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feaea veer wea aT Grr weft Rion, dear, 14 Reva, 2006/23 TET, 1028 ‘Ra WERT AITE cere ee ate fo ate ftrraI-2, 4 aeren, 2005 er fp sho Mow (6)-8/2001— frre ate USUI thee atorsr sara, se77 (1977 = 12) A amp 20 ws (1) areT sel PRT eer car ier ae gy, PARI, core a ato, Aer weet gre) we afahra A eye 19 arity tar fry ay Porat Ravage & Ferg fRorege ator Sa a Reema ators ar fer Fah wafer Borgata a fear t TEA VST 9 POT (a5) we eT 4846 RTA rare, eet Ber v4 RN, 04/29 MEN wm re fret weer oSeTUT, wa SABE gH are) zn ah rae G) ah anor om rf eee at weer peak ge MACON ATT SHA FATAL att Ah ald Mttey stay ae srarttra aed & site aftr wat fas odes ora ator at ali) mt FarteaPe, alana oratera rater wera a} her, Pree fra sir eta, arahy 1 afta (erg ae mt ater}, ftmnaet wee AeBR 2 Rte, ame athe a tory Far, emer ste. PIeT-17 1000. 93. HEMT are curren, sesetta ore aloe arate, ASTER, fran faregy, Reeraet eT santa Pere ahoon ei aT arora far ber 3 waft fe ser ah cen 8 ger sorter ar, reer /— ara {Authoriaive English tet of this Deparment Notification No, TCP-F (5) $2004, dated 4-8-2005 at ‘equine under clause (3) af Aricle 348 of the Constitution of Ind ‘TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. g NOTIFICATION Shimia-?2 he # asseust, 2008 Now, therefore, in exercise ofthe powers vested in him under sub-section (4 af section 20 ofthe said cite Govemor of Himachal Pradesh is pleated to publish the Development Flan for Bilas Planing Area FE arrowed by the State Goverment and gives the notice that a copy of the sal Development Plan way be inspect in the fice of the fellowing Office during office hours, maely = 1 Secretary (TCP) 10 the Govt of Himachal Pradesh 2 The Director, ‘Town and Country Planning Depesimea, ‘Himachal Prdosh, Shimla-171 209. 3. Assistant ‘Town Planner, ‘Sub-Divisional Town Planning Office, Bilaspur, strict Bilaspur, Himschal Pradesh iy order, Secretary. orerrare ereraa, feareey wae, 14 Fea, 2006/23 MIETG, 1928 CHarren-1 ‘THE CONTEXT 1A ‘The present Development Plan for Bilaspur Planing Arex is aa out come of replication of experiences gained and competence built in the process of Development Plan Preparation under a project namely, ‘Spatial environmental Planning and Competence Building’ fxecuted by the department in collaboration wih and assisiaxce irom Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD). 12 In order to propagate the necessity of physital planning and to make planning a participatory process the plan is prepared with consistent involvement of general public, grass root Funetionaries, stakeholders, Non governmental Organisations (NGOs). The opinion of exper, aspiration of general masses and findings of analysis of various parameters form the basis for ‘evolving various proposals of this development plan. 1.3 After a vital dialogue with the local authorities and haying obtained their future {and requirements, plans and proposals, forms integral part ofthis document. LA The earlier Development Plans prepared by the Himachal Pradesh Town and ‘Country Planning Department were based upon land acquisition mechanism sind development by the Development Authority. LS This Development Plan has been coateroplated on the basis of restricted land acquisition and “Land Pooling and Reconstitution” mechanism, through massive public participation by involvement of Nagar Parishad, Panchayats, Revenue Department and the Development Authority curren -2 ‘TOWN OVER TIME, 2.4 Nomenclature —The name of town Bilaspur was earlier Viaspar. ft was named Vinspur aflec the name of Rishi Vyas, who meditated in a cave on the left bank of river Sattuj, populacly known as “Vias Gufs. The present name of Bilaspur has degenerated from Viaspir. 22 Location and Regiond Setting —Bilaspur town is located on 31°. 19-00" North Latitude and 76°-5-00' East Longitude, on the left bank of the river Satluj. At a distance of 85 kilometer North-West of Shin, itis a district headquarter of District Bilaspur. It has an altitude ‘of 447 Meter from the mean sea level. The town is located at a break of slope on the left bank of river ‘Sally, Having an undulating topography, it gives a fascinating look from distance. The site has led to ‘linear shape of town along the Chandigatti-Bilaspur-Manali National Highway 21 2.3 Evolution + 2.31 Pre-Indepenidence—The erstwhile rulers of Bilaspur hailed from Chanderwamshi ‘Rajputs, who ruled ini Chander’ in the Bundelkhand region, which now forms part of Guna District in ‘Madhya Pradesh. Tt is said that the seventh ruler of Chanderi Kingdom, Hariher Chand had a dresim cof Goddess Jawalamukhi and decided to seck his fortune in a shrine. Consequently, he handed over the kingdom to his youngest son and proceeded towards Jawalamokbi along with his remaining four sons. He established them at Jhandbhari, where they constructed a fi. Me stayed there for sometime and thea again proceeded to Jawalamukdi. Later on, his eldest son Bie Chand got himself settled at 4448 START TT, AT WER 14 HieaY, soon 29 NaN 1928 Sia Nar, hich is now in Hoshiarpur ditict. 1s Bir Chand, who later conieactad he temple of | Sm ina Devi Ji and made his capital nearby this temple kinwn ac Reblog tne 1600 AD, the SehnegseagltsPur ruling dynasty condinied at KotKahiirTheveaher i tes siete Sunhani Sra uty i 1650 AD, it was sited by Raja Deep Chand tu lila bees a the capital Of Bilaspur ruling dynasty continued at old Bilaspur own, ear rimeett Independence —The princely Site of aye wan taken under the Cental se nment adnan in October 1948. Sufsequentl, by an Acta Paslancar ns merged ich thereafter was comveried an consisted of to Tehsils namely Ghumarwin and Bilaspur 4nd a Sub-Tebsil at Shri Naina Devi Ji, have also been crear sid town submerged in the Gobind Sagar Lake. Situated on “Sandura Maidan” on lft bank of river Say the okt Bilsy ay Rats Wet aking conrast tthe historic own, hh acon ie ened enh Wed ys the buildings were mostly uit i stone and ccmeny Peon their ove sumalarhs an fed o New Bilspar, when old Bilaspur tour cubweeraa tan ‘ave suitably been rehabilitated in ance built Laxmi Narayana temples Toe ea, Parshed—Notified Area Commitee for Bilaspur wi was constiuted on 10" lees Wy Hitt coed of sine Wards, Later on two mere Wands wo sea te serene tits in Nagar Parishad area of Bilaspur, which is wlely ener ne nse providing efvic ‘menites to the inhabitant of the town 25 Status of Bilaspur Town—Bilaspur was casified asa town in 1891 and 1901 Census. however, remained declassified until 1931 Census, when vera, ‘again classified as a town. As per 2001 census the total population of Bilaspi Pradesh. Being amidst seven hills la, Jhingiar, Ratanpur and, Bahadurpur, itis known as shown in Map 2.3. Amidst the Bandla bill n the Bast and famous eves asa vantage point Cuarrer3 PLANNING AREA Jr RETPing in view planing requirements and considering growth ends, the Government etlimachal Pradesh vide Notification No. TCP-F (6) 2195 Shiai done 16-6-1998, published in fe Himachal Pradesh extroninary Rajpatra on 37-1998, redefined the eae of Bilaspur Planning ‘North: Upto outer boundary of revenue Vilage Mohal Bada fast; Upto outs boundary of revenue Village Mohal Badhyat, Mohal Baihal Kandela, Sienna, Sub-Mohal Khscin, Upper Mobal Nibal, Sub-Mohal Bera ib Motal Ol, Sub-Mohal Bilaspur, Sub-Mohal Lakhangur, Mehat hel, ene Jabliand Mohal Manwan, South: Upto ower boundary of revenue Village Mohal Jabs and Mahal Manwan 3 measuring {elometer North anc ‘thresh a 14.873 9 Planning below: rama area, forma wear, 14 Perera, 2006 /23 ARNE, 1928 4499 West: Upto outer boundary of revenue Village Mohal Manwan, Mohal Raghunathpura, Sub-Mohal Bilaspur, Sub-Mohal Diara, Sut-Mohal Raura, Sub-Mohal Luhnw ‘Khairian, Mohal Balhal-Kandela and Mohal Badhyat. 3.2 The Planning Area comprises of 24—revenue Village(s) Mohals, as shown in Map 3.1, measuring 1123 hectare, Average length and breadth of Planning Area is 6.50 Kilometer and 1,75 kilometer. There is steep Bandla hil in the East and river Satu) in the West. thas mugged terrain in North and South, Chandigart-Bilaspur-Manali National Highway-21 aets as its lfe-ine and passes though almost centre of the Planning Azea. 33 According to 1981, 1991 and 2001 Census population of Planning Area was! 1,662, 14,873 and 18,242 persons respectively. The detail of revenve Village(s) Mobal falling within the Planning Area. with their Hachast Numbers, Area and Population, as per 2001 Census is given below:— Table-3.1 adbast No, Area and Population of Revenue Villages) Mohalsin Planning Area SI Name of Revenue Mohal HadbastAreain Population as per No. No, Hectares 2001 Census 1 2 3 4 5 L Mobal Badhyat 176 7139 383 2 ‘Mohal Baihal Kandela 175 45.00 383 3. ‘Suh-Mohal Kharian Upper - 9.62 - 4 Sub-Mohal Kharian Luhnu - 16 333 3. Mahal Bamta 201 25.14 26 6 ‘Mobal Nihal 200 103.31402 1 Sup Mohal Danoh - 3101 a4 ‘Sub-Mohal Oel - 8951 os 9 ‘Mohal Raghunathpura 218. 60.00 414 10. Mohal Manwan 22 96.57 833 UL. ‘Mobal Jubii 217 115.02, 321 2 Mohal Konala 215 17.52 102 12 Mohat Konala 2S SRR a ee 4450 STRAT eran, ferret wear, 14 Fiera, 200K /24 sn, 1920 ! 2 3 4 5 1B ‘Mohal Nal 24 367 2 4. ‘Mohal Duhak 212 M43 a5 15. Mohal Kohlwin 213 40.00 263 16. ‘Sub- Mohal Kosrian Hadast 43.0 ", Sub-Mobal Nihal Nos. are 3837 18. Sub-Mokal Roura yettobe 25.80 9 Sub- Mohal Main Market alloted 19.40 13058 20. ‘Sub-Mohal Diara 280 Oegar 24 Sub-Mohal Changee 2505 Parishad, a Soh Nut Lakhanpar 474s Bilaspur) 23. ‘Sub Mohal Bilaspur 9798 24. Sub -Mobal Blob 20.1 ¥ Total # 1122.50 is2az Or Say 1123 oe Hectare ‘Source —Distrit Revenue Office, Bilaspur. 