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Written task 1


In this written task, I have chosen to write a Personal diary based on Inequality. In class, we
have studied about inequality under Part 1: Gender of the language and literature course.
This text will be focusing on the discrimination against the LGBT+ community, more
specifically towards lesbians.
The idea behind this text was inspired by a hate crime that I once saw, where two lesbians
were attacked by four young teenagers on a public bus for not following through with what
they asked. In this personal diary, I will be writing as a person who identifies as a lesbian.
She will be pouring out her emotions into the diary after watching a video of a similar but
different hate crime done by her own long time best friend towards a lesbian. The tone of
this text will be full of sadness, confusion and betrayal.
The purpose of my written task is to show how discrimination or hate towards other people
really doesn’t end in anything but pain and disaster. It can, however, lead to an emotional
scar, trauma or even mental illness. This hatred towards the LGBT+ community and others,
must be stopped immediately as we are all just humans and we should all be treated the
same way.

Word count: 210


Dear, diary

It has been quite a while since life has suffocated me enough that I needed to pour it all out
onto these pages, but here we go.

Luca and I, you know how long it is we’ve been friends. He’s such a paramount part of my
life that I’ve never imagined it without his constant bugging. Eight years of friendship
and it’s all going down the drain once I confront him about this. I know how stupid
this is going to sound, but I don’t want to hear that confirmation coming out of his mouth. If
I just pushed this aside and act like nothing ever happened, he would just go on acting like
everything’s fine and dandy like he has been for the past two years. God, it makes me so
furious to just think about how Luca’s intentions towards me was artificial. This friendship
could’ve meant nothing to him while it meant everything to me. How cruel must he be?
My life’s already spiraling out of control as it is, adding this? The perfect cherry on top.

It just makes me feel so naïve you know? We were practically joined at the hip! He knew
EVERYTHING about me and in return I knew everything about him too, or so I thought. How
stupid of me to not notice anything that could’ve possibly prevented this heartbreak.
Remember when I came out to him? He accepted me with his arms wide open. He’s the one
I go to every time I needed advice when it came to girls. The on and off relationship that I
had with Avery? He was always so supportive and now all I can think about is why the f*ck?
I know how clichéd I sound but, this feels like a dream. It’s not though, this is my life right
here and the one person that I would kill for double-crossed me.

It was a stupid video. A video that was going around campus and Casey told me
that it was a couple of drunk jocks assaulting a lesbian as a f*cking joke. Me being me
obviously needed to watch the video ASAP. You know that saying “curiosity killed the cat”,
yeah, it stabbed me right in the heart alright, and there’s no “satisfaction” that will ever
bring me back. Little ol’ me knew that I was going to watch another hate crime but what I
didn’t know was that I was going to watch Luca, YES, MY LUCA, the Luca that was so
supportive with me being a lesbian assaulting another lesbian because he thought that
they were a f*cking disease. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

The shaky video started with two girls kissing in an alley. You could hear voices laughing
behind the camera, whispering between each other about how they should go there and
cure them so they can go back to being “normal.” They then started screaming things like
“faggot” and “gay b*tches” over and over again. Those girls started to walk away but one of
the guys started to chase after them. He came back stumbling with one of the girls in a
choke grip and she was screaming for him to let go. The video was crazy pixelated but I
knew it was Luca, I could notice that sleeve tattoo anywhere. He was very obviously wasted
but what in the name of god was he doing?? He started to force his mouth onto hers while
laughing. They were ALL laughing! He kept on repeating things like how “b*tches aren’t
supposed to be with b*tches” and how much more fun it would be if she was with a “real
man.” She kept on struggling, trying to get out of his grip. Then another guy came in and
replaced the grip Luca had on her neck. You won’t believe me when I say this, but Luca
started to rip off her top. My Luca was tearing her top wide open while saying that she was
infected and he knew a way to cure her. She was screaming and begging them to stop but
they all just kept on laughing and laughing. Right at that moment the phone fell and the
video ended. I was so relieved that I didn’t have to continue watching but, what the f*ck
was he going to do? Who am I kidding, I think even a baby would know what that was
going to escalate into.

It’s all still so fresh in my mind, like a scene from a movie put on a loop. I just can’t wrap
my head around it. What’s even worse was that all those time that I’ve felt less than who I
am, to have my own family belittle and completely disregard my sexuality, criticizing and
nitpicking what they think I should wear and how they think I should act so that people
won’t think I’m a “dyke”. To feel so insignificant and vulnerable every time one of my
friends felt that it was okay to joke about me being a lesbian, to say that I’m not a “real”
women, to call me a faggot. Every single one of those times, I always went to him for

Can you imagine how devastated I am right now? I’m wrecking my mind for an answer but
there’s just no possible explanation. Why would he do this and be okay with me being a
lesbian? I have so many questions but nothing could ever justify his actions. Peoples views
don’t always align, we all know that. HE should know that. To be as close as we are for this
long, he should’ve at least had the decency to tell me the truth. Nevertheless, there’s no
in hell I’m going to do that now. I won’t be able to ever forgive nor forget what he had done.
What a foreign feeling it is to be so disgusted by someone you loved so dearly just

Word count: 992

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