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The practice of high-density 3D seismic acquisition in high-altitude complex Kulong Mountain

Duorong Zhang1*, Wenlong Jiao 2, Wuhai Yin1, Yongguo Wu 1,3, Haili Wang 1, Yongxiang Jiang 2
1. BGP inc, PetroChina

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2. Yumen Oilfield Company, PetroChina
3. State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology

overcome the challenges here. Due to the double

Summary complexities of the geological structures, past seismic
acquisition efforts had not achieved expected seismic data.
Kulong Mountain is located in the western zone of the So the seismic acquisition work here is almost stopped since
thrusting belt of northern Qilian Mountains. In this area, 2005. The successful application of the "2W1H" (wide
because of complex structures developed both near surface azimuth, wide-band and high-density) seismic acquisition
and in deep zones underground, 3D seismic acquisition has technique in complex areas provides the technical support for
some characteristics of, high technical requirements, difficult the restarting of seismic acquisition in the Kulong Mountain.
construction, high operational costs etc. This paper will show However, it still remains a challenge to make the technique
an integrated economic-technological acquisition case in effective and the economy feasible. In addition, the severe
complex mountainous areas, which is featured of the shortage of oxygen as well as the very hard transportation
single-point acquisition, the cost efficient wide-azimuth made low field acquisition efficiency and high
high-density geometry, the surface survey method of highly implementation cost in Kulong Mountain area.
rugged topography, and the node & cable mixed seismic
acquisition , and independent excitation as well. It is first
application of the above advanced techniques in high-altitude
and complicated mountainous areas to overcome the seismic
acquisition challenges in Kulong Mountain. The combined
application of Hawk node and G3i cable reduced the
difficulty of construction by topography and high altitude.
The independent firing system was first successfully used to
seismic shooting without wireless communication. The
adequate reflection data were acquired to image the footwall
of nappe by high-density, wide-azimuth seismic technology
that shot-receiver ratio is 1/8.This case provides a
cost-effective new mode for high-density, wide-azimuth
seismic acquisition in areas where considerable technical and
engineering challenges exist.
Figure 1: Kulong Mountain landform

The topography is a complex mountainous area with high Based on the need of economic and technological integration,
altitudes up to t 4586m above sea level, and the average the technologies, which included wide-azimuth high-density,
elevation is 3500m. The terrain drop is large with a single-point seismic acquisition technology and node-cable
maximum drop of nearly 2000m (Figure1). Paleozoic strata mixed instruments, independent firing system for seismic
are exposed to the surface with various lithologies, highly data acquisition operation, were firstly applied in complex,
fractured and faulted, and very stiff rocks. high-altitude and mountainous region. Meanwhile a new
surface survey method is applied in the large drop
There are multi-stage overthrust. Intense tectonic movement mountains.
forms a structural system with large dip angle and severe
fragmentation. The north-south structure of the area includes In 2017, BGP successfully implemented a high-density 3D
Silurian and Ordovician nappe, Cretaceous overthrust seismic acquisition in high-altitude, complex and
fragment of middle plate strata with reverse fracture and mountainous Kulong Mountain area. It is the most complex
serious distortion, and footwall with complex fault. terrain and geological structure, the highest altitude mountain
3D in china. Node and cable joint acquisition, independent
The seismic exploration in this area was launched in the excitation ensured the effective implementation of
1980s. From 2001 to 2005, the 2D, wide-line, wide-angle 2D high-density 3D seismic acquisition in Kulong Mountain
and 3D seismic acquisition technologies were attempted to area. Reliable seismic data are obtained for the validation of

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High-density 3D seismic acquisition in high-altitude complex Kulong Mountain

geological structure tures through single-point, high-density

and wide-azimuth seismic acquisition. Economical and feasible high density geometry design
Single-point acquisition in complex mountain
The overthrust belt is a very strong energy shield body,
Single-point acquisition refers to single-hole excitation with which makes seismic wave difficult transmitting. Itself and
single-point receiver, gradually developed to adapt to the substratum image badly or can’t image, because of the very
high-density seismic acquisition. By increasing the spatial weak energy (Deng Zhiwen, 2002). To cope with the