344 Bilaspur Planning Area consists of Urban and Rural area. Urban area consist of Bilaspur Town which is centre of Urban activities like trade, commerce, administration education health, communication and traffic & transportation. The rural area can be divided into two parts namely Northern and Southem. The predominant land use of rural area is agriculture with small holdings. ‘The thrust of developmental activities is more towards the northern side as compare to southern side of the planning arca. For the purpose of this Development Plan, Bilaspur Planning Area has been divided imto six Sectors namely Sector I-Nagar Parishad covering the entire Nagar Parishad area including existing five Sectors i.e. Diara, Roura, Nihal, Main Market and Changer, Sector 1I- Bamia, Sector UI-Gram Nikal, Sector IV-Oel, Sector V-Jabli and Sector VI-Raghunathpura (CHAPTER ‘REGIONAL SCENARIO 441 Bilaspur is located on Chandigarh-Manali National Highway-21. It, therefore, ats as ‘gateway to the Himalayas. As District Headquarter, entire District depends upon the town for ‘administration, higher order facilities and socio-cultural activities, | rere arate, Rares wer, 14 AAR 2008/20 TENE, 1920 4451 4.2 Since 1971. growth rate of population of the District has been continuously decreasing Population aod growth rate during 1971-2001 are as under: — Tablet Population and Growth Rate of District Bilaspur during 1971-2001 Census Year Population Growth rate 1971 1,98,786 : 1981 2.47,368 26.99% 191 2,95,387 19.48% 2001 3.40,735 1535% Source — Distrit Census Hand Book, 1971,1981,1991,2001. Growth rate of population in terms of percentage has decreased from 26,99% in 1s7* 8) 10) 15.35% during 1991-2001. The rural areas in the distriet are witnessing out migration to urban areas due to limited job and economic opportunities. The family planning derive has also contributed to the decline of growth rate to some extent. Bilaspur Planning Area in respect of regional scenavio is, shown in Map-4.1. 43 Agriculture is the mainstay of people of the District, a8 69 % of the work force is cogaged in agriculture and allied activities. Out of 1167 square kilometer of geopraphical area ofthe District, net atea sown is 30,366 hectare, which is 27 of the total area. The average size of land holding is 0.05 hectare per person. The total area under irigation is 3.164 hectare, which is 10 % of ‘otal sown area. Apart from few traditional crops, people preter to grow cash crops, pulses and off- season vegetables to gear up their income. Maize isthe major surplus produce of the district. Out of total maize production of 48098 metric tonne, the market surplus is 20,000 metric tonne. which is 441% of total produce. A maize-processing unit can be setup in the District with a total investment of Rs, 1.00 crore and employment potential of 200 persons. The unit will produce maize oi, starch, ‘Glucose, Comflakes etc. which have good demand in the market. 44 Horticulture is picking up in the District. At present, S604 hectare of land is under frit plantation: Total production of frits during the year 2001-2002 is 4277.00 metric tonne out of which 2618.00 metric tonne production is of citrus fruits and 1250.00 mesic Tonne is of other temperate fruits, which-is 61 % and 29 % respectively. In addition to the existing units, two more fruit processing units cam be setup in the district with a proposed investment of Rs. 40.00 Lakhs and ‘employment potential of 30 skilled/uaskilled workers, 4.5 The forest area is about 12866 hectare, which accounts to 11.50% of total area of the District. The major forest products are timber, resin and turpentine. The resin end turpentine Factory at Jabli, in Sector-ll, Raghunathpura isthe main industrial unit and has an annual capacity of 7400 metric tonnes. During the year 2042-03, production of resin and turpentine was 47,880 quintals and 12,75,988/- lites respectively. The principal marketable forest produce are Chil timber, bamboo, resin, bhaber grass and Katha Based on this raw material few units producing catechu, paper and ‘bamboo furniture can be set-up inthe district with a investment of Rs. 30.00 lakhs and employment ‘Potential of 500 persons, rr 4452 Sra ree free wt va Rae, 2008 78 ae, eR nari tea mest animals to meet tet ss mt, sie, won, manne, and for boughing. Now these days poultry farming becoming popu in this area Some hatchery can also be setup here withinvestment og hey loyment potential OF 150 persons, 4.7 The Gobind Sagar Lakeireservoie, with an acea of 16.040) hectare has mainly contributed Salih froduction inthe District. The reservoir gives ute enphoyment roy na Tumities shout 4500 persons. The measures adopted io\ promote Taha slitmination of middlemen, feaging fishermen under Co-operative fol, marketing of produce ‘organize the credit facts. AL presen, 8 Co-operatives Societey are operating iw Cabin Sagar region, The fish Fat bon citing the year 2002-2003 is 1202 mesic tonne which wan won Reese Maximum dies Cine E01 neighbouring Stats. A few small unis, preociog fcr Dckles can be setup here, ‘which can give employment 1 200 persons approximately. France 15 Suna Of Stk yar per Annum. There is a scope to seta tne Reeling units in the gia. which can give employment to about 100 persons, Aras ‘ho sep here which ean give direct employment to 200 wes. of ener athe none L9 Bilaspur has potential for tourism. The Paragliding from “anda Dae boating, sailing, ‘Simming and watersports in Gobind Sagar Lake are the main attractions of adecanae sports, CHapren.s PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS fhole | tole 4 « renee era, fara wee, 14 Frm 2008/23 WIR, 1928 4453, 53. Geology.—Most of the area of District Bilaspur is covered by sedimentary rocks. The soil profile on civer terraces along Satly is suificiently deep that is ranging from as deep as one to, three meter. The sol is generally alluvial and lome and with exceptions of elayee patches. S4 Physical Environment —The physical cavironmest of Bilaspur Planning Area is lundergoing fast transformation. Though Bilaspur is the frst planned hill cown of Himachal Pradesh, its residential areas have fast deteriorated and have become shims. Eneroschments on land left for parks and open spaces was a common phenomena before the enforcement of Himachal Pradesh Towa and Country Planning Act, 1977. Depleting green cover is a bitter reality. Haphazerd ‘and mushroom growth has taken place at prime locations like Coltege Chowk, Bus Stand Chossk National Highway-21 junction at Nauni, Ribbow develapment aloag the Highways has beco common phenomencn. Steep slopes along the Nullahs aze susceptible for soil erosion, On account of ‘unprecedented development the traffic and transporation and as well as other utility net works are over burdened and constantly detoriating 5.5 Spatial Distribution of Built Up Area—tThe built up areas have been come up ix planaed manner in Nagar Parishad area as per provisions of sectoral plans prepared by TCPO, Delhi lowever cera illegal and unauthorised constructions beth horizontal or vertical have taken place ‘over time. Apart from this some open or vacant sites have been encroached! upen by rising tmplanoed constructions oa lands adjacent o boundary of new township which later on become pus ‘of Nagar Parishad namely Kosrian, Lakhanpur. Outside the Nagar Parishad built up areas are comin up in corridor form all along National Highway:21 with concentration at aaal locations namely Jbl, Bus stand d& College Chowk. In addition, im rural pars of Planning Area constructions are coming up in a seattered manner in agriculture felde ouside the “Abadi Deh" or “Lal Dora” avwine te natural growth of sual seticmens. 546 Building Material and Nature of Development —tn rural Bilaspur, the houses ore ‘mostly built of mud, stone, brick and Reinforved Cement Concrete (RCC). The RCC. ‘constructions are fast picking up. The houses are generally double sioreyed with slate, Corrugated Galvanised lron (CGI) sheets and concrete cocfing. In traditional houses the upper floors are used for living whereas the lower one are used for storage. Catte sheds are built separaely. Generally, there are two and three storeyed pucca houses in Bilaspur towa. The (own lacks w gardens, paiks, ‘parking lots and garbage disposal. CHarreR-6 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTER 6.1 District Population —As per 2001 Census, Bilaspur district has population 2 3,40,735 peruon. There are 1,71,074 males (50.21%) and 1,69,661 females (49.21%). Out of total population of the District 3,18,786 persons (93.56%) are in ural area and 21,949 persons (04796) ia urban area. 62 Deendal Growth_—As per 1991 census te total population ofthe ste is S1,70:877 whereas the population of Diswict Bilaspur is 2.95.387. The decsdal growth rate of the States 20.79% whereas the decadal growth rate of district is 19.41%. As per 2001 census the wis population of stste is 60,70,305 with a decadal growth rate of 17.39% whereas total popslation of district is 340,735 with a decadal growth rate of 15.35%, From the above itis evident that decadal 4484 crema ara, Fara Wea, 14 Pea 2006 /23 TENE, 1928 eR growth rate of population in respect of District Bilaspur as compared to state as a whole is running behind. ‘Bilaspur town has 31.58% growth rate during 1981-1991 Census. It has reduced t0 23.08 during 1991-2001 Census. The decadal growth rate ofall the Ten District Headquarter towns except ‘Two Tribal Distrits is shown in te following Table-— ‘Table 6.1 Decadal Growth Rate of Ten Major Towns of the State Sl.No, Name of town Growth rate Growth rate 1981-1991 1991-2001 Solan 65.69% S753% 2 Shimla 56.31% 30.12% 3 Hamirpur 42.59% 37.27% 4 Una 31.06% 32.49% 5. Kullu 215% 25.65% 6. . Bilaspur 31.58% 23.08% 7. Naban 08.90% ia7% 8 Mand 24.04% 15.76% 9. Chamba 24.98% 13.13% 10. Dharamshala 20.46% 08.81% ‘Sources—District Census Hand Book 1981, 1991, 2001. Insofar as Bilaspur town is coacemed the decadal yrovth rate has declined in the last decade as shown below: — Table-6.2 Decadal Growth Rate of Biaspor Town Since 1971 SLNo. Year Population Growth rate 1 1971 7037 = 2 i981 8063 13.58% 3 1991 10609 317% 4 2001 13058 23.08 % Source — District Census Hand Book 1971,1981,1991,2001, “The Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Deparuncnt has carried out 105 sample survey in Bilaspur Planning Area to have statistical figures regarding Demography, Socio-Economic Stan, Howsig. ade & Commesce and Traffic volume. The findings of this survey are ilostraud in following paraschaptrs. 63. Popalation Growth—Population of Bilaspur Planning Area has increased trom 10,665 persons in the year 1971 wo 18242 persons during the year 2001 The dlecadal growth rate vvaies from 9 34 % during the decade 1971-1981 to 27:53 in 1981-1991. 1thas declined to 22.65 % sree arora, fret ster 14 FRwae 2008/23 TEU, 1028 4455 in the decade 1991-2001, It is antcjpased that population of Planing Ares atthe rate of 30% and 35M during the decades of 2001-11, 2011-21 is likely to increase to 23.715 and 32,015 respectively In view of potentials and propensities of Bilaspur Planning Area, opening of Ali Khud bridge, commencement of Kol Dam Project, migration from rural areas wo the urban centres for job ‘portunities, floating population of tourists etc, the population i likely to cross the figure of 32,015 ‘ersons by the year 2021. As such, population of 40,000 persons hasbeen contemplated for working ‘ut the future requirementsproposal in this Development Pisa Table-6.3, Growth Rate of Population in Planning Area Population SLNo. Year Growth Rate 1 1971 - 2 1981 934% 3. 