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My Experience in other companies compared to Kumar Group

Dear all,

I have left Kumar Group in Aug. 2013 after long enjoying association of 11 years and joined
other organization for exploring outer world.

It was mixed reaction in my 2 years of experience in other companies. I got designation of

Manager HR and higher salary which I desired but after achieving the same I felt of questioning
my self “what have I gained” After lot of self questioning and assessment I came to conclusion
as below which motivated me to rejoin Kumar Group –

· There are no value of emotions in other companies as compared to Management of

Kumar Group who is bonded with all employees emotionally and give love and respect
to its employees.
· Your work gets unnoticed or credit of your work is taken by your boss or someone else
as compared to Kumar Group where Management is unbiased and monitors the work of
· There is lot of office politics in other companies but in Kumar Group it is not possible due
to management’s positive approach.
· There is a long chain of hierarchy so decisions takes lot of time for implementation but in
Kumar Group the management is open and transparent and gives free hand support in
professional working so any new idea, decision gets approved and implemented quickly.
· There is a set pattern of orthodox style of working and any idea of faster and efficient
working is not entertained in other companies whereas in Kumar Group such ideas are
welcomed and implemented quickly.
· There is no support either personal or professional in other companies as compared to
Kumar Group where management provides personal & professional umbrella in all
· There is stress free & conducive environment of working in Kumar Group of Industries
as compared to other companies where employees work in stress and tension.
· There is lot of learning scope for them who wants to learn in Kumar Group as compared
to other companies.
· This industry is highly profitable, high growth potential, there is no recession in the
industry, there is no union since last 50 years.
· Due to management’s standing and policies, there are no IR problems, no outside
disturbance (local or other) as compared to other companies so any employee can save
his 70% energy and focus on work peacefully, get job satisfaction & Growth and enjoy
the life.
· Management of Kumar Group continuously promotes its employees and try to develop
them personally and professionally.
· Employees of Kumar Group feels secure and free from any threats due to strong
presence and recognition of management in society and region.
· I missed all the love and affection which I got in Kumar Group during my tenure of
working in other companies in which I worked.

Mukesh Tripathi

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