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UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

© UNDRR 2022. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

UNDRR (2022) “Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context
of Climate Change”, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

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United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
7bis Avenue de la Paix
CH1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

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2 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH developed this guidance, with support from the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It was realized with contributions
from key consultants from Eurac Research and UNDRR by means of desktop reviews, discussions
with international experts, interviews, case studies, a survey, consultations with members from the
Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management and an expert feedback workshop.

This guidance is also a key contribution to the Plan of Action of the Technical Expert Group on
Comprehensive Risk Management of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
associated with Climate Change Impacts.

The development of this guidance would not have been possible without contributions from partners,
colleagues and practitioners from all over the world, who shared existing challenges and good
practices. UNDRR and GIZ would like to warmly acknowledge and thank everyone who made this
possible, in particular:

Responsible project team: Animesh Kumar Key informant interviewees and case study
and Donna Mitzi Lagdameo (UNDRR); informants: Mareike Bentfeld (Global
David Stevens and Zinta Zommers Initiative on Disaster Risk Management
(formerly UNDRR); Manuel Friedlein, Arne programme, GIZ); Colin McQuistan
Brandschwede, Nicola Hanke and Solveig (Practical Action, United Kingdom of Great
Schindler (GIZ); and the final review by Britain and Northern Ireland); Orlando
Ricardo Mena and Loretta Hieber Girardet Chuquisengo Vásquez, Miguel Arestegui
(UNDRR). and Miluska Ordoñez (Practical Action,
Peru); Vanessa Vaessen (GIZ); Maminiaina
Consultants: Marc Zebisch, Massimiliano Rolland Randrianarivelo (GIZ); Pradip
Pittore, Kathrin Renner and Rachel Woolfe Khatiwada and Reena Bajracharya (Youth
(Eurac Research); and Alicia Natalia Innovation Lab); K.S. Kavi Kumar (Madras
Zamudio and Janak Pathak (UNDRR). School of Economics); Chandra Sekhar
Bahinipati (Indian Institute of Technology
Advisory group members: Paul Desanker Tirupati); and Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc (GIZ).
(United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change); Reinhard Mechler Governmental and non-governmental

(International Institute for Applied Systems experts who took part in the online survey.
Analysis); Adelle Thomas (Climate
Analytics); and Maarten van Aalst (Red Participants of the feedback expert
Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre). workshop held on 4 March 2021.

UNDRR would also like to thank its core funding partners, without whom UNDRR’s crucial work in
accelerating global efforts in disaster risk reduction to ensure a safer, more sustainable future for all,
would not be possible.

3 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Climate change is increasing the magnitude, frequency, duration and severity of climate-related
hazards. It has become a major driver of disaster losses and development achievement setbacks.

Climate and disaster risks arise due to compounding and cascading hazards and impacts, leading to
complex and interconnected adverse consequences for various ecological and human systems. At the
same time, other underlying risk drivers such as poverty, demographic development, land degradation
or conflicts are aggravating exposure and vulnerability to climate-related hazards. Therefore, risk
assessment and management in the context of climate change requires a comprehensive, systemic
perspective on risk and its underlying drivers due to the complex and partly systemic nature of climate-
related risks.

The Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate
Change provides orientation on how risks in the context of climate change can be comprehensively
and systemically addressed through risk assessment. Decision-making, planning, and integrating
disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) perspectives and approaches while
simultaneously linking to other goals and targets (e.g. the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)) are
also discussed. The guidance deepens understanding and supports implementation of comprehensive
risk management laid out by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
with a 2019 conceptual brochure, Comprehensive Climate Risk Management, and in line with the
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Global Assessment Report on Disaster
Risk Reduction 2019.

The guidance targets experts, decision makers, stakeholders and practitioners operating in the
fields of DRR and CCA. It provides a framework and inspiration on how to apply comprehensive risk
assessment and planning. The use and application of this guidance can be made context specific and
customized, based on country realities.

The guidance acknowledges that risks in the context of climate change are complex and systemic
due to non-linear interactions among system components and the need for improved risk governance.
The understanding of complex risks is thus a priority. The guidance is part of the Plan of Action of
the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management and was jointly committed to by
expert group members (Climate Analytics, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and UNDRR) and a non-member
(GIZ). As a federally owned enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives
in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.

This guidance was jointly developed by The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with support by the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

4 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change



The dynamic interaction among hazards, vulnerability, exposure and underlying risk drivers
when assessing risk and seeking solutions (risk reduction and adaptation)

CRA as a foundation and integral part of the overall risk management process

A common understanding of the broad risk perspective and of the value added of bringing
closer together DRR and CCA communities of practices, including a mind shift towards
prevention and preparedness

Risk as a value-based concept



Climate change as an underlying risk driver that modifies climate-related hazards, and also
vulnerability and exposure, today and in the future

The full spectrum of climate-related hazards (extreme events and slow-onset processes
and trends), as well as their interaction with and implications on non-climatic hazards

Current climate risk as well as future climate risk, insofar as they are relevant to their
respective sectors and systems and the decision-making and planning process to ensure
adaptive planning and dealing with different timescales



Effects of multiple hazards, compound events, cascading hazards, impacts and risks, as
well as linkages among risks across sectors, with the objective of understanding how these
cascades could be interrupted by risk reduction measures

Risks to a wide range of interrelated human and ecological subsystems (including

ecosystems and other natural systems, physical assets, humans and livelihoods, and
societal sectors)

The “non-quantifiability” and high uncertainty in understanding important parts of complex

risks, which require the application of hybrid, qualitative and participative methods for risk
assessment and flexible approaches for risk management towards more resilient systems


Engaging and partnering with multiple stakeholders, adopting a whole-of-government and

whole-of-society approach (public, private, communities, knowledge centres, media, etc.),
and strengthening the involvement of decision makers and populations at risk in order to
increase buy-in and facilitate implementation

5 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

A wide portfolio and combination of risk reduction and risk management measures (DRR,
CCA, etc.), engaging various sectors and systems, to address multiple and context-specific

Diverse information and knowledge sources by including at risk population


Evaluate risks according to their tolerability to spur action

Inform the identification and selection of appropriate risk reduction and risk management



The role of ecosystems and their services: as part of the risk (climate impacts on ecosystem
and their services cause risks for human systems, degradation of ecosystem services
increases vulnerability to climate risks)

The approach to be adaptable to different spatial scales, including transboundary as part of

the solution


Synergies and trade-offs across multiple levels, linking local realities with national and
international processes

A wide range of planning instruments, “game-changers” such as financial instruments and

their timing



A combination of diverse information sources, methods and knowledge to include scientific,

traditional, local and indigenous knowledge, facilitating knowledge co-creation processes
and designing measures

Gaps in and needs for climate information and services (CISs) and strengthening them

To keep the end users in mind throughout the assessment and integration process, tailoring
risk information

The potential of behaviour change and individual responsibility


Adaptive management and planning based on robust MEL frameworks, feeding into an
iterative and dynamic process to allow adjustments to planning and implementation

The value added of the overall process itself as a way to help fill capacity gaps, improve
information sharing and coordination mechanisms

6 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The guidance proposes a comprehensive risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making
framework (see figure  1) based on 10 key and planning can be linked to this framework.
principles (see box). The framework is centred Risk for the current state and for potential future
around risk (1, in figure  1). Risk is the potential states (6) is assessed in a comprehensive risk
for adverse consequences for human or assessment (7). Explicit objectives, goals and
ecological systems triggered by climate-related values are the target system against which risks
hazards in combination with other hazards (2), are assessed (defining context, objectives and
leading to cascading potential impacts. Risk is risk criteria for a risk assessment) (8). The risk
determined by exposure (3) and vulnerability (4) assessment is co-designed and implemented
factors in addition to hazards. Climate change within the context of risk-informed decision-
and other underlying risk drivers (5) are already making and planning and focuses on identifying
altering hazards, vulnerability and exposure. Risk and integrating risk reduction measures (9).
Figure 1. Framework for comprehensive risk assessment and planning in the context of climate

6 Current state                     Potential future

Climate change as underlying risk driver
Hazards 5
Other hazards
Other (geological, Other
underlying environmental, underlying
Including slow-onset
risk drivers biological, chemical, risk drivers
processes and trends
technical, societal)

3 4
• Ecosystems POTENTIAL • Susceptibility
• Physical assets IMPACTS • Lack of capacity to prepare,
• People and livelihoods prevent, cope or adapt
• Sectors and
1 CONSEQUENCES FOR HUMAN OR Socioecological systems
Decision-making space
(Defining context, objectives Risk prioritization, urgency to act
and risk criteria)

Understanding risk and entry

points for DRR and CCA
• Safeguard human lives
and livelihoods Identify and revise measures Prioritize measures
• Sustainable Development Monitoring, evaluation
Goals Implement measures
8 and learning 9
• Other existing goals and Integration
strategies Existing policy New strategies and
and planning framework planning instruments
Objectives, goals, values Risk-informed decision-making and planning

7 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

The guidance provides specific recommendations the existing policy and planning framework.
on how to comprehensively assess risks and Risk identification aims to identify relevant risks
reduce and/or address them through planning starting from existing knowledge and expert
in the context of climate change. It follows the input. In risk analysis, the risk components
general workflow for risk assessments from (hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities) and
International Organization for Standardization their interlinkages, resulting cascading impacts
standard 31000 with its main phases of scoping, and the potential for adverse consequences
risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation for selected human or ecological systems are
(see figure 2). explored and analysed using quantitative and
qualitative methods. Risk levels are assigned
A good scoping phase means to design a risk (e.g. from very low to very high). Risk evaluation
assessment in such a way that it supports then identifies urgent actions and risk reduction
decision-making and planning by taking into measures based on the levels of risk tolerability
account existing objectives, goals, values, and defined by the communities and key stakeholders.
Figure 2. Phases of a risk assessment according to ISO 31000 and the relationship with risk-
informed decision-making and planning



Understanding risk Risk prioritization,
(Defining context, objectives
entry points for DRR and CCA urgency to act
and risk criteria)


To comprehensively analyse complex risks, A comprehensive risk assessment should be as

a structured conceptualization with so-called spatially explicit as possible by mapping hazard,
“impact chains” is recommended. Impact chains exposure and vulnerability components, as well as
are conceptual systemic models that follow the resulting impacts and risk to spatial systems
the comprehensive risk framework for specific such as administrative units or ecozones.
climate risks in a given context. Impact chains
are co-developed in an inclusive and participatory To analyse climate-related hazards (extreme
approach with experts and stakeholders and weather events, slow-onset processes and
serve as the backbone for a risk assessment. trends), their relationships with other non-climate-
They are structured along the core elements of related hazards should be considered (see
risks (hazard, exposure and vulnerability), and figure 3). Slow-onset processes or trends due
include representations of multiple hazards and to the changing climate (such as sea-level rise
cascading impacts through different exposed or increasing aridity) are hazards in themselves
subsystems. Impact chains can also serve as a but are also leading to changing and often
basis for discussion on potential risk reduction increasing magnitude, duration or frequency of
measures early in the risk assessment process extreme weather events. Non-climate-related
by pointing to vulnerabilities, adaptation gaps hazards such as earthquake-induced landslides,
and risk mechanisms. land degradation or pandemics can be triggered
by climate-related hazards, occur as compound

8 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
events or act as underlying risk drivers that past observations are falling short in the context
increase vulnerability to climate-related hazards. of climate change. Options discussed are the
Analysing extreme events, together with slow- introduction of climate impact-related thresholds
onset processes and trends in the context and the more-qualitative concept of severity to
of climate change, brings methodological compare different types of hazards and their
challenges. Probabilistic approaches with a impacts.
focus on events and their statistics based on
Figure 3. Key hazards and their relationship that could be considered within a comprehensive risk


Extreme Weather Events  Hours Days Month Rapid Onset Events
Extreme heat
GEOLOGICAL Construction /
DRY Droughts Earthquakes Structural failure
Extreme precipitation triggering Landslides / Infrastructure
WET Tsunami failure (dam failure,
River floods
Tornados power outage, …)
Tropical storms
SNOW AND ICE Snowstorms
Underlying Risk Driver

COASTAL / Storm surges Pest and diseases

OCEANIC Ocean heatwave (crops)
Invasive species
changing magnitude, duration or frequency Infectious diseases
(human /animal)
Slow Onset Processes (trends) Decades shocks
Marine toxins, Algal
HEAT Increasing temperature bloom


Loss of ecosystems and biodiversity
Compound event

WET Deforestation
more variable precipitation
Decreasing glaciers, Soil degradation, Desertification,
SNOW AND ICE Salinisation
snow cover, permafrost 
Rising sea level, Disturbance (wild-fires, forest dieback,
COASTAL / eutrophication)
Ocean warming
Acidification Slow Onset Processes (trends)

When analysing exposure, the guidance in population, socioeconomic development and

recommends considering a sequence of exposed environmental factors. The underlying risk drivers
systems (e.g. ecosystems, infrastructure, human affect exposure and can possibly contribute to an
lives and livelihoods, and social sectors) to model increase of climate-related risk even more than a
and understand the cascading impacts from single hazard.
natural systems to the society (figure 4). This
means widening the perspective of approaches Analysing vulnerability should include all relevant
that focus mainly on human lives and physical environmental, physical, technical, social, cultural,
assets. Exposure is a highly dynamic risk factor economic, institutional or policy-related factors
that requires the consideration of current trends that contribute to susceptibility and/or lack of

9 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
capacity to prepare, prevent, cope or adapt. depend significantly on the complexity of the
Understanding vulnerability is a key element in selected risks and the resources available (e.g.
analysing entry points for adaptation and risk data, models, knowledge, experts and time
reduction options. As for exposure, underlying available). Risk assessments for complex risks
risk drivers such as land degradation, poverty or are often based on hybrid approaches that
conflicts may affect vulnerability today or in the describe hazards, exposure and vulnerability with
future, to an extent that could possibly contribute a mix of quantitative, spatially explicit models,
to an increase of climate-related risk even more semi-quantitative, proxy-based indicators
than the single hazard. and qualitative information in narrative form.
Compared to single risk assessment approaches,
How to model or analyse potential cascading methods cannot be as quantitative and have to
impacts as a result of the interrelation of consider more elements, value-based decisions
hazards, exposure and vulnerability and how and qualitative conclusions.
to describe the resulting potential for adverse
consequences on human or ecological systems
Figure 4. Example of an impact chain that conceptualizes risks to farmers and the agricultural

Climate change as underlying risk driver

Exposure Hazards Vulnerability

Natural, physical Increasing Heavy rain
Droughts Lack of early warning system
and human temperatures events for agro-meteorological
Ecosystems Potential Impacts
High susceptibility for new
Soil water pests and diseases (crop
Grasslands, arable deficit types, vicinity to major trans-
lands port routes)
More and new pests
and diseases High susceptibility of soil for
drought (soil type, ground-
Grassland and Crop Soil erosion and land water)
Agricultural sector damage degradation
High susceptibility for
Crop failure, decrease Degradation and loss mudflows and soil erosion
SDG Target 2.4 in yield of agricultural land (terrain, soil)
food production Low drought resistance of
systems RISK crops
Risk to farmers and the agricultural sector
of yield losses and land degradation as a Lack of knowledge on
Other underlying risk consequence of  increasing temperatures, drought and pest manage-
drivers (including droughts and heavy rain events ment and adaptation options
Risk to SDG Target 2.4: sustainable food Lack of or efficient irrigation
production systems system
fromgrassland to
arable land even in
Other underlying risk drivers (including external) Missing availability of insur-
unsuitable locations
ances schemes
due to population Decades of missing
Land degradation due
increase maintenance of exist-
to overgrazing Susceptibility
ing irrigation systems
More farms and
farmers due to pop- Deforestation in up- Missing trust in Lack of capacity
ulation increase stream region official institutions

10 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Risk assessments in the context of climate change Although the concept is still underdeveloped in
are subject to a high degree of uncertainty due to climate risk assessments, this guidance includes
the complexity and the systemic nature of risks and risk evaluation to guide the identification of
the uncertainties of future scenarios. A qualitative urgent actions based on the tolerability of risks –
assessment of sources of uncertainty and the acceptable, tolerable and intolerable. How a risk
confidence of main statements is recommended. evaluation supports the identification of potential
measures is also discussed (see figure 5).
The final step of the risk analysis is to assess
the risk by assigning risk levels (e.g. from very Results can be presented in a comprehensive risk
low to very high). This assessment is a value- report that addresses the risks from different hazard
based process that needs an agreed and value- types as well to human and ecological systems.
based target system and for which stakeholders The report and other dissemination activities
from different target groups should be involved, should be co-designed with the stakeholders that
ensuring an inclusive and participatory approach. operate the systems and sectors for which the risk
Multiple risks can be compared across sectors, assessment has been implemented, together with
systems, spatial units or timescales. vulnerable people at risk.
Figure 5. Pragmatic approach for the finalization of a CRA

Risk identification and analysis

 Body of information and knowledge
• Studies on climate • Climate data • Information on other
impact and risks • Climate scenarios underlying risk drivers
• Studies on disaster risk • Data on other hazards

• Event databases VULNERABILITY
• Data on population, Data on losses and damages • Data on vulnerability
Land use, assets
• Impact models, Risk models • Reports and studies
• Reports and studies
Indicators • Expert knowledge
• Expert knowledge
• Expert assessment

Final steps of risk analysis; Risk evaluation

 Outcomes of the risk assessment

Description (quantitative and/or qualitative) of the potential

for adverse consequences for human or ecological systems
and their spatial and temporal dimension  understanding risk
Expert elicitation Participatory approaches risk entry points
for DRR and CCA

Criteria based assessment of risk level

Conclusions on links between risks and multi-risk hotspots
Conclusions on entry points for risk reduction
Value- based Risk prioritization,
risk criteria Expert elicitation Participatory approaches urgency to act

Risk Evaluation: risk tolerance, demand for action


11 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

While a risk assessment helps to understand reduces losses and saves lives. It also generates
the nature of risks, the integration of risk economic and development co-benefits.
assessment results into decision-making and
planning processes is needed to address the Inclusive risk governance systems and institutional
risks. This gives decision makers and planners arrangements are at the core of comprehensive
the opportunity to take the assessed risks into risk management. Institutional arrangements
consideration in choosing and prioritizing actions with clear roles and responsibilities are needed
towards reducing risks and adapting to changes. to enable collaboration among a broad range of
They can then make the necessary adjustments stakeholders, including marginalized and at-risk
to policies, plans, programmes and financial populations. Defining modalities early on for how
instruments, in order to implement these actions to engage with risk assessment teams during the
and increase overall resilience. However, despite planning process and adopting gender-sensitive
growing knowledge on the urgency of the climate planning approaches help to ensure risk results
emergency, translating this knowledge to redirect are usable and tailored to the needs of end users,
resources and change behaviours is not yet including decision makers.
happening on a wide scale. Limited resources,
time and capacities, different approaches and Planning across multiple temporal and spatial
terminology used by scientists and decision scales is important to comprehensively manage
makers, a culture of working in siloes and a lack of risks. This will help to identify actions in the
political will are all posing significant challenges. short, medium and long terms to account
for present and future risks. Calibrating the
The guidance provides recommendations on how risk assessment scope and the type of risk
existing good practices and models, based on the information needed, such as climate forecasts
10 underlying principles for a comprehensive risk and projections, according to the needs of the
approach, can help overcome some of the common specific policy and planning processes, is a step
challenges for risk-informed decision-making and in that direction. Other steps include combining
planning in the context of climate change. climate and development scenarios, diversifying
information sources, considering low- or no-
By putting risk to human and ecological regret options applicable across spatial scales,
systems at the centre of comprehensive risk and strengthening capacities to use and act
management, the comprehensive assessment, based on forecasts, thus helping to overcome
calibrated and designed based on the policy data and information gaps.
and planning objectives, provides the necessary
base to identify risk reduction and adaptation Addressing the systemic nature of risks in
measures, aiming to reduce vulnerability and the context of climate change, which can
strengthen resilience to multiple shocks. This lead to cascading crises, requires a holistic
broad risk perspective demands a widening of understanding of the interconnected, complex
responsibility for action across all of society, and non-linear cause–effect relationships within
helping to break long-standing siloes in planning a system, to identify appropriate responses. This
processes. While there is growing convergence is facilitated by reviewing how past disasters
around this risk perspective, a mind shift from have unfolded and how they were handled
response and recovery towards prevention to inform future planning exercises, shifting
and preparedness (or averting and minimizing from single-hazard to multi-hazard and system
risks), more closely linking the DRR and CCA perspectives, and identifying measures based
communities of practice, is still needed. Evidence on multidisciplinary and inclusive approaches.
shows investing in risk prevention is less costly, It is also important to prioritize measures that

