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Paul University at San Miguel BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT

(A Branch of St. Paul University Quezon City) PAASCU Accredited
3011 San Miguel, Bulacan, Philippines
SY 2021-2022



Name: Score: /50

Year and Section: _______________________________________ Teacher: MS. EIA MAE GIANNELLIE G. TABUENA

Direction: You are given options in this type of test. Choose the option that best answers
each question, or gives/completes what is asked or described. Encircle your answer.

Test I: Purposes of Paragraphs

1. It is composed of sentences supporting one idea.

a. paragraph
b. poem
c. purpose
d. persuade

2. In the context of writing, this concept answers the question Why am I writing this?
a. paragraph
b. poem
c. purpose
d. persuade

3. This type of writing expresses the feelings of the writer found in journals, diaries, and social networking
a. creative writing
b. informative writing
c. persuasive writing
d. expressive writing

4. Complete the analogy below:

The objective tone is to _________ as the _________ is to literary writing.
a. academic writing; subjective tone
b. expressive writing; conjunctive tone
c. creative writing; passive tone
d. literary writing; imperative tone

5. The prose My Family’s Slave written by Alex Tizon is about the story of Eudocia Pulido who became a
slave of the Tizon family for over 56 years. This is an example of _________.
a. academic writing
b. technical writing
c. literary writing
d. persuasive writing

6. What is the purpose of the following excerpt below from an article in Science Daily?
Growing plants and then storing the carbon dioxide they have taken up from the atmosphere is no viable
option to counteract unmitigated emissions from fossil fuel burning, a new study shows.
a. to inform
b. to entertain
c. to create
d. to express
7. What is the purpose of the following paragraph below?
We may be considered the “impatient generation” but that does not in any way remove the fact that we
are the future forerunners of this nation. Despite what the older generation may think of us, we must
remain visionaries, dreaming that when our time comes, we will make what the past generations have
done wrong, right.
a. to inform
b. to create
c. to express
d. to persuade

8. Which of the following paragraphs aims to express an opinion to a reader?

a. Paragraph 3: “From small, stylized block letters to massive murals, graffiti’s sight is ubiquitous in
cities. While some argue that graffiti is ugly and difficult to clean, others admire its spontaneous
beauty. Its opponents argue it encourages crime, but many believe its illegality creates an effective
means of social commentary. But is it art or merely vandalism? Whether art or crime, graffiti forces
us outside of the context of museums and galleries.”
b. Paragraph 2: “At 4:00 a.m. in Chicago, shaking shattered a deep slumber. A dream? A train
screeching down the tracks? I became flush with rage, convinced that I had flushed my life savings
down the toilet of a rickety structure that couldn’t even withstand a train’s slow journey. Hours later,
steaming more than my coffee, I made my way to the train stop. I was startled when the woman next
to me asked, “How about that earthquake?”
c. Paragraph 4: “The Grand Canyon’s length measures roughly 277 miles. That knowledge, however,
seemed irrelevant as he stood before the deep slash in the earth stretched out in front of him. The red
and ochre shades of the canyon’s strata, as closely stacked as the pages of a book, stood out clearly
against the blue of both the vast sky above and the silver of the Colorado River below. He marveled
at what millions of years of running water had fashioned from stone. For a moment, he felt
immeasurable small.”
d. Paragraph 1: “For me and my family, the high-pitched moan of a tornado siren was so commonplace
we rarely took notice, even as the storm clouds turned day into night. Such is life in Missouri,
located in the heart of a region in the United States called Tornado Alley. I was so intrigued by the
wonders of weather; I’d press my nose against the window to watch the cornfields dance in the wind
as the meteorologist insisted we seek shelter. But after one too many false alarms, how can we heed
every warning?

9. Olivia wants to write an essay that encourages her generation to pursue their dreams regardless of how
difficult the challenges may be. She wants to express her deepest belief that no matter what other people
will say, her generation will succeed.
For her supporting idea, Olivia wants to recall all the millennials who have changed the world already in
such a young age like Malala Yousafzai, Kevin Doe, Panmela Castro, and Nathan Sigworth.

What are the purposes of Olivia’s essay?

a. to express opinion
b. to persuade
c. to inform
d. to tell a story

10. Which of the following articles that can be found in the newspaper expresses the opinion of the writer?
a. Philippine Rise: Duterte signs EO renaming Benham Rise
b. Senate approves “work from home” bill on final reading
c. Senators want Anti-Distracted Driving Act on hold over unclear rules
d. Aid with no strings attached?

