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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Developing a Sustainable Ecological Culture of Primary

School Students on the Basis of Competency Approaches
Ibragimova Saxiba

Pedagogical Institutes Master, Termez State University, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ibragimova

The article deals with environmental education, primary school, Saxiba "Developing a Sustainable
educational process, ecological culture, use of funds, educational Ecological Culture of Primary School
process, creativity created by students, science educational- Students on the Basis of Competency
methodical complex, motherland. Approaches"
Published in
KEYWORDS: environmental education, environmental culture, International Journal
information and communication technologies, educational of Trend in Scientific
Research and
Development (ijtsrd),
ISSN: 2456-6470, IJTSRD49879
Volume-6 | Issue-3,
April 2022, pp.1943-1945, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Experts attribute the worsening environmental environment is the protection of nature on the
situation in the world to the lack or low level of basis of perception, perception, imagination,
environmental knowledge of the population, intelligence and depth. implies that they must
including the low environmental awareness of have practical skills in
managers and specialists in various industries related
2. environmental responsibility is manifested in the
to the use of natural resources. This, in turn, requires
development of attitude and responsibility in the
improved environmental education and training. At
individual, such an attitude is formed only as a
the same time, the scientific and theoretical analysis
result of the person's unintentional and short-
of the literature on environmental education and
sighted understanding of the consequences of the
upbringing of students, the activities of educational
negative impact on nature and the desire to
institutions in this area shows that the current system
eliminate such influences;
of environmental education does not fully meet
modern requirements. will give. 3. environmental will The ability of an individual
and others to evaluate and control their actions in
Ecological culture is the study of nature,
the environment depends on the individual's
consciousness, cognition, literacy, intellectual
perseverance, thrift, cleanliness and cleanliness.
potential and the ability to apply it in practice, a high
Ecological values are of special importance in the
level of activity in relation to the environment, a
formation of an individual's ecological culture,
conscious and responsible approach. Basic qualities
which includes the desire to preserve nature,
of ecological knowledge and ecological culture:
initiative, consistency, diligence and conscious
1. Moral and ecological consciousness is an activity.
important cultural quality of the individual, the
For example, one type of environmental value,
process of emotional cognition of the
knowledge of global, regional and local

