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RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]


LCB C Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor) + Loadcase Name(Factor)
1 1 DL( 1.400)
2 1 DL( 1.200) + LL( 1.600)
3 1 DL( 1.200) + SL@X( 1.000) + LL( 1.000)
4 1 DL( 1.200) + SL@Y( 1.000) + LL( 1.000)
5 1 DL( 1.200) + SL@X(-1.000) + LL( 1.000)
6 1 DL( 1.200) + SL@Y(-1.000) + LL( 1.000)
7 1 DL( 0.900)
8 1 DL( 0.900) + SL@X( 1.000)
9 1 DL( 0.900) + SL@Y( 1.000)
10 1 DL( 0.900) + SL@X(-1.000)
11 1 DL( 0.900) + SL@Y(-1.000)
12 2 DL( 1.000)
13 2 DL( 1.000) + LL( 1.000)
14 2 DL( 1.000) + SL@X( 0.700)
15 2 DL( 1.000) + SL@Y( 0.700)
16 2 DL( 1.000) + SL@X(-0.700)
17 2 DL( 1.000) + SL@Y(-0.700)
18 2 DL( 1.000) + LL( 0.750) + SL@X( 0.525)
19 2 DL( 1.000) + LL( 0.750) + SL@Y( 0.525)
20 2 DL( 1.000) + LL( 0.750) + SL@X(-0.525)
21 2 DL( 1.000) + LL( 0.750) + SL@Y(-0.525)
22 2 DL( 0.600) + SL@X( 0.700)
23 2 DL( 0.600) + SL@Y( 0.700)
24 2 DL( 0.600) + SL@X(-0.700)
25 2 DL( 0.600) + SL@Y(-0.700)
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
*.midas Gen - RC-COLUMN Analysis/Design Program.

*.DESIGN CODE : ACI318-14, *.UNIT SYSTEM : kN, m
(Note. Nonhomogenous equation in the code are written in U.S. Customary units in the report)
*.MEMBER : Member Type = COLUMN , MEMB = 3, LCB = 11, POS = I


Section Type : Rectangular with Ties (RT)
Section Height (HTc) = 1.500 m.
Section Depth (Hc) = 0.200 m.
Section Width (Bc) = 0.350 m.
Concrete Cover to C.O.R. (do) = 0.040 m.
Concrete Strength (fc) = 20684.278 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) = 21525567.059 KPa.
Main Rebar Strength (fy) = 275790.378 KPa.
Ties/Spirals Strength (fys) = 275790.378 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Es) = 199948023.746 KPa.

*.REBAR PATTERN = RT - 4 - 2 - P16 Unit : m.

i dyi dzi Rebar Asi -----
1 -0.135 -0.060 1-P16 0.00020
2 -0.135 0.060 1-P16 0.00020
3 0.135 0.060 1-P16 0.00020
4 0.135 -0.060 1-P16 0.00020


( ). Factored forces/moments caused by unit load case. Unit : kN., m.

*.Load combination ID = 11
Load Case Pu Myi Myj Mzi Mzj
DL 43.17 0.09 -0.10 0.11 -0.44
LL -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DL+LL 43.17 0.09 -0.10 0.11 -0.44
Others -20.35 -0.05 -9.20e-003 9.22 -1.71
DL+LL+Others 22.82 0.04 -0.11 9.33 -2.15
( ). Compute member end moments(M1,M2). Unit : kN-m.
-. For Dead Load(DL).
My1D = 0.09, My2D = 0.10
Mz1D = 0.11, Mz2D = 0.44
-. For Gravity Load(DL+LL).
My1G = 0.09, My2G = 0.10
Mz1G = 0.11, Mz2G = 0.44
-. For Total Load(DL+LL+WL(EL)).
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
My1 = 0.04, My2 = 0.11
Mz1 = 2.15, Mz2 = 9.33

( ). Check slenderness ratios of BRACED/UNBRACED frame.

-. Slenderness ratio limits.
SRy(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|My1/My2|,0.5) = 38.315 (Reverse curvature)
SRz(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|Mz1/Mz2|,0.5) = 36.769 (Reverse curvature)
-. Radii of gyration. ry
= 0.30*Hc = 0.060 m. rz =
0.30*Bc = 0.105 m.
-. Unbraced lengths.
Ly = 1.500 m.
Lz = 1.500 m.
-. Effective length factors.
Ky = 1.000
Kz = 1.000
-. SLENy = Ky*Ly/ry = 25.000 < SRy ---> NOT SLENDER.
-. SLENz = Kz*Lz/rz = 14.286 < SRz ---> NOT SLENDER.

( ). Moment magnification factors for major axis(DBy,DSy).

-. DBy = 1.00 (Default value)
-. DSy = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Moment magnification factors for minor axis(DBz,DSz).

-. DBz = 1.00 (Default value)
-. DSz = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Compute minimum moments(Mmin).

-. emin_y = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Hc = 0.021 m.
-. emin_z = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Bc = 0.026 m.
-. Mmin_y = Pu * emin_y = 0.48 kN-m.
-. Mmin_z = Pu * emin_z = 0.59 kN-m.

( ). Compute magnified moments. (Pos : I, Local-y : Braced, Local-z : Braced).

-. No sidesway moments.
QMb_y = My_G = 0.09 kN-m.
QMb_z = Mz_G = 0.11 kN-m.
-. Sidesway moments.
QMs_y = My_S = -0.05 kN-m.
QMs_z = Mz_S = 9.22 kN-m.
-. Compute magnified moments(Mcy,Mcz).
Mcy(No-Slender) = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = 0.04 kN-m.
Mcz(No-Slender) = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 9.33 kN-m.
( ). Check total moment including 2nd-order effects.
-. Moments due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-1st = 0.04 kN-m.
Mcz-1st = 9.33 kN-m.
-. Moments due to 2nd-order effects.
Mcy-2nd = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = 0.04 kN-m.
Mcz-2nd = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 9.33 kN-m.
-. Ratio of moment due to 2nd-order effects to moment due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-2nd / Mcy-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
Mcz-2nd / Mcz-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
( ). Design forces/moments of column(brace).
-. Axial Force (Compression) Pu = 22.82 kN.
-. Combined Bending Moment Mc = 9.33 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-y Mcy = 0.04 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-z Mcz = 9.33 kN-m.
-. Shear Force of Local-y Vuy = 7.77 kN.
-. Shear Force of Local-z Vuz = 4.00 kN.


