. We ____________ (not be) late. ________________________
8. He ____________ (not be) a student. ________________________
9. She ____________ (not be) friendly. ________________________
3. Đặt câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây.

1. You/ Spanish ________________________________ ? - No, I’m French.

2. She/ Vietnamese _____________________________ ? - Yes, she is.
3. He/ twenty __________________________________ ? - No, he’s twenty-
4. They/ from America __________________________ ? - Yes, they are.
5. We/ late ____________________________________ ? - No, you’re on time.
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1. Chia thì hiện tại đơn ở dạng khẳng định với động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They ____________ (live) in Saigon, Vietnam.

2. It often ____________ (rain) at this time of the year.
3. She ____________ (read) Tap Chi Phu Nu every day.
4. My father ____________ (fly) to Korea regularly.
5. We ____________ (like) eating chocolate a lot.
6. He often ____________ (watch) TV two hours a day.
7. My students ____________ (speak) English very well.
8. Tony ____________ (go) to school on foot on Wednesdays and Fridays.
9. This problem ____________ (happen) very often.
10. My friend ____________ (wash) her clothes every morning.
11. My sister ____________ (relax) by listening to classical music.
2. Chia thì hiện tại đơn ở dạng phủ định với động từ trong ngoặc.
1. I ____________ (not ride) to work. I go by bus.
2. She ____________ (not like) watching sports on TV. She likes playing them.
3. He ____________ (not speak) French very well.
4. They ____________ (not earn) much money in their job.
5. My parents ____________ (not drink) much coffee every evening. They can’t
sleep afterwards.
6. He ____________ (not often arrive) work late. He’s very early.
7. You ____________ (not do) your work carefully enough.
8. We ____________ (not get up) early on Sundays.
9. It ____________ (not rain) much at this time of the year.
10. Peter ____________ (not eat) meat, he is a vegetarian.
3. Đặt câu hỏi hoặc trả lời cho những câu sau đây.

0. I work in a bank Where do you work?

1. She goes to school by bus. _____________________________________
2. He comes from Vietnam. _____________________________________
3. Do you know where she lives? Yes, ________________________________
4. They like swimming. _____________________________________
5. Does John speak English well? No, ____________________________________

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Sentence S1 (I,You,We,They,Plural) S2 (She,He,It,Singular)
(+) Positive S1 + are + V-ING S2 + is + V-ING
(Khẳng định) I am working now. She’s doing her homework.
They are playing games. Peter’s singing in his room.

(-) Negative Thêm not sau Be Thêm not sau Be

(Phủ định) S1 + are not + V-ING S2 + is not + V-ING
They are not working today She isn’t eating her dinner
We aren’t studying at the moment. now.
He isn’t playing games right

(?) Questions Đưa Be ra đầu câu Đưa be ra đầu câu

(Câu hỏi) (Wh-) + are + S1 + + V-ING? (Wh-) + is + S2 + V-ING?
Are you watching TV now, John? Is she studying now?
Yes, I am. Yes, she is.
No, I am not. No, she isn’t.
 Now, right now, at the moment, at the present
We aren’t studying at the moment.
He isn’t playing games right now.

 Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra ngay lúc nói
She is talking to a strange man now.

 Diễn tả hành động tạm thời (diễn ra không như thường lệ và thường mang tính
chất tạm thời)
She isn’t working today.

 Diễn tả hành động tương lai (đã có kế hoạch cụ thể về thời gian, địa điểm,…)
I am playing tennis with my friends this afternoon. Would you like to join?

 Sau câu mệnh lệnh

Be quiet! The babies are sleeping now.

 Diễn tả hành động xảy ra thường xuyên đến mức gây bực bội
My friend is always asking stupid questions.

 Diễn tả sự dần thay đổi, và xu hướng đang thay đổi.

It’s getting darker.
These days, more and more people are going abroad for their holidays.
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1. Chia thì hiện tại tiếp diễn ở các dạng câu cho ở dưới đây.
1. They ________________ (work) very hard for their coming exams.
2. My aunt, Jane ____________ (not listen) to music, she _____________ (study)
3. The air ________________ (become) more polluted every day.
4. ________________ (What / they / discuss) in this summit?
5. More women ________________ (study) at university these days.
6. My friends _______________ (take) an English course to improve their language
7. We ________________ (rehearse) a play for our school anniversary celebration.
8. He ________________ (sit) here just for today because his room is being
9. ____________________________ (where / he / go)?
10. Look! The bus ________________ (come). Be hurry!
2. Sử dụng những từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại, sử dụng thì hiện tại
tiếp diễn

1. Why don’t you like Tom? – (Because he / always / tell / stupid stories).
 Because he is always telling stupid stories.
2. Why are you always annoyed with Peter? – (Because he / always / borrow / my
3. Why don’t you like talking to Susan? – (Because she / always / talk about
4. Why don’t you let Tom keep the keys? – (Because he / always / forget where
they are)
5. Why do you turn off your phone at night? – (Because a boy / always / phone / me
at night)

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3. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây sử dụng những động từ: get change rise fall
increase với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả xu hướng và sự dần thay đổi. Các bạn
không nhất thiết phải sử dụng hết các động từ này và có thể sử dụng 1 từ nhiều

1. The pollution of the world ________________ very fast.

2. Your son ________________ taller. He looks like a real man.
3. The world ________________. Things never stay the same.
4. The sky ________________ darker. It’s going to rain soon.
5. The cost of living ________________. Every year things are more
6. The earth’s climate ________________ warmer.
7. Fashion ________________ all the time these days.

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Sentence S1 (I,You,We,They,Plural) S2 (She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive S1 + have + V3/ED S1 + has + V3/ED
(Khẳng định) I have done my homework. She’s finished her homework.
They’ve met each other before. Peter’s met John since 2001.

(-) Negative Thêm not sau have Thêm not sau has
(Phủ ịnh) S1 + have not + V3/ED S2 + has not + V3/ED
They haven’t finished that work yet. She has not eaten her dinner yet.
We haven’t seen this movie before. He hasn’t come home yet.

(?) Questions Đưa Have ra đầu câu Đưa Has ra đầu câu
(Câu hỏi) Have + S1 + V3/ED ?
Has + S2 + V3/ED ?
Have you watched this movie yet? Has he eaten this kind of food?
 Just (vừa mới); already (đã xong); …not … yet? (…xong chưa?); ever (đã
từng); never (chưa bao giờ), recently (dạo gần đây)
They have just finished their homework. I’ve ever been to Egypt.
She’s already been to Paris. He has never been to Vietnam.
Tom hasn’t had dinner yet. The firm has lost money recently.
 …since + point of time (mốc thời gian)
I have met John since 1999 I have work as a tutor since I was at college.
 … for + period of time (khoảng thời gian)
I have lived in Rach Gia City for 2 years. She hasn’t met her for a long time.
 Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi nhưng thời gian không xác định là khi nào
và cho đến hiện tại hành động đó chưa kết thúc hoàn toàn.
I’ve lived in Spain, and the trains are so much reliable there.
She has read that newspaper.
 Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra dẫn đến 1 kết quả khác ở hiện tại
She has sold her car so now she goes to work by bus.
 Khi nói về số lần hành động nào đó diễn ra
I’ve arrived late for work twice this week so far.
She has written six letters since lunchtime.
 Dùng sau so sánh nhất, hoặc diễn đạt ý đây là lần đầu tiên, hoặc lần thứ n nào
đó thực hiện một hành động nào đó.
This is the loveliest baby I have ever seen.
This is the first time that I have heard her sing.
It’s the fifth time you’ve asked me the same question.
This is only the second opera I’ve ever seen.

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1. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây sử dụng các động cho trong ngoặc để hoàn thành

1. I _________________ (not see) her since last month.

2. They _________________ (be) married for 4 years.
3. She _________________ (lose) her pen. Can you lend her yours?
4. _________________ (you / come) here before? I’ve been here four times.
5. He _________________ (not play) badminton for five years.
6. _________________ (you / decide) which one to buy yet? – No, I haven’t.
7. We _________________ (buy) this car since last week.
8. John _________________ (spend) his money already.
9. _________________ (Mary and Jane / be) to India yet?
10. Is Mary home? – Oh, she _________________ (just leave).
2. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với since hoặc for

1. I haven’t played tennis __________ last summer.

2. We haven’t met John __________ a long time.
3. He’s known her __________ over ten years.
4. Jill has been a good friend __________ we were at school together.
5. Have you seen Harry __________ the party last week?
3. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. This is the first time that (I / met) _________________ a famous person.

2. This is the third time (she / eat) _________________ pizza.
3. It is the fifteen time that (they / beat) _________________Everton.
4. This is the second time that (he / be) _________________ to the US.
5. This is the first time (we / win) _________________ the lottery.
4. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. This is one of the best beers (I / ever drink) _________________________________ .

2. This is the prettiest girl (they / ever see) ____________________________________ .
3. This is the happiest moment (we / ever experience) ___________________________ .
4. This is the hottest country (she / ever live in) ________________________________ .
5. This is one of the best restaurants (he / ever be) ______________________________ to.
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Sentence S1 (I,You,We,They,Plural) S2 (She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive S1 + have + been + VING S1 + has + been +VING
(Khẳng định) I have been living here for two She’s been working here since 2010.
years. I’m so tired. I’ve been studying.
They’ve been waiting for the bus
for 4 hours.

(-) Negative Thêm not sau have Thêm not sau has
(Phủ định) S1 + have not + been + VING S2 + has not + been + VING
They haven’t been walking. She has not been eating anything.
They haven’t been sleeping for He hasn’t been playing tennis for a
hours. long time.

(?) Questions Đưa Have ra đầu câu Đưa Has ra đầu câu
(Câu hỏi) Have + S1 + been + VING Has + S2 + been + VING ?
Have you been watching TV for Has it been raining for hours?
hours? Yes, it has.  No, it hasn’t.
Yes, I have  No, I haven’t.
 Dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn để nhìn lại hành động hoặc tình huống nào
đó đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ và sẽ tiếp tục xảy ra tiếp.
House prices have been growing up steadily this year.
I’ve been working hard recently.
 Chúng ta thường sử dụng thì HTHTTD để nói về việc sử dụng thời gian của ai đó
cho đến thời điểm hiện tại.
That kid has been watching TV non-stop since breakfast.
What have you been doing with yourself? I’ve been trying to write a novel.
 Diễn tả hành động chỉ vừa mới kết thúc
You look hot. – Yes, I’ve been playing badminton. (Ừ, tôi mới đánh cầu long xong)
I must just go and wash. I’ve been gardening. (Tôi vừa mới làm vườn xong)
 Diễn tả hoạt động lập lại và cũng như đang xảy ra.
People have been phoning me all day. (Người ta điện tôi suốt ngày à.)
I’ve been walking up in the night a lot. I must see a doctor.
 Dùng thì HTHTTD với những từ đề cập đến khoảng thời gian vẫn tiếp tục tới hiện tại
như: recently, lately, this week, since + a point of time, for + a period of time
I’ve been doing a new job since January. (Tôi đã bắt đầu công việc mới kể từ tháng
It’s been raining for the last three days. (Trời đã mưa suốt ba ngày qua)
 Dùng thì HTHTTD để nói về hành động nào đó đã và đang xảy ra trong bao lâu rồi
How long have you been studying English?
I’ve been working here for two months.
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1. Chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn với những từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu
1. She _________________ (work) in this firm for five years.
2. I _________________ (study) all day.
3. Your eyes are red. _________________________ (you/ cry)?
4. We _________________ (live) in Singapore for six months.
5. He _________________ (play) soccer so he looks so tired.
6. They _________________ (learn) French for three years.
7. How long _________________ (she / learn) English? – For over 10 years.
8. We _________________ (cook) so we are really hot.
9. My brother _________________ (sleep) for twelve hours. I’m really worried.
10. It’s so annoying. People _________________ (phone) me all day.
2. Hoàn thành thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn với những cụm từ như recently,
lately, this week, since + a point of time, for + a period of time
1. I _________________ (not eat) well recently. I think I should go to see a doctor.
2. She _________________ (go) to the cinema every weekend for years.
3. He _________________ (not play) soccer for five years.
4. They _________________ (wait) five hours already.
5. _________________ (they / live) here for a long time? – No, they haven’t. About
three weeks.
6. _________________ (I / do) too much lately? – Yes, you have.
7. We _________________ (go) out with each other for three years already.
8. _________________ (it / rain) today?
9. _________________ (she / run) much recently.
10. _________________ (Julie / work) in this company for more than ten years?
3. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn với những từ
trong khung sao cho phù hợp với ngữ cảnh của từng câu.

rain spend
1. She _________________ write
Japanese learnmonths.
for eight make
2. It _________________ so the roads are very wet.
3. I _________________ this book for months, but I haven’t finished it yet.
4. The people next door _________________ a lot of noise all day.
5. I _________________ my money for a holiday, so I’m out of money.

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BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG: Hãy điền vào khoảng trống thì thích hợp với thì hiện tại đơn,
hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

1. We ______________ (eat/usually) dinner at 6:00 P.M.

2. Look! A man _________ (run) after the train. He __________ (want) to catch it.
3. I ___________________ (do) on the present tenses at this moment and I
______________(think) I ___________________ (know) how use them now.
1. My mother ________________ (buy/sometimes) buy vegetables at this market.
2. They ___________________ (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.
3. She _____________ (wait) for two hours, but she ___________ (not, come) yet.
4. Daisy ___________ (cook) some food in the kitchen at the present. She
_____________(always, cook) in the morning.
5. It ____________ (rain) much in the summer. I _______________ (rain) now.
6. John ___________________ (see) the film several times because I like it.
7. He and Mary ____________ (write) a novel for two years, but they
___________ (not, finish) it yet.
8. Look! The boy _______________ (cry).
9. Mrs. Green always ___________________ (go) to work by bus.
10. We ___________ (be) French. We _____________ (live) there for 20 years.
11. Mai ___________________ (lose) her dictionary.
12. I ___________(be) sorry. I ____________ (forget) the girl’s name already.
13. How many times _______(you, see) him since he went to Edinburgh?
14. The summer ___________________ (go) after the spring.
15. She ___________________ (act) so strangely today.
16. Up to now, we ___________________ (write) almost every lesson.
17. The earth ___________________ (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
18. We _________________ (wait) for a reply since we wrote to them last week.
19. How long _________________ (learn) English? -- For over seven years.
20. He ________________ (always / leave) his things everywhere in the house. It’s
so annoying.
21. We _________________ (work) very hard recently.
22. Why _________________ (you / behave) so strangely these days?

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Sentence S1 (I,You,We,They,Plural) S2 (She, He, It, Singular)
(+) Positive I was in New York last week. She was in the garden minutes ago.
You were here last night. He was late.
They were late for ten minutes. It was sunny yesterday.
We were in Korea three days ago. Tom was on holiday.
Tom and Mary were on holiday.

(-) Negative I was not in New York last week. She was not in the garden.
You were not here last night. He wasn’t late.
They weren’t busy. It wasn’t sunny yesterday.
We weren’t at work. Tom wasn’t on holiday.
Tom and Mary weren’t on holiday.
Lưu ý: were not = weren’t Lưu ý: was not = wasn’t

(?) Was I late?  No, you weren’t. Was she in the garden?  Yes, she was.
Questions Were you here last night?  Yes, I Was he late?  Yes, he was.
was. Was it rainy yesterday?  No, it wasn’t.
Were they late?  No, they weren’t.
 Động từ có quy tắc thì thêm –ED
She played games late last night.
(+) Positive  Động từ bất quy tắc thì lấy động từ ở cột 2 trong bảng động từ bất quy
tắc (V2)
He came home late yesterday.
(-) Negative Thêm trợ động từ DIDN’T
She didn’t work last Sunday.
We didn’t go to school last Monday.
(?) Thêm trợ động từ DID.DIDN’T ở đầu câu
Questions Did you come Hoa’s birthday party last night?
Didn’t you enjoy the party last night?
 Last …: last summer, last night, last Monday, …
She went shopping last weekend.
 ... ago: three years ago, minutes ago, long time ago
I saw him a minute ago.
 Thời điểm trong quá khứ: ... in 2000, … from 1999 to 2010, …
They were in Paris from 1990 to 2000.
They lived in New York in 2000.
 Diễn tả hành động đã diễn ra và kết thúc (dứ điểm) trong quá khứ.
I lived in New York three years ago. (Hiện tại người nói này không còn sống ở Paris nữa,
mà là 1 nơi nào đó khác.)

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1. Chia thì quá khứ đơn ở đạng khẳng định với động từ be.
1. My father _________ (be) a teacher from 1999 to 2012. Now he’s a businessman.
2. She ____________ (be) in the garden minutes ago.
3. They ____________ (be) in the party last night.
4. We ____________ (be) in New York last month.
5. He ____________ (be) twenty-two years old last year. This year he’s twenty-three.
6. I ____________ (be) the second-year student at university in 2010.
7. It ____________ (be) very cold yesterday. Today it’s warmer.
8. You ____________ (be) tired, right. You looked so sick then.
9. My children ____________ (be) very happy with their birthday presents.
10. President Ho Chi Minh ____________ (be) born in Kim Lien, Nam Dan, Nghe An.

2. Chia thì quá khứ đơn ở dạng phủ định với động từ be. Sau đó viết lại câu bằng
cách viết tắt be ở dạng phủ định.
1. It _________ (not be) sunny yesterday. _________________________
2. I __________(not be) late for school. _________________________
3. They _________ (not be) in Kien Giang last week. _________________________
4. She _________ (not be) hungry. _________________________
5. We _________ (not be) happy with the result. _________________________
6. You __________(not be) on time. _________________________
7. My friends _________ (not be) fine. _________________________
8. He _________ (not be) busy then. _________________________
9. My school _________ (not be) as big as today. _________________________
10. The information _________ (not be) very useful. _________________________

3. Đặt câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây.

1. (Where / you / last night?) ________________________ At home.
2. (We / late for the meeting?) ________________________ No, you weren’t.
3. (How old / you / last year?) ________________________ Twenty-seven.
4. (The weather / sunny / yesterday?) ____________________ No, it was rainy.
5. (How much / they?) ________________________ $45.

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1. Chia thì quá khứ đơn ở đạng khẳng định với động từ trong ngoặc
1. We ____________ (play) soccer yesterday.
2. They ____________ (visit) their parents last week.
3. I ____________ (come) to Vietnam last summer vacation.
4. She ____________ (arrive) in Hue three days ago.
5. My students ____________ (go) to Da Lat on their last vacation.
6. He ____________ (leave) university in 2010.
7. You ____________ (live) in Japan from 2006 to 2008, right?
8. My teacher ____________ (teach) English in Duc Tri School for 2 years.
9. My grandfather ____________ (die) at the age of 99.
10. My brother and I ____________ (study) English in this center for 3 years.

2. Chia thì quá khứ đơn ở đạng phủ định với động từ trong ngoặc
1. We ____________ (not go) to school last Saturday.
2. I ________ (not visit) Japan last summer vacation. I visited Sơn Đoòng in Vietnam.
3. My friends and I ____________ (not enjoy) the film very much.
4. I went to my friend’s house. The place was strange, so I ________ (not sleep) well.
5. Jane wasn’t hungry, so she ____________ (not eat) anything.
6. My father was busy, so he ____________ (not take) me to the park.
7. They ____________ (not live) in Singapore from 2010 to 2011.
8. It ____________ (not rain) very much last month.
9. My sister ____________ (not go) out last night.
10. They ____________ (not play) the piano at the party last week.

3. Đặt câu hỏi cho những câu sau đây

1. We went to the bookstore last week? _____________________________
2. They visited New York long time ago. _____________________________
3. She left university in 2009. _____________________________
4. He watched TV last night. _____________________________
5. We stayed in Sealight hotel in Rach Gia City. _____________________________

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive I + was + V-ING S2 + was+ V-ING
(Khẳng định) You,We,They + were + V-ING
I was working. She was doing her homework.
They were playing games. Peter was singing in his room.
(-) Negative Thêm not sau Be Thêm not sau Be
(Phủ định) I + was not + V-ING. S2 + was not + V-ING
S1 + were not + V-ING. She wasn’t eating her dinner.
They were not working. He was not playing games.
We were studying.
(?) Questions Đưa Be ra đầu câu Đưa be ra đầu câu
(Câu hỏi) Was + I + V-ING? Is + S2 + V-ING?
Were+ S1 + + V-ING? Was she studying then?
Were you watching TV at 7 yesterday, Yes, she was -- No, she wasn’t.
 Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại 1 thời điểm cụ thể nào đó trong quá khứ
She was talking to a strange man this time yesterday.
What were they doing at eight o’clock last night?

 Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra ở quá khứ thì có hành động khác nảy sinh trong quá trình
hành động ban đầu đang xảy ra hoặc xen vào. Trong trường hợp nàyhành động nào xảy ra
kéo dài hơn thì dùng quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động nào ngắn hơn sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn.
When I came yesterday, he was sleeping.
I saw an accident while I was driving home from work.
As I was walking down the road, I saw Bill. (Khi tôi đang đi xuống phố, thì tôi thấy Bill.)

 Diễn tả hành động hoặc tình huống mang tính tạm thời. Còn tình huống hoặc hành động lâu
bền hơn thì chúng ta dùng thì quá khứ đơn.
Hãy phân biệt:
1. It happened when I was living in Eastbourne last year.
(I was living in Eastbourne last year – diễn đạt việc nhân vật tôi có thể chỉ sống ở Eastborune
trong thời gian công tác hoặc thời gian ngắn hạn nào đó)
2. I lived in London for ten years while I was a child.
(I lived in London for ten years – diễn đạt một khoảng thời gian khá lâu dài nhân vật tôi sinh
sống ở London, nhưng có thể vì lý do gì đó mà họ chuyển đi ở nơi khác.)

 Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn cũng hay sử dụng với động từ say để nhấn mạnh những gì được nói
John was saying that he still can’t find a job.

 Với những từ như: always, continually và những từ tương tự thế, thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn
đạt ý các việc thường xuyên xảy ra và xảy ra bất ngờ hoặc theo một cách không theo kế hoạch
Aunt Lucy was always turning up without warning and bringing us presents.
(Dì Lucy lúc nào cũng xuất hiện mà chẳng thông báo chi hết và luôn mang quà cho chúng tôi)
I didn’t like him – he was continually borrowing money.
(Tôi không thích ảnh - Ảnh lúc nào cũng mượn tiền hết ấy.)
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1. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì quá khứ tiếp diễn với dạng khẳng định, phủ
định hoặc câu hỏi.
1. I ____________ (play) soccer with my friends at 9 p.m yesterday.
2. She _________ (not watch) TV at that time last night. She was doing her homework
3. We ______________ (sit) in a restaurant when the accident happened.
4. He ______________ (say) that he still can’t find a job.
5. They ____________ (not read) books when I arrived home. Guess what? They were
playing games. I was so angry with them.
6. Why didn’t you answer the phone when I called you? – Oh, sorry. I
______________ (plant) some flowers in the garden then.
7. It ________________ (rain) when you called me, so I couldn’t go out with you.
8. When we came to their house, Tom and Mary ________________ (cook) dinner.
9. I went to that park very often while I _____________ (live) in London for my MA
10. She ________________ (always ask) for help when calling me. I didn’t it very
2. Chia những động từ trong ngoặc bằng thì quá khư đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn cho
phù hợp.
1. I ________________ (live) in Ho Chi Minh City for three years when I was a child.
2. When she ________________ (drive) home from work, she had an amazing idea
for her new project.
3. While we were cooking, the phone ________________ (ring).
4. When we came yesterday, Scott and Andy ________________ (paint) their room.
5. The children were frightened when it ________________ (get) dark.
6. She ________________ (make) a cake when the light went out. I had to light a
candle to finish it.
7. He suddenly _________ (realize) he ______________ (travel) in the wrong
8. They ________________ (not allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday because a
strong wind ________________ (blow).
9. He _____________ (listen) to his favorite music when the phone rang. Very
unwillingly he ____________ (turn) down the sound and ____________ (go) to
answer it.
10. You looked very busy when I ________________ (see) you last night.
__________________ (what / you / do?)

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive S + had + V3/ED.
(Khẳng định) She had lived in Hue by 2010.
We had left before you came.
(-) Negative Thêm not sau had. Viết tắt had not = hadn’t
(Phủ định) S+ had not + V3/ED.
We hadn’t prepared the lesson before we went to school.
He hadn’t watched that film before it was shown.
(?) Questions Đưa Had ra đầu câu
(Câu hỏi) Had + S+ + V3/ED ?
Had they built the building by June, 2010?
 Một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian cho ta biết đó là trước thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ: …by
2010, before 2009, by the time….

I had lived in Hue before 1975.

By the time you arrived, I had sold all the goods.

 Nhìn vào mệnh đề khác trong câu.

I ______________ (meet) him before he flew to New York.

Các bạn thấy trong mệnh đề chỉ thời gian (beforehe flew to New York) đang sử dụng ở thì quá
khứ đơn, mà hành động gặp (meet) xảy ra rồi trước đó nữa nên các bạn sẽ dùng thì past perfect
(had+V3/ED ) để diễn đạt ý này.

had met (meet) him before he flew to New York.

I ______________
(Tôi đã gặp ảnh trước khi ảnh bay qua New York.)

 Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi trước 1 thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ
Duc Tri High School had been built by August 2010.
I suddenly realized that we had met before.

 Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trước 1 hành động nào đó trong quá khứ. Nếu hành
động nào xảy ra trước thì dùng quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động nào xảy ra sau đó
thì dùng thì quá khứ đơn.
By the time you arrived, I had prepared our dinner.
I went to school after I had eaten my breakfast.

 Để nói về hành động nào đó đã xảy ra trong bao lâu rồi cho đến 1 thời điểm nào đó
trong quá khứ.
I was sorry to sell my car. I had had I since College.

 It was the first / second … + (that) + subject + had V3/ed

It was the first time I had eaten such delicious food.
It was the second time that I had sung this song.
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1. Chia thì quá khứ hoàn thành với những động từ trong ngoặc với dạng khẳng định,
phủ định hoặc câu hỏi.
1. Did you think that we ________________ (meet) before?
2. We ________________ (not finish) our assignments before you came.
3. My brother ________________ (graduate) by 2010.
4. This was the third time she ________________ (visit) this country.
5. By the time she left, she ________________ (ask) me to give you this letter.
6. They _____________ (build) that building by 2009. I think I was just a little boy
7. He ________________ (know) the answer before you told him.
8. My parents ____________ (buy) that present for me before my birthday several
9. ________________ (you / watch) this film before? – No, I hadn’t. This was the first
10. It ________________ (be) bought since I was a little child. I was willing to give
you it although I loved it very much.

2. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc với thì quá khứ hoàn thành hoặc quá khứ đơn cho
phù hợp.
1. I _____________ (forget) to tell you that I ______________ (pass) the TOEFL test.
2. My parents ________________ (prepare) everything for me before I
________________ (leave) home for university.
3. It was the first time I ___________ (read) this book. It ____________ (be) so
4. She was sorry to sell the house. She ________________ (have) a lot of memory
with it since moving to live here in the house.
5. President Ho Chi Minh ________________ (leave) Vietnam since 1911. Then he
was 21 years old.
6. It was the last time they ________________ (meet) each other.
7. They ______________ (play) soccer after they ____________ (study) for 5 hours.
8. My school ________________ (be) built by August 2010.
9. My younger brother ________________ (finish) his MA degree by the age of 20.
10. They ________________ (realize) that they _____________ (buy) the flowers

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Sentence S1 (I,You,We,They,Plural) S2 (She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive S + had + been + V-ing.

(Khẳng định) I had been working.
She had been gardening.

(-) Negative Thêm not sau had. Viết tắt had not = hadn’t
(Phủ định) S+ had not + been + V-ing.
She hadn’t been planting flowers. She had been planting some trees.

(?) Questions Đưa Had ra đầu câu

(Câu hỏi) Had + S+ been + V-ing ?
What had you been doing?
Had she been crying?
Yes, she had. – No, she hadn’t.

 Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi và còn tiếp tục xảy ra trong thời điểm quá khứ.
I went to the doctor because I had been sleeping badly.
When I found Mary, I could see that she had been crying.

 Nói việc gì đó đã xảy ra bao lâu rồi cho đến thời điểm nào đó trong qua khứ
They had been walking since dawn. They were very hungry.
(Họ đã đi bộ suốt kể từ lúc bình mình. Họ rất đói.)
When she arrived, she had been travelling for twenty hours.
(Khi cổ tới nơi, thì cổ đã di chuyển suốt hai mươi tiếng đồng hồ)

 Dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn khi diễn tả hành động hoặc tình huống đã xảy ra liên tục và chỉ
mang tính tạm thời. Còn sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành khi nói về hành động hoặc tình
huống đã xảy ra liên tục mang tính lâu dài và cố định hơn.
My legs were stiff because I had been standing still for a long time.
The trees that blew down had stood for 300 years.

 Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh ý liên tục của hành động. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành nhấn
mạnh ý hoàn thành của hành động.
I had been reading science fiction, and my mind was full of trange images.
(Tôi đã đọc tiểu thuyết viễn tưởng suốt, và đầu óc tôi đầy ắp những hình ảnh lạ lùng.)
I had read all my magazines, and was beginning to get bored.
(Tôi đã đọc hết tất cả các cuốn tập chí rồi, và đang bắt đầu thấy chán.)

 Đối với một số động từ không thể chia ở dạng tiếp diễn, thì chúng ta dùng thì quá khứ hoàn
thành thay thế.
I hadn’t known her for very long when we got married.
(NOT: I hadn’t been knowing her for very long when we got married)
Những động từ không thể chia ở dạng tiếp diễn: believe, doubt, imagine, prefer, realize, recognize

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1.Chia thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn cho các câu sau đây
1. We ___________________ (sleep) for twelve hours when he woke us up.
2. Your eyes were red. ___________________ (you/ cry)?
3. He ___________________ (not do) anything at all since he heard the news.
4. They ___________________ (not work) all day, so they weren’t tired and went to
the disco at night.
5. My friends and I _______________ (cycle) all day, so our legs were sore in the
6. My father ___________________ (sit) in the garden for hours.
7. I went to see a doctor because I ___________________ (sleep) badly.
8. How long ___________________ (Peter/learn) English when he went to London?
9. Our children were exhausted in the evening because they ___________________
(help) us on the farm all day.
10. She ___________________ (find) her ring for hours and then she found it in her
2. Chia những động từ trong ngoặc với thì quá khứ hoàn thành hoặc thì quá khứ tiếp
diễn cho đúng.
1. I ___________________ (imagine) how you looked like before I met you in person.
2. Julie ___________ (walk) for hours when she suddenly noticed that the sun was
3. Although they ___________________ (always want) abroad, they felt very
confused to make up their final decision.
4. We ___________________ (lose) track of time because we ___________________
(think) about the things we had just been discussing.
5. The boys were wet and cold because they _________________ (play) soccer in the
6. Everything was white because it ___________________ (snow).
7. She was exhausted because she ___________________ (work) since 8 o’clock that
8. They ___________________ (see) Jacob for several years, but they recognized him
9. I was very delighted when I found my keys. I ___________________ (look) for
them for hours.
10. We were hungry because we ___________________ (eat) anything.

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THỰC HÀNH:Hãy chia thì đúng cho các câu sau bằng thì quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ
hoàn thành, hoặc quá khứ hoàn thàn htiếp diễn.

1. The film wasn’t very good. I ___________________ (not, enjoy) it very much.
2. Ann ___________________(win) a lot of money yesterday. She
___________________ (buy) a dress which cost $100.
3. I ___________________ (see) him last year.
4. Yesterday John ___________________ (go) to the store before he
___________________ (go) home.
5. What ___________________ (you, do) at 6:00 P.M. yesterday?
6. She ___________________ (win) the gold medal in 1986.
7. They went home after they ___________________ (finish) their work.
8. He ___________________(sit) in a café when I ___________________(see) him last
9. Daisy ___________________ (agree) with other members in the last meeting.
10. When we came to the stadium, the match ___________________ (already, begin).
11. Our teacher ________________ (tell) us yesterday that he had visited England in
12. He had taught in this school before he ___________________(leave) for England.
13. When you ________________(phone) last night, I __________________(have)
14. By August 2010 Duc Tri High School located in Khu Lan
Bien ___________________ (build [passive]). V1 V2 V3 Nghĩa

15. By the time you ___________________ (come) three See saw seen thấy
Write wrote written viết
years ago, I ___________________ (live) here. Am/is/are was/were been thì,là,ở
16. What ___________________ (you,do) last night, Ha? Go went gone đi
Lose lost lost mất
17. At this time last summer what ___________________ Know knew know biết
(you,do) John? Buy bought bought mua
Run ran run chạy
18. They _______________ (be) in army form 1999 to 2011. Eat ate eaten ăn
19. When John got to the theater, the movie Forget forgot forgot quên
Make made made thực hiện
___________________ (start) already. Have had had có
20. After they had gone, I ___________________(sit) down Meet met met gặp (nhau)
Say said said nói
21. and ___________________ (rest). Speak spoke spoken nói
Come came come đến
22. Your hands were dirty. ______________________ Give gave given đưa
23. (you / do gardening)? Tell told told nói,kể,bảo
Fall fell fallen té,rơi
24. At this time last month we ___________________ Build built built xây
(travel) around Saigon, which is a very wonderful city in Sit sat sat ngồi
Do did done làm
Vietnam. Leave left left rời khỏi
Get got got đến
Win won won chiến thắng
Teach taught taught dạy

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive Subject + will + V1
I will  I’ll We will  We’ll They will  They’ll You will
 You’ll
She will  She’ll He will  He’ll It will  It’ll
Chú ý:
Đối với chủ từ I và We có hai cách sử dụng:
 Văn phong bình thường chúng ta dùng: I will … , We will …
 Văn phong trang trọng chúng ta dùng: I shall …, We shall…
(-) Negative Thêm not vào sau will
S + will + not + V1 (viết tắt: will not  won’t)
I think she won’t go out tomorrow (NOT: … She won’t goes…)
(?) Thêm will hoặc won’t ra đầu câu
Questions Will you go out with me, John?

