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Remineralization across the resin-dentin interface:

In vivo evaiuation witli nanoindentation measurements,
EDS, and SEM
Naotake Akimoto, DMD, PhDVGen Yokoyama, DMD^/Kaoru Ohmori, DMD, PhDV
Shiro Suzuki, DDS, PhDVAtsushi Kohno, DDS, PhDVCharles F. Cox, DMD, FADI^

Objective; The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vivo remineralization ol fhe possible non-tesin
infiltrated hybridoid layer between fhe hybrid layer and fhe subjaoenf dentin substrafe using nanoindenta-
fion, energy dispersive x-ray spectrosoopy microanalyses (EDS), and scanning elecfron microscopy (SEM)
technologies. Method and materials; Twenty Class V cavities were piaced in healthy adulf monkey teeth.
Each cavity was tofal etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 60 seconds, rinsed, and air dispersed, and SA-
Primer was applied to tfie collagen layer. Cavities were divided into two groups: In group 1. Protect Liner
(low-viscosity resin) and Clearfil AP-X (resin composite) were placed per manufacturer's directions, and no
bonding agent was placed on fhe acid-efcfied inferface. In group 2, Clearfil Phofobond (bonding agenf)
was applied, and Profecf LinerandClearfil AP-X were placed as in group I.Teeth were observed at 7
days (confrol] and 6 months by nanoindentafion, EDS, and SEM. Results: Six-monfh data sfiowed an
Increased nanchardness in areas 5 |jm adjacent fo fhe demineralized or partially demineralized denfin
inferface. Following treafment with a conventional adhesive sysfem on fhe acid-efched inferface (group 2].
fhere were increased nanohardness and calcium EDS measurements in the substrate just below the
resin-denfin impregnated layer. Conclusion: Our 6-monfh in vivo nanoindentation and EDS dafa demon-
strate fhaf the non-resin infiltrated zone becomes remineralized follcwing adhesive resin treatmenf.
(Quintessence Int 2001:32:561-570)

Key words: EDS observation, hybrid layer, hybridoid layer, nanohardness, nanoindentation, non-resin
impregnated layer, remineralizafion, resin-dentin inferface, resin diftusion, SEM observafion

emoval of the adhesion-inhibiting stnear layer

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These in vivo dafa support tfie
ooncepf fhat remineralization occurs in tfie dentin sub-
R with an acid etchant is now a widely accepted and
routine clinical procedure' especially to allow forma-
strate beneafh fhe hybrid layer as a normal biologic tion of a hybrid layer interface within the subjacent
event, following a pattern of sclerosis seen under many dentin.2 Acid etching demineralizes the smear plugs,
other resfcrative sysfems. the peritubular, and the intertubular dentin substrate.
Several studies have discussed factors that lead to for-
'Senior Instructor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Tsurumi University
mation of the non-resin impregnated hybridoid
School of Dental Medicine, Yokohama. Japan. layer,^-' each factor being equally important for suc-
^Postgraduale Fellow, Departmenl of Operative Dentistry, Tsurumi
cessful long-term durability of the resin-dentin inter-
University Sctiooi cf Dental Medicine, Votoliama. Japan. face- Variations in molecular weight of monomer sys-
'Instructor. Department cf Operafive Dentistry, Tsurumi University Scfiool tems may account for limited diffusive permeability
of Dental Medicme, Yokohama, Japan into the etched substrate. Other contrary factors are
'Prcfesscr, Department ol Prosthodonlics and Bicm ate rials. School of an altered dentin substrate from aging, attrition, or
Dentistry. The University cf Alabama at Birmingham. incipient or recurrent caries; sclerotic dentin; and
'Professor cf Dentistry and Chairman of Operative Dentistry, Tsurumi
reparative dentin deposition. Perhaps most important
University School ct Dental Medicine, Yokohama, Japan.
is the improper infiltration of the primer-resin system
'Professor, Departments oi Comprehensive Care and Endodontics
ano Pulp Biclogy, School of Dentistry. The University of Alabama at
into the demineralized substrate by the clinician, lead-
Birmingliam. ing to formation of local or broad surface areas of
Reprint requests; Dr Naolake Akimoto, Senior Instructor, Department cf hybridoid zones, or incompletely filled substrate.
Operative Dentistry, Tsurumi University School ol Dental tuledicine, 2-1-3 Consequently, this unfilled area beneath the hybrid
Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-6501, Japan. E-mail: akimoto-n@ layer may remain hybridoid for some time. Kiyomura''

