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tara (A Public Sector Enterprise) Phone: 91-120-2005144.45 4, Industrial Area Saur Urja Marg, Sahibabad GHAZIABAD Fac 91-120-2805148 GST No, O9RAACC1261G1Z1 Emat ‘mma @cetngia.coin PURCHASE ORDER Website: wwu.celindia.coin Name DHARAM AGENCIES PON: 42380 Vendlor Ret No. ‘Address _1, TULSI NIKETAN HIRAN MAGRI PODate: 26. July 2022 Yourain Ref. 009689 ‘SECTOR-C4, Vendor Code: v-07322 Date. 06-06-2022 UDAIPUR 313001 Indont No. 6001/0080 ‘SUKOON DHARMSALAN Date 19-08-2022 1" Enq No, 2137637 GST NO. + OBAPPPOBISSBIZW. Ldpesieioralchaetc Terms of Price: FOR CEL SAHIBABAD Sal Neu pusek To Paymont Terms; AS PER GEM 135 Desp Address: 4, Indusval Aa Seibabed bel 26-07-2022 PIO Type General 10d o ByR Mode of Desp. ROAD 2 oe SNo. lem Code Description HSN GST Delivery Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Value Rs. RATE Date Ordered 1 FAO LAPTOP FOR ShivNarain ——11-—«0.00~—«26-10-2022 1 ‘Numbers 77,000.000 7,000.00 (Make:HPiDely WITH BAG 2 FAOK00 LAPTOP FOR SN. 11000 28-10-2022 1 Numbers 77,000,000 7.00000 BHATTACHARYA (Wake:HP/Den) WITH BAG Fotar 154,000.09 Amount in Words (RS) Insurance: SplNotes Dotivory Betas: Important Note: Altention ‘“*** ONE LAKH FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND RUPEES AND ZERO PAISA ONLY Insurance wil be aranged by yeu at your cost ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITION ARE AS PER OUR GEM ENQUIRY NO. GEN/2022/8/2197637 Dated: 28.04.2022. UNLESS MENTIONED CONTRARY TO HEREIN, Prices are GST amount Included (AS PER GEM), ‘THIS PO IS ONLY GENERATED TO REGULARISE THE GEM CONTRACT ORDER No. GEMC-511687740554380 deted 28,07-2022 IN OUR ERP. (1). Adtionalerms and conltion of contract ae per Annexure (2), Allthe specication, tems and contions of our ender enquiry no. mentioned above would be appcable for this purchase order unless mentioned contrary to tis purchase ort. (1, Pease cole ort nce For Central Electronics Limited (2 Pease cute purchase Crier nanber inal fare coreaponaence -e at 2oFHeo2r Supper * Cont! Sores * Puchase * a6 AssUSr./-Tech4 Chief / General Manager FAD (Costing) * Divisional Stores “FAD (Bis) * PPC. Materials Management Division TERMS & CONDITIONS |. Gonorat 1. an acknowledgement to this purchase order wil be despatched by the supplier, to CEL Purchase Divison, ofits receat confining the delivery sehedile and ather terms, 2, Always quote Purchase Order No. and date in all correspondence such a Bil, Packing Note, Delivery Challan, insurance articular, A 3 forms for Central Excise matters) ete 3. Despatch documents: As soon as goads ae despatched, kindly mall three advance copies of defivery, chan or proforma lnwotce to folowing persons (A) Purchase Officer One copy {8)5 toes officer one Copy {€) Accounts Officer (ails) One Copy 4. Blin trpticate should be submitted tothe Accounts Ofer (Bi) Centra Electronics Limited, 4, Industrial Ares, Saibabad- 202010 (U. . Bll must be written in ink, indelible pencil or typed and duly signed Indicating the total amount a the bil Yrords as wells in figures, wherever Cash discount alowed the same should he Incated ont bill wherever EatseDety te, Is charged necessary supparting dacuments shoule-the bl 5. the supplies authorised to charge Sales Ta, Sale Tax Registration No,, GST No, and Licence No, should be mentioned on the il. CEU's CST No, fs CST/GD/S06S365 Dt. 1/12/1975, GST No. is OAAACC2G2GIZ1 and UPST No. OO1987s be 12/02/2976. & FOR LOCAL SUPPLIES ONLY, Delivery at cur stars should reach between 9:30 A.M, to 2:00 IM. en all working dys except second Saturdy, 1-Ou: Bankers are Syndicate Bank, CEL Campus, 4 Industrial Arc, Sahibabod-201010 (U.P) Dolivery Schedule {The cate of delvery is the essence ofthe contract and delivery schedule must be adhered to a Stipulated in te purchase colder, 2, incase of allure to deer to stores within the delivery date stipulated in the purchave order, unless prior writen extension Of delivery period is obtainec. CEL wl be at liberty to obtain such items an necessary from other sources snd or contigs gtcer and in ether event CEL reserves the right to debit your account the diforenc between the amount spent sl the pine stated inorder nlus 10% to caver Incisental expenses Inspection Matera wile inspected in CEL by our Inspection Department and their dedsons wil be final and binding onthe supple. ‘iy ieection ported as 2 result of inspection due to defective or wrong supply be removed fom our premise cate fourteen days from the date-of intimation ang which the goods wll main in ou, date of intimation, the Parone ese {ee.aht te dlspese them ot in any suitable manner and recover frm te sale proceeds the expenses heurred bythe pahece {or conducting and effecting such ses Inthe absence of instructions to the contrary, the velectd stores sll be raleenea Supple’ bil |W, Roplacement of Rejected Material ‘Any material found tobe defective on inspection refering from approved samples or make wil be replaced the supple fe Scee ot Tal eefund mace forthe amount aid by us including fright and insurance and ether Incidental chareee at oor siscretion V. Insurance ‘The goods are: Insured under open policy by CEL. wherever I stipulsted in the purchase order Fr Purchase order placed {azainst quotation on F.O.R. Destination bass the supper wl be responsioe for shortage/damage daring transt and os cee the cansignonot may be insured by the supplier atthe option and cost. Vi. Right to Gancel Order Force Majeure) inthe ase of strike, accident of any other unforeseen contingencies causing stoppage of production at CEL we reserve the {ght f cancel ana/madlfy the Purchase Order without Habit for any compensation andor elim of any Geserinvon SHL-At the time of delivery of inbound material to CEL, transporter must accompany the following document a. RC of tie vehicte Driving conse of Diver Valid Pollution Certificate ofthe vehicle carrying the shipment of CEL 1. tnsurance certificate must be valid on the date of delivering the goods to CEL ‘0 from te above documents the transporer must comply the ules id down by Motor Veh Act 2018 mn general Wik vendors suppers are requited to provide the MSDS along vith te other shiping documents atthe time of delvey of etarel cee of chemizas as per the deine id dow by The Occupational Heath and Safety Standods and rstny et 1988,

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