( ). Compute design parameters.

-. Ag = 0.0700 m^2.
-. Ast = 0.0008 m^2.
-. Rhot = Ast/Ag = 0.011489
-. esu = fy/Es = 0.001379
-. beta1 = 0.8500 ( fc < 4000 psi.)

( ). Check the ratio of reinforcement.

-. Rhomin = 0.010000
-. Rhomax = 0.030000
-. Rhot = 0.011489
Rhomin < Rhot < Rhomax ---> O.K !

( ). Compute eccentricities of biaxially loaded column.

-. Ecny = ABS(Mcz/Pu) = 0.4087 m.
-. Ecnz = ABS(Mcy/Pu) = 0.0017 m.
-. Eccn = ABS(Mc/Pu) = 0.4087 m.
-. Rota = ATAN(Ecny/Ecnz) = 89.7628 deg.
-. Rotation of neutral axis = 89.5875 deg.

( ). Compute concentric axial load capacity.

-. Po = (0.85*fc)*(Ag-Ast) + fy*Ast = 1438.38 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Load : Pomax = 0.8*Po = 1150.70 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Tension : Pt = -fy*Ast = -221.80 kN. -------------------------------
*. Analysis of balanced condition.

( ). Compute capacity of concrete stress block.

-. cb = (0.003/(0.003+esu))*d = 0.213 m.
-. ab = beta1*cb = 0.181 m.
-. Acom = 0.036 m^2. -
. DCcy = 0.085 m.
-. DCcz = 1.330e-004 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 634.55 kN. -
. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 0.08 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 53.79 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
1 0.311 -0.001379 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 -0.060 3.33 -0.135 7.49
2 0.310 -0.001367 -273359.25 2.011e-004 -54.96 0.060 -3.30 -0.135 7.42
3 0.040 0.002433 275790.38 2.011e-004 55.45 0.060 3.33 0.135 7.49
4 0.041 0.002421 275790.38 2.011e-004 55.45 -0.060 -3.33 0.135 7.49
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = 0.49 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 0.03 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 29.88 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pb,Mb) of Balanced Condition.

-. Pb = Cc + Ps = 635.04 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 0.11 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 83.67 kN-m.
-. Mb = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 83.67 kN-m.

( ). Compare actual eccentricity with balanced eccentricity.

-. Balanced eccentricity : eb = Mb/Pb = 0.132 m.
-. Minimum eccentricity : Emin (not defined) = 0.000 m.
-. Actual eccentricity : Eccn = Mu/Pu = 0.409 m.
-. eb < Eccn ---> Tension controls.

( ). Search for neutral axis...... Unit : kN., m.

Trial c Pn Mn Ecn Eccn Ratio
1-st 0.063 159.37 53.99 0.339 0.409 79.36
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
2-nd 0.057 125.39 49.58 0.395 0.409 96.64
3-rd 0.054 107.06 47.16 0.441 0.409 92.77
4-th 0.055 116.35 48.39 0.416 0.409 98.26
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

*. Final analysis with searched neutral axis.

( ). Compute capacity of compression stress block.

-. a = beta1*c = 0.047 m. -
. Acom = 0.009 m^2.
-. DCcy = 0.152 m.
-. DCcz = 5.171e-004 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 163.19 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 0.08 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 24.77 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.311 -0.013835 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 -0.060 3.33 -0.135 7.49
2 0.310 -0.013789 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 0.060 -3.33 -0.135 7.49
3 0.040 0.000820 163988.25 2.011e-004 32.97 0.060 1.98 0.135 4.45
4 0.041 0.000773 154642.26 2.011e-004 31.09 -0.060 -1.87 0.135 4.20
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = -46.84 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 0.11 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 23.62 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pn,Mn) of given neutral axis.

-. Pn = Cc + Ps = 116.35 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 0.20 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 48.39 kN-m.
-. Mn = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 48.39 kN-m.

( ). Compute strength reduction factor.

-. et = 0.01384
-. et_min = 0.00138
-. et_max = 0.00500
-. et > et_max ---> phi =0.900

( ). Compute axial load and moment capacities(phiPn,phiMn).

-. phiPn = phi*Pn = 104.72 kN.
-. phiMn = phi*Mn = 43.55 kN-m.
-. phiMny = phi*Mny = 0.18 kN-m.
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
-. phiMnz = phi*Mnz = 43.55 kN-m.
( ). Check ratios of axial load and moment capacity.
-. Rat_P = Pu/phiPn = 0.218 < 1.000 ---> O.K.
-. Rat_M = Mc/phiMn = 0.214 < 1.000 ---> O.K.

RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.200 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 8, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 56.22 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.00 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.160 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.056 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 44.76 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 33.57 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 6, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 40.39 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 7.77 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.200 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.062 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 48.79 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 36.59 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.200 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 8, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 57.33 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.00 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.160 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.056 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 44.81 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 33.61 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 6, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 41.88 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 7.77 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.200 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.062 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 48.86 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 36.64 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.
*.midas Gen - RC-COLUMN Analysis/Design Program.

*.DESIGN CODE : ACI318-14, *.UNIT SYSTEM : kN, m
(Note. Nonhomogenous equation in the code are written in U.S. Customary units in the report)
*.MEMBER : Member Type = COLUMN , MEMB = 26, LCB = 10, POS = J


Section Type : Rectangular with Ties (RT)
Section Height (HTc) = 3.000 m.
Section Depth (Hc) = 0.250 m.
Section Width (Bc) = 0.250 m.
Concrete Cover to C.O.R. (do) = 0.040 m.
Concrete Strength (fc) = 20684.278 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) = 21525567.059 KPa.
Main Rebar Strength (fy) = 275790.378 KPa.
Ties/Spirals Strength (fys) = 275790.378 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Es) = 199948023.746 KPa.