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sampling density, it helps the geometry to suppress noises problems of energy shield and badly imaging substratum,
and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Compared to array several measures are adopted as followed.
acquisition, single-point acquisition does not reduce noise in First, apply the anti illumination to assign the position where
field, and is not able to effectively improve reflecting energy. the shots or receivers need to be added to enhance energy.
So conceptually, single-point acquisition does not seem Anti illumination indicates that it is possible to increase the
suitable for complex mountain seismic exploration, energy of substratum, if shots or receivers are added in nappe
especially with low signal-to-noise ratio. In fact, the front and outside of the nappe(Figure 3).
application of single-point acquisition in Kulong Mountain
shows that the single-point acquisition is suitable for
mountainous areas with low signal-to-noise ratio.

Here, past excitation method was hole-array, large charge.

Now based on preserving of main bands energy of geological
targets imaging, Single-hole excitation design is optimized.
In single-hole records, the first break is very clear, and the
target stratum has reflection, and the scattering noise is lower
than that of hole-array, large charge.

a b
Figure3: Anti illumination of 2D geological model (a:  geological
model. b: anti-illumination of the black dotted line stratum)

1.0s Second, through the analysis of forward simulation, it is

confirmed that seismic technology can reliably resolve the
problem of imaging overthrust and autochthon (Figure4), but
it is necessary that there are higher folds and spatial
sampling( Dong Liangguo et al., 2006).
a b c d
Figure2: The original shot records by different number of detector(a:
Geophone array by 1, b: Geophone array by 10,c: Geophone array
by 20, d: Geophone array by 30)

In view of scattering interfering wave field complexity, great

topographic relief, and various rocks, adopt the single
receiver instead of former multi-geophone array. The
single-geophone detecting obtained clear reflections
compared with the array of above 10 geophones. No matter
reflection wave or first break wave, which detected by more
than 10 geophones, is significantly distorted (Figure
2).Moreover, the first break difference is more than 30 ms,
which there is severe static for higher than 17Hz seismic
signal. So the single geophone receiving will help the
seismic acquisition in complex mountain area by keeping
Figure4: Forward-simulation PSDM section for Figure3
seismic signal from being smoothed and distorted. geo-model(The nappe fault planes that the arrow points to, the thrust
Meanwhile, it is easy to operate in field for light weight and fault planes that the red dotted oval shows, and the crushed
small volume. autochthon that the red solid line shows, all have well imaging.)

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High-density 3D seismic acquisition in high-altitude complex Kulong Mountain

Thirdly, apply the 3D illumination to optimize the aspect

ratio. Illumination of the 3D geological model shows that the
wider azimuth be beneficial to imaging overthrust fault and
autochthon under overthrust( Ling Yun et al., 2005).
At last, estimate the excitation-receiving impacting on the
cost in order to optimize a cost-effective technological

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scheme. According to estimation that the shot-receiver cost
ratio is up to 27.5, design the scheme that the shot-receiver
ratio is 7.56 to meet the requirement of high-density wide-
azimuth geometry and to substantially reduce the field
implementation cost.

Embedded surface survey and tomography statics 3s

a b
Figure 6: Stack profile of the different static (a: conventional
In mountainous areas, the depth of the conventional LVL tomographic static section; b: embedded surface survey restricted
survey is too shallow, and the LVL of the inversion by shot tomographic static section )
record may be unreliable. Here, a new method, that is joint
inversion of applying the minor reflections and the shot Field operation measures
records, is developed for surface survey. Through this
technology application in Kulong Mountain, the high For field operation in high-altitude and complicated
precision surface model is obtained (Figure5-below). mountainous areas, the conventional acquisition pattern faces
Because the minor reflection has the adequate sampling of the poor communication between the instrument and the
near-surface, the obvious smooth model, as shown in firing machine, the broken spreads, the blocked spreads and
Figure5-above station 2000, 6000 and 8000, has restored to the low efficiency of rearrangement of spreads. In the
the true structure, as shown in Figure5-below. communication regard, an independent excitation system is
developed. In this system, firing machine does not receive
instructions from instrument, and shots can be excited
spontaneously according to the pre-agreed detonation. And
for receiver spreads, the nodes are applied in solving the
problem of the spreads’ arranging efficiency and the cables
are used to monitor the spreads’ situation. Nodes or wired
instruments were applied for varied altitudes, in order to
reduce the field work intensity as far as possible, and to raise
a the productivity as well. The independent excitation mode
was employed for the first time, for the communication


