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(Formerly: St. Joseph’s College)
Borongan City, Eastern Samar
School Year 2022 - 2023


Department: Basic Education Unit: 1 Date:

Subject/Level: HEALTH-9 Quarter: 1st Topic: Characteristic of a
Healthy Community

Transfer Goal:
The student in the long run, and on their own, the student will be able to demonstrates
healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness to appreciate the
precious life given by the almighty.

Essential Understanding:
The student will understand that….
 By optimizing environmental health, to communities can reduce exposure to disease,
as well as to pollutants that have a toxic effect on the body.
 Preventing environmental pollution can save lives and reduce the toll of diseases.

Essential Questions:
The students will keep considering the following:
1. How does community and environmrntal health affect one's life?

2. Why do we have to prevent and manage environmental health issues?

I. Preliminaries

1.1 Opening Prayer:

(The Teacher ask student to lead the opening prayer.)

1.2 Class Greeting:

The Teacher greets the class with the signature Ignacian Marian greetings and the
student will respond accordingly.

1.3 Classroom Management:

The teacher intructs the students to do the class routine (i.e Picking up the trashes
under or around the table, and arrange the chairs properly.)
1.4 Attendance Check:
The Teacher ask the beadle bearer if there is absent for today.

1.5 Bringing out of Learning Materials:

The Teacher instruct the student to get the materials needed for the class discussion.

II. Learning Development

2.1 Review:

The teacher will ask the students the last topic discussed.

2.2 Activating Prior Knowledge / Motivation (Pictures Prompt)

The teacher will show a Pictures Characteristics of a Unhealthy Community and

Healthy Community. Then after showing this, the student will answer what is
the idea about the pictures..

2.3 Presentation of the lesson topic and objectives for the day.

Focus: Characteristics of a Healthy Community

The teacher will present the learning objectives as follows


1. Students will describe the Characteristics of a Healthy Community

2. Students will be able to determine the importance and impacts of a Healthy Environment

on the Health of people and communities.

III. Learning Process 33

3.1 Discussion of the lesson topic

1. What is a community?

2. How can an environment or surroundings affect the community?

I will divide you into 2 groups. Each group will have a folder that indicates the
instruction on the activity we are going to perform, it includes also the materials that needed
for the activity. Every group has its own activity that depends from the instruction given to
them by the teacher. For example, group 1 – Make a poster portraying a Healthy
Community, group 2 – Make a Graphic Organizer about the impacts of a Healthy
Environment on the health of people and communities. The given task must be finished by
10 minutes, before presenting the output each group must read the instruction first then 2
members of the group will explain the output they have done.

 Poster Making
The members of the group need to draw or illustrate the given scenario that
portrays a “Healthy Community “. The group members need cooperate each other
to create a better output, The more creative and presentable content will have the
greater score.

 Graphic Organizer
The group will create their own graphic organizer and also the members of the group need
to cooperate each other to create a better output for the given scenario which is the “Impacts
of a Healthy Environment to people and communities”. The more creative and presentable
idea for the given content, will have the greater score.

Criteria 1 2 3

Cooperation All the member Some of the members All the members show
does not show does not show willingness to help.
interest and interest and
willingness. willingness.

Message/ Misses some key The explanations Good complete solid

Creativity points about the seems unclear. response with clear
ideas. explanations.

Presentation All the members Most the members All the member shows
does not show does not show willingness to help and
willingness to willingness to shows a full
understand the understand the understanding on the
content. content. content.

B. Broadening of Concept

C – What do you think is the point of understanding the Characteristics of a Healthy

E – How does a community affects one life?
L – What if there’s no presence of a Healthy Community in the world? What do you think
will happen?
E - Why is it important to prevent and control the environmental issues?

a. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core/Related Values
Core Value: Faith
Related Value: Nationalism

C.2. Social Orientation:

Health crisis are happening today due to Covid – 19 pandemic. As a student
How can you simply manage to help environment away from being polluted.

C.3. Lesson Across Discipline:

Science: Biology

C.4. Biblical Text Reflection:

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and
take care of it. (Genesis 2:15;)

I. Evaluation / Assessment

Directions: Answer the following question. Answer this in a ½ sheet of paper.

1.___Essentially consist of people who stay in particular area and exhibit sense of

2.___Composed of various people who serve as partners in health care that work together
harmoniously achieving a common goal.

3.___Encompasses all the interactions of humans with their environment and health
consequences of these interactions.

4-5. Focused primarily on preventing diseases caused by contaminated __, __, __, and
other environmental issues.

6-10. What is the importance of understanding the Characteristic of a Healthy Community?

II. Summary / Action ( Transfer)

Complete and explain the sentence……
In this lesson, have learned that ____________________________.

As Ignacian-Marian, how can you promote a healthy community?

III. Purposive Assignment

Make a brochure that promotes a Healthy Community. (Note: Printed)

IV. Closing Prayer

References / Instructional Materials:
MAPEH 9 ICT Enhanced
PowerPoint presentation

Prepared by: Checked by:

BARZANA, S.A.C - Date Principal - Date
Student Teacher

AC - Date

Status of Implementation Modifications:

_______ Implemented
_______ Partially
_______ Not implemented

Remarks Remarks
Poster Making

The members of the group need to cooperate each other to create a better output for
the given scenario that illustrates “Healthy Community “. Choose 2 members to
present and explain your group output, the more creative and presentable content will
have the greater score.

Criteria 1 2 3 Total

Cooperation All the member Some of the All the members

does not show members does show willingness
interest and not show to help.
willingness. interest and

Message/ Misses some The Good complete

Creativity key points explanations solid response with
about the ideas. seems unclear. clear explanations.

Presentation All the Most the All the member

members does members does shows willingness
not show not show to help and shows
willingness to willingness to a full
understand the understand the understanding on
content. content. the content.
Graphic Organizer

The group will create their own graphic organizer and also the members of the group
need to cooperate each other to create a better output for the given scenario which is
the “Impacts of a Healthy Environment to people and communities”. Choose 2
members to present and explain your group output, the more creative and presentable
idea for the content will have the greater score.

Criteria 1 2 3 Total

Cooperation All the member Some of the All the members

does not show members does show willingness
interest and not show to help.
willingness. interest and

Message/ Misses some The Good complete

Creativity key points explanations solid response with
about the ideas. seems unclear. clear explanations.

Presentation All the Most the All the member

members does members does shows willingness
not show not show to help and shows
willingness to willingness to a full
understand the understand the understanding on
content. content. the content.

Example for Graphic Organizer

Impacts of Healthy
Environment to
people and

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