12 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
can avert, minimize and address cascading 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
impacts as early as possible in the impact Local realities need to be better linked with
chains, applying them from a wide portfolio of national and international processes and vice
good practices and blended approaches. These versa, combining bottom-up and top-down
can include strategies from the fields of DRR, approaches, and fostering vertical and horizontal
adaptation planning, ecosystem management, risk integration.
nature-based solutions and social protection.
Moreover, to address complex risks, often a Adaptive management and planning based
combination of measures through layering, on strong monitoring, evaluation and learning
sequencing and integrating risks across different frameworks, feeding back into an iterative
policy and financial instruments is needed, integration process, are needed to flexibly adjust
including considering the timing of risk financing. implementation, and inform future decisions
and resource allocations, given the dynamic and
Additionally, risks need to be integrated across context-specific nature of risk. This helps ensure
sectors and multiple levels. This includes plans remain responsive to needs and provide the
integrating risks into a wide range of national enabling environment for timely and appropriate
policies, sectoral or subnational strategies, plans, actions that will help reduce vulnerabilities of
financial systems, programmes, projects and communities and systems.
other planning instruments, as well as focusing
on game-changers or on areas with the potential Moreover, the integration process itself can be
to multiply effects, such as public financial used to help fill identified capacity gaps and
systems and the education sector. Analysing improve information-sharing and coordination
synergies and trade-offs among these policy mechanisms. In particular, this includes
objectives echoes the policy coherence agenda improving climate and disaster information
at the international level to attain the SDG, DRR services, partnering with knowledge brokers, and
and climate targets in the 2015 international tailoring and communicating risk information
agreements, for example the Sendai Framework throughout the planning and implementation
for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, the Paris processes.
Agreement and the Transforming our World: the



Risk approaches promoted by science and policy (e.g. by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change and UNDRR) are becoming more comprehensive. However, for practical applications, some
challenges need to be addressed, and further research and development is required. There is a need for:

Pragmatic approaches for addressing the Consistent concepts on how to assess

complexity and systemic nature of risks in and manage risks related to slow-onset
the climate change context processes

Proper consideration of current risks, Reflection on the appropriateness and

and the dynamic nature of risk drivers relevance of some risk metrics such as
including climate change, as well as future the concept of likelihood in the context
risks of slow-onset processes and future
Improvement in the availability and
accessibility of data on hazards and Better scenario concepts, including
impacts, and also on vulnerability and storylines, for future reduction of exposure
exposure factors and vulnerability

13 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


1.1 Background 18
1.2 Aim, context, target audience and structure of this guidance 19


2.1 A comprehensive risk framework in the context of climate change 21
2.1.1 Climate and disaster risks and their impacts 21
2.1.2 Climate and disaster risk perspectives 22
2.1.3 Systemic risk perspective 23
2.1.4 Risk as a value-based concept 23
2.1.5 Framework for comprehensive risk assessment and planning 23
2.1.6 Hazards that could be considered within a comprehensive
risk approach 25
2.2 Comprehensive risk assessment supporting risk-informed
planning and decision-making in the context of climate change 26
2.3 Comprehensive risk management 26


3.1 General workflow and approaches 28
3.1.1 Recommended phases: scoping, risk identification, risk analysis
and risk evaluation 28
3.1.2 Quantitative approaches 29
3.1.3 Semi-quantitative approaches 29
3.1.4 Qualitative approaches – expert- and stakeholder-based assessment 30
3.1.5 Hybrid approaches – the reality in risk assessment
of complex systems 30
3.2 Comprehensive risk assessment and its spatial component 32
3.4 Scoping – prepare a comprehensive risk assessment 34
3.5 Risk identification 38
3.6 Risk analysis – general concepts and conceptualization
with impact chains 40
3.6.1 Concept of impact chains 41
3.6.2 Conceptualization of cascading and compounding hazards,
impacts and risks 42
3.6.3 Considerations when conceptualizing complex risks
with impact chains 44
3.6.4 Identifying adaptation and risk reduction options with impact chains 44
3.7 Risk analysis – hazards, exposure and vulnerability 46
3.7.1 Analysing hazards 46
3.7.2 Analysing exposure 51
3.7.3 Analysing vulnerability 54
3.8 Outcomes of the risk assessment – final steps of risk analysis
and risk evaluation 57
3.8.1 Describing the potential for adverse consequences 59
3.8.2 From adverse consequences to risk 63

14 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.8.3 Comparing risks across systems and sectors 64
3.8.4 Risk evaluation 64
3.9 Addressing uncertainty and validating results 65
3.10 Presenting risk assessment results 66


4.1 Rationale for a comprehensive approach to integrating risks
into planning processes 67
4.2 Challenges in integrating risk assessment results into planning 69
4.2.1 Distinct assessment and planning stages 69
4.2.2 Working in silos – distinct planning processes 70
4.2.3 Dealing with different spatial and temporal scales 70
4.3 Good practices for comprehensive integration of assessed
risks into planning 71
4.3.1 Putting risks to human and ecological systems at the centre 74
4.3.2 Applying inclusive risk governance 76
4.3.3 Fully accounting for the context of climate change 79
4.3.4 Strengthening risk information and communication 80
4.3.5 Recognizing the complex and systemic nature of risks 82
4.3.6 Using multidisciplinary approaches to identify and select measures 85
4.3.7 Using the concept of risk tolerance to identify and select measures 87
4.3.8 Addressing, minimizing and averting risks through
nature-based solutions 88
4.3.9 Integrating risks across sectors and levels 89
4.3.10 Using iterative and flexible processes 93


5.1 Dealing with multiple risks in complex systems 97
5.2 Considering relevant time periods 97
5.3 Lack of availability of and/or access to data 98
5.4 Understanding capacities 98
5.5 Slow-onset processes 98
5.6 Concept of likelihood in the context of climate change 98
5.7 Future developments for exposure and vulnerability 99
5.8 Value-based part of risk assessment and implications
for risk management 99
5.9 Making risk assessments spatially explicit enough
to support decision-making and planning 99
5.10 Risk assessment and identification of risk reduction measures 100
5.11 Existing context of risk reduction and climate change adaptation 100




15 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
ADAPTool Adaptive Design and Policy Assessment Tool
ARClim Climate Risk Atlas of Chile
CCA climate change adaptation
CCORAL Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation tooL
CEDRIG climate, environment and disaster risk reduction integration guidance
CIS climate information and services
COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019
CRA comprehensive risk assessment
CRiSTAL Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods
CRM comprehensive risk management
CRVA climate risk and vulnerability assessment
CSI climate services for infrastructure
DRM disaster risk management
DRR disaster risk reduction
EWS early warning system
FbF forecast-based financing
FIPAT Food Security Indicator & Policy Analysis Tool
FLORES Flood Resilience System Framework and Model
FRMC Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities
GAR2019 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019
GIDRM Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management
GIS geographical information system
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
GRAF Global Risk Assessment Framework
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRM integrated risk management
ISO International Organization for Standardization
L&D loss and damage
LAPA local adaptation plan for action
LCCAP local climate change adaptation plan
LDCRC local disaster and climate-resilient committee

16 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
LDCRP local disaster and climate-resilient plan
LDRRMF Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund
LDRRMP local disaster risk reduction and management plan
M&E monitoring and evaluation
MEL monitoring, evaluation and learning
NAP national adaptation plan
NAPA national adaptation programme of action
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NbS nature-based solution
N/LDRRMF National/Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund
NMHS National Meteorological and Hydrological Service
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
PfR Partners for Resilience
PLACARD Platform for Climate Adaptation and Risk Reduction
RA10121 Republic Act 10121 (Philippines)
RCP representative concentration pathway
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SSP shared socioeconomic pathway
UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
WMO World Meteorological Organization
ZFRA Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance

17 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


Climate change is increasing the magnitude, agenda for reducing risks associated with all
frequency, duration and severity of climate- types of hazards. Climate change is recognized as
related hazards. It has become a major driver an important risk driver by all three frameworks.
of disaster losses and setbacks of development Coherence among the agendas has been pursued
achievements (UNDRR, 2019a). at the policy level and is supported by initiatives
such as the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk
Climate and disaster-related risks arise due Management (BMZ, 2018). However, integration
to compounding and cascading hazards and will likely remain partial due to the different
impacts, leading to complex and interconnected priorities of the individual agendas.
adverse consequences for various ecological
and human systems. At the same time, other Even though innovative concepts have been
underlying risk drivers such as poverty, rapid and developed to better link climate change adaptation
unplanned population growth, land degradation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR), specific
or conflicts are aggravating exposure and methods and tools to help operationalize
vulnerability to climate-related hazards. approaches such as comprehensive risk
Therefore, risk assessment and management management (CRM) on the ground at the country
in the context of climate change require a and subnational levels are often in their infancy
comprehensive, systemic perspective on risks (Schinko et al., 2017). Two aspects are relevant
and its underlying drivers due to the complex and here: on the one hand, guidance and approaches
systemic nature of climate-related risks (Renn et to treat disaster risks and climate risks together
al., 2020). are still rare, and on the other hand, DRR and CCA
are usually managed by separate institutions
The landmark 2015 United Nations frameworks and instruments on the national to subnational
and agreements – the Sendai Framework for scales. This makes comprehensive approaches
Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (hereafter difficult to implement.
termed the Sendai Framework; United Nations,
2015), the Paris Agreement and the Transforming
our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (2030 Agenda) – have set the

18 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

This document provides guidance for comprehensive risk assessment (CRA) and integration into
plans. CRM puts risk to human and ecological systems at the centre, fully accounting for the context
of climate change, recognizing the complex and systemic nature of climate risks and integrating
risks across sectors and levels. There are 10 key principles for a comprehensive approach for risk
assessment and planning in the context of climate change:

Putting risks to human and ecological systems at the centre of CRM

Fully accounting for the context of climate change

Recognizing the complex and systemic nature of climate risks

Applying inclusive risk governance

Strengthening risk communication, information and knowledge sources

Using multidisciplinary approaches to identify and select measures

Using the concept of risk tolerance

Addressing, minimizing and averting risks through nature-based solutions (NbSs)

Integrating risks across sectors and levels

Using iterative and flexible processes

The guidance contributes to the topic of CRM in stakeholders and practitioners operating in the
the context of climate change. It covers two key fields of DRR and CCA. It provides a framework
aspects of CRM: (a) CRA in the context of climate and inspiration on how to make risk assessment
change and (b) integration of CRA with decision- and risk management more comprehensive.
making and planning. The guidance integrates Applications need to be made context specific
perspectives and approaches from DRR and CCA and customized.
while simultaneously linking to other goals and
targets (e.g. the Sustainable Development Goals It follows the idea of systemic and complex risks,
(SDGs)). acknowledged by the international community
and the need for improved risk governance
The guidance supports a wide range of for which understanding of complex risks is a
applications, from focused risk assessment and priority. The guidance was jointly committed
management for single sectors and systems to by members of the Technical Expert
(e.g. climate risks to agriculture) to broader Group on Comprehensive Risk Management,
and more-strategic multi-risk and multi-sector including the United Nations Office for Disaster
assessments, and a wide range of spatial Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the International
scales, from national to local levels. Its focus is Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
on supporting action-oriented risk assessment Societies, the International Institute for Applied
and management on the ground rather than on Systems Analysis and Climate Analytics)
comparative or strategic assessments in an and a non-member of the Technical Expert
international context. Group on Comprehensive Risk Management
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
The guidance targets experts, decision makers, Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), as part of their

19 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Plan of Action. The document was developed in the consequences of a comprehensive risk
response to the decision of the 25th Conference perspective on the relationship between risk
of the Parties (United Nations Climate Change assessment and decision-making and planning.
Conference) to develop technical guides on Chapter 3 gives recommendations for a CRA, with
“Risk assessments, including long-term risk a workflow, methodologies and approaches for a
assessments, of climate change impacts” CRA that cover a wide range of climate-related
(United Nations, 2020), and for consideration hazards and their relationships with non-climatic
of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw hazards. It addresses current and future climate
International Mechanism for Loss and Damage risks. Chapter 4 discusses a comprehensive
associated with Climate Change Impacts. approach for integrating risk assessment
results and risk information in decision-making
The guidance deepens the understanding and and planning processes. Chapter 5 presents
supports the implementation of CRM laid out challenges for comprehensive risk approaches
by GIZ with a conceptual brochure in 2019 and ways forward. Annex 1 presents case
(GIZ, 2019), and in line with the UNDRR Global studies showcasing how to partially apply a
Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction CRM approach to assessment and planning
2019 (GAR2019; UNDRR, 2019a). in the context of climate change from existing
initiatives, and Annex 2 gives examples of
Following this introduction, Chapter 2 provides existing CRM frameworks and a summary of
a comprehensive risk perspective, with a existing resources and guidelines.
comprehensive risk framework. It discusses

20 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change




The comprehensive risk framework proposed in this guidance builds on common DRR and
CCA concepts and extends them towards a comprehensive risk perspective. This perspective
acknowledges the complex and systemic character of risks in the context of climate change,
covers the full spectrum of climate-related hazards (extreme events, slow-onset processes and
trends) as well as their interaction with and impact on non-climatic hazards, takes the current as
well as potential future states into account, and acknowledges the value-based aspects of risk.

2.1.1 Climate and disaster risks and their impacts

In the context of climate change and disasters, environmental resources (IPCC, 2019a). There
risk can be defined as “the potential for adverse is a common understanding in the DRR and CCA
consequences for human or ecological systems” communities that climate and disaster risks result
(IPCC, 2019a), triggered directly or indirectly not only from a hazard as a direct trigger, but
by hazardous events or trends. “Adverse also from dynamic interactions among hazards
consequences” include potential loss of life, with exposure and vulnerability of the potentially
injury, or destroyed or damaged assets (United affected human or ecological systems.
Nations, 2016), and also loss and damage
(L&D) to service provision, ecosystems and

21 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
2.1.2 Climate and disaster risk perspectives

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adopted the concept of risk from the DRR field
in its fifth assessment report (IPCC, 2014). This set the basis for integrating disaster risk and climate risk
assessment and management into a comprehensive risk approach. On a policy level, coherence between
DRR and CCA has been widely achieved, and reports such as the UNDRR global assessment reports or
the IPCC assessment reports promote a comprehensive risk perspective. However, in many practical
national to subnational applications, both disciplines are applying risk concepts with rather different foci,
which makes integration more challenging than the use of a common concept might suggest:

Conventionally, DRR has often focused on CCA focuses on the potential impacts
the consequences of specific disastrous of climate change on various human
events for humans and physical assets. and ecological systems. CCA activities
The key questions for a disaster risk mostly include current climate risks in the
assessment have been what are the assessment and management approach.
potential consequences of a specific However, the main goal is to address future
event, and how likely are they? Disaster changes. For future climate risks, the key
risk assessments mainly address question for a climate risk assessment is
the current situation based on past what would happen if …, by addressing
observation and probabilistic approaches, the potential adverse consequences
assuming stationarity in time. Inclusion of of climate change for different potential
potential future changes due to climate future states (e.g. middle of century
change or changes in other underlying or end of century) and different global
risk drivers in the analysis is emerging, warming scenarios (caused by high
but it is not yet a common standard. Risk emissions or low emissions). As climate
is commonly described by a “risk from scenarios per se have no likelihood, no
hazard” perspective (e.g. risk from floods). actual likelihood can be assigned to the
Often, relatively rare but highly severe description of consequences, at least
events (e.g. a flood with a 100-year return not for future periods and not across
period) are taken as design events for scenarios. Risks are commonly described
risk assessment and risk management, as a range of adverse consequences
assuming that a system which is prepared for different human and ecological
for such severe events can also cope systems (“risk to system” perspective).
with events of the same type that are less Adverse consequences considered in
severe but more frequent (e.g. floods with CCA are usually long-term deteriorations
a 10-year return period). Vulnerability often of a system triggered by long-term trends
focuses on physical vulnerabilities with in extreme events (e.g. floods that are
some aspect of social vulnerability when more severe and/or more frequent) as well
it comes to impacts on humans and their as slow-onset processes (e.g. sea-level
livelihoods. Risk management focuses on rise or salinization). Such consequences
preparedness as well as prevention, while can be caused by a complex interplay of
considering risk transfer, and coping and cascading direct and indirect impacts
recovery strategies and measures. and dynamics of exposure, vulnerability
and underlying risk drivers. The focus
of risk reduction is on (anticipatory)
adaptation to the potential new situation.
Where adaptation cannot reduce risks to
a tolerable level, other options (e.g. risk
transfer or transformation) are discussed.

22 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Starting with the development and adoption of vulnerability reduction, and yet few DRR plans take
the Sendai Framework and strongly expressed these connections into account (UNDRR, 2019a).
in GAR2019 (UNDRR, 2019a), there has been
a paradigm shift in the DRR field towards a CCA and DRR are converging; however, gaps
comprehensive, forward-looking approach to risk remain, mainly in practical applications. A
assessment and management. This approach consistent risk approach, which fully considers
acknowledges that risk is complex, dynamic the context of climate change and other
and driven by global processes such as climate underlying risk drivers for the current situation
change, loss of biodiversity, globalized economic and relevant potential future states and an
development or other global shocks such as the integration of the CCA approach into the existing
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Risk practice of disaster risk management (DRM) and
reduction processes are linked in several ways vice versa, is still not a common standard.
with climate change mitigation, adaptation and

2.1.3 Systemic risk perspective

Understanding the systemic nature of risk can that have the potential to fail or even reach a
involve identifying the subsystem from which they tipping point, are essential attributes in evaluating
originate and assessing a wider set of cascading systemic risk (Schweizer and Renn, 2019).
impacts on the interdependencies of the sub-
elements. This makes risks highly complex. The It is critical to understand how humans influence
origin of systemic risk from the subsystem and systemic risk. Interlinkages among social,
the impact chains within the other subsystems ecological, technical and urban environments
can affect the whole system and even go beyond influence systemic risk on different scales and
political boundaries. So, assessing the spatial intensities, which brings up system transition
extent of systemic risk (i.e. considering its or transformative approaches. This guidance
transboundary nature) may be required because advocates a systemic risk perspective by
of the interconnectedness of the globalized world. conceptualizing risks with impact chains in the
Assessing interconnectedness and non-linearity in risk assessment phase and by considering the
the cause–effect relationship of systemic risk and systemic nature in decision-making and planning.
identifying critical subsystems within the system

2.1.4 Risk as a value-based concept

While “adverse consequences” and partly also criteria to describe what a “very low” or a “very
the “potential for adverse consequences” are high” risk means. The definition of criteria has to
tangible and relatively objective aspects that be made explicit and context specific based on
can be measured, modelled, described or agreed values (e.g. safeguarding human lives and
estimated (e.g. the potential for yield losses due livelihoods) and objectives (what should be avoided
to a drought), risk itself is neither tangible nor or what should be achieved). The International
objective. Risk is instead an expression of a value- Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard
based assessment of how “relevant” or “critical” 31000 definition takes the value-based character
or “harmful” or “tolerable” or “acceptable” the into account by defining risk as “the effects of
potential of specific adverse consequences could uncertainty on its objectives” (ISO, 2018). Values,
be for specific values at stake. Consequently, risk objectives or goals differ among different groups
is reported in a unit-less scale (e.g. from very low of actors. SDGs could be considered as one set
to very high) and often split into risk classes. of agreed objectives against which risks could be
assessed (e.g. to what extent climate-related risks
For climate-related risks, there are no standard are undermining specific SDGs).