Quintessence internationai 561

TABLE 1 Materials used in this study
Maferials Composifion Lof No. fvlanuiacfurer
K-etc fiant 37% phosphoric acid 160 Kuraray
SA-Primer 3% 5-NlvlSA 045 Kuraray
80% etfianol in wafer
Phofobond Kuraray
Cafalysf fulDP, HEMA, bis-GlvlA 256
Benzoyi peroxide
tjniversai Aromatic sodium suiflnale 360 Kuraray
Tertiary aromatic amine in ethanol
Profecf Line Bis-Gh/A, TEG-DfViA 0032 Kuraray
Microfilier (SiO^)
5-NMSA = N-metliaciyloyI E-aminasalicylic acifl; MDP = mettiacrylovioxy decyl diliydrogen ptiospliate; HEMA = 2-
hydroiyettiyi methacrylate; bis-GMA - bisphenol glycfdyl methacrylate;TEG-DMA = irielhylere glycol dimethacrylate;
SiOj = silicon dioxide.

and Takarada et aF have speculated that the hybridoid cavity to ensure superior cutting efficiency. The depth
layer may adversely affect the long-term bond stability. of each cavity was approximately 1.5 to 2.0 mm. To
However, contrary to a few in vitro bond tests that avoid vascular compromise of the dental pulp, no
tbeorize poor long-term bond durability, clinical per- local anesthetic was employed.
formance of the many adhesive composite restorative Table 1 lists all restorative materials used in this
systems available on today's commercial market con- study. Ten teetb were observed after 7 days, and 10
tinues to demonstrate promising results, regardless of teeth were observed at 6 months postrestoration. Each
the hostile environment present in the mouth.'""'^ cavity was total etcbed with 37% H^PO^ K-etcbant for
To date, few studies have evaluated long-term in 60 seconds to over-etch the entire vital dentin sub-
vivo changes across the resin-dentin interface.'^'^ strate. Tbe cavity was liberally rinsed with sterile water
Consequently, the authors' hypothesis is that in vivo and gently air dispersed for 5 seconds. SA-Primer was
remineralization of the hybridoid layer will occur applied for 10 seconds with a new plastic brush, and
over a 6-month period. The aim of tbis in vivo study the cavity walls were gently air-dried for 5 seconds.
was to measure the nanohardness and Ca content Group 1 (n ^ 10) consisted of five cavities created at 7
across the resin-dentin bond interface in monkey days and five cavities created at 6 months. Each cavity
teetb, employing nanoindentation and energy disper- received an application of Protect Liner to the axial
sive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) technologies through floor and walls and was light cured for 40 seconds
the resin-dentin bond interface of each measurement with an Optilux 400 (Demetron}. The remainder of
site and its vicinity. the cavity was restored to the cavosurface margin with
Clearfil AP-X resin composite (Kuraray) and was light
cured per the manufacturer's directions. Group 2 (n =
METHOD AND MATERIALS 10) received five cavities at 7 days and five cavities at
6 months. Each cavity was lined with Photobond
Following university internal review board approval, adhesive for 30 seconds using a new brusb for each
a 4-year-old adult rhesus monkey was conditioned application, gently air dispersed, and light cured for 30
for 90 days in tbe animal facilities. The monkey pro- seconds. A thin layer of Protect Liner was then placed
vided 20 vital teeth for tbis study. Ali teetb were on the axial floor and light cured for 40 seconds, and
scaled and polished with a rubber cup and prophy the cavity was restored to the cavosurface margin with
paste prior to each operative sequence. The animal Clearfil AP-X resin composite and light cured per the
was tranquilized with an intramuscular injection of manufacturer's directions.
10 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride (100 mg/mL), The animal was sacrificed using left ventricular
Muscular immobility was maintained witb an intra- flushing'^ with a 0.9% physiologic saline to avoid
muscular injection of xylazine bydrochloride. Quad- introduction of fixative into the tooth substrates, Eacb
rants were isolated with sterile gauze and cotton tooth was immediately cut from its alveolus without
rolls. Twenty teeth received a Class V cavity through placing any external traumatic stress to prevent distor-
the enamel Into the dentin with a 330 carbide bur, tion or deformation of tooth tissues. Each tooth was
copious water spray, adequate flusbing, and bigb-vol- immediately placed into a 0.2''/o sodium azide isotonic
ume evacuation. A new bur was used on every fourth saline solution and stored at 4°C.

