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How are you all? Let’s always celebrate the goodness of God to all of us. Life must go on despite of the ups
and down of life’s bring. We are now in module 11. Are you ready to cook fish? If not be ready because our
topic is about Fish Cookery. Fasten your seatbelt and carry on. Before the ball rolling let’s seek first our God the
source of everything. Let’s have our written devotional please read it below.

Matthew 14:13-21 NIV Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the
crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion
on them and healed their sick. 15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote
place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves
some food.”16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”17 “We have here
only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. 18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed
the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave
thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the
people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that
were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
What Can We Learn from Jesus’ Feeding of the Five Thousand?
1. It reminds us of Jesus’ compassion.
2. It tells us that Jesus uses other people to bless others.
3. It affirms us that Jesus is big enough for any expectation.
4. It tells us that nothing we face here on earth is too big for God.


PRAYER: Our Lord, redeemer and our provider; we come before thy presence asking for the cleansing of our
infirmities. Thank you Lord for all that we have. Grant us your Holy Spirit to direct us always in all that we do.
Bless the parents and family of my students. Heal them if some of them are sick; comfort those who are in
pain. Thank you for the joy that we experienced in serving you. Thank you for listening to this humble prayer.
Take us now as wholly thine in Jesus His name we pray. Amen!

Cookery skills learnt during the module can be used to simulate real life situations

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) By the end of this two-week’s lesson, you will be able
to create a video clip or take a picture showing how to cook your choice of fish recipe.

Performance indicator: You will play as a Sous chef and you are tasked to cook any fish dish that you

Enabling Competencies(EC’s) are your foundation to accomplishing the MELC. These

competencies need to be learned. For this module, you are about to learn the following from this lesson:

1. describe the principles of cooking fish (dry heat and moist heat cookery)
2. sequence the scaling of a whole fish
3. execute filleting or skinning of a fish
4. perform the guidelines in baking, broiling or grilling fish.

EC 1: Describing the principles of cooking fish (dry heat and moist heat cookery)

Cooking Techniques for Fish and Shellfish

Fish is very delicate and easily overcooked. During cooking, test for doneness must be observed.
1. The fish just separates into flakes
2. If bone is present, the flesh separates from the bone, and the bone is no longer pink
3. The flesh becomes opaque (usually white)

Lean fish
Lean fish has almost no fat, so it easily becomes dry. It is best served with sauces to enhance
moistness and gives richness.
Poaching is the moist heat method suited
Fish should be basted with butter or oil if broiled or baked.
Lean fish maybe fried or sautéed to gain palatability from added fat.
Fat fish
The fat in fish, enables them to tolerate more heat without becoming dry.
Fat fish can be cooked by poaching.
Fat fish are well suited to broiling and baking. The dry heat methods eliminate excessive oiliness.
Large fat fish like salmon, and mackerel may be cooked in fat, but care should be taken to avoid
excessive greasiness.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Exodus 27: 10- And the twenty pillars thereof and their twenty sockets [shall be of]
brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets [shall be of] silver.

EC 2: Sequencing the scaling of a whole fish.

Scaling Whole Fish

Once your work area and fish are ready, you can begin the actual scaling process.

1. Lay your fish flat on the board or hold it steady in the water.

2. Hold the fish down firmly with your hand near its head.

3. Begin to rake the scales from the tail towards the head. They should
start coming off in clumps.

4. Be sure to remove the scales on

both sides of the fish, as well as
scales near the fins, the collar and
the tail.
5. When you think you have gotten
most of the scales, rinse the fish off
again with water. This will wash
away any loose scales and help you
to identify any remaining scales that
need to be removed.
EC 3: Executing filleting or skinning of a fish

Filleting Fish

Turn the fish over and repeat the procedure.

Repeat the second cut near the dorsal fin with the knife angled slightly

Cut over the belly flap either through or over the belly
bones. It can be easily cut through here with the razor sharp
filleting knife.

Skinning Fish
When filleting or skinning fish keep the skinning knife clean and wet, this lubricates the blade
and gives a much cleaner cut, more control of the knife and far less drag on the sides of the

The fillet is now deboned and the piece on the right of the picture above is discarded or
washed and put aside with the fish heads and back bones for making fish stock.

Food for thought: Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and
I eat for a lifetime.     Chinese Proverbs

EC 4: Performing the guidelines in baking, broiling or grilling fish.

Guidelines for Baking Fish

1. Fat fish are best for baking because they are less likely to dry out.
2. Lean fish may be baked but care should be taken not to overcook it. Basting with butter or oil helps
prevent drying.
3. Baking temperature is 350°F to 400°F.
4. Served baked fish with a sauce or seasoned butter to enhance moistness and improve palatability.

Guidelines for Broiling or Grilling Fish

1. Overcooking should be avoided in cooking fish.
2. Select appropriate fish for broiling or grilling.
3. Fat fish and lean fish should be coated with fat before broiling to reduce drying.
4. Lean fish may be dredged in flour before dipping in oil or melted butter. The flour helps form a flavorful
browned crust.
5. To prevent splitting during cooking, score the skin with a sharp knife. For small fillets, scoring may not
be necessary.
6. Broil fish to order and serve immediately.
7. Broiled fish may be garnished lightly with paprika if more color is desired.
8. Thick cuts should be turned once during broiling in order to cook evenly. Thin pieces may be arranged
on an oiled pan and broiled on one side only. Lobster is also broiled without turning.