*.REBAR PATTERN = RT - 6 - 2 - P12 Unit : m.

i dyi dzi Rebar Asi -----
1 -0.085 -0.085 1-P12 0.00011
2 -0.085 0.085 1-P12 0.00011
3 0.000 0.085 1-P12 0.00011
4 0.085 0.085 1-P12 0.00011
5 0.085 -0.085 1-P12 0.00011
6 0.000 -0.085 1-P12 0.00011

( ). Factored forces/moments caused by unit load case. Unit : kN., m.
*.Load combination ID = 10
Load Case Pu Myi Myj Mzi Mzj
DL 20.25 -0.10 1.03 0.27 -0.90
LL -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

DL+LL 20.25 -0.10 1.03 0.27 -0.90

Others 3.41 -5.65 6.92 0.28 0.34
DL+LL+Others 23.66 -5.75 7.95 0.55 -0.55

( ). Compute member end moments(M1,M2). Unit : kN-m.

-. For Dead Load(DL).
My1D = 0.10, My2D = 1.03
Mz1D = 0.27, Mz2D = 0.90
-. For Gravity Load(DL+LL).
My1G = 0.10, My2G = 1.03
Mz1G = 0.27, Mz2G = 0.90
-. For Total Load(DL+LL+WL(EL)).
My1 = 5.75, My2 = 7.95
Mz1 = 0.55, Mz2 = 0.55

( ). Check slenderness ratios of BRACED/UNBRACED frame.

-. Slenderness ratio limits.
SRy(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|My1/My2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
SRz(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|Mz1/Mz2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
-. Radii of gyration.
ry = 0.30*Hc = 0.075 m.
rz = 0.30*Bc = 0.075 m.
-. Unbraced lengths.
Ly = 3.000 m.
Lz = 3.000 m.
-. Effective length factors.
Ky = 1.000
Kz = 1.000
-. SLENy = Ky*Ly/ry = 40.000 > SRy ---> SLENDER.
-. SLENz = Kz*Lz/rz = 40.000 > SRz ---> SLENDER.

( ). Compute moment magnification factors for major axis(DBy,DSy).

-. Ec = 57000*SQRT[fc] = 2.1526e+007 KPa. -
. Ryy = Bc*Hc^3/12 = 0.0003 m^4.
-. Rse = 4.9090e-006 m^4.
-. Betady = Pu_D/Pu_G = 1.0000
-. EIy = (0.2*Ec*Ryy+Es*Rse)/(1+Betady) = 1191.4737 (by lb, in).
-. Pu = Pu_G + Pu_S = 23.66 kN.
-. Reverse Curvature Bending.
-. Cmy = 0.85 (Default or User defined value)
-. Pcy = (pi^2*EIy)/(Ky*Ly)^2 = 1306.60 kN.
-. DBy = Cmy/(1-Pu/(0.75*Pcy)) = 0.87
-. DBy < 1.0 ---> DBy = 1.00
-. DSy = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Compute moment magnification factors for minor axis(DBz,DSz).

-. Ec = 57000*SQRT[fc] = 2.1526e+007 KPa. -
. Rzz = Hc*Bc^3/12 = 0.0003 m^4.
-. Rse = 3.2747e-006 m^4.
-. Betadz = Pu_D/Pu_G = 1.0000
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

-. EIz = (0.2*Ec*Rzz+Es*Rse)/(1+Betadz) = 1028.0867 (by lb, in).

-. Pu = Pu_G + Pu_S = 23.66 kN.
-. Reverse Curvature Bending.
-. Cmz = 0.85 (Default or User defined value)
-. Pcz = (pi^2*EIz)/(Kz*Lz)^2 = 1127.42 kN.
-. DBz = Cmz/(1-Pu/(0.75*Pcz)) = 0.87
-. DBz < 1.0 ---> DBz = 1.00
-. DSz = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Compute minimum moments(Mmin).

-. emin_y = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Hc = 0.023 m.
-. emin_z = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Bc = 0.023 m.
-. Mmin_y = Pu * emin_y = 0.54 kN-m.
-. Mmin_z = Pu * emin_z = 0.54 kN-m.

( ). Compute magnified moments. (Pos : J, Local-y : Braced, Local-z : Braced).

-. No sidesway moments.
QMb_y = My_G = 1.03 kN-m.
QMb_z = Mz_G = -0.90 kN-m.
-. Sidesway moments.
QMs_y = My_S = 6.92 kN-m.
QMs_z = Mz_S = 0.34 kN-m.
-. Compute magnified moments(Mcy,Mcz).
Mcy(Slender) = DBy*MAX(Mmin_y, QMb_y+QMs_y) = 7.95 kN-m.
Mcz(Slender) = DBz*MAX(Mmin_z, QMb_z+QMs_z) = 0.55 kN-m.

( ). Check total moment including 2nd-order effects.

-. Moments due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-1st = 7.95 kN-m.
Mcz-1st = 0.55 kN-m.
-. Moments due to 2nd-order effects.
Mcy-2nd = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = 7.95 kN-m.
Mcz-2nd = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 0.55 kN-m.
-. Ratio of moment due to 2nd-order effects to moment due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-2nd / Mcy-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
Mcz-2nd / Mcz-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
( ). Design forces/moments of column(brace).
-. Axial Force (Compression) Pu = 23.66 kN.
-. Combined Bending Moment Mc = 7.97 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-y Mcy = 7.95 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-z Mcz = 0.55 kN-m.
-. Shear Force of Local-y Vuy = 4.75 kN.
-. Shear Force of Local-z Vuz = 4.81 kN.


( ). Compute design parameters.

-. Ag = 0.0625 m^2.
-. Ast = 0.0007 m^2.
-. Rhot = Ast/Ag = 0.010858
RC Column Design Result


Company Client

Author File Name

- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

-. esu = fy/Es = 0.001379

-. beta1 = 0.8500 ( fc < 4000 psi.)