562 Volume 32, Number 7, 2001

• Akimoto et al

Enamel Dentin

Fig 1 Location ot nanohardness measurements at live specific

areas across the resin-dentin bonded zone ol ttie cavity (left) one
area on ttie occlusal cavity wall, one area on Ihe gingival cauity
wall, and three evenly spaced areas across the cauity floor.
Approximate nanoindentation Imprints made at points approxi-
mateiy 50 Mm from each ol the live indentation areas (right). PL =
Protect Liner; D = dentin.

Fig 2 Measured nanoindentalion points of group 1 (left) and group 2 (rigttt) A smali, pyramidal
impnnt is created by the uniform appiioation of a 100-mgi load per imprint tesl. PL = Protect Liner;
DD - demineralized dentin; D = dentin; B = Photobond; RiL = re s m-impregnated layer.

Nanohardness measurements debris. Eacb specimen was rinsed, allowed to dry, and
then flxed to its holder. Nanoindentation imprints
For preparation of tbe nanoindentation samples, eacb were made across the resin-denfln bond interface with
of tbe 20 teetb was cross sectioned perpendicuiar to an ENT-1100 Nano Indentation Tester (Elionix).
the resin-dentin interface tbrough the center of Nanohardness was measured at flve specific areas
the cavity restoration using an MC-201 microcutter (Fig 1) across the resin-dentin bonded interface of the
(Maruto). Twenty sectioned halves of teeth from cavity, one area on tbe occlusal cavity wall, one area
groups 1 and 2 were embedded in impression tray on tbe gingivai cavity wall, and tbree evenly spaced
compound (GC) to stabilize each specimen parallel to areas along the cavity floor. Additional nanoindenta-
the stage of the nanoindentation device. Each surface tion imprints were made at points approximately 50
was individually hand polisbed with consecutive 800-, pm from eacb of tbe five indentation areas. Figure 2
1,000-, 1,200-, and 1,500-grit silicon carbide paper sbows representative indentation imprints for groups 1
(Marumoto) with tap water, followed by a diamond and 2. A pyramidal nanoindentation imprint was made
paste of 6-, 3-, 1-, and 0.25-pm grit (Struers). After by tbe uniform application of 100 mgf load per test.
polisbing, each ground sample was sonicated in dis- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations
tilled water using a Quantrex 140 ultrasonic device (L were made of eacb indentation imprint using an ERA-
& R Manufacturing) for 30 seconds to remove all 8000 electron probe surface-rcugbness analyzer

Quintessence International 563

• Akimolo et al

1 |7d

"i SO


1 1
1 1
denlin + 5 [Jm
1 •_
Photobond Resin- Resin-
impregnated impregnaled

layer layer + 5 j m

Fig 3 Comparison of nanohardness oí the resin-dentin interface Fig 4 Nanoha'dness ol the resin-dentin bonded area in group 2
in group 1. ' = statistically signifioant at P < .01 by ANOVA and • = statistically significant at P < .01 by ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD
Fisher's PLSD test tor comparisons between hardness at 7 days test for ccmpariscns between hardness al 7 days and 6 months; n
and 6 rrionths, n = 10.

(Elionix). This instrument has four-channel secondary application of a constant breaking force at two com-
electron detectors. The mode information generated mon points against a fulcrum. These specimens were
from the electron probe incident point on the speci- dehydrated through ascending grades of ethanol and
men surface was detected simultaneously with four- freeze dried in tertiary butyl alcohol in an ID-2 device
channel SE detectors. The electron probe incident (Eiko Engineering). Each specimen was sputter coated
angle was found through processing data derived from with tungsten in a high-resolution ESC-lOl-SEM
the intensity of the output signal generated from each Superfine Coater apparatus (Elionix). Detailed SEM
detector. In this manner, all complex surface morphol- analysis was made with a field emission electron probe
ogy was precisely measured. This instrumentation con- surface-roughness analyzer, ERA-SOOOFE {Elionix).
tains topography, compositional, and secondary elec-
tron imaging (SEI) types. The data were statistically
evaluated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) RESULTS
and Fisher's protected least significant difference
(PLSD) test at P<.01. Nanohardness measurements

