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DAILY School San Jose del Monte National High School Grade Level Grade 11


PLAN Teaching Dates and Time JUNE 27, 2022 Semester SECOND

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the topic, the students are expected to IPCRF INDICATORS ANNOTATION

A. Content Standards discuss the applications of recombinant DNA;

B. Performance Standards differentiate at least two applications of genetic engineering, and

outline the processes involved in genetic engineering

C. Learning Competencies



A. References

1. Teacher's Guide pages Curriculum Guide


2. Learner's Material Senior High Conceptual Science & Beyond (General Biology 2) pp 135-145

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource (LR)
portal Self-learning kit on Recombinant DNA (Week 8)

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A. Routinary Activities 4. Managed classroom

structure to engage
Good morning, STEM MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS! Much of teaching is about helping
learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful students master new knowledge and
exploration, discovery and skills and then helping students not to
Class secretary, do we have any absentees for today? hands-on activities within
forget what they have learned. The
a range of physical
learning environments. recommendations in this practice
guide are intended to provide
teachers with specific strategies for
Before we start our lesson for today, let us do an activity. 9. Selected, developed,
organizing both instruction and
organized, and used
appropriate teaching and students’ studying of material to

Who would like to create a GMO? learning resources, facilitate learning and remembering
including ICT, to address
information, and to enable students to
learning goals.
use what they have learned in new

Research has evidenced that digital

educational games can be effective
tools to impart knowledge.
Researchers have recommended to
Page 2 of 14
focus on motivation and gaming load
and their interaction when
investigating learning process and
6. Used differentiated, success. Gaming expertise and the
developmentally English proficiency of learners seem to
appropriate learning be further important aspects of
experiences to address learning success, especially when non-
learners’ gender, needs, native speakers play an English game.
strengths, interests, and However, knowledge about the
experiences motivational and cognitive impact of
games and learner characteristics on
learning outcomes needs to be
augmented and clarified. The present
Guide question: study aimed to address this need. We
1. Applies knowledge of conducted an experimental media
content within and across comparison to investigate the effects
curriculum teaching areas of game play and expertise in gaming
1. What have you notice on our activity?
and English on motivation, cognitive
2. Are there any (effects whether positive or negative) to combine two
load, and performance.
different DNA?

Since you have an idea what will be our lesson for today, let’s dig dip using this

B. Reviewing previous Let’s have an activity called The Blind Artist! The drawing of visual representations
lesson or presenting
is important for learners and scientists
the new lesson
Activity alike, such as the drawing of models to
THE BLIND ARTIST 6. Used differentiated,
enable visual model-based reasoning.
appropriate learning Yet few biology instructors recognize
Page 3 of 14
experiences to address drawing as a teachable science
learners’ gender, needs, process skill, as reflected by its
strengths, interests, and
Directions: The Blind Artist will draw what the Director instruct him/her. Note to absence in the Vision and
the Director that they can ONLY say DIRECTIONS, LINES, COLORS and SHAPES. Change report’s Modeling and
1. Applies knowledge of
Simulation core competency. Further,
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas the diffuse research on drawing can be
At least, 2 participants will do the activity.
difficult to access, synthesize, and
apply to classroom practice. 
(3 mins timer will prompt on screens during this activity)

1. Based on the activity that we had a while ago, what can you say about the
figures that you draw?
2. Do you have any idea what is Recombinant DNA?
3. Have you observed the drawing is related to one another?

Now that you knew what our lesson is for today, let’s meet our objectives at the end
of the lesson.

Please read, All together!

1. discuss the applications of recombinant DNA;

2. differentiate at least two applications of genetic engineering, and

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3. outline the processes involved in genetic engineering.