1991 253% 4 2001 DEse 5 20 30% 6 2021 32,015 35% ‘Source.— District Census Hand Book 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001. A Sex Ratio—The population of Bilaspur Planning Area as per 2001 Census is 18,242 persons. Out of this $3.18 % are males and 46.82% are females. The Bilaspur district bas 992 females per 1000 males, whereas in respect of state there are 970 females per thousand males as per 2001 ‘census, From the above it is clear thatthe sex ratio of Disirict Bilaspur is better as compared to the state as a whole. 65 Age Structure.—In Planning Area 11.06 % population is less than 5 years old, this ‘requires mother care and créche facilities. The 28.70 % of population {s in the age group of 6 to 15 years requiring play grounds, parks and primary and middle schoo! facilities. The 39.00% population is im the age group of 16 (0 45 years which requires facilities for higher education like, senior secondary schools, colleges, industrial training institute, vocational courses like information technology, computer application, engineering, medical, commerce and social sciences. This age ‘group also constitutes the reproductive group. The 12.80 % of population ism the age group of 46 to (60 years 8.4 per cent population is above%61 and above. This starta of population need special attention with regards to health and other livelihood. The age wise classification of population of Planning Area is as below: — ‘Table-6.4 ‘Age Wise classification of population SLNo. ‘Age in years Number Percentage 1 Os 2018 11.06 % 2 615 5235 28.70% 3 16.45, 714 39.00% 4 46-60 2335 1280% 5. 61 and above 1540 8.44% Total 18242 100 % ‘Source —Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. $$ iB Area 45.84 % of people are ‘more in the Planning Area due to ional institutions are located in the Planning Arca. 4 49.68 % ate bachelors. The petcentage of bachelors student population, as most ofthe educa Tabte-6.5 Marital Status SLNo. Marital Status Persons Percentage 1 ingle 9055 49.64 % 2 Marre 8362 45.84 % 3 Widowers 825 (06.52 % Total, 1x242 100 % Source —Survey by 1. Town ad Country Planning Department, 2002. 15% literates are graduate and post gratustes only, 139% literate are technically qualified, Tabie-6.6 Level of Education SLNo, Educational Status Persons Percentage a Miter 3014 1652 % 2 Under Marie 764 3927% 3, Matric 506 277% 4 Graduate 1937 10.62.% 5 Post Graduate 808, 0443.5 6 Technical 253 139% Total .. Haz 100% ‘own and Country Planning Department, 2002. 9.7 Occupation and Per Capita tneome.—Accon Pag CUNY Plaaaing Deparment, 30% persons are workers Phuocing Area Source Survey by HP. | sitrvey conducted by HL P. Town 470% are no-workers in Bilaspur Table-6,7 ‘Workers and Non -Warkers SLNo. ——Oceapation Persons Percentage L Workers 3473 30% 2 "Non workers 12769 70% Total. . 1242 100% Source Suavey by HP, Town ani Coury Planing Department, 202 oreraren worn, Festal ute, 14 Perret 2008/28 TENE, 1928 4457 ite (Out of these workers 15% are engaged in primary sector, 37% in secondary sector and 48% @ intertiary sector, A major portion of workers is engaged in tertiary Sector. Its anticipated that by the year 2021, the secondary force will increase to 3555 workers. Table-6.8 Work Force SLNo. Category Workers 1 Primary 821 15% 2 Secondary 2025 37% x Tertiary 2627 8% Total . 5473 100 % ‘Source Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. Per household monthly income is Rs. $424 and per capita momthly income is Rs, 1872, Table -69 ‘Per Capita Income SLNo, Description income in Rupees I Income per household 8424 2 Per capita monthly income 1872 3 Per capita yearly income 22,464 Source.—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 68. Recreation and Entertainment—The major entertainment of public in Planaing Area fs sports activities, other recreational persuits are musical club, boating, paragliding and cultural ‘programme conducted during special oecasions won mentionery Nalwari Fair ‘Tibte- 6.19 Recreational Activities SI.No, Recreation Households Percentage 1 Sports 2350 58.16% 2. Other outdoor 9 023 & 3 Entertainment 19 046 % 4 ‘None 1668. 41.15% Total. 40s4 100.00 5 Source —Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. ‘The educational institutions are adequately available in the town and majority of students ‘come to school from a distance of just % kilometers, as suc, most of the recreational and ‘eotertainment activities are within the radius of 4 Kilometer, 4858 Srna ama, Fores we, v4 fer, 2006/23 areue, 1928 Tables6.11 Distance to Recreational Facilites SLNo. Distance ta reereation Households. Percentage in kilometers 1 Within 14 2122 92.34% 2 Within to 44 713 17.58% x Within % 10 1 491 121% 4 Within % 01 570 15.06 % 5 Over I km. 150 03.91 % Total, 4054 100.00 % ‘Source.— Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning, Department, 2002 Cunrrer7 HOUSING 5 erasing States —In Dilespur Planing Are, 88.73 % persons have their own houses and ‘estate tenants, Table 7.1 House Ownership SLNo Ownership Household Percentage 1 Owner 3597 38.73.% 2 Tenant 457 11.27% Total. . 4054 100.00 % ‘Source.—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 202. Table-7.2 ‘Year of Construction heres 61-15% houses are 22 to 49 years ol, only 19.545 houses have been constructed ring dhe last ten years. SLNo Age ofthe house Household Percentage 1 [Less than 10 years 792 1958 % 2 10.19 755 18.62% 3 20.49 2479 6Lis% 4 50-59 19 047 & 5 60 and above 9 022% Total... 4054 100.00 Source —Survey by H.P, Town and Country Planning Department, 2002 STAR wigs, Reraa weer 14 fee 2006/23 weve, 1928 4459 7.1 No. of Storeys and Type of Structure— The 99% houses are I (0 4 storeys and ‘only 19% houses have more than 4 storeys, Table-73 ‘Number of Storeys ‘No of Storeys Household Percentage Ltd 4013 9% Sand above 4) oe Total. 4084 100 % Source —Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. Majority of the houses ie, 83.91% are constructed with R.C.C, and Brick, only 6.21 % structures have used locaVtraditional construction material 4e. stone and timber. Table -7.4 ‘Type of Structure SLNo. Type of structure Household Pe L RCC. and Brick 3402 83.91% %, ‘Brick and timber 345, 831% 3 ‘Stone and timber 282 621% 4 Other 35 137% Total. , 4054 100.00 % ‘Source —Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 73 Sanitary and Garbage Disposal—The 72.61% households are making use of private sanitary lalrines and 6.67% households are dependent on community sanitary latrines. Only 0.23% houses do not have latrines at all and are defecating in surrounding fields. Table-75 ‘Type of Latrines SLNo. Type of latrines ‘Household Percentage 1 Private manual ‘540 1333% 2, Private sanitary 2945 264% cS ‘Community manual 289 713% 4 ‘Community sanitary 270 667% 5 Open 10 023% Total .. 4054 100.00 % ‘Source.—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 4460 SRAM erates, RRaTar ota 14 Rlewue now /29 ANE, 1928: ‘Whereas 52.42% households are using public disthins. 47.11 % house the garbage in open. Table-7.6 Garbage Dispersal SLNo. — Disponal of garbage House hold Percentage 1 Puilic dustin 22s $242 % 2 Collection facility » OAT % a Oper 1910 AT ‘Total .. 408s 100.00 % Source —Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002, 74 Housing Utilities—The 88.73% houschols are having inlepenent rooms whereas 11.27% households are sharing the same. Table-7.7 Occupation Status Sl.No.‘ Condition of occupation Household 1 Independent occupation 3597 2 Sharing occupation 4s7 \ ‘Total. 4054 100.00 Source-—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Departwicnt, 2002. itchen facility is with 68.06% households only. Table-7.8 Kitchen Facilities SILNo. IfSepurate Kitchen Howsehokd Percentage 1 Yes 2759 68.06 % a No 1298 3194 Total.. 40s 100.00 % Source. Survey by ELP. Town and Country Planning Departinent, 2002, Only 0.22 & households do not have electric facility, Table-79 Hlectric Facilities SLNo. Electricity Household Percentage 1 Yes 4045 99.78 % a No 9 022 % Total. 4084 100.00 % ‘Source —Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Departmeiat, K)2 SreETeOT era, erect wee, 14 AREAL 2006/28 ATRNE, 1928 4461 Table-7.10 Housing Condition SLNo, Condition of the structure Households Pereentage 1 Bad 186 459% 2 Moderate iar 36.31% 3 Far 2031 50.10% 4 Good 365, 9.00% Total. . 4054 100.00 % ‘Source Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002, 7S Condition of Houses.—The 50.10 % houses are in fair condition, and only 4.59% houses are in bad condition, ‘Table-7.11 Status of Road SINo. Approach road Household Percentage L Motzabie 2031 50.10% 2 Jeepable road 69 17.24% 3 Foot path 1084 25.15% 4 ‘No path 280 691% ‘Total .. 40s 100.00 % Source — Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 746 Road and Purking Facilities. The 50.10% houses are connected with moterable road. and 17.24% houses with jeepable toads, Whereas 25.75 % houses are using footpath, there ae 6.91% houses which do not have any path. = Toble-7.12 Availability of Parking Facilities SLNo. Availability Household Percentage L Yes 850 64% a No 80 36% Total .. 1330 100 % Source —Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. ‘The 64% households have parking facilities. srerarenr eras, bans wee, 14 FRrewaR, 2006 /23 TEI, 1928 “Majorities of the households’ i.e, 97.92 % who do not have any parking facility are parking ‘their vehicles on road, ‘Table-7.13 ‘Non -Availability of Parking Fucilities SINo, — Non-availability/alternative used Household Percentage Eo Onsmad sie 470 9792 % 2 Paid parking 10 2.08 & 3. reepaking : é Total. 480, 100 % Source Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002 17 Projections. —As per Socio-economic survey conducted by the H. P. Town and (Country Planning Department, there are 4054 families in Bilaspur Planning Area snd average family size works out to 45. Like this, itis anticipated that by the year 2021 there will be 8890 families. CHAPTERS. ‘TRADE AND COMMERCE SL Status of Shops.—Bilaspur town is vibrating with trade and commerce activity esides catering for the Planning Area it also caters for the surrounding areas of Shandutia and ‘Ghumarwin Development Blocks. Most of the shops are retail followed by service oriented shops. However 3.97 % shops are whole sale dealing in grains, cement, cloth, frit and vegetables. Table 8.1 Status of Shops SI.No. Type of shop No. of shops Percentage 1 Real a7 75.54% 2 ‘Wholesale 3 397% 3. Seasonal 4 048 % 4 Service 14 3% 3 Others 32 6.28% ‘Total. 