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Practice Task 3

Write an article about the health profession that you like the most. It must contain at least 150 words.
Follow the question guides below in making the article.

1. How are you going to describe yourself at the moment?

2. What is the health profession that you like the most?

3. Why did you choose that profession?

4. What are the things you will do to be like that professional that you chose?

COVID-19 Pandemic brought us into hardest situations that we never imagined to happen.
Thankfully, we have our Health Professionals who patiently working hard as frontliners to help us cope
this situation. They are sacrificing their time and strength to help the patients heal physically and

As a grade school student, I personally appreciate the roles of our health professionals for us to
move forward amidst this pandemic. Realizing their jobs, I am encouraged that I also have a role to do in
helping others.

Among the health professionals, Psychologists is what I like the most. They are assisting not just
the people mental health problems but also those who suffer from stress, depression, relationship
difficulties and anxieties. We acknowledge the big roles played by other health professionals especially
this pandemic times but with the “talk therapies” conducted by Psychologists, they’re helping people to
develop skills to cope with difficulties and to prevent on-going issues.

This pandemic affects how we function in our daily lives, our workplaces and our
relationships with others. Most of us experienced mental challenges, lack of sleep and anxiety. These
condition we are experiencing is pandemic fatigue. The official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses: defined this as “a term used to describe the natural response people feel to the prolonged
uncertainty and disruption caused by a pandemic. Some common signs of pandemic fatigue include lack
of motivation, changes in eating or sleeping habits, irritability, stress over tasks that would normally be
handled well, difficulty concentrating and feelings of hopelessness”.

Acknowledging distress is often the first step to recovery. However, we must heed health
precautions and do not be quick to believe that such restrictions are unnecessary as what Proverbs
14:15 says, “The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step.”

Students can be one of those dealing pandemic fatigue, but I can be a help by giving
encouraging words to them and letting them focus on positive things that can help us to be happy even
during difficult times.

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