Chú ý câu hỏi phủ định có 2 cách viết:

Cách 01: Won’t you be 21 on 1st February?
Cách 02: Will you not be 21 on 1st February?

 Diễn tả một quyết định mà không có lên kế hoạch trước (hay nói cách khác là quyết
định ngay khi nói)
I think I will help you with that.
 Thông tin thật diễn ra trong tương lai đúng với thực tế
I will be 23 years old on 05th June next year.
 Nói về sự tiên đoán mang tính chất cá nhân hay do kinh nghiệm của mình
I am sure that you will enjoy the party tonight.
 Nói về sự thiện ý, sẵng sàng giúp đỡ
I’ll meet you at the airport.
 Nói về sự hứa hẹn
If I have enough time, I will help you.

1. Hãy viết tắt hình thức của will của những câu dưới đây.
1. I will become a teacher in the future. _____________________________
2. She will help you when she’s free. _____________________________
3. It will rain tomorrow I think. _____________________________
4. I’m sure they will understand your problem. _____________________________
5. They will probably go to the party. _____________________________

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2. Chia thì tương lai đơn cho các câu sau đây.
1. Oh they’re so heavy. I ___________________ (help) you.
2. Maybe Tony ___________________ (score) a goal.
3. I hope that he ___________________ (cook) dinner tonight.
4. We think our team ___________________ (win) the match.
5. I ___________________ (be) 15 years old next year.
6. I’m sure you ___________________ (like) the dress. Just wait!
7. We ___________________ (be) tired if we don’t sleep enough.
8. I ___________________ (buy) the tickets for us.
9. He ___________________ (be) angry I think.
10. I think it___________________ (rain) tomorrow.
3. Chia thì tương lai đơn ở dạng phủ định hoặc câu hỏi cho các câu dưới đây
1. I promise I ___________________ (not be) late again.
2. She hopes that they ___________________ (not forget) her birthday.
3. ___________________ (you/ be) a teacher in the future? – Yes, I will.
4. ___________________ (what / you / do) if you buy this box of paint?
5. He ___________________ (not be) 14 years old next years. He’ll be 15.
6. ___________________ (they/ win) the game? – No, I don’t think they will.
7. I ___________________ (not do) that again I promise.
8. I think she ___________________ (not enjoy) it because she doen’t like animals.
9. I think it ___________________ (not rain) tomorrow, but it’ll be sunny.
10. We ___________________ (probably go) to the park this afternoon.
4. Đặt câu hỏi hoặc viết câu trả lời cho các câu sau đây.
1. I’ll be a scientist in the future. _____________________________________ ?
2. Will your team win? Yes, ________________________________
3. It’ll be sunny tomorrow. _____________________________________ ?
4. He’ll be twenty on next birthday. _____________________________________ ?
5. Will he be angry? No, he _______________________________

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive
Subject + will + be + VING
Chú ý:
Đối với chủ từ I và We có hai cách sử dụng:
 Văn phong bình thường chúng ta dùng: I will+ be +VING … ,We will+be + VING …
 Văn phong trang trọng chúng ta dùng: I shall+ be +VING …,We shall+ be + VING …
At this time tomorrow I think she will be doing her homework.
You will recognize him when he comes. He will be wearing a red jacket.
(-) Negative Thêm not vào sau will
S + will + not + be + VING (viết tắt: will not  won’t)
At 7:00 tomorrow she won’t be doing her homework.
(?) Questions Thêm will hoặc won’t ra đầu câu
Will you be leaving at this time next month? (hành động sẽ đang xảy ra trong tương lai.)

Chú ý câu hỏi phủ định có 2 cách viết:

Cách 01: Won’t you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
Cách 02: Will you not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?

 Diễn tả một hành động đang trong quá trình xảy ra trong một thời điểm nào đó trong tương
At this time tonight, I and my father will be leaving for England.
 Hành động đang diễn ra trong tương lai thì có hành động khác ngắt quãng
I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

1. Hãy chia thì tương lai tiếp diễn cho những câu sau đây

1. At this time tomorrow I___________________ (work) in my office.

2. At 3:00 p.m. she ___________________ (have) a meeting in her company.
3. At this time next week we ___________________ (visit) Singapore.
4. At 2:00 p.m. they ___________________ (meet) their parents in the countryside.
5. At this time tomorrow he ___________________ (sleep).
6. At 5:00 p.m. tomorrow my friends and I _________________ (exercise) at the gym.
7. Maybe I___________________ (read) when she comes tomorrow.
8. At 8:00 p.m tonight it ___________________ (rain) I think.
9. I ___________________ (sit) here when the boss comes.
10. When you arrive, I think ___________________ (make) you a cup coffee.

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2. Chia các câu sau đây với dạng phủ định hoặc câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây.
1. ___________________ (what/you/do) when I come?
2. Where ___________________ (I/ wait) for you at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow?
3. She ___________________ (not watch) TV when you come. I think she’ll be doing
her English homework.
4. ___________________ (you/ watch) Tom and Jerry at this time tomorrow?
No, I don’t think so. I’ll be reading a book instead.
5. ___________________ (the team/ win) at the half-time of the match tomorrow?
6. ___________________ (who / you / meet) at 8:00 a.m tomorrow?
7. We ___________________ (not work) in the garden this time on next Sunday.
We’ll be cooking in the kitchen to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.
8. ___________________ (she / eat) lunch when I come?
9. _____________ (he / cook) when I come tomorrow? I think he’ll be playing games.
10. We ___________________ (not watch) a movie in the cinema at this time
tomorrow. We’ll be eating KFC in the supermarket.

3. Đặt câu hỏi hoặc viết câu trả lời cho các câu dưới đây.
1. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
2. Will you be sleeping in your bed when I come tomorrow? If not, what will you be
3. What will your mother be cooking at 8:00 a.m. next Sunday?
4. Who will you be going to school with at this time tomorrow?
5. Will you be eating your dinner at 9:00 p.m. tonight?
6. Where will your father be visiting at 10 a.m. tomorrow?

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive
Subject + will + have + Ved/3
Chú ý:
Đối với chủ từ I và We có hai cách sử dụng:
Văn phong bình thường chúng ta dùng: I will+ have + Ved/3… ,We+will+ have + Ved/3…
 Văn phong trang trọng chúng ta dùng: I shall+ have + Ved/3…,We shall+ have + Ved/3…
By the time you get home, I will have finished my homework.
I will have left this city before you receive this letter.
(-) Negative Thêm not vào sau will
S + will + not + have + Ved/3 (viết tắt: will not  won’t)
By the time you arrive, I will not have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
(?) Thêm will hoặc won’t ra đầu câu
Questions Will you have finished the project by tomorrow morning? (hành động sẽ hoàn thành và
kết thúc trong tương lai.)

Chú ý câu hỏi phủ định có 2 cách viết:

Cách 01: Won’t you have finished your homework by the next Sunday?
Cách 02: Will you not have finished your homework by the next Sunday?
 Diễn tả một hành động hay một sự việc nào đó sẽ được hoàn thành, kết thúc hay đạt
được trong một thời điểm cụ thể nào đó trong tương lai.
I hope that you will have prepared the dinner before my guests and I arrive home.
By next Sunday I won’t have finished that task for you, Sir.

1. Hãy chia thì tương lai tiếp diễn cho những câu sau đây

1. By six tomorrow she ___________________ (finish) her homework.

2. By the time you arrive tomorrow, I ___________________ (have) breakfast
3. He ___________________ (read) the book before the next class.
4. They ___________________ (arrive) by lunch time.
5. We ___________________ (be) in London for three years next week.
6. My friends __________________ (finish) the report by the deadline.
7. Before they come tomorrow, we ______________ (cook) breakfast already. Don’t
8. By the time you receive this letter, I ___________________ (leave) for Singapore.
9. I ___________________ (know) him for ten years by next Monday.
10. By next month she ___________________ (buy) this house for 3 years.

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2. Chia các câu sau đây với dạng phủ định hoặc câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây.
1. How long ___________________ (you/ be) in this company when you retire?
2. She ___________________ (not finish) the report by 6 a.m. tomorrow. She says
she’ll have finished it by 7 a.m. Is it OK, sir?
3. Just come. We ___________________ (not have) breakfast by the time you arrive.
We’ll wait for you to join us.
4. They ___________________ (not finish) the essay by the weekend.
5. How long ___________________ (know) your boyfriend when you get married?
6. ___________________ (we / get) there by the time it gets dark?
7. John ___________________ (not complete) the project by July.
8. Oh, don’t worry. We ___________________ (not leave) by the time you arrive. Just
drop in.
9. By next Sunday we ___________________ (not know) him for 6 years, but 8 years.
10. When you come I think I ___________________ (watch) the movie already.
3. Đặt câu hỏi hoặc viết câu trả lời cho các câu dưới đây.

1. I will have known him for ten years by next month?

2. What will you have done before I come tomorrow, Thinh?

3. Will you have known your best friend for 3 years by next week? If not, how long?
4. If you watch this movie next time, how many times will you have watched it?

5. When will you have finshied your Secondary School?

6. By this time tomorrow, will you have gone to bed? If not, what will have you done?

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Sentence S1(I,You,We,They,Plural) S2(She,He,It,Singular)

(+) Positive
Subject + will + have + been+VING
Chú ý:
Đối với chủ từ I và We có hai cách sử dụng:
Văn phong bình thường chúng ta dùng:
I will+ have + been+VING… ,We + will + have + been+VING …
Văn phong trang trọng chúng ta dùng:
I shall+ have + VeD.3…,We shall+ have + VeD.3…
Next year, I will have been living in this house for two years.
Next month, I will have been working here for 25 years.
(-) Negative Thêm not vào sau will
S + will + not + have+been+VING (viết tắt: will not  won’t)
Next year I will not have been living in Vietnam for about 10 years.
(?) Questions Thêm will hoặc won’t ra đầu câu
Will you have been living in this area for 10 years next week?
 Dùng để nhấn mạnh đến độ dài của hành động đã và đang xảy ra trước một thời điểm nào
đó trong tương lai.
Next month I will have been learning English for 5 years.

1. Hãy chia thì tương lai tiếp diễn cho những câu sau đây

1. Next year we _________________ (live) in this house for twelve years.

2. You _________________ (wait) for more than two hours when her plane finally
3. They _________________ (talk) for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.
4. The famous artist _________________ (paint) the mural for over six months by the
time it is finished.
5. They _________________ (do) their exercises for hours by the time you arrive.
6. I _________________ (work) for over ten years. (future meaning)
7. He will be tired as he _________________ (exercise) so hard.
8. By next year my friend and I _________________ (study) English for 3 years.
9. By this time tomorrow I _________________ (do) this exercise for a long time.
10. In 2016 I _________________ (live) in this house for 6 years.

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2. Chia các câu sau đây với dạng phủ định hoặc câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây.
1. In 2016 I _________________ (not live) in this house for 4 years, but 5 years.
2. By the time I come, ___________________ (you/do) your homework for a long
3. We _________________ (not study) how to play the piano for ten years. We’ll
have been studying for over twelve years.
4. I think that John _________________ (not sleep) for two hours tomorrow, however
he’ll have been sleeping for more than that.
5. _________________ (you/live) in Vietnam for ten years by 2017?

3. Chia các câu sau đây với thì tương lai hoàn thành hoặc thì tương lai hoàn thành
tiếp diễn.
1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) ___________________more
than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.
2. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study)
___________________German for over two years. She should be able to
communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.
3. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) ___________________the Grand
Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.
4. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master)
___________________all twelve tenses including their passive forms.
5. Drive faster! If you don't hurry up, she (have) ___________________the baby by
the time we get to the hospital.
6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago.
When I return to Australia, I (study) ___________________for nine months and I
(be) _________________in England for exactly one year.
7. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o'clock. By the time she gets
here, we (wait) ___________________for her for two hours.
8. Frank just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he (change)
___________________jobs at least four or five times by the end of the year.
9. Come over to my house around 9 o'clock. By then, I (complete)
___________________my history essay and we can go see a movie.
10. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) _________________married for fifty

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THỰC HÀNH: Hãy hoàn thành các câu sau đây với thì thích hợp tương lai đơn, tương
lai tiếp diễn, tương lai hoàn thành, tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

1. Why don’t you go with me? I am sure that you ___________________(enjoy) it.
2. What ___________________ (you/do) at this time next week, John?
3. Next year they and their friends ___________________ (study) in this school for 3
4. What _________________ (you/do) in at this time tomorrow, John?
5. By the time you arrive, I promise that I ___________________ (prepare) our dinner.
6. Can you help me with this bag, boy? – Of course, I ___________________ (help) you.
7. I ___________________ (come) there to meet you.
8. I think that you ___________________(pass) the exam.
9. I think I _________________ (know) him for more than ten years by 2016.
10. What ___________________(she/wear) when she arrives? Can you guess?
11. Oh, I guess he _________________ (sleep) in his bed at this time tomorrow.
12. On Sunday, ___________________ (live/you) here for three weeks?
13. Before the salary increases, the prices of food and other necessary products
___________________ (increase).
14. I ___________________ (be) 54 years old on next Sunday.
15. By the time you receive this letter, I ___________________ (leave) for Japan.
16. The cloud is building up. It ___________________(definite/rain) this afternoon.
17. _________________ (you/ complete) these assignments by 7:00 p.m. tomorrow,
18. When I finish my course I ___________________ (have) some time to travel around
19. When Mary arrives home, he parents ___________________(eat) dinner.
20. ___________________(she/leave) for Instanbul at 7:00 in the evening.
21. By next Wednesday I ___________________(meet) your for a month. It’s so fast.
22. At this time tomorrow morning I ___________________ (do) my Math homework.
23. I think he definitely ___________________ (pass) his exam because he has learned
very heard recently.

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành
English is spoken all over the world.

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ chú trọng đến đối tượng được sử dụng là Tiếng Anh, chứ
không chú trọng để người nói tiếng này, nên Tiếng Anh được đưa lên làm chủ từ.

2. Cách thành lập dạnh bị động

1. Dạng bị động ở hiện tại đơn.

ACTIVE: (1) People plant trees to protect the environment.

(2) People speak English all over the world.

a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) Trees are planted to protect the environment (by people).
(2) English is spoken all over the world (by people).

a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________

b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by people trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My mother wake up me every morning.

PASSIVE: I am waken up by my mother every morning.

Theo bạn vì sao by my mother không để trong ngoặc? _____________________________

Dạng khẳng định:
English is spoken all over the world.
Dạng phủ định:
am Chinese is not spoken all over the world.
Chủ từ bị động + is +Ved/3. isn’t spoken
are Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Is English spoken all over the world?
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó Wh-questions:
3. Áp dụng công thức. By whom are you waken up?

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BÀI 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.

0. Somebody cleans the office every day.

 The office is cleaned every day.

1. John sends emails every day.

2. Milkmen deliver milk to people’ houses every morning.
3. Children prefer chocolate.
4. People speak English here.
5. Journalists write articles.
6. City-dwellers use buses to travel.
BÀI TẬP 2: Chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng phủ định ở bị động.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________

BÀI TẬP 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. __________________________________ Yes, rice is planted in Asian countries.
2. __________________________________ No, articles are written by journalists.
3. __________________________________ No, we are taught by teachers.
4. When ______________________________ Tennis is played in the morning or
5. Why ______________________________ English is spoken all over the world
because it’s an international
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ACTIVE: (1) They are building a new hospital in the town.

(2) She is planting some trees in the garden behind her house.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) A new hospital is being built in the town (by them).
(2) Some trees are being planted in the garden behind her house (by her).
(1) (2)

a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________

b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by them, by her trong ngoặc có ý gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My mother is cooking dinner at this time yesterday.

PASSIVE: Dinner is being cooked by my mother at this time yesterday.

Theo bạn vì sao by my mother không để trong ngoặc? _____________________________

Dạng khẳng định:
A cup of coffee is being drunk by Thịnh.
Dạng phủ định:
is A cup of coffee is not being drunk by Tâm.
Chủ từ bị động + are + being + Ved/3. isn’t being drunk
am Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Is a cup of coffee being drunk by Thịnh?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó By whom is a cup of coffee being drunk?
3. Áp dụng công thức.

THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động ở thì hiện tiếp diễn.
0. They are making a cup of tea.
 A cup of tea is being made (by them).

1. They are designing some activities for this unit.

2. They are discussing some environmental issues in the meeting.
3. She is painting a picture in the art room.
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4. They are planting some flowers in the garden.
5. Farmer John is milking the cows.
6. She is taking a photo of her boyfriend.
7. They are selling vegetables on the pavement.
8. The cat is tearing a new book.
9. The police are investigating an armed robbery.
10. We are collecting the donation at the moment.

THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang dạng bị động phủ định ở hiện tại
tiếp diễn
0. They are not washing clothes.
 Clothes are not being washed (= Clothes aren’t being washed.)
1. They weren’t paying attention to the lesson.
2. My sister isn’t watching TV, but she is trying to do her homework.
3. He isn’t writing a story.
4. We aren’t using this laptop.
5. They aren’t preparing this street.
6. I am not doing my homework now, I am listening to some music.

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THỰC HÀNH 3: Hãy đặt câu hỏi cho những câu dưới đây
0. Who is being waited by you?
 John is being waited by me.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
 Uhm, coffee is being drunk.
2. ______________________________________________________________________
 A letter is being typed.
3. ______________________________________________________________________
 I am being helped by my friend, Tom.
4. ______________________________________________________________________
 No, a soccer match is being shown on VTV3.
5. ______________________________________________________________________
 Yes, the house is being built by the Smiths.

THỰC HÀNH 4: Hãy chuyển các câu hỏi chủ động sang câu hỏi bị động
0. Are the Masons building the house?
 Is the house being built by the Masons?
1. Whom are you waiting for?
2. Who is waiting for you?
3. Why is he not learning his lessons?
4. What are you doing?
5. What kind of music are you listening to?
6. What TV show are you watching?

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành
English homework hasn’t been done yet.

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ chú trọng đến đối tượng được thực hiện là English
homework, chứ không đề cập đến người làm bài tập.

ACTIVE: (1) They have done their homework.

(2) He has bought some new books.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) Their homework has been done (by them)

(2) Some new books have been bought (by him)

(1) (2)
a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________
b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by them, by him trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My mother has just cooked dinner.

PASSIVE: Dinner has just been cooked by my mother.

Theo bạn vì sao by my mother không để trong ngoặc? _____________________________

Dạng khẳng định:
A new car has been bought by my father.
Dạng phủ định:
have Homework has not been done by Quốc.
Chủ từ bị động + + been + Ved/3. hasn’t been done
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Have all English exercises been done by Như ?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó By whom has homework been done?
What has been done by Thịnh?
3. Áp dụng công thức.

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THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy chuyển các câu sau đâu từ dạng chủ động sang dạng bị động.
0. Someone has done all English homework.
 All English homework has been done (by someone).

1. John has written four books so far.

2. They have found oil in Atlantic.
3. We have cycled five miles.
4. I’ve invited all of our friends to our party.
5. They’ve met his girlfriend already.
6. She has just finished her exams.
7. They have just eaten all food.
8. He has sold his house for his old friend.
9. They have booked tickets for all of us.
10. They have sold all the tickets.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng bị động phủ định
0. All English homework has not been done (by someone).
(= All English homework hasn’t been done (by someone).
1. Lauran hasn’t prepared any ideas for her next speaking test yet.
2. They haven’t found the boy lost several days ago.
3. The local authorities haven’t informed any new plans of moving residents to safer
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4. Rach Gia Youth haven’t really made their efforts to protect the environment
polluted dramatically.
5. He hasn’t found his lost keys so far.
6. We haven’t cleaned our messy room yet.
7. The children haven’t told their mother about breaking her favorite vase.

BÀI TẬP 3: Hãy đặt câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây ở dạng bị động
0. Has she phoned him yet?  Has he been phone by her?
1. Have they noticed us? _______________________________________________________
2. What have you done? _______________________________________________________
3. Has she done her homework yet?_______________________________________________
4. Who have you learnt English with? _____________________________________________
5. Have they found their children yet? _____________________________________________
ÀI TẬP 4: Hãy thành lập câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau
0. Who has been waited by you?
 John has been waited by me.
1. _________________________________________________________________________
 Dinner has been made by my mother.
2. _________________________________________________________________________
 Oil has been found in Atlantic.
3. _________________________________________________________________________
 Yes, all of my homework has been done already.
4. _________________________________________________________________________
 The house has been sold for Marry.
5. _________________________________________________________________________
 No, John hasn’t been phoned by Marry yet.
6. _________________________________________________________________________
 The house has been sold for Marry.
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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động
hoặc đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện
hành động.
(1) This house was built ten years ago.
(2) They were informed about the changes last week by their boss.
Khi nói câu này, người viết nhấn mạnh đến đối tượng được sử dụng trong câu (1) là the
house và trong câu (2) là they mà không chú trọng ai xây ngôi nhà và ai thông báo, nên
this house và they được đưa lên làm chủ từ.

2. Cách thành lập dạng bị động

Dạng bị động ở quá khứ đơn.

ACTIVE: (1) They built this bridge over 100 years.

(2) We sold out all clothes yesterday.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ _____________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ _____________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ _____________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ _____________

PASSIVE: (1) This bridge was built over 100 years (by them).
(2) All clothes were sold out yesterday (by us)
(1) (2)
a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ _____________
b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ _____________
c. by them, by us trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ _____________

ACTIVE: My father gave me a great present on my last birthday.

PASSIVE: A great present was given to me on my last birthday by my father.
Theo bạn vì sao by my father không để trong ngoặc? ___________________________
Dạng khẳng định:
Trees were planted yesterday.
Dạng phủ định:
was Trees were not planted yesterday.
Chủ từ bị động + +Ved/3. weren’t planted
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Were trees planted yesterday?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó What were you told to do?
3. Áp dụng công thức.

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THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.
0. Somebody cleaned the office last week.
 The office was cleaned last week.
1. I sent all the mails yesterday.
2. We planted these spider plants 3 weeks ago.
3. We bought a lot of milk last Sunday.
4. We collected garbage in Bai Duong Beach last weekend.
5. They announced a lot of negative news on TV last week.
6. President Ho Chi Minh established the Socialist Communist Party on 03 February, 1930.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Chuyển các câu ở dưới đây sang dạng phủ định ở bị động.
1. They didn’t wash their clothes because they were very busy.
2. Students didn’t finish the task which was given by their teacher.
3. We didn’t pay attention to the teacher’s lecturing, so he got very angry.
4. They didn’t inform me about the changes of the meeting time.
5. We didn’t give in our assignments on time.
THỰC HÀNH 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. Who wrote this article? ______________________________________________________
2. How did they steal the car? ____________________________________
3. Did the president make his speech last night? ____________________________________
4. Why did you sell your car? ____________________________________
5. Where did you visit last week? ____________________________________

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành

At this time yesterday

(1) A cartoon was being watched by us.
(2) Some trees were being planted by my children.

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ chú trọng đến đối tượng được sử dụng là a cartoon trong
câu (1), và some trees trong câu (2), chứ không chú trọng vào người xem hoặc trồng, nên
A cartoon và some trees được đưa lên làm chủ từ.

2. Cách thành lập dạng bị động

ACTIVE: (1) They were doing some homework at this time yesterday.
(2) Someone was cleaning the office at 7 yesterday.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) Some homework was being done (by them) at this time yesterday.
(2) The office was being cleaned at 7 yesterday.
(1) (2)
a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________
b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by them, by someone trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My mother was cooking dinner at this time yesterday.

PASSIVE: A dinner was being cooked by my mother at this time yesterday.

Theo bạn vì sao by mother không để trong ngoặc? ________________________________

CÔNG THỨC GHI NHỚ: Dạng khẳng định:
Trees were being planted.
was Dạng phủ định:
Chủ từ bị động + were +being +Ved/3. Trees were not being planted.
weren’t being planted
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Yes/no:
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Were trees being planted?
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó Wh-questions:
3. Áp dụng công thức. What was being done?

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THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.
0. We were painting the gate when Tom came.
 The gate was being painted when Tom came.
1. They were washing their car when I came.
2. We were driving Peter home at this time yesterday.
Peter __________________________________________________________________
3. The dog was chasing after a young girl.
A young girl ____________________________________________________________
4. My students were watching a video on their cell phone.
5. He was playing the guitar when we arrived.
The guitar ______________________________________________________________
6. Tom and John were playing computer games when their parents asked them to stop.
Computer ______________________________________________________________
THỰC HÀNH 2: Chuyển các câu phủ định sau đây sang thể bị động
1. I was not doing my homework at this time yesterday.
My homework __________________________________________________________
2. My father was not feeding the fish in the tank.
3. We weren’t listening to music when you came.
4. She wasn’t watching a film at 7 p.m. last evening.
5. I wasn’t reading a book.
THỰC HÀNH 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. Were you writing a book?  Was a book being written by you?
2. J.K. Rowling was writing this story.  By whom _________________________
3. What were you doing?  What _______________________ by you?
4. Was she reading a newspaper?  __________________________________
5. Ha Long Bay was being visited by us.  __________________________________
6. I was waiting for my friends. By whom ____________________________
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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành

English homework hadn’t been done before you arrived.

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ chú trọng đến đối tượng được thực hiện là English
homework, chứ không đề cập đến người làm bài tập.

ACTIVE: (1) They had done their homework.

(2) He had bought some new books.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng ở thì nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) Their homework had been done (by them)

(2) Some new books had been bought (by him)

(1) (2)
a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________
b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by them, by him trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My mother had just cooked dinner.

PASSIVE: Dinner had just been cooked by my mother.

Theo bạn vì sao by my mother không để trong ngoặc? _____________________________

Dạng khẳng định:
CÔNG THỨC GHI NHỚ: A new car had been bought by my father.
Dạng phủ định:
Homework had not been done by Quốc.
Chủ từ bị động + had + been + Ved/3. hadn’t been done
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Had all English exercises been done by Như
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện ?
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó Wh-questions:
By whom had homework been done?
3. Áp dụng công thức.
What had been done by Thịnh?

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THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy chuyển các câu sau đâu từ dạng chủ động sang dạng bị động.
0. Someone had done all English homework.
 All English homework had been done (by someone).

1. John had written four books so far.

2. They had found oil in Atlantic.
3. We had cycled five miles.
4. I’d invited all of our friends to our party.
5. They’d met his girlfriend already.
6. She had just finished her exams.
7. They had just eaten all food.
8. He had sold his house for his old friend.
9. They had booked tickets for all of us.
10. They had sold all the tickets.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng bị động phủ định
0. All English homework had not been done (by someone).
(= All English homework hadn’t been done (by someone).
1. Tom hadn’t done any of his homework before I came.
Tom’s homework ________________________________________________________
2. My students hadn’t planted a lot of trees by yesterday.
A lot of trees ____________________________________________________________
3. They had made great efforts before getting such current positions.

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4. He had written so many articles before turning 41 years of age.
So may ________________________________________________________________
5. My sister had visited over 30 countries before she was thirty.

THỰC HÀNH 3: Hãy đặt câu hỏi cho các câu sau đây ở dạng bị động
0. Had she phoned him yet?  Has he been phone by her?
1. Had they noticed us? ____________________________________________________
2. What had you done? ____________________________________________________
3. Had she done her homework yet? __________________________________________
4. Who had you learnt English with? __________________________________________
5. Had they found their children yet? __________________________________________
6. Had we cooked our meal yet? _____________________________________________
7. Who had you waited for? ________________________________________________
THỰC HÀNH 4: Hãy thành lập câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau
0. Who had been waited by you?
 John has been waited by me.
1. _________________________________________________________________________
 Dinner had been made by my mother.
2. _________________________________________________________________________
 Oil had been found in Atlantic.
3. _________________________________________________________________________
 Yes, all of my homework had been done already.
4. _________________________________________________________________________
 The house had been sold for Marry.
5. _________________________________________________________________________
 No, John hadn’t been phoned by Marry yet.
6. _________________________________________________________________________
 The house had been sold for Marry.

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành

I think that exercise will be done easily by Jane..

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ muốn nhấn mạnh đến that exercise (bài tập đó) chứ
không chú trọng nhiều đến đến, nên người viết đề cập đến nó trước.

2. Cách thành lập dạng bị động của thì tương lai đơn

ACTIVE: (1) I will wash the clothes.

(2) We will visit our grandparents on the weekend.

a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng dạng động từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) The clothes will be washed (by me).

(2) Our parents will be visited (by us) on the weekend.

a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________

b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by me trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My father will cook dinner tonight.

PASSIVE: Dinner will be cooked by my father tonight.

Theo bạn vì sao by my father không để trong ngoặc? ______________________________


Dạng khẳng định:
Those cookies will be eaten by the birds.
Chủ từ bị động + will + be + V3/ed Dạng phủ định:
Those trees won’t be planted tomorrow.
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Will I be offered the job by the director?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó When will the plants be planted, John?
3. Áp dụng công thức.

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THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.
0. That charitable organization will help these poor families.
 These poor families will be helped by that charitable orginzation.
1. She will do this part of job.
2. They will finish that project soon.
3. We will offer you that job because of your excellent experiences.
4. The local recuse teams will evacuate the local people to safer shelters.
5. In the future people will use robots to do their household chores.
6. We will replace all of out-of-date computers.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng phủ định ở bị động.
1. They won’t change their attitude if they don’t have any challenges in life.
2. We will not offer him that job because of his bad interview.
3. They will not help him if he continues to tell them lies.
4. My mother won’t give us pocket money if we don’t do well at school.
5. Santa Clause won’t give bad children any gifts on Christmas Day.

BÀI TẬP 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. __________________________________ Yes, a new worker will be employed.
2. When ______________________________ These trees will be planted tomorrow.
3. __________________________________ Yes, your car will be repaired soon.
4. __________________________________ You will be helped by John.
5. __________________________________ Your tests will graded by other

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành

This work will have been done by the time you arrive tomorrow.

Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ muốn nhấn mạnh đến this work (công việc này) chứ
không chú trọng nhiều đến đến người thực hiện, nên người viết đề cập đến nó trước.

2. Cách thành lập dạng bị động của thì tương lai hoàn thành

ACTIVE: (1) I will have finished writing the essay by tomorrow.

(2) We will have received our orders by next week.

a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng dạng động từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) The essay will have been finished writing by tomorrow.
(2) Our order will have been received by next week.

a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________

b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by me trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________

ACTIVE: My father will have planted all those trees by tomorrow afternoon.
PASSIVE: All of those trees will have been planted by my father by tomorrow

Theo bạn vì sao by my father không để trong ngoặc? ______________________________


Dạng khẳng định:
It will have been eaten.
Dạng phủ định:
Chủ từ bị động + will + have +been + V3/ed
It won’t have been eaten.
Dạng câu hỏi?
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE Will it have been eaten?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó When will that work have been finished?
3. Áp dụng công thức.

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THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.

0. They will have bought all things before we arrive.

 All things will have been bought before we arrive.

1. She will have cleaned up her room by tomorrow evening.

2. They will have finished their project by the due date next week.
3. He will have done all his homework by the time his parents get home.
4. The authorities will have evacuated the local people to safer areas before the storm arrives.
5. My mother will have cooked dinner by the time we get home.
6. I will have slept for three hours by the time she arrives my home.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng phủ định ở bị động.
1. They won’t have told anyone else by this time tomorrow.
2. He won’t have finished his interview before we leave tomorrow.
3. You won’t have received this letter by this time tomorrow.
4. They will not have planted those trees by Sunday next week.
5. He won’t have swept the floor before his mother arrives.
THỰC HÀNH 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. They will have informed him about the changes of the meeting time.
By whom ______________________________________________________________
2. My students will have planted those flowers in the garden by this time next Friday.
What _________________________________________________________________
3. My father will have finished eating his breakfast by this time next morning.
What _________________________________________________________________

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1. Định nghĩa: Thể bị động [passive voice] được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh hành động hoặc
đối tượng. Khi người viết không biết hoặc không chú trọng vào người thực hiện hành
More English homework must be done carefully before the test.
Khi nói câu này, người viết chỉ chú trọng đến đối tượng More English homework chứ
không chú trọng nhiều đến (ai đó) người nào làm bài tập tiếng Anh.
2. Cách thành lập dạng bị động với động từ khiếm khuyết (Modal verbs)
Một số động từ khiếm khuyết
Must have to has to had to should can
mustn’t don’t have to didn’t have to shouldn’t can’t
ought to may might could

Dạng bị động của những động từ khiếm khuyết.

ACTIVE: (1) People should plant more trees to protect the environment.
(2) I must cook dinner tonight.
(1) (2)
a. Bạn hãy ghi động từ chính trong câu trên ______________ ______________
b. động từ đó, sử dụng dạng động từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. Từ nào thực hiện hành động đó? ______________ ______________
d. Đối tượng được thực hiện là từ nào? ______________ ______________

PASSIVE: (1) More trees should be planted to protect the environment.

(2) Dinner must be cooked (by me) tonight.
(1) (2)
a. Động từ chính có sự thay đổi gì? ______________ ______________
b. Chủ từ trong câu là từ nào? ______________ ______________
c. by me trong ngoặc có ý nghĩa gì? ______________ ______________
ACTIVE: Tom can cook dinner tonight.
PASSIVE: Dinner can be cooked by Tom tonight.
Theo bạn vì sao by Tom không để trong ngoặc? ___________________________________
Dạng khẳng định:
CÔNG THỨC GHI NHỚ: English should be used more often.
Dạng phủ định:
can Violent films shouldn’t be watched by young
Chủ từ bị động + could + be + V3/ed teenagers.
Dạng câu hỏi?
… Yes/no:
Should violent films be watched by young
Quy tắc chuyển từ ACTIVE sang PASSIVE teenagers?
1. Tìm đối tượng được thực hiện Wh-questions:
2. Tìm động từ, xem xét thì của nó Why shouldn’t violent films be watched by young
3. Áp dụng công thức. teenagers?

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THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang thể bị động.

0. We shouldn’t leave children at home alone because it is very dangerous.

 Children shouldn’t be left at home alone because it is very dangerous.