( ). Check the ratio of reinforcement.

-. Rhomin = 0.010000
-. Rhomax = 0.030000
-. Rhot = 0.010858
Rhomin < Rhot < Rhomax ---> O.K !

( ). Compute eccentricities of biaxially loaded column.

-. Ecny = ABS(Mcz/Pu) = 0.0235 m.
-. Ecnz = ABS(Mcy/Pu) = 0.3360 m.
-. Eccn = ABS(Mc/Pu) = 0.3369 m.
-. Rota = ATAN(Ecny/Ecnz) = 3.9928 deg.
-. Rotation of neutral axis = 2.4955 deg.

( ). Compute concentric axial load capacity.

-. Po = (0.85*fc)*(Ag-Ast) + fy*Ast = 1274.07 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Load : Pomax = 0.8*Po = 1019.26 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Tension : Pt = -fy*Ast = -187.15 kN.

*. Analysis of balanced condition.

( ). Compute capacity of concrete stress block.

-. cb = (0.003/(0.003+esu))*d = 0.150 m.
-. ab = beta1*cb = 0.127 m.
-. Acom = 0.031 m^2. -
. DCcy = 0.002 m.
-. DCcz = 0.064 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 536.95 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 34.30 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 1.00 kN-m.
( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.
i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.219 -0.001379 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.085 2.65 -0.085 2.65
2 0.049 0.002018 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.085 2.65 -0.085 -2.65
3 0.045 0.002092 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.085 2.65 0.000 0.00
4 0.042 0.002166 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.085 2.65 0.085 2.65
5 0.212 -0.001231 -246187.38 1.131e-004 -27.84 -0.085 2.37 0.085 -2.37
6 0.215 -0.001305 -260988.88 1.131e-004 -29.52 -0.085 2.51 0.000 -0.00
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
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dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = 5.02 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 15.48 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 0.28 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pb,Mb) of Balanced Condition.

-. Pb = Cc + Ps = 541.97 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 49.78 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 1.28 kN-m.
-. Mb = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 49.80 kN-m.

( ). Compare actual eccentricity with balanced eccentricity.

-. Balanced eccentricity : eb = Mb/Pb = 0.092 m.
-. Minimum eccentricity : Emin (not defined) = 0.000 m.
-. Actual eccentricity : Eccn = Mu/Pu = 0.337 m.
-. eb < Eccn ---> Tension controls.

( ). Search for neutral axis...... Unit : kN., m.

Trial c Pn Mn Ecn Eccn Ratio
1-st 0.044 42.46 22.96 0.541 0.337 62.29
2-nd 0.048 76.05 25.90 0.340 0.337 98.93

*. Final analysis with searched neutral axis.

( ). Compute capacity of compression stress block.

-. a = beta1*c = 0.041 m. -
. Acom = 0.009 m^2.
-. DCcy = 0.006 m.
-. DCcz = 0.107 m.
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 157.04 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 16.80 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 1.00 kN-m.
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( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.219 -0.010572 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.085 2.65 -0.085 2.65
2 0.049 -0.000044 -8780.45 1.131e-004 -0.99 0.085 -0.08 -0.085 0.08
3 0.045 0.000185 37090.17 1.131e-004 4.19 0.085 0.36 0.000 0.00
4 0.042 0.000415 82960.80 1.131e-004 9.38 0.085 0.80 0.085 0.80
5 0.212 -0.010113 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.085 2.65 0.085 -2.65
6 0.215 -0.010342 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.085 2.65 0.000 -0.00
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = -80.99 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 9.02 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 0.88 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pn,Mn) of given neutral axis.

-. Pn = Cc + Ps = 76.05 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 25.83 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 1.88 kN-m.
-. Mn = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 25.90 kN-m.

( ). Compute strength reduction factor.

-. et = 0.01057
-. et_min = 0.00138
-. et_max = 0.00500
-. et > et_max ---> phi =0.900

( ). Compute axial load and moment capacities(phiPn,phiMn).

-. phiPn = phi*Pn = 68.45 kN.
-. phiMn = phi*Mn = 23.31 kN-m.
-. phiMny = phi*Mny = 23.24 kN-m.
-. phiMnz = phi*Mnz = 1.69 kN-m.

( ). Check ratios of axial load and moment capacity.

-. Rat_P = Pu/phiPn = 0.346 < 1.000 ---> O.K.
-. Rat_M = Mc/phiMn = 0.342 < 1.000 ---> O.K.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.192 m.
( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.
( LCB = 5, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 34.64 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.81 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.210 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.250 m.
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-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.052 m^2.

-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 41.25 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 30.93 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 6, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 34.30 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 4.75 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.210 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.250 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.052 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 41.23 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 30.92 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.192 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 5, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 37.29 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.81 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.210 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.250 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.052 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 41.37 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 31.03 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 6, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 36.95 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 4.75 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.210 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.250 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.052 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 41.35 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 31.01 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

*.midas Gen - RC-COLUMN Analysis/Design Program.

*.DESIGN CODE : ACI318-14, *.UNIT SYSTEM : kN, m
(Note. Nonhomogenous equation in the code are written in U.S. Customary units in the report)
*.MEMBER : Member Type = COLUMN , MEMB = 86, LCB = 8, POS = J


Section Type : Rectangular with Ties (RT)
Section Height (HTc) = 3.000 m.
Section Depth (Hc) = 0.350 m.
Section Width (Bc) = 0.350 m.
Concrete Cover to C.O.R. (do) = 0.040 m.
Concrete Strength (fc) = 20684.278 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) = 21525567.059 KPa.
Main Rebar Strength (fy) = 275790.378 KPa.
Ties/Spirals Strength (fys) = 275790.378 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Es) = 199948023.746 KPa.

