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Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview

Dian Indrawati, 2Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, 3Agustin Purwanti, 4Rono Hadinagoro,
Achmad Hariadi
Departement of Civil Engineering Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Cimahi, Indonesia
Departement of Civil Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Cimanuk-Cisanggarung Water Resources Agency, Cirebon, Indonesia
Dian Indrawati, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Agustin Purwanti, Rono Hadinagoro,
Achmad Hariadi: Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview --
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x
Keywords: Stilling basin; Machine learning; Flow modelling; Physical modelling;
numerical modelling

Stilling basin is a crucial structure at dam, weir, check dam and groundsill. Those
infrastructure is used to reduce an excessive energy from spillway to minimize scouring at the
downstream so that the flow beyond does not endanger the downstream river bed. There are a lot
of types stilling basin that are claimed as an appropriate energy dissipator for any particular
conditions. However, there were a lot of facts that those stilling basin are crushed. On the other
hand, engineers also need a model which not only able to capture the problems, but also has
time, space and economic efficiency. This paper presented four modelling system include
physical, numerical, artificial intellegence and deep learning method for developing scouring
characteristics below the spillway, and how deep learning becomes one of promising tool to
improve capability of computional flow modelling.
1. Introduction
In order to maintain river morphology below the spillway of river
infrastructures, engineers developed stilling basin due to dissipate high-energy
water flow after hydraulic jump occurred. However, the flow sometimes has
excessive energy which is not only destroyed the infrastructure, but also
affected the river and infrastructures below. Therefore, stilling basin failures to
manage energy force and minimize scouring effect at the downstream.

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

Several types of stilling basin have been developed by both researchers and
hydraulics engineers for modelling a drop condition between supercritical flow
to subcritical flow in the downstream of spillway using laboratory experiments
on physical modelling (Schoklitsch, 1932) (Eggenberger, 1944) (Chow, 1959)
(Shalash, 1959) (Novak, 1961) (Catakli, et al., 1973) (Reclamation, 1978)
(Uymaz, 1988) (Pillai, et al., 1989) (Rice & Kadavy, 1993) (Baghdadi, 1997)
(Hoffmans, 1998) (El Abd, 2002) (Dargahi, 2003) (Nurmi, et al., 2006)
(Oliveto & Victor, 2009) (Abdelhaleem, 2013) (Elnikhely, 2018) and several
others, numerical model (Dehdar-behbahani & Parsaie, 2016) (Bhajantri, et al.,
2007) (Kirkgoz, et al., 2009) (Karami, et al., 2014) (Enjilzadeh & Nohani,
2016) (Ghaderi, et al., 2020), and artificial intelligence (Azamathulla, et al.,
2008), (Guven, 2011), (Abbaspour, et al., 2013) and (Saudia, 2016).
At the same time, a lot of developed stilling basins deal with structure failures
in order to reduce energy from hydraulic jump and resulted severe erosion in
the downstream. There are lot of reasons regard to the problems, since material
qualities until inappropriate designs. However, in this paper, we are discussing
about the second reason in order to looking for the effective and efficient
designs of stilling basins.

Figure 1 Stilling Basins of dam and weir failures

Figure 2 Stilling Basins of check dam and groundsill failures

For the practical condition, engineers need an appropriate structure for stilling
basin which is not only can steady the flow but also economically reliable.
Equal with it, in the modelling, engineers also need a model which not only
able to capture the problems, but also has time, space and economic efficiency.
Therefore, the urgency of aiming solution for the problems become necessary.

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

2. Conventional approach of hydraulic jump characteristics at stilling

Over a century, stilling basin has been provided as one of hydraulic structure
which successfully reduced the excess energy in supercritical flow. The
mathematical equation of this infrastructure flow characteristics developed by
continuity and momentum equation as follow:
   
Vf + (uAx ) + (vAy ) + (wAz ) = 0
t x y z (1)
 u 1  u u u  1 
 +  uAx + vAy + wAz  = − + Gx + f x
  t V F   x y  z    x
 v 1  v v v  1 
 +  uAx + vAy + wAz  = − + Gy + f y
 t V F  x  y z   y
 w 1  w w w  1 
 +  uAx + vAy + wAz  = − + Gz + f z
 t VF  x y z   z
Where Vf is the fraction of open volume to flow, ρ is fluid density, u is velocity
in x direction, y is velocity in y direction and w is velocity in the z direction,
meanwhile Ax, Ay and Az are the fraction of open level at each direction, Gx,
Gy and Gz are mass acceleration at each direction, and fx, fy and fz are
viscosity accelerations for direction x, y and z.
The problem occurred at those equations when it derived to determine position
of the hydraulic jump. Since this condition of hydraulic jump is provided the
changing of velocity distribution for x, y and z directions, therefore, the
momentum for each section will significantly increase. For this condition,
momentum equation becomes basic equation which is derived in order to
analyzed this jump.
Based on dimensional analysis, the relation between Froude analysis with the
hydraulic jump condition can derived as follows (Chow, 1959):
h  X y 
=   F , , 3 
y1  y 2 y1  (3)
Where h is height of sill, y1 is the approaching depth, y2 is the depth at the
upstream of sill, y3 is the downstream depth, and X is the jump distance to the
sill. However, lack of appropriate coefficient (ϕ) makes this analysis cannot
result the appropriate value. That is why, the variables value for design purpose
are using experimental study in the laboratory.