EDS microanalyses Figure 3 shows the results of group 1 at 7 days and 6

months. There were no statistically significant difíer-
Two of five specimens from each group were îine ana- ences between the nanohardness of the demineralized
lyzed by EDS. The same area of each specimen was dentin (43.9 ± 15.5 mgf/ym^) and 5pm toward the dem-
subjected to EDS to measure the Ca content across ineralized denfin (52,7 ± 18.8 mgf/pm^) at 7 days. At 6
the previously measured nanoindentation surface motiths, nanohardness of demineralized dentin showed
areas using an ERA-8000 with EDX spectrometer no significant differences, from 43.9 ± 15.5 mgf/pm^ to
(Elionix) at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a 45.6 ± 8.3 mgf/pm^; however, nanohardness measure-
beam current of 5 X 10"' A. ments 5 pm toward the demineralized dentin showed
significantly increased hardness readings from 52.7 ±
SEM observations across the 18.8 mgf/pmMo 83.1 ± 19.4mgf/nm2 (P<,01).
resin-dentin interface Figure 4 shows data of group 2 at 7 days and ö
months. Measurements of 7-day samples indicated
The remaining 20 cross-sectioned halves from the teeth no statistical nanohardness differences between the
of groups 1 and 2 were each split longitudinally hy Protect Liner, 34.8 + 7.0 mgf/jim^, and Photobond,

564 Volume 32, Number 7, 2001

• AKimotc et ai

Fig 5 SEM view íiom group 2 at 7 days snows nano in dentation Fig 6 SEM view from group 2 at 6 months snows nanoindenta-
imprints with a ioad ol 100 mgf onto the resin-dentin interface. The tion imprints (arrows) with a toad ol 100 mgf onto the resin-dentin
composition of the area witnin 5 \im Irom Ihe border of the resin- interlaoe. The composition ol the area within 5 ijm from
impregnaled layer (RIL] appears simiiar to normal sound dentin the border ol the resin-impregnated iayer (RiL) appears similar to
(D). (Originai magnification X4,000.) sound dentin (D] PL = Protect Liner; B = Photobond. (Oiiginai
magnitioation X4.000 ]

41.2 ± 11.2 rngf/jim^; and between the resin impreg- cated the Photobond from the slightly darker resin-
tiated layer, 58.6 ± 16.0 mgf/iim^, and 5 pm toward impregnated layer. There was a qualitative difference
the resin impregnated layer, 53.8 ± 18.8 mgf/[im^. in density from the resin-impregnated layer into the
Nanohardness measurements at 6 months signifieantly hybridoid layer and below. The dentinal tubules also
increased in hardness 5 ym toward the demineraiized appeared darker, similar to the hybridized resin zones.
dentin, from recordings of 53.8 + 18,8 mgf/pm^ to lev- An EDS scan of the Ca content across the resin-
els of 81-7 ± 25.4 mgf/pm^ (P < ,01). Figures 5 and 6 dentin interface at 7 days (Fig 7) showed a level hori-
are representative SEM views from group 2 at 7 days zontal reading through the Protect Liner resin and
and 6 months, respectively. SEM data showed nanoin- through the resin-impregnated layer. As the EDS scan
dentations with a load of 100 mgf onto the resin- reached the hybridoid layer, the Ca levels gradually
dentin interface. increased to a level similar to normal dentin. An EDS
scan (Fig 8) of the Ca content across the resin-dentin
EDS microanalysis interface of the Fig 6 specimen at 6 months showed a
continuous reading through the Protect Liner-
Figures 7 and 8 are SEM views of compositional con- Photobond resin layer and resin-impregnated layers.
trast SEIs, called compositional SEI (CSI), through Once the horizontal EDS scan reached the termina-
the Protect Liner, resin-impregnated layer, hybridoid tion of the resin-impregnated layer, considered hyhri-
layer, and the dentin of group 2. Observatiort of den- doid, the EDS measurement of Ca rapidly increased to
sity across the field of the CSI at 7 days showed a con- a level equivalent to normal dentin. The 6-month in
stant density across the Protect Liner as a thin hori- vivo data show Ca levels in the hybridoid area within
zontal line. The resin-impregnated layer presented a 5 pm from the border of demineraiized dentin at the
different density than the hyhridoid layer, which level of normal dentin.
blended into a whitish zone. Upon characterization of
stirface topography, the hyhridoid layer presented con- Morphoiogic SEM observations
vex features that blended into a whitish horizontal of bonding interface
zone that terminated abruptly at the normal dentin.
Normal dentin showed a different density than the Figure 9 shows field emission SEMs oí the split speci-
other zones. A CSI at ö months through the Protect mens from group 1 at 7 days. An exposed collagen fib-
Liner layer showed a lighter gray zone than the ril network approximately 5 pm in width was observed
darker-stained Photobond zone. A white line demar- between Protect Liner and sound dentin. Because

