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Module 6: Ohm’s Law

PHYS502 University Physics 2

Ohm’s Law Statement

Ohm's law states

that, in an electrical
circuit, the current
passing through
most materials is
directly proportional
to the potential
difference applied
across them.
Ohm’s Law Formula
Ohm’s Law

Increasing the applied voltage V produces more current I to light

the bulb with more intensity.
Practical Units
Ohm’s Law
Sample Problem

 A metal rod is 2-m long and 8-mm in diameter. Compute its resistance if the
resistivity of the metal is 1.76 x 10-8 ohm-m.
 Ans:

𝜌𝐿 1.76𝑥10−8 Ω−𝑚 2−𝑚

𝑅= = = 7 𝑥 10−4 Ω
𝐴 𝜋 0.004𝑚 2
The Linear Proportion Between V and I

 when V is constant
 I decreases as R increases.
 I increases as R decreases.

 Examples
 If R doubles, I is reduced by half.
 If R is reduced to1⁄4, I increases by 4.
 This is known as an inverse relationship.
Lecture SIMULATION: Ohm’s Law –

VIRTUAL LAB: Ohm’s Law – Virtual Lab


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