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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Media Competence and Continuous

Professional Development of the Teacher
Risolat Usmonalieva

Senior Teacher of the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced

Training of Public Educators of Surkhandarya Region, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Risolat

This article discusses media education opportunities that encourage Usmonalieva "Media Competence and
science teachers to develop independent thinking, creative activity in Continuous Professional Development
an informed society in a competent approach to education related to of the Teacher" Published in
the development of media competence. International Journal
of Trend in
KEYWORDS: media competence, competency approach, information Scientific Research
society, media education, creative activity and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-6 |
Issue-3, April 2022, IJTSRD49846
pp.1829-1830, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)


At present, teachers are required to properly plan and METHODOLOGY.
implement educational, scientific and cultural- Problems of media education in the Republic of
educational activities in the organization of their Uzbekistan have been studied by S.Sulaymanova,
effective activities, to quickly adapt to changing Ya.Mamatova, S.Beknazarova, S. Babajanov and
modern requirements in the continuous improvement many other scientists, and scientific and
of professional pedagogical skills. methodological bases have been developed.
To teach students to effectively use different types of A.Milyutina, A.Veryaev, V.Protopopova, I.Fateeva,
skills acquired in personal, professional and social G.Onkovich, N.Zmanovskaya, scientists of the
situations through a competent approach to education, commonwealth of Independent States have carried
to be able to explain their ideas to others, to listen and out significant research on the organization of media
understand them In order to be successful in everyday education [2].
life, it is necessary for the student to be able to search DISCUSSION
for this information, analyze, and use the knowledge, A competent approach in history lessons is an
skills, and abilities to solve problems encountered in approach that emphasizes learning outcomes. In this
daily life [1]. case, the result of training is not a set of assimilated
Among the main trends of world development, the information, but the ability of an individual to act in
transition to an informed society is an important task, different problem situations.
that is, the impact of the media in all spheres of Media competence in history lessons is now based on
society is a pressing issue. On this basis, media innovative educational technologies that depend on
competence remains a priority in the continuous creativity to implement innovations. Media creativity
professional development of teachers. (creativity in the field of media) is a creative ability in
the activities of a media-competent teacher. Media

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49846 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1829
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
creativity leads to the development of media Analysis of the literature on the problem of media
competence by defining an innovative learning education shows that the lessons aimed at developing
environment. the media competence of the audience are based on
games and creative forms of work. In particular,
Technological map of lessons on all included topics
various creative tasks in media education are
in history, development of lessons on the basis of
classified on the basis of the content of the
modern pedagogical technologies.
educational material, the characteristics of the
The teacher's purposeful use of information and character; that is, the nature of the requirements for
communication and pedagogical technologies in the them, the requirements for the final result, the ratio of
classroom, along with the discovery of opportunities "data" and "objectives" of the educational work
such as efficient use of time, perfection, consistency, performed, the organizational and implementation
flexibility, development, breadth, demonstration, forms. The following cycle of creative tasks can be
creates the basis for students to fully master the included in the relatively common media culture
subject materials. The teacher is able to focus the materials in the practice of media education today:
attention of each student participating in the lesson on role-imitation, problem-situational, creative-visual
the topic, ensuring their activity. The use of tasks for the audience to acquire creative skills in
information and communication technologies in the media materials using technical means, game forms,
classroom allows extensive use of electronic heuristic methods. A cycle of creative assignments
textbooks, electronic manuals, additional resources, aimed at developing the audience’s full understanding
electronic assignments and multimedia information. of media texts. In the audience, media is a cycle of
The Internet allows students to quickly find and read creative tasks aimed at developing text analysis skills.
the latest sources on the subject and work
independently, as well as to develop the ability to CLEAR CONCLUSIONS AND PRACTICAL
keep pace with the times, to get to the heart of each SUGGESTIONS
As a result of the introduction of information and
educational material, to work independently on
communication technologies in the process of history
sources and data, to compare
lessons, ie media education, mobile learning system,
Media education teaches students to think the ability to teach young people to work
independently, to develop creative activities, to independently, to think freely. Today, the integration
receive information, to process it, to generalize, to of the latest experience in the field of pedagogy into
draw conclusions. education is a requirement of the times, and ensuring
In order to provide students with more extracurricular its integration with education is the primary task of
information on "Restoration of spiritual and historical our teachers.
heritage in Uzbekistan" in the lesson "History of References:
Uzbekistan" in secondary schools, the teacher can [1] Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the
contact directly using a computer or Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 6, 2017 No
mobile phone. The site provides access to basic 187 "On approval of the State educational
information about the existing architectural structures, standards of general secondary and secondary
archeological monuments, technical facilities, shrines special, vocational education".
and museums in all regions of the Republic of [2] Pulatova D.T. Pedagogical conditions for the
Uzbekistan. At there is an introduction of electronic information
opportunity to get acquainted with sources on the educational resources in the educational
history of the peoples of the world, documentaries, process.//Modern education.-T .: 2015.-№7.-
architectural structures, archeological monuments, 11-16 p
technical facilities, shrines and museums. [3] Effective introduction of modern pedagogical
Today, the teacher, demonstrating his pedagogical and information and communication
skills, must provide students with an Internet address technologies in the educational process:
(link) of additional electronic information directly problems and solutions. Collection of abstracts
related to the topic during the lesson. In contrast to of the Republican scientific-practical
the traditional method of teaching, the teacher uses a conference. Part II (January 8-9) Bukhara 2016.
combination of information and communication and [4] Огольцова Н.Н. Мультимедийные проекты
pedagogical technologies, which is characterized by как средство повышения квалификации
the presence of a huge database and active student педагогов: дис.... канд. пед. наук / Н.Н.
movement. Огольцова. - Новокузнецк, 2007. - 229 с.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49846 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1830

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