2.1.5 Framework for comprehensive risk assessment and planning

Based on the considerations above, a of DRR and CCA. It extends existing concepts
comprehensive risk framework (figure 1) is towards a comprehensive risk perspective,
proposed that builds on the common concepts acknowledging the complex and partly systemic

23 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
character of risks in the context of climate change. cascading potential impacts. Risk is determined
This perspective is reflected in the Global Risk by exposure and vulnerability factors, in addition
Assessment Framework (GRAF) being rolled out to hazards. Climate change and other underlying
by UNDRR to assist United Nations Member States risk drivers are already altering hazards,
to make better use of risk data, including climate vulnerabilities and exposure.
data. Moreover, it considers the full spectrum of
climate-related hazards such as extreme events, Risk assessment and risk-informed decision-
slow-onset processes and trends, as well as their making and planning can be linked to this
interaction with non-climatic hazards (figure 2). It framework. Risk for the current state and for
also takes the current and potential future states potential future states is assessed in a CRA.
into account and acknowledges the value-based Explicit objectives, goals and values are the
aspects of risk. target system against which risks are assessed
(defining context, objectives and risk criteria for
The framework is centred around risk and a risk assessment). The risk assessment is co-
understands risk as the potential for adverse designed and implemented within the context
consequences for human or ecological of risk-informed decision-making and planning
systems triggered by climate-related hazards and focuses on identifying and integrating risk
in combination with other hazards, leading to reduction measures.
Figure 1. Framework for CRA and planning in the context of climate change: risk and its root causes
(upper part) and risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making and planning (lower part)

6 Current state                     Potential future

Climate change as underlying risk driver
Hazards 5
Other hazards
Other (geological, Other
underlying environmental, underlying
Including slow-onset
risk drivers biological, chemical, risk drivers
processes and trends
technical, societal)

3 4
• Ecosystems POTENTIAL • Susceptibility
• Physical assets IMPACTS • Lack of capacity to prepare,
• People and livelihoods prevent, cope or adapt
• Sectors and
1 CONSEQUENCES FOR HUMAN OR Socioecological systems
Decision-making space
(Defining context, objectives Risk prioritization, urgency to act
and risk criteria)

Understanding risk and entry

points for DRR and CCA
• Safeguard human lives
and livelihoods Identify and revise measures Prioritize measures
• Sustainable Development Monitoring, evaluation
Goals Implement measures
8 and learning 9
• Other existing goals and Integration
strategies Existing policy New strategies and
and planning framework planning instruments
Objectives, goals, values Risk-informed decision-making and planning

24 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Note: The framework is centred around risk (1). Risk is the potential for adverse consequences
for human or ecological systems triggered by climate-related hazards in combination with other
hazards (2), leading to cascading potential impacts. Risk is determined by exposure (3) and
vulnerability (4) factors in addition to hazards. Climate change and other underlying risk drivers
(5) are already altering hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure. Risk for the current state as well as
for potential future states (6) is assessed in a CRA (7). Explicit objectives, goals and values are
the target system against which risks are assessed (defining context, objectives and risk criteria
for risk assessment) (8). The risk assessment is co-designed and implemented within the context
of risk-informed decision-making and planning and focused on identifying and integrating risk
reduction measures (9).

2.1.6 Hazards that could be considered within a comprehensive risk


Some of the most important aspects to make a risk onset events to slow-onset processes and
approach more comprehensive are consideration trends, and the interrelationships among climate-
of the effects of climate change, the full spectrum related hazards and other hazards, impacts and
of hazards1 related to extreme events and rapid- underlying drivers (figure 2).
Figure 2. Key hazards and their interrelationship that could be considered within a comprehensive
risk approach
Extreme Weather Events  Hours Days Month Rapid Onset Events
Extreme heat
GEOLOGICAL Construction /
DRY Droughts Earthquakes Structural failure

Extreme precipitation Landslides / Infrastructure

WET Tsunami failure (dam failure,
River floods
Tornados power outage, …)
Tropical storms
SNOW AND ICE Snowstorms
Underlying Risk Driver

COASTAL / Storm surges Pest and diseases

OCEANIC Ocean heatwave (crops)
Invasive species
changing magnitude, duration or frequency Infectious diseases
(human /animal)
Slow Onset Processes (trends) Decades shocks
Marine toxins, Algal
HEAT Increasing temperature bloom


Loss of ecosystems and biodiversity
Compound event

WET Deforestation
more variable precipitation
Decreasing glaciers, Soil degradation, Desertification,
SNOW AND ICE Salinisation
snow cover, permafrost 
Rising sea level, Disturbance (wild-fires, forest dieback,
COASTAL / eutrophication)
Ocean warming
Acidification Slow Onset Processes (trends)

1 UNDRR and the International Science Council have classified a wide list of hazards (UNDRR, 2020a).

25 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


While a risk assessment helps to understand the nature of risks, dealing with current and future
risks in the context of climate change requires designing and deciding on appropriate risk
reduction and risk management strategies and measures. Integrating risk assessment results
into decision-making and planning is key to realizing agreed values, objectives and goals, and
increasing overall resilience. 

A CRA can support evidence-based and risk- and planning processes define the purpose,
informed decision-making and planning in the scope and type of risk assessment needed in the
context of climate change. This can also be context of climate change. The risk identification
understood as managing risks, whereby “Plans, and risk analysis phases aim to understand risks
actions, strategies or policies to reduce the and vulnerabilities and identify them through
likelihood and/or magnitude of adverse potential collaboration with risk management practitioners
consequences, based on assessed or perceived providing clear entry points for action. The
risks” are designed (Reisinger et al., 2020). risk evaluation phase identifies risk hotspots,
This is also commonly referred to as the “risk prioritizes risks and defines the urgency to
treatment” phase by the ISO standards used for act (facilitating decision-making and planning
this guidance (IRGC, 2017; ISO, 2018, 2019). processes). In this way, risk assessment, design
and implementation of risk reduction measures
For risk assessment to be useful, it is important are not part of a sequential process (first the
to reverse the concept and ask what additional assessment, then the identification of measures),
information is needed to avert, minimize and but a value-driven, iterative and communicative
address climate and disaster risks, reach process that respects and builds upon existing
existing and future development goals and risk management practices and the decision-
ensure policy and development pathways do not making and planning context.
create new risks. In the scoping phase, the policy


Given that CRM is broad, this guidance presents related hazards, and their interactions with other
recommendations that contribute to the wider socioeconomic factors. Rather than a series of
discourse and practice on CRM by focusing on individual measures, or approaches, it combines
risk assessments and planning in the context innovative tried-and-tested measures including
of climate change. CRM is one of the areas the fields of CCA, DRM, ecosystem management
identified under the Paris Agreement that can help and social protection into a full package (i.e. a
governments enhance understanding, action and comprehensive approach). These measures
support in averting, minimizing and addressing aim to manage risks by avoiding, reducing,
L&D associated with the adverse effects of transferring, retaining or transforming risks linked
climate change. In the context of climate change, to the hazards’ spectrum, including extreme
CRM provides a lens to build resilience to multiple weather events and slow-onset processes (GIZ,
risks linked to climate-related and non-climate- 2019; Mechler et al., 2019; UNFCCC, 2019).

26 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change



A CRA addresses the complexity and deals with the uncertainty related to a comprehensive risk
perspective. It applies a mix of quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative approaches. It is
case specific and action oriented, with a significant participative element.

3.1.1 Recommended phases: scoping, risk identification, risk analysis

and risk evaluation

With ISO 31000 on risk management (ISO, and risk evaluation. The risk assessment finally
2018) and its more specific guideline on risk prepares the phase of risk treatment, which
assessment techniques – ISO 31010 (ISO, 2019) refers to selecting and implementing options for
– a well-accepted generic standard workflow addressing and reducing risk. Risk communication
for risk assessment exists that is taken up to and consultation are conducted throughout the
a large degree in disaster risk and climate risk whole process. The recommendations in this
guidelines, studies and reports. The ISO 31000 guidance are structured along the usual steps of
workflow proposes the following phases of a risk any risk assessment.
assessment (figure 3): scoping (to prepare the
risk assessment), risk identification, risk analysis

27 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 3. Phases of a risk assessment according to ISO 31000 and the relationship with risk-
informed decision-making and planning



Understanding risk Risk prioritization,
(Defining context, objectives
entry points for DRR and CCA urgency to act
and risk criteria)


Note: Scoping is preparing the risk assessment. The risk assessment itself is structured into risk
identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation.

General approaches of a risk assessment can be divided into quantitative, semi-quantitative and
qualitative approaches (see figure 4), which are described briefly in the subsections below.
Figure 4. General approaches to risk assessment




28 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.1.2 Quantitative approaches

Quantitative approaches aim at providing While physical models implicitly consider some
quantitative estimates of risk with respect to a aspects of vulnerability (mainly susceptibility
set of given loss metrics, including for instance, to direct damage), they usually do not model
direct economic consequences (e.g. due to consequences for exposed elements. Therefore,
physical damage to the exposed assets or to they provide only a part of the information
business interruption), number of casualties/ necessary to assess risks. Furthermore, for many
fatalities/displaced people and loss of capacity
relevant climate impacts such as landslides and
of infrastructure. Quantitative approaches are
mudflows, pest and diseases in agriculture or
usually based on observations and statistical
human health, risk models either do not exist or
approaches (for the past and current situation)
or on models of physical impacts. They require are not yet accurate enough.
high-quality data, technical information and skills
in multiple disciplines. Quantitative models from the insurance sector
estimate financial losses and damages with
Impact models for modelling the direct physical statistical approaches typically as a function
impact of climate change and their spatial of hazard and vulnerability based on historical
distribution have been successfully applied impact observations. While such models might
at various spatial scales in hydrology (e.g. give useful information for risk prioritization,
modelling water availability, water quality, they have a limited suitability for understanding
floods or droughts), in the cryosphere (e.g. future risks and for spatially explicit risk analysis.
glacier melt or snow melt), for natural hazards Therefore, they are less suited for identifying
(e.g. landslides or mudflows), in agriculture entry points for risk reduction and adaptation in
and forestry (e.g. impact of climate change the context of climate change.
on vegetation), in biodiversity (e.g. impact on
phenology), for human health and others.

3.1.3 Semi-quantitative approaches

Semi-quantitative approaches often use The GIZ Vulnerability Sourcebook (Fritzsche
indicators as a means to measure risk and its et al., 2014; Zebisch et al., 2021) and its Risk
underlying components and factors. Indicators Supplement (Zebisch et al., 2017) propose a
can be populated with data but can also be bottom-up indicator-based approach using
populated through expert- or stakeholder- impact chains that are developed in a participative
based knowledge elicitation. Indicators are manner and that are case study specific.
a common approach when information from Indicator-based approaches require several
different sources and of a different nature must subjective decisions on how indicator values
be combined. Indicators can be aggregated in are normalized, aggregated and weighted. At the
a school-grade-type approach to composite same time, indicators are often the only way to
indicators including methods such as using compare, process and aggregate heterogenous
arithmetic or geometric means, often applying information for single risk components in at least
a weighting scheme to address the different a semi-quantitative way.
relevance of single factors for an overall
result. Examples of risk assessments based
on composite indicators on the global scale
are the INFORM risk index (Marin-Ferrer et al.,
2017) or the global climate risk index (Eckstein
et al., 2019).

29 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.1.4 Qualitative approaches – expert- and stakeholder-based

Expert elicitation processes, as well as expert elicitation approaches are increasingly
techniques such as systematic reviews, are being used in a variety of fields including
useful to summarize and evaluate findings or environmental and climate science. The key risks
help to fill knowledge gaps where insufficient and burning embers diagram within the IPCC
data are available. Any expert approach should Working Group II process (Zommers et al., 2020)
be as structured and transparent as possible is another good example for an expert-based
with respect to the selection of experts, the data- risk assessment. Several national climate risk
collection technique, the elicitation mode (e.g. assessments (e.g. New Zealand and the United
in-person, online or hybrid) or the process for Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
synthesizing individual elicitations into a group and sector-specific assessments (e.g. the
judgment (Zommers et al., 2020). climate-resilient water, sanitation and hygiene
sector by the United Nations Children’s Fund and
Expert elicitations have some challenges such the Global Water Partnership) base their analysis
as the potential bias of the expert(s) (which strongly on expert involvement (Warren et al.,
could be avoided by involving several experts 2016; UNICEF and Global Water Partnership,
and stakeholders from different target groups), 2017; Ministry for the Environment, 2019).
the high effort required and the limitations in
replicability. Despite these challenges, structured

3.1.5 Hybrid approaches – the reality in risk assessment of complex


With a deeper understanding of the complexity risk quantification, expert judgment remains at
and the systemic character of risk, there is the heart of the assessment, when it comes to
a paradigm shift away from probabilistic aggregating and synthesizing information and
modelling of single hazards towards hybrid to drawing conclusions. Objective risk data, for
approaches. “There is no doubt that the nature instance on hazard or physical impacts, require
of risk information is and will continue to be subjective prioritization and normative judgments
quantitative, but the focus on probabilistic (figure 5). In this process, it is important to
modelling and homogeneous data sets is giving understand the underlying assumptions and
way to a future that is less definitive and more limitations of a risk assessment. This requires
accurately representative of the world as it is” transparency and close interaction between
(UNDRR, 2019a). Despite many advances in those who conduct the risk assessment and

30 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
those who commission or use it (Adger et al., 2018).
Figure 5. Sources of information when undertaking a CRA
Climate Change

Other underlying HAZARDS Other underlying

risk drivers risk drivers






Studies on climate Data on population, Event databases data on
impact and risks land use, assets losses and damages

Studies on disaster Climate data Scenarios on exposure

risks climate scenarios and vulnerability factors

Data on population, Stakeholder in the field of Expert elicitation

land use, assets climate and disaster risk participatory approaches


Existing planning tools and mechanisms
Existing strategies linked • Disaster risk reduction (National and local DRR
to SDGs, development, strategies)
sectors climate- and • Climate change adaptation (NAP)
disaster risk • Land-use planning

Notes: Risks are assessed and evaluated against existing strategies and targets and the risk
assessment is designed in a way that allows results to be mainstreamed into existing planning
instruments. NAP = national adaptation plan.

31 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


Most of the information analysed in a risk assessment has a spatial component, and can and
should be mapped. Maps are an efficient means to help understand and communicate risk and
its underlying factors, to compare regions and to prioritize actions. Hazard and exposure data are
usually available quantitatively and can be visualized directly on maps. Some of the vulnerability
data are available as qualitative information such as narratives, which can be mapped through
participatory approaches. Using an indicator-based approach allows spatial overlay of hazard,
exposure and vulnerability maps in order to identify risk hotspots.

Single factors of a risk assessment (e.g. climate data, past hazard event locations and extents,
population distribution, transport infrastructure, location of cropland and population demographics)
can usually be characterized in a spatially explicit manner. Maps are an excellent tool for communicating
different levels of risk in different areas and identifying spatial hotspots that may have a particular
need for risk reduction or adaptation measures, and which should be analysed in more detail:

Spatial information on the magnitude, Vulnerability is more complex. Certain

frequency and duration of specific weather aspects of physical vulnerability and
or climate-related events (hazards) for the susceptibility can often be mapped
current situation can often be retrieved well. Social and economic vulnerability
from observations (e.g. weather station factors can be aggregated on the level of
data), interpolated data or re-analysis administrative units, even if the resolution is
data. Parameters of potential future often not high enough to match the spatial
weather or climate-related projections representations of hazards and exposure.
can be retrieved from climate models and More hazard-specific vulnerability factors
their simulated climate scenarios. One can often only be described qualitatively
limitation is the spatial resolution (scale), by means of narratives.
which is often too coarse (e.g. >100 km per
grid cell) to capture the underlying spatial Potential direct impacts (e.g. the impact of
heterogeny adequately (e.g. in mountain a drought on vegetation) can be mapped
regions). The limited ability of climate data if specific direct impact measures are
to show extreme values with appropriate modelled (e.g. normalized difference
accuracy is another constraint. Non- vegetation index anomalies, soil moisture
climatic hazards can also be mapped, anomalies or vegetation status). Complex
depending on the availability of national and indirect impacts can be assessed
event databases or the suitability of global semi-quantitatively (e.g. with indicators) or
event databases. qualitatively. In addition, in the latter case,
it is recommended to assign potential
Exposure, for example in terms of the impacts to geographical regions (e.g. eco-
presence of exposed elements and their climatic zones).
spatial density, can often be mapped well
for the current situation based on existing For local assessments based on highly
statistical data or information derived from participatory approaches, it makes sense
Earth observation. Options to map potential to use hand-drawn maps or to draw on
future exposed elements are still limited. maps to locate areas where hazards

32 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
occurred, or where vulnerability or risk consistent risk assessment and not the
to certain hazards (e.g. landslides) is single underlying components only, it is
high (figure 6). These approaches are necessary to have operational procedures
in addition to generating information to to combine single factors (hazard,
understand the risk and risk factors that exposure, vulnerability or potential
are highly valuable in raising awareness impacts) into a final risk map. Climate
and generating acceptability. Risk Assessment for Ecosystem-based
Adaptation gives good examples for
Using an indicator-based approach such an indicator-based approach for risk
allows overlay of hazard, exposure and mapping (GIZ, Eurac and UNU-EHS, 2018).
vulnerability maps in order to highlight Section 3.8 provides further information
regions with potentially critical risk on how to assess the resulting risk.
characteristics (hotspots). To obtain
risk maps that show the result of a

Figure 6. Identifying and mapping regions prone to landslides on a map with local stakeholders

Source: © M. Zebisch




“Scoping” means to design a risk assessment in such a way that it can support decision-making
and planning by taking into account existing objectives, goals and values and the existing policy
and planning framework. For designing a CRA, applying the 10 principles for a CRA would be
a good starting point. A very important aspect of scoping is to define a target system and risk
criteria for the risk assessment (e.g. what are “adverse consequences” or what is a “very high”
or “intolerable” risk?) 

Scoping is possibly the most important phase to make a risk assessment comprehensive. In this
phase, the risk assessment is linked to the context and the set-up is defined. Scoping can be organized
around some key questions (figure 7).

