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Waterfall Model

The first Process Model to be introduced was the Waterfall Model. The term "linear-sequential life cycle
model" is also used to describe it. It is incredibly easy to use and comprehend. A waterfall paradigm
requires that each phase be finished in its entirety before moving on to the next. Typically, this kind of
software development paradigm is utilized for projects that are small and have clear requirements.
Waterfall model was used to develop enterprise applications like Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) systems, Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management Systems,
Inventory Management Systems, Point of Sales (POS) systems for Retail chains.

In these situations, Waterfall model was the preferred approach because of:

 Consider a system where time and money were secondary considerations and human safety was
 This is because of the strict standards and requirements that have to be followed.
 The requirements are known well in advance and contracts are very specific about the deliverable
of the project.
 This model is simple and easy to understand and use.
 It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a
review process.
 In this model phases are processed and completed one at a time. Phases do not overlap.
 Waterfall model works well for smaller projects where requirements are clearly defined and very
well understood.

Prototyping Model
Prototype helps users and designers communicate during the design process, according to a two-phased
research effort comparing the prototyping approach with the more conventional life cycle approach. The
results also suggest that designers who employed prototyping had trouble monitoring and regulating the
design process.
Prototype model was used to develop most of the Enterprise Businesses B2B applications like Adobe XD,
The reasoning of prototyping tends to be more inductive than the others. It is the most exploratory of the
three approaches, employed to identify viable directions and unknown limitations. Experimentation,
alternatively, tends to deploy a more deductive approach, based on the formulation, testing and validation
of previously established hypotheses to find explanations. This tradition draws from deductive scientific
approaches, such as in biology, to infer causality, correlation or patterns between previously identified
variables. Piloting lies in between the other two, tending to employ an abductive method. In other words,
in piloting, there are ‘working hypotheses’4 which serve as a frame of reference for guidance. Piloting can
then pre-test or validate the working hypothesis, but the process is also flexible enough to allow for the
identification of limitations and viable directions that have not been previously conceived.

Incremental Model
Standard ideas on situational method engineering need to be reexamined in light of the performance issues
that product software firms are currently facing with their processes. By creating a knowledge
infrastructure, we help these businesses evolve their methods by gradually raising the maturity of their
processes. The general approach increments observed in an exploratory case study are first recognized and
formalized. Then, by creating a root-cause map for software product management, identifying the root
causes, and defining process alternatives that are related to them, we define common process demands.
We apply the established technique increments and process demands to a comprehensive case study
carried out at Infor Global Solutions to validate them.
Incremental model was used to develop applications like: salary software package, WhatsApp, Windows,
MS Office
In these situations, Waterfall model was the preferred approach as day to day requirements change people
want something better so they again analyze the requirement and repeat the SDLC process.

RUP Model
Software development technique RUP stands for Rational Unified Process. The project life cycle is
divided into four phases by RUP. All six of the fundamental development disciplines—business modeling,
requirements, analysis and design, implementation, testing, and deployment—are used throughout each
phase. However, some procedures are more crucial and require more time at each stage. For instance, the
inception and elaboration stages are where business modeling often occurs. The primary goal of each of
the four stages must be achieved before moving on to the subsequent phase of the project.
Incremental model was used to develop applications like: IBM Rational, AML solutions and software’s,
MFT solutions.
In these situations, RUP model was the preferred approach since it provides a specific plan for each step
of the development process, it helps prevent resources from being wasted and reduces unexpected
development costs.

Spiral Model
Spiral model uses a type of incremental approach which emphasis more on risk analysis. It basically
consists of four phases:

 Planning
 Risk analysis
 Development
 Evaluation

Spiral model was used to develop applications like: NASA, Risk monitoring, Architectural design.
In these situations, RUP model was the preferred approach due to:

 the costs and risk evaluation is important

 For medium to high-risk projects
 Long-term project commitment unwise because of potential changes to economic priorities
 Users are unsure of their needs
 Requirements are complex
 New product line
 Significant changes are expected (research and exploration)

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