Activity 5. Questions 1

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Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion 12

Quarter 3 – Week 5

Activity 5.

1. What is the research question of the study?

- What is the level of awareness of the respondents regarding the relationship of
microorganisms and wildlife?

2. What were the methods used? Was it quantitative or qualitative?

- The research comprises conducting an interview and using questionnaires with open-
ended questions to measure the respondents' degree of awareness. Qualitative research is
used to better comprehend concepts, thoughts, or experiences; the goal of this study is to
assess the respondents' level of consciousness, hence it is classed as a qualitative study.
Furthermore, as previously mentioned, they conducted an interview and distributed
questionnaires with open-ended questions, both of which are generally qualitative research
approaches used to obtain in-depth information.
3. Based on the text, which respondents believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused
by environment disturbance?
A.) Ages 12-18
1. What is the research question of the study?
- What is the level of knowledge of selected respondents regarding the origin of
the virus?
2. What were the methods used? Was it quantitative or qualitative?

- The methods involved in the study include a survey and the use of the Likert
scale to measure the opinions of the respondents and to quantify them accordingly. Based
on the data provided, the study is considered quantitative research. It employs the Likert
scale, a statistical tool that is used to generate numerical/quantifiable data. Furthermore,
the results in the study indicated the p-value, or what is known as the probability value,
which is a quantitative expression.

3. On this study, what age range believed that the Sars-CoV-2 virus is a product of a
laboratory experiment?
A.) Ages 12-18
Quarter 3 – Week 5
Here’s How It Is
Activity 3:
1. Answer: Causal-comparative/quasiexperimental research
Reason: It seeks to determine the effect of the independent variable (increased time spent in
playing games) - that is identified but not manipulated by the experimenter - on the dependent
variable (grades of the students).

2. Answer: Ethnographic research design

Reason: The researcher went directly to Baguio to understand the culture, specifically with regards
to learning how the natives make a living by studying, observing, and interacting with them in
their real-life environment.

3. Answer: Phenomenological research design

Reason: The study focuses on the analysis of a person's life experiences concerning how long it
takes them to read a specific module.

4. Answer: Experimental research design

Reason: The study involves manipulating and applying one or more independent variables (dosage
levels) to observe how they affect the dependent variable (laboratory mice) and it also has a
control variable (i.e. third group) – a variable that remains constant throughout a research

5. Answer: Case study

Reason: The researcher conducts an in-depth investigation of each of his patient’s actions and
monitors its progress with the information that is primarily biographical in nature and relates to
the incidents of his patients regarding their traumatic experiences with accidents in the past.

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