Quintessence internationai 565

- • • - ^ • • " " ' " " ^ . ' " I . . — -

• Akimoto et al

Fig 7 SEM of a CSI shows the Protect Liner (PL], resin-jmpreg- Fig 8 CSi at 6 months through the Protect Liner (PL] iayer. which
nated iayer (RIL), the hybridoid iayer (HOL¡, and dentin (D] in has a ijghter gray zone than the darker Photobond (B] zone. A
group 2 at 7 days. Otiservation of density across the field shows a winife iine demarcates the B trom a dari<er resin-imp re g nated iayer
constant density CSi gradient across the PL. The RiL shows a dif- (RIL) zone. There is a quaiiLative density difference from the RiL
ferent density gradient than the HOL. Surface topography oharac- into the hybridoid layer and below. Note that the dentinai tubuies
terization ot the HOL presents conve*; features that blend into a aiso show a darker densify, similar to the hybridized resin zone.
whitish horizontal ¿one that terminates abruptly at the normal An EDS scan at 6 months shows a ievei horizontai reading
dentin. Normai dentin shovjs a different density than the other through the PL resin, the B resin iayer, and the RIL. The horizontal
zones An EDS scan of the Ca content aoross the resin-dentin EDS scan reaches the ferminafion of the RiL into the hybridoid
interface shows a ievei horizontai reading through the PL resin iayer, and the Ca EDS measurement rapidly rises upward to a
and through the RiL As 1he EDS scan reaches Ihe HOL layer, ievel consistent wifh normai dentin (0). (Originai magnificafion
there is an increased Ca ievel ftiat reaches a lairly constant mea- X4.000.)
surement simiiar to normal dentin. (Ofiginai magnification

Fig 9a Field emission SEM of split specimens of group f after 7 Fig 9b Higher magnification of Fig 9a. PL = Protect Liner, DD =
days. Exposed coiiagen iibrif zone approximately 5 [jm in width is demineraiiïed dentin (Originai magnification X1O,OOO.)
shown between Piotecf Liner (PL) and sound dentirt (D]. A gap is
seen between the PL and demineraüzed dentin (DD). presumabiy
because group 1 did not receive adtiesiue agenfs. The DD layer
shows a compiefeiy different stfucture fhan sound dentin.
(Original magnification x4,000.)

566 Volume 32, Number 7, 2001

• Akimofo et al

Fig 10a Fieid emission SEM of spiit specimens of group i after 6 Fig lOb Magnified view of Fig 10a leveais the presence of crys-
monlfis. The demineraiized dentin (DD) layer within 5 Mm from file taiiized minerai (while star) DD = demineraiized dentin; black star
interface shows ooiiagen fibrils oniy in the topmost layer (black = coliagen fibrils oniy in the topmost layer. (Originai magniiication
star) and dense structures below (white star) Protect Liner is not x f 0,000.}
seen because adhesive agents were nol appiied. D - dentin.
(Originai magnification X4,000 ¡

Fig 11a Field emission SEM of spiit surfaces of group 2 at 7 Fig l i b Magnifiea photo of Fig f f a shows resm-impregnated
days. Tfiree layers are seen between Protect Liner ¡PL) and sound layer (RiL), where Pliolobond (B) and coilagen are both present,
denlin (D¡. Adjacent to PL on the ieft side is a dark layer, presum- and a hybridoid iayer (iHOL), where apatife iias been washed
ably Pfiotobond (B|, followed by a resin-impregnated layer, where away and coilagen is exposed. (Original magnification x 10,000.)
coilagen and 8 are present in mixture, and the hybridoid layer
(HOL) of 5 (jm wide, where apatite is removed and coilagen is
exposed. (Originai magnification X4,000 ¡