830 100% Source —Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002, ararareoy atone, fore wie, 14 Fear 2006/28 ATANE, 1928 4463 er aa ‘Table 82 tems Sold SI.No, Ttem sold ‘No. of shops Percentage 1 General 391 71.20% 2% Food 40. 422% 3. Vegetable 6 7.83% 4 Cloth 35 422% Ss. Furniture 7 2.05% 6. Chemist, B 277% 1 Fruits 34 4.10% 8 Jewellery 25 3.01% Total. . $30 100 % Source—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002, Majority of 71.20 % shops pertains to general merchandise consisting of groceries building aterials potery electrical electronics, auto repairs & spare pars, and confectioners, ete ‘The commercial activites are picking up in town and more households are converting their ooms into shops for rent purposes, About 62.319 shops were established inthe last 10 years. Table8.3 ‘Year of Establishment SLNo, Year of establishment No. of shops Percentage 1. Less than 10 year 307 231% 2 tte 20 year 133 1841 % 3. 20 year and above 160 19.28% Total. 830 100 % . Source-—Survey by ELP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002, “The 6747 % shops have area less than 10 M? and 22.29% are inthe range of 11-20 M Only 10.24% shops are inthe range 20 10 50 MP and above. ‘Table 84 Shop Size SL.No, Size of shop in No. of shops Percentage 1 Less than 10 Sq.Mte, 560 6187 % o 11 v9 20 squmtr, 185 22.29% 3 211050 70 843% 4 ‘1 and above 15 181% ‘Total. 830, 100% ‘Source Survey by H.P. Town and Counsry Planning Department, 2002 4464 Sremaren eraam, FRAT wee, 14 FRY, 2006 /23 TENE, 1920 8.2 Attached Facilitates and Utilities —The 32.65 % Shopkeepers have the own veh Out af total 271 majority of 67.90% of shopkeeper are having two wheelers and 1.84 % are having heavy vehicles. Table: 4.5 ‘Vehicle Ownership SL.No. Vehicle owned No.of shopkeepers Percentage Yes am 32.65% 2 No 599 735% Total. . 830 100.00 % Source,—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. ‘The $9.66 % vehicles are parked on road and foot paths causing inconvenience to the passers by as well as inviting traffic problems Table 8.6 Parking Facility SLNo, Parking facility No. of vehicle Percentage 1 On foot path 6 221% 2. Garages n 8.13% 3 (On main oad 237 87.45% 4 Authorized parking 6 221% Total .. an 100% Source—Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planeing Departincut, 2002 | &- | eae -. bee ne bn ae serene wares, feareat wen, 14 FATAL 2005/23 RTE, 1926 4465 ‘Table 8.7 Problems of Shopkeepers, SLNo. ‘Type of Problem No.of shops Percentage 1 Parking 2s. 29.52% 2 Size of shop o 807% 3 Storage 15 181% a Public Lavatory 158 18.67% 5 Others 45 542% 6 Nil 303 36.51% Total... 830 100% ‘The above table shows that shopkeepers are facing numerous problems such as pending, ‘storage, public fr lets and inadequate space of shops. ‘Source — Survey by H.P. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 8.3 Commercial Intensity. — The commercial area i concentrated in main market, Gani smarket, Gurudwara market and Bus stand market in Sector, Negar Parishad. The commercial area imensity about 85% is concentrated within Nagar Parishad Area and 15 4 i rest of Planning Area. ‘The commercial activites in Bilaspur town has not picked up, 2s it was anticipated at the time of establishment of new township. However forthe last few years the commercial activities have gained ‘momentum, specially after the construction of Bridge over Ali-Khod and construction of Kol-Dam Project. The town fs now efficiently serving its local population on one hand and the population of nearby Villages on the other. renee rea, Rearrer weer 14 fRIePe, goon / 29 TE, 1928 CHarreR 9 ‘TOURISM AND INDUSTRY 49.1 Tourism.—Tourism is one of the biggest sources of earning for any State Government as well as forthe public. Bilaspur has vast potential for the development of tourism around the town, ‘stich unfortunately has remained ignored till dale. The religious historical temples of Marksnda, ‘Mata Badoti, Rukmani-Kund, Sh. Nahar Singh and famous cave known as “Vias Gufe” needs attention for their upkeep and beautification. On construction vf Bhakhra Dam the old town was submerged in lake thus formed by the backwater popularly know as “Govind Sagar Lake. The teautfal and historic temples in old town, which submerged into the lake. needs to be preserved. “The important oust attractions in the district are shown in Map 9 {and the detail of which ‘re a6 under: — 9.11 Markand—This is a famous shrine about 20 Kilometers from Bilaspur, in Tehsil ‘Sadar Bilaspur named afer renowned Rishi Markandeya, wh lived and worshipped there, According toa legend's tunnel connected Markand and Vyas Gufa and the nwo Rishis, Vyas and Markandeya, lised 9 visit each other through this sub-terranean path. In aldiion to the shrine, there is also a water spring of ancient fame where a night fair is held annually on Buisaki day. 1 is believed that the rater cures children suffering fiom skin diseases while a bath atthe main spring on Baisakhi day hakes off sterlty in women. Lot of devotees from Bilaspur as well as adjoining districts of Solan and Hlarmrpur visits the temple, “The major religious tourist spots in the Town are as under: — 9.1.2 Vyas Gufa, —The oldest and the famous place in main town is the cave of Rishi ‘Veas, popularly known as Vyas Gufa, The Vyas Rishi of Mahabbarta fame. Interpreted the divinity and pylosphy of life in mediation in the cove, which Tes om the lft bank of river Satlj. Iisa place ff pilgrimage. It is believed that Vyas Guta was once connected with Markand through an tinderground tunnel. The original mame of V yaspur is believed to have been derived from Rishi Vyas 9.4.3 Nar Singh Temple—It is situated on the left bank of Govind Sagar Lake in hots and idol af Lord Nar Singh ¥s worshiped daily 9.14 Laxmi Narayan Temple. —It is one of the famous temple adjoining left bank of Govind Sagar in Diara. The idol of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Laxmi Narayan were taken fom the temples and have been rehabilitated in Laxmi Narayan temple before these were ‘ubsmenged in the lake, 9:15 Bhakea Dam and Govind Sagar Lake—Bhakra Dam is 90 Kilometer from Bilaspur. i's 13 Kilometer upstream from Nangal Township, itis one of the highest straight gravity dam in the work. The lake is about 90 Kilometer long covering an area of about 160 KM of witch 0 te is in Bilaspur and the remaining 10 % in Una & Mandi Districts. The Dam was dedicate i the Nation by fate Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru on Novernber 20, 1963. The view of the vast Dany aul ‘green jungles around iti fascinating indeed. There is ample scope for developing Huh. active itl passive recteaional activites inthe lake and hunting as well as wekking in sucrouading ving Hest jo™ | rarer rors, Fares sete, 14 Peers, 2006 /23 ATER, 1928, 4367 ‘are as which may attract 8 reasonable tourist traffic to this part ofthe state, A tug service is available for the tourists between Bilaspur and Bhakra. The smooth drive in a motor boat in the Govind Sagar scarcely gives an idea of millions of mandays spent in finishing the Dam. With the giant plams and intricate machinery in the background and the power houses constructions on both the banks of the ‘iver, it looks unbelievably simple though to quote late Pandit Nehru "its construction is something tremendous, something stupendous and something which shakes you up when you see it” 9.2 Tourist Accommodation and Facilities. —There are 10 Hotels, 6 Guest Houses, & Rest Houses, and | Circuit House in Bilaspur town {with 399 bedding capacity) providing residential accommodation to the tourists. This is a gateway to Kullu Valley as well as to the Queen of hills Shimla”, Majority of tourists stays in Bilaspur, The facilities Uke indoor games, cultural, shopping. laundcy and Banking, however, needs to be provided in these accommodations. Occupancy varies from 40% to 60 % in rest of the months whereas itis 100 4 in the months of May and June each year, The town can act as a tourist destination, if adventure sports like paragliding and water sports are organized regularly and in a planed way. The present and future tourist activities in Bilaspur Planning Area are shown in Map 9:2. 9.3 Industry —The District Bilaspur is fast coming wp on the Industcial Map of the State due to its vast potential in the field of Industries. At present there are 2256 Nos. of SSI units registered in the District having Capital investment of Rs. 2839.25 lacs providing employment te 10,383 persons approximately. In addition to this there are (wo large & medium scale industries functioning in the district {e, ACC GagalT and ACC Gagal-II. These units have investment of Rs 519.00 crore and providing direct employment t9 792 persons and indirect employment to approximately more than 20,000 persons. 9.3.1. Industrial Area Bilaspur. — Industrial Area Bilaspur is located on National Highway 21 at a distance 2 kilometer from Bilaspur Town. This area hss been developed on land ‘measuring 98.3 bighas by way of acquiing private lad in revenue Village Barta & Kharian during the year 1974.75, Presently there age 63 Plot and 9 Shed developed inthis Industrial Area and all the plots & shed have been alloted Majority of the units established is environment friendly and there is no environment hazardous unit in and around Bilaspur townOnwards 7-1-2003 an industrial package had been ‘announced by the Govt. of India consequent upon Various industrial investment enquires have been received and the pace of Industialisation have entered into a new ere. The major incentives of the Govt, of India in its incentive package are 100% exemption from payment of Central Excise duty for 4 petiod of 10 years, 100% income tax exemption and 15% investment subsidy on plant and machinery. The Govemment of Himachal Pradesh is already providing various incentives to the industries coming fo our state, CuarreR-10 ‘ACILITIES AND SERVICES 101. Educational Facilities —in Sector-1, Nagar Parishad, there is one Government Degree College, one Industrial Training Institute, two Senior Secondary Schools, ix High Schools, ‘eleven Government Primary Schools and one Private Primary School. There are two Middle Schools, A baad ae 4468 rarer eranes, Peery weber, 14 |Rway, 2008 /23 MEW, 1928 ne at Behal Kandela in Sector-II Bamta and one a Sector VI, Rayhinathpara, Other five Private Primary Schools are, one at Behal Kundela in Scetor-, thanma, vise at Danoh in Sector-V, Oel, one in Sector-V, Jabli, one at Manwan and one at Raghunathura sa Sector-VI, Raghunathpura. Thowgh ‘every educational institute have adequate attached play stow yot multipurpose national level Stadium is under construction at Luhnw, Wherein hockey ground, ercket stadium, indoor stadium facilities shall be presided. A proposal to creat anifivil lake leatto cricket stadium is under way. ‘Water proof facility is also available in Bilaspur town. Tlie existing educational facilities in Bilaspur Planning Area are shown in Map 10.1. These elucational sinus are serving population of ‘Planning Area'as well asthe villages adjoining i ‘The Student/Teacher ratio of these Hiiivsional tustitalions i show in the following abl oy Student, Teacher Ratio sl. Description Educational No. of No. of Student’ No. Institutes Students. Teuchers Teacher x Ratio 1 Primary Schools : Goverment u Hot 0 2:1 * Private 06 su ol 1 2. Midale Schools u 24 20 a 3. * High Schoots 06 sway 162 ma + Senioe Secondary Schools 2 4. College ol 2400 46 sa Source. —Respective Heads of the Facational Tnstitutions. 