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Bid Summary A 150 word brief statement of the bid's main points to be used for the Awards Yearbook and other similar
promotional material such as but not limited to newsletter and announcements, that will be used locally and otherwise

Energy, Creativity, and Drive: these are imperceptible values or attributes that high school students embody despite limitations
of their age.

As JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang with NPO Regional Education Support of Ehime Japan held an event entitled, Sustainable
Development Goals Summit which was attended by 79 high school students from 12 different schools in the Ehime Prefecture.
The summit discussed shared to the participants how different organizations and groups take part in achieving Sustainable
Development Goals.

JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang introduced JCI, and its various thrusts and projects aligned with the SDG goals here in the
Philippines. With the help of Student Governments from Iloilo National High School and Capiz National High School, JCI Metro
Iloilo Dinagyang was also able to share how high school students here in the Philippines take part in achieving sustainable
development goals.

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Generally, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit is a far-reaching program that fundamentally aims for the
delegates (participants) to uphold respect and appreciation for cultures thereby allowing the cultures involved to thrive in a
globalized world.

Moreover, the SDG Summit revolves around the premise that as people develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for
cultures, this translates to a more substantial international relations and goodwill.

Specifically, the SDG Summit aims:

1. (AWARE) to impart knowledge and awareness on what the SDG proposition is all about, its areas, goals, and
relevance. The trifecta awareness statements of the SDG Summit are: “I am aware,” “I am part of the cause,” “I am
part of the movement,”

2. (EMPOWER) to create a fire within each participant on how they can contribute to the SDGs. Through the SDGs
Summit, the participants are expected to learn the importance of the younger generation in achieving sustainable
development goals. The statement epitomizing this is: “We are the young, we are building a brighter future for our
generation and the next,”

3. (RELATE): to gain a worldlier perspective that despite the differences in culture, the participants should be tolerant
and accepting to diversity as this provides opportunities for to immerse themselves in other cultures and viewpoints.
This in turn makes them (participants) more forbearing toward people from other traditions and cultures.

4. (INITIATE): to start the move towards reaching a sustainable future and influencing others to do the same by
providing the participants a gateway to their own personal development. This is attained through bolstering of the
participants’ social skills, self-leadership skills and independent thinking skills as in the statement: “I will initiate
positive change, and lead others to do the same with me.”

JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang is set to hold its Iloilo Culture Exchange Program from July 30 to 31, 2022 and from August 6 to 7,
2022 for a select number of students and participants from both the Philippines and Japan.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit fundamentally endeavors to enhance the participants international goodwill
by broadening their cultural outlook and by promoting knowledge regarding one of the most important topics for the coming
activity, the UNSDGs.

“The second lowest”

Deciding the partnering country is pivotal to the success of this program. There were numerous factors to be considered.

Integral as it may seem, the Ehime Prefecture has always been a preeminent choice.

The Ehime Prefecture in Japan is the second lowest among 47 prefectures when it comes to understanding and awareness of the
SDGs. And so, elucidating on the Sustainable Development Goals has been factored in especially when this project is going to be

This was also strengthened by the fact that a total of 79 high school students representing the prefecture ( from 12 different
schools) have been able to recognize and see what JCI and high school students from the Philippines have been doing in order to
contribute towards the aforementioned movement.

Students in the Philippines have been participating in and have organized activities such as “One Million Trees in a Day,”
“Campus Mental Health Support,” and “Care for the Elders.” Despite the limiting restrictive factors on logistics such as finances
and resources, the students have always found a way to work around these.

The next indispensable element during the planning of the project was to create a fun and interactive UNSDG Training.
Therefore, JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang, through Gaia Gaya, invited an international partnering organization, Imakokolabo, whose
members have also experienced the same analogous campaigns/ projects with JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang when the latter
organized a UNSDG Training in 2021.

Lastly, it was apparent during the summit that both organizations have fascinated the minds and interest of the students.

The students were also able to collaborate during sessions and discussions. Coming from different schools, it was an opportunity
for students to share ideas, experiences, site problems in their respective communities, and develop workable solutions to address

Minds opened. Collaborations formed. Actions toward a more sustainable future, next.

As students carry on the knowledge gained on the SDGs summit, the awareness on SDGs will be cascaded to their schools, their
households and their respective communities.

From second lowest to number one, in awareness and in action.

How did this program bring added value to your members?
(300 words)

JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang Pride, Filipino Pride

While it is acknowledged that the Sustainable Development Goals summit ultimately intends to propagate unity among cultural
diversity, this project also emphasizes the importance of international perspectives, and more importantly global exposure since
internationalization has taken a solid footing within the past decade.

However, this project tremendously affects JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang members as this provides the opportunity and platform to
introduce the chapter and showcase its projects, achievements as well as the remarkable activities of Filipino high school

Moreso, the project aims to also bring pride and global recognition to each and every member of JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang,
highlighting our noteworthy values and attributes Filipino. Since the chapter has already received considerable recognition on
local and national levels, it is high time that the chapter expand to a much wider reach.