Ojinfessence infern at lonai 567

•Akimoto et al

Fig 12a Field emission SEM photo in 6-month specimen shows a Fig 12b Magnification of Fig 12a. Dense structures are observed
Photobond (B) iayer adjacent to the Protect Liner (PL), wiiere within liie 5-|jm zone, wiiere interfibriiiar spaces are filied with
microtiliers ol ttie PL are recognized with the smooth B surlace, some precipilation (white star). Tiiis is the area where coiiagen fib-
and the res in-impregnated layer (RIL) layer, where B and collagen rils were torn apart. This dense structure is quite different Irom the
are both presen!. Further, between the RIL and sound dentin (D), one seen in Fig I t , where coiiagen fibrils were exposed. B =
torn ooliagen fibriis are seen. (Original magnification x4,000 1 PholObond (Original magnilication xtO.OOO.)

group 1 did not receive an adbesive agent, gap forma- within 5 pm, where interfihrillar spaces appeared to be
tion was seen between tbe demineralized dentin and filied witb some precipitaflon. Tbis is the area wbere
Protect Liner. Tbe demineralized dentin showed a torn collagen fibrils were seen. The dense structure
completely different structure tban sound dentin. was quite different from the one seen in Fig 11, where
However, at 6 months (Fig 10), the demineralized collagen fibrils were exposed and thinly present.
dentin 5 pm from the interface showed collagen flbrils
in the topmost layer, with a more dense substrate
underneath. Again, a gap was seen between tbe dem- DISCUSSION
ineralized dentin and the Protect Liner. Figure 10b is a
a magnified pboto revealing the presence of crystal- Iiiyomura^ reported decreased in vitro bond strengtbs
lized mineral. Figure 11 shows field emission SEM from 17.5 to 3.7 MPa after 5 years, raising concerns of
photos of split surfaces of group 2 at 7 days. Three lay- adbesive failures in tbe deeper hybridoid layer.
ers were observed between Protect Liner and sound Harasbima et aP later speculated that to ensure long-
dentin. Adjacent to Protect Liner was a darker layer, term success, it is important to develop a homogenous
presumably Pbotobond, followed by tbe resin-impreg- adhesive interface through the entire demineralized
nated layer, where collagen and Photobond were pre- dentin substrate. To study possible explanations,
sent, and a 5-jim-wide hybridoid layer wbere apatite Takarada et aP reduced the time of 10-3 acid etching;
was removed and collagen was exposed. Figure lib is however, they reported no change in bond strengtb over
magnified photo of Fig 11a that shows the resin- time. This may have been because of the stabilizing
impregnated iayer where Photobond and collagen component of tbe ferric cbloride in the 10-3 etchant.
were present and tbe hybridoid layer wbere apatite On the other hand, proper primer placement may have
was removed and the coiiagen was exposed. Field promoted optimum primer inflltration into the etched
emission SEM photos at 6 months (Fig 12) sbowed a dentin substrate. Sugizaki" reported that the N-
smootb Fbotobond layer adjacent to tbe tnore granu- methacryloyl 5-aminosalicylic acid primer system (SA-
lar Protect Liner and a resin-impregnated layer wbere Primer) opened the collagen fibril systetn, allowing for
Pbotobond and collagen were botb present. Split and tbe expansion of the coilapsed collagen network almost
torn collagen fibrils were seen between tbe resin- to its original level. It was postulated tbat SA-Primer
impregnated layer and sound dentin. Figure 12b is a would promote an ideal penetration of the adbesive sys-
magnified view of Fig 12a; a dense area was seen tem into tbe demineralized dentin substrate.