33 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 7. Key questions and considerations for the scoping phase


Policy context: existing risk management
strategies and plans, NAP, other plans and Risk assessment
strategies. How does this risk assessment relate governance: Involve
to these documents? decision maker from
Underlying objectives, goals, values  risk administration that are
criteria: committed to DRR and CCA
Which values do you want to protect?
Stakeholder involvement:
Which targets (e.g. SDGs) do you want to
weather service, line
achieve that might by impended by climate-
ministries, external
related hazards?
experts, universities, DRR
Which adverse consequences should be and CCA practitioners, …
absolutely avoided?
 criteria to decide if a risk is high or low or, if it Resources, time frame:
is tolerable or intolerable and if action is required time and persons available.
Output of risk assessment: Which process A comprehensive risk
should the risk assessment inform? assessment can take
from several months up
Which requirements does this imply for the risk
to 3 years


Hazards: focus on specific hazards? DEVELOPING A DATA
Human and ecological systems: focus
Existing data
on specific systems and/or sectors?
e.g. ecosystems, water, infrastructure, • Climate data and climate
agriculture, human health, energy, transport, … scenarios

Spatial scale: e.g. national, district, • Data on non-climate hazards

municipality, …
• Event and impact data
Spatial units: e.g. eco-climatic zones,
administrative units, regular grid … • Data on exposure
(population, infrastructure,
Temporal reference: e.g. 30-year periods: ecosystems, …)
reference (1961–1990),
• Data on vulnerability (socio-
current situation (1991–2020), future situation
economic data, …
(2031–2060), (2071–2100)

Methodological set-up:  hybrid, data Common data

driven, Indicator based, mainly bottom-up / infrastructure and data
participative … management plan

34 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The main challenge is to find the right balance Create a common understanding
between a targeted approach and a wider and a common evaluation of risk.
approach while considering the objectives,
time available and resources. A CRA can take Support commitment for risk
from several months up to 3 years to complete. management and the transition
Scoping is best conducted through a combination from understanding risk to risk
of desktop research and scoping workshops with reduction actions.
stakeholders and experts.
Consider in the set-up a wider perspective
For a CRA in the context of climate change regarding hazards (extreme events, slow-
following the 10 key principles given in section onset processes and trends) and exposed
1.2, in the scoping phase, it is particularly systems and sectors.
important to:
Put risks to human and ecological
Define the objectives and risk criteria in systems rather than risks from hazards in
a way that reflects existing goals and the centre of the assessment (Reisinger et
targets such as SDGs, national or local al., 2020).
development goals and the demand for
climate risk information from a decision- Be aware that a complex risk analysis has to
making and planning perspective. Key be based on hybrid approaches with some
questions include: quantitative elements (e.g. for analysing
hazards and direct impacts), some semi-
Which values should be protected quantitative elements based on indicators,
(e.g. human lives, ecosystems, and a lot of qualitative approaches such
social cohesion)? as storylines and structured assessments
in order to understand and assess the
Which targets (e.g. SDGs) should complex interactions of hazard, exposure
be achieved but which might be and vulnerability factors, potential impacts
impeded by climate-related hazards and risks.
(e.g. food security)?
Always start by assessing current risks
Which adverse consequences and decide carefully which risks and
should be absolutely avoided (e.g. which risk elements (hazard, exposure,
loss of food security)? vulnerability) can and have to be projected
into the future (e.g. risks related to sectors
Design the risk assessment as a highly
and systems with long-term decision
participative process and involve experts
horizons such as infrastructure, land-use
and stakeholders from a wide range of
planning or forestry).
disciplines and all levels. In addition,
traditional, local and indigenous knowledge Design the risk analysis to be spatially
should be considered. Stakeholders explicit if the spatial scope requires
responsible for adaptation planning and this. Spatial units should be selected
risk reduction and implementation should in such a way that they represent
be involved in the risk assessment from relatively homogeneous zones with
the beginning to: respect to expected impacts and
risks. Eco-climatological zones (e.g.
Include stakeholder knowledge and
mountains, coasts and urban areas) are

35 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The set-up of a risk assessment can be different depending on the objectives and the context of
the assessment. Table 1 compares the set-up of a typical disaster risk assessment (in a pre-Sendai
Framework style) and a typical climate risk assessment. A CRA would integrate elements from both
set-ups based on the specific context and the requirements defined by the decision-making and
planning process.
Table 1. Comparison of typical set-ups for risk assessments (disaster versus climate risk)



Main focus Focus is on single Wide focus; structured by direct

and typical risks related to specific impacts and related risks on natural
structure of hazardous events (e.g. systems (e.g. water, ecosystems,
assessment floods, earthquakes or soil and terrain) and risks related
various human-made to (indirect) impacts on societal
hazards). Risks are often sectors (e.g. agriculture, forestry,
reported per “capital” or water management, built-up areas,
“consequence categories” infrastructure, transport, health and
(e.g. people or assets). tourism). Strong focus on vulnerability
Focus is on physical and exposure as potential entry
vulnerability and exposure points for CCA. Consideration of
as potential entry points multi-risk linkages across sectors and
for DRR. Multi-risk multi-risk hotspots.
assessments are (still) rare.

Type and Focus is on well-defined Various types of climate-related

character of hazardous events, their hazards (from extreme weather
hazards and likelihood (expressed by events to slow-onset processes) and
impacts return period or recurrence their climate change dynamics. Focus
time) and their impacts is on their magnitude as well as their
(often quantified in duration and frequency. Potential
terms of L&D, usually in impacts are mainly addressed by their
monetary units). magnitude. An explicit analysis of
L&D is usually lacking.

Time period / Usually no specific time Typically, 30-year time slices, for
time reference reference. Implicitly: past example:
and current conditions
under the assumption  World Meteorological Organization
of stationarity (no (WMO) reference (1961–1990);
changes over time) as
a precondition for a  Current conditions (e.g. 1991–2020);
probabilistic assessment.
 Near future (e.g. 2031–2060);

 Far future (e.g. 2071–2100) (only

if relevant for the specific decision-
making and planning context).

36 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Spatial focus/ Depend on hazards. Can be Full area (e.g. country), often split into
spatial units focused on areas affected geographic subunits (e.g. provinces).
by a given event (e.g. Recommended: eco-zones (e.g.
floods and earthquake) or mountains, foothills, coast) and
aggregated to larger areas. azonal units (e.g. cities).

Methods Preferably impact Hybrid approaches of climate

models and probabilistic and impact models, indicator-
assessment based on based approaches, and expert and
past observations and participatory approaches.
stochastic simulations,
complemented by expert

How Uncertainties are often Uncertainty on future climate

uncertainty is accounted for at the hazard is addressed by using climate
addressed level and propagated to scenarios. Model uncertainty in
subsequent assessment climate models is reflected through
stages. Uncertainty in climate model ensembles allowing
vulnerability and especially median and upper and lower
in impact measures boundaries (e.g. through percentiles)
is seldom considered to be reported. Hardly any uncertainty
thoroughly. information on exposure, vulnerability
or impact is considered. Uncertainty
of final assessment can be
addressed by qualitative confidence

How risk is Quantitatively as a Mostly severity of consequences,

measured and likelihood of a specific type expressed qualitatively in risk levels
evaluated and level of consequence. through a comprehensive expert or
Risk levels (e.g. high, indicator-based evaluation based
medium, low) might be on heterogeneous input information
assigned in a risk matrix as (impact models, scientific knowledge,
a function of the likelihood expert knowledge, stakeholder
of a consequence versus knowledge). No established concepts
the consequence itself. to express likelihood. No standards
However, clear risk criteria for a final evaluation. Options include
are often missing. concepts like “relevance of the risk” or
“urgency to act”.

37 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


“Risk identification” aims to identify relevant risks starting from existing knowledge and expert
input.  In addition, key affected sectors and geographic regions where to conduct an in-depth
analysis are selected, an initial list of suitable data sources is created and potential future
changes are determined.

Risk identification starts with a first identification of the relevant risk(s) with a wider focus based on
existing knowledge, such as reports, event databases and expert knowledge. It ends with a selection
of hazards, impacts and risks that will be considered in the risk analysis phase (figure 8). Risk
identification can be organized in a desktop-based format and should always include a workshop with
the stakeholders identified in the scoping phase (figure 9). Box 1 provides some questions that were
put together to guide the discussions on this phase.



Which hazards, impacts and risks are relevant?

Which climate-related hazards, impacts and related risks occurred in the past?

Which additional hazards, impacts and related risks are likely to gain importance in the

Which hazards, impacts and related risks should be considered more in-depth in the risk

Who and what is at risk? What are the exposed elements? Which values are at stake?

Natural and physical systems (e.g. ecosystems, water and infrastructure)

Humans and their livelihoods (including gender aspects and social groups)

Societal sectors, for example, agriculture, tourism and energy production


38 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 8. Example of results of risk identification steps: list of relevant hazards, their impacts,
affected sectors, affected regions, potential data sources, potential future change and an
evaluation of relevance for the risk assessment


ON LOSSES AND IMPACT AND (workshops, interviews,
DAMAGES RISKS questionnaires)


Hazard Observed Link to Where? Affected Potential Potential Potential

(including impacts climate- Affected systems data and future data and
magni- (including related regions and infor- evolution infor-
tudes, magni- hazards sectors mation mation
frequency, tudes, and sources sources
trends, …) frequency, climate
trends… change

Droughts Yield ­Triggered Mountains, Agricul- Hydro-Met Increasing National High

(frequent, losses by reduced lowlands, ture, water Service, droughts climate
increasing (frequent, precipita- sector EM-DAT and related impact
duration) increas- tion and impacts report
ing), water higher (more
shortage evapo- frequent,
(severe) transpira- higher
tion magnitude,

Vec- Malaria Support- Lowland, Human World Increasing -- Moderate

tor-borne and ed by coastal health Health Or- risk from
diseases dengue increasing regions. ganization, malaria
(common) fever tempera- Only local national
cases tures hotspots health

Figure 9. Risk identification by stakeholders in Pakistan for a mountainous region

Source: © M. Zebisch

39 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

“Risk analysis” is about analysing the risk components (hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities),
understanding their interrelationships as well as the resulting cascading impacts, describing the
potential for adverse consequences for selected human or ecological systems and assigning
risk levels (e.g. from very low to very high). For a “comprehensive” risk analysis of complex risks,
a clear conceptualization of risks with so-called “impact chains” is recommended.

Risk analysis analyses each selected risk, the underlying and interrelated risk factors (hazards, exposure
factors and vulnerabilities) and assesses the resulting risk with data-driven, semi-quantitative and
qualitative methods. Box 2 provides some questions that were put together to guide the discussions
on this phase. The subsections below discuss considerations on how to implement the risk analysis.


What is causing the risk? Understanding risks (current and potential future states).

Which factors and processes lead to specific risks posed to specific human or ecological
systems (hazards, exposure and vulnerability)?

How are hazards, impacts and risks interlinked (what leads to what – cascades,
compounds and feedbacks)?

What is the effect of climate change on raisk factors (including the current state)?

What are the other internal and external underlying risk drivers affecting vulnerability and
exposure (e.g. land degradation, socioeconomic trends, population development and
How adverse are the potential consequences (risk) and factors (current and potential
future states)?

How “severe” are hazards and impacts (regarding potential adverse consequences)?

How exposed is the system (number and density of exposed elements, economic value
and relevance)?

How vulnerable are the exposed elements (generic and specific to hazards/impacts)?

How adverse are the potential consequences?

Is it possible to address likelihood and confidence?

How well understood is the potential for adverse consequences to occur, and how much
does this potential depend on climate change, policy design or socioeconomic variables?

Is it possible to quantify the likelihood of occurrence of consequences? If not, can the

potential be characterized in some other way that helps stakeholders decide whether to
take this potential seriously, and how it compares with potential adverse consequences
from alternative courses of action?

How confident are the risk assessment statements? What are sources of uncertainty?

40 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.6.1 Concept of impact chains

For risk identification and risk analysis, the workshops) (figure 11). They can be refined and
use of impact chains is recommended to validated for risk analysis. Impact chains can
conceptualize complex risks (figure 10). Impact be used to understand risks from a conceptual
chains are conceptual models that follow perspective and can serve as a structure
the comprehensive risk framework. Impact for semi-quantitative assessment (e.g. with
chains are the core element in the climate risk composite indicators or a structured qualitative
assessment approach of the GIZ Vulnerability assessment). Overall, impact chains have been
Sourcebook and its Risk Supplement (Fritzsche applied in more than 20 national and subnational
et al., 2014; Zebisch et al., 2017, 2021). Usually, climate risk assessments, with one of them being
impact chains are developed in a context- and the climate risk assessment for Madagascar
case-specific manner, through a participatory showcased in Annex 1 of this guidance.
approach (e.g. during risk identification
Figure 10. General structure of an impact chain
Climate change as underlying risk driver
Other CLIMATE-RELATED Other hazards (geological, Other
underlying HAZARDS environmental, biological, underlying
risk drivers Including slow-onset chemical, technical, risk drivers
processes and trends societal)

EXPOSURE Potential direct physical impacts

• Ecosystems
• Susceptibility
• People and livelihoods IMPACTS • Lack of capacity to
prepare, prevent, cope or
• Sectors and
systems Potential direct physical impacts

Potential  for adverse consequences for
human or ecological systems

Figure 11. Developing impact chains during a workshop with stakeholders in Japan

Source: © M. Zebisch

41 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.6.2 Conceptualization of cascading and compounding hazards,
impacts and risks

Hazards and risk are not limited to a single Risks are often related to each other and lead to a
factor-to-factor relationship. Even a single hazard multi-risk situation. For instance, the agricultural
is usually characterized by cascading effects of sector is exposed to multiple interrelated risks
direct and indirect impacts, which are in turn from increasing temperature, droughts and heavy
affected by several vulnerability and exposure rain events.
factors (figure 12). Often, more than one hazard
(multi-hazard) affects a single system (at the If multiple hazards occur simultaneously or in a
same time). Hazards can trigger other hazards sequence, they are often defined as compound
and cause impact cascades that lead to impacts events. Compound events can be: (a) two or
and risks to multiple natural, physical and human more extreme events occurring simultaneously
systems including humans, their livelihoods and or successively, (b) combinations of extreme
societal sectors. Whether an event or process events with underlying conditions that amplify
should be addressed as either a hazard or an the impact of the events or (c) combinations of
impact often depends only on the perspective. An events that are not themselves extremes, but
impact of one hazard can again become another which lead to an extreme event or impact when
hazard. An impact turns into a risk if the adverse combined. The contributing events can be of
consequences on human or ecological systems similar (clustered multiple events) or different
that pertain to it are relevant to a risk assessment. type(s) (IPCC, 2012).

Figure 12. Conceptualization of cascading and compounding hazards and impacts and their
adverse consequences for various human and ecological systems within an impact chain

Exposure Hazard Vulnerability

Storm Heavy rain
Natural, Capacity
physical for hazard
and human Landslides Floods Mudflows prevention
systems and early
Ecosys- Impacts Forest damage
Soil erosion Suscepti-
tems bility for
and land
Damage to Sewage system degradation hazard and
Blocked roads collapse indirect
electric gird
Physical impacts
assets Region
Power outage Degradation
inaccessible Generic
and loss of suscepti-
Collapse of tele- Death No medical land bility and
communication and injury supply ­capacity  of
and liveli-
sector and
No food supply Polluted water systems

Societal sectors
Water and
ICT Health system Agriculture

Potential for adverse consequences for human or ecological
systems from storms and heavy rains (compound event)

Note: This impact chain represents a “risk from hazard” perspective with a focus on extreme
events as typical in the DRR field.

42 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 13 shows an example of an impact chain lack of efficient irrigation systems and lack of
that conceptualizes climate risks to farmers and knowledge on drought management) and high
the agricultural sector in a comprehensive way. It exposure (high density of farms in the region).
is based on a real case from Central Asia where High exposure and vulnerability are accelerated
mudflows, droughts and increasing temperatures by external risk drivers such as land degradation
are leading to increasing risks of crop failure and due to overgrazing, as well as the increasing
loss of agricultural land for farmers through a conversion of grassland to arable land due to
chain of cascading hazards and impacts. While in-migration. The agricultural sector has been
the risk is triggered by climate-related hazards, it chosen as the main system of interest for this
is also strongly determined by the vulnerability of specific risk assessment (risk to agricultural
the agricultural sector in this region. The sector sector). This risk can also be interpreted as a risk
is affected by a high physical and ecological in the context of SDG target 2.4 on “sustainable
susceptibility (e.g. high susceptibility to soil food production systems”.
erosion and droughts), a lack of capacity (e.g.
Figure 13. Example of an impact chain that conceptualizes risks to farmers and the agricultural sector
Climate change as underlying risk driver

Exposure Hazards Vulnerability

Natural, physical Increasing Heavy rain
Droughts Lack of early warning system
and human temperatures events for agro-meteorological
Ecosystems Potential Impacts
High susceptibility for new
Soil water pests and diseases (crop
Grasslands, arable deficit types, vicinity to major trans-
lands port routes)
More and new pests
and diseases High susceptibility of soil for
drought (soil type, ground-
Grassland and Crop Soil erosion and land water)
Agricultural sector damage degradation
High susceptibility for
Crop failure, decrease Degradation and loss mudflows and soil erosion
SDG Target 2.4 in yield of agricultural land (terrain, soil)
food production Low drought resistance of
systems RISK crops
Risk to farmers and the agricultural sector
of yield losses and land degradation as a Lack of knowledge on
Other underlying risk consequence of  increasing temperatures, drought and pest manage-
drivers (including droughts and heavy rain events ment and adaptation options
Risk to SDG Target 2.4: sustainable food Lack of or efficient irrigation
production systems system
fromgrassland to
arable land even in
Other underlying risk drivers (including external) Missing availability of insur-
unsuitable locations
ances schemes
due to population Decades of missing
Land degradation due
increase maintenance of exist-
to overgrazing Susceptibility
ing irrigation systems
More farms and
farmers due to pop- Deforestation in up- Missing trust in Lack of capacity
ulation increase stream region official institutions

Note: Grasslands and agricultural fields in a mountain valley in Central Asia are highly vulnerable
to climate-related hazards due to overgrazing, soil erosion and land degradation. Relevant hazards
include increasing temperatures and droughts as well as heavy rain events. All three hazards
trigger different hazard and impact cascades that lead to direct and indirect impacts that are
promoted through ecosystems and agricultural systems. This impact chain represents a “risk to
human or ecological systems” perspective, typical for the CCA context and recommended for a
comprehensive risk perspective.

43 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.6.3 Considerations when conceptualizing complex risks with impact

The key question when formulating risk factors within one sector or even across sectors should
is what leads to the risk? Factors should be be considered and evaluated.
formulated as precisely as possible (e.g.
“increasing temperature” or “high temperatures” It is important to conceptualize cascades through
and not just “temperature”). Vulnerability factors the systems. Often, climate-related hazards have
relating to a lack of capacity should be identified direct impacts on ecosystems (e.g. soil erosion)
as a “lack of …” (e.g. “lack of knowledge on that then indirectly affect human systems (e.g.
drought management”). the agricultural sector). Conceptualizing these
cascades is important to allow identification of
Multiple risks can be broken down into parts to risk reduction and adaptation options that can
keep the complexity manageable. However, in a interrupt these cascading effects.
synthesis phase, the interrelationships of risks

3.6.4 Identifying adaptation and risk reduction options with impact


If developed in a context-specific manner with (pasture management), capacity-building
stakeholders and validated by experts, impact (training), technical measures (improved
chains can serve as a basis for discussion irrigation systems) or economic measures
on risk reduction and adaptation options – (offering trusted, relevant and affordable
even without the need to further quantify the climate risk or agricultural insurance or other
individual risk factors. Impact chains often types of risk finance instruments and financing
reveal weak spots in the system or relevant options). Figure 14 continues the example of an
underlying risk drivers that could be controlled impact chain for unpacking the risk to farmers
better. Due to the conceptualization of hazard and the agricultural sector due to increased
and impact cascades, measures of different temperature, droughts and heavy rain events with
types can be identified, such as early warning adaptation options.
systems (EWSs), ecosystem-based adaptation

44 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 14. Example of how impact chains can be used to initiate a discussion on adaptation
options to reduce the risk to the agricultural sector (figure 13)

Climate change as underlying risk driver

Exposure Hazards Vulnerability

Natural, physical Increasing Heavy rain
Droughts Lack of early warning system
and human temperatures events for agro-meteorological
Ecosystems Potential Impacts
High susceptibility for new
Soil water pests and diseases (crop
Grasslands, arable deficit types, vicinity to major trans-
lands port routes)
More and new pests
and diseases High susceptibility of soil for
drought (soil type, ground-
Grassland and Crop Soil erosion and land water)
Agricultural sector damage degradation
High susceptibility for
Crop failure, decrease Degradation and loss mudflows and soil erosion
SDG Target 2.4 in yield of agricultural land (terrain, soil)
food production Low drought resistance of
systems RISK crops
Risk to farmers and the agricultural sector
of yield losses and land degradation as a Lack of knowledge on
Other underlying risk consequence of  increasing temperatures, drought and pest manage-
drivers (including droughts and heavy rain events ment and adaptation options
Risk to SDG Target 2.4: sustainable food Lack of or efficient irrigation
production systems system
fromgrassland to
arable land even in
Other underlying risk drivers (including external) Missing availability of insur-
unsuitable locations
ances schemes
due to population Decades of missing
Land degradation due
increase maintenance of exist-
to overgrazing Susceptibility
ing irrigation systems
More farms and
farmers due to pop- Deforestation in up- Missing trust in Lack of capacity
ulation increase stream region official institutions

Initiate risk-informed  land use planning Introduce agro-meteorological early

to stop unsustainable land use warning systems

Introduce pasture management measures to Offer training for drought and pest
stop overgrazing and land degradation management

Renew irrigation systems / improve

Offer trusted insurance and financing options

45 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
To analyse hazards, climate-related hazards Analysing vulnerability should include all relevant
(extreme weather events, slow-onset processes environmental, physical, technical, social, cultural,
and trends) as well as their relationship with non- economic, institutional or policy-related factors
climatic hazards should be taken into account. that contribute to susceptibility and/or a lack
Analysing extreme events, slow-onset processes of capacity to prepare, prevent, cope or adapt.
and trends in the context of climate change Understanding vulnerability is a key element in
brings methodological challenges. Probabilistic analysing entry points for adaptation and risk
approaches with a focus on events and their reduction options. As for exposure, underlying
statistics based on past observations are falling risk drivers such as land degradation, poverty or
short in the context of climate change. Options conflicts may affect vulnerability today or in the
discussed are the introduction of climate-impact- future, to an extent that could possibly contribute
related thresholds and the qualitative concept to an increase of climate-related risk even more
of severity to compare very different types of than a single hazard.
hazards and their impacts.
How to model or analyse potential cascading
When analysing exposure, consideration of a impacts as a result of the interrelation of hazards,
sequence of exposed systems (e.g. the ecosystem, exposure and vulnerability and how to describe
infrastructure, human lives, livelihoods and social the resulting potential for adverse consequences
sectors) to be able to model and understand on human or ecological systems depend
the cascading impacts from natural systems to significantly on the complexity of the selected
society is recommended. Exposure is a highly risks and the resources available (e.g. data,
dynamic risk factor that requires consideration models, knowledge, experts and time available).
of current trends in population, socioeconomic
development and environmental factors.