Ready for the next one!

Right about at the end of the project, the students have had positive tangible effects on their behavior. They have expressed their
interest to take part in solving global economic issues and multilateral problems, they shared in the idea that there is unity and
diversity and more importantly they have recommended that more projects akin to the SGD Summit be organized in the future.

Seeing the impact on the students by the project, JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang members have also expressed increasing
enthusiasm in putting together similar projects. A lot of the members even verbalized that knowing our actions can influence not
only the people around us but also those from far and wide, we are ready for more.

How many members were involved in this program?

(200 words)

Six members were mainly involved during the preparation and event proper:

1. President Kiyota Watanabe- President Kiyota was the over-all chairperson of the project who coordinated directly
with the NPO Regional Education Support of Ehime Japan. He also endorsed Imakokolabo to the people assigned in
Japan for the UNSDG Training. As the only one to speak both English and Nihongo, he also served as the translator
during JCI MID’s presentation.

2. Secretary Angelie Escrupulo- Secretary Angelie was integral in the project as she showcased JCI Philippines and the
UNSDG projects of both the local chapter and the high-school students in Iloilo City.

3. JCI Member Nikki Dable- JCI Member Nikki asked for permission from the high school student councils to share
their photos and projects for the presentation.

4. JCI Member AJ Miguel Cadullo- JCI Member AJ identified projects and collated photos to be used for the

5. Director Erika Suzette Alberto- Director Erka put together the PowerPoint presentation and visual collaterals for the
said event.

6. LSDD Alvin Teodoro- LSDD Alvin is the direct contact of Gaia Gaya the local organization in the Philippines of
Imakokolabo for the UNSDG training for the organization’s availability as trainers for the summit
Criteria #2
What were the objectives of this program?
(200 words)

As the world adapts to rapid internationalization, which has taken an unprecedented toll on various isolated cultures, cultural
exposure, and awareness of the SDGS through exchange is the transcendental objective of this program.

Specifically, this program also aimed for the students to:

1. Share the essence of the SDGs while serving as an organization to the high school students in Japan.
For them to gain a deeper understanding of the SDGs, to help them identify their set of issues in their communities and
find the right solution to address it.

2. Understand their value in helping to create a progressive and sustainable future.

Young as they may be the students have the ability to create positive change. We started to mobilize 79 students from
12 different schools. Imagine the impact it can give to society.

3. Enculturate the principles of SDGs to their schools and communities.

As an adaptive response to globalization, to dire financial exigencies and to radically progressive communities , the
project endeavors to address this unfamiliarity through the younger generation.

How does this program align with the JCI Plan of Action?
(200 words)

The Active Citizens Framework, The JCI Way

The program aligns with the JCI Plan of Action (1) by empowering the students to tactically assess the needs of the target
community, (2) by efficiently formulating sustainable action plans through viable projects that are beneficial to the target
community and (3) by systematic project evaluation that yields empirical results. As a whole, through this summit the students
would be familiar with how we do it the JCI Way.

IMPACT: We have inspired key stakeholders such as the schools, the media, Non-Profit Organizations, and the local
government to focus on the young people as the primary advocate to advance the SDGs goals and create a continuous and
sustainable impact.

MOTIVATE: We have instilled the passion in each student to create a bold action through the nurturing of their citizenship,
knowing that they will be acting not just as a representative of their culture but as a beacon of hope for a better future.

COLLABORATE: We got together with students from different schools, to share ideas, experiences, and perspectives, on how
to obtain the support from various stakeholders so that we create a dynamic and collaborative environment further maximizing
our capabilities to create positive change.

Was the budget an effective guide for the financial management of the project?
(150 words)

There was no cash outflow for this project since we have partnered with NPO Regional Education Support and have contributed
services through our online session and by facilitating for the UNSDG Training.

How did the project develop enterprising young leaders for this changing world?
(200 words)

An adaptive approach for different contexts has been the mindset for this project. While it is true that SDGs have some universal
characteristics, the main challenge in implementing this project required locally grounded strategies and solutions.

Since the young enterprising leaders are more vulnerable to external changes such as drastic financial or social crisis and may
have varying needs and aspirations depending on their local community, it was emphasized that adaptability and adjustability can
be the lifeline of the success of the project.

Moreover, the participants were also exposed to mentorship and goals were clearly defined and set. It has been proven that by
having mentors, the younger generation is guided when examining their project plans and ideas, they are also connected to larger
networks and that there is someone that acts as a role model to demonstrate various models of success.

Criteria #3
How did the Local Organization benefit from running this project?
(200 words)

Local Chapter Exposure- To be partnered with an NPO from another country was one great privilege for such as local chapter
like JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang. The SDGs Summit made the entire organization realize how far we have come as an
organization and know it is possible for us to impact more lives and create positive change. This activity has most certainly
opened doors for more memberships, increased connections, and partnership opportunities.