10.2 Medical Facilities.—Bilaspur Ptanning Area hus one Zons! Hospital (200 Beds), one Ayurvedic Hospital (20 Beds) also housing one Homeopathic Hospital, one T-B. Centre (20 Beds), two Civil Dispensaries and six private medical institutions in Sector-l, Nagar Parishad. One Civil Dispensary is existing at Manwan in Sector-VI, Raghunathpurs. One Sub-Ceaue each at Kunala in Sector-V, Jabli and at Behal Kandela in Secior-Il, Bama, Besides this. there is one Veterinary Hospital in Sector, Nagar Parishad. There are two Veterinary Dispensaries each at Badhyat an Sector], Barnta and at Kunala in Sector-V, Jabli. All the above-teferred Govt. Medical isl re functioning trom their own buildings except-2 Veterinary Dispensaries which are in lived accommodations. The Ayurvedic Hospital is also housing the Homeopathic Hospital in its Indi: ‘Sector , Nagar Parishad, The existing medical facilities in Bilaspur Planning Area are sss M are era, Eee weet, 14 FRTATE 2006/25 HTH, 1920 4169 22 pT ers, ne aah ee 10.2 and the influence zone/area of Zonal Hospital Bilaspur is shown in Map 10.3. The Doctor/ ‘Patient ratio of Medical Institutions is shown in following Table:— Table- 10.2 Doctor, Patient Ratio SLNo Deseription No. of Doctors. No. of Daily Doctor/Patient Patients Ratio 1, Zonal Hospital n 400 18 2, Ayurvedic Hospital = 4 ” 18 3, Homeopathic Hospital 2 20 110 Source.— Respective Heads of the Medical Institutions 10.3 Public Serviees.—The Bilaspur Planning Area has following public services. Since these are mostly concentrated in the main town, as such yet it ts required to be provided in rest of the area. The existing public services are shown in Map 10.4 103.1 Fire Services —A Fire Station with three fire tenders is located at Upper Nikal in ‘Sector!, Nagar Parishad. This i presently functioning from the Goverment residential ‘accommodation. Recently chunk of land measuring 0.40 Hectares has been allocated for the ‘Construction of a Fire Brigade station in Sector, Nayar Parishad and the work of construction is im Progress. 10.3.2 Postal Services—There Is one General Post Office near Teleptione Exchange ‘building at Main Market, in Sector-P Nagar Parishad, It has proper parking and other required facilities. A Branch Post Office at Lakhanpur and two Sub-Post Offices at Changer and Diara in Sector, Nagar Parishad are existing. Beside this, there is 1 SobPost Office in Sector VI Raghunathpura. 103.3 Banking and Insurance Services. —There are 8 Banks in the Planning Area. These ‘are functioning from the hired private buildings and are lacking parking facilities. One Life Insurance Cosporation office at Raura aud two General Insurance Companies namely Oriental Insursnce Company and New India Assurance Company at Main Market, Sector, Nagar Parishad are providing their services from rented buildings in the Planning Area. 1034. Police Services—A Police Station is located in Sector-1, Nagar Parishad at Upper Nihal. it has its own building with parking facility, Besides his, one Police Chowk and one Police Lines at Changer and at Lakhanpur respectively are existing in Sector, Nagar Parishad, There are 222 personnels in the Police Lines. 4470 area wrores, Fare weet 14 FWA, 2006/23 HIRT, 1928 (CHaPTER-LL BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE 111 Water Supply System—Presenly water is being supplied to the town through three sources i.e. natural springes, mullahs and underground seater. Whereas the underground water is treated chemically only, atthe same time the water from springs and nulls are given chemical {weatment afer propec sedimentation. The water treatment plants are located al Kostian and Changer in Sector Nagar Parishad. Each plat has areatment capacity of 1,23,000 Litres, The storage tanks ‘eat Nalla-Ka-Naun at Dara, Changer, Kossian and Dholra in Sector-, Nagar Parishad. The HP. Insigation and Public Health Department has installed deep water Hand Pumps at 29 locations inthe Planning Area, The availability of water is 38,24,064 litres per day wheres future requtement works ‘ut to $40,000 lites per day by taking domestic desirable requirement of 135 litres per capita pet day, by the year 2021. Various water supply schemes which ae ia operation in he town are shown in the following Table— Tablet ‘Water Supply Schemes SLNa. Name of Scheme Location —Typeof Water Discharge in Litres per Source Second 1. Water supply scheme Kearian 7.00 13.00 New BilaspurTownsbip phase. Kosran, : 2 Water sipply scheme New Changer Bilaspur Township Change. 2.60 5.00 2 Weer wrph icine Rath a. 860 12.00 NBT Nia, ‘aun. i - 4+ Water supply scheme Dhol. Dholra phase 1 2 War sp sebeme Lakhanpur a0 120 appar. 6 Tuberell Nihal Nihal 1389 13.89 Indl. Atea. 7. Lifwater supply scheme Khari 7.00 7.00 huarian Tubewell Nott 5. Liftwater supply scheme Kunal ou7 030 Koftwin-Kunala a 9, Water supply scheme Raghunath- 1.00 1 Raghunath. uta. 10. Water supply scheme Nauni Navini 020 030 Mandi Bharani 11. Water supply scheme Badhyat Nihal do 106 150 12, Water supply scheme Oel Gel -lo- cr) 050 Source—Fxecutive Engineer, H.P.Itigation and Public Health Department, Bilaspur. To Mect with the future requirement of 15,75,936 litres per day by the year 2021, itis anticipated that the two schemes namely “Sabli Raghunathpura augmentation of water supply SRTRTr Wena, FRAT wee 14 Fea, 2008/08 Hee, 4oze 4371 Scheme” and “New Bilaspur Townshi Of Rs. 16.24 lacs and Rs. 242 lnc respectively shall meet with ine omer 112 _ Drainage. —Being area of monsoonal rains the town is having an open drainage ie ute its A generally along the roads and suc drains ae disposed olf se by nallahs ‘and ultimately into river Satu. Hie memeraae—In Bilaspur town sewerage lines were la in the year 1956-57 AS per {991 Censs, there were 2499 residential houses in te town cur ef whic 1000 households i. 40 4% Prey ets. The length of present sewer lines i 23,880 metre having Iie Mantle, Preartly the swage is being disposed of in open Nallah and Khads In er improve the sanitary conditions in the Planning Area, HLP. Iigation and Publie Heath Department has proposed 10 Advocate oer ameMt plants a Luh ground, at Diara below the howe of Lave shee Chand Pittocate, near water sports building at Roura and Police Lines Lakhanpur in Sector-1, Negar Sraitad. The estimate cost ofthese plans is Rs. 351 lacs, The ype of sewerage treatment and place Of disposal of sewerage is shown inthe following Tab Table-11.2 Type of Sewerage Treatment and Place of Disposal SLNo Location Type of treatment Place of disposal 1, Nihal Kharian Road ‘Sedimentation Natta 2. Near Girl School . Sedimentation Nattah 3. Near Durga temple, Roura Sedimentation allah 4. Near meat market, Roura Sedimentation Nation Near Luxmi Narayan temple, ‘Sedimentation allah Diara. * 6 Near house of Late Sh, Harish Sedimentation allah ‘Chander, Advocate, Diara 7. Near Nalla-Ka-Naun ‘Sedimentation allah ‘Near Lower Dholra Sedimentation allah 9. Near Lower Lakhanpur ‘Sedimentation allah Source —Exccutive Engineer, WP, ligation and Public Health Department, Bilaspur. 337 gatetrity —In Bilspur Planning Area thee are 6170 eesti connections, vn of whch 4757 ar residential, 1283 commercial, 115 industrial, ¥ instvtional dt ‘under public tse, The total comnected load is 9844.640 Killo Watts (KW), There sn pending application for telease of elects connection with the office of H. P. Slate Ela wy Bred a Tree Volt je cuous waste and is presely being dump in onea pce by the Nagar Parishad, Pe itt, The guage thrown into din by the peopte resulting the frequent choking of drains Th sp fasiminat disposal of garbage i attributed cue to ek ot Public awareness collection at lek ofinftaseactuse onthe oer hand. The denn garbage generation as well collection fs shown inthe following Table: Table- 11.3, Garbage Disposal Description ‘Quantity in Metric Toune L Garbage generation 810 2 Garbage collection, 68 below: — ‘Table. 11.4 ‘Type of Garbage Generated Source Type of Garbage ‘ Kitchen waste Mostly Biodegradable 2 Paper Biodegradable 3 Giase Non-Biodegradable 4 Tentites Mostly. Biodegradable 5 Plustic?Poiythene Bays Non-Biodegradabie 6 Other material such a5 ashes sand ‘Non-Biodegradable Source.—Nagat Parishad, Bilaspur Sterner eto, FRIAS wee 14 RETR, 2006/23 TEA, 1928 4473 eentiind nection OF solid waste, Nagat Parishad, Bilaspur has placed $0:contaners at various Gin sites and have put two dumper pliers. In adtion to this, one tactor Wolly sal ove thoes Be hic being inet collect the sold waste, Total number of workers engage gn this ot ie 85, The Nayar Parishad has iemtfied a disposal site at Kharian Lukin, in Sector Bane Presently garbage is dis it treatment. However there is x proposal = ait cpenidertion of Nagar Parishad, Bilaspuc for seting wp of a solid waste treatment plant a " ost OF Rs. 179.04 lacs. f ‘The existing base infrastructure is shown in Map 11 CHAPTER-12 GOVERNMENT OFFICES rn Tet ae 77 GovermmenyS-wi-Government offices and Insitutions in Bilaspur Phsnming Area. Majority of these offices ie, 90 % are located in Changer and mound Deputy Tene ind oer facilites, however, sill some offices lack accommodation. Presently. 