2.1. Laboratory Experiments

Nowadays, laboratory experiment is still recommended because it can capture
real condition compared with other modelling. However, modelling in
laboratory still has obstacles regards to time, space, and price.
From the Newton’s second law:
F = m.a (4)

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

Where is F represents force, m is mass and a represents acceleration, 6

important forces for flow modelling which are : inertia (Fi), pressure (Fp),
gravity (FG), viscosity (Fν), elasticity (F) and surface tension (FT) should meet
their constant similarity ratio as follow:
(FI ) p (Fp )p (FG ) p (F ) p (F ) p (FT ) p
= = = = =
(FI )m (Fp )m (FG )m (F )m (F )m (FT )m (5)
(FI ) p (F )
p p (F ) (FI ) p ( .v .l )m ( .v .l )p
2 2 2 2

= → I m = →
(FI )m (Fp )m (Fp )m (Fp )p (p.l 2 )m = (p.l 2 )p
( .v ) 2
( .v ) 2
→ Em = E p
( )m ( ) p (6)

2 p (Euler number) (7)
(FI ) p
(FG ) p

(FI )m
(FI ) p

( .v .l )
2 2
( .v .l )
2 2

( .l .g ) ( .l .g )
(FI )m (FG )m (FG )m (FG ) p 3

(v )2
(v )2
→ Frm = Frp
(g.l )m (g.l ) p (8)
Fr =
g.l (Froude number) (9)
(FI ) p (F ) p (FI )m (FI ) p
= → = →
 .v 2 .l 2 m
 .v 2 .l 2 p ( ) ( )
(FI )m (F )m (F )m (F ) p (.v.l )m (.v.l ) p
( .l.v )m ( .l.v ) p
= → Re m = Re p
( )m ( ) p (10)
Re =
 (Reynold number) (11)
(FI ) p
(F ) p (F ) (FI ) p
→ I m = →
 .v 2 .l 2 m
 .v 2 .l 2 ) ( ) p

(FI )m (F )m (F )m (F ) p  .l 2 m  .l 2 p( ) ( )

( .v ) 2
( .v ) 2
→ Cam = Ca p
( )m ( ) p (12)
 .v 2
Ca =
 (Cauchy Number) (13)
(FI ) p
(FT ) p

(FI )m (FI ) p
= →
 .v 2 .l 2 m
 .v 2 .l 2 p ) ( )
(FI )m (FT )m (FT )m (FT ) p ( T .l )m ( T .l ) p
( .v .l )
( .v .l ) 2
→ We m = We p
( T ) p ( T )m (14)

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

 .l.v 2
We =
T (Weber number) (15)

Regards to those significant forces, physical model also struggling with

dimension analysis and variable characteristics patterns on dimensional
analysis, specially to meet a fully dynamic similitude. This limitation somehow
is reducing the model accuracy.

2.2. Numerical Model

On the other hand, application of numerical modelling also using coefficient
such as K-epsilon, RNG K-epsilon and large eddy simulation (LES) to
represent flow motion in the turbulence condition (Patankar, 1980)
(Mohammadi & Pironneau, 1994) (Cebeci, 2004) (Versteeg & Malalasekera,
2007) (Bates, et al., 2008) (Pozrikidis, 2009) (Dehdar-behbahani & Parsaie,
2016). Those modelling are close with Navier-Stokes equation for modelling
vortex as turbulence model. The equations for modelling flow pattern in RNG
model are given:
  
(k ) +  (ui k ) =   k eff k  + Gk + Gb − 
t x xi  xi 

( ) +  (ui  ) =   k eff  

  
t x xi  xi 
 2
+ C1 (Gk + C3 Gb ) − C2  − R
k k (5)
Where Gk represents the rate kinetic energy creation, and R represents
turbulence density, which has formula as follows:
C   3 (1 −  / 0 )  2 k2
R= ,  t = C
1 +  3 k  (6)
Problems for this modelling type, the coefficients were derived from case study
which has local characteristics and has limitation to apply in the different

2.2. Artificial Intelligence Model

Artificial intelligence already takes a portion to define hydraulic jump
characteristics since two decades ago. At natural artificial network, a model
which gives information based on several data from learning process as a brain
does. The model has massive parallelism and redundancy to analysis individual
computing units. Where is every individual neuron has self-organizing
structure and can processing information in many different schema (Rojas,
1996) (Indrawati, 2011) (Hadihardaja, et al., 2012).

