Self-Reflection On Instructional Coaching (1) 2

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DIRECTIONS: Read the questions according to the given stages. Think about the questions in
the first column. Then answer in relation to your experience the corresponding items in the right
column. After answering the different questions per stage, write your realizations about each
stage of instructional coaching at the end of the table for each stage.

1. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best In my best lesson, my students are able to…
and 1 being the worst, what lesson would you
say merits a 10? What makes you say the
lesson rates a 10? What are students able to
2. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best In my most challenging lesson, my students
and 1 being the most challenging, what lesson are struggling to…
would you say rates close to a 1? What
difficulties or challenges do students have in
the lesson?
3. If a video is taken of this class, what will If a video is taken of me in a challenging
the video show you doing? What specific lesson, I can see myself in the video doing…
actions do you think will be seen which
makes the class challenging for students and
for yourself?
4. If you are to teach the lesson again, what If I am to teach the challenging lesson again, I
will you change to move the rating closer to will change…
10 where students are learning and achieving?
How will the change look like? My change in teaching is observable by…
5. What goal will you state that represents the My goal for the change I want to see in my
change you want to happen in your teaching? class is…
6. How will you measure the change? What I will measure the change by observing and
observable indicators in students’ learning looking for the following actions in
will you look for? students…
7. What strategy do you think will help you One strategy I can use to achieve my goal
hit the target goal? is…
My realizations about this stage of IDENTIFY:
1. Go back to the strategy you identified in A model for my identified strategy is…
Stage 1. Look for and identify a model who
demonstrates the strategy (e.g., an in-class
demonstration by a colleague, a video of an
2. Observe the model. What important Important indicators of the strategy that need
characteristics of the strategy does the model to be done:
show? If you are going to make a checklist of
these characteristics, what items or indicators
will this checklist contain?
3. Review a video of your actual teaching in a. Practices in the checklist which I am
class. If none, just recall the way you teach. already doing are the following:
Compare the way you taught before with the
indicators in the checklist. Then answer the
following: b. Practices in the checklist which I still need
a. What practices in the checklist are you to learn to do are the following:
already doing?
b. What practices in the checklist do you still
need to learn to do?
4. For your answer in 3b., how can you try I can try the practices in the checklist which I
these practices? What plan can you still need to learn to do by implementing the
implement? Think of a specific lesson where following plan:
you can try the practices.

My realizations about this stage of LEARN:

1. As you implement your plan, what data The data I will gather that shows students
will you gather to show that students have have learned is…
learned? How will you gather and report this
data? I can gather the data by…

I can report the data by showing…

2. What data will you gather to show that you The data I will gather that shows my mastery
have mastery of the strategy you identified? of the strategy is…
How will you gather and report this data?
I can gather the data by…

I can report the data by showing…

3. What follow-up actions will you do based I can follow-up on students’ achievement
on the data? by…
My realizations about this stage of IMPROVE:

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