*.REBAR PATTERN = RT - 12 - 4 - P12 Unit : m.

i dyi dzi Rebar Asi -----
1 -0.135 -0.135 1-P12 0.00011
2 -0.135 -0.045 1-P12 0.00011
3 -0.135 0.045 1-P12 0.00011
4 -0.135 0.135 1-P12 0.00011
5 -0.045 0.135 1-P12 0.00011
6 0.045 0.135 1-P12 0.00011
7 0.135 0.135 1-P12 0.00011
8 0.135 0.045 1-P12 0.00011
9 0.135 -0.045 1-P12 0.00011
10 0.135 -0.135 1-P12 0.00011
11 0.045 -0.135 1-P12 0.00011
12 -0.045 -0.135 1-P12 0.00011


( ). Factored forces/moments caused by unit load case. Unit : kN., m.

*.Load combination ID = 8
Load Case Pu Myi Myj Mzi Mzj
DL 19.63 1.36 -1.54 -0.77 1.19
LL -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DL+LL 19.63 1.36 -1.54 -0.77 1.19
Others -2.06 8.63 -9.92 -0.26 0.31
DL+LL+Others 17.57 9.99 -11.45 -1.03 1.51
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( ). Compute member end moments(M1,M2). Unit : kN-m.
-. For Dead Load(DL).
My1D = 1.36, My2D = 1.54
Mz1D = 0.77, Mz2D = 1.19
-. For Gravity Load(DL+LL).
My1G = 1.36, My2G = 1.54
Mz1G = 0.77, Mz2G = 1.19
-. For Total Load(DL+LL+WL(EL)).
My1 = 9.99, My2 = 11.45
Mz1 = 1.03, Mz2 = 1.51

( ). Check slenderness ratios of BRACED/UNBRACED frame.

-. Slenderness ratio limits.
SRy(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|My1/My2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
SRz(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|Mz1/Mz2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
-. Radii of gyration. ry
= 0.30*Hc = 0.105 m. rz =
0.30*Bc = 0.105 m.
-. Unbraced lengths.
Ly = 3.000 m.
Lz = 3.000 m.
-. Effective length factors.
Ky = 1.000
Kz = 1.000
-. SLENy = Ky*Ly/ry = 28.571 < SRy ---> NOT SLENDER.
-. SLENz = Kz*Lz/rz = 28.571 < SRz ---> NOT SLENDER.

( ). Moment magnification factors for major axis(DBy,DSy).

-. DBy = 1.00 (Default value)
-. DSy = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Moment magnification factors for minor axis(DBz,DSz).

-. DBz = 1.00 (Default value)
-. DSz = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Compute minimum moments(Mmin).

-. emin_y = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Hc = 0.026 m.
-. emin_z = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Bc = 0.026 m.
-. Mmin_y = Pu * emin_y = 0.45 kN-m.
-. Mmin_z = Pu * emin_z = 0.45 kN-m.

( ). Compute magnified moments. (Pos : J, Local-y : Braced, Local-z : Braced).

-. No sidesway moments.
QMb_y = My_G = -1.54 kN-m.
QMb_z = Mz_G = 1.19 kN-m.
-. Sidesway moments.
QMs_y = My_S = -9.92 kN-m.
QMs_z = Mz_S = 0.31 kN-m.
-. Compute magnified moments(Mcy,Mcz).
Mcy(No-Slender) = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = -11.45 kN-m.
Mcz(No-Slender) = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 1.51 kN-m.
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( ). Check total moment including 2nd-order effects.

-. Moments due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-1st = 11.45 kN-m.
Mcz-1st = 1.51 kN-m.
-. Moments due to 2nd-order effects.
Mcy-2nd = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = 11.45 kN-m.
Mcz-2nd = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 1.51 kN-m.
-. Ratio of moment due to 2nd-order effects to moment due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-2nd / Mcy-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
Mcz-2nd / Mcz-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !

( ). Design forces/moments of column(brace).

-. Axial Force (Compression) Pu = 17.57 kN.
-. Combined Bending Moment Mc = 11.55 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-y Mcy = -11.45 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-z Mcz = 1.51 kN-m.
-. Shear Force of Local-y Vuy = 7.09 kN.
-. Shear Force of Local-z Vuz = 7.91 kN.


( ). Compute design parameters.

-. Ag = 0.1225 m^2.
-. Ast = 0.0014 m^2.
-. Rhot = Ast/Ag = 0.011079
-. esu = fy/Es = 0.001379
-. beta1 = 0.8500 ( fc < 4000 psi.)

( ). Check the ratio of reinforcement.

-. Rhomin = 0.010000
-. Rhomax = 0.030000
-. Rhot = 0.011079
Rhomin < Rhot < Rhomax ---> O.K !

( ). Compute eccentricities of biaxially loaded column.

-. Ecny = ABS(Mcz/Pu) = 0.0857 m.
-. Ecnz = ABS(Mcy/Pu) = 0.6519 m.
-. Eccn = ABS(Mc/Pu) = 0.6575 m.
-. Rota = ATAN(Ecny/Ecnz) = 7.4879 deg.
-. Rotation of neutral axis = 5.1480 deg.

( ). Compute concentric axial load capacity.

-. Po = (0.85*fc)*(Ag-Ast) + fy*Ast = 2504.19 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Load : Pomax = 0.8*Po = 2003.35 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Tension : Pt = -fy*Ast = -374.30 kN. -------------------------------
*. Analysis of balanced condition.

( ). Compute capacity of concrete stress block.