568 Volume 32, Number 7, 2ÛOt

• Akimoto et al

Nanoindentation tests on the resin-dentin interface the nanohardness of this area was higher than in 7-
have evaluated elasticity and hardness," concluding day specimens. While the nanohardness of the
that the resin-dentin interdiffusion zone of collageti non-resin impregnated layer was slightly less at 6
fibrils is densely infiltrated with resin and that it cre- months than sound denfin, the nanohardness of this
ates an inherent elastic buffering mechanism that area showed a statistically significant (P < .01)
compensates for polymerization contraction forces increase in Ca. EDS data (Figs 7 and 8) suggest that
within the resin composite. Those authors speculated the hybridoid layer adjacent to the resin-impregnated
that an increased elasficity gradient (Young's modulus) iayer will remineralize after 6 months. These data
results from the highly elastic collagen meshwork and showed that remineraiization occurred in the hybri-
the interdiffused resin. This gradient in stiffness occurs doid zone where the resin may not have thoroughly
between the adhesive resin and low-viscosity resin to penetrated. It is also suggested by field emission SEM
the rigid restorative resin, thus absorbing polymeriza- data (Figs 9 to 12) that 37% HjPO^-etched denfin will
tion shrinkage and stress generated by the resin com- remineraiize after 6 months, and that the hybridoid
posite. Another group measured the hardness of the layer in the interface of the resin-impregnated layer
bonding interface area including the resin-impreg- will remineralize after 6 months without any influence
nated layer at close intervals with a nanohardness- from the adhesive system. Consequently, our data
measuring apparatus.'* They reported that the nano- strongly suggest that an even partially acid-etched
hardness of the non-resin impregnated hybridoid demineralized dentin has the ability to remineralize to
dentin just beneath the resin-impregnated layer is nearly normal in vivo levels.
approximately 60% of that of sound dentin. SEM Numerous studies conducted on demineralization
analysis confirmed that the underlying dentin is a and remineralizafion indicate that enamel and dentin
non-resin infiltrated zone of demineralized dentin. possess a capability to remineralize that is greater than
Consequently, long-term bond strength may likely that of bone and equal to the capability of crystal
deteriorate unless remineraiization occurs within the development of hydroxyapatite." Previous studies^""^^
resin-free hybridoid demineralized segment. have shown that the Golgi complex of odontoblasts
To test possible changes in the non-resin impreg- and other cells produces saccules that elongate and
nated hyhridoid layer, we wanted to observe if etched give rise to small, abacus-like structures that contain
and demineralized dentin would remineralizo in vivo. Ca matrix particles as well as collagen precursor ele-
We also wanted to test if an adhesive system might ments. The Ca granules are known to be involved in
affect remineraiization of the demineralized dentin. In the normal physiologic minerahzation mechanism of
our group 1 data, where only SA-Primer was used, dentin. Bevelander and Nakahara^' demonstrated by
equal degrees of nanohardness were obtained in de- transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in rat pulps
mineralized dentin and areas 5 pm adjacent to the that the onset of dentin mineralization occurs in
demineralized dentin. Therefore, the use of SA-Primer patches of acid mucopolysaccharide and on collagen
did not eliminate the hybridoid zone in deeper areas fibers within the odontoblasts, the mucopolysaccha-
of demineralized dentin. However, the nanohardness ride being a prerequisite for dentin mineralization.
within 5 pm from the border of the demineralized Reith^^ later reported that the major mineralization
dentin had significantly increased at 6 months com- occurs outside of the odontobiast at a later time; it
pared to our 7-day in vivo specimens. In group 2, occurs along the predentin interface, taking part in
there were no statistically significant differences in mineralization within the dentinai tubule adjacent to
nanohardness between Protect Liner and Photobond, the odontobiast process.
or between the resin-impregnated layer and the hybri- Using monkeys, Tatsumi^* demonstrated in vivo
doid layer within 5 pm from the border of the resin- remineralizafion in the zone of inner carious dentin,
impregnated layer. On the other hand, the nanohard- suggesting that the physiologic remineraiization of the
ness of the hybridoid layer significantly increased at 6 inner demineralized zone occurs by normal biologic
months. The composifional SEI of 7-day specimens processes. In that study, an adhesive system was
(Fig 5) showed that areas within 5 pm from the border placed on the outer demineralized dentin. Therefore, it
of the resin-impregnated layer were similar to sound is uncertain if an inner demineralized zone of dentin
dentin. We feel that this may be hecause of the pres- may remineralize when resin hybridization is devel-
ence of mineral. Nanohardness of this area was lower oped. Our in vivo data demonstrate a dynamic dimen-
than in sound dentin, as an increased degree of de- sion to the study of biologic remineraiization in a
mineralizafion had occurred from prolonged 60-sec- reproducible environment that is not possible in vitro.
ond acid etching. In the Fig 6 six-month specimen, the In this study, vital dentin was demineralized with
area 5 pm from the border of the resin-impregnated H,PO, for 60 seconds, suggesting that even though the
layer appeared similar to dentin, as in Fig 5. However, hybridoid layer may be considered an obstacle for long

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