Test II: Parts and Kinds of Paragraphs

11. It is effective when it has the main and controlling idea.

a. supporting sentences
b. explanatory paragraph
c. topic sentence
d. concluding sentence

12. It consists of sentences that support the main idea.

a. concluding sentence
b. body
c. topic sentence
d. explanatory paragraph

13. A type of paragraph that tells a story using action and descriptive words.
a. narrative paragraph
b. descriptive paragraph
c. explanatory paragraph
d. persuasive paragraph

14. What type of paragraph is shown below?

One afternoon, she was sleeping in her bedroom when her bed began to shake. The shaking was so
hard, she woke up from her deep slumber. She feared that the horror film she watched the night before
had manifested physically and shook her bed. Out of fear, she hid under her blanket and took her phone
to call her mother. Her mother answered the phone with concern in her voice saying, “There was an
earthquake. Are you okay?”
a. descriptive paragraph
b. explanatory paragraph
c. persuasive paragraph
d. narrative paragraph

15. Which is not a characteristic of an explanatory paragraph?

a. provides the reader with information
b. may explain the trends
c. aims to convince the reader
d. gives information and thorough discussion about the topic

16. What kind of paragraph is shown below?

The Hagia Sophia is in Istanbul, Turkey, and having served as a cathedral, mosque, and a museum. It
was built at the height of the Byzantine empire in the 6th century. In 1935 the Turkish government
secularized the Hagia Sophia, turning it into a museum. In 1453 the Ottomans repurposed the Hagia
Sophia into a mosque by adding Islamic architectural features to the original structure. On the inside,
Christian imagery on mosaics was obliterated. Christian frescoes were obliterated also.
a. persuasive paragraph
b. explanatory paragraph
c. descriptive paragraph
d. narrative paragraph

17. Which of the following is a possible topic sentence?

a. Coconut is the tree of life.
b. Cocos nucifera’s parts can all be utilized by man.
c. Its trunk can be used for building houses. Its leaves can be used for roofing and broomstick making.
Its oil is used for cooking while its flesh can be eaten.
d. Truly, coconut and its parts serve many purposes and that is why it’s the tree of life.

18. Which of the following does not possess the characteristics of a descriptive paragraph?
a. I’m unfortunately seated near a window, but it’s mercifully dark. I don’t want to see the ground
disappear beneath me. I have pteromerhanophobia, which is a long word for an irrational fear of
flying. I feel the plane leave the ground. Nausea and nerves gnaw at my stomach. Fear commands
attention. As we level off, I look at my closed window and pretend I’m on a train. When I open my
eyes, the plane has landed. I chide myself for being foolish and once again step into solid ground.
b. Treading water, we laughed with disbelief as the ocean moved around us with a soothing, glittering
sheen. Earlier, my friend told me I simply had to dive in one of Puerto Rico’s bioluminescent bays.
The water contains tiny one-celled plankton that create their own light through a chemical reaction
in their bodies. They’re called dinoflagellates, but I thought of them as aquatic fireflies. We donned
our masks and dove under, each of us visible to the other as visible to the other as an outline among
the creatures.
c. Time travel might seem like the province of science fiction writers. However, some scientists believe
that time travel is at least mathematically possible. Einstein’s theory of general relativity postulated
that gravity’s effect on matter warps space and time. In theory, the gravitational force found at the
entrance of a black hole might be enough to make time run in reverse. While that’s a far cry from the
story told in H.G Wells’ The Time Machine, it’s just as intriguing to scientists.
d. During annual sockeye salmon runs, brown bears at Brooks River in Alaska’s Katmai National Park
employ a variety of fishing techniques. Because the fish are plentiful, bears can stand in the river and
wait to grab jumping fish out of the air. As the salmon numbers dwindle by mid-summer, bears
snorkel on the surface, looking for fish down below. The most unusual technique is full-body diving
made famous by Diver, an enormous brown bear who reigned over Brooks River in the 1980s and

19. Which is the topic sentence in the following paragraph?

Start School Later is leading the movement to push back high school start times and prevent schools
from starting before 8 a.m. It is backed by sleep scientists who argue that an early start interferes with
adolescent’s circadian rhythms. Sleep research shows that beginning at puberty, adolescents gradually
shift to falling asleep later. An early start deprives students of required eight to nine hours of sleep and
also demands they function optimally when they are least able to do so.
a. It is backed by sleep scientists who argue that an early start interferes with adolescent’s circadian
b. Sleep research shows that beginning at puberty, adolescents gradually shift to falling asleep later.
c. An early start deprives students of required eight to nine hours of sleep and also demands they
function optimally when they are least able to do so.
d. Start School Later is leading the movement to push back high school start times and prevent schools
from starting before 8 a.m.