New Partnerships- The success of the partnership with NPO Regional Education Board of Ehime Japan led to another big
project which will be participated by 80 students from different high schools in Iloilo and 80 students from different high schools
in Ehime, Japan from July 30, 2022, to August 7, 2022. This is an opportunity for the students to share their culture, build
friendships, and broaden their perspective.
Widen our Cause- As President Kiyota Watanabe translated to us the feedback of the students on their learnings, we have
surmised that we have done a stellar job in starting this project. As we have ignited the fire, may this be the start of their active
citizenship creating a good example to the people around them.

How did the program increase membership growth efforts?

(200 words)

Through the success of the project, we promoted the activity and have recruited 8 potential members who will be joining our OTI
for August.

Criteria #4

How did this project increase awareness of JCI with future members?
(200 words)

This project has represented how well the community, especially potential future members, was able to associate JCI Metro Iloilo
Dinagyang with a worthwhile purpose, vision, and mission

As we communicate with our sponsors for our future projects, this project is one of our flagship credentials that we use to
promptly epitomize our local chapter.

To work in an annual international activity, gives us a greater edge. Besides the connections of our members which has potential
to join the organization, our sponsors and partners have also verbalized wanting to join the chapter in the future.

Describe how your project helped raise awareness about the JCI brand.
(200 words)

We have seen measurable success on the extent to which global communities have come to recognize that JCI Metro Iloilo
Dinagyang is an important steppingstone to making a positive impact in the lives of the communities we live in, through skills,
knowledge, and values development

This is because the activity introduced the various thrusts and priorities of JCI as we provide communities with sustainable
solutions based on their needs. This project has exposed the participants and stakeholders to the truth that JCI has and will always
be there to help communities, locally or internationally, as we are always connected as JCI Brothers and Sisters in helping those
in need during pandemic, economic exigencies, disruptions to peace and to pave way to progress.

How did this project increase awareness of JCI with corporate sponsors or government officials?
(100 words)

1. A bridge for international relations- As an educational and cultural development related project which aims to
convey knowledge for the high school students in Japan, this activity also paves the way for more opportunities for
such activities in partnership with the Philippines.

The government sector and corporate sponsors will be able to see JCI as a bridge towards activities that will benefit the
development of Philippine students.

2. An SDG-centered organization- JCI and United Nations formed a partnership to advance SDGs. The public and
private sectors in the Philippines are working towards targeting key areas. The government uses the SDGs as one of
their foundations in their program strategies. The private sectors, on the other hand execute their corporate social
responsibilities in line with the SDGs. The conduct of this project enables JCI to be more visible to corporate sponsors
and government officials.

Criteria #5

What was the financial surplus or loss of the project?

(150 words)

Financial surplus amounting to Php 95,000 was incurred during the conduct of this program. The computation for the breakdown
of income and expenses are listed below:

Income (Yen Converted to Peso at 0.40)

Subsidy and Sponsorship= Php 720,000

Advertising- Php 80,000
Training Fee- Php 20,000
Tokens- Php 32,000
Transportation- Php 43,000
Supplies- Php 17,200
Venue Rental- Php 68,000
Equipment Rental (Sounds and Multimedia)-Php 32,000
Labor (Host, Video and Photos, Visiting Schools)- Php 240,000
Plan and Marketing Fee- Php 80,000
Awarding- Php 12,000
= Php 625,000
Profit/Surplus = Php 95,000

How will the surplus be used to grow your local organization?

(100 words)

Since the NPO Regional Education Support of Ehime will once again be our partner for the next project, the financial surplus
amounting to Php 95,000 will be used for the expenses that will be incurred for the Iloilo Culture Exchange Program from July
30 to August 7, 2022, since both Japan and the Philippines will be conducting the activity in a physical setting.

Criteria #6

What is the expected long-term impact of this project?

(200 words)
1. An SDG-Present Ehime- Through the younger generation, through students, the SDGs’ tenets and purpose will be
embodied by the citizens of Ehime, bringing them one with the world in promoting a balance between progress and
preservation for a sustainable future.

2. Annual Partnership with Japan NGO- The SDGs Summit and Culture Exchange Program is an annual activity. With
the success of the project, JCI Metro Iloilo Dinagyang will be an annual partner for the said activities as the facilitating
organization for the Philippines. This annual partnership will also pave way for other projects that will help improve
the lives of our communities.

3. Membership Growth- To be able to add another impactful activity in our roster of projects will serve as a key towards
attracting more members that will help us strengthen our local chapter so we can do more

What changes would you make to improve the results of this project? (300 words)

What we lacked during this project is the involvement of high-school students to represent the Philippines in the presentation of
our project. Hearing the experience from a high-school student itself will make it more relatable and may enrich their motivation
to do the same.

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