19.50 Hectares land is eeupied by Government eal Semi-Government Offices i the Planing Ave 12.2 There are 4350 employees working under various offices, Proper cate was taken to aon cactinaeatt seommedations to the Goverment employees when the New Bilaspur Towsshie 173 Bilaspur being District headquarter has previlage of having Directorate of Fisheries, Patra] Pradesh and all the District level offices Viz Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of {2A Central Goverment offices like Postal, Telecommunication, Excise and Taxation, ‘Navona Sample Surveys, Satly Valley Rallway Corporation are functioning a Bilaspur, ‘The existing Government and Semi-Government Offices are shown in Map 12.1. CHarrer-13 TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION a] 4974 SRT ra, Rtas TEM, 14 Reva, 2006 /29 ana, 1028 28 Kilometer at Barmans, which generates about 400 trucks per day our of whee ‘majority of trucks Beare Pasies tough Bilaspur town enroute to nearest beadgeugeralheal at Raipr Skt Ea! volume of traffic is generated on account of tetunig of empy trucks. The problen pec hon cane dae A in deplorable condition, specially during rainy savon, Rikon developers Sig roads have added fuel wo fie. The management of srnouth Maw uf alli in be eer oon Sy ae ass a spends tsk Perpetivelanduse planning and alc and tana ples ae ame therfore 10 go hand in hand, The existing ication net werk suncn Map Ta Following roads ate passing though the Bilaspur Panning Area © Chandigarh Manali National Highway-21 counecting Bilaspur with Chandigarh on (one side and Mandi-Kutlu-Manali on other side. (Shimla Dharamshala National Highway-88 connecting Bilaspur with Shimla on one side and Hamirpur-Kangra-Dharmmshala en other side ‘The roads emanating from Bilaspur Town are as under:— © State Anerat toad A-IV Bilaspur to Kandrour via Chandpur connecting National Highway-88 at Kandeour. ‘Link soad from Bilaspur te Shira- Bandla- Brahimpukha, ink road from Badhyat to Sungal via Nog, Jisside above, mumbers of internt toads are exsting in the town. ‘The Keng of those roads 40 Kilometre. 22 pratt and ‘Trinsportation Survey.—to assess the volume of tfc a survey 300 Ba Oe ete ALP. Town and County Planning Department during the month of Marck, 7002 from 9.00 A.M. 106.00 Pa. at the tee vantage location a8 given below abt Gy ames Git) College Chowk At he above three points fall on the National Highway-21. These is regular to and xs vervement of loaded! cement trucks om this Highway. The ri also very high as compared tg other roads in the Si shops on both sides of the mad between Barman to ‘aude parking ane encroachment om road space by properties and yoauside ficilities further aggravate t teduces the efficiency of highway. Lack of pers ig of pawseners at ta oe nl npabes is another cause of traffic jams om highways, No Bye Pass han bees proywned so fr by (he concemed authorities to avoid the thoroisgh trafic into the Planning. Ace As pet sinvey ’ srenarrer arena, fares weer, 14 Rama, 2006/23 AIAN, 1926: 4475 about 1500 trucks pastes fo Bilaspur Planning Acea from Barman to Panjab plans and bak. The “deals of Passenger Car unit (PCUs) obsered during the teaific and transportation survey conducted A above refered thiee pins by the H.P, Town end County Planning Deparment i given in Tablet. AAS per analysis of trafic survey the average incoming PCUs is 3668 and outgoing PCUs is 228 and 70% vehicles belongs to HM category. Table-13.1 Traffic Volume at different locations, “Sl Mode Jabli Bamta College Chowk No ‘Incoming Outgoing tiem ‘Outgoing 5 PCUs PCUs PC PCL lL HMY 2175.00 1713.00 2148.00 2551.00 2061.09 2 LMV 441.00 388.00 «$20.00 481.00 820.00 3. Three 166.00 145.00 428.00 72.00 428.00 wheeler 4, Seoowr 182.00 106.00 531,00 00 531,00 373.00 5. Cyoles 260.00 5.00 700 225.00 70 176,00 ‘Totul.. 322400 2358.00 3934.00 3561.00 3847.00 3766.00 Source —Survey by HP. Towa and Country Planning Departraent, 2002. As per survey carried out by the H-P. Tow and Country Planaing Department, the number of incoming PCUs duting peak hhours of 9.00 A.M. to 11.00 a.m. at Bamta and outgoing at College ‘Chowk between peak hours of 4.00 Pa. 1 6.00 Pa, is on higher rate in comparisen to other survey points as shown in the following Table— ‘abit 13.2 Peak Hour Traffic Volume SLNo. Name of Survey Peak hours incoming _-Peak hours outgoing PCUs Point PCUs 9.00 PM 4.00PM. 9.007 4.00 Pa, to to to 0 11.00 ex. 600rM. 1.00PM. 6.007 1 Jabli 801,00 538.00 $27.00 ‘514.00 2 Buna 886.00 739.00 649.00 433.00 Bs College Chowk 882.00 739.00 827.00 861.00 Source —Survey by HP. Town and Country Planning Department, 2002. 4476 Sree rom FRET sre, 44 RRC oot /25 sme, 1920 Saeed 133 Terminal Facilities: Tene JO fo 13 minutes stop at this terminal. Therefore there ie sy coger ween shift the Bus dimana! to some suitable location and to propose an Inter Simte Bus Teena (ISBT) with all the i £ g {352 Truck Termial-—No Truck Terminal has so tar be povided inthe town inspite Of the fact that 41% of the vehicles plying on the mule are ict, nly. The reason being Aan fo the cenmmeaitis fom the adjoining Sites uf Path utd Haryena on oe ang factories at Barmana in District Bilaspur wil Datlaghat iy Deine toe Consisting of transport Nagar, ais repair sips alongwith allied need oy be provided within the Planning Avea. a3 Parking Facilites. —There are no earmarked parkins Ini nde town trucks can Pearsn rarked anywhere and at any times onthe mads ciusing nmomeene en movement of AB ehices. Such unauthorized and haphazard parking reduce he ellecone nd an road, thereby, hindering the smooth flow of traffic in the Planning Area, Therciore a urgent need to provide ontanize parking spaces on iar averes ofthe Platning Area on sriable ewe a panttnior Concerns. —The following problems conceruing Roa Nevworte, Terminal Facies and Packing Poiliies need tobe addressed property inthe Development Pan — (0 FRE aumber of vehicles has inveased mani durin the pst 10 yous, Road are Mae Mbseles as vehicles ze parked in haphazard manne, Repu shops are Fane aaa roadside and projetion of commercial establishnica exe an he soaks have acded to the traffic problem i) smu of road space for loading and unloading of builtiag materia fi Tabak of Roper spaces for garage collection also pus presi ow ond space (ie) Tete is urgent need for shitting of present Bus Terminal and concrvonon a Tewck Terminal. (9) Parking spaces are seyuited to ty. provided and parking oor o¥ constuction of a Barage are required to be made mandatory, PEAR Fenetaed! on acount of prdintuon of corse, fruits, sed pies aed ee ‘wegeuables in the imerior pats vf the State ‘on one haa eneratea nave vl construction ot hydro lectrie power projects as well as Uelence tate tnal lie or Various tourist destinations ahead of Bilaspur i Hint al ‘mer Seasons also put heavy stesso: National Lishway #1 ‘other Apa ren has haiti teal tl aunun Kashani uatictatly eheage Ja view ofthis the Government hs devil a ay railway tine thn Inia the ich Sat Valley Railway Corporation as buen const ihe proponent Ihe model of Rokan Railway than this rtvay tine will he csnpheed he play presi With i ues diastole ins the distce betwsen’ Barman and hij wn ol Tunic wr ‘eee dasicaly and thee wil also bea saving of tine an fies. On the coplorear tan STEIN rors, erat aay 14 Fer 2008/25 TENE, 1929 4477 line the most of goods traffic will be tcasparted through railway which will reduce the air and noise pollution and improves the condition of National Highway-21, This railway project will act as a ‘ngjor infrastructure for the perspective development of the Bilispur Planning Area and district as 3 whole, This will give boost to the industializaton of this area and will help in generation of many ‘ew economic activities in the Planning Arca 137 Water Ways. —Consequent upon construction of Bhakra Dem, the lake named as ‘Govind Sagar Lake” impounded. behind this Dam is 90 kilomenre long, covering an area of 160 Square kilometre. Nearly 90% of the area lies in District Bilaspur and 10sb in Distriet Una and. Mandi, The lake is used as 2 mode of tansportation and possibilities should be explored from tourism poise of view as well in future, Carrer 1 EXISTING LAND USE ‘The existing land use of the Planning Area was frozen under section 15-A of the HP. Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 vide Notification No. TCP-F (6) 21/95 dated 24-11-98, initially for six snonths, which was extended later on upto 14-12-2000, The existing land use of these settlements Was prepared and adopted after considering public objections and suggestions vide Notice No. HIM/ ‘TPIPIT/DP-Bilaspus/™400-7987-8086 Shimla, dated 13-12-2000. AS the entire area is witnessing evelopment, therefore, whole of the Planning Avea has been considered as Urbanisable Area and fas been divided into six Seetors, ‘The land use wise description of various areas is as under:— 14.1 Residential Use, The existing residential use comprises of 120.92 hectare, which works out to be 10.77% of the Planning Area The residential areas have generally two or three storeyed houses. Major residential localities are Diara, Roura, Changar, Kosrian an Nihal of Nagar Parishad, Bilaspur. The Diara, Roura and Kosrian are thickly populated localities. There is one Housing Board residential colony at Lakhanpur. Residential uso is iaermixed with commercial use. Shops on the ground floor facing road side and on upper floors for residential purpose is a common sight 142 Commercial Use. —The existing area under commercial use is 5.26 heotare, whieh comes out 10 0.47 % of the Planning Arca. The commercial area is mainly concentrated in Main ‘Market and Diara localities of Nagar Parishad. The "Khokas” are located around the Bus Stand and along the National Highway21. The commercial activities are also coming along roadside in Lakhanpur locality. Ribbon development of commercial establishments along the National ‘Highway-21 is a common sight. 143 Industrial Use. —The existing atea under industrial use is 11.21 hectare, which is 1.00% of the Planning Acca. The main industries are Resin and Turpentine factory of HP. Forest Corporation Limited, Kailash R.C.C. Spunpipes, Jeewan Flour Mill, HP. Govt. Horticulture Departmens Frnit Canning factory, Shashi Bhai Juice factory and Chaadel Tyres ete. These are located in industria area at Nihal in Sector-1, Nagar Parishad. «GA Tourism Use. Though thre re vast poate developmen of tourism activites like water sports, adventure sports i.