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49879 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1943
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
environmental issues, is closely related to concepts future status. is a systematic (consistent) educational
such as land, water, energy issues, rational use of activity. This means that environmental education
natural resources, biodiversity conservation, should be a purposeful, planned, orderly, regular,
desertification, and air pollution. . It is desirable that creative, practical, emotional pedagogical activity.
the education of an ecologically spiritual person be So far, our schools have done commendable work on
carried out by specialists in kindergartens, schools, creating and applying advanced and effective forms,
high schools, colleges and universities. methods and tools, content for environmental
The following factors can negatively affect the education of students. However, the current state of
effectiveness of the existing system of environmental environmental education of students requires a new
education and training: approach to it in terms of technologicalization of the
educational process. This is because the traditional
the current content and methods of environmental
methods of environmental education are lagging
education of students are episodic, do not allow them
behind in terms of the requirements and opportunities
to form a holistic, systematic environmental thinking;
for innovation in line with the radical changes in
environmental education is carried out through more society in the field of education and upbringing.
oral teaching methods, limited to the formation of
It would be unreasonable to think that the need for a
students' theoretical knowledge of nature
technological approach to environmental education is
conservation, on the contrary, young people are not
the "fruit" of innovative processes in education and
provided with vital environmental skills and abilities.
upbringing. Because traditional methods of
LITERATURE ANALYSIS AND environmental education are limited to the level of
METHODOLOGY "pedagogical art or skill" of individual students and
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat class teachers, do not always meet the requirements
Mirziyoyev in his speech at the solemn ceremony of psychological and pedagogical laws, do not always
dedicated to the Day of Teachers and Coaches on allow to strive for strictly defined goals was. If we
September 30, 2020, said: In a word, they must be compare the technology of environmental education
advanced representatives of our time and society, who with the methodology, we can compare it with the
can apply positive innovations in the educational comparison of the work of a farmer who works on the
process, have deep knowledge and worldview, ”he basis of modern agro-industrial technologies with a
said. farmer who knows only his profession.
In this regard, on the initiative of the President, it is Traditional methods of ecological education do not
proposed to implement a special program to actively allow to place the purpose, content, forms, methods
involve young people in building a "green economy". and means of its organization in a strict order that
It was noted that this will be a great opportunity to guarantees the success of educational work. They are
create a culture of "green" consumption in the future. a series of episodic educational activities. Students do
At the beginning of the third millennium, the world's not have a real (regular) relationship with the
environmental problems, which scientists had warned environment. Education is not carried out in a
the public decades ago, began to emerge. It is no complex way. (For example: or too much emphasis is
secret that among other global problems (food, peace placed on environmental education and, conversely, it
and war, demographics, unemployment, poverty, is not sufficiently linked to other ways of education).
etc.), environmental issues are now at the forefront. The technological approach to environmental
Therefore, how to solve global environmental education in the educational work that should be
problems in the near and long term depends on how carried out in this direction is based on three levels:
the ecological culture is brought up among the "how?" answers the question:
students who are now on the threshold of the school.
at the level of advice of experienced educators to
DISCUSSION young people;
The formation of ecological culture in students is not
at the level of principles that conditionally ensure the
an educational work that is carried out from time to
success of education ("golden rules of environmental
time through educational activities. Research and
pedagogical experience show that environmental
education is aimed at students with a clear goal of at the level of designing algorithms for solving
ecological knowledge, a valuable attitude to the typical cases of environmental education and general
natural world, a rational positive contribution to forms of educational work.
nature and practical work to improve its current and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49879 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1944
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In our view, environmental education should consist CLEAR CONCLUSIONS AND PRACTICAL
of a variety of children’s activities and their SUGGESTIONS
interactions with adults, ensuring that students The main indicator of ecological culture and at the
’environmental culture is integrated into the same time conditional, practical, activity.
classroom and extracurricular activities. Environmental education technologies organize
practical activities. The use of technology not only
Environmental education technologies for students:
enhances children's natural environment, but also
fostering responsibility for the state of the natural their ability to educate children through nature.
Environmental education technologies are closely
building an ecological belief; linked to play, study and work. All areas of education
to form and encourage active practical activities in the allow for the harmonious implementation of all
field of nature protection. aspects of personal culture (worldview, moral and
intellectual education, moral education, political and
Environmental education technologies consist of a set patriotic education, civic education).
of psychological and pedagogical requirements and
rules that determine the specific selection and In short, the technological approach to environmental
placement of forms, methods, techniques and tools of education transforms the experience of teachers in
environmental education. this area into a fully organized, manageable and
predictable process.
Environmental education technologies are based on
the "coding" of educational materials on the study and References:
protection of the natural environment. Each material, [1] O’zbekistonRespublikasiningKonstitutsiyasi. –
method, method, means, form of education has its Toshkent: O’zbekiston, 2009. –36 b.
place in the pedagogical process. Not all students are [2] O’zbekiston Respublikasining «Ta’lim
brought up in the same way as technological to’g’risida»gi Qonuni, “Xalq so’zi”, 2020 yil
processes take place, and their levels of education 24 sentyabr, 202 (7704)-son.
vary. However, it is wrong to think of environmental
[3] O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining “2030
education technology as an unchanging, steady,
yilgacha bo’lgan davrda O’zbekiston
continuous process. Environmental education
Respublikasining atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish
technology is an organizational and logical device
kontseptsiyasini tasdiqlash to’g’risida”gi PF-
that acts as a “core of activity” that determines the
5863-son farmoni Toshkent, 2019 yil 30
interactions between educators and children in
different approaches and relationships.
[4] Avezov Sh. O’quvchi shaxsida ekologik
Examples of ecological educational technologies are
madaniyatni tarkib toptirish haqidagi masalaga
ecological educational work ("ECO collective work"),
doir / O’quvchi shaxsining axloqiy xislatlari-ni
ecological practical games, author's educational
shakllantirish: Ilmiy ishlar to’plami. - Toshkent,
technologies (for example: Tarasov's system
1991. -B. 62-67.
"Ecology and Dialectics"), "Perspectives of
progressive nature", complex polytechnologies (M. [5] Kuchkinov A.Yu.
Balaban's "School-Alley" technology) and so on. In Boshlang`ichsinfo`quvchilarinitabiatnie`zozlas
particular, "Education of IP Ivanovcha" is very useful hruhidatarbiyalash.
for environmental education. According to him, O`qituvchilaruchunmetodikqo`llanma – T.:,
creative, enterprising microgroups work under the «Fan vatexnologiya»,2012, 88 bet.
motto "What can be done better?", "From everyone's
[6] Kuchkinov A.Yu. Sinfdan va maktabdan
suggestion - to the common cause." Leaders in small
tashqari mashg‘ulotlarda o‘quvchilarni tabiatni
groups also change frequently (depending on the
e’zozlash ruhida tarbiyalash texnologiyasi.
children's ability in one area or another). The work is
Boshlang‘ich ta’lim jarayoniga innovatsion
planned, prepared and conducted by the children
yondashuv respublika ilmiy-amaliy
themselves. At the same time, cooperation between
konferensiya materiallari 2019-yil 15-noyabr.
adults and children (generations) will be established.
B. 189-192.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49879 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1945

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