1. You must lock all doors carefully before leaving for work.
2. We have to revise all new English words every day for not forgetting them.
3. We ought to clean our rooms every day.
4. My friends can finish their project within a week.
5. John could speak English when he was 5 years old.
6. They might plant some trees and flowers in front of their house.
THỰC HÀNH 2: Chuyển các câu ở bài tập 1 sang dạng phủ định ở bị động.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________

THỰC HÀNH 3: Thành lập câu hỏi bị động cho các câu sau đây
1. _________________________________ Yes, homework must be done before school.
2. _________________________________ Because watching too much TV is not good.
3. _________________________________ The project should be handed in by 7:30pm.
4. _________________________________ Yes, trees ought to be planted on the streets.
5. _________________________________ Yes, English must be taught for children.

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A. Đề cập đến vật được thực hiện

Tình huống 1: Nếu bạn bị hư xe trên đường, bạn không biết sửa và vì vậy bạn phải để
xe bạn cho thợ sửa nó. Vậy bạn có tự tay sửa xe không? Hay bạn để xe của bạn được sửa
bởi người thợ? Vậy trong tiếng Anh các bạn sẽ nói như sau:
1. I had my bike repaired by a mechanic.
2. I’m going to have my hair cut by a hair dresser.
3. I had the bill sent direct to the company.
Trong ba trường hợp trên bạn có tự tay làm các việc được đề cập không, hay bạn nhờ
người khác làm? Vậy cách thành lập cách nói này như thề nào?

Tuy nhiên trong văn phong bình thường thì người ta có thể thay have bằng get
1. I got my bik56e repaired by the mechanic.
2. I’m going to get my hair cut.
3. I got the bill sent direct to the company.

Bạn hãy đúc kết ra công thức cho get nhé:


Tình huống 2: Bạn đang đeo chiếc túi xách trên tay, không may túi bạn bị tên ăn cướp
giật lấy. Vậy có phải bạn nhờ tên cướp lấy túi bạn không? Hay là do bạn không may bị
đánh cắp? Hãy quan sát ví dụ dưới đây:
1. John had all his money stolen from his hotel bedroom.
2. I got my nose broken playing rugby.

B. Đề cập đến người chúng ta nhờ làm

Ở phần trên chúng ta chỉ đề cập đến vật được thực hiện, nhưng khi chúng ta đề cập rõ ai
đó làm cho chúng ta điều gì đó thì sẽ viết như thế nào? Hãy nghiên cứu ví dụ sau đây:
1. I will have Mike repair my bike. 1. I’ll get Mike to repair my bike.
2. I’m going to have a hair dresser cut my hair. 2. I’m going to get a hair dresser to cut
my hair.
3. I had John send the bill direct to the company. 3. I got John to send the bill direct to
the company.

Bạn hãy đúc kết ra công thức cho have và get nhé:

Vật được nhờ làm have something done get something done
Người nhờ làm have John do something get John to do something

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1. Hãy hoàn thành các câu sau đây bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc have something done/ get
something done. Chia thì cho đúng hoặc sắp xếp trật tự cho đúng để hoàn thành câu.

1. Each Saturday, (we / have / pizza / deliver) ______________________ to our

2. (I / have / the goods / pick up) _______________________ tomorrow afternoon.
3. (We/ get / our house / decorate) _______________________ last summer.
4. Last year, (Bob / clean / the house/ get) _____________________ by a charwoman.
5. Every day, (John / have / wash / his car) _______________________.
6. When I came to the hotel, (I / have / my luggage / carry)
______________________ into the room.
7. (They / have/ organize / our party) _______________________ by professionals.
8. My hair was so long, so (I / get / cut / my hair) _____________________ yesterday.
9. My Sirius was so dirty, so (I / have / it / wash) ____________________ last week.
10. I don’t have time to wash my own clothes. (I/ usually / my clothes / have / wash)

2. Hãy điền vào khoảng trống với HAVE hoặc GET để hoàn thành câu. Lưu ý chia
đúng dạng của mỗi thì.
1. I always __________ Mr. Nguyen to cut my hair.
2. They usually __________ their friends do their exercises.
3. I have just __________ Mr. John send the parcel to Ho Chi Minh City.
4. We are going to _________ painters to repaint our house to celebrate the New Year.
5. His mother __________ him finish his homework before going out.
6. Students aren’t allowed to __________ others to paint pictures for them. They must
paint the pictures themselves.
7. She’s very independent. She never __________ anyone help her. She tries her best
to do all things herself.
8. I usually __________ Phuong, my sister, type important letters.
9. I have just __________ my friend buy a present for Ngoc’s birthday.
10. I always __________ my mother to keep money.

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3. Hãy điền vào khoảng trống với V-nguyên mẫu, to-V, hoặc past participles (V3/ed)
để hoàn thành câu.
1. They get their mother __________ (tell) stories every night.
2. We are very busy, so we usually have our meals __________ (cook) every day.
3. I don’t know how to iron clothes. I usually get my clothes __________ (iron).
4. I have just had a mechanic __________ (repair) my motorbike.
5. He got his friends __________ (buy) him some books.
6. We shouldn’t help children do all things. We should have them __________ (do)
things themselves to build up their independent character.
7. My laptop is old and very slow. I must get my father __________ (buy) a new one.

4. Chuyển các câu sau đây sao cho không thay đổi nghĩa của câu ban đầu.
1. John had Uncle Tom repair his bike.
 John had __________________________________________________________
2. He got his friend to buy him some books yesterday.
 He got some books __________________________________________________
3. My husband looked after our children. (get)
 I ________________________________________________________________
4. He had a cleaner clean his house. (to clean)
 He _______________________________________________________________
5. My boss had me type some documents.
 My boss had some documents _________________________________________
6. The dentist has just checked my teeth.
 I have just had _____________________________________________________
7. They delivered the furniture to my house.
 I had _____________________________________________________________
8. John helped me to send some money to my uncle in Ho Chi Minh City.
 I got some money ___________________________________________________
9. John and Peter painted our room.
 We got our room ___________________________________________________
10. She had her garden cut and cleaned by some workers.
 She had some workers _______________________________________________

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30. It is said that ….
He is said to…

Khi có một tình huống mà chúng ta không chắc về thông tin và thông tin đó chỉ căn cứ trên
sự đồn đoán, thì chúng ta hay nói người ta nói rằng để ám chỉ ý đồn đoán.

Các bạn xem ví dụ:

Tình huống 01: Không ai biết nghề của anh bạn gần nhà tôi. Người ta nói anh ta là một
nhà báo. Thì chúng ta có thể viết như sau
People say that he is a journalist.
Dạng bị động
1. He is said to be a journalist. (Anh ta được cho là nhà báo)
2. It is said that he is a journalist. (Người ta cho rằng ảnh là nhà báo)

Tình huống 02: Anh bạn đó đã đi làm và tôi không biết là ảnh đã đi làm trong bao lâu rồi.
Và nghe như là ảnh đã đi làm 3 năm trước rồi.
People say that he started working 3 years ago.
Dạng bị động Một số động từ thường dùng
1. He is said to have started working for 3 years. thought believed expected
reported known understood
2. It is said that he started working 3 years ago.
consider alleged supposed*
(cho rằng) (đồn đại)
Một số tình huống khác
1. Cathy studies English very well.
 It is said that Cathy studies English very well.
 Cathy is said to study English very well.
2. The missing boy is wearing a red T-shirt.
 It is said that the boy is wearing a red T-shirt.
 The missing boy is believed to be wearing a red T-shirt.
3. A friend of mine has been arrested.
 It is alleged that a friend of mine has been arrested.
 A friend of mine is alleged to have been arrested.
4. The film is not very good.
 It is thought that the film is not very good.
 The film is thought not to be very good.
5. He is not very rich, but people say that he is very rich.
 It is said that he is very rich.
 He is said to be very rich.

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1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau sang S + is said + to …
1. It is expected that the strike will end soon.
 The strike __________________________________________________________
2. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
 The weather is ______________________________________________________
3. It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
 The thieves _________________________________________________________
4. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
 __________________________________________________________________
5. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.
 __________________________________________________________________
6. It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.
 __________________________________________________________________
7. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire.
 __________________________________________________________________
8. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.
 __________________________________________________________________
9. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money.
 __________________________________________________________________
10. It is expected that the company will lose money this year.
 __________________________________________________________________
11. It is expected that our teacher is getting better from his illness.
 __________________________________________________________________
12. It is believed that he worked very hard for the final exam.
 __________________________________________________________________
13. It is alleged that she has stopped working for that company for a week.
 __________________________________________________________________
14. It is reported that the missing boy has just been found.
 __________________________________________________________________

Bài tập được lấy từ English Grammar In Use – Raymond Murphy

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I. Câu tường thuật: được dung để kể lại lời nói trực tiếp của người khác bằng cách nói lại
câu nói đó của người nào đó cho 1 người khác nghe.
II. Quy tắc thay đổi trong tiếng Anh khi đổi câu tường thuật:
1. Đổi các đại từ:

Subject pronoun Object pronoun Adjective possessive

(đứng trước động từ) (Đứng sau động từ) (Đứng trước danh từ)
I Me My (của tôi) books
We Us Our (của chúng tôi)
You You Your (của bạn)
He Him His (của anh ấy)
She Her Her (của cô ấy)
They Them Their (của họ)
It It Its (của nó)

2. Đổi thì:
1. Simple present Simple past 1. I go to school.  He said he went to school.
(+) S + V1/s/es  (+) S + V2/ED 2. We don’t go out on  They said they didn’t go
(-) S + don’t/doesn’t (-) S + didn’t +V1 Sundays. out on Sundays.
Am/is/are  Was/were 3. I am a student.  She said she was a student.
2. Present continuous  Past continuous 1. She is sleeping. He said she was sleeping.
Am/is/are + VING Was/were + VING 2. I am working. He said he was working.
3. Present perfect  Past perfect
Have/ has + V3/ED Had + V3/ED I’ve finished the task. He said he had finished the task.
4. Simple past  Past perfect
(+) S + V2/ED (+) S + had + V3/ED 1. I didn’t watch it. She said she hadn’t watched it.
(-) S + didn’t +V1 (-) S + hadn’t + V3/ED 2. We did it. They said they had done it.
Was/were  Had been 3. She was in Paris. He said she had been in Paris.
4. Can  Could I can swim. John said he could swim.
5. Will  Would I will help you. He said he would help me.
6. Must  Had to / Must I must go now. She said she had to go then.
7. Have to hoặc Has to  Had to I have to work hard. He said he had to work hard.
8. Past continuous Past perfect She was sleeping He said (that) she had been
Was / Were + VING continuous when Julia called. sleeping when Julia called.
Had + been + VING

3. Đổi một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian

1. Today  That day (hôm đó)
2. Tonight  That night (tối đó)
3. Yesterday  The day before/the previous day (ngày hôm trước)
4. Tomorrow  The next day / the following day (bữa hôm sau)
5. Now  Then (lúc đó)
6. This (thời gian)  That (thời gian)
7. These  Those (những cái đó)
8. Ago  Before (trước)
9. Last  The … before / The previous …
10. Here  There (ở đó)
11. the day after tomorrow  in two days’ time / two days later.
12. the day before yesterday  two days before
13. This/ that (tính từ chỉ định)  the this book  the book

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Example: Peter: "I clean the black shoes."

Peter told me that ____________________________
Answer: Peter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

1) John: "Mandy is in the living room talking with her parents."

John said that _______________________________________________________________ .

2) Max: "Peter often goes swimming at the weekend."

Max told me that ___________________________________________________________ .

3) Susan: "I’m preparing for my presentation about air pollution in our city."

Susan said to me that _________________________________________________________ .

4) Simon: "My friend was in Paris."

Simon said that _____________________________________________________________ .

5) Peggy: "My children helped me to clean and decorate the room."

Peggy told me that ___________________________________________________________ .

6) Richard: "I am going to have a visit to Washington D.C."

Richard said to me that _______________________________________________________ .

7) Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows."

Stephen and Claire told me that ________________________________________________ .

8) Charles: "I didn't adequate money to buy that house."

Charles remarked that ________________________________________________________ .

9) Mrs Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old."

Mrs Jones told me that _______________________________________________________ .

10) Jean: "The boss must sign the letter."

Jean said that _______________________________________________________________ .

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Example: Peter: "I cleaned the black shoes yesterday."
Peter told me that _________________________________
Answer: Peter told me that he had cleaned the black shoes the day before.

1) Emily: "My parents and I will go to the USA tomorrow."

 Emily said that _____________________________________________________________ .

2) Helen: "I was composing some past-contninous passive tense materials yesterday."

 Helen told me that __________________________________________________________ .

3) Robert: "My mother visited me last week."

 Robert told me that _________________________________________________________ .

4) Lisa: "Our teacher left two minutes ago."

 Lisa said that ______________________________________________________________ .

5) Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her wedding anniversary next month."

 Patricia said that ___________________________________________________________ .

6) Michael: "I am going to finish reading this book this week."

 Michael said to me that ______________________________________________________ .

7) Jason and Victoria: "We will finalize our project the day after tomorrow."

 Jason and Victoria told me that ________________________________________________ .

8) "I finished our exams the day before yesterday," said Andrew.

 Andrew remarked that _______________________________________________________ .

9) Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."

 Alice complained that _______________________________________________________ .

10) David: "John had already gone at six."

 David said that _____________________________________________________________ .

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1. Câu hỏi Yes / No: câu hỏi yes/no là các câu hỏi không có từ để hỏi như: where, when,
which, … và thường người được hỏi có xu hướng trả lời yes (có) hoặc no (không).
Quy tắc chuyển câu hỏi Yes/no trong biến đổi câu tường thuật

1. Mượn if/ whether

2. Không đảo ngữ, tức là không còn dung trợ động từ trước chủ từ nữa.
3. Đổi thì
4. Đổi chủ từ, túc từ và tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp
5. Đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian (nếu có)

Câu mẫu:
“Do you love me?”  He asked me if I loved him.

Thực hành:

1. “Did he like that song?”

I asked him _____________________________________________________________
2. “Have you done that exercise yet?”
She asked me ___________________________________________________________
3. “Can you swim?”
She asked us ___________________________________________________________
4. “Am I right?”
She asked ______________________________________________________________
5. “Are you going to Paris next week?”
He asked her ___________________________________________________________
6. “Is he listening to music?”
They asked me _________________________________________________________
7. “Has she finished doing her homework?”
Peter asked ____________________________________________________________
8. “Is your school near here?”
Patricia aksed Lan _______________________________________________________
9. “Do you go to school by bicycle?”
She asked me ___________________________________________________________
10. “Do you like pop music?”
He asked me ___________________________________________________________

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2. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi: là những câu hỏi có từ để hỏi như what, where, when, who, how
Quy tắc chuyển câu hỏi có từ để hỏi trong biến đổi câu tường thuật

1. Giữ lại từ để hỏi trong câu trực tiếp

2. Không đảo ngữ, tức là không còn dùng trợ động từ trước chủ từ nữa.
3. Đổi thì
4. Đổi chủ từ, túc từ và tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp
5. Đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian (nếu có).


1. “What is your name?”

He asked me ___________________________________________________________
2. “What are you doing?”
They asked us __________________________________________________________
3. “Who are you?”
She asked him __________________________________________________________
4. “Where did you go yesterday?”
John’s father asked him __________________________________________________
5. “Where have you been to?”
They asked her _________________________________________________________
6. “Which one did you choose?”
The salesperson asked Tim ________________________________________________
7. “Why do you need this job?”
The examiner asked Hoa __________________________________________________
8. “When will you finish this project?”
The boss asked us _______________________________________________________
9. “Where has he lived since he was a child?”
Mary asked Peter ________________________________________________________
10. “Why were you angry with me yesterday?”
John asked me __________________________________________________________

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Câu mệnh lệnh là câu mà người nói muốn người nghe làm gì đó cho mình bằng cách nhờ
vả hay ra lệnh.
Câu mệnh lệnh có 2 dạng:
1. Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định: “Sit down please.”
2. Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định: “Don’t sit down.”
Khi tường thuật dạng câu này các bạn cần nhớ những quy tắc sau:
1. Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định:
1. Thêm “to” vào câu mệnh lệnh đó.
2. Đổi chủ từ, túc từ và tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp.
VD: “Sit down please.” She said.
 She told me to sit down.

2. Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định:

1. Thêm “not to” vào câu mệnh lệnh đó.
2. Đổi chủ từ, túc từ và tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp.
VD: “Don’t sit down please.” She said.
 She asked me not to sit down.

1. “Don’t tell her the secret.”

She asked me _____________________________________________________________
2. “Please help me with this English exercise.”
Lan asked Hung ___________________________________________________________
3. “Don’t touch it.”
His father told him _________________________________________________________
4. “Please give John this report card.”
She asked me _____________________________________________________________
5. “Can you meet me outside of the cafeteria?”
He asked _________________________________________________________________
6. “Leave the plates on the table.”
Jack asked us _____________________________________________________________
7. “Don’t waste your time.”
He told us ________________________________________________________________
8. “Please wait for me outside my office.”
He asked me ______________________________________________________________
9. “Don’t be lazy.”
The teacher told us _________________________________________________________
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Ngoài trần thuật các loại câu như câu phát biểu (khẳng định, phủ định), câu hỏi (câu hỏi
YES/NO; câu hỏi có từ để hỏi (WH-Questions) và câu mệnh lệnh (khẳng định, phủ định),
chúng ta có thể dùng một số từ trần thuật để diễn đạt lại ý của người nói một cách tóm tắt
mà không cần lập lại tất cả từng từ, từng lời của người nói.

Một số từ để tường thuật ngắn gọn hơn

Từ rút Câu trực tiếp Câu tường thuật
advise I wouldn’t buy that car, Janos, if I were I advised Janos not to buy that car.
agree “OK, I’ll give you a lift,” said Jenny. Jenny agreed to give her a lift.
ask “Do you think you could help me, Sue?” I asked Sue to help me.
decide “I’ll have the fish soup, please,” said Bill decided to have the fish soup.
invite “Would you like to come to the cinema I invited Sam to come to the cinema
on Saturday, Pam?” on Saturday.
offer “Shall I carry your case, Dawn?” said Peter offered to carry Dawn’s case.
promise “I’ll definitely be home by eight,” said Ann promised to be home by eight.
remind “Don’t forget tp send your mother a I reminded Joe to send his mother a
birthday card, Joe.” birthday card.
refuse “No, I won’t open the door” said Carol. Carol refused to open the door.
warn “Pay attention to pickpocket!” He warned me against pickpocket.
encourage “Try more, Tony!” said his mother. His mother encouraged Tony to try

Từ rút gọn Câu trực tiếp Câu tường thuật

apologize “I’m really sorry for being so late.” Maria apologized for being so late.
(sb) for
congratulate “Well done, Tina, you’ve passed the I congratulated Tina on passing her
(sb) on … exam!” I said. exam.
deny “No, I didn’t take you money!” said Alice denied taking his money.
suggest “How about spending the day at the Carlos suggested spending the day
beach?” said Carlos. at the beach.
accused sb “You have stolen my money,” Mary told Mary accused Henry of having
of … Henry. stolen her money.

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THỰC HÀNH 1: sử dụng một động từ trong khung để viết lại cac1ca6u sau đây bằng
câu tường thuật.

advised apologized congratulated invited offered

promised refused suggested
1. ‘I’ll definitely be at your house before 8.00, Sue,’ said Mike.

Mike ________________________________________________________________
2. ‘Would you like to come to the cinema, Jean?’ asked Chris.

Chris _____________________________________________________________
3. ‘I wouldn’t eat too much if I were you, Dave,’ said Pasty.

Pasty _____________________________________________________________
4. ‘How about going for a walk?’ said Nick.

Nick _____________________________________________________________
5. ‘I’m terribly sorry for breaking the window,’ said Carol.

Carol ____________________________________________________________
6. ‘Shall I do the washing-up?’ said Bill.

Bill _____________________________________________________________
7. ‘Well done, you’ve passed your driving test,’ said Tina’s mother.

Tina’s mother _____________________________________________________

8. ‘No, I won’t open my mouth!’ said Pat.

Pat ______________________________________________________________

THỰC HÀNH 2: Chọn câu tường thuật đúng.

1. “Be careful; the steps are very slippery,” I said to him.
A. I warned him to be careful as the steps were very slippery.
B. I suggested being careful as the steps were very slippery.
C. I threatened him to be careful said the steps were very slippery.
D. I told him be careful and the steps were very slippery.
2. “How difficult the final test is!” said the students.
A. The students asked how the final test was difficult.
B. The students exclaimed that the final test was so difficult.
C. The students wondered if it was a difficult final test.
D. The students said that how difficult the final test was.
3. “Shall I help you with the washing-up, Jane?” asked John.
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A. John told Jane to help him with the washing-up.
B. John asked if Jane should help him with the washing-up.
C. John suggested helping Jane with the washing-up.
D. John offered to help Jane with the washing-up.
4. “What will you do if you have ten days off school?” he asked.
A. He asked me what will I do if I have ten days off school.
B. He asked what I will do if I have ten days off school.
C. He asked me what I would do if I had ten days off school.
D. He asked me what would I do if I had ten days off school.
5. “You’d better apologize for being so rude,” said my friend.
A. My friend advised me to apologize for being so rude.
B. My friend offered me to apologize for being rude.
C. My friend warned me to apologize for being rude.
D. My friend suggested me apologizing for being rude.
6. “Good morning, Mary! How are you?” Henry said.
A. Henry said good morning Mary and asked how was she.
B. Henry greeted Mary and asked how is she.
C. Henry said good morning and asked Mary how she is.
D. Henry greeted Mary and asked how she was.
7. “Please don’t leave until I come back,” Sarah said.
A. Sarah told us do not leaves until she comes back.
B. Sarah asked us not to leave until she came back.
C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came back.
D. Sarah said to us to not leave until she comes back.
8. “I would like a cup of coffee, please,” Mr. Pike said to the waiter.
A. Mr. Pike ordered the waiter to bring her a cup of coffee.
B. Mr. Pike advised the waiter to drink a cup of coffee.
C. Mr. Pike warned the waiter not to drink a cup of coffee.
D. Mr. Pike invited the waiter to drink a cup of coffee.
9. “Go on, Susan! Apply for the job,” said the father.
A. the father invited Susan to apply for the job.
B. The father denied applying for the job.
C. The father encouraged Susan to apply for the job.
D. the father warned Susan not to apply for the job.
10. “I will take you to the airport by my car, Henry,” said Lee.
A. Henry offered to take Len to the airport.
B. Lee offered to take Henry to the airport.
C. Henry advised Lee to go to the airport by car.
D. Lee asked Henry to take him to the airport by car.
11. “I won’t do this work under any circumstances,” the work said.
A. The worker promised to do that work.
B. The worker advised me to do that work.
C. The worker agreed to do that work.
D. The worker refused to do that work.
12. “________,” Paul reminded me.
A. Don’t forget to send these letters.
B. I forget to send these letters.
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C. I remember sending these letters.
D. I would send these letters if you didn’t mind.
13. “Give us a raise or we’ll go on strike,” said the workers to the manager.
A. The workers asked the manager for giving them a raise and promised to go on
B. The workers asked the manager to give them a raise and threatened to go on
C. The workers wanted the manager of giving them a raise and advised to go on
D. The workers promised the manager to give them a raise and recommended him
to go on a strike.
14. Mrs. Blount warned me, “_________”
A. Don’t interfere when the boss is speaking.
B. Let’s interfere when the boss is speaking.
C. Interfere when the boss is speaking, will you?
D. Would you like to interfere when the boss is speaking?
15. “_________?” John’s teacher advised him.
A. Why don’t you try again B. Why do you try again
C. Why did you try again D. Why must you try again.

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Dạng khẳng định Dạng phủ định

1. I am tired. 1. I am not tired.
 I am tired, too. I am not tired, either.
 So am I. / So is he. Neither am I.

I was late yesterday. I wasn’t late for school.

We were late, too.  She wasn’t late for school, either.
So were we. Neither was she.

So + be + Chủ từ. Neither + be + Chủ từ.

2. I work in the office. 2. I didn’t go to school on Tuesday.

 I work in the office, too.  I didn’t go to school on Tuesday, either.
 So do I.  Neither did I.

So + trợ động từ + Chủ từ. Neither + trợ động từ + Chủ từ.

Một số ví dụ khác Một số ví dụ khác

3. I am studying math. What about you? 3. I am not watching TV. What about you?
 So am I.  Neither am I.
4. I enjoyed the film. What about Peter? 4. I didn’t enjoy the film. What about Peter?
 So did he.  Neither did he.
5. He likes table tennis. 5. He doesn’t like table tennis.
 So does she.  Neither does Lan.

1. Điền vào khoảng trống với so, too, either, hoặc neither.
1. I really enjoyed that meal. ____________ did I.
2. We live in Phi Thong. We do _________ .
3. I don’t like football. _______________ do I.
4. I play a lot of different sport. I do ___________ .
5. Ann will be at the party and ____________ will Jane.
6. Helen sent me a birthday card and Robin did _________ .
7. George isn’t going to the meeting and I am not _______ .
8. Kathy didn’t go to the concert and did I.
9. My brother can’t speak any foreign languages and ______ can my sister.

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2. Viết câu trả lời cho các câu sau sử dụng với so hoặc neither.
1. I have a cold. (I)  So do I.
2. We don’t have much money. (I)  Neither do I.
3. My pen doesn’t work. (her pen)  _________________________
4. We are going to the concert. (we)  _________________________
5. My meal was excellent. (his meal)  _________________________
6. Ron didn’t go to the party. (George)  _________________________
7. I am not working tomorrow. (I)  _________________________
8. Ruth went to Nha Trang. (John)  _________________________
9. My car is very old. (John’s car)  __________________________
10. I like cucumbers. (she)  _________________________

3. Nhìn vào bảng thông tin về bốn người và hoàn thành các câu sau đây với so, too,
either hoặc neither.

Khanh Tuoc
lives in Phi Thong Phi Thong
Speaks Vietnamese and Vietnamese and
English English
Drives No No
Likes reading reading
Plays Basketball (no) Basketball (no)

1. Khanh lives in Phi Thong and Tuoc _______________ .

2. Khanh can’t drive and _______________ Tuoc.

3. Tuoc likes reading and Khanh does _______________.

4. Tuoc speaks Vietnamese and English and Khanh _______________.

5. Khanh doesn’t play basketball and _______________ Tuoc.

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I. Lý thuyết
1. Câu hỏi đuôi là gì? – Câu hỏi đuôi là câu hỏi nhỏ thường đứng ở phần đuôi của câu
để muốn khẳng định thông tin trong câu trước có đúng hay không.
VD: The film wasn’t very good, was it?
Câu hỏi đuôi

2. Cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi:

Phần chính Câu hỏi đuôi Phần chính Câu hỏi đuôi
Khẳng định Phủ định Phủ định Khẳng định
You are a techer , aren’t you? You aren’t a techer , are you?
She was in London , wasn’t she? She wasn’t in London , was she?
She often plays tennis , doesn’t she? She doesn’t play tennis , does she?
They like it , don’t they? They don’t like it , do they?
They played tennis , didn’t they? They didn’t play tennis , did they?
We have finished it , haven’t we? We haven’t finished , have we?
They are playing , aren’t they? They aren’t playing , are they?
tennis tennis
She was playing , wasn’t she? She wasn’t playing , was she?
tennis tennis
They had finished it , hadn’t they? They hadn’t finished it , had they?
You can play tennis , can’t you? You cannot play tennis , can you?
You could play tennis , couldn’t you? You couldn’t play , could you?

3. Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

Mệnh đề chính Đuôi
1. Let’s … , shall we? Let’s play soccer , shall we?
2. I am … , aren’t I? I am right , aren’t I?
3. That … , … it? That was right , wasn’t it?
This … , … it? This was right , wasn’t it?
4. Those … ,… they? Those are your pens , aren’t they?
These … , … they? These are his pencils , aren’t they?
5. Nothing/ Something , … it? Nothing can happen , can it?

6. Nobody/Somebody/ , … they? Nobody phoned , did they?
Someone, …
7. There … , … there? There’s something wrong , isn’t there?
There’s some more chairs, , aren’t there?
8. Come in ,won’t you? - mời làm việc gì đó 1 cách lịch sự.
Give me a hand ,will / can/ - bảo hoặc nhờ ai đó làm gì đó cho mình.
could you?
Shut up , can’t you? - Nhấn mạnh ý bực bội, thiếu kiên nhẫn.
Don’t forget , will you? - Mệnh lệnh phủ định.

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THỰC HÀNH: Điền vào câu hỏi đuôi cho các câu sau đây.

1. We haven’t met before, ______________?

2. You come from Australia, ______________?
3. It’s very hot there, ______________?
4. But it never gets very cold, ______________?
5. I’m right, ______________?
6. Be quick, ______________? (Nhấn mạnh ý bực bội)
7. The bus will not come, ______________?
8. Nothing happened, ______________?
9. Give me a hand, ______________?
10. Nobody knew this, ______________?
11. She doesn’t like it, ______________?
12. She can’t drive, ______________?
13. Just come in, ______________? (Mời lịch sự)
14. She has left, ______________?
15. You’re 18, ______________?
16. You love me, ______________?
17. You passed your exams, ______________?
18. This is your car, ______________?
19. They left last week, ______________?
20. Let’s have a party, ______________?
21. Nobody phoned you, ______________?
22. You could write when you were 4, ______________?
23. He likes playing tennis, ______________?
24. They won’t come, ______________?
25. She was here last night, ______________?
26. They are going to visit Ha Long Bay, ______________?
27. They were playing soccer at this time yesterday, ______________?
28. They are studying English, ______________?
29. They have finished their homework, ______________?

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SHOULD - Nói về trách nhiệm hay bổn phận I should visit my parents more often.
OUGHT TO phải làm hoặc khuyên bảo nên You ought to clean your room.
HAD BETTER làm việc gì đó cần thiết. You had better do your homework
(‘D BETTER) - Dùng had better trong văn nói first.
về những việc cần nên làm. (You had better = You’d better)

MUST - Khi người nói cảm thấy cần thiết làm I must see the head teacher.
điều đó. (Người nói cảm thấy cần thiết đi
gặp giáo viên)
HAVE TO/ - Dùng khi ai đó, hoàn cảnh làm cho I have to see the head teacher.
HAS TO việc gì đó trở nên cần thiết. (Người nói đi gặp giáo viên có
thể vì cô giáo đã gọi người nói
gặp cô ấy.)

1. Viết câu sử dụng ought to (nên, phải) hoặc ought not to (không nên, không phải)
1. You have a headache. See / a doctor.
 You ought to see a doctor.
2. His stomach is aching. Not / eat green fruit.
 He ought not to eat green fruit.
3. Her room is very dirty. Clean it every day.
4. I play tennis badly. Practice tennis more regularly.
5. My father has a sore throat. Not smoke so much.
6. Nam feels very tired. Go to bed early.
7. He had an accident last week. Not drive so fast.
8. His shirt is very old. Buy a new one.

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2. Thêm vào V-nguyên mẫu hoặc to-infinitive để hoàn thành câu.
1. I have _______________ (see) my head teacher.
2. My father says “You must ____________ (go) home before 8:00 p.m.
3. We should ____________ (be) quiet when our teachers are teaching.
4. They ought ____________ (finish) their homework before going to school.
5. We’d better ____________ (obey) the regulations at school.
6. I must ____________ (practice) English more often because I want to be better at
speaking English.
7. They ought ____________ (wear) school uniforms when going to school.
8. We should ____________ (not be) late for school.
9. Students must ____________ (respect) their teachers.
10. We had better ____________ (not be) noisy when studying.

3. Gạch chỗ còn sai (do) trong câu. Những câu đúng đánh dấu ()

1. They should to go to school on time. _____________

2. We should not playing games too much. _____________
3. I think we must do morning exercise regularly. _____________
4. She’d better practicing English more often. _____________
5. They have to working hard before exams. _____________
6. We should brush our teeth twice a day. _____________
7. They ought to strictly listening to safeguards. _____________
8. She has to finish this math problem before
playing chess with her friends. _____________
9. Should we doing this? _____________
10. He must to clean his room this morning. ____________

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38. ĐỘNG TỪ + to infinitive (want to do, would like to study English, …)

Trong Tiếng Anh có một số động từ được theo sau bởi một động từ thêm to (to-infinitive =
động từ nguyên mẫu có to). Trong phần này, các bạn lưu ý ghi nhớ những động từ được
liệt kê dưới đây để sử dụng Tiếng Anh lưu loát hơn.

1. Những động từ sau đây đều theo sau bởi một động từ có to
want muốn choose – chose – chosen chọn
would like muốn hate* ghét
need cần like / love* thích
try** cố gắng prefer* thích … hơn
plan lên kế hoạch decide quyết định

1. I want to buy some more milk.
2. I would like to ask you some questions.
3. We need to discuss these problems again.
4. He tried to call her, but she didn’t answer his calls.
5. My parents planned to have a visit to France this summer vacation.
6. They chose to study English because it’s easier than Chinese.
7. She hates to work in big cities because of lots of pressures at work.
8. I love to sit quietly for hours alone.
9. They prefer to communicate by using social media.
10. I decided to borrow money from the bank to buy a house.

* Những động từ như hate, love, prefer có thể theo sau bởi to-infinitive hoặc v-ing. Cả
hai cách thêm này đều không làm thay đổi nghĩa nhiều về nghĩa của chúng.

1. Hate She hates watching TV.

She hates to watch TV.

2. Love I love listening to music.

I love to listen to music.

3. Prefer They prefer studying English.

They prefer to study English.

** Còn với động từ try (tries, tried) thì có sự thay đổi về nghĩa khi thêm động từ theo sau
nó thêm to, hoặc thêm ing

Try to-infinitive (cố gắng làm gì đó) - I tried to learn English as much as
Tries possible to be better.
Tried V-ing (thử làm gì đó) - My mother has just cooked a new dish. She
asked me to try eating it.