¢. paragliding and attracting religious tourists, paying obeisance i 478 sree TTA, FRAT wee, 14 Rceae, 2006/23 HIRT, 1928 ae Cee ee in various historical temples in the town, Adequate area for these activities are required to be ‘earmarked in the Development Pian. 145 Facilities and Services Use, —The existing area under facilities like education, health ce. lilies like water supply, drainage, sewerage, electricity, garbage disposal sites etc. and services like police, banking, fie fighting, postal, telocommunication elc, is 24.34 hectare, which is 2.16 & of the Planning Area. 146 Government and Semi Government Offices Use. —Esisting area under Goverment and Sémi-Government tse is 17-50 hectare, which is 1.56 % of the Planning Area. This includes the building area as well as land occupied under circulation, approach roads to the offices and. parking et. 142 Parks and Open Spaces Use. —The organized parks and open spaces are lacking in the Planning Area, There are three small parks that too im the Nagar Parishad Limits, Le. at Diara, ‘Main Market and Changer. The total area existing under these parks is 0.81 hectare which is 0.07 of the Planning Area. 14.8 Traffic and Transportation Use. —In traffic and transportation use, the area existing inde major roads incliding National Highway-21, other link roads passing through the Planning ‘Area and parking places is 81.74 hectare, which is 7.28% of the Planning Area. Parking is a major problem in all urban areas of the Stee, t has created chaos in Bilaspur town, also especially due 10 plying of trucks carrying cement from Associated Cement Companies (ACC) Barmana factory om ‘one thand and. public transport plying on National Highway-21 on the other. Easily availability of Joans through Banks for purchase of vehicles has increased the volume of traffic in the town. ‘According to the survey conducted by H. P. Town and Couetry Planning Department, 51 % persons ido not have any parking facility. out of which 98% are parking the vehicles on roadside resulting traffic jams and causing accidents. Therefore parking facilities have to be created in new areas, The ‘overall parking problems can be solved by ereating private parking spaces as a commercial venture and by making mandatory provisions inthe Zoning Regulations in this regard. 149 Agriculture Use. —Agriculture use comprises of 515.87 hectare land, which is 45.949 of the Planning Area. Agriculture is not merely an occupation but an established tradition ant at accepted way of life. 1 3 main stay of people where a vast majority of the population depends Gitectly or indicectly on the ugricultural pursuits for maintaining their livelihood. However at the Same tie shelter ce. housing is also one of the necessity of human beings after food and clothing. therefore, 10 accommodate future population of the Planning Area, some of the land under agriculture use shall have to be used for other purposes. 14.10 Forest Use—An area of 250.35 hectare is under forest use, which works out © 22.29% of the Planning Area in the form of barren land which is accupied by shrubs this area proposed to he allocated for ether uses, to meet with the requirements for the year 2021 1411 Water Bodies Use, —In Bilaspur Planaing Area the Nullahs, Kuhals and small ribucaries occupy an area of 99.00 hectare, ‘The existing area under this use is 8.46% of the total Planning Area. eee Oran wore, fer wee we ARTE, 2008/29 ae, 198 4479 ‘The atea under Existing Land Use of Bilaspur Planning Area is shown in the followine Table— Table-I4.t } p Existing Land Use of Bilaspur Planning Area-2000 (in: heevarre), Stand Use Secor: Percentage No 7 Naghe fama Gram Qed hr Perak Nia Le Residewial 609 TE 42s ae 590 sean Commercat 449022 Hats ots 8286 200 3. ui 140 = = oor a8 tat 528 | 4 Tome = sey ke — =. - L 5 Faciiesand 1654053." 00D. ska 930 7 Sermees 6 Goverment 1575007 ee ee eC and Ser Govermen once Parks a om — use — om oat Open Spaces BR Trificand” 439518294602} Bie ay “Tanepaion. . Tat ig 2892 ao) 66 inde eee eno 9% Agreuime 1048956180585} zh TIS = 10. est 17 Bos) 4d) as Os = MM, WaerBodies 1078 3113185 det 530 a0 50 = ‘Toal, 2067510081 ess_—isOs eae eat senza = GensTwak 3967 1258 —BTS—10052_— BSR 1986 T1200 = pe a ar **Sector—I.— Nagar Parishad includes the area under existing Sectors Diara, Roura, Nihal, Main Market and Changer of New Bilaspur Township. 4480 rarer warn, Roars wee, 14 rover, 2008 /23 TATE, 1928 Cuarren-I5, PROJECTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Projections and requirements forthe Development Plan have been work out in view of analysts of surveys, studies and public aspirations an Urban Development Plan formulation and implementation (UDPF1) guidelies issued by Ministry of Urban Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, ‘Gevernment of ladia, New Delhi, Population of Bilaspur Planning Area is anticipated to inerease to 40,000 peesons by the year 2021. “The land use wise space requirements are as under: — 15, Residential Use. —In order to cater for the requirements of residential use for the anticipated population of 40,000 persons in the Planning Arca by the yeas 2021, the $890 dwelling tits shall be required, taking 4.50 persons per family norm. In view of present density trend of 100 persons per ectare, 400 hectare land for residential use is required to eater for the Planning Arca Popiation. As 120.92 hectare land is existing, therefore 279.08 hectare zea is nldtinally required 15.2 Commercial Use. —There are 830 shops in the Planning Area. In view of increase in population as well as commercial activities, its anticipated that 1882 shops shall be eequire! by the Jear 2021, The land sequired for additional 1052 shops, atthe rte of 50 M° acca per shop, which Retodes circulation and parking area also, works out to 5.26 hectare, Besides this, an area of 0.20 hectare is required for Wholesale and Ware Housing activities. As 5.26 hectare tend is existing under Commercial use, as soch, $.A6 hectare additional land is required for commercial use. 153 Industrial Use. —In Bilaspur Planning Area, 11.21 hectare tand is under industrial ‘use. In order to cater for the requirements of anticipated secondary force of 3555 workers by the year ‘501, an area of 17.78 bectare i required by taking norm of 50 MI area per worker. As 11.21 hectare isexisting area, therefore, 6.57 hectare additonal area is vequired to be provided for industrial use 154 Tourism Use, —Presently there is no land earmarked or existing under tourism use: However in order to promote the lourism aetiities, an area of 3.60 hectare i required wiht has been “proposed, in Sector-l, Nagar Parishad for this use 15.5 Fucilties and Services Us titties and services. {tts anticipated that an area of 10.30 heciare shat! be sequ ‘various facilites, utilities an services by the year 2021 ‘An area of 25.34 hectare is existing under facilities, sd for providing | araranon ery, Ree wee 14 Ree 2600/29 aeUR, 1928 4481 ee ee ee Rt The various requirements covering 10.30 hectare land have been worked out in the following Tabte-— TaBLE-15.1 Requirements of Area for Facilites and Services SL Description “Standard of Exising Future Uniti Total vo Leal Fash), seguieabar © hada) ede . Population / hectare) Unit 1 7 7 A 5 Degree College Regional, t = 4.00 = ie 2 Behlorat Region! = = 100 1.00 Eaucaion tee (Bt), 2. Poitethnie Rom! = 4 2020 ie A. IndisiaTrinng Regional - - Inaiute(LTI). feel 5. Senior Secondary 1000-2 ue = School. 15,000 6 High Soot 500-6 6 = 10 = 6,000 i 7. Mite Seto 2s 2 3 om 240 Sa 8 Primary shoot 2aco— 17 4 oan 160 2,500, * ‘Nursery school ‘Two in each 5 4 0.10 0.40, pe 10, Allopathic Hospi! Replnat 1 = 4m ler 1, Ayuriedie Hostal — Regional — 300 2 : level 12 Prima ties Seer 1 ow oo Conte Ine. 2B, 2, %6, Sree wos, eee weet, Vovsrnary Hospital Library Community ial Avditorium Stadium ‘Swimming Pool Post Office Sub- Post Office Telephone Exchange. Elecrie Sub. Police Station Police Post Fite Station Petrol Diesel Filling Station Regional level. Regional = level, Secior = level. Town - level Town ' level Town It level Town 1 level Sector 4 level Town 1 level One for 4 two secu, Town I level Sector I level, Town ' level One tor two sectors, 14 fireray, 2006/23 *TEWE, 1928 0.10 080 040 ow oot O10 0.10 040, 020 040 osu 030 080 40. tow aera eri, Retaet weer 14 Recta 2008/8 STEN 1929) 15,6 Government und Semi-Government Offices Use—An area of 1750 hectare is ting under Government and Semi-Government offices se, Wt is aniéefpated that by the year 2031 fe will be increase in the number of Government, Semi-Governmen Offices and Institutions. Alter ing vital dialogne withthe Head of Offices located inthe Planning Area, 6.33 hectare addition shall be required under this use 15.7 Parks and Open Spaces Use.—A yround popularly known as “Luliau Maidan” exists the town. it falls party inside and partly outside of the Planning Area, in Sector, Nagar Parishad State level *Nalwae’ fairs organized om his ground. Wt houses an iow stem and acts as yy ground for ercket, fothall and water sports activities et. Sill the town lacks in organized sand open spaces, therefore, these are required 10 he developed. Taking the standard of 0.30 care area per (000 population, 12.00 heciate la is required to eater for the population of 49,000 persons of the Planing Area by the year 2021. The land under Fovest use is propossd to be wed 2 spaces in eiferent sectors, In addition to 12.0 hectare lan, it is proposed 0 develop & park on piece of land measuring 0.54 hectare in Sextor-VI, Raghunathpusa. As O81 hectare ard is existing de this us, therefore, 124 hectare area is more reguied for parks and open spaces use 158 ‘Traffic andl Transportation Use. —An area of $1.74 ltecare is under the existing fic and traasporation use. The future requirement for Uke year 2021 has been worked out as ers — 158.1 Road Network. —An additional area of 31.97 hectare for Road Network has been proposed for laying widening of circulation network measuring 25.15 kilowete has been proposed as per deal shown in able 15.2 ‘The sector-wise dotails of proposed Rood Necwork In Bilaspur Mlanoing Area is shown in the following Table:— , Table- 15.2 Sector-wise details of Proposed Circulation Network Description Length (in Wid (i ‘Area Kilomette) metre) hectare) oO 4 3 Sector-1, Nagar Parishad : @) Bye Pass from boundary of 180 mo 4a Village Nab toboundary e of Changer. (i) From National Highway 070 6.00 oar No-21 10 Kaseran (for nowy created pts) (iy, Extension of existing 050 7350 037 } s27 Housing Board Colony Road upto ye Pass, (Gx) mprovemeat of National os 3.00 1.08 Wighyay No-21. From Petol Pump to College Chowk. (¥) From income Tax Offceto 0.40 3.00 a2, RTC Workshop, 4484 aremereer ors, FRAT WEN, 1a Fees 2008/29 ETE, 1928 T z 3 = 5 “2 Seetor tt, Barat (@ Bamu-Kharian Lubmu-Rowra 1.20 250 080 Ring Road, 165, Gi) Improvement / Widening ef 1.50 5am 07s, existing Bachyat-Nog Road. 3. Sector —I1, Gramm Nihal (i ByePass from boundary af 1.20 24 a8 ancl to boundary of Gram het20.21 ectare whichis 10.71 & ‘of the total Planning Ares, tecangAgricaltare Use. —An area of $15.87 hectare is isting under this use. 10 i reenera locate 30388 hectare of land from this use to aie ‘US, in order to cater forthe future Apc: tee Jem 2021, Thus remainige 211.99 hectare ats ropmed to be retained under Apcure Use; which i 18.88 % ofthe cal Panning ose {62.10 Forest Use. —An avea of 250.35 hectare is ‘existing under this use. I is praposed to Joa 2a oe eet of landform this se io other wee a With the future cequicements by the Trova or a ealte® 191.66 hectare Landis proposed woe fetaine! under Forest Use, which is 17.07% ofthe total Planing Area, This area nose a Preserved, MAL Water Bodies Use. —The sea existing under iter bodies is 95.00 hectare, which K S409 ofthe total Planing Aiea. Tos ance. ocak Se conserved and éeelaimedl in fuiure by Ptting create wall and planation, The Sectur Plan of Bilaspur Manning Area is shown in Map 16.2. sy STRETRET row, RTT Hee, 14 FRR, 2006/23 TENE, 1928 4493 ‘The arta under Proposed Land Use of Bilaspur Planning Area is shown in the follo ‘Table: — ‘Table-16:2 Proposed Land Use for Bilaspur Planning Area-2021 (in hectare), St Lad se Sess ‘Toul Percenage No, 0 yy vt “agit Bama Gram Oel abi) Ragen Pursiad Na pre |. Resdenial 15804831 ASR 9S S90 * sour domo war £2 Comment 61912 Bt 0S 1 TO in A ndrit boa! = = ool 10371278 2as 4 Tourism Ble ioe ae Efi Few AE ost 4) Focilesand 1788 06}, 535 —— °% Govermmm —21.08 a7 = 13006 toa as anism Goverment ens 7, Packs and nm = = = 08 was au en Spaces 4 Tnficand = sre 7st age 8k aaa moat tamed, ee a ‘Total. ar mp oe 9. Agile Taas 5802085 on 13321199 2% 70 SB 3878s Ita H Witer Bois 1 1st i asl asta a as ay es ‘Grand Total. 