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** What is Photoshop......?

A :- The Word Photo means an Photo or an Image.

And the Shop means a Place where we can get those
Exciting Images or we can make them or Edit them
any how we can. Basically Photoshop is a software
in which we can Create or Edit any Form of Images.
The format which the Software Supports.

** Now we will Learn the Different Types of Formats...?

A :- NTSC :- National Television Society Committee.
PAL :- Phase Alternative Line.
DVD :- Digital Versatile Disk.
HDTV :- High Defination Television.
AAF :- Advanced Authoring format.
JPEG :- Joint Photographic Expert Group.
MPEG :- Motion Picture Expert Group.
PPI :- Pixel Per Inch.
DPI :- Dot Per Inch.
This are all the Universal Formats.

** What is a Pixel...?
A :- Pixel is the smallest unit of a Image, And when all the
Pixels combines together they form a Image.
Pixel has 3 Colours.
The Basic Colours are R G B.
R stands for RED.
G stands for GREEN.
B stands for Blue.

** About the Colours...?

A :- From the RGB we get the Colour ranges from 0 to 255.
From the RGB we can get 1,67,77,216 Colours.
Now the Most Important Colours...
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
4. Black
5. White
6. Gray
Red - 0
Green - 0 } Black.
Blue - 0

Red - 255
Green - 255 } White.
Blue - 255

Red - 125
Green - 125 } Gray.
Blue - 125

** Now we will learn the different types of tools ?

There are 22 types of tools .
**This is Layer Palette ?

**About the WorkSpace?

** What is Bitmap Images ?
** About the Colour Palette?

** Now we Shall learn about the File Menu ?

**About the Edit Menu ?
**About the Image Menu ?
**About the Layer Menu ?
**About the Select Menu ?
**About the Filter Menu ?
**About the Analysis Menu ?
**About the View Menu ?
**About the Window Menu ?
**About the Help Menu ?

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