3.7.1 Analysing hazards

Extreme weather events and slow-onset processes
The basis of a CRA in the context of climate weather events are extreme deviations
change is the analysis and assessment of from a long-term normal, they have a
climate-related hazards. Climate-related hazards start and an end, and can be described by
refer to complex physical processes which have their duration, magnitude and frequency.
spatio-temporal footprints that continuously vary Frequencies can be translated into return
in terms of the space in which they occur – from periods/probabilities. Extreme weather
a city district (e.g. hail) to the planetary scale events can be defined either as statistical
(e.g. El Niño) – and in the time they take to occur extremes (e.g. days with precipitation
– from minutes (e.g. lighting) to centuries (e.g. above the 95th percentile) or by absolute
sea-level rise). thresholds (e.g. days with precipitation
above 100 mm). Absolute thresholds are
When classifying climate-related hazards, it is often defined in association with their
recommended to distinguish between: potential negative impacts.

Extreme weather events, in which the Slow-onset processes (or trends) are

duration can vary from minutes to long-lasting monotonic changes from a
seasons, in some cases even to multiple long-term normal (baseline) related to the
years (e.g. heavy rain events, storms, effects of climate change (e.g. increasing
floods, heatwaves or droughts). Extreme temperature, aridity or sea level). Slow-

46 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
onset processes can be described by land and forest degradation, glacial retreat, ocean
their change rate (e.g. 0.1°C warming acidification, sea-level rise and salinization.
per decade).
With climate change, extreme events are
The term “slow-onset events” used in the policy superimposed by and interlinked with, slow-onset
context of the United Nations Framework processes, and can no longer be assumed as
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Warsaw stationary. Increasing temperatures (trend) lead
International Mechanism Executive Committee for to increasing magnitude, frequency and duration
specific trends such as increasing temperatures of heatwaves (extreme event). An increasing sea
or sea-level rise is somewhat misleading, as level (trend) leads to increasing frequency and
such processes are not an event that can be magnitude of storm surges. An increasing aridity
described by duration or frequency/probability, (trend) increases the magnitude and duration of
at least not on the timescale of decision-making. drought events. It is of utmost importance that
These processes are already taking place and will, the hazard assessment recognizes the effects
unfortunately, last for the next hundred years at of climate change on magnitude, frequency and
least and have a probability of 100%. Therefore, duration of extreme weather events, which are
throughout this guidance, the term “slow-onset already observable and have to be taken into
processes and trends” is used instead of “slow- account when assessing climate-related risks,
onset events”. These processes include increasing even for the current state.
temperatures, desertification, loss of biodiversity,

Relationship between climate-related and non-climate-related hazards

Non-climate-related hazards (e.g. geophysical occur concurrently at the same spots,
or human made) should be considered in a leading to compound effects)​
comprehensive climate risk assessment insofar
as they have a relationship with climate-related Non-climate-related hazards can be classified
hazards or contribute to the vulnerability of according to the Hazard Definition & Classification
socioecological systems. Review (UNDRR, 2020a) into geological,
environmental, technological, biological, chemical
Non-climate-related hazards can for instance: and societal hazards (figure 2, right side).

Be triggered by climate-related hazards An important consideration when assessing

(e.g. a heavy rain event can trigger climate-related hazards in a comprehensive
landslides) climate risk assessment is the scale of frequency
and duration in focus. DRR approaches often
Act as an underlying risk driver that focus on high-impact low-frequency events
increases vulnerability to climate-related (e.g. floods with a 100-year return period). This
hazards (e.g. soil degradation increases assumes that assessing risks related to such
vulnerability to droughts, or infectious rare but severe “design events” and developing
diseases or a pandemic might further risk reduction measures for these design events
increase the social and economic can provide a buffer for preparing to confront
vulnerability to climate impacts) all events of low magnitude but which are more
frequent (e.g. floods with a 5-year return period).
Occur concurrently with climate-related
hazards and lead to so-called compound In the context of climate change, this approach
events (e.g. during a storm, flash floods, is often not useful. First, because the return
strong wind gusts and landslides might periods of the past are no longer applicable

47 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
for the future, and second, because the many force farmers to outmigrate.
adverse consequences of climate change are not
the result of single high-magnitude events but of To address this problem in a risk assessment, a
a generally deteriorating situation. In a specific focus on drought events with a 100-year return
region, increasing aridity might lead to droughts period would not make sense. Instead the focus
of relatively low magnitude every year. This could be laid on the complete picture of complex,
constant stress might lead to long-term yield accumulated and long-term impacts of events ad
declines and loss of food security, which might trends of all magnitudes.

Hazards in the context of current climate change

Climate change as an underlying risk driver to be considered specifically for the location
is already altering the magnitude, frequency of interest. However, not all hazards can be
and duration of many climate-related hazards. addressed consistently in a probabilistic
Consequently, the DRR approach of using framework, and an analytical approach might be
return periods of hazards based on historical too complex and resource intensive.
observations to plan risk reduction measures for
the future is not applicable in the standard way. A more viable and simpler alternative is to apply
Any quantitative and analytical method should a concept of “severity” to a hazard. Severity
take current trends and climate projections, entails the potential for adverse consequences,
at least for the near future, into account. although in a much less specific way with
Furthermore, hazards with a timescale longer than respect to analytical risk. To address the
days (e.g. droughts) are better described by their severity of a hazard means to implicitly already
duration and magnitude than by their frequency consider exposure and vulnerability of a system,
or return period. For trends such as increasing which is not always done in a transparent way.
temperatures, neither frequency nor duration A hazard of a given magnitude (e.g. a flood)
make sense. There are not yet established could be severe for one system (e.g. critical
methods for quantifying and comparing hazards infrastructure), but less severe for another
of various types, in a climate change context. system (e.g. agriculture). Categories (e.g. high,
medium and low) can be introduced to indicate
Theoretically, slow-onset processes can be the severity levels associated with different
reconducted to an event-based, probabilistic extents of consequences. Such categories can
framework, for instance by setting thresholds on efficiently group together different combinations
continuous parameters (e.g. on sea-level rise) of hazard parameters (e.g. intensity and duration)
and referring to the possible exceedances of the or analyse them independently if the hazard
thresholds as individual events. However, caution is a rapid-onset event or a slow-onset process
should be exerted in extending this paradigm, or trend.
since, for instance, concepts such as duration,
frequency and probability might be ill defined. For instance, it could be decided that a sea-
level rise (a trend) of more than 20 cm would
In the context of DRR, this can be overcome by be “highly severe” because thousands of people
carrying out comparisons at the level of resulting could lose their homes and land. In the same way,
impacts (i.e. focusing on the expected adverse a drought that lasts longer than 1 month within
consequences rather than on the hazardous the vegetation period could also be classified as
process). Many of the loss metrics commonly “highly severe” as it could lead to crop failure. This
used in probabilistic risk assessment such as categorization strongly depends on the specific
average annual loss are independent of the location and related environmental conditions,
underlying hazards and can therefore be used for as well as the considered hazard, since careful
multi-hazard risk comparison and assessment, calibration and validation for operational use
at least for the current situation. Furthermore, is required. By applying thresholds, trends are
this allows exposure and vulnerability factors converted into events, which would potentially

48 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
even allow probabilities or likelihoods (at least Impact-oriented hazard thresholds might allow
within one climate scenario) to be expressed. different hazards to be compared in an intuitive
This calibration can be based on expert way and enable the design and implementation
knowledge elicitation or empirical observations, of EWSs with the advantage of a comprehensive
or it might exploit analytical risk assessment consideration of the different risk components.
tools, depending on the application and the
available resources and time frame.

Potential future evolution of climate-related hazards

For climate-related hazards, climate scenarios The projection of precipitation extremes
can serve as input for projections about hazard is less reliable than for temperature
development and potential future states. Several extremes
aspects should be considered when using
climate scenarios for the projection of extreme In general, climate models are good at
events. Critical aspects include: modelling and projecting global trends
for temperature and precipitation. On the
Single climate models are often unreliable regional to local scale, information on
when it comes to extremes, and the use of temperature is robust and models agree on
multi-model ensembles is mandatory trends, while data on precipitation status
and trends have a higher uncertainty.
For extremes, applying bias-adjusted This is because precipitation depends on
climate model outputs, in particular if complex multi-scale processes such as
absolute thresholds are used to define global circulation effects, regional effects
extremes (e.g. hot days are days with mean (e.g. from mountains chains) and local
temperatures > 30°C), is recommended effects such as in the case of convective
events (thunderstorms). Other climate
Using statistical approaches to define variables such as windspeed, snowfall
extremes (e.g. temperatures above or soil moisture are more complex, and
the 99th percentile) is more robust but results from climate models for such
these need to be applied with care when variables are even more uncertain. Results
comparing extreme events between on climate extremes are always more
time periods uncertain than information on status and
trends for mean values.

Data sources for hazard assessment

Hazard data can be sourced from national and regional hydrological and meteorological services or
from global sources such as those listed in table 2. Impact data providers are government ministries
such as environment, social welfare, health, public works, energy, water, civil protection and national
disaster management authorities.
Table 2. Selection of hazard data sources with global coverage available online and open access



49 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
UNDRR and Hazard definition and
International Science classification review publication/hazard-definition-
Council and-classification-review

WMO World weather and climate

extremes archive

National Oceanic Collection of climatic data

and Atmospheric cdo-web/datasets

Copernicus Climate Past, present and future

Change Service climate information in Europe
and the rest of the world

International Climate data library

Research Institute for resources/data-library/
Climate and Society

UNDRR: DesInventar National disaster loss


Emergency Events International disaster database

Database (EM-DAT) database

Dartmouth Flood Flood event archive http://floodobservatory.


United States Earthquake catalogue

Geological Survey earthquakes/search/
Earthquake catalog

Global Centroid- Earthquake events: date,

Moment-Tensor location, intensity

Northern California Earthquake events: date,

Earthquake Data location, intensity

GEM Global Active Global database of active faults

Faults Database GEMScienceTools/gem-global-

50 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
NOAA Global historical tsunami
database hazard/tsu_db.shtml

Smithsonian Global historic volcanic

Institution Global eruptions eruption.cfm
Volcanism Program

European Space ATSR World Fire Atlas

Agency wfa.php

National Aeronautics Global landslide catalogue

and Space Science/Global-Landslide-
Administration Catalog/h9d8-neg4

3.7.2 Analysing exposure

Exposure generally describes which elements of loss (United Nations, 2016; Pittore et al., 2017).
value are at stake. Exposure can be expressed by
the presence of people, livelihoods, species or In CRA, it is recommended to consider all exposed
ecosystems, environmental functions, services systems (e.g. ecosystems, physical assets,
and resources, by the infrastructure, or by the infrastructure, human lives and livelihoods,
economic, social or cultural assets in places and social sectors) necessary to conceptualize
settings that could be adversely affected (figure and assess direct and cascading impacts,
15). Exposure describes the elements of value from natural systems on society in the form of
exposed to one or more hazards and subject to “exposure layers”.

Figure 15. Elements of exposure

Other underlying Elements at risk
risk drivers Physical assets Cascading
(e.g. population • Numbers potential Vulnerability
trends, People and
• Densities livelihoods impacts
• Economic values Sectors and
settlements, …)
Values at stake systems Risk

Socioecological Systems

51 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The inclusion of ecosystems and even more is population development, for which rough
notably of social sectors and systems as exposed estimates exist (European Commission, Joint
elements and systems is a significant extension Research Centre, 2018). For context-specific
compared to the traditional DRR approach, exposure scenarios, the only option would be to
which usually focuses on human (displaced, develop approximate expert-based scenarios to
injuries and fatalities) as well as physical assets at least gain an idea about the potential effect of
(infrastructure and housing) and the related exposure dynamics on future climate risks. IPCC
economic damage. The systemic perspective uses so-called shared socioeconomic pathways
representing the socioecological system and (SSPs), which provide a narrative description of
its exposure layers is one of the key aspects of global socioeconomic conditions associated
a CRA and one that puts human and ecological with each greenhouse gas emission scenario.
systems at the core. These SSPs provide a set of boundary conditions
upon which potential future exposure scenarios
Exposed elements can usually be mapped well, can be developed, for instance in terms of
which is one of the key aspects of a spatially population (Jones and O’Neill, 2016) or land use
explicit risk assessment. Exposure can be (Doelman et al., 2018). Modelling such future
described in terms of objective indicators that are exposure scenarios can be resource intensive
relatively easy to define, retrieve and map (e.g. and is affected by significant uncertainty, also
number of people and economic values exposed, due to the mutual dependency between SSPs
aggregated over regular grids or administrative and CCA measures. Participative bottom-up
boundaries). Exposure is a highly dynamic scenario techniques may be more appropriate
risk factor. People are constantly migrating for subnational or local applications. However,
from rural areas to cities and changing land scenario building for exposure remains an
use is transforming exposure. Settlements are underdeveloped but relevant field of action.
encroaching into flood-prone areas. Underlying
risk drivers are affecting exposure and can Identifying exposure and vulnerability data sets
often contribute to increasing climate-related means first knowing what problems the hazard(s)
risks more than the increasing hazard. For the under consideration cause. For instance, for
assessment of potential future climate risks, it is flooding and earthquakes, the exposure and
therefore essential to take climate scenarios and vulnerability indicators must be specific to the
exposure scenarios into account. robustness of buildings. When data are not
available, proxy indicators can be used. See table
Unfortunately, there are few established methods 3 for a selection of available global exposure
or data sets on the evolutions of exposure for data sets.
most of the exposure factors. The exception
Table 3. Selection of sources of exposure information with global coverage



WorldPop Global 100 m gridded

population estimates methods/populations

Buildings Building types (residential, If no national data available:

commercial, industrial)
Gridded building patterns for
51 African countries: https://

OpenStreetMap: http://

52 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Agriculture Crop and land-use types European Space Agency
GlobCover (300 m resolution):

European Space Agency CCI

Land Cover - S2 Prototype Land
Cover 20m map of Africa 2016:

Transportation Road, rail and air infrastructure If no national data available:

OpenStreetMap: http://

Ecosystems Global ecosystems map


Large loss facilities Sport facilities and stadia, If no national data available:
schools, marketplaces and OpenStreetMap: http://
other high population density

Critical facilities Hospitals and health sites, If no national data available:

bridges, telecommunications, OpenStreetMap: http://
airports, energy systems

53 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.7.3 Analysing vulnerability

Vulnerability is the propensity or predisposition to all relevant environmental, physical, technical,
be adversely affected.2 It encompasses a variety social, cultural, economic, institutional or policy-
of concepts and elements including sensitivity related factors that contribute to susceptibility
or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to and/or lack of capacity to prepare, prevent, cope
cope and adapt (IPCC, 2019a). Vulnerability in a or adapt (figure 16).
comprehensive climate risk assessment includes
Figure 16. Elements of vulnerability

Factors: Other underlying
Susceptibility • Environmental risk drivers
Cascading (e.g. degradation
Exposure potential • Physical, technical of ecosystems
impacts Lack of capacity • Social, cultural and land, poverty,
to prepare, lack of social
• Economic protection,
prevent, cope
Risk or adapt • Institutional, conflicts,…)
policy related

Socioecological Systems

Vulnerability is not a function of poverty alone. vulnerability of ecosystems within complex risks
Location, age, gender, income group, disability to human systems is key to identifying options
and access to social protection greatly affect for ecosystem-based adaptation measures.
the choices people have to make to anticipate,
prevent and mitigate risks (UNDRR, 2019a). Due to its complexity and the number of factors
Hence, understanding vulnerabilities is a key contributing to vulnerability, it is challenging to
element in analysing entry points for adaptation choose a pragmatic but relevant system limit
options, as reducing vulnerability is the most and a set of vulnerability factors that could
relevant of all adaptation strategies. Social be assessed in a data-driven or expert-driven
factors such as inequality, poverty, no access to manner. To include vulnerability factors not
social protection and no access to information based on data availability but on relevance or
or markets can be major underlying drivers to priorities is of utmost importance. If a factor is
understanding and reducing climate-related relevant, it should be included in the assessment.
risks. Other underlying risk drivers that increase If it cannot be measured quantitatively, other
vulnerability are related to ecosystems and their approaches such as expert-based or participatory
services. A major factor here is land degradation and narrative approaches should be used.
(e.g. land degradation due to overgrazing in
figure 13), which increases the vulnerability The physical vulnerability of a given system to
of ecosystems and related human systems a hazard can be described by concepts such as
by increasing the risk of drought, soil erosion susceptibility (to damage), sensitivity or fragility.
or landslides. Understanding the role of the These concepts are well established in the

2 Vulnerability is defined as “The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or
processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the impacts of hazards”
(United Nations, 2016).