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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

-. cb = (0.003/(0.003+esu))*d = 0.231 m.
-. ab = beta1*cb = 0.196 m.
-. Acom = 0.063 m^2. -
. DCcy = 0.005 m.
-. DCcz = 0.084 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 1113.82 kN. -
. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 93.86 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 5.66 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.337 -0.001379 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.135 4.21 -0.135 4.21
2 0.247 -0.000213 -42583.83 1.131e-004 -4.82 -0.045 0.22 -0.135 0.65
3 0.157 0.000953 190622.72 1.131e-004 21.56 0.045 0.97 -0.135 -2.91
4 0.068 0.002120 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.135 4.21 -0.135 -4.21
5 0.060 0.002225 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.135 4.21 -0.045 -1.40
6 0.052 0.002330 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.135 4.21 0.045 1.40
7 0.043 0.002435 275790.38 1.131e-004 31.19 0.135 4.21 0.135 4.21
8 0.133 0.001269 253652.43 1.131e-004 28.69 0.045 1.29 0.135 3.87
9 0.223 0.000102 20445.89 1.131e-004 2.31 -0.045 -0.10 0.135 0.31
10 0.312 -0.001064 -212760.66 1.131e-004 -24.06 -0.135 3.25 0.135 -3.25
11 0.320 -0.001169 -233770.56 1.131e-004 -26.44 -0.135 3.57 0.045 -1.19
12 0.328 -0.001274 -254780.47 1.131e-004 -28.82 -0.135 3.89 -0.045 1.30
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = 62.00 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 34.14 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 2.99 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pb,Mb) of Balanced Condition.

-. Pb = Cc + Ps = 1175.82 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 128.00 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 8.65 kN-m.
-. Mb = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 128.29 kN-m.

( ). Compare actual eccentricity with balanced eccentricity.

-. Balanced eccentricity : eb = Mb/Pb = 0.109 m.
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-. Minimum eccentricity : Emin (not defined) = 0.000 m.

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-. Actual eccentricity : Eccn = Mu/Pu = 0.658 m.

-. eb < Eccn ---> Tension controls.

( ). Search for neutral axis...... Unit : kN., m.

Trial c Pn Mn Ecn Eccn Ratio
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
1-st 0.068 60.18 63.98 1.063 0.658 61.84
2-nd 0.074 112.94 70.83 0.627 0.658 95.16
3-rd 0.071 86.99 67.48 0.776 0.658 84.75
4-th 0.073 100.06 69.18 0.691 0.658 95.11
5-th 0.074 106.53 70.01 0.657 0.658 99.95

*. Final analysis with searched neutral axis.

( ). Compute capacity of compression stress block.

-. a = beta1*c = 0.063 m. -
. Acom = 0.016 m^2.
-. DCcy = 0.020 m.
-. DCcz = 0.151 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 289.49 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 43.60 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 5.66 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.337 -0.010719 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.135 4.21 -0.135 4.21
2 0.247 -0.007066 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.045 1.40 -0.135 4.21
3 0.157 -0.003412 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 0.045 -1.40 -0.135 4.21
4 0.068 0.000242 48426.24 1.131e-004 5.48 0.135 0.74 -0.135 -0.74
5 0.060 0.000571 114245.91 1.131e-004 12.92 0.135 1.74 -0.045 -0.58
6 0.052 0.000901 180065.58 1.131e-004 20.37 0.135 2.75 0.045 0.92
7 0.043 0.001230 245885.25 1.131e-004 27.81 0.135 3.75 0.135 3.75
8 0.133 -0.002424 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 0.045 -1.40 0.135 -4.21
9 0.223 -0.006078 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.045 1.40 0.135 -4.21
10 0.312 -0.009732 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.135 4.21 0.135 -4.21
11 0.320 -0.010061 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.135 4.21 0.045 -1.40
12 0.328 -0.010390 -275790.38 1.131e-004 -31.19 -0.135 4.21 -0.045 1.40
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = -182.96 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 25.83 kN-m.
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-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 3.35 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pn,Mn) of given neutral axis.

-. Pn = Cc + Ps = 106.53 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 69.43 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 9.01 kN-m.
-. Mn = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 70.01 kN-m.

( ). Compute strength reduction factor.

-. et = 0.01072
-. et_min = 0.00138
-. et_max = 0.00500
-. et > et_max ---> phi =0.900
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
( ). Compute axial load and moment capacities(phiPn,phiMn).
-. phiPn = phi*Pn = 95.87 kN.
-. phiMn = phi*Mn = 63.01 kN-m.
-. phiMny = phi*Mny = 62.48 kN-m.
-. phiMnz = phi*Mnz = 8.11 kN-m.

( ). Check ratios of axial load and moment capacity.

-. Rat_P = Pu/phiPn = 0.183 < 1.000 ---> O.K.
-. Rat_M = Mc/phiMn = 0.183 < 1.000 ---> O.K.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.192 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 3, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 34.91 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 7.91 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.108 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 83.64 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 62.73 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 4, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 35.26 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 7.09 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.108 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 83.66 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 62.74 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.192 m.
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 3, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 40.11 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 7.91 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.108 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 83.89 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 62.92 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 4, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 40.46 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 7.09 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.108 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 83.91 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 62.93 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.
*.midas Gen - RC-COLUMN Analysis/Design Program.

*.DESIGN CODE : ACI318-14, *.UNIT SYSTEM : kN, m
(Note. Nonhomogenous equation in the code are written in U.S. Customary units in the report)
*.MEMBER : Member Type = COLUMN , MEMB = 92, LCB = 8, POS = J


Section Type : Rectangular with Ties (RT)
Section Height (HTc) = 3.000 m.
Section Depth (Hc) = 0.350 m.
Section Width (Bc) = 0.200 m.
Concrete Cover to C.O.R. (do) = 0.040 m.
Concrete Strength (fc) = 20684.278 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Ec) = 21525567.059 KPa.
Main Rebar Strength (fy) = 275790.378 KPa.
Ties/Spirals Strength (fys) = 275790.378 KPa.
Modulus of Elasticity (Es) = 199948023.746 KPa.

*.REBAR PATTERN = RT - 4 - 2 - P16 Unit : m.

i dyi dzi Rebar Asi -----
1 -0.060 -0.135 1-P16 0.00020
2 -0.060 0.135 1-P16 0.00020
3 0.060 0.135 1-P16 0.00020
4 0.060 -0.135 1-P16 0.00020 ------------------------------------------------
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]


( ). Factored forces/moments caused by unit load case. Unit : kN., m.

