Study: EFFECT OF Oxytocin Massage On Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers

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Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No.

2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357


EFFECT OF oxytocin massage on breast milk production in

postpartum mothers

Yusari love *
* Lecturer Major Midwifery Health Polytechnic Tanjungkarang

breast milk is not go out is condition no milk production or at least milk production . This thing caused
influence hormone less oxytocin _ work because lack of stimulation puff activated baby _ work hormone
oxytocin . Massage oxytocin is one _ solution for resolve non-fluency milk production . Destination study this
for identify difference mother 's milk production given breath _ treatment massage oxytocin and without
treatment at BPM Lia Maria District Sukarame Bandar Lampung 2017. Method research used _ in study this
is experimental with design posttest design with group control . Population in research this is mother 3
hours postpartum at BPM Lia Maria totaled 80 people . Sample in study this taken through method
purposive sampling . Sample totaling 32 people consisting of of 16 people as respondents who were in the
intervention and 16 people as variable control . Instrument research used _ in the form of sheet observation
for observe milk production on the day to 6 and the scales . Statistical test results using chi-square (x 2 )
obtained p -value = 0.037 (p- value 0.05) which means there is influence significant Among massage
oxytocin to mother 's milk production post partum at BPM Lia Maria Sukarame Bandar Lampung in 2017.
Expected results study this could increase quality service for power health especially midwife as executor so
that could increase knowledge mother will massage oxytocin and can motivate mother and family for To do
massage oxytocin and provide guidance as well as counseling to mother postpartum about benefit massage
oxytocin .
Keywords : Massage _ oxytocin , milk In Riskesdas 2013 which is one of the indicators
production that can be used for appropriate PHBS with
PHBS criteria set by the Health Promotion
BACKGROUND Center in 2011, namely exclusive breastfeeding .
_ Start process breast-feed the most occurs 1-6
hours after births (35.2%) and less from 1 hour
In Indonesia almost 9 out of 10 mothers once ( initiation breast-feed early ) of 34.5%. While
breastfeed , but IDAI research ( Yohmi et al , the process starts breast-feed Lowest occurs 7-
2015) found only 49.8% gave breast milk 23 hours after birth that is by 3.7%
exclusively exclusive for 6 months in accordance
WHO recommendations . Low scope exclusive ( Ministry of Health RI, 2015)
breastfeeding _ this could impact on quality life Connection Among development baby and
generation successor nation and also on the breastfeeding has _ many researched . The meta
economy national . (IDAI, 2016) - analysis by Anderson et al. (1999) concluded
that breastfed babies have _ _ level

[ 1]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

development more cognitive _ tall compared Sukarame , Korpri , and Way Laga . Dead baby
formula - fed babies . one _ explanation from this cover neonatal deaths 135 cases and deaths
results study the is 60% of brain baby arranged baby 34 cases . Quantity data birth living in 2014
from fats, especially DHA and fatty acids as many as 20,427 babies . Looking at national
arachidonic acid (AA), and breast milk contains targets as much as 23 per 1000 KH, then Dead
non- fatty acids fed up chain long (LCPUFAs) babies recorded in Bandar Lampung 169 per
such as DHA and AA which are substance ideal 20,427 KH (0.0082) still far below _ number
nutrition for growth brain baby who hasn't ripe ( national (0.023). Although thereby still required
Fikawati et al , 2015) enhancement service health mother and baby
To use more push number Dead baby through
Deficiency nutrition that occurs at the beginning
various activity good promotive , preventive nor
life could result in happening growth faltering
curative , and improve role as well as Public as
( failed grow ) so that baby will grow Becomes
well as cross sector of course .
more children _ short than normal. Besides that
, lack nutrition can also take effect to breast milk is not go out is condition no milk
development cognitive , morbidity and mortality production or at least milk production . This
baby . Good nutrition _ will speed up recovery thing caused influence hormone less oxytocin _
and reduce the intensity ( emergency ) of the work because lack of stimulation puff activated
disease infection in infants . Incident infection in baby _ work hormone oxytocin .( Fikawati et al ,
babies no could be ignored , remember infection 2015: 83) Hormones oxytocin work stimulate
is reason main Dead baby in country smooth muscle for squeezing the milk in the
alveoli , lobes as well as ducts containing the
growing ( Fikawati et al , 2015)
milk that is secreted through the nipple.
Case Dead baby in Bandar Lampung city for ( Walyani and Purwoastuti , 2015)
2009-2014 fluctuated . _ Dead baby the in 2009
According to Fikawati , et al (2015) mention that
to 127 cases , in period 2 years time next , IMR
one _ necessary action _ conducted for
in Bandar Lampung City in two year final
maximizing the quality and quantity of breast
increase . In 2010 there were 195 IMR cases
milk, namely massage back . Massage back this
recorded . 2011 is declining to 167 cases , but in
useful for stimulate expenditure hormone
2012 _ _ increase return to 204 cases , in 2013
oxytocin Becomes more optimal and the
decreased by 168 cases and in 2014 increased to
production of breast milk becomes smoothly .
169 cases . From 169 cases Dead baby , when
According to Lowdermik , Perry & Bobak (2000),
seen based on group age so neonatal mortality
massage oxytocin is one _ solution for resolve
(0-28 days ) accounts for number highest from
non-fluency milk production . Massage Oxytocin
Dead existing babies , neonatal mortality year _
is massage along _ bone back ( vertebrae ) to
this 135 cases and deaths _ baby 34 cases . A
bone fifth -sixth rib and is the effort for
number of study obtained that one _
stimulate hormone prolactin and oxytocin after
contributing factors _ influence Dead baby is still
give birth .
low exclusive breastfeeding ( ASI ) . ( Lampung
Health Profile 2014, p . 82) From the results of a pre survey conducted by
researchers at BPM Lia Maria Kec . Sukarame
Case Dead baby in 2014 as many as 168 cases
Bandar Lampung yet To do massage oxytocin at
spread over 30 health centers , with case highest
_ give care midwifery to mother post partum
be at the health center Camping 14 cases and
good for stimulate release of breast milk and for
not have case there are Puskesmas Permata
uterine involution and Lia Maria BPM who is a