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

(a) (b)
Figure 3 (a) An abstract neuron; (b) Typical structure of neural network
(Rojas, 1996)
As we can see at Figure 3(a), as a primitive function, an abstract neuron has
several inputs channel which can transmit as a real value xi. Each of xi
associated with weight wi and result a primitive function f. Next, several
primitive functions f1, f2, f3 and f4 result the network function  after
multiplied with each weight α1, α2, α3 and α4. This function also evaluated at x,
y and z points.
However, the satisfied results for this model have not achieved yet. Where
traditional formula like feed forward back propagation is failed to predict scour
depth from head and discharge intensity for a ski-jump bucket spillway
(Azamathulla, et al., 2008). The formulation a multi-output descriptive neural
network (DNN) also has a lackness regards to capture relation between input
and output (depth and maximum scour location) parameters. However, DNN
gives better results compared with conventional regression equation (Guven,
2011). Further investigation shows that with using 15 hidden layers, Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) gives more satisfactory result compared with Genetic
Algorithm in order to predict non linear parameters sequent depth ratio (y2/y1),
length ratio (Lj/y1) and energy dissipation in a hydraulic jump (EL/Ei)
(Abbaspour, et al., 2013). Using 1216 experimental data, back propagation
successfully modelling length of submerged hydraulic jump (Lj/Y1) for multi-
vent regulators (Saudia, 2016).
The unsatisfactory results come from two aspects : (1) inadequate training data
data and (2) on network testing, researchers using relatively static regression.
Even though using a black-box formula, it was similar with coefficient

3. A new promising – deep learning

Nowadays, machine learning as a part of artificial intelligence successfully
studies dynamic mapping by combining classification and regression approach
in hydrology (Landschützer, et al., 2013) (Jung &, 2010) (Jung &,
2017) (Bonan, et al., 2011) (Anav &, 2015) (Reichstein, et al., 2019), soil
mapping (Grimm, et al., 2008) (Hengl &, 2017), and climate
(Landschützer, et al., 2013) (Kühnlein, et al., 2014).
This method of learning also successfully to classify and localize objects, has
super-resolution and fusion, able to predict future visual representation, even
successfully translate language with different accents. From those supremacies,

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

a deep-learning is promising to do pattern classification, statistical downscaling

and blending, until provide dynamic time series modelling with reliable
forecasting (Reichstein, et al., 2019).
When storage volume data logarithmically increased until petabytes level, and
the other hand traditional machine learning has been struggling with data
capacity and dynamic patterns, deep learning becomes a very promising tool to
predict scouring variables based on numerous training data.

4. Conclusions
This paper discussed four models into predicting scour characteristics below
the spillway. Physical modelling still being a model which has closest
condition if compared with others. However, economic consideration and time
consumption become necessary disadvantage to capture scour conditiosn
perfectly. Both numerical and artificial intelligence have no limitation regard to
time and space. However, data demands become serious problems for
numerical modelling, especially for limited condition. For artificial intelligence
model, its dependency to physical model become the model being not efficient.
A new approach, called deep learning as extension of artificial intelligence
becomes promising tool to predict with its ability to classify, regressing and
predict and the ability to do convolutional methods makes this model become
half-dependent with physical modelling.
Table 1 Comparison of Models Characteristics

Model Physical Numerical Artificial Deep Learning

Advantag • Closest • inexpensive • inexpensive • able to classify,
es condition • no space • no space regressing and
compared limitation limitation state prediction
with • no time • no time limitation data
others limitation • no limitation with • has no
models • no limitation discharge/flow limitation with
with variables data storage
discharge/flo • no limitation with • promising to do
w variables complete data convolutional
• Independent availability approachment
from physical (Reichstein, et
modelling al., 2019)
Disanvant • Expensive • Struggle with • Demand for long • intradependent
ages • Space coefficient data periods on physical
limitation characteristic • Demand for a big modelling
• Time s database
limitation • Need all of • Static regression
• Hard to data derived • Dependent on
meet from formula physical
dynamic modelling
similitude (Reichstein, et
al., 2019)

Modelling at Stilling Basin of River Infrastructures – An Overview PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020)

5. Acknowledgements
The author wishes to thanks to Institute for Research and Community Services
(LPPM) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI) for providing support
during this study.

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