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Bộ câu hỏi và phần trả lời cho SPEAKING Part 1

I. Chủ đề cố định

Fixed Topics bao gồm 3 chủ đề:

1. Work/ Study.
2. Hometown.
3. Accommodation.

Những câu hỏi thường nằm trong chủ đề Work/ Study

Từ vựng chủ đề work and study

Câu hỏi và Câu trả lời ( ý tưởng và câu trả lời đầy đủ)
1. Do you work or are you a student?
2. What is your job?/ What kind of work do you do?
3. Do you like your work?/ Do you enjoy your work?
4. Is there anything that you don’t like about your work?
5. Why did you choose to work in this field?
6. Will you continue in this job in the future?

Những câu hỏi mà thí sinh có thể gặp trong chủ đề học tập

1. What subject are you studying?/ What is your major?

2. Why have you chosen this subject/ major?
3. What do you like most about your school?
4. Is there anything that you dislike about your school?
5. What will you do after finishing your studies?

Những câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề Hometown

Từ vựng chủ đề hometown

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời ( bao gồm ý tưởng và câu trả lời đầy
1. Where is your hometown?/ Where do you come from?/ Can you tell me
something about your hometown?
2. What is special about your hometown?/ What is your hometown famous for?
3. Is your hometown far from here?
4. Is your hometown a good place for children to live?
5. Is there anything that you want to change about your hometown?
6. Will you live in your hometown in the future?

Những câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề Accommodation

Từ vựng chủ đề Accommodation

Câu hỏi và câu trả lời ( bao gồm ý tưởng và câu trả lời đầy

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment/ What kind of housing/ accommodation

are you living in?
2. Which is your favourite room in your house?
3. How long have you lived there?
4. What do you like about living there?
5. Is there anything that you want to change about your current accommodation?
6. Would you like to move to another house in the future?

II. Các chủ đề trong task

1. Where you live

Từ vựng
Winding street
The locals (= people)
Residential area suburb
Apartment complex local cuisine
regionally important
Unique distinctive

Idioms some areas are run-
run down (= in bad down
up-market/ chic (= fashionable) some neighbourhoods are very up-market/ chic

Các cách diễn đạt hay

A run-of-the-mill house
= an ordinary house
A cosy / noisy / cramped flat
Cosy = small and comfortable
Cramped = too small and uncomfortable
A three-storey building
Note: ‘three-storey’ is an adjective and so is singular.
You can spell this ‘story’ or ‘storey’.
I live on the third floor
a spacious /comfy flat
Spacious = plenty / lots of room
Comfy = comfortable
Các câu hỏi thường gặp và câu trả lời
Tell me about your hometown/street/apartment.
What do you like about your hometown/street/house/apartment?
Tell me the good things about your house.
Is there anything you don’t like about it?
Would you like to move to another city/street/house/apartment?
What would you change about your city?
Would you recommend your area/street as a good place to live?
2. Topic 2a: What you do—your job
Từ Vựng
profession line of business occupation line of work
 Verbs
work within a
be involved in share responsibility for
undemanding exhausting taxing intricate
work flat out (= work very Sometimes I have to work
hard) flat out.
on the go (= very busy) I'm always on the go.
I have to get to the bottom of problems
get to the bottom of(= solve)
related to...
pull out all the stops(=make a
special effort)
When it's busy I have to pull out all the
take charge of(= manage) I often have to take charge of the whole
pick up the pieces(= take
When there's a problem I have to pick up
the pieces.
This job suits me down to the ground (=it’s 100% match / perfect for
She never does a stroke of work (=she is so lazy, does the least work
She doesn’t pull her weight (=she is too lazy)
I like to pull my weight (=to work hard, do what I am responsible for)
He made light work of it (=he did it easily)
This job is a cushy number (=it’s an easy job)
It’s not a great job, but at least I can get a foot in the door (=start
working in a company - with a view to getting a higher position there)
I have hit a glass ceiling (=invisible barrier), I can’t go any further in this
I have a lot on my plate (= I am very busy)
Các cách diễn đạt hay

o work hard
To work part time / full time
Work from home = to work remotely = I like working virtually
I have a well paid job / badly paid job
A white collar job = indoors, office job (banker)
A blue collar job = outdoors, manual job (mechanic)
I work shifts (work specific hours of the day)
As a doctor I sometimes have to work the night shift
It’s arduous work = difficult / hard
It’s rewarding work = you enjoy it and it is satisfying
This is a sterling piece of work = fantastic
This is a shoddy piece of work = terrible, low quality
I know this report is shoddy, but I was up all night burning the
midnight oil (working late into the night) all to meet my deadlines, and
I know it’s not up to scratch (good enough), but please give me some
slack (give me a break, take some pressure off me!)
Các câu hỏi thường gặp và câu trả lời
Tell me about your job./ What job do you do?
Why did you choose this job?
What do you like about your job?
How long have you been doing this job?
Is there anything you don’t like?

3. Topic 2b: What you do- your studies

Từ Vựng
schoolwor branch of learning field of study discipline
k theory
comprehend succeed in
become skilled in
hands-on (=practical) job-related theoretical
highly regarded compulsory optional
Pass with flying colours (= pass with a high score)
I pass my entrance exam with flying coulours.
Sail through (= finish sth. Easily and quickly)
I can usually sail through all my assessments.
To flunk (= to fail/ perform badly)
I always seem to flunk my compulsory maths tests.

Các cách diễn đạt hay

I need to put my thinking cap on (= to think about something)

I’ve been racking my brains about this problem (=thinking hard)
That teacher was great, he didn’t spoon-feed us, he made us think!
I am going to hit the books (=study)
I managed to sail through this test, it was so easy. (=to pass smoothly)
To sit a test = to take a test (as a student)
To pass = to succeed
Câu hỏi thường gặp và câu trả lời
What are you studying?
Where are you studying?
Why did you choose this college I university?
What's good about where you're studying?
What would you like to do after your studies?
4. Topic 3: Hobbies/ Free-time activities
Từ vựng\
leisure pursuit spare time pastime
amuse oneself by unwind by kill time by
fascinating cativating time-consuming appealing
take up (= start) I’ve recently taken up swimming.
take part in I frequently take part in group activities like..
get into (= enjoy) Recently I’ve been getting into fishing.
have a go at (= try) I’d really like to have a go at scuba diving.
idle away the hours (= spend
In my time off I often idle away the hours by playing guitar.

Các cách diễn đạt hay

Các câu hỏi thường gặp và câu trả lời
Do you have any hobbies?
What do you do in your free time?
What hobbies/ free-time activities are popular in your country?
Is it important to have a hobby?
Why is it important for people to have free-time activities?
Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?

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