C. Presenting We already knew what our objective after this lesson is, Let’s look first on your 6. Used differentiated, While teaching with images has been
examples/ instances drawing! developmentally at the core of disciplines like art
of the new lesson or appropriate learning
discussing new history for decades, all courses can
experiences to address
concepts and
learners’ gender, needs, benefit from the use of visual
practicing new skills It is the first step of Genetic Engineering which is DNA EXTRACTION wherein sample
of an organism containing the gene of interest is taken to remove the DNA. strengths, interests, and materials in class lectures,
assignments, exercises, and resources.
Images can be an effective way of
Now that we already extracted our desired DNA, we will now CLONE the extracted
presenting abstract concepts or
DNA so that we can make copies of it and use to different organisms.
groups of data. Instructors have
reported that their use of images in
Since we already cloned the DNA that we extracted, we will now DESIGN the the classroom has led to increased

gene to work once inside a different organism. This is done in a test tube by cutting student interactivity and discussion.
the gene apart with enzymes and replacing gene regions that have been separated. Teaching with images can also help
develop students’ visual literacy skills,
which contributes to their overall
The modified gene is now ready for the fourth step in the process,
TRANSFORMATION, or GENE INSERTION. This is the addition of one or more critical thinking skills and lifelong
nucleotide base pairs into a DNA sequence so that it can created TRANSGENIC learning.
ORGANISMS will be beneficial to the different fields whether in Industrial, Medicinal
or Agricultural.

BREEDING or the transgenic organisms will be bred to have an offspring with the
Genetically Modified DNA from previous steps. This enables breeders to transfer a
desired trait such as a transgene from one trait into the favored genetic background
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of another.

D. Discussing new Now that we knew what the basic process of Genetic Engineering are, let us look 6. Used differentiated,
concepts and now what are the applications that might be helpful to us. developmentally Kenneth J. Kurtz, an associate
practicing new skills appropriate learning professor of psychology at
experiences to address
Binghamton University, is developing
learners’ gender, needs,
Group Activity strengths, interests, and a more advanced version of a child’s
Sorts experiences. sorting game to help kickstart
students’ ability to draw out the
underlying connections among
9. Selected, developed,
different problems. In a series of
organized, and used
appropriate teaching and experiments supported by the
Class, kindly group yourselves into 3 groups. learning resources, Institute of Education Sciences, Kurtz
including ICT, to address
and co-principal investigator Andy
learning goals.
Cavagnetto, an associate professor of
Directions: using, sort out these sentences to their corresponding
science education at Washington State
categories and define each chosen sentence. Everyone will have 5 minutes to sort
and define the sentences that bests categorize them. After the activity, each group 4. Managed classroom University, found students are better
will present and discuss their work into the class. structure to engage
able to transfer their understanding of
learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful science concepts to new situations
exploration, discovery and when they learn the concept by
(10 mins timer will prompt on our screen during this activity)
hands-on activities within
categorizing examples.
a range of physical
learning environments.

Okay class time is up! Raise your pens, finish or not. For group discussion,

Group 1 for Medicinal, Group 2 for Agricultural and Group 3 for Industrial

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We are now familiar with the different applications of Genetic Engineering. 3. Applies a range of
teaching strategies to
Individual Activity develop critical and Also known as compare-contrast, this
creative thinking, as well type of activity requires students to
as other higher thinking identify important characteristics and
then use these characteristics as the
Directions: Using, create a Venn Diagram and Using the
basis for identifying similarities and
internet or discussions of your classmates a while ago, differentiates at least two
applications of genetic engineering, whatever field it is categorize. At least 2 differences. Venn diagrams, matrices,
students should present their work into the class. You have 5 minutes to do this and T-charts are all powerful tools to
E. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative help students compare. Students
should also learn to write simple

(5 mins timer will prompt on screens during this activity) compare-contrast essays based on
knowledge gained firsthand or from
reading. Again, students need explicit
instruction in writing skills such as
organizing information, using signal
words appropriately, and including
supporting details.