54 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
DRR field for local to regional analysis. Fragility Ferrer et al., 2017). Such factors are relevant
curves can describe the relationship between and can be retrieved from national statistical
the intensity of a flood (inundation height, flow offices, from social protection registries or by
velocity, etc.) and the expected impact on conducting household surveys. Data on literacy
buildings in terms of physical damage. However, rate, institutional and governance arrangements
approaches using a calibration of such models (e.g. voice and accountability, rule of law, political
depend on good empirical knowledge based on stability, government effectiveness and control
past hazards and their impacts. They are data of corruption) are often difficult to obtain for
intensive and often do not consider the climate the subnational level. Vulnerability indicators
and climate change component (e.g. heavy rain such as access to infrastructure, health care and
as a trigger of landslides is not considered in electricity can be calculated in a geographical
landslide susceptibility models). In the climate information system (GIS).
change context, physical impact models (e.g.
hydrological models) include a representation However, particularly at the subnational scale,
of physical processes that implicitly relate more hazard and risk-specific socioeconomic
vulnerability factors (e.g. terrain, soil type or vulnerability factors (e.g. inadequate irrigation
land cover) with hazard (e.g. heavy rainfall) and systems or the specific situation of a vulnerable
impact (e.g. a flood). Physical models can be fed group) are relevant in understanding and reducing
with climate scenarios to give indications about the risk. Such information is much harder to
potential future impacts. retrieve or assess; information is often more
narrative than data based. For some aspects
To describe socioeconomic vulnerability, a of physical vulnerability, modern data-driven
broader approach is often chosen, based on technologies such as Earth observation could
factors such as poverty levels or proxy indicators step in (table 4).
for poverty and inequality (e.g. INFORM) (Marin-
Table 4. Selection of vulnerability information sources available online




WorldPop: Population Population disaggregated by age

age and gender and gender geodata/listing?id=87

Uprooted people Number of displaced people http://www.internal-

(refugees and internally displace

Partially subnational available

EM-DAT: Population

affected by shocks the
last three years

55 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Famine Early
Warning Systems
Network: food


Human development Partially subnational available

index composite/HDI

Global Partially subnational

multidimensional multidimensional-poverty-
poverty index index/

“Lack of capacity” is an important category Capacities could also refer to the major
of vulnerability. This already points towards approaches of risk reduction, namely, the
adaptation options, since a lack of capacity capacity to prepare, prevent, cope and
could be overcome through targeted adaptation adapt. As for exposure, it would be relevant
measures. Inversely, an existing or developing to consider vulnerability scenarios when
capacity would reduce vulnerability. The missing assessing potential future risks. However, due
capacities could include: to the higher complexity of vulnerability factors
compared to those of exposure, examples
Lack of (specific) knowledge that take vulnerability scenarios in climate risk
assessments into consideration are rare. Again,
Lack of (specific) technology or lack of tailor-made and context-specific scenario or
access to technology foresight approaches (Leitner, 2017) only could
be applied to consider the extent of different
Lack of financial resources
vulnerability scenarios affecting potential future
climate risk.
Lack of (specific) institutional structures
and resources

Lack of (specific) legal frameworks,

regulations or strategies

56 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


The final step of “risk analysis” is to assess the risk, by assigning it to risk levels (e.g. from
very low to very high), based on the description of adverse consequences and, if possible, their
likelihood. This assessment is a value-based process that needs an agreed and value-based target
system that should have been defined already in the scoping phase. “Risk evaluation” means
drawing conclusions out of the risk assessment with respect to the demand for risk reduction
measures. The concept of risk evaluation is underdeveloped in climate risk assessments. This
guidance discusses some current approaches such as “the urgency for action” or the concept of
“acceptable, tolerable and intolerable risks”.

Findings from the analysis of hazards, exposure systems” caused by the adverse consequences
and vulnerability are summarized, assessed and of multiple and cascading hazardous events
evaluated in the risk analysis and the subsequent and trends. The interactions and dynamics of
risk evaluation phase. This allows description hazards, exposure and vulnerability, as well as
and quantification of risks, and evaluation of the resulting adverse consequences of complex
risk priorities, risk tolerance levels and urgency risks, cannot be reduced in a meaningful way to
to act. There are no standards on how to single statements about one expected impact
achieve the outcome. The approaches should of one defined event and its likelihood. From an
be context specific and designed to respond to action-oriented perspective, it is more important
risk information needs for decision-making and to describe potential adverse consequences in
planning. In any case, it is highly recommended for a comprehensive way and to shed light on their
this phase to first summarize the understanding underlying root causes. A risk classification with
of risk as objectively as possible. Any further risk levels is still a useful element of a CRA, as it
value-based assessment and evaluation should allows comparison and prioritization of risks, but
be made explicit and follow explicit risk criteria it is not the main and only outcome of a CRA.
that have been developed in response to explicit
objectives, goals and values in the scoping phase. Here, it should be stressed again that risk
in the context of climate change is more
In a standard DRR approach, the final step of a risk than the likelihood of an impact, but a value-
assessment aims to describe “risk from hazard” based assessment of the potential of adverse
as a function of the potential consequences consequences.
and their likelihood. The approach focuses
on risks from well-defined disastrous events A pragmatic approach for the finalization of
caused by well-defined and often single hazards. a CRA should be based on a complex body
The outcome is often a risk classification into of information and knowledge collected
risk levels (e.g. from low to high) by applying during risk identification and risk analysis
established methods such as risk matrices and (figure 17). This body may be retrieved from
implicit or explicit value-based risk criteria. Such heterogenous data and information and hybrid
risk classifications can be compared across approaches for analysing and understanding
different risks from different hazards. hazards, vulnerability, exposure and cascading
potential impacts.
In a CRA, as reflected in GRAF, approaches
need to be different as they focus on complex
and systemic “risks to human or ecological

57 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The final assessment can comprise:

A detailed and spatially explicit description Conclusions on linkages among risks

of the potential for adverse consequences across sectors and spatial multi-risk
for specific human or ecological systems hotspots
related to risk to specific sectors and
systems Conclusions on entry points for DRR and
An assessment of risk levels for each risk,
and if possible, be spatially explicit based A final risk evaluation on aspects such as
on agreed risk criteria and values risk tolerance levels or urgency to act

These steps are further described in the following subsections.

Figure 17. Pragmatic approach for the finalization of a CRA

Risk identification and analysis

 Body of information and knowledge
• Studies on climate • Climate data • Information on other
impact and risks • Climate scenarios underlying risk drivers
• Studies on disaster risk • Data on other hazards

• Event databases VULNERABILITY
• Data on population, Data on losses and damages • Data on vulnerability
Land use, assets
• Impact models, Risk models • Reports and studies
• Reports and studies
Indicators • Expert knowledge
• Expert knowledge
• Expert assessment

Final steps of risk analysis; Risk evaluation

 Outcomes of the risk assessment

Description (quantitative and/or qualitative) of the potential

for adverse consequences for human or ecological systems
and their spatial and temporal dimension  understanding risk
Expert elicitation Participatory approaches risk entry points
for DRR and CCA

Criteria based assessment of risk level

Conclusions on links between risks and multi-risk hotspots
Conclusions on entry points for risk reduction
Value- based Risk prioritization,
risk criteria Expert elicitation Participatory approaches urgency to act

Risk Evaluation: risk tolerance, demand for action


58 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.8.1 Describing the potential for adverse consequences

The approach to model or analyse the potential as in a DRR approach, or only for a certain part
for adverse consequences on human or of the assessment (e.g. hazards and physical
ecological systems depends on the complexity impact), and need to consider much more
of the selected risks and the resources available subjective elements, value-based decisions and
(e.g. data, models, knowledge, experts and time qualitative conclusions.
available). Methods cannot be as quantitative

Hybrid approaches
Therefore, risk assessments for complex climate-related risks tend to follow a hybrid approach with a
mixture consisting of:

Quantitative and spatially explicit components (hazard, vulnerability, exposure))

descriptions of the hazard based on and are finally aggregated to a composite
climate observations or models for the risk indicator. The advantage of composite
current situation, as well as on climate indicators lies in the transparency of the
scenarios for potential future situations. evaluation steps and the comparability of
results (e.g. across administrative areas).
Quantitative approaches for selected Furthermore, several indicators can be mapped,
physical direct impacts (e.g. floods or and the risk assessment can be made spatially
landslides) for which established physical explicit and conducted within a GIS environment
models exist. Potential future impacts (figure 18).
can be modelled with the same physical
models but fed with climate scenarios However, an indicator-based approach requires
instead of climate observations. several normative decisions on the selection
of indicators, the value-transfer scheme,
Semi-quantitative assessments, for normalization and weighting, and lacks some
selected exposure and vulnerability relevant components of a complex risk for which
factors described by proxy indicators for indicators cannot be defined. Indicator-based
the current situation. approaches are recommended for larger areas
with many subunits and the need to assess
Storylines and narratives on underlying risks in a spatially explicit manner. For smaller
drivers, past trends, critical processes and areas, an assessment that is more qualitative
vulnerabilities. might be suitable. Examples of indicator-based
approaches are the GIZ Vulnerability Sourcebook
One way to bring the relevant information into
and its Risk Supplement (Fritzsche et al., 2014;
a common assessment frame is the use of
Zebisch et al., 2017, 2021) or the INFORM
normalized indicators that are aggregated
framework (Marin-Ferrer et al., 2017).
to composite indicators (e.g. for single

59 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Figure 18. Example of a spatially explicit integration of risk components to risk following an
indicator-based approach

Source: GIZ, Eurac and UNU-EHS (2018)

Another, qualitative method is a structured, assess risks in a qualitative and structured way in
expert-based aggregation of the single pieces the IPCC context. Various recent national climate
of information listed above. In this way, non- risk assessments follow an elaborate and
quantitative information can also be integrated structured expert-based assessment (Stationery
into the assessment. Still, it makes sense to Office, 2017; Ministry for the Environment, 2020).
give an independent assessment of the single
components of risk (hazard, exposure and
vulnerability) or even to stress the contribution
of relevant single factors. Zommers et al. (2020)
document and discuss good examples of how to

60 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Describing the potential for consequence per “capital” or “exposure
In DRR applications, the main target of a included in this category.
risk assessment is to describe and assess
the combined extent of potential adverse Political/social impact (including security),
consequences (e.g. in terms of L&D) and taking into account the disruption of
their likelihood. Such consequences are often daily life/use of critical facilities (energy,
assessed focusing on different “capitals” health, education, etc.), water and food
(or “assets” or “goods”) such as (European security, loss of livelihood/income, social
Commission, 2019): unrest, threats to social security, and the
capacity to govern and control the country.
Human impacts, in terms of fatalities, Sometimes, this category includes
injuries and long-term illness, people psychological effects.
evacuated or who have lost access to
basic services and displaced and uprooted In a set-up of a CRA, these “capitals” could be
people. represented by the specific exposure “layers”
that have been defined in the scoping phase
Economic impact, including financial and and in the conceptualization phase (impact
material losses, as well as economic chains), answering such questions as: which
losses from various sectors of the values should be protected (e.g. human lives,
economy. ecosystems or social cohesion), which targets
(e.g. SDGs) should be achieved but which might
Environmental impacts, considering be threatened by climate-related hazards (e.g.
impact on natural resources, protected food security or poverty reduction) and which
areas and habitats (forests, terrestrial adverse consequences should be absolutely
biodiversity, aquatic, marine ecosystems, avoided (e.g. irreversible loss of ecosystems)?
etc.) and natural and urban environments.
Impacts on cultural heritage can be

Describing the magnitude of potential adverse consequences

Some of the impacts outlined above could be considered and not left out, just because a
described quantitatively, for instance, in terms quantitative description is not possible. A decline
of number of deaths/injuries for “human capital” in yield due to a rising frequency, duration and
or economic values (e.g. physical damage to magnitude of droughts might force farmers to
structures or business interruption), at least for outmigrate. A warming and shrinking inland lake
the current situation. might threaten the livelihoods of local fishers.
Climate-related in-migration into a mountain
Other impacts need to be described qualitatively valley might lead to deforestation and erosion
or using narrative approaches. For potential due to new land take. All these consequences
future states, it will, in most cases, be impossible can most likely not be quantified, but their
to describe adverse consequences on human description is important to design risk reduction
and ecological systems in a quantitative way. and adaptation measures and should therefore
Consequences can then be estimated either by be described as precisely as possible (table 5).
semi-quantitative approaches with composite
indicators, or purely qualitatively by expert- and This requires the expertise of several experts in
stakeholder-based approaches. a guided discussion to reveal a combination of
factors or cascades that may lead to high risk
Nevertheless, any potential consequence that out of the analysis and where an intervention
might cause a high risk for society should be would be necessary and the most useful. The

61 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
contributions of adaptation specialists and points for adaptation.
risk managers is important in this phase. The
narrative should describe which factors and Qualitative criteria could be based on aspects
which underlying risk drivers lead to a specific such as the effect of a consequence on the
risk, what is the impact of climate change on the functionality of a system (e.g. complete
risk, and if there are specific spatial or thematic collapse = catastrophic), and subcriteria could
hotspots or specific vulnerable groups. The be irreversibility and duration or the necessity
assessment can also highlight vulnerabilities for interventions.
and lack of capacities that might be useful entry
Table 5. Example of classification of the magnitude of consequences



1. Limited/insignificant Minor L&D only that does not affect functionality; no external
measures necessary

2. Minor/substantial Minor reduction of functionality of system, minor L&D; support

measures necessary

3. Moderate/serious Serious reduction of functionality of system, moderate L&D;

national support necessary

4. Significant/very Long-term damage to functionality of system, high L&D; national

serious support and intervention necessary

5. Catastrophic/ Irreversible collapse of system, very high L&D; national and/or

disastrous international intervention necessary

Note: Similar criteria could be used for risk classification, if the likelihood of impacts cannot be

Describing the likelihood of potential adverse consequences and why

this is difficult in the context of climate change
In a classical DRR approach, the magnitude of the based on past observations. The likelihood for
potential consequences alone does not describe multiple levels of magnitude can be expressed by
the related risk. In fact, the likelihood of potential so-called probability density functions.
consequences should also be jointly considered.
In a typical DRR framework, the likelihood In the context of climate change, it is often difficult,
of consequences is driven by a probabilistic impossible or simply not appropriate to describe
description of the underlying hazard. In relatively the likelihood of a potential consequence for
constrained applications (mostly single several reasons. Most of these are related to
hazards and considering quantitative impacts), the fact that a likelihood can be assigned only to
likelihoods could be assigned to a hazard of a discrete events (and not to processes or trends).
specific magnitude (e.g. a level 4 hurricane), In the context of climate change, the focus is on
for example extracted from stochastic models describing complex adverse consequences of a

62 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
mix of hazardous events, processes and trends. scenario separately.
In addition to these methodological challenges,
the high uncertainty of complex impacts, the For example, the risk to farmers from drought
missing information on uncertainty as well as impact, which is a continuum in reality, would have
the missing likelihood “tag” of different climate to be described by an event like “within at least 5
scenarios makes the assignment of likelihood years of a 30 year period, at least 50% of yields
across different climate scenarios impossible. are lost”. For such an event, a likelihood could
be estimated for the current period (e.g. unlikely)
There is no established workaround for this and for single representative concentration
problem. If, for some reason (e.g. for consistency pathways (RCPs) for specific future periods (e.g.
with an existing disaster risk assessment), until 2050, “likely” for RCP 2.6 and “very likely” for
the “event” perspective and the description of RCP 8.5). However, such statements would be
likelihoods are required or desired, the only way highly uncertain. Most importantly, they would
is to transform the description of climate-related describe only a limited part of the continuous
hazards and adverse consequences wherever space of potential consequences, which would
possible in an “event” (e.g. by introducing not be helpful to understand the risks and identify
critical thresholds) and estimate their likelihood risk reduction and adaptation options.
for the current situation and for each climate

3.8.2 From adverse consequences to risk

A common concept in the DRR field is to apply a scenarios for different emission trajectories).
risk matrix that crosses the magnitude with the Wherever possible, the potential ranges of
likelihood of consequences to describe risk with impacts and consequences are reported. Where
risk levels (e.g. high, medium and low). However, possible, information about the confidence of
there is no standard to define what a high, medium statements should also be given.
or low risk exactly means, and which criteria have
to be applied. Criteria are often chosen implicitly Based on this complex information on the
by defining criteria for likelihood and impact. potential consequences, risk levels are assessed
by a reasonable number of experts (e.g. more than
If it is not appropriate or not possible to 10) who first assess each risk for each spatial
describe potential adverse consequences as unit (e.g. district or ecozone) independently in
an event with a magnitude and a likelihood, a a first round and discuss and harmonize results
pragmatic approach that is more inductive has in a second round. A similar approach is applied
to be applied by an expert assessment of risk within the IPCC working groups when drawing
levels based on the complex description of expert-based conclusions on risk, for instance for
potential consequences. identifying key risks (Zommers et al., 2020). The
criteria for the risk assessment could be similar
In this case, the potential adverse consequences to the ones described above for the magnitude of
are described in an as detailed, complete and adverse consequences. Or they could already be
spatially explicit manner as possible, with a mix oriented towards criteria that are applied during
of quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative the risk evaluation such as classification into
information for every time slice and for every acceptable tolerable and intolerable risks.
scenario (current situation and potential future

63 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3.8.3 Comparing risks across systems and sectors

A common risk classification scheme (e.g. from potential future situations), across sectors and
negligible to high) allows comparison of risks within across regions (if a risk assessment is performed
one system (e.g. a social sector), across timescales in a spatially explicit manner). This is helpful if risks
(e.g. risk for the current situation versus risk for and risk reduction demand has to be prioritized.

Zooming out: analysing risks across sectors and systems

In a complex climate risk assessment, a large and even transport. Identifying such risk clusters
number of risks to different human or ecological is helpful in ascertaining efficient risk reduction
sectors are often addressed. In such a context, the measures that tackle the risk early in a cascading
final step of the risk analysis could be to assess risk cascade and reduce the risk for more than
the interrelationships among single risks across one system or sector. Warren et al. (2016) and
sectors. Risk complexes that are all related to Buth et al. (2017) give good examples of national
specific parts of impact chains can frequently climate risk studies in which meta-analysis and
be identified. For instance, climate impacts on risk clustering are used as a final step of the
water availability have wide consequences for risk analysis.
agriculture, energy production, health, industry

3.8.4 Risk evaluation

Risk evaluation is the final step of a risk The concept of risk evaluation is underdeveloped
assessment. According to ISO 31000 (ISO, 2018), in climate risk assessments. There are only a few
the purpose of risk evaluation is to support examples of national climate risk assessments
decisions. Risk evaluation involves comparing that explicitly address this step and that
the results of the risk analysis with the risk criteria distinguish it from risk analysis. In the United
established in the scoping phase to determine Kingdom’s climate change risk assessment and
where additional action is required. This can lead New Zealand’s national climate risk assessment
to the following decisions: (Stationery Office, 2017; Ministry for the
Environment, 2019), a final evaluation of all risks
Do nothing further into an “urgency for action” class is performed
(more action needed, research priority, sustain
Consider risk treatment options current actions and watching brief). Mechler
and Schinko (2016) propose classifying climate
Undertake further analysis to better
risks according to their tolerability (intolerable,
understand the risk
tolerable or acceptable) and to link this evaluation
to the demand for action, or the necessity of
Maintain existing controls
gaining international support.

Reconsider objectives

64 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


Risk assessments in the context of climate change are subject to a high degree of uncertainty due
to the complexity and the systemic character of risks and the uncertainties of future scenarios.
Qualitative assessment of sources of uncertainty and the confidence of main statements
is recommended.

Climate risk assessments are subject to a taken more as indications of what can happen.
high degree of uncertainty. In particular, when In general, measures with a more generic effect
addressing future risks, uncertainty in climate risk leading to more resilience are better suited
assessments is very high. There is uncertainty in to respond to uncertainty than measures that
data, in understanding processes to ascertain require precise technical information on the
the right proxy indicators, in all methods for potential impact.
weighting and so forth.
Validation is another important concept to
However, there is a growing agreement among address and reduce uncertainties and to increase
experts that an accurate prediction of climate confidence. Validation can be performed on
is not an impediment to adaptation decision- all levels:
making. A risk assessment is not just about an
improved prediction of likelihood or consequence. Quantitative approaches such as climate
Moreover, reducing uncertainties is only one models; impact models can be validated
means by which progress towards adaptation quantitatively for past periods based
occurs (Dessai et al., 2001). on comparison with observations (i.e.
measured data)
It is nonetheless important to address
uncertainties, at least in a qualitative way, by Any qualitative or conceptual approach
making the sources of uncertainty transparent such as expert estimates; impact chains
for each key statement. For instance, statements can be validated by a group of independent
on risks related to direct impacts of increasing experts
temperature are less uncertain than risks related
to impacts of heavy rain events. An assessment The final result such as the final risk report;
of complex risks with long and cascading chains key findings should be reviewed by an
is more uncertain than that of less-complex risks. adequate number of independent experts

For complex statements for which uncertainty As important as validation is the creation of
cannot be estimated in quantitative terms, consensus and commitment regarding the
IPCC uses the term “confidence” instead of results of the risk assessments from risk
“uncertainty” as a mixed concept when referring managers and stakeholders representing the
to the agreement of information and the amount affected systems including vulnerable groups. If
of information available. Understanding the level these stakeholders do not agree on the results
of uncertainty and/or confidence of a statement of the assessment, they will not be committed or
is also important to avoid maladaptation. not accept the measures for risk reduction.
Regarding future risks, quantitative measures
should not be overinterpreted and should be

65 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


Results can be presented in a comprehensive risk report that addresses the risks from
different hazard types as well to different human and ecological systems. The report, as well
as other dissemination activities, should be co-designed with the stakeholders that operate
the systems and sectors for which the risk assessment has been implemented, together with
vulnerable groups that are at risk. Presentation of results could include impact chains showing
the interdependencies for particular risks or sectors, as well as maps representing where in
the region assessed, the risk and its component hazards, exposure and vulnerability are most
pronounced in order to inform stakeholders which geographic regions should be prioritized
for action.

