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DAV Public School

Grade- V
Computer Assignment for Term-II

Q.1 A group of 8 bits is called?

Ans. Byte

Q.2 Write the full form of KB ,MB and GB in computer ?

Ans KB -Kilobyte
MB - Megabyte
GB- Gigabyte

Q.3. 1 KiloByte= _____Byte

Ans 1024

Q.4 Which part of CPU stores data ,instruction and result of processing?
Ans Memory unit

Q.5 Name the three parts of CPU?

Ans Control unit(CU)
Arithmetic and logical unit(ALU)
Memory unit (MU)

Q.6 Collection of 4 bits is called?

Ans Nibble

Q .7 Identify the picture and name the storage device?


Q.8 Name the part of CPU that control the flow of data and information?
Ans Control unit

Q.9 Name the part of CPU that performs calculations and comparisons on data?
Ans Arithmetic/ logic unit
Q.10 Identify the pictures and name the input devices?

Q.11 Identify the pictures and name the output devices?

Q. 12 What are the types of memory?
Ans Primary memory
Secondary memory

Q.13 What are the types of Primary memory?


Q.14 Write the full form of RAM and ROM?

Ans RAM -Random Access Memory
ROM- Read Only Memory

Q 15 What is CD and DVD in computer?

Ans CD stands for Compact disc
DVD stands Digital Versatile disc

Q.16 How many types of basic memory are there in computer system
Ans 2 (Primary and secondary memory)

Q.17 What is a computer virus?

Ans Virus is something which destroys our files and folders saved on computer

Q.18 Which software is used to protect the computer from virus?

Ans Antivirus

Q 19 Name any 2 antivirus software?

Ans Avast ,AVG

Q.20 Identify the icons and write the name of web browsers?

Q.21 Hardware devices used for storing information from the computer is called?
Ans Storage devices

Q.22 What are Proper Rules for the Internet called?

Ans Netiquette

Q 23 What does the ' E' stands for in E-mail?

Ans Electronic mail

Q.24 What is the Internet?

Ans Internet is a global network of computers and electronic devices.

Q.25 The software that can track whatever work you do your computer or on the internet is
Ans Anti-Spyware

Q.26 Write one example of anti spyware software?

Ans Spybot

Q.27 Write the other name of secondary memory?

Ans Permanent Memory

Q.28 Which is called the internal memory of the computer system?

Ans Primary Memory

Q.29 Main memory of computer is called the_____ memory.

Ans Internal memory

Q 30 Computer uses its ____to store the data and information.

Ans Memory

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