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Inclusiveness of the Church in the Modern times

God made all creation and saw that it was good. As a diverse people of God, we are called
to be faithful to the example of Jesus’ ministry to all persons. Inclusiveness means openness,
acceptance, and support that enables all persons to participate in the life of the Church, the
community, and the world1. Thus, inclusiveness denies every form of discrimination. The mark
of an inclusive society is one in which all persons are open, welcoming, fully accepting, and
supporting of all other persons, enabling them to participate fully in the life of the church, the
community, and the world. There is no distinction made because of racial or ethnic background,
national origin, gender, age, physical condition, or any other criteria.
Jesus Christ was the perfect example of valuing and including others. When He chose His
Apostles, He didn’t pay attention to status, wealth, or lofty profession. He valued the Samaritan
woman at the well, testifying to her of His divinity in spite of how the Jews looked down on
Samaritans (John 4). He looks on the heart and is no respecter of persons.
The mission of the Church is conversion and transformation of the person, in and through
Jesus Christ. It welcomes all to come and hear the message of the Gospel in order to fully
embrace a new life in Jesus Christ 2. It is actually through diminishing our own self-focus that we
allow Christ to more fully live in us. To be truly inclusive means opening ourselves up to
transforming encounters with other people. Churches must not only be inclusive in words but in
their public actions as well. Inclusion happens when all people have equal and meaningful
opportunities to participate and contribute regardless of their differences, and without having to
hide those differences or conform to the dominant ideology.
Discriminations on the grounds of many social variables are present even in the twenty
first century. Since the majority of the Christians are considered as people with high socio-
economic status while comparing with other religions. Due to this notion, people from other
background communities are not welcomed or treated much with the same respect given to the
people who are already part of it.
In the Syrian Orthodox Church in Kerala, we could see some sort of detachment toward
women in the ministry of the Church both in spiritual and administrative level. Another sad truth
existed in the overall Oriental Orthodox communities are many of the present generation
problems are not addressed or defined well in order to get a official view. Whereas in Catholic
Church and Eastern Orthodox churches have made their theological stand points on various
issues related with Abortion, Contraception, Homosexuality, Divorce etc. The absence of
doctrinal ideologies may lead to confuse the people to know the authentic opinion of the church
on particular issues and thus generates a differences in opinion among the believers. Until and
unless the church provide a inclusive attitude towards all kinds of population, it gets deviates
from the basic teachings of Jesus Christ, who accepted everyone as they are.

Wildly Important Goal. ‘Inclusiveness’. Central Texas Conference. (accessed on 10 March 2022).
J. Porteous. ‘Plenary 2020: an inclusive church'. Catholic Weekly. 2020 (accessed on 10 March 2022).

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