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1. Hãy chọn động từ phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau

call have stay take communicate

visit buy see book type

1. We’ve decided ___________ in Ho Chi Minh City for three more days.
2. Do you want ___________ a mobile phone battery that uses solar energy?
3. They chose ___________ the bus there.
4. I tried ___________ you lots of times but couldn’t get through.
5. I think in the future many people will prefer ___________ by social media.
6. Do you want ___________ a movie this weekend?
7. I hate ___________ messages because it takes a lot of time.
8. They planned ___________ Hà Tiên this summer vacation.
9. She’d like ___________ a ticket for two.
10. She needs ___________ some more new clothes. Her clothes are very old.
2. Thêm –ing hoặc to cho các động từ trong ngoặc. Nếu có thể hãy sử dụng cả hai dạng
1. We enjoy ___________ (watch) TV a lot because there is a lot of new information.
2. She hates ___________ (stay up) at night because it makes her skin darker.
3. I didn’t choose ___________ (study) French as it’s very difficult for me to learn.
4. I detect ___________ (go) to work late.
5. We need ___________ (plant) more trees in the schoolyard.
6. I don’t mind ___________ (wait), so go on your make-up.
7. He always tries ___________ (work) as hard as possible to earn more money to
help her parents in the countryside.
8. They love ___________ (live) in big cities because they offer more opportunities to
have better jobs.
9. Do you fancy ___________ (play) badminton?
10. My friend doesn’t love ___________ (listen) to K-pop.
11. She dislikes ___________ (communicate) through message board or online
12. We plan ___________ (use) video chatting to keep in touch with our family.
13. He’s tried very hard ___________ (show) his love

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1. Allow, permit, advise, recommend, require và forbid (-forbade – forbidden). Lưu ý
cách sử dụng hai động từ này. Hãy xem ví dụ và thành lập cách sử dụng của chúng để ghi
Allow / Permit – Cho phép
1. They allowed us to use this product for a free 3-week trial.
2. They don’t allow smoking here.
3. My mother permitted me to go out with my friends until 8 p.m.
4. The rules do not permit keeping pets on the premises.
Advise - Khuyên
1. They advised me to buy that house.
2. They advised buying that house.

Forbid – Cấm
1. The authorities forbade entering the park because of a bush fire.
2. The authorities forbade people in the area to enter the park because of a bush
Recommend – Khuyến nghị
1. They recommended buying Ariel instead of Omo.
2. They recommended me to buy Ariel instead of Omo.
Require - Đòi
1. The project requires working closely with other schools.
2. The project requires us to work closely with other schools.

Allow, permit, advise, object to verb
recommend, require, forbid x V-ing
2. Hãy chuyển hai câu sau đây sang dạng bị động
1. My mother allowed us to go out with our friends until 8p.m.
 We _______________________________________________________________
2. They require us to work closely with other schools.
 We _______________________________________________________________
Vậy sau những động từ được kể trên phần 1 khi ở dạng bị động thì động từ theo sau chúng
sẽ ở dạng nào? ________________________________________________________________
Hãy ghi nhớ những câu này
Allow We were allowed to use this product for a free three-week trial.
Permit Tourists are not permitted to take photos in this area.
Advise We are advised not to smoke because it can cause lung cancer.
Forbid People in the area were forbidden to enter the park because of a bush fire.
Recommend I was recommended to buy Ariel instead of Omo.
Require We are required to work closely with other schools.
Hầu hết các ví dụ được sử dụng lại từ nguồn

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1. Hãy điền vào khoảng trống với to-v hoặc V-ing để hoàn thành câu.
1. You are not advised ______________ (buy) a used car.
2. We recommend ______________ (visit) Phu Quoc Island because its views are
3. My mother usually advises me ______________ (do) everything myself. Do not
depend on other people for anything.
4. Some English teachers recommend students ______________ (read) news in
English as much as they can to improve their language skills.
5. Tom’s father forbade him ______________ (play) games for a long time like that.
6. Our teacher required ______________ (finish) all of the given exercises before
7. They don’t permit their worker ______________ (wear) jeans at work.
8. They require their applicants______________ (write) their CV in English.
9. Applicants are required ______________ (write) their CV in English.
10. Students are forbidden ______________ (use) cell phones in the classroom.
11. Some students are not allowed ______________ (go) into the classroom because
they are not uniformed and late for school.
12. The police forbade ______________ (enter) the scene of the accident.

2. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang dạng câu bị động.

1. The police forbade people to enter the scene of the accident.

 People _______________________________________________________________
2. The rules do not allow students to wear jeans and T-shirts at school.
 ____________________________________________________________________
3. This position allowed me to learn a lot about customer service.
 I ___________________________________________________________________
4. The teacher required his students to practice English with their friends daily.
 The teacher’s students __________________________________________________
5. The ministry of education and training requires teachers to have C1 to be able to
teach English at high schools.
 Teachers _____________________________________________________________
6. The travel agent’s recommended us to visit Ha Long Bay this period of time.
 ____________________________________________________________________

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40. Động từ + V-ing và Động từ + to-verb
Động từ thêm ing, một số động từ trong Tiếng Anh được thêm ing theo sau một số từ nhất
định. Hãy học thuộc và xem các ví dụ bên dưới.
Verbs Prep Meaning Example
have objection to phản đối I have objection to going to work late.
prevent sb from ngăn cản Parents cannot prevent their children from playing
stop sb computer games.
without không có Young people seem to be too addicted to mobile phones,
they can’t live without using them.
deny chối He denied stealing the money from his mother.
avoid tránh I avoid going to parties as I don’t like them.
enjoy thích I enjoy watching cartoons since they’re so funny.
like thích We like going out at the weekend.
mind phiền I don’t mind helping you a hand.
have trouble Gặp khó khăn Sdtuents usually have trouble (in) studying English.
have difficulty
practise Tập My student, Ngoc, practises playing the piano every day.
consider Xem xét We are considering buying a new house.
stop dừng hẳn My father stopped smoking last month.
Prepositions They’ve given up smoking.
(on, in, at, They are looking forward to seeing their son again.
suggest Đề nghị I suggested planting more trees in the city.
spend Dành He spends 2 hours learning English every day.
waste Lãng phí Students often waste their valuable time doing nothing.
risk mạo hiểm He risk doing that dangerous job because of hoping to
help his children continue their education.
keep duy trì He keeps talking about that issue all the time.
worth Đáng It’s worth buying.
busy Bận She is busy practicing for the school concert.

2. Verbs followed by to-infinitive

Verbs Meaning Examples
expect mong đợi I am expecting to see my pop star idol.
plan lên kế hoạch I am planning to visit Hanoi next week.
decide quyết định I’ve decided to study French instead of Chinese.
try cố gắng I am trying to learn English as much as I can to study abroad.
hope hy vọng I hope to see you again soon. I miss you.
agree đồng ý My father agreed to buy me a model helicopter.
forget quên I forgot to close the door. How stupid I am!
threaten đe dọa They threatened to call police we parked here.
want muốn I want to buy some new clothes.
need* cần We need to repaint our room.
would like/ Muốn They’d like to order some books online.
love/ prefer I would prefer to read books than to use ebooks.
wish Muốn I wish to study medicine at university.
offer Đưa ra đề nghị He offered to help her, but she refused.
force Buộc They forced us to give them our money.
demand Đòi The judge demanded to see the original document.
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THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy điền đúng dạng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. They hope ___________ (see) Messi some day.
2. Would you mind ___________ (wait) for me a moment?
3. Some people have an objection to __________ (reform) the education system.
4. They are expecting ___________ (know) how good their exam results will be.
5. Most students usually have difficulty ___________ (learn) English because it requires lots of
patience to do well on it.
6. After school we sometimes get together to practise ___________ (speak) English to improve
our language skills.
7. They wish __________ (have) a new Iphone.
8. My father and mother are considering __________ (buy) me a laptop, but they’re hesitated
because they think that I will be addicted to the computer games.
9. My friend threatened ___________ (tell) our teacher that I forgot to do homework before
10. They never think that they’ll give up ___________ (follow) their dreams.
11. Students really enjoy _____ (play) sports because it helps them relax and have more friends.
12. My friend, John, has just decided ___________ (learn) French instead of Italian.
13. My students usually spend most of their free time __________ (chat) with their virtual
friends on facebook, zalo, and tango.
14. My parents agreed ___________ (let) us go out tonight.
15. Would you like ___________ (join) us tonight?
16. My sister needs ______ (practice) English more, so she’s just enrolled in an English course.
17. My English teacher usually suggests ___________ (review) what we have learnt at the end
of every week.
18. Some parents are worried about their children’s addiction to the internet, so they try to
prevent them from __________ (use) it very often.
19. We can’t go on ___________ (live) like this. We need to do something else.
20. Do you have any difficulty ___________ (communicate) with other people in the group?
21. My friends usually talk in the class without __________ (pay) attention to their teachers’
teaching. I think teachers must be very sad about this.
22. Tom denied __________ (copy) my homework when the teacher asked him.
23. I am looking forward to __________ (know) the exam results. You know I am really
nervous right now.

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24. Don’t waste your time __________ (play) computer games all the time, just shut down the
computer and go out with friends.
25. In spite of __________ (work) hard, he seemed to earn nothing.
26. It is worth __________ (learn) English because we can use it in many countries.
27. She forced herself __________ (be) more polite.
28. We’ve been advised not to risk __________ (travel) in these conditions.
29. The recruiters demands applicants __________ (have) several years of experiences.
30. The kids offered __________ (do) the washing-up.
31. Sorry for keeping you __________ (wait).
32. Don’t call me at this time of the day because I am busy __________ (do) my homework.
33. Volunteers work without __________ (get) payment because they think that their works
benefit their community.
34. She would prefer __________ (travel) all over the world when she is rich.
35. They try to stop him from __________ (argue) with his teacher.
Dạng bị động theo sau những động từ trên
Verb + to be + V3/ed I don’t want to be called like that.
My daughter wishes to be given a new bicycle.
Verb + being + V3/ed I don’t like being called like that.
He risked being attacked to protect his girlfriend.
Verb + be + V3/ed Let your voice be heard.
The children should be taken care carefully.

THỰC HÀNH 2: hoàn thành các câu sau đây với dạng bị động thích hợp
1. People are discussing why Chinese and Russian should __________ (teach) in schools.
2. Customers would like __________ (serve) like kings and queens.
3. My children are expecting _____________ (give) gifts from Santa Clause.
4. Volunteers always work to benefit their community without __________ (pay).
5. Some people suggest that Chinese and Russian shouldn’t ___________ (teach) in schools
because English is used by more people in the world.
6. Soldiers in that area are trying to protect the local residents from ___________
(attack) by the enemies.
7. Let our English __________ (improve) by studying harder every day.
8. Famous people avoid __________ (get) attention from paparazzi.

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1. STOP: Sau động từ stop có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi trường hợp
sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Đang làm việc gì đó, thì dừng hẳn - He has stopped smoking
Stop luôn, không còn thực hiện nữa. for 3 years.
to-V nguyên mẫu Đang làm việc gì đó thì tạm - I saw him stop to buy some
ngừng lại để làm hành động khác. flowers. Maybe he bought
them for his girlfriend.


1. The teacher told us to stop _____________ (make) noise. He looked very angry.
2. He was writing something at the table, but then he stopped _____________ (smoke).
3. We should stop _____________ (play) computer games like this because it affects
our studying and it is time-consuming, too.
4. When he finishes working, he stops _____________ (have) lunch. After that, he
comes back to work.
5. He stopped _____________ (shout) when he realized that she did not care about his
getting angry.

2. TRY: Sau động từ TRY có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi trường hợp
sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Diễn đạt ý thử làm việc gì đó. - My mother has just cooked a
Try new dish. She asked me to try
eating it.
to-V nguyên mẫu Cố gắng và nổ lực làm việc - I tried to learn English as much
gì đó. as possible to be better.
1. He tries _____________ (study) hard to pass the exam.
2. A: The photocopier doesn’t seem to be working.
B: Try _____________ (press) the green button.
3. I tried _____________ (move) the table but it was too heavy.
4. It was too hot in the room. They tried _____________ (open) the window hoping that
cooler air from outside could make things better.
5. He tried _____________ (look) on his friend’s paper, but his teacher saw him.
6. The old window was stuck and it wouldn’t move no matter how hard I tried
_____________ (open) it.
7. They are trying _____________ (get) a loan from the bank, but their bad credit
doesn’t leave them much hope.

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3. REMEMBER: Sau động từ REMEMBER có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy
nhiên mỗi trường hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.

V-ing Nhớ đã làm việc gì đó rồi - Your keys. I remember seeing

Remember them somewhere.
to-V nguyên Nhớ để làm gì đó - Please remember to post the letter
mẫu for me. (=Don’t forget to post it.)

1. Please remember _____________ (lock) the door before you go out.
2. Sorry for paying the money back late because I don’t remember _____________ (borrow)
you any money.
3. When you see Mandy, remember _____________ (tell) her my regards, won’t you?
4. Someone has taken my bag. I clearly remember _____________ (put) by the window and
now it has gone.
5. My mother didn’t remember _____________ (buy) the flowers, so she bought them again.
6. Remember _____________ (study and do) your homework before school.
7. I remember _____________ (meet) them already, but now I can’t remember their names.

4. FORGET: Sau động từ FORGET có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi
trường hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Quên đã làm chuyện gì - Oh no! I forgot buying milk.
Forget đó.
to-V nguyên Quên là chút nữa (hoặc - Don’t forget to write me soon.
mẫu tương lai)sẽ làm gì đó.

1. Don’t forget _____________ (pick up) some juice on your way home.
2. Have you studied it before? I have forgotten _____________ (learn) it.
3. I have to go home immediately. I forgot _____________ (turn) off the gas stove.
4. I forget _____________ (lock) the door, but I’m sure I must have locked it.
5. Don’t forget _____________ (write) your name on your test paper. If not, your test
will not be graded.
6. Oh! I forgot _____________ (buy) some fruit on my way home. Now I’ll go and get
it immediately. Just wait a moment.
7. Oh! You forgot _____________ (turn) on the power button, so how can you print the

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5. REGRET: Sau động từ REGRET có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi
trường hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Hối tiếc vì đã làm cái - I now regret saying what I said.
Regret gì đó.
to-V nguyên Lấy làm tiếc vì phải
- We regret to inform you that we are
mẫu làm gì đó. unable to offer you a job.
1. I regret _____________ (tell) Julie my secret; now she has told everyone.
2. I regret _____________ (inform) you that your application has been rejected.
3. She regrets _____________ (not follow) her parents’ advice, which led to this serious
4. They regret __________ (tell) their friend about the fact that he has failed the driving test.
5. Now she regret _____________ (have said) it.
6. I regret _____________ (leave) school at the age of 14. It was a big mistake of my life.
7. The doctor regrets _____________ (tell) him about his health status.

6. NEED: Sau động từ NEED có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi trường
hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.

V-ing Vật gì đó cần được - This house needs repainting.

Need thực hiện.
to-V nguyên Ai đó cần thiết làm gì
- I need to take more exercise.
mẫu đó.
1. He needs _____________ (work) harder if he wants to make progress.
2. It’s a difficult problem. It needs _____________ (think) about very carefully.
3. I don’t need _____________(come) to the party, do I?
4. Do you think my jacket needs _____________ (clean)?
5. She isn’t able to look after herself. She needs _____________ (look) after.
6. The windows are very dirty. You need _____________ (clean) them now.
7. The windows are dirty. They need _____________ (clean).
8. This knife needs _____________ (sharpen)
9. I need _____________ (buy) some flowers and plants to decorate our house.
10. You don’t need ____________ (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need ___________ (iron).

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7. MEAN: Sau động từ MEAN có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi trường
hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Có nghĩa là - This new order means working ocertime.
Mean to-V nguyên Có ý định - I mean to go out tonight.
1. Failure the national exam this year means _____________ (learn) one more year.
2. I don’t mean _____________ (go) out tonight as I want to finish my homework.
3. This injury means him _____________ (miss) next’s week game.
4. I mean _____________ (tell) you this, but I think you shouldn’t know it.
5. Do you mean _____________ (help) me do this project?
6. Knowing English well means _____________ (have) more opportunity to have
better jobs in the future, doesn’t it?
7. I never mean _____________ (go) study abroad.

8. MEAN: Sau động từ MEAN có thể thêm “ing” hoặc thêm “to”. Tuy nhiên mỗi trường
hợp sẽ có nghĩa khác nhau.
V-ing Làm liên tục, - My father goes on working until he’s 60.
Go on tiếp tục làm
to-V nguyên chuyển qua làm - Go on to paint the wall when you have
mẫu cái khác finished painting the windows.

1. My mother told me to go on _____________ (write) my essay when I have finished
doing maths.
2. My team has gone on _____________ (work) on this project for weeks.
3. Whichever page you are on, go on _____________ (read) the next chapter.
4. They intend to go on ____________ (read) the entire part of this chapter.
5. She talked about her son, the she went on _____________ (talk) about her daughter.
6. She went to _____________ (talk) her holiday all evening.

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1. USED TO: được dùng để nói về những trạng thái hay hành động trong quá khứ mà
bây giờ đã không còn thực hiện nữa. Có thể hiểu USED TO có nghĩa là ĐÃ TỪNG,
2. Cách chia

Subject + used to + động từ nguyên mẫu

Ví dụ:
1. I used to swim once a day.
2. I didn’t use to have a nice house.
3. Did you use to be a teacher? – Yes, I did.
**Lưu ý: would cũng có thể dùng giống như used to để nói về hay hành động trong
quá khứ mà bây giờ đã không còn thực hiện nữa, tuy nhiên không dùng với những động từ
trạng thái.

1. I used to play soccer very well. (= I would play soccer very well.)
2. I used to have long hair. (NOT: I would have long hair.)
3. I used to love playing badminton. (NOT: I would love playing badminton.)


ACCUSTOMED TO được dùng để nói về những gì các bạn thấy bình thường với
bạn, hay bạn đã dần quen với việc gì đó. Có thể hiểu những từ trên đây là QUEN

am / is / are / was / were used to

get / got used to + verb-ing
am/ is / are / was / were accustomed to
get / got accustomed to

Ví dụ:
1. I’m used to getting up early, so I don’t mind doing it.
(Tôi quen với việc thức dậy sớm, vì thế tôi không phiền khi làm vậy đâu.)
2. Lucy isn’t used to staying up late, so she’s very tired today.
(Lucy không quen với việc thức khuya, nên hôm nay cô ấy rất mệt.)
3. Mary was used to driving to school = Mary was accustomed to driving to
(Mary đã quen với việc lái xe đi học.)
4. Soon I’ll be get used to driving in London, I won’t be frightened.
(Một khi mình quen với việc lái xe ở Luân Đôn, mình sẽ không sợ nữa)
5. Are your children used to walking a lot?
(Mấy đứa con của bạn tập đi nhiều chưa?)
6. I’ve lived in the UK almost all my life, so I’m used to rain.
(Tôi đã sống ở Vương Quốc Anh gần hết cuộc đời rồi, do vậy mà tôi quen
với mua ở đây rồi.)
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1. Hãy hoàn thành câu với used to + động từ nguyên mẫu, hoặc nếu có thể hãy sử
dụng would, nếu không thì dùng used to.
1. I / have short hair when I was a teenager.
2. We / go to the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student.
3. She / love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder.
4. He / walk along the beach every evening before bed.
5. I / always lose when I played chess with my father.
6. She / be able to dance very well.
7. My grandfather / drink a cup of coffee after dinner every night.
8. Mike / not have a car.
9. We / live in Brazil.
10. My family / often go to the countryside for the weekend when I was young.
2. Hãy hoàn thành câu với used to + verb-ing
1. I / live in Rach Gia City, so the crowds don’t bother me anymore.
2. She / live in Tokyo subway, so she doesn’t get lost.
3. He / not deal with animals, so he’ a bit sacred of the dogs.
4. John / drive in heavy traffic.

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5. I / wake up in the night with my baby. I drink lots of coffee.
6. It was very hard to get up at five when I started this job because I / not it.
7. She / drink a lot of coffee, so she doesn’t have a problem with going to sleep
8. I’ve lived here in Hokkaido for three years, but I / not the snow.
9. He / do a lot of exercise, so a ten-mile walk is easy for him.
10. Julie’s flat is in the center of London. When she visits a friend in the countryside.
It’s difficult for her to sleep because she / not the quiet.

3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. She used ____________ badminton on the weekend.
A. playing B. play C. to playing D. to not play
2. They ____________ have long hair.
A. would B. used to C. get used to D. are accustomed to
3. My mother ____________ a lot of coffee in the evening, so she doesn’t find it
difficult to go sleep afterwards.
A. used to drinking B. gets used to drinking
C. used to drink D. is accustomed to drink
4. John ____________ go swimming twice a week.
A. used to B. gets used to C. would D. Both A and C are correct
5. She ____________ up late, so she feels exhausted today.
A. isn’t use to staying B. didn’t used to stay
C. didn’t use to staying D. doesn’t get used to staying
6. They were used ____________ vegetarian food.
A. to eat B. eating C. to eating D. eat
7. The man is accustomed____________ his newspaper in the morning.
A. read B. reading C. not read D. to reading

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1. Khẳng định
I would like danh từ (n)
=I’d like
I would like some orange juice.
I’d like

She would like a drink.

She’d like

They would like noodles.

=They’d like
2. Câu hỏi
What would you like?
What would you like?  I’d like some noodles.
What would she like?  She’d like to sit down.
What would he like?  He’d like a hot drink.
Would you like some orange juice?
to sit down?
Would you like some orange juice?  Yes, I’d love to.
 No, I wouldn’t.

1. Hãy dùng cấu trúc would … like…? để hoàn thành câu.
1. (you/ some orange juice?)  Would you like some orange juice?
2. (he / a hot drink?)  _________________________________________
3. (What/they?)  _________________________________________
4. (she/a cold drink?)  __________________________________________
5. (they / some noodles?)  _________________________________________
2. Trả lời cho các câu hỏi sau đây
1. Would you like some tea?  Yes, I’d love to.
2. Would he like to sit down? No, ______________________________
3. Would he like some noodles?  Yes, _____________________________
4. Would she like some water?  No, ______________________________
5. Would they like some orange juice?  Yes, _____________________________

3. Hãy khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. Would you like_______ orange juice?
A. a B. some C. any D. to
2. Would you like _______ sit down?
A. at B. from C. to D. a
3. _______ he like some noodles? – No, he wouldn’t.
A. Would B. Do C. Does D. Is
4. Would you like some orange juice?
A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I wouldn’t C. No, I would D. Yes, I’d love to

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1. Chúng ta sử dụng Would you mind và Do you mind để nhờ ai đó làm gì đó hoặc xin
phép một cách lịch sự. Thường thường Would you mind sẽ lịch sự hơn Do you mind.

2. Cách sử dụng
1. Cách 1: Hỏi người đối diện có phiền không nếu ai đó làm việc gì đó.

1. Would you mind if I used your cell phone now?

2. Do you mind if I use your cell phone now?
Lưu ý:
 Would you mind if + subject + simple past.
 Do you mind if + subject + simple present.

2. Cách2: Khi chúng ta dùng Would you minD. Do you mind mà không đề cập đế
chủ từ, mà sử dụng một động từ trực tiếp sau Would you mind / Do you mind thì
chúng ta dùng như sau.

1. Would you mind sending those mails for me?

2. Do you mind staying with the kids?
3. Would you mind not smoking here?
1. Would you mind John’s staying with me?
2. Do you mind my sister’s coming with us to the picnic?

Lưu ý:
 Would you mind + Ving.
 Do you mind + Ving.
 Would you mind + somebody’s + Ving.
 Do you mind + somebody’s + Ving.

3. Cách trả lời
Hỏi Trả lời
1. Would you mind if I opened the window? - No, not at all.
(Ồ không, không sao cả.)
- Of course not.
(Dĩ nhiên là không rồi.)
- No, go on please.
(Ồ không, cứ làm đi.)

2. Would you mind if I smoked here? - Yes, I would.

(Có đấy.)
3. Do you mind if I smoke here? - Yes, I do.
(Vâng, tôi phiền đấy.)

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1. Hoàn thành câu với thì quá khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại đơn
1. Would you mind if she _____________ (ride) you to work?
2. Do you mind if my husband _____________ (drive) the car because you need time to
keep calm, John?
3. Would you mind if I _____________ (invite) him to our party?
4. Do you mind if they _____________ (stay) over tonight?
5. Would you mind if the children ____________ (not come) along with us this evening?
6. Would you mind if we _______________(not be) able to come to the meeting on time
because we are in the traffic jam?
7. Do you mind if I ____________ (be not) able to go out with you tonight because I will
be a little busy then? Sorry for not coming.
2. Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của những từ trong khung

use clean sit not smoke close

1. Do you mind _____________ here because I have a headache?

2. Would you mind if I _____________ your phone charger?
3. Would you mind _____________ the room for me, John? Don’t just sit on the sofa
and watch TV all the time.
4. Do you mind if she _____________ the back door? She is freezing.
5. Would you mind if I _____________ down?
3. Viết lại các câu sau đây với cấu trúc cho sẵn
1. Can I open the window?
 Would you mind ______________________________________________________
2. Can I borrow your car?
 Do you mind if ________________________________________________________
3. I would like to use your phone charger. Could you lend me yours?
 Would you mind ______________________________________________________
4. “Don’t stand here please.”
 Would you mind ______________________________________________________
5. I am away for a few days, no one takes care of my cats.
 Would you mind ______________________________________________________

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1. Cả Would rather và Would prefer đều diễn đạt ý muốn thực hiện một hành động nào
đó trong nhiều lựa chọn khác nhau.

2. Cách sử dụng
1. Không đề cập đến chủ từ
1. I would rather eat Phở because it is very delicious.
2. I would prefer to eat pizza, I don’t like Phở very much.r
3. She’d rather not go to work on Monday.
4. They’d prefer not to work hard on the weekend.

Lưu ý: Câu khẳng định:

Subject + would rather + V-nguyên mẫu
Subject + would prefer + to + V-nguyên mẫu

Câu phủ định

Subject + would rather + not + V-nguyên mẫu
Subject + would prefer +not + to + V-nguyên mẫu
Viết tắt
Câu hỏi I would rather = I’d rather
Would you rather + V-nguyên mẫu? I would prefer = I’d prefer
Would you prefer + to + V-nguyên mẫu?

2. Đề cập đến chủ từ khác

1. I’d rather you took a taxi (instead of walking) – it’s not safe on the streets at night.
2. I’d rather the children didn’t watch the film because it’s quite violent.

Would rather (that) subject + simple past would rather + S + present subjunctive.
Would prefer it if + simple past would rather + S + past perfect.

3. Muốn làm việc A hơn việc B

1. It’s such a nice weather. I’d rather sit in the garden than watch TV.
2. It’s such a nice weather. I’d prefer to sit in the garden rather than watch TV.
3. It’s such a nice weather. I’d prefer to sit in the garden instead of watching TV.
1. would rather do A than do B.
2. would prefer to do A rather than do B.
would prefer to do A instead of doing B.
4. Nói về thích làm gì đó chung chung với PREFER
1. I prefer English to Math.
2. I prefer learning English to learning Math.
3. I prefer to learn English rather than learn Math.

A to B A hơn B
Prefer doing A to doing B. Làm việc A hơn việc B.
(Thích) to do A rather than (do) B. Làm việc A hơn việc B.
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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs
1. I would prefer ________________ (play) tennis.
2. I’d rather ________________ (travel) by train because it is very interesting.
3. Would you like some gin? – I’d rather ________________ (have) wine, thanks.
4. I would rather you ________________ (not smoke) here, it’s too crowded.
5. I’d prefer ___________ (not, get up) early on Sunday. I’d rather enjoy the time in bed.
6. She’d rather ________________ (cook) meals for her children.
7. John and Peter would prefer ____________ (buy) this cake because they like the taste.
8. Would you rather ________________ (drink) tea or coffee? – Coffee, please.
9. He’d prefer ________________ (stay) home rather than go to the cinema.
10. I’d rather you ________________ (tell) this to others. It’s our secret.

2. Complete the sentences with to / than / rather than/ instead.

1. I’d rather travel by car ________________ by train. Travelling by train is so boring.
2. She’d prefer to learn English ________________ learn Chinese because Chinese is
very difficult to write.
3. We prefer to go swimming ________________ ride bicycle because it’s so hot.
4. She prefers travelling to Singapore ________________ visiting some local places.
5. He’d prefer to go for a walk in the park ___________ of staying home at the weekend.
6. We prefer vegetables ________________ meat.
7. I’d rather eat at home with my family ________________ eat out.
3. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning
1. I would like to buy some new clothes for our summer.
 I would rather ______________________________________________________
2. I would like you not to stay up so late, it’s harmful to your health.
 I’d rather that ______________________________________________________
3. I prefer living in the countryside to living in the noisy city.
 I’d prefer __________________________________________________________
4. I like learning languages such as Italian, English and French.
 I prefer ___________________________________________________________
5. Please don’t talk too much in class, children!
 The teacher would rather the children ___________________________________

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1. Enough được dùng để diễn đã ý bạn có đủ yếu tố nào đó hoặc đặ điểm nào đó để thực
hiện một hành động nào đó hay không. Tương đương trong Tiếng Việt thì enough có
nghĩa là “đủ”.

2. Cách sử dụng enough

1. Sử dụng với tính từ hoặc trạng từ

Hãy xem ví dụ: (1) Am I tall enough to be a police officer?

(2) He isn’t running fast enough to win the race.

Hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau đây:

(1) Trong câu một mô tả đặc điểm của người hay hành động? ____________________
(2) Trong câu hai mô tả đặc điểm của người hay hành động? ____________________ (3
(4) sau enough người ta dùng động từ ở hình thức nào? ____________________

2. Sử dụng với danh từ

Hãy xem ví dụ sau đây

(1) There aren’t enough color pencils for us to use.
(2) They didn’t have enough money for their children’s education.
Hãy trả lời các câu sau đây
(1) Enough đứng ở vị trí nào so với danh từ? __________________________
(2) Cho ai đó người ta dùng cụm từ nào? __________________________
(3) Sau enough người ta dùng động từ như thế nào? __________________________

Ghi nhớ

Adjective and adverb

Subject + V + adj + enough + (for me/ him/ us …) + to verb

Subject + V + enough + noun + (for me/ him/ us …) + to verb

THỰC HÀNH 1. Hãy gạch lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng

1. I am enough intelligent to solve this math problem. __________

2. We have enough money to buying that house. __________
3. She isn’t old enough to being in my classroom. __________
4. They have time enough to complete that task. __________
5. There is enough water for we to make a bowl of noodles. __________
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THỰC HÀNH 2. Viết lại các câu sau đây dùng với enough

0. He is too old to wear this flamboyant shirt.

 He isn’t young enough to wear this flamboyant shirt.

1. That house costs VND 1.5 billion, and I can afford it.
 I _______________________________________________________________
2. She is only 16 years old. Can she drive a car?
 No, she isn’t ______________________________________________________
3. The road is dangerous for her to drive at night.
 The road _________________________________________________________
4. This game needs 12 players. We only have 9 ones.
 We don’t have ____________________________________________________
5. This Viettien shirt is too expensive for me to buy.
 _________________________________________________________________
6. I got bad scores because the test was too difficult.
 The test __________________________________________________________
7. I really like this pair of shoes, but I can’t wear them because they’re very big for
 This pair of shoes __________________________________________________
THỰC HÀNH 3. Hãy khoanh tròn đáp án đúng cho các câu sau đây
1. There were not _________ for us. We should have come earlier.
A. seats enough B. enough seat C. enough seats D. sitting enough
2. The coffee is too hot _________ to drink. We should wait a moment.
A. for him B. for you C. for us D. for them
3. The weather was not warm enough for us _________, so we stayed home.
A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. to swimming
4. She sings _________ for you to say “Oh! Amazing!”.
A. beautiful enough B. enough beautify
C. enough beautifully D. beautifully enough
5. I’m afraid I am not _________ to win the competition.
A. well enough B. good enough
C. enough beautiful D. excellently enough

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47. Adjective + that clause
1. Thông thường theo sau tính từ, hoặc cụm tính từ chúng ta thường sử dụng to-

Subject + be (am/is/are …) + adjective + (for sb) + to-


1. It’s difficult to do this math problem.

2. He was ashamed to speak to her again.
3. I am sorry to disturb you.
4. It was very kind of you to help me like that.
Nếu các bạn muốn nếu lên đối tượng thì chúng ta thêm vào for sb to do sth khi chủ từ
không đề cập đến đối tượng trực tiếp.
It’s difficult for me to do this math problem.
2. Nếu chúng ta không dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to-infinitive) chúng ta có thể
sử dụng mệnh đề that để diễn đạt.

Subject + be (am/is/are/was/were …) + adjective + (that) + subject +

1. I am very glad that you like my present.
2. I am very pleased that you are improving your English skills.
3. They were amazed that you could win the first prize.

Lưu ý: Với dạng này các bạn có thể chuyển từ mệnh đề sang cụm động từ nguyên mẫu có to
We were pleased that we received the letter.
 We were pleased to receive the letter.

1. Hãy chọn các từ trong khung để hoàn thành câu và điền dạng đúng của động từ
trong mỗi khoảng trống.
speak go answer leave behave tell tell
win hear play finish play believe wait

1. It was too difficult _______________ the questions.

2. It is very kind of you _______________ with me to the party.
3. He was ashamed _______________ to her again.
4. I am sorry _______________ badly towards you.
5. He was delighted _______________ us about his high-score result.
6. It was very careless of him _______________ the bike outside the house.
7. I feel disappointed _______________ you that you failed the exam.
8. Are you ready _______________ the game with us?
9. We are lucky _______________ the first prize in the competition.
10. I was content _______________ for you. Never mind.
11. She was anxious _______________ her school and get a job.
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12. She was extremely surprised _______________ that.
13. The babies are eager _______________ with their toys.
14. It is hard _______________ that it is the truth.
2. Thêm túc từ vào các câu sau đây hoặc chuyển từ chủ từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp

1. It was very difficult to solve this issue. (the government)

2. He finds it very difficult to believe in the result of the competition.
It is __________________________________________________________________
3. It was very surprising to believe that he was the winner. (him)
4. The coffee is too hot to drink. (me)
5. They found it interesting to learn about Vietnamese cultures.
It was ________________________________________________________________
6. Sometimes it is hard to accept the truth. (us)
7. Nam finds it easy to learn and speak Vietnamese.
It is __________________________________________________________________
8. It is very difficult to understand new words in recordings because they are usually very
fast. (students)
9. Students in Vietnam find it hard to communicate with English native speakers.
It is __________________________________________________________________
10. It was very useful to do voluntary work to help the community. (children)

3. Hãy hoàn thành các câu sau với adjective + that clause

1. It is (unbelievable / you / not know the answer) _________________________________

2. He is (amazed / I / win the first prize) ________________________________________
3. I’m (sorry / I / break your bike) ______________________________________________
4. I am (disappointed / people / spoil this area) ____________________________________
5. We are (surprised / he / fail / in the last exam) __________________________________
4. Hãy xác định những lỗi sai trong các câu sau
1. It’s hard studying English, but it’s interesting.
2. It’s no necessary to bring an umbrella with us.
3. It’s easy for I to study math.
4. He is very difficult to understanding.
5. It’s important for you and I to learn English.