20. The topic sentence, the body, and the concluding sentence are _________ of a paragraph. On the other
hand, explanatory, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive paragraphs are _________ of paragraphs.
a. parts; kinds
b. kinds; parts
c. types; parts
d. parts; parts

Test III: The Narrative Paragraph

21. The purpose of this paragraph is to tell stories through action and descriptive words.
a. narrative paragraph
b. descriptive paragraph
c. explanatory paragraph
d. persuasive paragraph

22. This restates the topic sentence and contains the theme or the main point of the writer in telling the story.
a. topic sentence
b. body
c. transition statement
d. concluding sentence

23. These are specific words inserted in between sentences or paragraphs to create a chronological effect
and logical flow of ideas in the story.
a. wh-questions
b. yes and no questions
c. transitional words
d. articles

24. Which is not a characteristic of a narrative paragraph?

a. It aims to tell a story in a series of events.
b. It uses transitional devices to create unified and logical flow of ideas.
c. It aims to persuade the readers into making a decision or picking a side.
d. It has a strong introductory sentence that engages the readers into further reading.

25. Which of the following is not a transitional device?

a. often
b. after
c. during
d. meanwhile
26. What is an appropriate transition word to complete the thought of the following paragraph?
Eric glanced nervously into the classroom. He doubted if he He wrapped his arms around his mother’s
legs as if letting go would send him tumbling from the edge of a cliff. The teacher held out her hand.
Eric’s tears lasted only minutes before another body bounced up to show him around the classroom.
Eric smiled timidly and _________ brightened as they approached the art table. It seemed like only
minutes had passed when his mother returned. Eric beamed, and his words tumbled out excitedly as he
showed off his artwork.
a. after
b. during
c. then
d. when

27. Which of the following sentences is a possible part of a narrative paragraph?

a. I was on my way to the bank when I saw two men suspiciously tailing an old lady.
b. This is a chance to make a change, let’s not waste it.
c. Planting trees is only one of the few ways to help Earth regain its health.
d. The road lead to a dark, muddy, and wolf-packed forest.

28. Arrange these sentences in the correct order to create a narrative paragraph that follows a logical flow of

 When I came to the edge of the gorge, it felt as if my whole body had been dipped in liquid nitrogen.
 The wind tugged at my legs and hair, taunting me, wanting me to fall.
 Closing my eyes, I counted to five and stepped forward.
 When I opened them, I was standing nearly 700 feet above the tree-lined Krasnaya Polyana valley in
Sochi, Russia.
 In front of me stood the more than 1,400-foot-long SkyBridge, my biggest fear come to life.
 Suddenly, I realized the only thing greater than my fear was the view.

The following is the correct order of events:

When I came to the edge of the gorge, it felt as if my whole body had been dipped in liquid nitrogen. The
wind tugged at my legs and hair, taunting me, wanting me to fall. Closing my eyes, I counted to five and
stepped forward. When I opened them, I was standing nearly 700 feet above the tree-lined Krasnaya
Polyana valley in Sochi, Russia. In front of me stood the more than 1,400-foot-long SkyBridge, my
biggest fear come to life. Suddenly, I realized the only thing greater than my fear was the view.

29. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate concluding sentence to end it.

I emulate Tian Huai’en for he is a simple man living a simple life. He lives to fulfill a task that has been
given unto him through tradition. He revealed to Chuanjie that the tradition of ferrying people across
the Dasha river goes back to Chuanjie’s great-grandfather. Chuanjie’s great grandfather was taken in
by the villagers when he was in utmost need, so he gave a pledge that he and his successors would
perform the service of ferrying people across the river as a manifestation of their gratitude. Such an act
lessens the burden of the villagers – what would have taken days of mountain trekking, now only takes
less than 10 minutes of sitting patiently.
a. A quick realization brings to mind our farmers, who wish for their own land to plow.
b. Tian Huai’en has no ambition – only a sense to follow a tradition rooted in gratitude.
c. Society has brought us up to believe that success is defined as having a stable job, a decent house,
and a family.
d. Tian Huai’en is such a humble man and I initially doubted if there is anyone like him in our modern,
ambition-driven world.