Guidelines for Sautéing and Pan Frying Fish
1. Lean fish are suited to sautéing because of the added fat.
2. Fat fish can be sautéed with care so as not to become greasy.
3. Breading the fish with flour or starchy products forms a crust that browns attractively, enhances flavor,
helps hold the fish and prevent sticking.
4. Use fat, enough to cover the bottom of the pan.
5. Be sure the pan is hot before adding fish. Small items are sautéed over high heat, larger items require
lower heat to cook evenly.
6. Very large fish may be browned in fat, and finished in an oven, uncovered.
7. Brown the most attractive side – the presentation side.
8. Handle fish carefully during and after cooking to avoid breaking the fish.
9. Sauté or fry to order and serve immediately.

Sole meunière is a classic French fish dish consisting of sole, preferably whole or filet, that is dredged in
flour, pan fried in butter and served with the resulting brown butter sauce, parsley and lemon. When
cooked, sole meunière has a light but moist texture and a mild flavor.

Fillet of Sole Meniere

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing bowl

Emeril's Fish Rub (or any combination of seasonings you like) 2 tbs. butter Lemon juice
2 tbs. butter
Lemon juice

1. Season all the fillets by sprinkling the seasoning and pressing it into the meat.
2. Get a spatula to handle the fish. If you have 10-12" filets cut them in half unless you're using a fish
3. Heat the pan on medium heat and add the butter. When the butter is melted put some fish in the pan.
Leave it on one side for about three to four minutes.
4. Move them around often to assure they're not sticking.
5. Flip one piece to check the brownness. If it's partially browned flip them all and continue to cook until
the other side is browned.
6. Add more oil as needed.
7. Once it's out of the pan put six or eight drops of lemon juice on each piece. You may use other sauces
if you want.

Note: Testing the degree of doneness is as simple as taking your spatula and gently pushing on the thickest part of
the fillet in the spinal bone line. When done, meat separates when you gently push with spatula.
Guidelines in Deep-Frying
1. Lean fish, both whole or small portions, and shellfish like shrimps, clams and oysters are best for deep-
2. Fish to be fried is breaded or buttered to prevent sticking from frying pan. The batter also provides a
crisp, flavorful, and attractive coating.
3. Frozen breaded fish can be fried without thawing.
4. Fried fish is usually served with lemon or cold sauce such as tartar, remoulade or cocktail sauce on the
5. The oil used should be enough to submerge the food item during frying.

Cooking fish by deep frying using the standard breading procedure.
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Mixing bowls
Baking sheet
Food tong

1 cup self-rising cornmeal
1/2 cup self-rising flour
3/4 tsp table salt
1/2 tsp powdered white pepper
1/3 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
1/4 tsp garlic salt
2 tbsp. peanut oil
1 large egg
1 tsp cool tap water

1. Use a small bowl and prepare an egg wash by mixing 1 large egg with 1 tsp of water.
2. In another bowl, place the cornmeal, flour, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic salt, and blend well.
This breading recipe will bread about 2 pounds of fillets.
3. Rinse the fillets and pat dry, then place them into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
4. Place the fillets in the egg wash, then the Breading Mix before placing them on the prepared cookie
5. Prepare the cookie sheet by spreading the peanut oil evenly on the sheet.
6. The oven should be pre\-heated to 375. Cook the fillets 5 minutes on each side

WHAT IS RELLENONG BANGUS Rellyenong (also "relyeno") Bangus is a stuffed milkfish that is normally fried to
a golden crisp. It is commonly serves at special events or occasions as the process involved in making it may
not be the easiest or quickest. But it is not that difficult at all. The meat is, first, separated from the skin and
removed while the fish is still raw or uncooked. This has to be done without breaking the skin of the fish. It is
then seasoned and cooked with vegetables and spices. It is then stuffed back and the whole milkfish is then
fried, or in this case, baked.


Illustrated below how to remove the fish meat keeping the skin whole and intact.
1. Remove scales by using a blunt knife. Remove the guts and intestines through the top opening. Remove
the gills as well. Wash and pat dry with a paper towel.
2. Tilt the fish head up, snapping the spine in the process. Break also the bone at the bottom near the tail.
3. Insert a spatula in between the meat and skin through the opening to separate the meat from the skin.
Move it up and down and around inside the skin. Don't worry the skin is tougher than you think and will
not break so easily.
4. If correctly done, the meat should come out when the bone is pulled out from the opening. If not just
push the meat out.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: English Standard Version

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before
me. Isaiah 49:16.

Fried or bake: You can fry or bake the Rellenong bangus.

You did a great cooking. It‘s time to plate and present your dish. Go on and enjoy learning and doing.

Food for thought: “

He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and a smelly fish.     

Jose Rizal


Chavez, Lilia L. & de Leon, Sonia; BASIC FOODS FOR FILIPINOS 4th Edition

The Major Kitchen Culinary Arts Center; MANAGING A FOOD –SAFE

KITCHEN PP. 50 – 60
pp. 190 – 195
Sandoval, Maria Teresa G., Culinary Arts I and II, 1993, pp. 87-89

Prepared by: Judith Gonzales-Bagolboc, LPT. Contact #: 09979209468

Goal: To prepare a fish dish for a buffet party of teachers.
Role: Sous chef
Audience: Teachers
Situation: You will play as a Sous chef and you have to prepare a fish dish for a buffet party of teachers held at
your restaurant. You will cook any recipe you want to cook. Pls. pass your video to my email account.
P- Product performance: As a Sous chef you are tasked to cook any fish dish that you like.

Scoring Rubric for Cooking Fish


TEXTURE Fine, soft fish Soft meat Half cook
TASTE Taste like it is Home made ordinary
cooked by a
EYE APPEAL Work for art, Attractive Uneven distribution of add-ins or
excellent without decorations, uneven color.
plating, color being
and perfect.

Psalm 90:17
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us-yes, establish the work of
our hands. (NIV)

Always close your activity with a prayer.


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