The design of a CRA should also be reflected in the structure of the final assessment report. While
disaster risk assessment reports usually follow a structure by hazard type, a CRA report, if the risk
assessment addresses more than one sector or system, could be structured by sectors and systems,
from physical impacts to natural environment to human systems. The presentation of the results of the
risk assessment could be structured in the following order:

Impacts on the physical environment, Impacts on and risks to other essential

often triggering secondary hazards such sectors and services (e.g. energy, transport
as environmental hazards and geohazards or information and communications
(e.g. water cycle, cryosphere and terrain technology)
Impacts on and risks to other societal
Impacts on and risks to biodiversity, sectors (e.g. tourism, industry or trade)
ecosystems and ecosystem services
The risk assessment report will contain
Impacts on and risks to physical graphics such as impact chains. These allow
assets (e.g. settlements and critical the interconnectedness of factors making up
infrastructure) a specific risk under consideration or a sector
in one picture to be viewed. The report should
Impacts on and risks to humans and their also contain tables listing the key factors that
livelihoods (e.g. health and injury and contribute to each risk component and how
direct livelihoods) each factor was measured, using indicators if
quantitative data were available or indications of
Impacts on and risks to social services how the factor was measured using a qualitative
(e.g. access to nutrition, education, health method. To understand where in a region or
services and care) country the overall risk, its components and
factors are most pronounced and hence where
Impacts on and risks to the primary sector
specific actions have to be taken and how
and essential services related to the
urgently they need to be undertaken, visualizing
management of natural resources (e.g.
the information in maps is recommended. Maps
agriculture, forestry, fishery and water
can be part of the report and they can be made
available online for decision makers and citizens
to consult.

66 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

This chapter focuses on risk-informed decision-making and planning

processes to support countries’ efforts in managing risks in a
comprehensive manner. It briefly describes why integrating risks is
needed, followed by common challenges for risk-informed development
and how some of these can be overcome by adopting a comprehensive
approach, presenting good practices and recommendations.



Risks related to climate change and disasters poverty, demographic development and/or
are complex. They affect entire systems land degradation are aggravating exposure
and communities, and lead to a variety of and vulnerability to hazards. Owing to this
interconnected adverse consequences for complexity, assessing and managing risks in
ecological and human systems. At the same the context of climate change require elaborate
time, other underlying risk drivers such as and transformative approaches that take into

67 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
consideration further factors and a wide set of change. Necessary adjustments may need to be
stakeholders – sometimes even challenging made to the design of policies, plans, programmes
existing norms. and financial instruments to implement them
at various scales (IRGC, 2017). It also lays
A critical step in managing risks for resilient the foundation for monitoring, evaluation and
and sustainable societies is the integration learning (MEL) systems of the measures and
or mainstreaming of risk assessment results related outcomes. Figure 19 shows different
into decision-making and planning processes. components or steps for integrating risks into
This step gives decision makers and planners decision-making and planning processes.
the opportunity to take the assessed risks into However, in reality, these are not necessarily
consideration in choosing and prioritizing actions undertaken in a sequential manner, and the
towards reducing and managing risks. comprehensive approach presented here is built
on an iterative process, allowing for dealing with
It typically involves identification, evaluation dynamic situations and different starting points
and selection of measures to manage current given the user context.
and reduce future risks in the context of climate
Figure 19. Extract of a CRA and planning framework


Decision-making space
(Defining context, objectives Risk prioritization, urgency to act
and risk criteria)

Understanding risk and entry

points for DRR and CCA
• Safeguard human lives
and livelihoods Identify and revise measures Prioritize measures
• Sustainable Development Monitoring, evaluation
Goals Implement measures
8 and learning 9
• Other existing goals and Integration
strategies Existing policy New strategies and
and planning framework planning instruments
Objectives, goals, values Risk-informed decision-making and planning

Note: Typical planning steps or components involve: defining the need for and type of risk
assessment based on a review of the existing policy and planning framework; risks are assessed
against defined objectives, goals and values; risk reduction and risk management measures are
identified, co-designed and selected based on risk assessment results; they are integrated in
existing and/or new policies and plans; and implemented within the context of climate-related risk-
informed decision-making and planning.

68 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Decision makers, practitioners and communities of risk assessment results. Other common
have increased their knowledge on the urgency challenges can be grouped into three main
of the climate crisis over the years. However, categories: (a) distinct assessment and planning
translating this knowledge to redirect resources, stages, (b) working in silos linked to institutional
change behaviour and make hard decisions is settings and (c) dealing with different spatial
yet to happen on a wide scale (Overland and and temporal scales. These are explained in
Sovacool, 2020). Limited resources, capacities, further detail in this section. The following
time and political will are posing significant section 4.3 then presents recommendations and
challenges to decision-making and planning good practices on how to overcome some of
processes in any field, including for the uptake these challenges.

4.2.1 Distinct assessment and planning stages

A disconnect between the assessment with long time frames. Additionally, slow-onset
(understanding the risks) and planning steps processes, which are harder to assess, also tend
(deciding on how to deal with the situation) has to be less clearly perceived as risks demanding
been observed in practice. While unintentional, action in the decision-making and policy space.
long-standing practices among groups
conducting climate risk assessments and those Unfortunately, approaches and terminology
leading the planning processes have contributed used by climate scientists are different from
to widening this disconnect. those used by planners and decision makers.
The latter need to consider factors that expose
Climate or disaster risk assessments have communities and governments to a risk, like
tended to focus on (single) hazards, such as non-hydrometeorological or biological hazards,
hydrometeorological ones, excluding other and ensure their limited number of resources
factors that are also contributing to vulnerabilities are adequately used to address varying
of communities and systems. However, priorities and needs (most of which are urgent).
understanding risks to human and ecological Different terminology used by communities of
systems demands an analysis of exposure and practice (DRR and CCA) also present significant
vulnerability components of risks. While focusing challenges in better working together across the
on (single) hazards may be appropriate in some assessment and planning stages and within each
instances (e.g. direct flood control measures), stage. In most instances, climate/disaster risk
policies and plans usually define ways to assessments and planning processes happen
reduce vulnerability and/or strengthen adaptive in isolation, and with different timings for each.
capacities (e.g. EWSs, vegetation/green buffers This further contributes to a disconnect between
along rivers and income diversification). This is them, making it challenging to build a culture of
even more relevant and difficult when dealing systemic risk-informed planning.
with complex and systemic climate-related risks

69 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
4.2.2 Working in silos – distinct planning processes

Most countries have long-established stakeholders. Generally, it is the ministry of
institutionalized planning mechanisms based interior or defence, the civil protection agency or
on their national circumstances, including the national DRM authority that are responsible
those linked with international targets and for DRM at the country level, with decentralized
commitments. The various institutions have implementation responsibilities at the
specific mandates, budgets and plans and are subnational level. The environment ministry and
mostly meant to work independently. Common sometimes the water and meteorological agency
to these institutional settings is the presence are responsible for coordinating climate change
of distinct and sometimes even parallel and actions (OECD, 2020). This is accentuated when
multilevel planning processes led by different dealing with different planning processes wherein
government agencies at the national and a wide range of stakeholders across sectors and
subnational levels. While this set-up is working government levels take part.
well to ensure continued government operations
and accountability lines, unfortunately, this is Moreover, the real and/or perceived power
also reinforcing siloed working arrangements, asymmetries among the various institutions
including in managing complex and evolving risks. involved, and the lack of capacities, institutional
mandates and incentives, make it challenging
An essential component of planning is inclusivity to overcome working in silos. Rapid changes
and building on an interdisciplinary, whole-of- in political leadership and the high turnover
society and multisectoral approach. This is of technical staff/civil servants are additional
challenging in most countries due to parallel challenges to effective collaboration and long-
institutional arrangements and the presence term planning (UNFCCC, 2017).
of ad hoc dialogue mechanisms among key

4.2.3 Dealing with different spatial and temporal scales

There are multiple challenges in dealing with processes make it challenging to deal with the
different spatial and temporal scales owing to future dimension of climate-related risks (e.g.
the need to consider present and future risks taking into account future generations). It is
in the context of climate change as well as also challenging to deal with the high levels
impacts across levels with implications for the of uncertainty for decision-making today (e.g.
planning phase. There are uncertainties linked to investing in preventive measures to reduce
climate projections, slow-onset processes and potential damage that may or may not happen,
forecasting specific hazard occurrences. There best exemplified by most funding being
are also uncertainties in the interactions between directed to post-disaster recovery rather than
climate-related hazards and non-climate-related prevention) (Tanner et al., 2015; IFRC, 2020).
hazards, including socioeconomic factors Additionally, impacts cross multiple scales, such
and different development pathways that can as political boundaries, and demand multilevel
be undertaken. and sometimes transboundary governance,
thus challenging existing norms (Schweizer and
Moreover, the short-term political cycles and Renn, 2019).
development practices underpinning planning

70 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

To address the above challenges, this section these complexities and work beyond existing
explores how comprehensive approaches can systems. Most of these principles are applicable
be applied in existing planning processes, with across all the “usual” planning steps, while
the aim to better manage climate-related risks. others might be more relevant for specific ones.
As emphasized in earlier chapters, current For ease of reading, the following subsections
needs are changing and evolving, and require are presented in a sequence informing a
a transformation in the way risks are identified, “usual” planning process. However, since
assessed and addressed. neither these principles nor the usual planning
necessarily happen in a sequential manner in
Using the principles presented in earlier sections reality, the comprehensive approach presented in
(see Box 3), examples are presented to show this guidance is meant to be flexible and usable
how existing good practices and models in a variety of policy and planning contexts and at
are already breaking barriers and allowing whatever stage the user finds themself in.
governments and communities to consider



The dynamic interaction among hazards, vulnerability, exposure and underlying risk
drivers when assessing risk and seeking solutions (risk reduction and adaptation)

CRA as a foundation and integral part of the overall risk management process

A common understanding of the broad risk perspective and of the value added of
bringing closer together DRR and CCA communities of practices, including a mind shift
towards prevention and preparedness

Risk as a value-based concept



Climate change as an underlying risk driver that modifies climate-related hazards, and
also vulnerability and exposure, today and in the future

The full spectrum of climate-related hazards (extreme events and slow-onset processes
and trends), as well as their interaction with and implications on non-climatic hazards

Current climate risk as well as future climate risk, insofar as they are relevant to their
respective sectors and systems and the decision-making and planning process to ensure
adaptive planning and dealing with different timescales

71 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Effects of multiple hazards, compound events, cascading hazards, impacts and risks, as
well as linkages among risks across sectors, with the objective of understanding how
these cascades could be interrupted by risk reduction measures

Risks to a wide range of interrelated human and ecological subsystems (including

ecosystems and other natural systems, physical assets, humans and livelihoods, and
societal sectors)

The “non-quantifiability” and high uncertainty in understanding important parts of

complex risks, which require the application of hybrid, qualitative and participative
methods for risk assessment and flexible approaches for risk management towards
more resilient systems


Engaging and partnering with multiple stakeholders, adopting a whole-of-government

and whole-of-society approach (public, private, communities, knowledge centres, media,
etc.), and strengthening the involvement of decision makers and populations at risk in
order to increase buy-in and facilitate implementation



A wide portfolio and combination of risk reduction and risk management measures
(DRR, CCA, etc.), engaging various sectors and systems, to address multiple and context-
specific risks

Diverse information and knowledge sources by including at risk population


Evaluate risks according to their tolerability to spur action

Inform the identification and selection of appropriate risk reduction and risk management



The role of ecosystems and their services: as part of the risk (climate impacts on
ecosystem and their services cause risks for human systems, degradation of ecosystem
services increases vulnerability to climate risks)

The approach to be adaptable to different spatial scales, including transboundary as part

of the solution

72 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Synergies and trade-offs across multiple levels, linking local realities with national and
international processes

A wide range of planning instruments, “game-changers” such as financial instruments

and their timing



A combination of diverse information sources, methods and knowledge to include

scientific, traditional, local and indigenous knowledge, facilitating knowledge co-creation
processes and designing measures

Gaps in and needs for climate information and services (CISs) and strengthening them

To keep the end users in mind throughout the assessment and integration process,
tailoring risk information

The potential of behaviour change and individual responsibility


Adaptive management and planning based on robust MEL frameworks, feeding into an
iterative and dynamic process to allow adjustments to planning and implementation

The value added of the overall process itself as a way to help fill capacity gaps, improve
information sharing and coordination mechanisms

73 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
4.3.1 Putting risks to human and ecological systems at the centre


It is recommended to use a broad approach to risk, centred around risks to human and ecological
systems. This has four major implications in making planning processes more comprehensive by:

Creating a shift in mindsets from response and recovery towards prevention and
preparedness to comprehensively and effectively reduce risks and address residual ones.

Ensuring the policy and planning objectives define the need, purpose and scope of the
risk assessment. Policymakers and planners are the ones to frame and guide what is
needed from a CRA, at the start of a planning process.

Identifying solutions that take into account interactions, trade-offs and co-benefits across
sectors and at different scales if they are to deal with complex and interlinked risks.

Inviting a widening of responsibility for action across all of society, helping to break long-
standing silos.

The proposed comprehensive risk framework development co-benefits, referred to as

focuses on the risk to social and ecological the “triple dividend of resilience” (Tanner
systems as most actions will be planned on et al., 2015).
that level rather than the more usual “risk from
hazard” perspective. Priority 2 of the Sendai 2. A comprehensive approach to risk
Framework (United Nations, 2015) and GAR2019 management strongly brings together
(UNDRR, 2019b) push for a comprehensive the understanding and assessment
understanding of risks to support risk-informed components with their integration into
planning. A broader approach to risk has four decision-making and planning processes.
major implications in making planning processes The assessment is seen as a foundation
more comprehensive: and integral part of the overall risk
management process and should be
1. While there is growing convergence calibrated and designed based on the
around a broader approach to risk, shared policy and planning objectives. The
by the DRR and CCA communities, most information gathered and questions
interventions, development aid and asked will help planners and policymakers
investments are still geared towards identify actions to manage the spectrum
disaster response and recovery. A shift of risks they face. Therefore, it is the
to more attention on prevention and policy and planning objectives, framed
preparedness, including pre-emptive, by the overall societal goals, that define
anticipatory and adaptation options, is still the need for, the purpose and the scope
needed to comprehensively encompass of the risk assessment in the context of
the DRM cycle. It is less costly to invest climate change, generally associated with
in prevention than in response, given the “scoping step” (box 4). This helps to
that disasters erode development gains. overcome some of the challenges linked
Prevention also reduces losses and saves to a disconnect between the assessment
lives, as well as providing opportunities to and the planning processes.
increase economic potential and generate

74 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
3. A CRA in the context of climate change 4. A broader approach motivates widening
provides the necessary base to identify the responsibility for action across all
risk reduction, risk management and of society, encompassing conventional
adaptation measures, aiming to reduce institutions such as civil protection
vulnerability and strengthen human agencies or environmental agencies, and
and ecological systems’ resilience. all sectors, governmental organizations,
The assessment analyses the dynamic non-governmental organizations, civil
interaction among hazards, vulnerability, society, research, media and the private
exposure and underlying risk drivers. This sector (box 5). Wider responsibilities with
provides direct entry points to identify risk clear roles and related mandates provide
reduction measures. As such, “Solutions incentives to collaboratively work together
must similarly be more integrated and and extensively integrate climate-related
robust, taking into account interactions, risks into planning processes. This
trade-offs and co-benefits across sectors collective responsibility will help break
and at different scales — and therefore long-standing vertical and horizontal silos
across traditional jurisdictions of in planning processes.
government agencies — under a range of
scenarios” (Phillips et al., 2020).


Guiding questions of particular relevance for the scoping step when reviewing or screening
the policy, strategy, plan, programme or project (hereafter referred to as the policy or planning
instrument) for risk-informed evidence-based include:

Does the policy or planning instrument consider how its objectives are affected by
climate risks (including interlinkages between climate-related and non-climate-related

Do the planned strategies and activities of the planning instrument consider whether
they could increase vulnerability factors identified (e.g. in the impact chains), thereby
increasing overall risks of disasters?

Does the policy or strategy take advantage of the opportunities to address structural
causes of vulnerabilities to climate risks?

Is all the needed information available (stocktaking and building an understanding of

the context, including available climate information)? What else is needed that the risk
assessment could focus on?

Source: IRGC (2013)

75 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

The NASA Earth Applied Sciences Disasters Program and Columbia University’s International
Research Institute for Climate and Society are applying new approaches to use Earth science
data for decision-making by a variety of users. For example, the programme helps assess
landslide risk in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. Scientists collaborate with United
Nations agencies, government officials and humanitarian end users to understand how
decisions are taken and by whom, which data and type are most needed, before generating
needed risk information and co-developing tailored products that address specific needs.
“Working in teams that bridge traditional professional and disciplinary boundaries gives data
and climate scientists the opportunity to learn more about decision making in specialized
contexts” (NASA, 2019).

4.3.2 Applying inclusive risk governance


“Inclusivity” is a key ingredient for comprehensively integrating risks into planning processes.
A useful starting point can be to gain an understanding of the existing (risk) governance system
in the country or region of focus, to help identify potential bottlenecks and opportunities for
enhanced coordination. Institutional arrangements with clear roles and responsibilities are
needed to enable collaboration among a broad range of stakeholders, including marginalized and
at-risk populations. Ensuring their effective participation in the risk governance space and seeing
them as agents for change facilitates identification of risk reduction measures better aligned to
their needs and capacities. It also entails relying on and incentivizing political will and leadership.

Providing space for key stakeholders, especially Governance systems and decision-making
those most at risk, to contribute and be heard processes provide the mandate and enabling
will help ensure their needs are recognized environment for risk-informed decision-making
and addressed. Obtaining views from different and planning (Forino et al., 2015).3 Given the
agency leads is also important, as this will help systemic nature of risk and the compounding
ensure all factors/challenges/risks are taken impacts of disasters, countries and communities
into consideration. Bringing everyone in the are experiencing hazards that are more frequent,
risk governance space, various communities more intense and more unpredictable (UNDRR,
and stakeholders together to become part of 2020b). A whole-of-society and whole-of-
the thinking and decision-making processes government approach towards planning is
(and not just spectators or recipients of help) is needed to ensure all fronts are considered in
empowering and part of good governance. the prioritization of strategies, resources and
actions (box 6).

3 Governance systems are the decision-making processes (means of interactions and networks of actors and the
instruments) chosen to help people solve societal problems (Forino et al., 2015).

76 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
In practice, this means (UNDRR, 2019c): administrative levels, including decision
makers throughout the risk management
Broadening the scope of involved actors process.
and bringing in various stakeholders
(national and subnational governments, Ensuring effective participation of at-risk
communities, civil society, knowledge members of the population in the planning
centres, media, the private sector, etc.). process.

Ensuring consistent and wide use of Promoting a sense of strong commitment,

gender-sensitive processes, policies leadership and political will.
and plans that recognize the different
roles, responsibilities, capacities and Putting in place monitoring, evaluation
contributions of men, women, youth and and reporting systems, with clear lines of
older persons. accountability, from start to finish.