[ 2]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

BPM in the working area Permata Sukarame Usia f %

Health Center which does not there is amount <20 1 3,1
case Dead baby . 20-30 21 65,6
>30 10 31,2
Jumlah 32 100

METHOD Based on table 1 can is known of 32

respondents part big have 20-30 years old
namely 21 respondents (65.6%).
Study this conducted aim for knowing influence
massage oxytocin to mother 's milk production
postpartum at BPM Lia Maria. Method research
used _ in study this is experimental with design Table 2: Distribution Frequency Respondent
posttest design with group control . Based on Education
Population in research this is mother 3 hours
postpartum at BPM Lia Maria totaled 80
people . Sample in study this taken through Pendidikan f %
method purposive sampling . Sample totaling SD 2 6,2
32 people consisting of of 16 people as SMP 11 34,4
respondents who were in the intervention and SMA 14 43,8
PT 5 15,6
16 people as variable control .
Jumlah 32 100
Research data collected with To do massage
oxytocin after 3 hours postpartum and for 5
days each morning and evening next Based on table 2 can is known of 32
conducted observation on day 6. Collected respondents part big have SMA education is 14
data next processed and analyzed by univariate respondents (43.8%).
and bivariate using the chi-square test with
help device soft computer .
Table 3: Distribution Frequency Respondent
Based on Work

Pekerjaan f %
Bekerja 2 6,2
Analysis Univariate Tidak bekerja 30 93,8
Amount 32 100
Table 1: Distribution Frequency Respondent
Based on Age Based on table 3 is known of 32 respondents
part big respondent no work namely 30
respondents (93.8%).

[ 3]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

Table 4: Distribution Frequency Respondent significant Among massage oxytocin to mother

's milk production post partum at BPM Lia
Based on parity Maria Sukarame city
Lampung in 2017. From the results analysis also
obtained the value of OR = 11,667
parity f % (1,227110,953), which means mother post
Primigravida 9 28.1 partum that carries out massage oxytocin have
Multigravida 23 71.9 11,667 chances of experiencing sufficient milk
production compared with mother who doesn't
Amount 32 100
To do massage oxytocin .

Based on table 4 is known of 32 respondents

part big multigravida respondents were
23 respondents (71.9%). DISCUSSION

Analysis Bivariate Production in Postpartum Mothers Who

Do Massage Oxytocin
Based on results study is known that of the 16
Table 5: Distribution Influence Massage
respondents who did massage oxytocin there
Oxytocin to Breast Milk Production in are 15 people have sufficient breast milk
Post Partum Mothers production and 1 respondent who has less milk
production .