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Cụm từ (phrase) là bất kỳ một nhóm từ hai hoặc nhiều từ trở lên có thể nằm trong một
một chuỗi trong câu đóng vai trò như một từ đơn lẻ.
1. Bruce laughed.
(Bruce là từ đơn có chức năng làm chủ từ).
2. My grandfather laughed.
(My grandfather là cụm danh từ có chức năng làm chủ từ).
3. The old man laughed.
The old man là cụm danh từ có chức năng làm chủ từ của câu.

Các loại cụm từ

1. Cụm danh từ là cụm đứng trong cùng một vị trí ở trong câu đóng vai trò như một
danh từ hay một đại từ.
1. Peter is in Paris now. 2. That old man is in Paris.
(Peter là danh từ đơn) (That old man là cụm danh từ)
2. Cụm động từ là một nhóm gồm từ hai hay nhiều động từ có chức năng giống như
một động từ đơn trong câu. Có thể đứng trong một chỗi liền nhau hoặc bị tách ra xa
1. We looked for you everywhere.
(looked là động từ đơn)
2. We have been looking for you everywhere.
(have been looking là cụm động từ)
3. They are looking for you everywhere.
(are looking là cụm động từ)
Chú ý: trong cụm have been looking thì động từ looking là động từ chính trong cụm từ này.
3. Cụm giới từ là cụm bao gồm một giới từ + danh từ, đại từ, cụm danh từ hoặc trạng từ.
1. Who’s talking to George?
(to George  giới từ + danh từ)
2. Mary is playing with her new friend.
(with her new friend  giới từ + cụm danh từ)
3. What’s in there?
(in there  giới từ + trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn)
4. I’m in love with her.
(with her  giới từ + đại từ)
Chú ý: Cụm động từ có thể bị tách ra, mà không đứng liền nhau
5. Who did you give it to?
(Who … to  cụm giới từ [giới từ + danh từ])
4. Cụm tính từ / trạng từ là cụm có một tính từ/ trạng từ chính (head adjective) và
nằm trong một chuỗi đóng vai trò như một tính từ/ trạng từ đơn trong một cụm danh
từ hoặc trong câu.
1. It’s a big dog. (big là tính từ đơn.)
2. It’s a very big dog. (very big là cụm tính từ trong cụm danh từ a very big
3. This exercise is really easy. (really easy là cụm tính từ trong câu)
4. They are walking very slowly. (very slowly là cụm trạng từ trong câu)

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1. Những nhóm từ được gạch dưới sau đây là cụm từ, nếu là cụm từ thì đánh dấu
() còn không phải thì bỏ trống? Và gọi tên cụm từ.

1. I’ve looked everywhere for my pens. _________ ________________

2. Televisions are popular these days. _________ ________________
3. My cousin’s wife went on holiday to Paris. _________ ________________
4. Sadly, she died for her injuries. _________ ________________
5. We should go to school on foot. _________ ________________
6. My parents are very interested in history. _________ ________________
7. There’s a terrible draught in this room. _________ ________________
8. You’re making too much noise. _________ ________________
9. They are building a new school in my village. _________ ________________
10. Do you take sugar? _________ ________________
11. He pulled some money out of his pocket. _________ ________________
12. The daughter plays the piano and the harp. _________ ________________
13. A removal van pulled up outside the house. _________ ________________
14. They saw various strange objects on the table. _________ ________________
15. He left home at the age of sixteen. _________ ________________

2. Gọi tên các cụm từ sau đây (cụm danh từ, cụm động từ, …) của những nhóm từ
được gạch chân dưới đây trong những câu dưới đây. Và khoanh tròn những từ
chính trong cụm đó.

1. We will consider your suggestion carefully. __________________

2. There were some lovely little calves in the field. __________________
3. Her criticisms were totally unjustified. __________________
4. We started at her in amazement. __________________
5. By evening they had still not reached the farmhouse. __________________
6. The hole needs to be just a little bigger. __________________
7. Tim sat down and poured himself a very large whisky. __________________
8. You must take a lot more exercise. __________________
9. I was completely exhausted by the time I got home. __________________
10. There were two small boys standing on the doorstep. __________________
11. The bull’s death could have been caused by any a number
of things. __________________
12. That’s a very serious allegation. __________________
13. Have you ever been to France? __________________
14. He was leaning against the wall when suddenly it collapsed. __________________
15. An even more worrying thought occurred to her. __________________
16. I ran home very quickly indeed after that. __________________
17. There’s no point in making yet another unsuccessful attempt. __________________
18. How could you believe such nonsense? __________________
19. The hole isn’t quite big enough. __________________
20. Luckily I was wearing my steel-toed boots. __________________

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1. Mệnh đề liên hệ là gì? Mệnh đề liên hệ là một mệnh đề phụ theo sau một danh từ để
giải thích rõ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó.
Ví dụ: The police have found the boy.
Khi nói câu này tức là người nghe sẽ hiểu “Cảnh sát đã tìm thấy cậu con trai”, nhưng
người nghe vẫn chưa hiểu cậu con trai đó là như thế nào. Vậy để làm rõ nghĩa thêm cho
chữ the boy chúng ta bắt đầu sử dụng thêm một mệnh đề nữa để giải thích đó là cậu con
trai nào.
The police have found the boy who disappeared last week.
Mệnh đề who disappeared last week được thêm vào để giải thích thêm cho chữ the boy
để người nghe biết được đó là cậu con trai mất tích tuần trước. Do mệnh đề who
disappeared last week có mối liên hệ với danh từ the boy nên mệnh đề này được gọi là
mệnh đề liên hệ.
2. Các loại mệnh đề
2.1. Mệnh đề liên hệ xác định: dùng đề cập 1 cách chính xác đến người, vật được đề cập
ở mẹnh đề trước nó. Thông tin trong mệnh đề rất cần thiết để câu có nghĩa hoàn chỉnh.
The doctor who treated me told me not to worry.
Giải thích: trong ví dụ này nếu chúng ta bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ who treated me thì câu này
trở thành “The doctor told me not to worry”. Lúc này người đọc sẽ không biết “the doctor
là bác sỹ nào cụ thể”. Nhưng khi thêm vào mệnh đề who treated me thì người đọc sẽ biết
vị bác sỹ đó cụ thể hơn.
2.2. Mệnh đề liên hệ không xác định: được dùng để đưa ra thêm thông tin để giải thích
thêm cho người, vật đứng ngay trước nó. Nếu không có thông tin thêm này, câu vẫn có
nghĩa rất cụ thể.
Pablo Picasso, who died in 1973, was a painter and sculptor.
Giải thích: mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định trong dấu phẩy “who died in 1973” chỉ đưa
thông tin thêm về một người đã rất cụ thể là Picasso thôi, nên khi không có nó người đọc
vẫn hiểu đang nói về người nào.


People (chỉ 3người) Animals or things (đồ vật hay con vật)
Subject who, that which, that
Object whom, that which, that
Possessive whose whose

 The people who/that live next door make a lot of noise. (who là chủ từ của động từ
 It was the same boy whom I met yesterday. (whom là túc từ của động từ met)
 The bus which goes to Cairo leaves from here. (which là chủ từ của động từ goes)
 The girl whose car has been stolen went to police station (whose diễn đạt car là sở
hữu của the girl.)

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1. Hãy hoàn thành với các câu sau đây sử dụng với, who, whom, which, hoặc that
1. I went to see a doctor. She had helped my mother.
I went to see a doctor who had helped my mother.
2. A dog bit me. It belongs to Mr. Jones.
 The dog ___________________________________________________________
3. A woman wrote to me. She wanted my advice.
 The woman _________________________________________ wanted my advice.
4. A bus crashed. It was 23 years old.
 The bus _____________________________________________ was 23 years old.
5. Ann talked to a man. He had won a lot of money.
Ann talked to a man _________________________________________________
6. Mary was staying with her friend. He had a big house in Scotland.
 Mary was staying with her friend ______________________________________
7. He is an architect. He designed the new city library.
 He is the architect ___________________________________________________
2. Hãy kết hợp các câu sau đây sử dụng mệnh đề liên hệ không xác định
1. Mont Blanc is between France and Italy. It is the highest mountain in the Alps.
 __________________________________________________________________
2. Alfred Hitchcock was born in Britain. He worked for many years in Hollywood.
 __________________________________________________________________
3. The sun is really a star. It is 93 million miles from the earth.
 __________________________________________________________________
4. John F. Kennedy died in 1963. He was a very famous American President.
 __________________________________________________________________
5. Charlie Chaplin was from a poor family. He became a very rich man.
 __________________________________________________________________
6. The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona. It is in the north-east of Spain.
 __________________________________________________________________
7. We went to see the Crown Jewels. They are kept in the Tower of London.
 __________________________________________________________________

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1. Khi đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ phía trước đóng vai trò là túc từ cho
động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệt thì ta có thể bỏ luôn đại từ quan hệ đó. Ta không
thể bỏ những đại từ làm chủ từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
Lúc này that/whom là túc từ của spoke to

The doctor that/ whom I spoke to told me not to worry.

Giản lược: The doctor I spoke to told me not to worry.

Lúc này that/who là chủ từ của động từ treated nên không thể giản lược

The doctor who/ that treated me told me not to worry.

Tóm lại: Chúng ta có thể giản lược đại từ quan hệ khi đại từ quan hệ với danh từ
phía trước đóng vai trò là túc từ trong mệnh đề liên hệ.

THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy gạch chân những đại từ mà bạn có thể giản lược được
trong những câu dưới đây.

1. The book that John was reading was a bit frightening.

2. The travel agency which sold me the ticket was near my office.
3. In the end, our holiday was the best that we had ever had.
4. The dentist that I go to isn’t very expensive.
5. The film which we saw last week was much better than this one.
6. The people who were leaving couldn’t find their coats.
7. The garden, which wasn’t very large, was full of flowers.
8. The guidebook that we bought explained everything.
9. A policewoman that I asked told us how to get there.
10. A tall girl, who was lying on the sofa, had long pointed ears.

THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy viết lại các câu sau đây theo cách giản lược đại từ liên hệ.

1. There is something that you should know.

2. Everything which you say seems silly to me.
3. I’m sorry, but that’s all that I saw.

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4. The police officer that I gave my passport to took down my information.
5. The passport which he was looking at had expired a week before.
6. The advisor whom I talked to didn’t know my academic questions.
7. A friend whom I trust thinks the course will be useful.
8. The group that I study with prefers to study at night.
9. What did you do with the money that your mother lent you?
10. Jack hired the gardener whom you recommended.

THỰC HÀNH 3: Hãy thêm vào đại từ liên hệ đã được giản lược vào các câu sau đây.
1. Friday was the last time I saw Jim.
2. The island we visited was extremely beautiful.
3. The girl I met was a friend of Philip’s.
4. The meal we ate wasn’t very tasty.
5. Gina was the first person I asked.
6. The book I read didn’t explain the problem.
7. The friends I met last night send you their love.

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Trong cách viết trang trọng chúng ta sẽ đặt vị trí của giới từ trước đại từ quan hệ, còn
trong văn nói hay kém trang trọng hơn chúng ta vẫn đề giới từ sau động từ.

Augusto Righi was a physicist. Marconi studied with him in the 1980s.
Cách viết 1: Augusto Righi, with whom Marconi studied in the 1980s, was a physicist.
Cách viết 2: Augusto Righi, whom Marconi studied with in the 1980s, was a physicist.

Chúng ta sử dụng of which hay of whom sau all, both, each, many, most, neither, part,
some, a number.
Peter and John, neither of whom are good students, can pass the final exam easily.
Radio entertainments, many of which became household names, were highly paid.
THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy nối các câu sau đây thành một câu hoàn chỉnh sử dụng mệnh
đề liên hệ
1. My mother met a woman. I used to work with that woman.
2. Do you know the song “Make you feel my love”? I like listening to it every night.
3. Can you see that picture? My daughter is really interested in it.
4. The job is well-paid. She applied for it.
5. My father is the person whom I learn a lot of great things from.
6. Do you know the person whom she is talking to?
7. The person whom she is negotiating with is the manager of a large company.
8. The jungle which the tribe lived in was full of strange and unusual animals.
9. An Hoa swimming pool is the pool that children prefers to swim in.
10. Is that the man whom she arrived with?
exercise taken from
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THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy nối các câu sau đây sử dụng many of which, both of whom, …
1. Adam has two brothers. Both of them work as an engineer.
2. I talked to a friend of mine last night. Some of her remarks offended me.
3. My mother invited many relatives to my birthday. Only a few of them showed up.
4. I want to be flatmate with my friend Daniel. One of his biggest interests is playing
5. Yesterday, my friend and I caught a lot of fish. The biggest of them was 20 pounds.
6. This is the machine. I described its properties.
(1) _______________________________________________________________
(2) _______________________________________________________________
7. I stayed at a good hotel. Its facilities are fabulous.
(1) _______________________________________________________________
(2) _______________________________________________________________
8. I met with many beautiful girls at the party last night. The most beautiful of them was
9. Brad has very nice neighbors. I like all of them very much.
10. There are many books in our school library. I'm quite interested in two of them.

Exercise taken from

Re-edited by Đức Lê

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ĐỊNH NGHĨA: Khi động từ không có dạng tính từ riêng của nó thì người ta sẽ dùng phân từ của
động từ đó để làm tính từ.
SURPRISE Động từ gốc FREEZE Động từ gốc


Quá khứ phân từ Hiện tại phân từ Quá khứ phân từ Hiện tại phân từ
(Past participle) (Present participle) (Past participle) (Present participle)

1. Hiện tại phân từ (Present participle): được sử dụng với chức năng tính từ để nói về người hay
vật là chủ thể của hành động gây cho người khác cảm giác như sợ hãi, ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ ...

The ghost was very frightening The news was surprising.

2. Quá khứ phân từ (Past participle): được sử dụng với chức năng tính từ khi mô tả cảm giác
của người khác khi bị những hành động nào đó làm sinh ra cảm giác như sợ hãi, ngạc nhiên, bất
ngờ ...

The ghost made me frightened. I was frightened.


Từ nguyên If a person then he/she / it 1. There’s nothing to see.

mẫu or thing is makes you It’s so boring. I am very
1. interest interesting interested thích thú, thú vị
bored with this program.
2. embarrass _________ embarrassed xấu hổ
2. The trip was very
3. excite exciting ____________ háo hức interesting. I was very
interested in it.
4. disappoint _________ disappointed thất vọng
3. It was a moving film.
5. exhaust exhausting ____________ Đuối, mệt lã
6. surprise _________ surprised ngạc nhiên 4. We were disappointed
with the result.
7. confuse _________ confused bối rối
5. I was confused. Can you
8. frighten frightening ____________ sợ hãi say all that again?
9. annoy _________ annoyed phiền phức 6. Stop talking. It’s very
10. bore boring ____________ nhàm chán annoying.

11. moving ____________ cảm động.

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1. Chọn tính từ đúng để hoàn thành câu.

1. It was a terrible play and I was ____________ (bored/ boring) from start to finish.
2. I’m very __________ (excited/exciting) because I’m going to New York tomorrow.
3. Are you ______________ (surprising/surprised) or were you expecting this news?
4. I’m reading a very ______________ (interested/interesting) book at the moment.
5. I’ve had a very ___________ (tired /tiring) day at work today and I want to go bed.
6. Most people were _________ (surprised/surprising) that he won the championship.
7. I’m _____________ (bored/boring). Let’s go out for a cup of coffee somewhere.
8. Visit our _____________ (excited/exciting) new shop.
9. His speech was very long and very ____________ (bored/boring).
10. Are you _____________ (interested/interesting) in football?

2. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với tính từ trong khung. Dùng mỗi từ một lần.

bored interested surprising amusing confused

boring amused confusing surprised interesting
1. Your idea is very _________________. Tell me more about it.
2. He told me a very _________________ story. I laughed and laughed.
3. This is a terribly _________________ book. Nothing happens in it.
4. She’s _________________ in politics and often talks about it.
5. The map was _________________and I got lost.
6. She was _________________ because she had nothing to do all day.
7. Everyone else thought it was funny, but she wasn’t _________________.
8. Could you repeat that, please? I’m a bit _________________ because it was very
9. It is _________________ that she failed the exam, because she’s a good student.
10. Everyone was _________________ by the sudden noise.

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Cụm phân từ thường bắt đầu bằng một phân từ ví dụ:
 Can you see that boy standing over there next to John?
 Trees planted by us a few days ago died because nobody watered them.
 People eating more vegetables than meat are considered to be healthier.
 Have you ever heard any songs written by Alan Walker yet?

Trong các câu trên các bạn chú ý vào những cụm in đậm

Present Participle phrase Past participle phrase

(Cụm hiện tại phân từ) (Cụm quá khứ phân từ)
standing over there next to John planted by us a few days ago
eating more vegetables than meat written by Alan Walker

Cụm phân từ dung để làm gì?

Cụm hiện tại phân từ

1. Hãy chú ý vào các câu có chứa cụm hiện tại phân từ, những cụm từ đó để làm gì?
2. Những cụm đó diễn đạt ý chủ động hay bị động?
3. Những danh từ trước chúng là chủ từ hay túc từ của câu?

Cụm quá khứ phân từ

1. Hãy chú ý vào các câu có chứa cụm quá khứ phân từ, những cụm từ đó để làm gì?
2. Những cụm đó diễn đạt ý chủ động hay bị động?
3. Những danh từ trước chúng là chủ từ hay túc từ của câu?

Tóm tắt
Subject verb object v-ing phrase

Chúng ta sử dụng cụm hiện tại phân từ để diễn đạt ý chủ động, diễn đạt túc từ đang làm cái gì
1. I like watching flowers blooming in the spring.
2. Can you see those people working in the field over there?
3. Those girls collecting rubbish in the beach over there are my classmates.

Subject verb object v-ed/3 phrase

Chúng ta sử dụng cụm quá khứ phân từ để diễn đạt ý bị động, diễn đạt túc từ (chủ từ) đã làm
xong cái gì đó
1. Vietnamese people prefer to use products made in foreign countries.
2. The hotel located on the hill commends a very fine view.
3. Hurt seriously in during the match, he tried his best to play till the end of the
game because there no more turns for his team to substitute players.
4. Finished doing his homework, John asked his parents for permission to go out.

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1. Hãy điền vào hiện tại phân từ hoặc quá khứ phân từ vào chỗ trống và hãy gạch
chân cụm hiện tại phân từ hoặc quá khứ phân từ trong câu.
1. Students __________ (work) hard during the academic year usually have better
2. The man __________ (murder) in his house last night has just passed away.
3. I think you will like him if you see him __________ (perform) live on the stage.
4. The house __________ (build) five hundred years ago has just been knocked down.
5. The lecture __________ (teach) us biology won the Nobel last year.
6. __________ (drive) home from work, I suddenly remembered leaving my laptop in
my office.
7. Harry Potter series __________ (write) by J.K. Rowling are very amazing to read.
8. __________ (stop) the car, the police officer to see the documents.
9. The man __________ (stand) over there in black hat is my boss.
10. I really like this hotel __________ (locate) next to a very beautiful viallage.
2. Kết hợp các câu sau đây sử dụng cụm hiện tại phân từ hoặc quá khứ phân từ
1. The boy who carried a blue parcel crossed the street.
2. The battle was fought at this place. The battle was very significant.
3. The play which was performed last night is still in my head.
4. This laptop was given to me by my parents. The laptop is really fast.
5. The artist who painted this picture is my uncle.
6. The boy is very tall. He becomes a basketball player.
7. They have bought a new house. It was designed and built by a very famous

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1. Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả là mệnh đề phụ thuộc được dùng để nêu lên kết quả mà nguyên
dân trong mệnh đề chính dẫn đến. Có khá nhiều cụm từ chỉ kết quả, tuy nhiên thông
thường chúng ta dùng so để diễn đạt mệnh đề này.

Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề kết quả

I stayed up late watching TV last night, so I was very tired this morning.
We are going to have some important test, so we decided not to go out with our friends

* Mở rộng: ngoài ra chúng ta thường sử dụng thêm một số trạng từ và cụm giới từ chỉ kết
quả như sau.
Therefore, … Thus, … Consequently, … As a result, … As a consequence, …
Do đó mà Vì thế mà Bởi thế mà Kết quả là Hậu quả là

2. Cụm từ chỉ kết quả: nếu trước đó không là mệnh đề dẫn đến kết quả của mệnh đề phía
sau, mà là một tác nhân cụ thể nào đó gây ra hành động hoặc kết quả nào đó thì chúng ta sẽ
dùng những cụm từ chỉ kết quả.

cause something Deforestation causes a lot of severe damage to the

result in something Water pollution results in the death of the fish in this area.
Icy condition resulted in two rod being closed.
lead to something Cutting down so many trees will lead to severe flood.
(led to, led to)
make sb do sth Listening to English music makes you improve your skills.
make sth do sth The loud music makes the birds fly away.

1. Hãy điền vào các câu sau đây với những cụm từ chỉ kết quả: cause, result, make
1. We don’t know that news would _________ her feel shock like that.
2. Your laziness today will _________ in your failure in the future.
3. Cultural differences _________ lots of failures of communication.
4. Eating too much sugar may _________ to diabetes.
5. Listening to sad music might _________ you feel more disappointed.
6. What _________ you to believe so?
7. He said that he would do anything to _________ you know how much he loves you.
8. The hurricane has _________ in thousands of death.

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2. Hãy kết hợp các câu sau đây sử dụng với những từ cho trong ngoặc
1. They have worked very hard for the exam. They passed it very easily. (so)
 ________________________________________________________________
2. He laughed at her. She was angry with him about this. (so)
 ________________________________________________________________
3. We know that there is a lot of noise pollution now. This causes hearing problems.
 Noise pollution ___________________________________________________
4. He spends his time playing games. This has resulted in his bad result at school.
 Spending ________________________________________________________
5. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. Many aquatic animals and plants dies. (lead to)
 Ships’ spilling oil _________________________________________________
6. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory problems when air pollutions is
more and more serious. (leads to)
 Air pollution _____________________________________________________
7. Children shouldn’t quit school because this will cause more problems for you.
(result in)
 Quitting school ___________________________________________________
8. Don’t play with matches because this will cause fire. (cause)
 Playing with _____________________________________________________
9. We have to finish our project on time. That is the reason why I can’t go out. (so)
 We ____________________________________________________________
10. Vietnamese youth should learn English. This will help them get a good job in the
future. (make)
 Learning English _________________________________________________
11. Deforestation is increasing dramatically. And this causes floods. (make)
 Increasing deforestation ____________________________________________
12. Soil pollution is increasing quickly. This makes plants die. (make)
 __________________________________________________________________

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Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ lý do thường được bắt đầu bằng những liên từ như because, as,
since hoặc that để nêu giải thích lý do cho hành động ở mệnh đề chính.

Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề lý do

I like reading because reading helps me to widen my knowledge.
The air is more and more polutted as more and more people use private vehicles to travel.
John didn’t go to school since he was ill.
My parents were disappointed that I didn’t get the scholarship.

Mệnh đề lý do Mệnh đề chính

Because reading helps me to widen my knowledge, I like it.
As more and more people use private vehicles to travel, the air is more and more polluted.
SinceJohn was ill, he didn’t go to school.
That I didn’t get the scholarship, my parents were disappointed.

Lưu ý 1
 Khi lý do đó người nghe đã biết rõ
1. Khi nào dùng  Since , as clause không đứng một mình được.
since, as As it is raining, we will have to cancel the match.
 Khi lý do đó người nghe hoặc người đọc chưa biết rõ.
2. Khi nào dùng  Because clause có thể đứng một mình.
because Because he had not paid the bill, his electicity was cut off.
A: “Why are you looking at her like that?”
B: “Because she is smiling at me.”
NOT: “As she is smiling at me.”
“Since she is smiling at me.”

Lưu ý 2: Because vs because of – Đôi khi người ta không dùng mệnh đề because mà
dùng cụm giới từ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng because of để giải thích lý do.

because Subject + verb (=clause)

Peter didn’t go to school because he was sick.
yesterday because it was raining.
They stopped playing tennis because He drove too fast.
He caused an accident
because of/ noun / ving/ noun phrase
due to
Peter didn’t go to school because of his sickness
yesterday because of the rain
They stopped playing tennis because of driving too fast.
He caused an accident

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THỰC HÀNH 1: Kết hợp các câu sau đây sử dụng các từ cho sẵn cuối mỗi câu

1. I’m tired. I stayed up late watching TV last night. (since)

2. I have a broken leg. I fell over while I was playing basketball. (as)
3. I’m going to be late for school. The bus is late. (because)
4. I broke the cup. I was careless. (as)
5. I want to go home. I feel sick. (since)
6. I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten all day. (because)
7. We should hurry up. We are going to be late for school. (because)
8. John didn’t go to school yesterday. He had a terrible headache. (as)
9. We haven’t finished the task yet. We don’t know the correct solution for it. (since)
10. They couldn’t continue the game. I was raining heavily. (because)

THỰC HÀNH 2: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với because hoặc because of để hoàn thành câu.
1. They stopped playing tennis _______________ the rain.
2. It was all _______________ her that we got into trouble.
3. We had to hurry indoors _______________ it was raining.
4. I was late _______________ the traffic jam.
5. We didn’t arrive until 7 o’clock _______________ the traffic was terrible.
6. She found the exam easy _______________ she had worked hard during the course.
7. He can’t drive _______________ his illness.
8. The restaurant closed down _______________ the recession.
9. He found working in Japan very difficult _______________ the language problem.
10. He’s very difficult to understand _______________ his accent.
11. They came to London _______________ he got a job there.
12. There have been a lot of problems in London _______________ mad cow disease.
13. He crashed his car _______________ he was driving too fast.
Biên soạn: Đức Lê

14. The newspaper was prosecuted _______________ an article about the Government.
15. She had to move to Liverpool _______________ her job.
16. She could only eat a salad in the restaurant _______________ she is a vegetarian.
17. He lost his driving license _______________ he was convicted of drinking and

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1. Mệnh đề mục đích và kết quả (Purpose and result clauses) là mệnh phụ được dùng
để giải thích cho mục đích của hành động được đề cập đến trong mệnh đề chính. Thông
thường, mệnh đề mục đích bắt đầu bằng so that hoặc in order that.
1. I try to study so that I can pass the exam.
2. He gave me his address in order that I could visit him.
Ghi nhớ:
Subject + Verb + in order that + subject + can/ could/ will / would + V1
so that
2. Cụm từ chỉ mục đích
Trong câu mà khi chủ từ của mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề phụ cùng là một người, người ta
thường giản lược bằng cách sử dụng cụm từ chỉ mục đích thay vì sử dụng mệnh đề mục
1. Trong văn phong bình thường: to-infinitive
(+) I have to get out by 7:30 to catch my bus.
2. Trong văn phong trang trọng: in order to hoặc so as to
(+) We were asked to stay over in order to finish the project.
(+) My students are working very hard so as to get higher scores in their first
term exams.
(–) I have to get up by 7:30 in order not to be late for school.
(–) Tom told lies so as not to be punished.

3. Các cụm từ khác

1. … in case + subject + verb
Take your umbrella in case it rains.
We took an umbrella in case it rained.
2. … for doing something / …for A
We went out for a pizza.
This function on the air-conditioner is for reducing humidity.
3. …prevent A from doing B
I parked the car under a tree to prevent it from getting too hot.

1. Hãy khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu dưới đây
1. We worked hard just before Christmas ______ we could really enjoy the holiday.
A. to B. in order to C. so that D. so as to
2. John takes an umbrella with him ______ it rains.
A. so that B. because C. in case D. for
3. We don’t stay up late at night ______we can get up early the next day.
A. to B. so as to C. in order that D. in order to
4. He walks quickly ______ avoid two strangers following behind.
A. in case B. for C. to D. in case
5. John is making some hand-made greeting cards ______ his friends.
A. from B. so as to C. in case D. for
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2. Hãy sử dụng những từ cho ở cuối mỗi câu để nối hai câu đơn thành một câu phức.

1. The boys stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better view. (in order to)
2. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbors. (so as to)
3. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you. (in order that)
4. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruit wouldn’t be stolen. (to prevent)
5. Mr. Thompson is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kim Van Kieu. (to)
6. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house. (so as to)
7. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may understand them. (so that)
8. Mary hid the novel under her pillow. She didn’t want her father to see it.
(so that) _______________________________________________________________
(to prevent) ___________________________________________________________
9. John gets up early. He doesn’t want to be late for class. (so as)
10. Alice prepares her lessons carefully. She wants to get high marks in class. (in order)
11. Her mother told her to take an umbrella. She was afraid that it rained. (in case)
12. Linda turned on the lights. She wanted to see better. (so that)
Linda turned on the lights _________________________________________________
13. He opened a window. He wanted to let fresh air in. (to)

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 Mệnh đề tương phản chỉ sự tương phản (mang tính gây ngạc nhiên) so với những gì
xảy ra trong mệnh đề chính hoặc mệnh đề nhượng bộ thì diễn tả hành động hoặc kết
quả trái ngược so với mệnh đề chính.
Although I don’t enjoy cooking, I prepare for myself every evening.
(Mặc dù tôi không thích nấu ăn, nhưng tôi phải tự nấu ăn mỗi tối.)

Sometimes I get up in the night and have a snack although I know it’s bad for me.
(Thỉnh thoảng tôi thức dậy giấc khuya và ăn đêm mặc dù tôi biết điều đó là không tốt.)

 Mệnh đề tương phản và nhượng bộ thường bắt đầu bằng :

 although, though, even though: mặc dù
 despite = in spite of: mặc dù

Hãy đọc hai câu vì dụ dưới đây và xét sự khác biệt giữa: nhóm although, though,
even though và nhóm despite, in spite of

He went to school although he was sick.

He went to school despite his sickness.

Câu hỏi:
1. Theo sau _________________ là một mệnh đề.
2. Theo sau _________________ không phải là một mệnh đề, mà là một danh từ,
cụm danh từ hay đại từ hoặc động từ them “ing”.

Tóm lại:
…although / though/ even though + subject + verb
Mệnh đề

… despite / in spite of + noun/gerund


Bài tập dạng 01: Điền vào chỗ trống với although hoặc inspite of/ despite

1. ___________________the weather was bad, we enjoyed the game.

2. The children slept deeply ___________________ the noise.
3. ___________________earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents
4. Jane rarely sees Alan ___________________they are neighbours.
5. Kate did not do well in the exam ___________________working very hard.
6. ___________________I was very hungry, I couldn't eat.
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7. ___________________the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem.
8. Liza never talked to him___________________ she loved him.
9. ___________________it was cold, Marie didn't put on her coat.
10. Clare did the work___________________ being ill.

Bài tập 2: Nối các câu sau đâu với các tứ trong ngoặc được cho sẵn ở cuối câu.

1. Tom went to school. He had a very terrible headache. (although)

2. He gave her a little present. It’s not a special occasion. (though)
3. We have to do all of English homework. We don’t like it at all. (even though)
4. They are very rich. They live a very simple life. (although)
5. We don’t go out with our friends. Today is Sunday. (though)
6. He often says that he is not good at all. He is very excellent. (even though)
7. She was very angry. She tried to talk to him softly. (although)
8. He doesn’t put on his coat. It is very hot outside. (in spite of)
9. My grandfather is very old. He reads books without using glasses. (despite)
10. I accepted that job. It offers a very low salary. (although)

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Câu điều kiện loại 0 (zero conditional) là câu điều kiện điễn đạt nếu tình huống trong
mệnh đề if xảy ra, thì chắc chắn mệnh đề chính sẽ xảy ra như thế, không khác đi được. Ví
dụng như: Nếu nước đạt tới 1000C, nó sôi. Không thể khác được, nên loại if này được gọi
là if loại 0.

Mệnh đề if Mệnh đề chính

Subject + present simple , present simple
 If you touch a fire, you get burnt.
 If water reaches 1000C, it boils.
 If you don’t drink water, you are thirsty.

PRACTICE 1: Hãy thành lập if zero cho những từ gợi ý sau đây.

1. Not / rain/ flowers/ die.

If it doesn’t rain, the flowers
2. I / wake up / late /I / be late for work.
3. My husband / cook / he / burn / the food.
4. You / not / practice / English / more often / you / not be / able to speak it well.
5. People / eat / too many / sweets / they / get fat.
6. You / heat / ice / it melt.
7. David / be / sick / he / drink / milk.
8. She / go / shopping / she / buy / expensive clothes.
9. I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early.
10. I / not / go to bed early / I / be / tired.

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59. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 1: Được sử dụng khi đặt giả định một sự việc nào đó có
thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Mệnh đề if Mệnh đề chính

Subject + V1/s/es ,will + V1
+ don’t / doesn’t +V1
We usually sleep 7 hours a day, which is good for our health. However, what happens if
we don’t sleep enough?
You say:
If we don’t sleep enough, we will get tired.
or We will get tired if we don’t sleep enough.