Through the implementation of the above technical measures,

acquire the energy-sufficient, high-precision original data,
realize to well image the footwall of the nappe (Figure6-b)
for the first time and substantially reduce the field production
b cost in Kulong Mountain area. The production cost is only
Figure5: Tomographic inversion section of different surface survey 1.1times as much as 15 years ago in the condition of the
(a: tomographic inversion by the first break of shot records; b: wages and materials' cost growth 8 times and the shot-trace
tomographic inversion by the first break of shot records and minor density higher 5times.
The shallow stratum signal-noise ratio is greatly enhanced
After applied the embedded surface survey to restrict the and the substratum of the nappe has been first imaged. Most
tomographic static, in Kulong Mountain better resolved the of all, the crushed cretaceous autochthon and small faults,
short wavelength static correction from the ground to which the red oval shows in Figure7-b, has got clear imaging,
underground above 100m. Compared with the conventional as well as the thrust fault planes, which the red arrow points
tomographic static, the restricted by embedded surface to in Figure 6-b, is very clear imaging. The imaging has first
survey tomographic static has more helps for imaging of the met the need of recognizing the structures .
low S/N ratio data(Figure 6).Here shown as the regions that
the arrows point.

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High-density 3D seismic acquisition in high-altitude complex Kulong Mountain


Thrust Fault

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2.5s E



4.5s Basement Fault

a b
Figure7: Migration section of old data (a) and single-point high-density wide-azimuth 3D data (b)( Besides E and K1z stratums , the
crushed cretaceous autochthon, which the red oval show in Figure 6-b, has got clear imaging, as well as the thrust fault, which the red
arrow points to in Figure 6-b, is very clear imaging. )

Conclusions Acknowledgements

After some non-conventional technology and technique, We would like to appreciate the significant helps and
BGP successfully has done a high-density and wide-azimuth supports from the experts of Technical Support Department,
3D seismic acquisition in altitude up to 4586m, complex Data Processing Center of the Research Institute and
mountainous area. The technology and technique have the Equipment Service Department of BGP, and the experts of
follow strengths: Yumen Oilfield Exploration Branch. The study is supported
1)Single point acquisition can not only provide by the National Science and Technology Major Project
high-precision original seismic data for subsequent (2017ZX05018-003) of China.
processing, but also greatly reduce field workload in
mountainous areas.

2)The embedded surface survey method is easy to carry out

in field and the acquired data can inverse higher precision
surface model than only shot data.

3)The lower shot-receiver ratio helps to assure the

cost-effective of high-density wide-azimuth 3D seismic
acquisition in complex, high-altitude mountain area.

4)The node-cable seismic instruments and independent firing

system have created a new seismic operation mode for 3D
seismic acquisition in complex, mountain areas.

5)The high-density wide-azimuth 3D seismic data by

processing has first clear imaged the footwall structures of
nappe except the highly steep overthust .

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Deng, Z. W., 2002, Seismic geometry study for highly steep overthrust nappe: Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 41, 127–131.
Dong, L. G., X. F. Wu, H. Z. Tang, S. C. Chen, K. Yang, and S. W. Liu, 2006, Seismic wave illumination for overthrust nappe structures and optimal
seismic survey design: Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 45, 40–47.
Ling, Y., L. Wu, et al., 2005, Analysis and appreciation of wide/narrow azimuth exploration cases (II): Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 40, 423–427.

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