This thing in line with existing theory _ that

Breast milk production p
massage stimulation oxytocin for mother
Massage Enough Less value OR breast-feed working for stimulate hormone
oxytocin in order to facilitate breast milk and
f %f%
increase convenience mother .
Massage 15 93.75 1 6.25
Massage oxytocin is one _ solution for resolve
Not Massage 9 56.2 7 43.8
0.037 (1,227- non-fluency milk production . Massage
110,953) oxytocin is massage along _ bone back
(vertebrae) to fifth - sixth rib and is the effort
Total 24 75 8 25 for stimulate hormone prolactin and oxytocin
after give birth . ( Rahayu , 2016) Massage this
conducted for stimulate reflex oxytocin or
Based on analysis influence massage oxytocin to
reflex milk production. Mother who receives
Breast milk production is known that of the 16
massage oxytocin will feel more relax .
respondents who did massage oxytocin
there is 15 people experienced sufficient (Monika, FB Monika, 2014).
milk production , while of the 16 respondents The results of research conducted by Emy
who did not To do massage oxytocin there are 9 Syriac and Kh Endah Widhi Astuti at district
people experiencing sufficient milk production .
BPM Klaten Bivariate analysis results obtained
Statistical test results using chi-square (x 2 )
showing existence average difference _ baby
obtained p -value = 0.037 (p- value 0.05)
which means there is influence weight _ with p value : 0.001 , yes difference
significant BAK frequency with p value = 0.001

[ 4]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

and there is difference frequency meaningful ( Nutrition , condition breast , system

breastfeeding _ with p value = 0.001 and there endocrine , parity , age pregnancy , habits ,
is significant difference in sleep duration with p rest ), factors psychological factor _ social
value = 0.001. Could concluded that there is ( socio-emotional , socio-economic , level
influence massage oxytocin to milk production education , factor other ( care breast massage _
with indication baby weight , frequency _ baby oxytocin , technique marble )
breastfeeding , frequency baby bladder and old
The results of research conducted by Siti Nur
baby sleep after breastfeeding .
Endah and Imas Masdinarsah in the Midwifery
According to analysis researcher adequacy Room House Sick Muhammadiyah Bandung The
mother 's milk production postpartum at BPM year 2011 is , time expenditure colostrum group
Lia Maria District Sukarame city the average treatment is 5.8 hours, while the
Lampung is good . Massage oxytocin length of time group control is an average of
administered to the mother postpartum could 5.89 hours . Amount colostrum released _ group
make relaxed and comfortable , so that could the average treatment is 5,333 cc while group
reduce fatigue _ after give birth to especially control is an average of 0.0289 cc. Massage
massage done _ after 3 hours postpartum. oxytocin take effect to amount production
Postpartum mother done _ massage oxytocin colostrum with a P-value of 0.009 , and massage
say that During did massage oxytocin mother oxytocin no take effect against the length of
feel comfortable and relax so that During time expenditure colostrum mother post
massage mother feel existence dripping milk partum with a P-value of 0.939.
flow out .
According to analysis researcher adequacy good
Massage oxytocin is also easy conducted with milk production because in general inadequate
movement that doesn't too many so that could milk production To do massage oxytocin enough
remembered by family for done and not need because part big parity respondent is multipara
long time . Support from husband and family so that pregnancy or 2nd delivery has trend
also play a role important in breastfeeding . one more good than the first in Thing lactogenesis
_ form Support the could seen from husband and galactopoiesis as well as have experience in
and family agree for To do massage oxytocin so breastfeeding . Besides that , mother the breath
that mother could motivated for breast-feed the that becomes respondent no have taboos in
baby as well as existence member ready family _ food so that pattern nutrition good protein from
help To do profession ordinary house _ fish, nuts that can increase milk production can
conducted mother . fulfilled . Majority profession mother is mother
house ladder so that moment afternoon day
mother have time for rest . where is mom
Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers breastfeeding is necessary adequate and
To do Massage Oxytocin effective sleep so that metabolism in her body
Based on results study is known that of the 16 walk smoothly .
respondents who did not To do massage
oxytocin there are 9 people have sufficient milk
production and 7 people have less milk Influence Massage Oxytocin to breast
production . milk production in postpartum mothers
A number of identified factors _ could influence Based on analysis influence massage oxytocin to
lactation in between is Factor Biological adequacy mother 's milk production postpartum