Thực hành: điền vào chỗ trống theo công thức của If type 1:

1. If I _________________ (study), I ___________________ (pass) the exams.

2. If the sun ________________ (shine), we ________________ (walk) to the town.
3. If he_______________ (have) a temperature, he____________ (see) the doctor.
4. If my friends_________________ (come), I _________________ (be) very happy.
5. If she____________ (earn) a lot of money, she _____________(fly) to New York.
6. If we _______________ (travel) to London, we ______________(visit) the museums.
7. If you ________ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you _________(slip) on the rocks.
8. If Rita ________ (forget) her homework, the teacher________ (give) her a low mark.
9. If they____________ ( go) to the disco, they ____________(listen) to loud music.
10. If you ____________(wait) a minute, I ____________ (ask) my parents.
11. If I ____________(go) out tonight, I ____________ (go) to the cinema.
12. If you ______________ (get) back late, I ____________ (be) angry.
13. If we ___________ (not see) each other tomorrow, we _________ (see) each other
next week.
14. If he ________________ (come), I ________________ (be) surprised.
15. If we ________________ (wait) here, we ________________ (be) late.
16. If we ___________ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______________ (go) to Spain.
17. If the weather ____________ (not improve), we ______________ (not have) a picnic.
18. If I ______________ (not go) to bed early, I ________________ (be) tired tomorrow.
19. If we ________________ (eat) all this cake, we ________________ (feel) sick.
20. If you ___________ (not want) to go out, I _____________ (cook) dinner at home.

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60. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 2: Được sử dụng khi đặt giả định một sự việc nào đó mà
hiện tại không thể xảy ra được.

Mệnh đề if Mệnh đề chính

Subject + VeD.2 ,…woulD. coulD. might + V1
+ didn’t +V1
+ were (weren’t)
Now you are at home, but your friends are in Paris. However, you want to be there to
visit the city with them.
You say:
If I were in Paris now, I would take a lot of photos with my friends.
Lưu ý:  Were I in Paris now, I would take a lot of photos with my friends.

THỰC HÀNH 1: điền vào chỗ trống theo công thức của If type 2
1. If I _____________(come) home earlier, I _______________( prepare) dinner.
2. If we_______________ (live) in Rome, Francesco _______________ (visit) us.
3. If Tim and Tom __________ (be) older, they___________ (play) in our hockey team.
4. If he _____________ (be) my friend, I ___________(invite) him to my birthday party.
5. If Susan _______________ (study) harder, she ______________ (be) better at school.
6. If they __________(have) enough money, they _________________(buy) a new car.
7. If you __________(do) a paper round, you __________ (earn) a little extra money.
8. If Michael_________ (get) more pocket money, he _______(ask) Doris out for dinner.
9. If I _________ (play) the lottery, I _____________ (have) a chance to hit the jackpot.
10. If I _______________ (hit) the jackpot, I _______________ (be) rich.
11. If she _______________ (have) more time, she’d learn a language.

THỰC HÀNH 2: Đọc bài đọc và điền dạng đúng của từ trong từng mệnh đề đã cho.
1. If there ______________(be not) any gravity, the universe simply _____________ (not
exist). If we could experience life without essential force, what _________ (it / be)
2. If we _________ (not have) gravity, nothing _____________ (stay) on the ground.
Our books and pens _________ (not stay) on our desks. Furniture would float up to the
ceiling and cars would fly into space. We _________ (have to) fix everything to the
ground with strong chains.
3. People wouldn’t stay on the ground, either. We ________ (float) around with
everything else. And if people and big objects ____________ (float) around together,
imagine how many accidents ____________ (happen)!
4. Finally, remember that without gravity, all the water in lakes, rivers, and seas
____________ (disappear), and we ___________ (have) any water. Quite simply, if
earth _______________ (not have) this amazing force, we wouldn’t survive at all.

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61. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 3: Được sử dụng khi nói về những mong muốn nếu
chuyện gì đó xảy ra theo giả định của mình thì kết quả sẽ khác so với kết quả đã xảy
ra trong quá khứ.

Mệnh đề if Mệnh đề chính

Subject + had + V3/ed , … would + have + V3/ed
, … could + have + V3/ed
Yesterday you went out without an umbrella, then it suddenly rained and you got wet.
You say:
If I had brought an umbrella with me yesterday, I wouldn’t have got wet.

*Ghi chú: Chúng ta có thể bỏ if trong if loại 3, nhưng phải đảo had ra trước chủ từ
 Cách 1: If I had brought an umbrella with me yesterday, I wouldn’t have got wet.
 Cách 2: Had I brought an umbrella with me yesterday, I wouldn’t have got wet.

THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với công thức của if 3
1. I didn’t go to into business with Sam. If I _____________ (go) into business with
him, I ____________ (become) a success.
2. We got the station in time to catch the train. If we ____________ (miss) it, we
_____________ (be) late for the meeting.
3. Mary and I weren’t able to go on a honeymoon. We ____________ (can/go) away
if my father ______________ (not get) sick.
4. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It _______________ (be)
quicker if I _______________ (walk).
5. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I _______________ (forget)
if you _______________ (not remind) me.
6. The view was wonderful. If I _______________ (have) a camera, I
_______________ (take) some photographs.
7. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my address book with me when I was in New York. If
I _______________ (have) your address, I _______________ (send) you a
8. We _______________ (may/be) at the airport for hours if we _______________
(not know) that the flight was delayed.
9. The accident was your fault. If you _______________ (drive) more carefully, it
_______________ (not happen).
10. If you _______________ (tell) me you needed money, I _______________
(can/lend) you some.

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2. Dựa vào tình huống mà viết câu if
1. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.
2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.
3. I can’t take much exercise because I don’t have enough free time.
4. The house didn’t burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
5. The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe.
6. People don’t realize how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing
about it.
7. I took the job because I didn’t know how difficult it was.
8. My father didn’t earn much money, so life wasn’t easy for us.
3. Hãy chia dạng đúng của động từ trong từng mệnh đề để thành lập if loại 3
1. If you _____________ (not be) late, we _____________ (not miss) the bus.
2. If she _____________ (study), she _____________ (pass) the exam.
3. If we _____________ (arrive) earlier, we _____________ (see) John.
4. If they _____________ (go) to bed early, they _____________ (not wake) up late.
5. If he _____________ (become) a musician, he _____________ (record) a CD.
6. If she _____________ (go) to art school, she _____________ (become) a painter.
7. If I _____________ (be) born in a different country, I _____________ (learn) to
speak a different language.
8. If we _____________ ( go) to university, we _____________ (study) French.
9. If we _____________ (not go) to the party, we _____________ (not meet) them.
10. If he _____________ (take) the job, he _____________ (not go) travelling.

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1. Mệnh đề ao ước là mệnh đề được sử dụng để diễn đạt ý “mong ước” của một ai đó
cho tình huống ở hiện tại mà họ không có được thành hiện hiện thực theo mong ước
của họ. Thông thường mệnh đề này chỉ manh tính giả định, vì mong ước của họ chưa
thể xảy ra được.
I wish that I were rich. (Tức là người nói đang rất nghèo, nên có mong muốn giàu có)

2. Wish loại 1 – Là mệnh đề chỉ mong ước những điều ở hiện tại thay đổi theo ý muốn
của người nói. Thông thường người ta nói đây là “mong ước không có thật ở hiện
Hãy xem các ví dụ sau:

1. I wish that I could speak English well.

2. She wishes she were a famous movie star.
3. They wish that they played soccer well like Ronaldo.
4. We wish we knew his name.
Trả lời các câu hỏi sau
a. Trong 4 câu trên hãy gạch chân mệnh đề có trong mỗi câu.
b. Hãy cho biết các tình huống nêu trên có thật trong hiện tại không? Hãy giả
định tình huống thực tế khi không dùng wish.
c. Hãy quan xác sự xuất hiện của that? Theo bạn khi nào thì dùng that? Và khi
nào không?
d. Trong mệnh đề theo sau wish người ta chia động từ như thế nào?
e. Tại sao theo sau she lại là were? Vậy có dùng was được không? Nếu được khi
nào dùng?
Ghi nhớ

(+) S + wish + (that) + S + Ved/2 Một số ví dụ khác

 I wish that I studied English well. 1. (Tình huống: I am sick)

 She wishes she were a princess.  I wish (that) I weren’t sick.
2. (Tình huống: Mary tells lies.)
(--) S + wish + (that) + S + didn’t + V1  I wish Mary didn’t tell lies.
 I wish that my room weren’t small. 3. (Tình huống: She is short.)
 He wishes he didn’t know the truth.  She wishes (that) she were taller.
4. (Tình huống: They don’t live in a city.)
 They wish they lived in a city.

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THỰC HÀNH – Hãy viết các câu ao ước cho các câu dưới đây.

1. I wish I (can) speak English perfectly.

 I wish __________________________________________________________
2. I wish I (can) do this exercise.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
3. I wish I (know) how to swim.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
4. I wish the weather (be) better today.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
5. I wish you (like) my painting.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
6. I wish I (not have to) work on Saturday.
 I wish _________________________________________________________
7. I wish you (not come) here late.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
8. I wish I (will be) there soon.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
9. I don’t know anyone in this class.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
10. The dictionary is very expensive.
 I wish __________________________________________________________
11. It’s a pity that my room is too small!
 I wish __________________________________________________________
12. She isn’t here.
 She wishes ______________________________________________________
13. The students never go abroad.
 The students wish ________________________________________________
14. They cannot eat seafood.
 They wish _______________________________________________________
15. Their team doesn’t play very well.
 They wish _______________________________________________________

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1. Mệnh đề ao ước loại hai diễn tả một ao ước, hoặc một giả định mà ta có thể quay ngược
lại thời gian trong quá khứ để làm chuyện gì đó mà ta chẳng được toại ý, đã làm sai, hoặc
hối tiếc, … Nên khả năng thực hiện ao ước này là không thể được trong quá khứ. Hay
còn gọi là ao ước không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ.

I wish I had followed my English teacher’s advice to learn English well at school.
(Khi nói câu này, người nói lúc trước đã không theo lời khuyên của thầy nên ước gì
có thể quay lại lúc đó và nghe theo lời khuyên của thầy Anh văn để học Tiếng Anh tốt

2. Wish loại 2 – Là mệnh đề chỉ mong ước những điều mà người nói đã làm hoặc không
làm trong quá khứ và bây giờ nhìn lại thời gian đó họ thấy tiếc nuối và muốn thực hiện lại
những hành động hoặc sự việc đó một cách tốt hơn. Thông thường người ta nói đây là
“mong ước không có thật ở quá khứ”

Hãy xem các ví dụ sau:

1. I wish (that) I had bought that piece of lottery yesterday.

2. She wishes she had talked to him in the party.
3. They wish that they had given that old poo woman some money.
4. We wish we had had time to visit him when they were in Paris last year.
Trả lời các câu hỏi sau
a. Trong 4 câu trên hãy gạch chân mệnh đề có trong mỗi câu.
b. Hãy cho biết các tình huống nêu trên có thể làm lại nữa trong quá khứ không?
c. Hãy quan xác sự xuất hiện của that? Theo bạn khi nào thì dùng that? Và khi nào
d. Trong mệnh đề theo sau wish người ta chia động từ như thế nào?
Ghi nhớ

(+) S + wish + (that) + S + had + V3/ed Một số ví dụ khác

1. (Tình huống: I didn’t go to Singapore)
 I wish that I hadstudied English well.  I wish (that) I had gone to Singapore.
 She wishes she had bought her mother 2. (Tình huống: Mary didn’t tell him the truth.)
some special presents on her last birthday.  I wish Mary had told him the truth.
(-) S + wish + (that) + S + hadn’t + V3/ed 3. (Tình huống: They studied lazily at
 I wish I hadn’t gone out last night.  They wish they had studied harder at
 He wishes he hadn’t said such fool words university.
to her like that.

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1. Hãy dựa vào tình huống và chi cho đúng wish 1 hoặc 2 cho đúng
1. He has a very comfortable and rich life. I wish I ____________ (be) him.
2. Last night concert was very fantastic and it’s a pity that I missed it because of my
homework. I wish I ____________ (go) to the concert to enjoy it.
3. I don’t have enough money to buy a more powerful laptop for my job. I wish I
____________ (have) much more money.
4. They went to Đà Lạt and didn’t enjoy the journey. They wish they ____________
(decide) to visit it because the landscapes were not as beautiful as they had expected.
5. Now I don’t know how to swim because I was lazy to learn when I was a young
boy. I wish I ____________ (learn) how to swim then.
6. Yesterday an old man offered me to buy him some pieces of lottery, and guess what
those ones won a jack pot. I wish I ____________ (buy) him those pieces of lottery.
7. Nam isn’t as tall as his friends, most of whom are over 175 cm. He usually wishes
he ____________ (be) taller.
2. Hãy xem các tình huống đưa ra và viết lại với mệnh đề wish
1. He spent most of his time playing game without paying attention to his study and he
feels sorry for that.
He wishes __________________________________________________________
2. John forgot to buy his wife some gifts on the women’s day and this makes him sorry.
John wishes _________________________________________________________
3. He didn’t go to the cinema with his friends to watch Tranformer 3; now he’s sorry.
He wishes __________________________________________________________
4. She punished he children strictly; she thinks she shouldn’t have ben so serious like that.
She __________________________________________________________________
5. Mary didn’t get up early this morning, and she went to the job interview late.
Mary wishes ________________________________________________________
6. That young mother left her daughter at home alone; her daughter was kidnapped.
That young mother ___________________________________________________
7. I can’t apply for Austrlian Scholarship because of my part-time university degree.
I wish ________________________________________________________________
8. I didn’t help Henry in our last math exam, and he failed it. I made me feel so sorry.
I wish ________________________________________________________________
9. I bought a second-hand car, then a lot of problems happened afterwards.
I wish ________________________________________________________________

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1.Nghĩa: It’s time hoặc it’s high time được dùng khi nhấn mạnh ý đến lúc làm chuyện
gì đó vì đã có phần chậm trễ rồi.

2.Cấu trúc

It’s time hoặc it’s high time được dùng khi nhấn mạnh ý đến lúc làm chuyện gì đó vì đã
có phần chậm trễ rồi. Bạn dùng như sau
It’s (high) time S+ Ved/2 Yếu tố khác
(be  were)
It’s time we went to bed; it’s rather late.
It’d high time I bought some new shirts.
It’s time everyone were aware of the importance of protecting the
It’s time they knew the truth that they are just adopters.

Nếu bạn muốn nói giờ làm cái gì đó đã đến và chúng ta vẫn còn thời gian.
It’s (high) time for somebody to do something.
It’s time for us to tell you the result of the election.
Tới lúc cho chúng tôi nói cho bạn biết vê kết quả của cuộc bầu cử.
It’s high time for them to be more independent.
Đến lúc để cho họ trở nên tự tin hơn.

1. Hãy điền vào chỗ trống thì đúng theo sau it’s time/ it’s high time
1. It’s time he __________ (know) the truth.
2. It’s high time you __________ (have to) go home because it’s too late now.
3. It’s high time we __________ (do) some urgent acts to protect the environment.
4. It’s time he __________ (start) to study if he wants to pass the national exam this
5. It’s high time you __________ (send) your laptop to the store for maintenance.
6. It’s time we __________ (tell) him about his health condition.
7. It’s high time our house __________ (repaint). It looks so old.
8. It’s time she __________ (pay) my money back. Today is the due date.
9. It’s high time we __________ (announce) the results of the competition.
10. It’s time students __________ (hand) in their assignments to their teacher.
11. It’s high time the government and the ministry of education and training
__________ (reform) our current educational system.

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2. Hãy điền vào dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau đây

1. It’s time for governments from countries all over the world __________ (do)
certain projects to reduce the bad effects of the climate change on us.
2. It’s high time we __________ (inform) our professor about our team project.
3. It’s time for the local people __________ (change) their old traditional ways of
4. It’s time that we __________ (recognize) how seriously the climate change is
affecting us and our environment.
5. It’s time you __________ (learn) how to be more independent.
6. It’s high time for your children __________ (go) to school by themselves.
7. It’s time the local authorities __________ (pass) new laws to prevent companies
from polluting the environment.
8. It is time for us __________(have) lunch and take a rest.
9. It’s high time all of American people __________ (vote) for their new president.
10. It’s time for all nations __________ (work) together to solve the serious effects of
the global warming on every one of us.
11. It us time our team __________ (conduct) a survey to analyse why the sales figures
are decreasing very quickly.

3.Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau đây.

1. It is time that young people _____ something to preserve our tradition and culture.
A. did B. to do C. have done D. had done
2. It’s time for everybody _____ working and go home.
A. went B. going C. to go D. go
3. It’s high time he _____ us the truth.
A. telling B. to tell C. told D. has told
4. It’s time for every citizen _____ their awareness of protecting the environment.
A. to raise B. raising C. raised D. has raised
5. It’s high time _____ to stop playing games and go to sleep.
A. that you B. for you C. you D. that you are

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65. As if … (Như thể là …)
1. Nghĩa: as if = as though cả hai đều được để sử dụng để nói một tình huống như thể là
cái gì đó.
It looks as if it’s going to rain.
(Trời trông như thể nó sắp mưa vậy á.)
It sounds as though John’s going to change his job.
(Nghe có vẻ như thể là John sắp đổi công việc ấy.)
I feel as if I am dying.
(Tôi cảm thấy như thể tôi sắp chết vậy.)

2. Thì
Cách sử dụng mà các bạn đang học được dung trong văn phong hành chính, trang trọng.
Lưu ý cách sử dụng thì sau as if / as though

 Ở hiện tại khi chúng ta biết điều gì đó là không đúng và không thật như vậy, chúng
ta dùng quá khứ giả định sau as if/ as though
Present simple clause as if past subjunctive
as though (S +V2/ed; be  were)
He acts as if he were rich.
She speaks Vietnamese as though she spoke English.
They are talking about that as if they knew everything.

 Ở quá khứ, khi chúng ta diễn đạt ý việc gì đó là không đúng hoặc không thật như
vậy, chúng ta dùng quá khứ hoàn thành sau as if.
Simple past as if past perfect
as though (S + had + V3/ed.)
past continuous
(S + was/were + V-ing.
He acted as if he had been rich.
He seemed as though he hadn’t slept for days.
They talked about that as if they had known everything.
I felt as though I was walking on the water.

Lưu ý: trên đây chỉ viết giản lược về as if và as though, phần nâng cao chưa được nhắc
đến. Các bạn có thể tham khảo thêm các sách. Phần viết này được dựa trên Practical
English Usage và

1. Chia thì cho các câu sau đây

1. She talked about him as if she __________ (know) him for a long time.
2. He spends money as though he __________ (be) a billionaire.
3. He didn’t know what happened, but he talked as if __________ (see) everything
from the accident.
4. He knows everything, but he acts as if he __________ (not know) anything.
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5. He acts as thigh he __________ (be) my father.
6. They were angry with me as though I __________ (do) that wrong work.
7. That strange man spoke to me as if he __________ (know) me, but I had never met
him before.
8. She looks at me as though she __________ (not know) me.
9. They talked to me as if I __________ (be) a thief.
10. She got wet as if it __________ (rain) heavily, but there was no rain that day.

2. Viết lại các câu sau đây sử dụng as if/ as though

1. They don’t know the answer, but they answer that question very quickly. [as if]
They answer the question _________________________________________
2. She pretended not to know me.
She looked as if she ______________________________________________
3. My head seems to be on fire.
I feel as though __________________________________________________
4. He didn’t know what happened in the accident.
He told the police as if ___________________________________________
5. I had a feeling that I was walking in the air.
I felt as if I _____________________________________________________
6. He doesn’t have any money, but look his spending money.
He spends money as if ___________________________________________
7. Nobody told badly about her, but she was very angry.
She was angry as if ______________________________________________
8. Look at the way she ate.
She ate ____________________________________________ for a long time.
9. He doesn’t know anything about math.
He talks about math as if he __________ ____________________ everything.
10. Mary dresses like a queen.
She dresses as if she _____________________________________________ .

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*Một số tình từ thông dụng
slow fast good bad cheap expensive safe
dangerous beautiful ugly loud quiet noisy

1. Trạng từ chỉ tính chất hành động là từ để mô tả tính chất của hành động của vật, hiện
tượng hay người.
Hãy xem xet hai ví dụ sau đây từ nào là tính từ và từ nào là trạng từ và gạch chân những
danh từ hay hành động mà nó miêu tả.

1. She is beautiful girl.

2. She sings very beautifully.

2. Cách thành lập trạng từ

Trạng từ được thành lập bằng cách thêm đuôi “-ly” vào tính từ
Soft Softly Nhẹ nhàng, Polite Politely Lịch thiệp
mềm mại
Quick Quickly Nhanh nhẹn Beautiful Beautifully Đẹp đẽ
Slow slowly Chậm chạp Perfect Perfectly Hoàn hảo
Nice Nicely Xinh xắn Extreme Extremely Cực kỳ …

Trạng từ được thành lập với tính từ tận cùng bằng “-y”
Happy Happily Hạnh phúc Easy Easily Dễ dàng
Busy Busily Bận rộn Angry Angrily Giận dũ
Trạng từ và tính từ khác cách viết
Good Well Tốt, giỏi,hay
Trạng từ đặc biệt: trạng từ và tình từ có cùng cách viết
Fast Fast Nhanh Early Early Sớm
Hard Hard Chăm chỉ Late Late Trễ

**Chú ý:
1. verb + adverb: work carefully, run slowly, dance beautifully.
2. adjective + noun: a good book, beautiful girls, bad students.
3. Cách làm tăng mức độ trạng từ, tính từ
very good, very well, extremely beautiful

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1. Gạch chân những từ cần chọn trong ngoặc.

1. The old man walked _______________ (slow/slowly) to the park.

2. The baby laughed ________________ (happy/ happily) as she played with her toys.
3. Loan is a ________________ (gooD.well) student. She studies very
________________ (gooD.well).
4. People said that he was a ________________ (perfect/ perfecctly) man.
5. He was running ________________ (fast/ fastly) to the finish line.
6. He sat ________________ (saD.sadly) on the steps when he heard that he failed the
7. Mrs. Nga speaks English very ________________ (well/ good).
8. He finished the test ________________ (easy/easily).
9. It was a ________________ (easy/easily) test.
10. They sang ________________ (beautiful/beautifully) in the concert.
11. He shouted at me ________________ (angry / angrily)
12. She has a very ________________ (healthy / healthily) lifestyle.

2. Điền dạng đúng của trạng từ:

1. He was driving ________________ (fast) when he saw the accident.

2. John is writing his essay ________________ (careful).
3. They studied ________________ (hard) to prepare for their final exam.
4. She plays the guitar ________________ (beautiful).
5. Mr. Chris Hill teaches ________________ (good).
6. They walked ________________ (slow) along the shore.
7. My friend did the task ________________ (easy)
8. They play volleyball ________________ (skillful).
9. Yesterday Peter came to school ________________ (late)
10. They sat ________________ (quiet) next to each other.
11. They collected the garbage ________________ (quick)
12. She usually goes to school very ________________ (early)

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1 – So … that … và such … that …

- Để diễn đạt một ý mô tả đặc tính của một sự vật, sực việc, hiện tượng hay của một người
có phần tiêu cực, không đủ khả năng thực hiện chúng ta thường hay nói “cái này quá …
làm không được”, thì người ta dùng đến lối nói này.
- Quan sát ví dụ và hiểu
So … that …
o This coffee is so hot that I cannot drink.
(Cà phê này quá nóng đến nổi tôi không thể uống được)
o The weather is so cold outside that we cannot go swimming.
(Thời tiết bên ngoài quá lạnh đến nổi chúng tôi không thể đi bơi được.)
o He was talking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he was saying.
(Anh ta đang nói quá nhỏ đến nổi tôi không thể nghe được ảnh đang nói gì nữa)

Subject + be + so + adjective + that clause. This coffee is so hot that I can’t drink.
Subject + verb + so + adv + that clause. He’s talking so softly that I cannot hear.

2 - Such … that …
o It was such a (beautiful) site that I will never forget it.
(Đó quả là một cảnh quá đẹp đến nổi tôi sẽ không bao giờ được)
o It was such a quick meteor storm that it passed by one week.
(Đó quả thật là cơn bão sao băng quá nhanh nên nó đã đi qua trước một tuần.)
- Ghi nhớ

 Subject + such + a + tính từ + danh từ + that-clause

an + tính từ + danh từ
+ tính từ + DT (số nhiều)

3 – Too … to infinitive.
- Cũng diễn đạt ý trên, người ta cũng có thể sử dụng cấu trúc này.
- Quan sát và hiểu
o This coffee is too hot to drink.
(Cà phê này quá nóng để uống = Cà phê nóng quá, uống hỏng được.)
o The weather is too cold to go swimming.
(Thời tiết quá lạnh để đi bơi.)
o He was talking too softly (for me) to hear what he was saying.
(Anh ta đang nói quá nhỏ để cho tôi nghe được những gì ảnh đang nói.)
- Ghi nhớ
 …too + adjective or adverb + (for somebody) + to verb
4 – Lưu ý khác: Chúng ta có không dùng mệnh đề that trong so/ such hoặc không dùng to verb
trong cấu trúc too để bày tỏ ý than phiền, hoặc bất ngờ.
- I never knew that you have so many brothers.
- She has so few friends.
- She spoke so quickly.
- Jean earns so much money. She still has trouble playing the rent.
- It is too much coffee. Stop, please.
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1. Hãy điền vào chỗ trống so hoặc such cho các câu sau đây.
1. She is ___________ funny. She always makes me laugh a lot.
2. Jame has ___________ much money that he actually buys that Ferrari.
3. Fred is ___________ a clown! He’s always telling jokes and making people laugh.
4. There was ___________ little interest in his talk on microeconomics that the room
was half empty by the time he stopped speaking.
5. It was ___________ a good book that I could not stop reading it.
6. Although most of the audience had never been exposed to ___________ music, they
thoroughly enjoyed the performance of Tibetan folk choir.
7. Terry spoke English ___________ fluently that I thought he was American.
8. Martha is ___________ a good cook that she’s writing her own book of family
9. The new song is ___________ cool that it hit the top ten within a week of being
10. Please don’t drive ___________ fast! I’m terrified we’re going to have an accident.
2. Viết lại các câu sau đây sử dụng so … that, such … that
1. This movie was so amazing. I have watched it several times.
(so) ________________________________________________________________
(such) ______________________________________________________________
2. This soup is very salty. I can’t eat it.
(so) ________________________________________________________________
(such) ______________________________________________________________
3. I ate many sandwiches. I felt uncomfortable.
4. It was very dark. She couldn’t see anything in her room.
(so) _____________________________________________________________
(such) ___________________________________________________________
5. He has very wide knowledge. We can’t help admiring him.
6. His conduct is very good. All teachers love him.

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7. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races.
8. The house was beautiful. I took a lot of pictures of it.
(so) _____________________________________________________________
(such) ___________________________________________________________
9. There were few students registering. The class was cancelled.
10. The day was nice. We decided to go to the beach.
(so) _____________________________________________________________
(such) __________________________________________________________
3. Chuyển các câu sau đây dùng cấu trúc too + adj/adv + to v-nguyên mẫu

0. It was so cold that we didn’t want to go out.

 It was too cold for us to go out.

1. Mr. Pike is so weak that he can’t walk without a stick.

2. The ground is so hard that we can’t dig it.
3. The shoes are so big that I can’t wear them.
4. The goods are so expensive that they can’t be sold quickly.
5. She walked so fast that her younger sister couldn’t follow her.

4. Điền vào khoảng trống với so many hoặc so much …?

1. We have _______________ problems that we can’t go to bed early.
2. There was _______________ noise that I stayed awake all night.
3. It took _______________ time to her roommate.
4. Doctor Simmon has _______________ patients that he’s always busy.
5. I ate _______________ sandwiches that I felt ill.

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Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất

1. Ngắn 1. He is taller than her. 1. Nam is the tallest boy
2. This school is bigger than my school. 2. This one is the cheapest.

Chú ý: Nếu không đề cập đối tượng so

sánh thì “than” không dùng
 A is cheaper.

2. Tận 1. Math is easier than English I think. 1. Exercise 5 is the easiest. (easy)
cùng –y 2. Vegetables are healthier than meat. 2. This is the busiest road. (busy)

3. Dài 1. She is more beautiful than my sister. 1. He is the most intelligent boy.
2. This chair is more comfortable. 2. It’s the most expensive watch.

4. Đặc 1. good  better (than) 1. Good  the best

biệt  A is better than B.  A is the best student.
 A is better.  A is the best.
2. Bad  worse (than) 2. Bad  the worst
 A is worse than B.  A is the worst student.
 A is worse.  A is the worst.

Bài tập:
1. Nhìn vào thông tin của Alison và Bernard, và hoàn thành các câu dưới đây sử
dụng hình thức so sánh hơn của tính từ trong ngoặc

Alison Bernard
Height 1.6m 1.75m
Age 30 26
Income $7000 per year $15,000 per year
Family 2 brothers 1 brother
House small very big

0. Alison is shorter than (short) Bernard.

1. Bernard is _________________ (tall) Alison.
2. Alison is _________________(old) Bernard.
3. Bernard is _________________ (rich) Alison.
4. Alison’s income is _________________ (low) Bernard’s.
5. Alison’s family is _________________ (big) Bernard’s.
6. Alison’s house is _________________ (small) Bernard’s.

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2. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây sử dụng so sánh hơn của tính từ trong ngoặc.

1. I think that golf is ________________ (interesting) tennis.

2. English is ________________ (easy) than math.
3. I’m a good player, but Eric is ________________ (good) me.
4. We both played well, but he was ________________ (lucky) me.
5. Your car is ________________ (powerful) my car.
6. The Nile is ________________ (long) Amazon.
7. This chair is ________________ (comfortable) that chair.
8. Driving is ________________ (dangerous) flying.

3. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây sử dụng so sánh nhất của tính từ trong ngoặc.

1. We stayed in ________________ (bad) hotel of the whole city.

2. People say that it is ________________ (funny) film of the year.
3. What is ________________ (tall) building in the world?
4. This is ________________ (expensive) camera in the shop.
5. Many people say that Venice is ________________ (beautiful) city in the world.
6. Harry is ________________ (intelligent) in the class.
7. Summer is ________________ (hot) season in a year.
8. New Delhi is ________________ (crowded) capital city in the world.
4. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây sử dụng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất của tính từ
trong ngoặc.

1. The living room is ________________ (warm) room in the house.

2. They say that the weather is going to be ________________ (wet) yesterday.
3. My new flat is ________________ (comfortable) my last one.
4. I’m sure I’m ________________ (bad) you. I can’t cook anything well.
5. I chose ________________ (expensive) dish on the menu.
6. John plays tennis ________________ (good) Peter does.
7. Chinese is one of ________________ (difficult) languages to learn.
8. Eating vegetables is ________________ (healthy) eating meat.

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1. Phân loại danh từ: Trong Tiếng Anh danh được phân ra làm nhiều loại danh từ khác
nhau, trong bài này tác giả chỉ muốn đề cập đến danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm
Số ít a book, an eraser, an orange, a student, a
Danh từ đếm được (Singular) dog, a child, an apple, etc.
(Countable nouns) Số nhiều books, erasers, oranges, students, dogs,
(Plural) children, apples, etc.
Danh từ không đếm được information, water, milk, coffee, luggage,
(Uncountable nouns) money, sugar, tea, etc.

2. Nói số lượng ước chừng nhiều hoặc ít

Danh từ đếm được số nhiều Danh từ không đếm được
ít few books, few people, few friends little water, little milk, little information
Nhiều many books, many teachers, many much knowledge, much information,
websites, many boys much money, much luggage
3. So sánh chúng ta có nhiều hơn hay ít cái gì đó hơn ai đó
Hãy xem ví dụ: So sánh nhiều/ ít hơn?

1. He has more books than I do. _____________________________

2. I visited more beautiful places than her. _____________________________
3. I know less information than him. _____________________________
4. I have fewer friends than John does. _____________________________
5. She earns more money than me. _____________________________
Ghi nhớ
more + danh từ số nhiều + than + S + trợ động từ.
me/ him/her/them/us …
He has more books than I do. (…more books than me.)
She earns more money than me. (…more money than I do.)
So sánh
nhiều more + danh từ không đếm được + S + trợ động từ.
cái gì đó me/ him/her/them/us …
hơn I visited more beautiful places than her.
(…more beautiful places than she did)
She earns more money than he does.
(… more money than him.)

So sánh fewer + danh từ số nhiều + S + trợ động từ.

ít hơn me/ him/her/them/us …
cái gì đó I have fewer friends than John does. (=…….fewer friends than John.)
S + trợ động từ.
less + danh từ không đếm được +
me/ him/her/them/us …
I know less information than him. (= …less information than he does.)

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BÀI 1: Điền vào khoảng trống với fewer hoặc less
1. My school has __________ teaching equipment than your school.
2. I bought __________ things than you did.
3. I have made __________ boxes than she has. I made three and she made five.
4. A teacher works __________ hours than a worker.
5. My father’s company has __________ workers than your father’s.
6. I drink __________ water than you. I just drink half a litter a day.
7. Mary brings __________ luggage than John does. He brings a lot.
8. I gain __________ knowledge than my brother does. He spend much time reading
books and newspaper.
9. I think we have __________ chances to win than the other team.
10. You have __________ pairs of shoes than me. I have more than twenty pairs.

BÀI 2: Kết hợp các câu trong mỗi hàng thành một câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. I have 50 books and you only have 20.

 I ___________________________________________________________________
2. I earn 3.5 million per month. She earns 10 million per month.
I ___________________________________________________________________
3. John visited 4 famous places in the world. I visited only one place.
 John _______________________________________________________________
4. I have a few friends. Nam has a lot of friends.
 I __________________________________________________________________
5. I received lots of birthday presents. My friends didn’t receive as many presents as me.
 My friend ___________________________________________________________
BÀI TẬP 3. Chuyển mệnh đề sau “than” thành túc từ hoặc từ túc từ thành mệnh đề
1. I bought more clothes than her. ___________________________________
2. John studies fewer subjects than I do. ___________________________________
3. She spends more hours studying than him. ___________________________________
4. They scored more goals than my team. ___________________________________
5. She owns more books than he does. ___________________________________

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Thông thường để so sánh đặc điểm của hành động nào đó với nhau, chúng ta sẽ so sánh
với trạng từ chỉ tính chất hành động.
1. Trạng từ chỉ tính chất hành động
1. Trạng từ thêm -ly beautifully, nicely, successfully, freely, badly, cheaply, slowly
2. Trạng từ đặc biệt well
3. Trạng từ lưỡng tính fast, early, friendly, hard, late

Chủ từ Động từ Túc từ Trạng từ Các yếu tốt

She do job very carefully.
She performed that song perfectly.
I am working very hard for the exam.
2. Cách so sánh với trạng từ
1. So sánh hơn - more + trạng từ (+than B)
 Beautifully  more beautifully (than B)
 Carefully  more carefully (than C)
- Những trạng từ đặc biệt
 Well  better (than B) badly  worse
 Fast  faster early  earlier hard  harder
late  later friendly  friendlier
2. So sánh nhất - most + trạng từ
 carefully  most carefully
 most slowly
- Những trạng từ đặc biệt
 well  best late  later
 badly  worst high  higher
 much  most far  furthest

Practice 1: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings.
Use the right comparative form of the adverbs in brackets.