*.Load combination ID = 8
Load Case Pu Myi Myj Mzi Mzj
DL 6.96 0.64 -0.61 0.52 -0.40
LL -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DL+LL 6.96 0.64 -0.61 0.52 -0.40
Others 0.69 4.87 -5.97 5.89e-003 0.02
DL+LL+Others 7.65 5.51 -6.59 0.53 -0.37

( ). Compute member end moments(M1,M2). Unit : kN-m.

-. For Dead Load(DL).
My1D = 0.61, My2D = 0.64
Mz1D = 0.40, Mz2D = 0.52
-. For Gravity Load(DL+LL).
My1G = 0.61, My2G = 0.64
Mz1G = 0.40, Mz2G = 0.52
-. For Total Load(DL+LL+WL(EL)).
My1 = 5.51, My2 = 6.59
Mz1 = 0.37, Mz2 = 0.53

( ). Check slenderness ratios of BRACED/UNBRACED frame.

-. Slenderness ratio limits.
SRy(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|My1/My2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
SRz(Braced) = 34 + 12*MIN(|Mz1/Mz2|,0.5) = 40.000 (Reverse curvature)
-. Radii of gyration.
ry = 0.30*Hc = 0.105 m.
rz = 0.30*Bc = 0.060 m.
-. Unbraced lengths.
Ly = 3.000 m.
Lz = 3.000 m.
-. Effective length factors.
Ky = 1.000
Kz = 1.000
-. SLENy = Ky*Ly/ry = 28.571 < SRy ---> NOT SLENDER.
-. SLENz = Kz*Lz/rz = 50.000 > SRz ---> SLENDER.

( ). Moment magnification factors for major axis(DBy,DSy).

-. DBy = 1.00 (Default value)
-. DSy = 1.00 (Default value)
( ). Compute moment magnification factors for minor axis(DBz,DSz).
-. Ec = 57000*SQRT[fc] = 2.1526e+007 KPa. -
. Rzz = Hc*Bc^3/12 = 0.0002 m^4.
-. Rse = 2.9081e-006 m^4.
-. Betadz = Pu_D/Pu_G = 1.0000
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

-. EIz = (0.2*Ec*Rzz+Es*Rse)/(1+Betadz) = 793.0009 (by lb, in).

-. Pu = Pu_G + Pu_S = 7.65 kN.
-. Reverse Curvature Bending.
-. Cmz = 0.85 (Default or User defined value)
-. Pcz = (pi^2*EIz)/(Kz*Lz)^2 = 869.62 kN.
-. DBz = Cmz/(1-Pu/(0.75*Pcz)) = 0.86
-. DBz < 1.0 ---> DBz = 1.00
-. DSz = 1.00 (Default value)

( ). Compute minimum moments(Mmin).

-. emin_y = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Hc = 0.026 m.
-. emin_z = 0.6 in. + 0.03*Bc = 0.021 m.
-. Mmin_y = Pu * emin_y = 0.20 kN-m.
-. Mmin_z = Pu * emin_z = 0.16 kN-m.

( ). Compute magnified moments. (Pos : J, Local-y : Braced, Local-z : Braced).

-. No sidesway moments.
QMb_y = My_G = -0.61 kN-m.
QMb_z = Mz_G = -0.40 kN-m.
-. Sidesway moments.
QMs_y = My_S = -5.97 kN-m.
QMs_z = Mz_S = 0.02 kN-m.
-. Compute magnified moments(Mcy,Mcz).
Mcy(No-Slender) = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = -6.59 kN-m.
Mcz(Slender) = DBz*MAX(Mmin_z, QMb_z+QMs_z) = 0.37 kN-m.

( ). Check total moment including 2nd-order effects.

-. Moments due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-1st = 6.59 kN-m.
Mcz-1st = 0.37 kN-m.
-. Moments due to 2nd-order effects.
Mcy-2nd = DBy*(QMb_y + QMs_y) = 6.59 kN-m.
Mcz-2nd = DBz*(QMb_z + QMs_z) = 0.37 kN-m.
-. Ratio of moment due to 2nd-order effects to moment due to 1st-order effects.
Mcy-2nd / Mcy-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !
Mcz-2nd / Mcz-1st = 1.0000 <= 1.4 ---> O.K !

( ). Design forces/moments of column(brace).

-. Axial Force (Compression) Pu = 7.65 kN.
-. Combined Bending Moment Mc = 6.60 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-y Mcy = -6.59 kN-m.
-. Bending Moment about Local-z Mcz = 0.37 kN-m.
-. Shear Force of Local-y Vuy = 1.86 kN.
-. Shear Force of Local-z Vuz = 4.30 kN.
=============================================================================== [[[*]]] ANALYZE

( ). Compute design parameters.

-. Ag = 0.0700 m^2.
-. Ast = 0.0008 m^2.
-. Rhot = Ast/Ag = 0.011489
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

-. esu = fy/Es = 0.001379

-. beta1 = 0.8500 ( fc < 4000 psi.)

( ). Check the ratio of reinforcement.

-. Rhomin = 0.010000
-. Rhomax = 0.030000
-. Rhot = 0.011489
Rhomin < Rhot < Rhomax ---> O.K !

( ). Compute eccentricities of biaxially loaded column.

-. Ecny = ABS(Mcz/Pu) = 0.0488 m.
-. Ecnz = ABS(Mcy/Pu) = 0.8606 m.
-. Eccn = ABS(Mc/Pu) = 0.8620 m.
-. Rota = ATAN(Ecny/Ecnz) = 3.2486 deg.
-. Rotation of neutral axis = 4.6041 deg.

( ). Compute concentric axial load capacity.

-. Po = (0.85*fc)*(Ag-Ast) + fy*Ast = 1438.38 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Load : Pomax = 0.8*Po = 1150.70 kN.
-. Maximum Axial Tension : Pt = -fy*Ast = -221.80 kN.

*. Analysis of balanced condition.

( ). Compute capacity of concrete stress block.