[ 5]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

is known that of the 16 respondents who did According to Hockenberry (2002) wrote that
massage oxytocin there are 15 people who have massage oxytocin more effective given as much
sufficient milk production , while of 15 twice in _ a day that is morning and evening.
respondents who did not To do massage This is also supported by Biancuzzo (2003) that
oxytocin there are 9 people have sufficient milk massage oxytocin conducted twice in _ a day
production . could affect postpartum mother's milk
production .
Statistical test results use Chi Square ( x 2 )
obtained p-value = 0.037 (p-value 0.05 ) which Massage oxytocin is something action massage
means that there is influence significant Among bone behind start from nerves to 5 - 6 until the
massage oxytocin to breast milk production at scapula will speed up work nerve
BPM Lia Maria Sukarame Bandar Lampung in parasympathetic for convey order to brain part
2017. behind so that oxytocin out ( Suherni , 2008
Suradi , 2006; Hamranani 2010) ( Dalam Faculty
From result analysis also obtained the value of
Knowledge Padjadjaran University Nursing , Leli
OR = OR = 11,667 (1,227-110,953) which means
Khairani et al , 2012)
mother post partum who did massage oxytocin
have 11,667 times chance of having opportunity Results of research conducted Lily Khairani ,
Sufficient milk production compared with Maria Komariah , and Wiwi Mardia about
mother who doesn't To do massage oxytocin . influence massage oxytocin to involution uterus
on mother post partum in the room post partum
Breast milk production is strongly influenced by
class III RSHS Bandung that is identified
conditions psychological mother breastfeeding .
influence oxytocin to uterine involution in
Moment mother breast-feed feel comfortable
mother post partum at the Post Partum Room
and relax expenditure oxytocin could in progress
Class III RSHS Bandung, through statistical tests
with good . There is the points that can facilitate
Chi-square with p value < 0.05.
breastfeeding, among others , three point on
breast that is dot above _ nipple , point right on Based on theory and results research
the nipple and point under nipples , as well above _ according to researcher existence
point on the back that is in line with breasts . influence massage oxytocin to production
Massage stimulation oxytocin for mother breast- Breastfeeding at BPM Lia Maria District
feed working for stimulate hormone oxytocin in Sukarame Bandar Lampung in 2017 because
order to facilitate breast milk and increase with To do massage oxytocin could stimulate
convenience mother . Massage in section back hormone oxytocin that works in milk
mom made _ mother relax too _ stimulate production. View from side work , part big
expenditure oxytocin . respondent no work , should allow for doing
massage oxytocin good by husband in the
Hormone oxytocin stimulate contraction layer morning and evening or done by the family .
myometrium uterus in labour . _ Hormone it also
generates production of milk through
procurement contraction cells myoepithelium in
glands breast as response to nipple sucking done
si baby , who then happen reflex neurogenic ( CONCLUSION
flow electricity nerves ) that are delivered to
hypothalamus through strings nerves in the
Based on results data analysis and discussion
spinal cord ( area bone back ) (Hendrik H., 2006)
study could concluded there is influence

[ 6]
Journal Nursing , Volume XIII, No. 2, October 2017 ISSN 1907 - 0357

massage oxytocin to mother 's milk production Ministry of Health . 2014. Indonesia Health
postpartum at BPM Lia Maria District Sukarame Profile 2014. Bandar Lampung : Bandar
2017 is _ 93.8% mother breath that does Lampung City Health Office
massage oxytocin part big have sufficient milk
Khairani , Maria et al . 2012. Influence Massage
production , 56.2% mothers non - breathing To
Oxytocin To Involution Uterus to Post
do massage oxytocin there are 9 people who
Partum Mother in Post Partum Room
have sufficient milk production .
Class III RSHS Bandung. Faculty Knowledge
Analysis result statistics more carry on conclude Nursing
that there is significant influence _ Among
Padjadjaran University
massage oxytocin to mother 's milk production
postpartum with p value 0.037. Rahayu , Anik Praise . 2016.
Practical Guide Nursing Maternity .
Based on conclusion the writer recommend to
Yogyakarta:DeepublishRamadhy , Suryani , Emy
BPM Lia Maria for To do massage oxytocin after & Kh Endah Widhi Astuti .
3 hours postpartum and teach mother 2013. Influence Massage Oxytocin To
postpartum method To do massage oxytocin , Production Mother's Milk
do counseling about massage oxytocin in class
Postpartum at District BPM Klaten .
mom and can motivate mother and family for To
do massage oxytocin during the puerperium ,
and provide leaflets or brochure about massage Midwifery Surakarta Health Polytechnic .
oxytocin so that could increase knowledge
Walyani , Elisabeth Siwi and Endang
mother postpartum will massage oxytocin .
Purwoastuti . 2015. Upbringing
Postpartum and Breastfeeding Obstetrics .
_ Yogyakarta: PT. New Library .


Endah , Siti Nur and Imas Masdinarsah . 2011.

Influence Massage Oxytocin to
Expenditure Colostrum to Post Partum
Mothers in the Midwifery Room at Home
Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung Year
2011. Stickers General A. Yani Cimahi

Monika's FB. 2014. Books Smart Breastfeeding

and Breastfeeding . Jakarta: Noura Books

Fikawati , Sandra; et al . 2015. Mother and Baby

Nutrition . Jakarta: PT
Rajagrafindo homeland
Hendrik, H. 2006. Problema Menstruation . Solo:
PT. Three A Series of Independent
Libraries .

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