1. The Eagle team performed more successfully than the Lion team. (successfully)
The Lion team performed ______________________________________________
2. In the countryside, children play more freely than in the city. (freely)
In the city, children ___________________________________________________
3. Our gers are now better than in the past. (badly)
In the past, our gers ___________________________________________________
4. A sports car goes faster than an ordinary car. (slowly)
 An ordinary car _____________________________________________________
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5. A businessperson travels more expensively than a tourist. (cheaply)
 A tourist travels _____________________________________________________
6. Mr. Thompson works more responsibly than Dr. Dylan. (carelessly)
 Dr. Dylan works _____________________________________________________
7. Medical help can be more easily obtained than in the city than in the countryside.
 Medical help can be ____________________ in the countryside than in the city.
8. A normal motorist drives less skillfully than a racing driver. (skillfully)
 A racing driver ______________________________________________________
9. Homes in the city are often better furnished than those in the countryside. (badly)
 Homes in the countryside ______________________________________________
10. Farmers depend more heavily on the water than many other jobs. (heavily)
 Many other jobs depend _______________________________________________

PRACTICE 2: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. She is more careful / more carefully than him.
2. They work more responsible / more responsibly than us.
3. He is more dependent / more dependently than me.
4. Children in the countryside play more freely/ freer than those in the city.
5. The Great Wall was built earlier / more early than the White House.
6. A house is more beautiful/ more beautifully decorated at New Year than during
the year.
7. This box is heavier/ more heavily than that box.
8. My sister swims more badly / worse than I do.
9. People nowadays wear less traditional / less traditionally than people in the
10. My Tam is more popular / more popularly than Son Tung MTP.

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PRACTICE 3: Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the
adjectives in brackets.

1. I speak English (fluent) more fluently now than last year.

2. She greeted me (polite) ________________ of all.
3. She smiled (happy) ________________ than before.
4. This girl dances (graceful) ________________ of all.
5. Could you write (clear) ________________ ?
6. Planes can fly (high) ________________ than birds.
7. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) ________________ than
8. Jim can run (fast) ________________ than John.
9. Our team played (bad) ________________ of all.
10. He worked (hard) ________________ than ever before.
PRACTICE 4: Fill in the gaps with comparison or superlative of adverbs.
1. Our team played ____________ (bad) of all.
2. That girl danced ____________ (graceful) of all.
3. People usually say that Peter works ____________ (careful) than anyone else.
4. Of the four boys, he greeted me ____________ (polite).
5. He answered the questions ____________ (intelligent) than his friend, Tony.
6. Of the five candidates, he spoke ____________ (attractive).
7. In my class Henry writes essays ____________ (good).
8. What subject do you like ____________ (well) at school?
9. She behaves ____________ (friendly) than her brother, so many people really like
10. This printer prints ____________ (well) than that one.
11. Peter runs ____________ (fast) his best friend, John.
12. That house is painted ____________ (beautiful).

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1. Chúng ta dùng as + tính từ/ trạng từ + as để biểu đạt ý hai vật hay hai người có đặc
điểm gì đó ngang như nhau, bằng nhau.

Ví dụ: This table is $20. That desk is $20

 This table is as expensive as that desk.

You are 13 years old. I’m 13 years old.

 You are as old as me.

He works carefully. She works carefully.

 He works as carefully as her.

*** Chú ý: as … as me / him / her / them / us / you.

Ví dụ 2: My house is small. Your house is big.

 My house is not as big as your house.

2. Chúng ta so sánh có gì đó nhiều bằng như người khác.

1. Danh từ số nhiều: as + many + danh từ số nhiều + as (as many friends as, as

many books as, …)
I have as many friends as Mary.

2. Danh từ không đếm được: as + much + danh từ không đếm được + as (as
much water as, as much money as, …)
Helen earns as much money as me.

3. Những cụm từ khác

1. The same + danh từ + (as): the same age as you, the same time.
I study the same subjects as you.

2. as much as possible: càng nhiều càng tốt

3. as much as you can: càng nhiều mà bạn có thể

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1. Hãy viết lại câu sử dụng as + tính từ + as

0. Sweden is bigger than Britain.
 Britain is not as big as Sweden.
1. The other students learn more quickly than me.
 _______________________________________________________________
2. You’re very angry and I’m very angry also.
 _______________________________________________________________
3. The seats at the front are more expensive than the seats at the back.
 _______________________________________________________________
4. Central Park in New York is bigger than Hyde Park in London.
 _______________________________________________________________
5. Her last film was very good and her new film is also very good.
 _______________________________________________________________
6. The other students study harder than him.
 _______________________________________________________________
2. Kết hợp các câu sau đây sử dụng as much …as …/ as many … as …
0. I’ve about 50 books. Jack’s about 50 books.
 _______________________________________________________________
1. I’ve done a lot of work. I’ve done a lot of work also.
 _______________________________________________________________
2. Alan earns a lot of money. Sheila only earns a little.
 Sheila doesn’t earn _______________________________________________
3. You’ve had five jobs. I’ve only had two.
 _______________________________________________________________
4. Ruth spent $50. I also spent $50.
 _______________________________________________________________
3. Sử dụng the same + danh từ + as
1. I’m 26 and she’s 26, too. ____________________________________________
2. He read that book and he reads it too. ___________________________________
3. She wears a red shirt and I wear a red shirt too. ___________________________

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72. SO SÁNH KÉP : Cậu ấy ngày càng lớn, thì cậu ấy càng ngày càng đẹp trai hơn.

Trong Tiếng Anh người ta cũng dùng những câu so sánh kép để diễn đạt một người,
nhóm người, vật, việc ngày càng có đặc điểm gì đó tốt hoặc xấu hơn theo thời gian hoặc
theo xu hướng phát triển hơn.
Trong Tiếng Việt chúng ta cũng hay nói …càng ngày … càng …, đây cũng là sự soa sánh
tương đồng với cấu trúc sẽ giới thiệu dưới đây.

Để hiểu được cấu trúc này các bạn cần có kiến thức tương đối về so sánh hơn, kém
hơn của tính từ [tính từ ngắn, tính dừ dài, tính từ đặc biệt] và trạng từ [tính từ + ly].

Hãy xem bốn câu ví dụ sau:

1. The more he grows, the more handsome he is.
2. The more modern the society develops, the worse the people’s moral is.
3. The more people use mobiles to connect with others, the less closed people are.
4. The less regularly we interact with others, the more separate we will be.
Hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
1. Bạn hiểu các câu trên như thế nào theo ngôn ngữ của bạn?
2. Hãy chọn cấu trúc đúng cho các câu trên đây theo cách đúng nhất
a. The more (+tính từ dài) + subject + verb, the more (+tính từ dài) + subject + verb.
b. The + tính từ ngắn thêm er + subject + verb, the +tính từ ngắn thêm er + subject + verb.
3. Có phải so sánh lúc nào hai bên cũng là tính từ dài, hoặc hai bên lúc nào cũng tính
từ ngắn không? Hay có trường hợp hai bên đều tính từ dài, hai bên đều tính từ ngắn,
hoặc đôi khi là xen kẽ một bên tính từ ngắn, một bên tính từ dài và ngược lại?

Tổng hợp thành công thức

Cụm từ so sánh mệnh đề, cụm từ so sánh mệnh đề

The more regularly you practice the pinao , ther better your skills will be.
The more he explains , the more she doesn’t believe.
The less difficult the tests are , the less interesting the students feel.
The less you eat , the healthier you are.
The less you desire , the more comfortable your life will be.

So sánh ngày càng hơn với tính từ dài và ngắn

The more (+adjective) + subject + verb, the more (+adjective) + subject + verb.
The less (+adjective) + subject + verb, the less (+adjective) + subject + verb.
The less (+ adjective) + subject + verb, the more (+adjective) + subject + verb.
The more (+adjective) + subject + verb, the less (+ adjective) + subject + verb.

Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng với danh từ [đếm được và không đếm được]
The more people participate in, the more interesting the party is.
The more money you invest in the project, the more successful you will get.
The more trees are planted, the cleaner and healthier the air is.

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Thực hành
1. Hãy điền vào chỗ trống những cách so sánh thích hợp
1. _____________ we plant tree, _____________ (polluted) the air will be.
2. _____________ he grows up, _____________ (well) he behaves.
3. _____________ the economy increases, _____________ (comfortable) people’s
standard living will be improved.
4. _____________ disasters happen, _____________ severe consequences the people
in the world have to suffer from.
5. _____________ you arrive at the interview, _____________ attention you will get
from recruiters.
6. _____________ rubbish we throw into the environment, _____________ (fresh and
healthy) the air will be.
7. _____________ we interact and take care of our children, _____________(fast and
effective) their communicative ability will develop.

2. Hãy dùng cho đúng so sánh kép với trạng từ hoặc tính từ cho đúng
1. _____________ we plant tree, _____________ (polluted) the air will be.
2. _____________ (wide) the information is spread, _____________ people will know
3. _____________ (careful) we prepare our picnic, _____________ incidents we may
have during the trip.
4. _____________ you exercise and relax, _____________ stress you can reduce.
5. _____________ you tell him off, _____________ (naughty) he is.
6. _____________ he practices his English, _____________ his skills are improved.
7. _____________ (challenging) the situations are, _____________ (creative) his
imagination is.

3. Hãy viết một số câu so sánh kép

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________

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1. Tình huống 1: Tom đi ra xe, mở cửa xe và vào xe. Sau đó chạy xe đi. Bạn thấy
những sự việc này. Bạn nói:
I saw Tom get into his car and drive away.

2. Tình huống 2:Hôm qua bạn thấy Tom. Lúc đó anh ta đang đợi xe buýt. Bạn thấy
lúc anh ta đang đợi. Bạn nói:
I saw Tom waiting for a bus yesterday.

3. Sự khác biệt giữa hai câu trên là gì?

I saw Tom get into his car. Khi dùng cấu trúc này các bạn đã thấy hoàn
toàn hành động từ đầu đến cuối việc Tom đi
ra và vào xe luôn.
I saw Tom waiting for a bus. Khi dung cấu trúc này các bạn chỉ thấy hành
động đang xảy ra lúc đó, chứ không thấy hết
quá trình từ đầu đến cuối của hành động.

4. Một số động từ thường sử dụng với hai trường hợp trên

hear I didn’t hear you come in.
I heard something burning.
watch I watched the parade go past.
I watched Nick smoking a cigarette.
find I found him get into the car.
I found Mathew exercising in the gym.
feel I felt the house shake.
I could feel something walking behind me.
notice We notice a young man sit down and order a meal.

5. Khi chúng ta nói về một hành động ngắn, thì sử dụng cấu trúc nào trên đây
cũng đều được.

They heard the car turn / turning the corner.

I didn’t see anyone leave / leaving any litter.

*Ghi nhớ
Subject verb object infinitive others
Thái saw his friends play soccer.
Subject verb object -ing others
Phương saw her sister singing a song.

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1. Use see someone do something with a suitable verb in the box.
leave steal take come play

1. Tom and his friends watched their school team ____________ the soccer match
against Huynh Man Dat soccer team last week.
2. I saw my teacher ____________ in the class, so I tried to keep silence.
3. We noticed that boy ____________ the wallet from an old man.
4. I watched Peter and his girlfriend ____________ the restaurant.
5. I saw him ____________ a lot of photos of the view.
2. Use see someone doing something with a suitable verb in the box.
ring wave come wait burn

1. I heard my father ____________ up the stairs.

2. Yesterday I saw my teacher ____________ for a bus in front of my house.
3. I could smell something ____________.
4. I heard the phone ____________. Can you please answer it?
5. I saw my friends ____________ to say goodbye. It was so touching moments.

3. Base on the contexts to use the correct structure for each context: see it happen or
see it happening.

1. The bomb exploded. I heard it. It was a shock.

2. Tom was playing the piano. I saw him.
3. He told the children a very interesting story. I heard him. It was very great.
4. My children were playing soccer with their friends. My husband and I watched them.
5. The police arrived. We saw them. They were over there.
6. Something was flying over my heard. I felt that. It was so scary.
7. The ground trembled. I could feel it very clearly.
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74. WHICH dùng để làm liên từ để chỉ cả mệnh đề phía trước

1. Các bạn hãy xem ví dụ

Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity.

1. Trong câu trên có mấy mệnh đề? Đâu là mệnh đề chính và đâu là mệnh đề phụ?
2. Which trong câu này thay thế cho điều gì ở mệnh đề chính? Và nó là chủ từ hay túc từ
của mệnh đề chứa nó?
3. Em hãy ghi nghĩa của câu ví dụ trên:

Kết luận: which clause trong câu trên được dùng để liên kết hai câu lại với nhau. Which
được dùng trong mệnh đề phụ và được dùng để thay thế nội dung của cả mệnh
đề chính phía trước. Nên được gọi là

Một số ví dụ khác:

1. My phone is out of order, which is a real renaissance.

2. The longest highway in the United States is Interstate 90, which extends from
Seattle to Boston.
3. The piece is Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, which he wrote shortly before his
4. Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away tomorrow.

BÀI TẬP 1: Nối hai câu sau đây thành một câu dùng với which làm liên từ.

1. Jill isn’t on the phone. This makes it difficult to contact him.

 _________________________________________________________________
2. Neil has passed his examinations (exams). This is good news to him.
 _________________________________________________________________
3. Our flight was delayed. This meant we had to wait for hours at the airport.
 _________________________________________________________________
4. Ann offered to put me up for the night. This was very nice of her.
 _________________________________________________________________
5. The street I live in is very noisy at night. This makes it difficult to sleep.
 _________________________________________________________________
6. Mary was told off by her mother. This made her very sad.

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 _________________________________________________________________
7. Jim didn’t come to my birthday party. This made me very disappointed.
 _________________________________________________________________
8. The test was too difficult to do. This made all students fail the exam.
 _________________________________________________________________
9. You left the key in the car. It was rather careless of you.
 _________________________________________________________________
10. Tiến passed the university entrance exam. This made his parents very pleased.
 _________________________________________________________________

BÀI TẬP 2: Hãy nối các câu từ cột A và các câu thích hợp ở cột B để thành lập một
câu hoàn chính, sử dụng which như liên từ.

1. My phone is out of order. A. It means he can't get about very easily.
2. Rachel's mother paid for the meal. B. This was good for the garden
3. My brother is disabled. C. It's made him very depressed
4. You left the key in the car. D. That was very kind of her
5. Vicky didn't get the job. E. This surprised everybody
6. The police blocked off the road. F. That seemed to amuse everyone
7. It rained all night. G. That was rather careless of you
8. David helped me clear up. H. That caused a traffic jam.
9. Tom pushed Nick into the swimming pool. I. It's a real nuisance.
10. Jim passed his driving test. J. That was very kind of him.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________

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1. So sánh cách sử dụng giữa Will và Be going to

Will Be going to
1. Nói về những dự đoán mang tính cá nhân 1. Nói về những dự đoán tương lai dựa
và không chắc chắc về tương lai. Thông trên những dấu hiện cụ thể ở hiện tại.
thường đi kèm với “possibly”,  Look at the black clouds. It is
“probably”, “I think…”, “I hope, …” going to rain.
 I hope you will come over my house  Be careful. You are going to spill
some day. your coffee.
 I think it’ll rain this afternoon.

2. Được dùng để đưa ra quyết định ngay 2. Được dùng để nói kế hoạch đã được lên
khi nói, mà chưa có lên kế hoạch hay dự suy nghĩ đến trước khi nói. Thông thường
định trước đó. chỉ mang tính dự định.
 What would you like to order?  You are free this afternoon and you
-- I will have a coffee. think of what to do this afternoon.
 A man saw an old woman carrying - I am going to go to the supermarket
heavy bags and he said: with Mark. Then I am going to go
“I will help you with those bags.” shopping with Mary.
Khi nói về dự định đã lên kế hoạch và đã có bàn bạc với ai đó về thời gian và đại điểm,
thường chúng ta sẽ dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
 Going to the supermarket with you this afternoon? Oh, what’s a pity! I am having
a barbecue with my friends at John’s house that time.
Khi nói về hoạt động đã được lên thành thời khóa biểu, lịch công tác, … thì đó là hoạt
động cố định, chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra theo lịch trình, thì chúng ta dùng thì hiện tại đơn.
 The buses to Giong Rieng run every half hour. The next bus is at eight o’clock.
 I have the next English 45-minute test this Friday.
3. Được dùng để nói về những thông tin sẽ
xảy ra đúng thực tế trong tương lai.
 Next week I will be 28 years old.
 The President will serve for 4 years.

2. Một số cách sử dụng khác của Will

2. Will còn được dùng để mời mọc, yêu cầu, và hứa hẹn
1. Yêu cầu (requests) ai Will you help me with this math problem?
đó làm gì đó cho mình Will you tell Tony I called?
2. Đề nghị làm gì đó cho Will I make you a cup of coffee?
ai đó I’ll look after the children if you like.
3. Hứa hẹn (promises) I promise I won’t go out late any more.
I promise I will buy you a special present on your birthday.
4. Đe dọa (threats) If you cheat, I’ll tell your teacher.
# Không được sử dụng will sau mệnh đề chỉ thời gian như: when …, as soon as, …
 When he comes, I think I will be cleaning the floor. (NOT: When he will come, …)

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1. Hãy chia thì thích hợp cho những động từ trong ngoặc với will hoặc be going to

1. She ______________ (be) 17 years old next month.

2. Look! He _______________ (fall) into the pool.
3. I promise that I _______________(study) harder and stop playing games, mom.
4. Tomorrow we _______________ (play) tennis. Would you like to join us?
5. I _______________ (check) the work for you if you would like.
6. What ______________ (you/ do) this weekend? I am going to play soccer with our
classmates? What do you think?
7. I swear that I ______________ (not tell) this to anyone else.
8. Oh, look at the ceiling. It looks as if it _______________ (fall) down.
9. I hope that my mom _______________ (like) this present.
10. A: Oh. I haven’t brought any money with me. I left all at home.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry. I _______________ (lend) you some.
2. Hãy sử dụng thì thích hợp: will, be going to, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hoặc hiện tại đơn để
hoàn thành câu.

1. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung _______________ (visit) Kien Giang Province
for four days next week.
2. Sorry for not coming because tomorrow I _______________ (take) my mother to
get annual physicals.
3. What do we have on Friday? – We _______________ (have) math and English.
4. When my sister _______________(arrive), I think she _______________ (be) very
tired, so I have made the bed and cleaned the house and everything for her.
5. A: Can I speak to John, please? – B: Just a moment. I _____________ (get) him.
6. Paul’s sister _______________ (have) a baby.
7. Oh. The phone is ringing. I _______________ (answer) it.
8. Are you going shopping? – B: Yes, I _______________ (buy) something for
9. The next coach to HCMC _______________ (leave) at 7:30.
10. Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter.
You said: “Don’t worry about the letter. I’m sure you _______________ (find) it.”

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Simple past Past continuous
1. Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra, đang
thúc trong quá khứ. trong quá trình xảy ra trong quá khứ.
I went to Nha Trang last week. I was listening to music at 7 yesterday.
My birthday was 2 days ago. They were working hard then.

2. Chúng ta cũng thường kết hợp thì simple past và past continuous trong cùng
một câu để diễn đạt ý hành động nào đó đang xảy ra thì có một hành động
khác xuất hiện trong quá trình đó.
While I was listening to music, there was a power failure.
We were studying in our class when it rained very heavily.
3. Nếu hành động diễn ra theo một chuỗi sự kiện liên tiếp thì chúng ta sử dụng
thì quá khứ đơn cho các hành động đó.
When I left university, I worked for a private school. Then I left the school after
two years, and worked for a private language center.


1. Supply the correct verb forms of past simple or past continuous to complete the
1. ____________ (you/ hear) about Hoàng Xuân Vinh, who won the fist Olympic gold
medal for Vietnam?
2. When you called me, I ______________ (practise) my piano lesson.
3. At this time last year we ____________(visit) Singapore.
4. I ____________ (have) a very good time on my last birthday.
5. They ____________ (not wear) school uniforms when I saw them.
6. She ____________ (go) home, took a shower and went to bed as the usual.
7. We ______________ (plant) some trees and flowers in the garden with our
grandparents when it rained.
8. It ____________ (rain) very heavily at this time last night. That was the reason why
we couldn’t go out for dinner.
9. When I ____________ (meet) John, he was doing a computer course in Brazil.
10. We ____________ (try) to work as hard as we could to pass the final exam, which
was very important to our future job. Luckily, everything happened as we had

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2. Complete the texts using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in

1. Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He ____________ (make) the first
one in five minutes. He ____________ (make) the second one when his guests
arrived, and they ____________ (help) him to finish it.
2. I remember that when I ____________ (compose) my lesson plans for my next
week, my friends ____________ (come), then we ____________ (decide) to go out
to have some coffee. It was great!
3. Last night my parents and I ____________ (watch) a movie on TV, there
____________ (be) a power cut. We ____________ (find) some candles and
____________ (light) them up. After a few minutes, all the lights were suddenly on.
4. While I ____________ (read) my book, my younger brother ____________ (play)
with his toys, someone ____________ (knock) the door. My mother ____________
(open) the door and the she came back with a very happy face.
5. Yesterday my friends and I ____________ (go) to school, we ____________ (see)
an accident, which was terrible. Some people ____________ (argue) loudly when
an ambulance came and take the injured to hospital.
6. John ____________ (type) a letter when his cell phone ____________ (ring). I
could see there ____________ (be) a very sad expression on his face. After that, he
____________ (take) his jacket and ____________ (run) very fast out of the room.
7. Last Sunday it ____________ (be) sunny and I ____________ (decide) to for a
walk in the park. People ____________ (sit) on the grass and ____________ (eat
and drink) when it ____________ (start) to rain. Do you think my weekend was
3. Write a 25 – 45 word passage describing your last weekend (or summer vacation,
holiday, etc.)








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1. Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi và Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi và có thời
không đề cập thời gian cụ thể nó xảy ra. gian xác định.
They have read that book. I read that book when I was five years old.
My sister has broken the window. My sister broke the window last week.
2. Diễn tả việc gì đó đã xảy ra, và vẫn còn Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra rồi, và đối
liên quan đến hiện tại do hành động đó với hiện tại không có liên quan.
gây ra.
I haven’t found my book yet. I didn’t find my book then.
They have never visited Vietnam. They didn’t visit Vietnam last year.
I have lived in Rach Gia for six years. I lived in Rach Gia six years ago.
3. Nói về những trải nghiệm từ đó đến giờ
đã làm.
I have never been to Singapore before.
She has visited Thailand three times.
4. Mở đầu nói về trải nghiệm, thì dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Tiếp đó nói chi tiết hơn
về thời gian, với ai, ở đâu, … thì dùng quá khứ đơn để diễn đạt.
A: I have visited Phu Quoc Island. It’s fantastic.
B: Oh, really? When did you visit it?
A: I went there last week.

THỰC HÀNH 1: Hãy chia động từ cho đúng thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc quá khứ đơn
1. When she was high school, she __________ (really like) English.
2. Bob Dyland __________ (write) ‘Blowin’ in the Wind in 1962.
3. I __________ (do) my homework, mom. Can I watch the TV?
4. I __________ (be) in the garden with my father when you called me.
5. Our friends __________ (arrive). They are talking with our parents in the living room.
6. She __________ (lose) her ATM card. She can’t find it anywhere.
7. I __________ (get) my salary last week. I have used most of it to pay monthly bills.
8. My mother __________ (plant) some new trees and flowers in the garden.
9. My mother __________ (work) for that charitable organization for over 10 years.
10. They __________ (move) to live in this residential area for a month. Then all of
family members emigrated to the USA to live.
11. The match __________ (start). Song Lam Nghe An are playing very well.
12. I __________ (write) several books on English vocabulary so far.

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THỰC HÀNH 2:Hãy chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc quá khứ đơn cho các đoạn hội
thoại sau đây.
1. A: I __________ (finish) my presentation on air pollution.
B: When __________ (you/ finalize) it?
2. A: My sister __________ (lose) her purse.
B: Where __________ (she/ lose) it?
3. A: I __________ (visit) Son Doong Cave. It’s a spectacular place on earth.
B: Who __________ (you/ go) with, John?
4. A: This is my C1 certificate. I __________ (pass) the exam.
B: What mark __________ (you/ get)?
5. A: The children __________ (break) the window and the door!
B: How __________ (they/ break) them?

THỰC HÀNH 3:Chuyển các câu sau đây thành câu có nghĩa gần với câu ban đầu
1. I started teaching English seven years ago.
2. It’s three days since I ate anything.
3. I last time I saw Tranformer 3 was last week.
4. I have seen Mr. Lam since graduating from university.
5. I have worked as an Englsih teacher for seven years.

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1. Định nghĩa: với một số tính từ như – nghèo (poor), giàu (rich), trẻ (young), già (old,
elderly) … chúng ta có thể chuyển những tính từ này thành danh từ bằng cách dùng the +
tính từ  để thành lập danh từ số nhiều.

2. Cách thành lập

Adjective Meaning The + adjective Meaning

1. Poor Nghèo khó The poor Những người nghèo
2. Rich Giàu có The rich Những người giàu có
3. Young/ old trẻ / già The young / old Những người trẻ / già
4. elderly Già The elderly Những người cao tuổi
5. sick Bệnh tật The sick Những người bệnh
6. injured Bị thương The injured Những người bị thương
7. unemployed Thất nghiệp The unemployed Những người thất nghiệp
8. jobless Không có nghề The jobless Những người không có việc làm
9. deaf Điếc The deaf Những người điếc
10. mute Câm The mute Những người câm
11. blind Mù The blind Những người mù
12. homeless Vô gia cư The homeless Những người vô gia cư
13. accused Bị cáo buộc The accused Bị cáo
14. disabled Khuyết tật The disabled Những người khuyết tật
15. dead Chết The dead Những người chết
16. mentally Thiểu năng trí The mentally Những người thiểu năng trí tuệ
retarded tuệ retarded
17. hungry Đói The hungry Những người đói (khát)

1. Hãy viết lại các câu sau đây với cụm từ bắt đầu với the + tính từ để thay thế cho
những cụm từ được gạch chân dưới đây.

1. People who have lots of money have comfortable lives.

The rich have comfortable lives.
2. We live near special school for people who can't hear.
3. The old soldiers were holding a service for those who had died.
4. The government should do more for people who do not have enough money

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5. I'm doing a course on caring for people who are mentally handicapped.
6. We need to provide more shelters for people who are without place to live.
7. People with severe disabilities need full-time care.
8. Life must be hard for people who do not have a job in our society today.
9. Braille is a reading system for people who are unable to see.

2. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đâu sử dụng the + tính từ. Hãy viết the hungry or the
hungry people.

1. Rich nations can afford to feed the hungry

2. The homeless people whose story appeared in this paper last week have now found a
place to live.
3. ______________(sick) need to be looked after so money must be spent on hospitals.
4. Some of ______________ (young) at the youth club here are running in a marathon.
5. Life is all right if you have a job, but they are not so easy for______________
6. There was a fire at a nursing home in Charles Street. _______________ (old) who
live there were hurt
7. What is the government doing to help ______________ (poor)?
8. ______________ (homeless) usually have great difficulty in getting a job.
9. There is a special television program for____________(deaf) every Sunday morning.
10. ______________ (disabled) of our party were let in free

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3. Match the sentence pair and join them with which.
A. B.
1. My phone is out of order. It means he can't get about very easily.
2. Rachel's mother paid for the meal. This was good for the garden
3. My brother is. disabled. It's made her very depressed
4. You left the key in the car. That was very kind of her
5. Vicky didn't get the job. This surprised everybody
6. The police blocked off the road. That seemed to amuse everyone
7. It rained all night. That was rather careless of you
8. David helped me clear up That caused a traffic jam.
9. Tom pushed Nick into the swimming pool. It's a real nuisance
10. Jim passed his driving test. That was very kind of him.

1. My phone is out of order, which is a real nuisance

2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________

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1. Câu hỏi trong Tiếng Anh thông thường được chia thành hai loại – loại câu hỏi mà người
trả lời thông thường chỉ cần trả lời có hoặc không thì được gọi là câu hỏi yes – no. Còn
loại câu hỏi mà người thường trả lời về một số thông tin như: vật gì, đối tượng là ai, khi
nào, ở đâu … thì được gọi là câu hỏi có từ để hỏi. Trong tiếng Anh nó được gọi là Wh-
questions vì thông thường từ để hỏi bắt đầu bằng chữ W- hoặc H- như What, Where,
How, ….
Một số từ để hỏi thông thường
1. What Cái gì What do you want?
2. Where ở đâu Where do you live?
3. When Khi nào When do you have English?
4. What time Mấy giờ What time do you go to sleep?
5. Who Ai Who teaches you English?
6. Why Tại sao Why do you like summer?
7. How old Bao nhiêu tuổi How old are you?
8. How many Bao nhiêu How many brothers do you have?
9. How much Bao nhiêu How much is this shirt?
10. How far Bao xa How far is it from your house to school?
11. How long Bao lâu How long does it take you to get there?
12. How tall Cao nhiêu How tall are you?
13. How Như thế nào How do you go to school every day?
14. What kind of Loại nhạc nào What kind of music do you like?
music What kind of TV programs do you like?
15. How often Bâu lâu một lần? How often do you go to the markets?
16. Which + noun Cái nào Which language are you learning, English
or French?
17. Whose + noun Của ai Whose car is this?

2. Cách thành lập câu hỏi

Hãy xem ví dụ và chú ý trật tự câu hỏi
1. How are you?  I am fine. Thank you.
2. Where did you go?  I went to Vietnam.
Hãy phân biệt trật tự của động từ của câu hỏi và câu trả lời. Hai trật tự của hai câu có khác
nhau không và khác như thế nào?
1. Với động từ BE
Câu hỏi Yes – No (Yes-No questions)
Be (Am / Is / Are / Was / Were) + Subject + …?
Ví dụ:
1. Are you a teacher?  No, I am not.
2. Was she in Hong Kong last week?  Yes, she was.
Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi
Wh- + be (am/is/are/was/were) + subject + …?

1. Where are you from?  I am from Japan.

2. Where were they last night?  They were at Minh’s birthday party.
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2. Với động từ thường (go, do, make, hear, etc.) – Tùy theo từng thì mà chúng ta dùng
trợ động từ (auxiliary verbs) khác nhau. Trong hiện tại đơn dùng do, does – quá khứ đơn
thì dùng did. Còn những thì có hai động từ như am/is/are +Ving, was/were + Ving, have/
has +V3/ed, will +V-nguyên mẫu thì trợ động là am/ is/ are – was/ were, have – has,

1. Câu hỏi Yes – No

Trợ động từ + subject + V-chính?

Trợ động từ subject Động từ chính Những yếu tố khác

1. Do you get up early in the morning?
2. Have you ever been to Singapore?
3. Will you be 14 next year?
2. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi

Wh - +Trợ động từ + subject + V-chính?

Từ để hỏi Trợ động từ subject Động từ chính Những yếu tố khác
1. What do you do in the morning?
2. Where has she visited?
3. What was he doing at 9:00 a.m. yesterday?
4. Who are you talking with?

3. Khi nào từ để hỏi là chủ từ của câu hỏi? Và khi nào từ để hỏi là túc từ của câu
1. Who wrote Hamlet?
a. Từ để hỏi Who là chủ từ hay túc từ của câu hỏi? ____________________________
b. Trật tự sẽ là: (a) Từ để hỏi + động từ?
(b) Từ để hỏi + trợ động từ + chủ từ + động từ chính?

2. Who did you meet last night?

a. Từ để hỏi Who là chủ từ hay túc từ của câu hỏi? ____________________________
b. Trật tự sẽ là: (a) Từ để hỏi + động từ?
(b) Từ để hỏi + trợ động từ + chủ từ + động từ chính?

THỰC HÀNH 1 – Hãy đặt câu hỏi cho cho các câu sau đây dùng Who hoặc What.

1. Eric met somebody. _______________________________________________

2. Somebody ate the last piece of cake. _____________________________________
3. Somebody wants some more coffee. ______________________________________
4. Something happened at the end of the story. _______________________________
5. Somebody is going to pay the bill. _______________________________________
6. Their letter said something. _____________________________________________

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7. Somebody knows the answer to my question. ______________________________
8. They saw something. _______________________________________________

THỰC HÀNH 2 – Hãy đặt câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau đây với các từ để hỏi như
Where, Who, What, …
1. ______________________________________ ? - Tom and Jean live in the US.
2. ______________________________________ ? - I’ve bought half a kilo of butter.
3. ______________________________________ ? – John is going to come tomorrow.
4. ______________________________________ ? – They go swimming twice a week.
5. ______________________________________ ? – She has over 500 books.
6. ______________________________________ ? – We have learnt English for 3 years.
7. ______________________________________ ? – They borrowed Tony’s car.
8. ______________________________________ ? – This book costs 25.000 VND.
9. _____________________________________ ? – Thịnh usually goes to school by motorbike.
10. _____________________________________ ? – He was listening to music at 8 p.m.

THỰC HÀNH 3 – Đặt câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau đây.

1. _____________________________________ - Yes, they won the game.

2. _____________________________________ -No, I am not good at English.
3. _____________________________________ -No, I was in France last year.
4. _____________________________________ -No, I haven’t been to Singapore.
5. _____________________________________ -No, she wasn’t listening to music.
6. _____________________________________ -Yes, she will come to our party.
7. _____________________________________ -Yes, he usually goes swimming at
the weekend
8. _____________________________________ -No, they were American.
9. _____________________________________ - Yes, they will be cooking at this
time tomorrow
10. _____________________________________ - No, they didn’t win the game.