F. Finding practical 3. Applies a range of Asking good questions is central to

application of teaching strategies to
We all have the knowledge on our lesson for today. Let us assume we are all doctors learning and sometimes can be more
concepts and skills develop critical and
in daily living now. important than getting the answers,
creative thinking, as well
as other higher thinking particularly when the questions
skills encourage students to think critically.
”Skill in the art of questioning lies at
the basis of all good teaching ” (Betts,
Page 8 of 14
Guide Questions: 1910, p. 55). Equally important is
helping students use self -questioning
to monitor their learning. This fact
1. What will be your invention/discovery in the field of Medicine to fight
sheet focuses on both teacher
against infectious diseases?
2. How these invention or discovery helps an individual that have the disease? questioning and student self -

G. Making To deepen our understanding of our lesson for today, here are some pictures 8. Participated in collegial According to Webster (2013), guessing
generalizations and related to Genetic Engineering: discussions that use game is a game in which the
abstractions about teacher and learner participants compete individually or in
the lesson
feedback to enrich teams in the identification of
teaching practice. something indicated obscurely (as in
riddles or Page 9 of 11 Question: How
can you relate the word ENERGY in
cellular activities? charades). Klippel
(1984: 31) states that the basic role of
guessing game is very simple. One
person knows something that the
other one wants to find out. He
further states "as the person guessing
has a real urge to find out something,
guessing games are true
communication situations and as such
are very important for foreign
language learning. They are generally
liked by students of all ages because
What can you say about the photo? they combine language practice with
fun and excitement."

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What have you concluded in today’s lesson?

H. Evaluation 3. Applied a range of Quizzes, as one of the assessment

teaching strategies to tools, take place at different times
Since we have ended our discussion smoothly, we can have at least a short quiz on develop critical and
our lesson for today. during the course and they should be
creative thinking, as well
as other higher order ‘low stakes’ (informal). Quizzes are
thinking skills. also formative rather than summative,
Directions: Arrange the processes of genetic engineering in ascending numerical
and their purpose is not to judge
order but with a Twist. Each letter in the alphabet or A-Z letter corresponds the
number from 1-26. I will give a set of numbers and definition of the process and students in a ‘pass/fail’ or ’Yes/No’
you will identify first the word or sentence it states before arranging the processes manner but to promote involvement
of genetic engineering. Once done with identification, input roman numerals I-V to
in course content knowledge.
arrange the processes.

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If you’re ready, Raise your pens up.

The first set of numbers would be:

7-5-14-5 4-5-19-9-7-14 – Designing of the gene to work once

inside a different organism.

20-18-1-14-19-6-15-18-13-1-20-9-15-14 – Main goal of these

method is to transport the new gene(s) and deliver them into the
nucleus of a cell without killing it.

5-24-20-18-1-3-20-9-15-14 – Sample of an organism containing the

gene of interest is taken to remove the desired DNA.

2-18-5-5-4-9-14-7 – Enables breeders to transfer a desired trait

such as a transgene from one variety into the favored genetic
background of another.

3-12-15-14-9-14-7 – Separation of the single gene of interest from

the rest of the genes extracted and make thousands of copies of it.

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To check your scores, here are the answer key for your references.



I. Additional activities For your homework, In all educational levels, teachers

for application or
assign their students with different
remediation (For regular students),
activities to practice and reinforce
Enumerate the cons and pros of Genetic Engineering.
what they have learnt. Further,
assignments are valuable educational
tools that raise students’
consciousness as believed by teachers,

For advanced students, parents, and authorities. It functions,

in a sense, as a bridge between

Page 12 of 14
schools and homes. Assignments
require the effort, time, and
dedication of students, families, and
teachers. Thus, it is crystal clear that
assignments are practical tools to
develop communicative skills and
provide learning experiences in order
to achieve the needed behavior

Closing Remarks: That’s all for today. Goodbye and Thank you, STEM ENGINEERS!



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.

of learners who have caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these works?

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F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Mentored by: Observed by:


Special Science Teacher I Master Teacher I Assistant Principal II

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