35676 12358 159.99 12S? 1sessh 193.26 THES 00 ‘Sector I-Nagar Parishad includes the area under existing Sectors Diara, Roura, Nihal, Main ‘Market and Changer of New Bilaspur Township, (Quarter: 17 . PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ‘The Development Plan contains provision for a projected population of 40,000 persons, ‘Which is anticipated to occupy the Bilaspur Planning Area by the end of year 2021, through & period Of 18 years. The lta area covered within the Bilaspur Planning Area is 1123,00 hectare The 191.66 ___ Metre lnad under Forest Use and 95.09 hectare land under Water Bodies Use is proposed to be | isine such. An acute shortage of funds for sequisiion of land for public purposes and to ensire A sustainable integrated development paner, is a gzeat challenge (0 the administration. Tt has, | _ therefore, been proposed to adopts people's parcipstory approach for an optimum accomplishment, will only be possible wit te joint efforts of the Development thority. Nagax Parishad and Gram Panchayat, included inthe Planning Area and the H. P. Town and Couatry Planning Departinen, Which isa nodal agency for planning ia the Site 4494 SEWN a0, ROTM wet 1 RENE, ae08 /20 sae 1928 oe yr 2 nae Pity Mn, si a cq the year 2021 works out F Pans Tecate. The Phung tas bean comenplied ty wa ig Tussite—This Development Plan ig a regulatory iastrument to fuide the Inplewcrint all the, changesproposls sequined ic er prevailiog situations on priorities ppienlation of Development Flan hm beat ines {nto four phases of five years period each son it phase is very important, as o give ead ‘seceleration {0 the development pattem, which 4810 be followed in subsequent phases wean st Phase 2003-2006 GHour Year), —tn the Fist phase of implementation of Development Plan, foflowing roposals are proposed to be implemented: 2h Separtion of Land Pooling and Reconsiion Scheme, over 5.00 hectare land, in 0 SiMe Sub-Divisonal Town Planning Office 0 Proposed to be upgraded to Divisional over 1.23 land, * Development of Sectoral Parks at Kaseian in Sector-l, Nagar Parishad over 2,09 and, oy rR ATTA, FTE WML 14 FHF 2006/25 TANG, 1908 4495 ie 17.1.2 Subsequent Phases.—Afier review of implementation of previous phase the process ‘shall continue as per new requirements and priorities. 172 Costing —The Development Plan envisages tht residential development is to be tnsuted by subsvisons of land, by the land owners, Nagar Parishad and Panchayats through Iechanism of “Land Pooling and Reconstitution”. The intemal rons are to be developed by Nagar | Parishad! Ponchayats by raising funds from the benefisiaries, Major roads ae wo be implemented by the Development Auchorty by raising development charges through implementation and realization of remunerative uses in the land use zones. However the cost of arterial roads including Bye Pass, “bulk water supply, drainage, sewerage, solid waste and electric supply sto be borne by the respective Departments by obtaining funds trough plan allocation from the State Goverament snd the same is to be realized subsequenly from the beneficiaries. 17.3 Major Community Proposals and Costing (Under First Phase). —The cost of ‘lffereat major community proposals, proposed to he taken under the First Phase with costing, ‘excluding the works listed at SIL No.7,1 G), 7.3 (), 74 (i) and 7,5 (ii), which are proposed to be k taken in the next phase, has been worked out in Table 17.1 s under:— 174 Financing : ATA. () The cost of residential developments incluling localeonvenient shopping, road | etwork, parking, water supply, drainage, sewerage, electrification, parks, open spaces etc. is to be borne by the Tand owners either themselves in respect of their land holdings or by way of Land Pooling and Reconstitution mechanism, in respest of small uregular holdings of different owners, ‘The benefits likely o ovcur by way of sale of plots hy virtue of enhancement of land values, due 60 planned efforts, would be more than sufficient, to meet with the cost of development. On the basis of © Gemarcation of plots, in view of duly appraved sub-divisons/ Land Pooling and Reconstitution Schemes, by the Town and Coumry Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh, the land owners may 1) get advance fom the tkelyparchaers for development purposes. (Gi) The organised commercial complex on 0,40 hectare of land is being developed by the Nagar Parishad, Bilaspur. The Wholesale and Ware Housing Complex on 0.20 hectare is to be developed by the H.P, Marketing Commitieg, (Gi) The HLP. Department of Industies and HLP. State Industrial Developmeat Corporation will be responsible for development of 6.57 hectare industrial area, out of which 2.41 hectares land is barren open land and 4.16 hectare is privat land. iy) The Himachal Pradesh Tourism and Civil Aviation Depactmem: shall develop 2.37 hectare of land for boosting of tourism activities and the Acchaeological Department will be responsible for sifting of sub-merged Temples over a piece of land measuring 1.23 hectare. \ {(W) The Government snd Sémi-Coversiment Offices are to be developed by the respective departments either by raising their own resources or by obtaining funds from the Government. ‘Simitary, the respective Departments and Government Undertakings, by raising resources from the beneficiaries, wil be responsible for development of facilis, utlitics and services including water supply, drainage, sewerage, electrification, telecommauniealion etc. 1s the Pranning Area. (0) The town and sectoral level naris will he develope! bv tie Development Authority by | ranging land for the purpose oa 4496, SEIT EEE 1 ee 28/2 sas {0 Bus Terminal is proposed vo be ‘e¥sloped in Sector, Nagar Parsing by Himachay Road Trinsport Corporation Je truck Terminal at Manwanin Set 12 Raghunathpura s proposed to be developed efaite Development Autry by ‘asing funds from the benciianice tae Course oF time by ‘harged parking. ‘) The balance lana Ander Africutre, Forest aa Wate Rotieg Shalt remain, as such and 'S required tobe preserved, works out to be Rs. 820.70 + Res ‘SSestimated under Table 17:1 above In View of above explained ‘Heumstances, the total cost shall be Rs. 1320.70 tacos RS1680 lacs = Re, 3000.70 tac onl 175 tmplems Development Authority shal bs se |. Deputy Commissioner Chairman 2% Tesiden. Nagar Parishad, lap Member * Executive Eaginces,Buding and Roads Division No.1, Member ‘AP. Public Works Departs Bilaspz, ‘+ Executive Engineer, National ti ishway Division, Member '.P. Public Works Departae, Bilaspur, * Executive Engineer, trgation ant Public Health Member vision, Bitaspar & Executive Engineer, HP. Sate Electricity Board, i Member Yona Forest Officer, Bitespur Member 5 Sub-Divisionat Magistrate, Bitaspur Member % Retional Manager, Fimnachal Road Transport Member Corporation . Bilaspur, a "ls Assistant Environmental Engineer, State Environment Member Protection and Potiution Control Beard, Bilaspur 12. Assia Engineer TLP- Housing Board, Bilaspur Member 13, Tehsildar, Tehsil Sadat, Bilaspur Menber 14. AllPradhans of Gram Panchayats fling ia Bilaspur Member Planning Area 45. Town and Country Planned Assistant Town Monber Secretary, Planner, Bilaspur hanging noche THVeReUIS of each Phase and to orient the Development Flen accorling to ffaneing necds-as wel sto cate for unforeseen facloos Ine envisaged fo review this Development Plan after completion of the period of each Phase CuaPreR ts ZONING AND SUB-DIVISION REGULATIONS 18.1 Regulations : 142 Procedure.—(@) The application for development of land to be underaken on ory gute Union of State Govemment under Section 28 and fades Seta by a local authority neeeattsted wader te H.P. Town and Country Panning her 1 eg Rleaion for development of land to be undertaken under Setion 30 by any Constitued ug yths, Uaion or Siate Goverment, local aultorty or any authority. specially the spear he HP. Toa and Country Manning Act, 1977 sell be See forms alongwith Gira Peifcstions sheet and schedule tached with these forme soe containing such docuraents and with such fee a5 prescribed under Rule 12 ofthe HP. ‘Towa and Countzy Planning Rules, 1978, for construction of farm house for agriculture Br crreage ee imple application tothe Director for seeking permiaei subject to the conditions ‘Sscovlsnee unser Section 30 A" o the H.P. Town and Comiry Planning Aer eos {@) Apart from above the applicant shall fumish the following, additional documents, namely: — (9 Location Pia in the seule 1:1000, Site Ptan in the scale of 1: buildings, the existing water supply, open urea clearly, Site must tally with the shape Hine by the owner sith Seal Competent Authority of HPSER. Tom a omslant a envisaged under See of the Himachal Pradesh, Tovn and Country Pacing Act 1877 onthe een Biven below : Signature of Applicant FORMAT eect that scwctre on Khasra No), swf revenue Moi. say of gee ST Og ey ag Tstand for stnctire ‘Stability of this structure Signature of Appticam, acy 0f religions i EC. Provided it is so ier, The chimn Poles, tanks and for td above the tent into any wi

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