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11 quy tắc cần nhớ khi kiểm tra sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ trong một câu. Tuy
nhiên, đôi khi rất khó để quyết định một cách chính xác đâu là chủ từ khi động từ và chủ từ
bị tách ra trong một câu. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu 11 quy tắc dưới đây để hiểu nhé!
1. Hãy chú những cụm từ sau đây, danh từ đi theo sau chúng không ảnh hưởng đến việc
chia động từ, mà danh từ trước chúng mới quyết định để chia động từ.
together with along with accompanied by as well as
cùng với cùng với đồng hành với và cũng như
Các bạn xem ví dụ
Chủ từ chính cụm từ động từ các yêu tố khác
The actress , along with her manger and friends, is going to a party tonight.
Lúc này động từ is going to chia theo chủ từ actress, chứ không chia theo along with
her manager and her friends.
John , accompanied by his wife and is arriving tonight.
Trong câu này, động từ is arriving chia theo John chứ không chia theo his wife and
children. Do John là số ít nên chúng ta chia be thành is.
2. Một số đại từ như someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, anyone,
anybody, anything, nothing, no one, nobody sẽ tính là danh từ số ít.
 Everyone who has not purchased a ticket should be in this line.
 I think nothing is permanent, everything is contemporary.
3. None/ No
None of the + danh từ không đếm được No + danh từ số ít được tính là danh từ số ít
được tính là danh từ số ít No example is relevant to this case.
None of the counterfeit money has been No student gets high scores in the test.
No + danh từ số nhiều được tính là danh từ
None of the + danh từ số nhiều được tính là
số nhiều
danh từ số nhiều
No examples are relevant to this case.
None of the students have finished the exam No students get high scores in the test.
4. Either … or …
Either … or … Neither … nor … Not only … but also …
Khi gặp những cụm từ này, các bạn nhớ chia động từ theo sau những danh từ gần or,
nor, và but also nghe.
 Neither John nor his friends are going to the beach today.
 Either John’s parents or John likes that movie.
 Not only John but also his friends are very good at biology.
5. Chủ từ là động từ thêm ing (hay còn gọi là gerund [danh động từ]) thì động từ theo sau
phải chia theo số ít.
 Writing many letters to orphans makes her very happy.
 Dieting is considered one of the best ways to lose weight and stay healthily.

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6. Những danh từ tập hợp: những danh từ sau đây thường là được quy định là số ít nếu
chúng chỉ cả nhóm, tổ chức hoặc đơn vị. Nếu câu chỉ những thành viên riêng rẻ thực
hiện việc gì đó tách biệt, thì chúng được tính như danh từ số nhiều.
Congress Quốc hội family gia đình
groups nhóm, tập đoàn committee ủy ban
class lớp học organization tổ chức
team đội club câu lạc bộ
government chính phủ jury bồi thẩm đoàn
minority thiểu số public công chúng
 The organization has done a lot of things to help the local poor people.
 The committee raise their hands to vote.
 My class has been chosen to represent school.
 My class have all bad flu.

Một số lưu ý khác

*majority + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều
 The majority of women have to work hard both in their work and their family.
*majority + động từ số ít
 The majority believes that we are in no danger.
**Những danh từ như police, people, cattle, folk, youth, clergy (giới tăng lữ) luôn là
số nhiều và dùng động từ số nhiều.
 The youth of today are less interested in playing sport that we were at their age.
 The clergy are forever complaining about the morals of young people today.
7. Một nhóm các động vật: tuy là tính một bầy, nhưng do chung một bày nên vì thế
được tính là danh từ số ít.
flock of (birds/ bầy (chim, cừu) school of (fish/ bầy (cá, cua)
sheep) crabs)
herb of cattle bầy gia súc pride of lions bầy sư tử
pack of dogs bầy chó
 The block of birds is circling overhead.
 A school of fish is being attacked by a shark.
8. Những danh từ chỉ thời gian, tiền, đơn vị đo lường được tính là số ít.
 Five dollars is not enough for me to buy the T-shirt.
 Six miles has been run so far.
9. A number of …/ The number of …
A number of danh từ số nhiều động từ số nhiều
A number of students are planting trees in the school.
The number of danh từ số nhiều động từ số ít
The number of students is planting trees in the school.

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10. Những danh từ buộc phải ở dạng số nhiều như kéo, kính, quần …
scissors kéo shorts quần sọc
socks vớ pants quần tây
tweezers cây nhíp trousers quần tây
jeans quần jeans binoculars ống nhòm
 These scissors are very sharp.
 Your binoculars are very expensive, aren’t they?
 I can’t wear these jeans. They are so tight.
Lưu ý: khi dùng từ a pair of + shorts + động từ chia theo a pair (số ít)
 This pair of shoes is very expensive.
 I would like to buy this pair of jeans. How much is it?
11. Một số nhóm từ khác đề cập dưới đây được tính là số ít
Môn học
economics kinh tế học electronics môn điện
linguistics ngôn ngữ học phonetics ngữ âm học
politics chính trị học semantics ngữ nghĩa học
 I think economics is as interesting as linguistics.
 Politics is not interesting to me.
Bệnh tật
mumps quai bị rabies bệnh dại
rickets còi xương shingles bệnh Zona
diabetes tiểu đường measles bệnh sởi
 Measles was a common childhood disease.
 Diabetes is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar levels.
Trò chơi
charades trò đố chữ darts phóng tiêu
dominoes trò domino musical chairs ghế âm nhạc
noughts and cờ ca rô quoits ném vòng
rounders and snakes and ladders trò đếm số
 Billiards is a very similar game to snooker.
Các hoạt động
aerobatics nhào lộn athletics điền kinh
gymnastics thể dục dụng cụ tiddly winds trò tiddly winds
 Aerobatics is his favourite game.
Lưu ý khác
Politics is popular in this university. Her politics are bordering on the fascist.
 Polictics trong ngữ cảnh này là  Politics trong ngữ cảnh này quan
ngành chính trị học. điểm chính trị.
Mechanics is one of the subjects I studied Mechanics of this process are quite
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at university. complex.
 Mechanics trong ngữ cảnh này là  Mechanics trong ngữ cảnh này là
ngành cơ khí. các hoạt động máy móc.
Practice: use the rules above to give the correct form of given verbs in the brackets
1. Mr. Obama, accompanied with his staffs, ___________ (officially visit) Vietnam
since 23rd of June, 2015.
2. Either John or Laura ___________ (speak) English very well and fluently.
3. Air pollution, as well as water pollution, noise pollution and other kinds of pollution
___________ (cause) a lot of negative impacts on global scale, not just
a personal scale anymore.
4. Neither my brothers nor I ___________ (cook) well because we have never cooked
5. Both my brother and my sister ___________ (study) in the same university.
6. Five dollars per hour ___________ (be considered) as a very low wage for us.
7. A number of students ___________ (volunteer) to work in remote and mountainous
areas every summer.
8. None of the information provided ___________ (be) useful for the project that we
are conducting.
9. The number of universities ___________ (be) increasing dramatically, but majority
of graduates ___________ (be) unemployed.
10. One of the most important things that an English learner should pay attention
___________ (be) to practice it as much as possible to master it.
11. Neither his parents and relatives nor his best friend, Tonny, ___________ (visit)
Vietnam before, so they decided to visit it this year.
12. There ___________ (be [in the past]) major colonial powers of the Americans.
13. The jury ___________(be) trying to reach the decision.
14. Playing virtual games ___________(be) becoming popular today.
15. Physics, one of the natural sciences, ___________ (deal) with energy and matter.
16. Each student ___________ (have) answered the first two questions.
17. A pack of dogs ___________ (have) frightened all the ducks away.
18. Of all states, few ___________(have) as much open space as Montana.
19. The number of residents ___________ (have) been questioned on this matter
___________ (be) quite small.
20. The committee ___________ (have) already reached the decision.
21. A number of reporters ___________ (be) at the conference yesterday.
22. Some of the news on television ___________ (distort) the truth.
23. Either John and his parents ___________ (make) breakfast each morning.
24. Your glasses ___________ (be) on the bureau last night.
25. Both Tin and Tony ___________ (be) interested in Vietnamese history.

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81. SỰ ĐẢO NGỮ - INVERSION (1): Trợ động từ + chủ từ

1. Đảo ngữ là việc đặt một trợ động từ (hoặc những động từ không phải là trợ động từ như
have hoặc be) trực tiếp đứng trước chủ từ của mệnh đề trong nhiều cấu trúc khác nhau.

2. Các cách sử dụng đảo ngữ

1. Trong câu hỏi
 Have your father and mother arrived?
 Where is the concert taking place?

Tuy nhiên trong một số trường hợp cũng vẫn là mục đích hỏi nhưng chúng ta không đảo ngữ.

Văn nói, chỉ cần lên giọng.

 You’re coming tomorrow?
 You don’t like it?

Trong câu hỏi gián tiếp, là câu hỏi đứng sau một mệnh đề khác
 I wondered what time the film was starting.
 She wants to know where he is from.

*Lưu ý: Trong văn viết trang trọng đảo ngữ đôi khi cũng với be trong câu hỏi gián tiếp sau
how, đặc biệt khi chủ ngữ khá dài.
 I wondered how reliable was the information I had been given.

2. Trong câu cảm thán

Câu cảm thán có dạng câu hỏi phủ định

 Isn’t it cold? Hasn’t she got lovely eyes?

Trong văn nói Mỹ, câu cảm thán có dạng của câu hỏi bình thường (nhưng không phủ
 Have you got a surprise coming!
 Was I mad!

Trong văn chương cổ, sự đảo ngữ đôi khi cũng dùng trong câu cảm thán sau how và what
 How beautiful are the flowers!
 What a peaceful place is Skegness!

3. Sử dụng sau May

May được đặt trước chủ từ trong chúc tụng
 May all your wishes come true!
 May he rot in hell!

4. Sau so, neither, nor

Trong câu trả lời rút gọn hoặc những cấu trúc tương tự, những từ này (so, neither,
nor) được theo sau bằng cấu trúc So/ Neither / Nor + trợ động từ + chủ từ.
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 I love working in this factory. -- So do I.
 My father doesn’t like opera. -- Neither does my father.
 He didn’t go to work yesterday. -- Nor did Mary.

5. Sau as, than, so

Đảo ngữ đôi khi cũng được dùng sau as, than, so trong cách viết văn chương

 She was very religious, as were most of her friends.

 City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.
 So ridiculous did she look that everybody burst out laughing.

6. Trong câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3

Trong mệnh đề điểu kiện viết theo phong cách văn chương và trang trọng, if sẽ
được bỏ đi và trợ động từ sẽ được đặt trước chủ từ.

 Were she my daughter … (= If she were my daughter …)

 Had I realized what you intended … (= If I had realized what you intended

Trong trường hợp bỏ if thì phủ định không thể viết tắt
 Had we not spent all our money already … (= If we hadn’t spent all our
money already …)

7. Sau những cụm từ phủ định và cụm từ giới hạn

Nếu một trạng từ phủ định hoặc cụm trạng từ (at no time, not until …) được đặt ở
đầu câu để nhằm nhấn mạnh, thì theo sau những trạng từ và cụm từ đó là + trợ
động từ + chủ từ. Những cấu trúc như thế này hầu hết là khá trang trọng.

 Under no circumstances can we cash cheques.

 At no time was the President aware of what was happening.
 Not until much later did she learn who her real father was.

Sau Not until clause + trợ động từ + chủ từ

 Not until he received her letter did he fully understand her feelings.
Đảo ngữ cũng được dùng sau những từ mang ý hạn chế, giới hạn như hardly,
seldom, rarely, little và never, và sau only + cụm thời gian
 Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (Anh-Anh)
 Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.
 Little did he realize the danger he faced.
 Never … was so much owed by so many to so few. (Churchill)
 Only then did I understand what she meant.
 Only after her death was I able to appreciate her.
 Not only did we lose our money, but (also) we were nearly killed.
 Not a single word did he say.
 No sooner had she agreed to marry him than she started to have doubts.

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SỰ ĐẢO NGỮ - INVERSION (2): đảo hết động từ chính
1. Sau cụm trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn
Khi cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn hoặc phương hướng đứng trước mệnh đề, ngoại động từ
(verb + object) thường được đặt trước chủ từ. Điều này xảy ra đặc biệt khi một chủ
từ mới không xác định được đưa ra. Cấu trúc này phổ biến nhất ở văn chương hay
văn miêu tả.

 Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I have ever seen.
 On the grass sat an enormous frog.
 Directly in front of them stood a great castle.
 Along the road came a strange procession.

Dạng cấu trúc này cũng được nói với here và there và những trạng từ ngắn khác.
 Here comes Freddy.
 There goes your brother.
 I stopped the car, and up walked the police.
 The door opened and out came Angela’s boyfriend.
Với chủ từ là đại từ thì
 Here she comes.
 There John goes.
 I stopped the car, and she walked up.
 The door opened and he came out.

2. Trong tường thuật

Trong kể chuyện, chủ từ thường đi theo sau động từ tường thuật như said, asked,
suggested etc khi những từ này theo sau câu trực tiếp.

Với chủ từ là danh từ riêng

 “What do you mean?” asked Henry. (OR … Henry asked.)
 “I loved you,” whispered Jan.
Với chủ từ là đại từ (he, she etc.) thì động từ thường đứng sau chúng
 “What do you mean?” he asked (NOT …asked he)
 “I love you,” he whispered. (NOT …whispered he)

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1. Hãy chuyển các câu sau đây sang dạng đảo ngữ động từ. Ví dụ

0. We had hardly arrived when Julie burst into the house.

 Hardly had we arrived when Julie burst into the house.

1. John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant.

2. I in no way to be associated with this project.
3. They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.
4. I had scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end
of the exam.
5. I seldom leave my house so early.
6. We would understand what had happened that night only later.
7. They had met such rude people nowhere before.
8. He understood little about the situation.
9. The children should on no account go on their own.
10. People rarely appreciate the musician’s talent.
11. We can cash cheques under no circumstances.
12. She looked so ridiculous that everybody burst into laugh.
13. If I had brought my umbrella with me yesterday, I wouldn’t have got wet.

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1. Compound sentences (Câu ghép) – Câu ghép là câu có hai mệnh đề độc lập. Những
mệnh đề độc lập này thường được kết hợp với nhau bằng liên từ (conjunctions) như
and, but, or, yet, so hoặc trạng từ liên kết như moreover, however, nevertheless,
therefore, otherwise.

Câu ghép với liên từ

1. and We will visit Nguyen Trung Truc Temple, and I think we will also go
shopping in Rach Gia City.
2. but She likes learning English, but she sometimes feels lazy to learn it.
3. or/ nor You need to work hard, or you will fail the exam.
We won’t be able to visit our friends, nor will they visit us this summer.
4. so / for He likes badminton a lot, so he plays it every day.
He must have lost the key, for he knocked on the door for us to let him
5. yet He has a good job, yet he never seems to have any money.

1. Hãy gạch chân hai mệnh đề độc lập trong mỗi câu ghép dưới đây. Sau đó
khoanh tròn hoặc đóng khung liên kết từ.

0. Video games are fun and challenging, so it is easy to spend too much time playing

*Giải thích: Mỗi mệnh đề được gạch chân có thể đứng một mình thành một câu đơn
lẻ mà không cần đến câu còn lại để tồn tại nghĩa. Liên từ so được dùng để kết hợp
chúng lại thành một câu đơn, và câu này được gọi là câu ghép.

1. The dangers of smoking are well-known, yet many people continue to smoke anyway.
2. It’s important to put your goals into writing, but you must also be committed to
achieving them.
3. An assignment notebook helps you stay organized, so you should consider using one.
4. You will be able to see better if you sit at the front of the classroom, and you will also
be able to hear better.
5. He must have lost his key, for he knocked on the door for us to let him in.
6. The students didn’t prepare for the test, nor did they realize how important it was.
7. Tom asked his teacher for help, and he asked his parents.
8. Janet doesn't like sushi, nor does she like any kind of fish.
9. I would like to play tennis today, or I would like to play golf.

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2. Hãy sử dụng các lien kết từ (coordinating conjuctions) để kết hợp hai câu đơn lẻ
thành một câu ghép.

0. The dictionary contains definitions of words. It also contains a great deal of other
 The dictionary contains definitions of words, and it also contains a great deal
of information.

1. Spelling is very hard for many people. There are techniques for improving
2. Tony is an excellent student. He received a scholarship.
3. The library is a quiet place to study. Many students prefer to study at home.
4. Some rivers are endangered. Many people are working to protect them.
5. Wear your seatbelt. You will be injured.
6. We went out to the town. We went home late.
7. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new
8. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help.
9. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She should go on vacation.
10. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He wanted to visit the National Museum.

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83. Câu ghép với trạng từ liên kết

1. Các trạng từ liên kết

1. moreover Tet is the time for us to worship our ancestors; moreover, it’s also a
(Hơn thế nữa) time for family reunion.
2. howerever Chu Dong Tu and Saint Giong are both legendary saints; however,
(Tuy nhiên) they are worshipped for different things.
3. Nevertheless The Hung King Festival was a local festival; nevertheless, it has
(Tuy vậy) become a public holiday in Vietnam since 2007.
4. therefore Tet is the most important festival in Vietnam; therefore, most
(Do đó mà) Vietnamese return home for Tet.
5. otherwise The Khmer believe they have to float lanterns; otherwise, they may
(Nếu không thì) not get good luck.

2. Cách trình bày trạng từ liên kết

1. Nếu trạng từ liên kết đứng giữa hai mệnh đề thì trước trạng từ phải có dấu ‘;’ và
sau nó phải có dấu ‘,’.
Nam had a bad cold yesterday; therefore, he didn’t go to school.
2. Nếu trạng từ liên kết đứng giữa chủ từ và động từ thì theo trước và sau trạng từ
liên kết đều là dấu ‘,’.
Nam had a bad cold yesterday; he, therefore, didn’t go to school.
3. Nếu trạng liên kết đứng cuối câu thì chỉ cần một dấu ‘,’ ở phía trước nó.
Nam had a bad cold yesterday; he didn’t go to school, therefore.

1. Hãy kết hợp mỗi cặp câu với một trạng từ liên kết thích hợp để tạo thành một câu
however nevertheless moreover therefore otherwise

1. There are more than 300 steps up the hill to Hung King Temple. Any pilgrim
would like to reach the top.
2. Most people book tickets long in advance. They cannot return home for Tet.
3. At the Mid-Autumn festival, kids can sing, dance, and enjoy moon cakes. Every
child likes it very much.
4. Tet is considered a holiday. People become even busier than on ordinary days.

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2. Hãy điền vào trạng từ liên kết thích hợp để hoàn thành câu.

1. He has studied English for 3 years; ________, he still has some difficulties in
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless E. however
2. The Nha Trang Sea Festival is famous for its impressive street carnivals; ________, it has
attracted thousands of foreign visitors coming every year.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless E. however
3. My parents and I wanted to go for a walk; _______, it started to rain and we stayed home.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless E. however
4. You should try harder to learn in the 2 semester; __________, you’ll fail and get bad
results in the final term tests.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless E. however
5. He is not very good-looking; ________, he is popular among girls.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless
6. I studied hard for the exam; _______, I failed.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. however
7. You missed the test; __________, you must take it tomorrow before school.
A. otherwise B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless E. however
8. Young children should take off their hats when greetings elderly people, ________, you
will be considered impolite.
A. therefore B. nevertheless C. moreover D. otherwise
9. The five-fruit tray on the altar symbolize the gratitude of the Vietnamese to their
ancestor; ________, it demonstrates their hope for a life of plenty.
A. and B. moreover C. therefore D. however
10. Minh is an out-standing student in the USA; ________, he never mentions about his
remarkable results when returning to his hometown.
A. therefore B. as a result C. nevertheless D. moreover
11. Mothers’ milk is good for the health of newborn babies and young infants; ________,
some experts recommend not to use cow milk instead.
A. otherwise B. however C. therefore D. yet
12. People all around the world learn English because it is a compulsory subject in their
curriculum; ________, it is an international language which we use to integrate into this
modern world.
A. therefore B. nevertheless C. nonetheless D. moreover
13. People are cutting down a lot of trees; ________, the frequency that flood happens is
increasing dramatically.
A. however B. as a result C. moreover D. nevertheless
14. We have to suffer from radioactive and acid rain_____ some catastrophic incidents
happening around the world like Chernobyl and the explosion of nuclear reactors in Japan.
A. because of B. thanks to C. although D. so
15. The way to success is the shape of spiral circles of failure and failure; _____, don’t give
up your hopes and dreams.
A. however B. in addition C. so D. nonetheless

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84. GIỚI TỪ - PREPOSITIONS (on,in, at, with, …)
1. Giới từ là những từ như on, at, in, … được dùng trước nơi chốn (in Vietnam, at
home,…), thời gian (at 7:00, in June, …)
2. Các loại giới từ
1. Giới từ đứng trước nơi chốn
 in được dùng với những nơi có không gian đóng (ví dụ: phòng học, trong nhà,
trong phòng, …) và những khu vực có không gian tương đối nhỏ, hẹp (công viên,
quốc gia, xe hơi, …)
in my school in her own car in Vietnam
 on được dùng với những dnah từ chỉ bề mặt (ví dụ: tường nhà, sàn nhà, kệ, …) và
trên một tuyến hoặc đường thẳng (đường bờ biển, đường xích đạo, đường mòn).
on the grass on the table on the line
 at được dùng chỉ một điểm của một nơi nào đó (tại trạm xe buýt, tại nhà, …)
at my home at the cinema at the bus stop
 Một số giới từ khác: in front of A (ở trước A), behind A (sau B), between A
and B (giữa A và B), across A (ngang A), opposite A (đối diện A), under A (ở
dưới A), beneath A (dưới A), above A (trên A), inside # outside A (trong # ngoài
My house is opposite the supermarket.
There are some cats under the table.
2. Giới từ chỉ sự di chuyển
into, onto và to là những giới từ chỉ sự di chuyển
They walked into the room with confidence.
The cat jumped onto the table.
We moved to the next village to help the people in the affected area.
Những giới từ đối ngược lại là out of, off và from
They walked out of the room sadly.
The cat jumped off the table.
They has just returned from Thailand.
Một số giới từ chỉ sự di chuyển khác: across, along, up, down, past, through
They swam across the river with strong determination.
The coupled walked along the seashore quietly.
He went up with elevator, but went down by stairs.
Go past the post office, and the supermarket is next to it.
The cat jumped through the windown and disappeared.
3. Giới từ chỉ thời gian
in tháng (in June, in July), năm (in 2017, in 1945), mùa (in spring, in winter),
buổi trong ngày, trừ at night (in the morning, in the afternoon)
on  on + thứ trong tuần (on Monday, on Sunday)
 on + ngày tháng (on 25th June, on the morning of Sunday)
 on + dịp đặc biệt (on my birthday, on Christmas, …)
at  giờ (at 2p.m., at 4:40, …), at night, at noon, at midnight, at lunchtime
Khác  from Monday to Saturday, until tomorrow, next week, between June and
July, till tomorrow
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1. Hãy đọc các câu sau đây và xác định tên gọi của các giới từ trong câu
1. They live next to a factory located near a river. _________
2. My birthday is one June 09th. Do you remember? _________
3. Please go into the next room and give the doctor this form. _________
4. Please don’t let the children play on the grass. _________
5. I am waiting at the bus stop. See you in the office. _________
6. She wants to work in the USA. _________
7. The cat is lying on the table comfortably. _________
8. They sent this postcard from England. _________
9. They went out of the office hurrily. _________
10. There are a lot of decorations on the walls in the living room. _________

2. Hãy thêm vào chỗ trống với giới từ thích hợp

1. They come _________ Vietnam. They are working ___________ Canada.
2. The cat is lying ________ to me while I am writing some letters.
3. They hung the pictures bought from the gallery ________ the walls in their
4. We usually go walking in the park ________ the autumn because we want to enjoy
the fresh air and peace of the season.
5. I am working busily now, see you ________ lunchtime.
6. I saw John waiting ________ the bus stop some minutes ago.
7. They won’t come ________ next month.
8. I haven’t slept well recently. I usually wake up ________ midnight.
9. Can I speak ________ your boss, please? I have an urgent matter to ask him.
10. He fell ________ the bike and broke his leg. How lucky it was!

3. Hãy nhìn vào bức tranh và điền giới từ vào trong chỗ trống thích hợp
across along at down
in fron of past from under
through up
The race starts (1) _______ the Town Hall.
The runners go (2) _______the Town Hall
and they run (3) _______ the main square,
taken from Grammar Spectrum 3 – page 84 to the river. Thn they run over New Bridge
and they go (4) _______ the road beside the river for about 200 yards. They go (5)
_______the theater and (6) _______Castle Hill. They turn right (7) _______ the Castle,
and they go (8) _______ Step Hill. Then they go (8) _______ the tunnel (9) _______the
river, and they finish at the station.

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Có nhiều động từ có cấu trúc đi kèm với giới từ (in/ for/ about etc.)

Verb Pre Meaning

talk about Nói (về chuyện gì đó) We talked about the problem.
apologize for Xin lỗi (vì chuyện gì) You must apologize for what you said.
succeed in Thành công (trong việc gì) Have you succeeded in finding a job yet?
insist on Khăng khăng đòi, cố nài They insisted on paying for the meal.
think of Nghĩ về việc gì đó I am thinking of buying a house.
dream of Mơ về việc gì đó I wouldn’t dream of asking them for money.
approve of Chấp thuận, đồng ý She doesn’t approve of gambling.
feel like Cảm thấy thích Do you feel like going out tonight?
look forward to Mong đợi chuyện gì I’m looking forward to meeting her.
congratulate on Chúc mừng về việc gì đó I congratulated An on passing the exam.
accuse of Đổ thừa, cáo buộc They accused me of telling lies.
suspect of Nghi ngờ Nobody suspected the man of a spy.
prevent sb from Ngăn cản ai đó làm việc gì What prevented him from coming to see us?
stop sb from Ngăn lại, không cho phép The police stopped everybody from leaving
làm gì đó the building.
thank for Cám ơn vì chuyện gì đó I forgot to thank them for helping me.
forgive for Tha thứ vì chuyện gì đó Please forgive me for not writing to you.
warn against Cảnh báo về chuyện gì đó They warned us against buying the car.


Adjective Prep Meaning Example

interested in thích Are you interested in working for us?
good at Giỏi về chuyện gì đó I’m very good at learning languages.
fed up, bored with chán She must be fed up with studying.
Excited/ worried/ Nôn nao, lo lắng, bực Are you excited about going on holiday
upset/ nervous/ about bội, hồi hộp, vui next week?
surprised, shock, Ngạc nhiên, sốc, bất Everybody was surprised at the news.
amazed, at ngờ, ngạc nhiên I hope that you weren’t shock at what I said.
sorry about sth Xin lỗi về chuyện gì đó I’m sorry about the noise last night.
for doing Xin lỗi vì đã làm I’m sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
sorry chuyện gì đó
Có thể, nhận thức I’m sure you are capable of passing the
capable, aware, được, đầy ắp, mệt mỏi,
full, tired, afraid
of exam.
sợ hãi Are you afraid of dogs?
similar to Tương tự Your writing is similar to mine.
The film was very different from what
different from Khác (so với cái gì đó)
we’d expected.
keen on Thích, hứng thú He is not keen on going out.
famous for Nổi tiếng về cái gì đó Kien Giang is famous for rice-fish sauce.

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Điền vào chỗ trống với giới từ đúng
1. The letter I wrote was full _______ mistakes.
2. My hometown is not especially interesting. It’s not famous _______ anything.
3. Kate is very fond _______ her younger brother.
4. I don’t like going up ladders. I’m afraid _______ heights.
5. You looked bored. You don’t seem interested _______ what I’m saying.
6. I’m not ashamed _______ what I did. In fact I’m quite proud _______ it.
7. These days everybody is aware _______ the dangers of smoking.
8. I’m tired _______ doing the same thing every day.
9. We’ve got plenty to eat. The fridge is full _______ food.
10. She’s a very honest person. I don’t think she is capable _______ telling a lie.
11. Our house is similar _______ yours. Perhaps yours is a bit larger.
12. John has no money of his own. He is totally dependent _______ his parents.
13. The station platform was crowded _______ people waiting for the train.
14. I’m not very good _______ playing tennis.
15. Who was responsible _______ all that noise last night?
16. Do you feel _______ going out this evening?
17. Our neighbors apologized _______ making so much noise.
18. I’m fed up _______ my job. I’m thinking ______ doing something else.
19. I wanted to go out alone but Joe insisted _______ coming with me.
20. We have decided _______ not buying a new car because we can’t really afford it.
21. I hope you write to me soon. I’m looking forward _______ hearing from you.
22. The weather was extremely bad and this prevented us _______ going out.
23. The man who has been arrested is suspected _______ having a false passport.
24. I think you should apologize to Sue _______ being so rude to her.
25. Some parents don’t approve _______ their children watching a lot of television.
26. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you very much ______inviting me.
27. It took us a long time but we finally succeeded _______ solving the problem.
28. I’ve always dreamed _______ living in a small house by the sea.
29. The driver of the other car accused me _______ causing the accident.
30. There was a fence around the lawn to stop people _______ walking on the grass.
31. Forgive me _______ interrupting you but may I ask you something?
32. The guards weren’t able to prevent the prisoner _______ escaping.
33. I congratulated Mary _______ her success.
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1. Đại từ làm chủ từ ........................................................................3
2. Đại từ làm túc từ .........................................................................5
3. Đại từ phản thân ...........................................................................7
4. Đại tử sở hữu ..............................................................................9
5. Danh từ đếm được...................................................................... 11
6. Danh từ không đếm được ........................................................... 13
7. This, that, these, those ............................................................... 15
8. Hiện tại đơn ............................................................................... 17
9. Hiện tại tiếp diễn ........................................................................ 20
10. Hiện tại hoàn thành ................................................................... 23
11. Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn...................................................... 25
12. Quá khứ đơn .............................................................................. 28
13. Quá khứ tiếp diễn ....................................................................... 31
14. Quá khứ hoàn thành ................................................................... 33
15. Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn..................................................... 35
16. Tương lai đơn ............................................................................ 38
17. Tương lai tiếp diễn ..................................................................... 40
18. Tương ali hoàn thành ................................................................. 42
19. Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn................................................... 44
20. Bị động hiện tại đơn ................................................................... 47
21. Bị động hiện tại tiếp diễn ........................................................... 49
22. Bị động hiện tại hoàn thành........................................................ 52
23. Bị động quá khứ đơn .................................................................. 55
24. Bị động quá khứ tiếp diễn .......................................................... 57
25. Bị động quá khứ hoàn thành ...................................................... 59
26. Bị động tương lai đơn ................................................................ 62
27. Bị động tương lai hoàn thành .................................................... 64
28. Bị động động từ khiếm khuyết .................................................. 66
29. Bị động nhờ vả have something done ........................................ 68
30. It is said … ................................................................................. 71
31. Câu tường thuật phát biểu ......................................................... 73
32. Tường thuật câu hỏi .................................................................. 76
33. Tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh ....................................................... 78
34. Câu tường thuật rút gọn ............................................................ 79
35. Cách nói đồng thuận So do I/ Neither do I ............................... 83
36. Câu hỏi đuôi .............................................................................. 85
37. Động từ chỉ nghĩa vụ (must, ought to, have to) ........................ 87
38. Động từ + to verb (want to do, decide to work…) ...................... 89

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39. Một số động từ theo sau bở to verb và V-ing ............................. 91
40. Tổng hợp động từ + to verb và V-ing ........................................ 93
41. Thêm –ing hay thêm to .............................................................. 96
42. Used to hay Get used to .......................................................... 100
43. Mời mọc với Would you like ................................................... 103
44. Would you mind …?/ Do you mind …? .................................. 104
45. Would rather, would prefer, prefer .......................................... 106
46. Enough ..................................................................................... 108
47. Adjective + that........................................................................ 110
48. Cụm từ là gì? ........................................................................... 112
49. Mệnh đề liên hệ........................................................................ 114
50. Giản lược mệnh đề liên hệ ....................................................... 116
51. Giới từ trong mệnh đề liên hệ................................................... 118
52. Hiện tại phân từ và quá khứ phân từ ........................................ 120
53. Cụm hiện tại phân từ và cụm quá khứ phân từ ........................ 122
54. Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ kết quả ............................................... 124
55. Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ lý do .................................................... 126
56. Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ mục đích ............................................. 128
57. Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ tương phản, nhượng bộ ....................... 130
58. Điều kiện loại 0 ........................................................................ 132
59. Điều kiện loại 1 ........................................................................ 133
60. Điều kiện loại 2 ........................................................................ 134
61. Điều kiện loại 3 ........................................................................ 135
62. Mệnh đề ao ước 1 .................................................................... 137
63. Mệnh đề ao ước 2..................................................................... 139
64. It’s time/ It’s high time ............................................................ 141
65. As if ........................................................................................ 143
66. Trạng từ chỉ tính chất của hành động ...................................... 145
67. so … that …; such … that … ................................................... 147
68. So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất .................................................... 150
69. So sánh hơn và kém hơn với danh từ ...................................... 152
70. So sánh hơn và kém hơn với trạng từ ....................................... 154
71. So sánh bằng ........................................................................... 157
72. So sánh kép ............................................................................. 159
73. Watch somebody do something ............................................... 161
74. Which được dùng thay thế cả mệnh đề phía trước ................... 163
75. Will và be going to .................................................................. 165
76. Quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn ........................................... 167
77. Hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn ........................................ 169

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78. The + tính từ (the poor, the rich, …) ...................................... 171
79. Câu hỏi trong Tiếng Anh ......................................................... 174
80. Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ ........................................... 177
81. Sự đảo ngữ ............................................................................... 181
82. Câu ghép .................................................................................. 185
83. Therefore, however, nevertheless ............................................. 187
84. Giới từ ..................................................................................... 189
85. Động từ + giới từ (wait for, succeed in …), Tính từ + tính từ . 191

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