-. cb = (0.003/(0.003+esu))*d = 0.220 m.
-. ab = beta1*cb = 0.187 m.
-. Acom = 0.036 m^2. -
. DCcy = 0.001 m.
-. DCcz = 0.085 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 632.79 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 53.76 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 0.94 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
1 0.322 -0.001379 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 -0.135 7.49 -0.060 3.33
2 0.053 0.002283 275790.38 2.011e-004 55.45 0.135 7.49 -0.060 -3.33
3 0.043 0.002414 275790.38 2.011e-004 55.45 0.135 7.49 0.060 3.33
4 0.312 -0.001248 -249583.79 2.011e-004 -50.18 -0.135 6.77 0.060 -3.01 ------
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]

( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = 5.27 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 29.23 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 0.32 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pb,Mb) of Balanced Condition.

-. Pb = Cc + Ps = 638.06 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 82.99 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 1.26 kN-m.
-. Mb = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 83.00 kN-m.

( ). Compare actual eccentricity with balanced eccentricity.

-. Balanced eccentricity : eb = Mb/Pb = 0.130 m.
-. Minimum eccentricity : Emin (not defined) = 0.000 m.
-. Actual eccentricity : Eccn = Mu/Pu = 0.862 m.
-. eb < Eccn ---> Tension controls.

( ). Search for neutral axis...... Unit : kN., m.

Trial c Pn Mn Ecn Eccn Ratio
1-st 0.065 119.23 48.76 0.409 0.862 -10.78
2-nd 0.059 82.35 43.88 0.533 0.862 38.22
3-rd 0.056 62.39 41.20 0.660 0.862 69.46
4-th 0.054 51.95 39.79 0.766 0.862 87.45
5-th 0.054 46.60 39.06 0.838 0.862 97.16
6-th 0.053 43.90 38.70 0.881 0.862 97.79

*. Final analysis with searched neutral axis.

( ). Compute capacity of compression stress block.

-. a = beta1*c = 0.045 m. -
. Acom = 0.007 m^2.
-. DCcy = 0.007 m.
-. DCcz = 0.156 m.
-. Cc = 0.85*fc*Acom = 131.02 kN.
-. MnCy = Cc*DCcz = 20.45 kN-m.
-. MnCz = Cc*DCcy = 0.94 kN-m.

( ). Compute capacity of reinforcement.

i dsi esi fsi Asi Fsi dzi MnPyi dyi MnPzi
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1 0.322 -0.015171 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 -0.135 7.49 -0.060 3.33
2 0.053 0.000024 4775.56 2.011e-004 0.96 0.135 0.13 -0.060 -0.06
3 0.043 0.000568 113511.27 2.011e-004 22.82 0.135 3.08 0.060 1.37
4 0.312 -0.014627 -275790.38 2.011e-004 -55.45 -0.135 7.49 0.060 -3.33
RC Column Design Result


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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
di = Distance from the section's neutral axis to the i-th reinforcement ( m.)
esi = Strain in the i-th reinforcement
fsi = Stress in the i-th reinforcement ( KPa.)
Asi = Cross-section area of the i-th reinforcement ( m^2.)
Fsi = Tensile strength of the i-th reinforcement ( kN.)
dzi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local z-axis
( m.)
dyi = Distance from the center of the section to the i-th reinforcement in the element local y-axis
( m.)
M_nPyi = Flexural strength about the element local y-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
M_nPzi = Flexural strength about the element local z-axes in the i-th reinforcement ( kN-m.)
-. Ps = SUM [ Fsi ] = -87.12 kN.
-. MnPy = SUM [ MnPyi ] = 18.18 kN-m.
-. MnPz = SUM [ MnPzi ] = 1.31 kN-m.

( ). Compute nominal capacity(Pn,Mn) of given neutral axis.

-. Pn = Cc + Ps = 43.90 kN. -.
Mny = MnCy + MnPy = 38.63 kN-m.
-. Mnz = MnCz + MnPz = 2.26 kN-m.
-. Mn = SQRT(Mny^2+Mnz^2) = 38.70 kN-m.

( ). Compute strength reduction factor.

-. et = 0.01517
-. et_min = 0.00138
-. et_max = 0.00500
-. et > et_max ---> phi =0.900

( ). Compute axial load and moment capacities(phiPn,phiMn).

-. phiPn = phi*Pn = 39.51 kN.
-. phiMn = phi*Mn = 34.83 kN-m.
-. phiMny = phi*Mny = 34.77 kN-m.
-. phiMnz = phi*Mnz = 2.03 kN-m.

( ). Check ratios of axial load and moment capacity.

-. Rat_P = Pu/phiPn = 0.194 < 1.000 ---> O.K.
-. Rat_M = Mc/phiMn = 0.189 < 1.000 ---> O.K.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.200 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 3, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 11.82 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.30 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.310 m.
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-. Bw = Bc = 0.200 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.062 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 47.40 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 35.55 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.
RC Column Design Result


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- RC-Column Design [ ACI318-14 ]
( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.
( LCB = 6, POS = J )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 15.26 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 1.86 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.160 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.056 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 42.96 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 32.22 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.


( ). Compute maximum spacing of ties.

-. smax = MIN[ 16*Dbar, 48*Dstir, Hc, Bc ] = 0.200 m.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-z direction.

( LCB = 3, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 14.79 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuz = 4.30 kN.
-. d = Hc-do = 0.310 m.
-. Bw = Bc = 0.200 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.062 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 47.55 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 35.66 kN.
-. Vuz < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

( ). Compute concrete shear strength in local-y direction.

( LCB = 6, POS = 1/2 )
-. Applied axial force : Pu = 18.23 kN.
-. Applied shear force : Vuy = 1.86 kN.
-. d = Bc-do = 0.160 m.
-. Bw = Hc = 0.350 m.
-. Acv = Bw*d = 0.056 m^2.
-. Vc = 2*(1+Pu/(2000*Ag))*SQRT(fc)*Acv = 43.09 kN.
-. phi = 0.75
-. phiVc = phi*Vc = 32.32 kN.
-. Vuy < phiVc/2 ---> Shear reinforcement is not required.

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