30. In this narrative paragraph, which sentence is the topic sentence?

Published in 2000, Angels & Demons is a bestselling mystery-thriller novel. It introduces the character
of Robert Langdon, a renowned Professor of Religious Symbology in Harvard. Set in Rome, the book
revolves around a secret society of freethinkers who are allegedly responsible for the murder and
branding of theo-physicist, Leonardo Vetra. Langdon was summoned to Conseil Européen pour la
Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) in Switzerland and was asked by the director, Maximilian Kohler to aid
them in the search of the responsible for Vetra's death. The story progresses when a series of kidnaps
and deaths of the Preferiti (most preferred Cardinals to be the next Pope), who were branded with the
different elemental symbols—earth, air, fire and water—in their chest and were killed in a symbolic way
(such that the Cardinal branded with "earth" symbol be murdered by being stuffed with sand). Angels
and Demons is an intriguing, imaginative, and suspenseful read.
a. "Angels & Demons" is a best-selling mystery-thriller novel.
b. "Angels and Demons" is an intriguing, imaginative, and suspenseful read.
c. Set in Rome, the book revolves around a secret society of freethinkers who are allegedly responsible
for the murder and branding of theo-physicist, Leonardo Vetra.
d. It introduces the character of Robert Langdon, a renowned Professor of Religious Symbology in

Test IV: Features of an Informative Essay

31. It is a type of essay that educates its readers about a particular topic or interest.
a. informative essay
b. persuasive essay
c. argumentative essay
d. narrative essay

32. It is the kind of information that enhances the readers' knowledge and understanding of the topic.
a. fact
b. opinion
c. superstition
d. hypothesis

33. This is the aim of the informative essay.

a. to change the reader's mindset on a particular issue
b. to narrate events as it happened in chronological order.
c. to provide more information about a particular topic to its readers
d. to argue on a particular stand or point of view.

34. True or false: The informative essay tries to change the reader's perspective on a certain issue.
a. False
b. True

35. Which of the following is not a feature of an informative essay?

a. show cause-effect relationships
b. discuss current research related to the topic
c. provide the writer's opinion
d. interrelate the topic to other concepts

36. Which of the following statements is true about informative essays?

a. Informative essays need arguments to support the topic.
b. An informative essay narrates events as they happen in real life.
c. Informative essays are similar to short stories.
d. One of the aims of an informative essay is to enlighten its readers about a particular topic or issue.

37. Which of the following statements is true?

a. We can get facts from blog sites.
b. We can get facts from reliable reference materials.
c. We can get sources from posts on social media sites.
d. We can get sources from any textbooks available.

38. Which of the following statements does not provide information about the Siberian Husky?
a. The Siberian Husky rarely barks and is known to howl.
b. The Siberian Husky is known to be affectionate as pets.
c. The Siberian Husky is a terrifying dog breed because of its similarity to a wolf.
d. The Siberian Husky needs to be trained at a very young age to become more behaved.
39. Which of the following statements is relevant information about the Japanese culture?
a. Japanese can easily relate themselves to anime characters.
b. Japanese people love biking and walking around the city.
c. Japanese teenagers are most likely to become geishas as they mature.
d. The Japanese are known to be masters of the art of flower arrangement and tea making.

40. Which of the following statements does not provide information about stars?
a. The sun is the nearest star to Earth.
b. Blue stars are considered the hottest ones.
c. Stars are made from clouds of cold molecular hydrogen.
d. The stars we see in the night sky are the same stars we may see when we go to space.

Test V: Tips in Composing an Informative Essay

41. It is a plan that organizes the ideas in an essay.

a. outline
b. main idea
c. key points
d. supporting details

42. What should be noted in choosing a title for an informative essay?

a. fact
b. opinion
c. superstition
d. belief

43. What should be acknowledged by the writer in composing an informative essay?

a. the writer himself
b. the facts presented
c. the title
d. the reference materials used

44. Which should not be considered in choosing a topic?

a. Make it narrow.
b. Make it broad.
c. Make it timely.
d. Make it interesting.

45. Which should be considered in creating a title?

a. Use only one word.
b. It should be catchy.
c. It should be long.
d. It should be figurative.

46. What is the main purpose of an outline?

a. Makes it creative in presenting one’s ideas.
b. Helps the writer organize his or her ideas better.
c. Makes the writing more interesting.
d. Lengthen the process of writing

47. Which of the following is not necessary in writing an informative essay?

a. grammar
b. content
c. organization
d. use of figurative language

48. Which of the following scenarios follows a guideline in writing an informative essay?
a. Student A used the APA style in listing his bibliography.
b. Student B did not mind the lapses in grammar.
c. Student C forgot to list down the bibliography of the essay.
d. Student D wrote too many opinionated statements.

49. Which of the following scenarios follows a guideline in writing an informative essay?
a. Student A made an outline before writing the informative essay.
b. Student B researched for broad topics for the essay.
c. Student C used informal language in the essay
d. Student D did not research at all.

50. Which of the following scenarios does not follow a guideline in writing an informative essay?
a. Student A chose a topic on educational systems for his informative essay.
b. Student B researched for as many materials as possible.
c. Student C thought of a catchy title for her essay on the extinction of the hippopotamus.
d. Student D made sure that the correct bibliography style was used.

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