Having institutional arrangements Investing time to gain an understanding of the

with clear roles and responsibilities existing governance system in the country or
enabling the engagement of and better region of focus can help to identify potential
coordination among all involved actors, bottlenecks and opportunities for enhanced
such as DRR, CCA, social protection and coordination. One entry point for improved
other development stakeholders. coordination is sharing and strengthening data
and information management systems, including
Institutionalizing mechanisms that enable climate and disaster information services, as
information-sharing, coordination and well as social protection registries.
collaboration among sectors and across


Are there mechanisms in place to consult stakeholder groups, including at-risk populations,
during the development, review, planning, budgeting and implementation of the policy, strategy
or plan, and do they facilitate uptake of their inputs?

Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined in these coordination and institutional
mechanisms (who leads, who participates, etc.)?

Do the policies and plans recognize the different roles, responsibilities, capacities and
contributions of women, men, youth and older persons? Is a gender-sensitive approach used
throughout the planning process?

What are the capacity needs and gaps for engaging relevant stakeholders in the planning
process at the national and subnational levels?

Does the revision or development process of the strategy or plan contemplate strengthening
the needed capacities?

Are there dedicated financial resources to the development and implementation of policies,
strategies and measures?

Are institutions responsible and accountable for implementation of the policy (at national,
regional and local levels) clearly defined?

77 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Institutional arrangements or decision-making population groups and regions. Moreover, the
processes – formal or informal – should define effectiveness of coordination mechanisms often
clear roles and responsibilities in supporting the depends on the enabling environment, including
overall planning process as well as information- existing policies and regulatory frameworks,
sharing. In particular, this entails defining existing capacities and information management
modalities to interact with the risk assessment systems (see the principle on iterative and flexible
teams during the planning process to better processes in using the process itself to strengthen
integrate risks as needed along the process. It capacities during the planning process).
is recommended to establish clear roles and
responsibilities for National Meteorological and Multi-stakeholder, multisectoral and multilevel
Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and knowledge approaches contribute to the comprehensiveness
brokers to facilitate access to and sharing of of the undertaking. This means that instead of
tailored risk information, helping to overcome discrete policy instruments in separate sectors,
some of the data and information gaps as synergies among policy objectives are pursued to
well as difficulties in using them (OECD, 2020; maximize resources, reduce duplication and avoid
UNDRR, 2020c). undermining one area over another by identifying
trade-offs (Turnbull et al., 2013; UNFCCC, 2017;
Inclusivity in the sense of effective participation IPCC, 2019b; Sandholz et al., 2020). Decentralized
of vulnerable and marginalized populations, governance and decision-making processes
women and indigenous groups, who can also be enable wider participation and facilitate working in
important agents for change is key, as climate collaboration across sectors and fields and can also
change affects people differently given their facilitate adaptive planning. Identifying synergies
adaptive capacities. Knowledge co-creation and trade-offs among policy objectives and
and co-design of risk reduction measures planning instruments will provide clarity in planning
supported by flexible and participatory decision- processes with the end in view of addressing risks
support tools should be considered for effective across vertical and horizontal lines.
participation. These measures and tools should
be capable of responding to the needs and Political will and leadership are key to steering
realities of different population groups, including any planning process and its implementation.
those most at risk (Turnbull et al., 2013) CCA and DRR planning processes (e.g. NAPs and
DRR strategies) are usually led by the ministry of
This requires that the risk assessment takes environment or civil protection agency. A way to
into consideration how differentiated levels of steer political engagement has been to widen the
vulnerabilities (Phillips et al., 2020), poverty and actors involved and ensure effective participation,
inequality interact with gender, race, class, age, including that of the finance and planning
access to social protection schemes and so ministries or equivalent, in the revision or strategy
forth, and evolve throughout a person’s life cycle. development processes. Involving them in the
This enables identifying solutions that can target respective steering committees or working groups,
or be sequenced as needed across age and for example, has been found in practice to help
population type. At the local level, when revising overcome existing power asymmetries, facilitate
or designing new projects or plans, it would buy-in and raise awareness across sectors.
mean including public and private entities (e.g.
local governments and industry/interest groups Institutional arrangements should also allow
associations) and ensuring that the different for some degree of flexibility to respond to
population groups including minorities are also changes in leadership and political context
represented and can effectively take part in the (e.g. turnover), and to be capable of supporting
planning process. iterative risk management/adaptive planning.
This could involve reviewing strategies, plans
At the national level, it is also important to work and programmes as risk factors change (Dazé
with sectors and with representative groups et al., 2016) (see the principle on flexible and
(associations, civil society organizations, etc.) iterative processes).
that can represent the interests of different

78 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
4.3.3 Fully accounting for the context of climate change


Risks are context specific. Planning across multiple time and spatial scales is important to
comprehensively manage risks. This will help identify actions in the short, medium and long terms
to account for present and future climate-related risks. To do so, it is recommended for the planning
process to be flexible enough to deal with these different time horizons and spatial scales. Having
the planning instrument’s objective define the needed timescale for the climate information is
a step in that direction. Other steps include adopting adaptive planning approaches so that the
process, policies or plans are flexible enough to changing conditions. This could entail improving:

The availability of climate forecast and projection data

The capacity to use and act based on forecasts

The enabling policy environment

Closer working relationship among scientists, planning officers, and other disciplines
and stakeholders to ensure all elements are considered across time and scale

Decision-making and planning processes need adding complexity.

to account for present and future climate risks,
generally implicating longer time horizons Therefore, a degree of flexibility to deal with
and affecting a broader range of human and different time horizons and spatial scales
ecological systems than other sources of risks can be retained by having the objective of
(Jones et al., 2014). the planning instrument define the needed
timescale for the climate information. This is
On one hand, this means revising existing policy most likely to be defined in the scoping step. For
and planning instruments to ensure objectives example, infrastructures such as dams, roads
can still be reached given present climate-related or hospital buildings are planned to operate for
risks. On the other hand, it means evaluating and several decades if not hundreds of years with
making the necessary adjustments to existing appropriate maintenance, whereby climate
measures or new ones given future climate- change projections for the medium term are
related risks and uncertainties. It also includes useful. In contrast, finance or agricultural sectors
considering the outcomes of proposed policies operate over much shorter time frames, whereby
and measures as well as potential changes in seasonal climate forecasts are more useful.
policy direction (development pathways or trends) Sectoral policies tend to span over 10 years,
(IPCC, 2007; Hurlbert et al., 2019). When taking strategies are usually planned over 5 years or
development decisions with long-term outcomes less and plans on a 1- or 2-year time-horizon.
(longer than political cycles, but typically shorter
than climate change projection timescales used Additionally, it is recommended that the process
in the CCA field), such as infrastructure or land- and policies or plans are flexible enough to
use plans, climate change needs to be taken into changing conditions, facilitated by using
account to plan for climate-resilient investments. adaptive planning approaches. Flexibility in using
Moreover, policies, strategies, plans, programmes various planning timelines depends significantly
and projects may all have different timescales on: (a) the availability of climate forecast and
and spatial units that need to be considered projection data, (b) the capacity to use and act
for comprehensive and effective planning, thus based on forecasts, (c) a strong enabling policy

79 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
environment and (d) close working relationships and layer measures, considering no- or low-
among scientists, planning officers, and other regret options such as NbSs (favouring positive
disciplines and stakeholders to ensure all outcomes no matter the “actualized” risk or
elements are considered across time. whether a risk can be specifically attributed to
climate change or another cause) and those likely
Some decision-support tools such as participatory to stop cascading impacts (see the principles
scenario planning, gaming tools, storytelling and on systemic nature of climate risks, NbSs and
other tools involving experts’ and stakeholders’ multidisciplinary approach). A comprehensive
experiences can be used under various degrees of approach also implies drawing expertise and
uncertainty and multiple scenarios . In particular, knowledge from multiple sources of information
these can help simulate possible futures (e.g. combining local or traditional knowledge
combining climate and development scenarios with scientific data), involving a broad range of
(analysis of the consequences of climate-related stakeholders and pulling from a wide portfolio
risks on proposed policies and measures and of risk management measures (DRR, CCA,
what would happen under different climate and social protection, ecosystem-based adaptation,
development scenarios). etc.), which can help deal with data gaps and
unavoidable uncertainties.
Finally, another way to overcome some of the
challenges at the planning phase is to combine

4.3.4 Strengthening risk information and communication


Understanding the information from risk assessments, communicating them and translating
them into plans and actions to address/reduce risks are crucial steps in comprehensively
managing risks. They will help facilitate dialogues and enhance collaboration needed for risk-
informed planning (Natoli, 2019; Leitner et al., 2020). To do so, tailoring risk assessment results
and communicating “actionable” risk information for each user at the right time is needed. On
the one hand, combining and using diverse information and knowledge sources can facilitate
identifying and designing solutions better aligned with user needs and priorities. On the other
hand, strengthening risk communication approaches throughout a policy and planning process
is needed, and can entail:

Having the policy or planning objective define the type of risk assessment outputs and risk
information needed, for whom and in which format at the scoping stage

Setting up the modalities to share and communicate risk information at the beginning of the
planning process

Tailoring results formats depending on the target audience such as visual or numerical

Identifying and co-producing tailored climate information services with NMHSs and other

Developing or strengthening needed capacities to understand and use risk information

80 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Combining and using diverse information and knowledge sources
A first consideration is how to blend various priorities to adequately address them based
sources of information. There is a diversity on local contexts, existing practices, resources
of risk knowledge sources and experiences and needs (Hurlbert et al., 2019). Gathering
that can include those from scientific data, inputs from a wide group of stakeholders can
various disciplines, indigenous peoples and collectively identify a rigorous set of actions that
local communities. Bringing them together are co-designed with those most at risk. This will
will enhance linkages among understanding empower them to become agents of change. This
differentiated levels/types of risks (from the is particularly relevant for local-level planning and
assessment part) and identifying actions and will help ensure co-ownership of efforts.

Strengthening risk communication

An important part of the cross-learning exercise ownership of the decision-making process buy-in
is the opportunity for different stakeholders from stakeholders.
to openly share their perspectives on risk
information and experiences. Risks in the Deliberate and thought-through risk
context of climate change can be complex, communication approaches are key for the
multiple and systemic, differently affecting uptake of risk assessment results in decision-
distinct population groups with varying making and planning, as well as for behavioural
adaptive capacities. Sometimes, they are also change. Taking cognizance of the end users’
too abstract, too probabilistic and too forward needs and capacities, including how best
looking to be taken into consideration, especially the risk information can be appreciated and
by communities and governments with limited understood, is at the heart of CRM. For example,
existing resources. For example, scientists may in the scoping stage, the policy and planning
be concerned about a 2 mm increase in rainfall, objectives can already guide the type of
but local communities, especially farmers and outputs and risk information needed, for whom
those living in the areas affected, will not feel the and in which format. This enables tailoring
gravity of the information unless it is translated risk assessment results and communicating
into practical and real-life contexts. “actionable” risk information for each user at
the right time. For example, climate resilience
In the same manner, with decision makers scores, multi-hazard maps and seasonal
or policymakers having planning timelines calendars are some of the more effective
according to their number of years in office or visual tools that help prompt dialogue with
constrained with short-term resourcing cycles, decision makers, while still acknowledging the
understanding the science and the impact on assumptions and eventual uncertainties behind
communities will allow them to see a fuller picture these simplified representations.
across different timescales. Unless this gap in
the differences of understanding is broken, which Deciding and setting up the modalities to share and
goes beyond translating the information into communicate risk information at the beginning of
national and local languages, the identification the planning process (i.e. how the risk information
of actions to address and/or reduce these risks generated will be communicated, to whom and
will not reach consensus. In addition, more work via which (institutional) mechanisms) should be
on targeted communication will also support thoroughly considered and discussed. Several
closing data gaps and related uncertainties. This options in practice can help overcome some of
is particularly relevant during the risk evaluation the data- and information-sharing challenges and
stage (societal valuation of tolerable and facilitate stakeholders’ buy-in during and beyond
intolerable risks), ensuring the appropriateness of the planning processes. These include identifying
strategies or designed measures and facilitating and promoting better data- and information-
sharing policies, identifying, using and improving

81 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
risk communication channels such as science– working together with different line ministries or
society partnerships, CISs, using citizen science, institutions requiring climate information. The
and developing capacities to interpret and use growing application of impact-based forecasting
that information, strengthening and relying on by national meteorological offices can also help
knowledge brokers (key informants). NMHSs, strengthen risk communication, by providing
which typically create, store and analyse climate forecasts on the possible impact of weather
data, can play a critical role in producing or disturbances, instead of forecasting only about
co-producing CISs adapted to users’ need by extreme weather events.

4.3.5 Recognizing the complex and systemic nature of risks


Risks can be systemic and lead to cascading crises as exemplified by the COVID-19 health
pandemic and accompanying socioeconomic crisis. Adopting systemic risk management options
by governments requires a better holistic understanding of the interconnected, complexity and
non-linear cause–effect within the system’s elements to identify appropriate responses. Based on
systemic risk properties, it is recommended to:

Review and analyse how past disasters unfolded to inform future planning exercises

Shift approaches from hazard-plus-hazard perspectives to multi-hazard and system


Use the impact chains from the risk assessments to build awareness and identify how direct
impacts can cascade through those chains to counter them

Identify possible risk management options based on a combination of multidisciplinary,

inclusive and transboundary approaches, among others

The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis and a education and social protection), decisions
socioeconomic crisis that continues to threaten and priorities all contribute to either making
the welfare of hundreds of millions of people. It is communities more vulnerable or more resilient.
resulting in direct loss of life and also negatively With more stresses and shocks bound to occur,
affecting employment, industrial production and understanding the interrelationship of these
supply chains, financial markets and savings, factors will allow better mitigation of risks and
human mobility, agriculture and food security, recovery from impacts in the future. Systemic risks
mental health and access to health care, among are emergent and not necessarily obvious using
others. In addition, on top of the health pandemic, contemporary hazard-plus-hazard approaches
other hazardous events continue to happen as until the disaster occurs. They become obvious
evidenced by Tropical Cyclone Harold (UNDRR, only in retrospect, as a result of a series of events
2020d), creating compound risks that further that cross human-imposed boundaries, whether
exacerbate impacts. institutional, geographic, disciplinary, conceptual
or administrative (UNDRR, 2019a).
This situation clearly demonstrates what UNDRR
outlined in GAR2019 (UNDRR, 2019a): risk is As explained in earlier chapters, the interplay
systemic, and crises are cascading. Existing among hazards and various underlying sources
policies and systems (e.g. health, financing, of vulnerability results in impacts, which, if

82 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
unchecked, will result in rippling and cascading picture of the bottlenecks, lapses and even
effects. Climate change exacerbates risks, areas where cascading risks were averted and
which greatly (and negatively) affect the arrested. Reviewed alongside forecast and
interrelated elements and functions of a system climate projections and other vulnerability and
– from physical impacts through to the economy, risk data, this can provide a good understanding
development and society (Ramani, 2020; EPFL, of the complexity of risks the country faces at
2021). This demands new forms of analysis, the national and subnational levels. Countries
methods and tools to understand, assess, with strongly interconnected communities,
identify and prioritize appropriate response industries and critical infrastructure would
measures for disasters that produce cascading benefit significantly from this kind of planning
effects (UNISDR, 2017a). review. Adopting systemic risk management
options by governments requires a better holistic
Various issues need to be considered when understanding of the interconnected, complex
applying this in decision-making and planning and non-linear cause–effect within a system’s
processes. One is to look at the “big picture” elements. This will then allow for identification
and the existing policy and planning framework of possible risk management options based on
and budget allocation, ensuring they provide a combination of multidisciplinary approaches.
sufficient room to adopt changes that enable These will help prevent, reduce and transfer risks,
plans and actions, including budgets, to be or even transform the situation altogether or
responsive in managing and reducing risks. This address remaining residual risks.
includes updating or formulating new policies,
governance and management of disaster Various authors and case studies have offered
impacts across individual and interlinked sectors ways to unpack the systemic nature of risks
(Shimizu and Clark, 2015). and how best to improve understanding and
analysis of their effect and develop strategies
In addressing systemic risks, planning processes to stop their rippling and cascading effects.
should consider reviewing and analysing: (a) how Table 6 characterizes systemic risks with
past disasters unfolded, (b) how each hazard six properties in the first column that require
interacted with another and (c) which and how relevant considerations to plan appropriate risk
various vulnerability factors led to the disasters management options described in the second
and their impacts. Doing so can provide a clear column (Schweizer and Renn, 2019).
Table 6. Addressing and managing systemic nature of risks



Highly complex Characterize the systemic interdependencies among natural

hazards and other types of hazards in a built environment for
the identification of appropriate risk management measures
(Schweizer and Renn, 2019).

Adopt a combination of natural, technical, social science

and humanities (interdisciplinary) and practice and science
(transdisciplinary) approaches to assess, manage and govern
natural hazards (Schweizer and Renn, 2019).

83 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Many are transboundary Adopt transboundary cooperation and collaboration
approaches. Many if not all of the systemic risks are beyond
political boundaries and need multilevel governance and
international cooperation (e.g. global warming). While
challenging, history has shown that during a large-scale
disaster, international cooperation has worked (IRGC, 2013).
The ongoing intergovernmental cooperation and collaboration
on climate change, SDGs and the Sendai Framework can help
further promote needed collaboration.

Characterized by the Use tools such as scenario planning to understand which

stochastic relationship parts of the system a climate hazard will affect and how the
between trigger and ripple effects will affect and lead to failures in the system
effects: interconnected, (Schweizer and Renn, 2019). The findings from scenario
complex and non-linear planning and vulnerability assessments can be integrated into
in their cause–effect existing strategies or into emergency planning (e.g. scenario
relationship and the planning for flood emergency preparation).
linkages among risks
across sectors

Systemic developments Identify which actions are most likely to end up dangerously
are non-linear and include close to a critical threshold/transition and enable policies that
tipping points avoid such actions. Rank actions according to the likelihood
of such risk (IRGC, 2013) to help prioritize appropriate risk
management approaches.

Often underestimated in Evidence-based decision-making needs factual analysis (IRGC,

public policy due to high 2013).
uncertainties in occurrence
points, the extent of Natural hazard management tends to address direct impacts
damage and general only. Use the impact chains from the risk assessments to
complexity build awareness and bring governments’ attention to the
systemic nature of risks and in particular, how direct impacts
can cascade through those chains to design effective risk
management approaches. Innovative risk communication
approaches to unpack these relationships in simpler ways
can help provide a clear picture that informs public risk

Influenced by interlinkages Adopt a multi-hazard approach that aims to identify the

among the social, interaction and interrelationship between natural and human-
ecological, technical and made hazards.
urban environments
For example, identify and rank elements of a system according
to their importance to sustain the system’s core functions.

Source: Adapted from Schweizer and Renn (2019)

84 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
4.3.6 Using multidisciplinary approaches to identify and select

A multidisciplinary approach is needed to better understand risks and be better equipped to
comprehensively manage and reduce those risks. This is particularly relevant when identifying
and prioritizing measures that can avert, minimize and address cascading risks as early as
possible in the impact chains. It helps to ensure adequacy of measures from a wider portfolio
of good practices and even using blended approaches. These can include tried-and-tested
strategies from the fields of DRR, adaptation planning, ecosystem management and social
protection, which are already increasingly being used. Additionally, it is important to decide
on appropriate selection criteria with key stakeholders and document the process. A range
of decision-support tools can help prioritize measures, given varying degrees of available
information and uncertainties.

It is essential to consider various disciplines systemic, interconnectedness, cascading and

in decision-making and planning processes to transboundary). This is particularly relevant when
ensure risks are managed comprehensively, identifying and prioritizing risk reduction and risk
based on the nature of the risk and its potential management measures or when revising existing
impacts described in Chapters 2 and 3 (e.g. ones (box 7).


How and with whom will measure identification and selection be done? For example,
adopting a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach involves a broad set of stakeholders
(including physically and mentally impaired or other marginalized populations) to co-
design context-specific measures.

What types of selection criteria are relevant and which supporting tools can help evaluate
the different risk reduction and risk management options?

Which combinations of measures are needed? Either simultaneously and/or at different

times (e.g. prevention, preparedness, response and recovery).

Who are the measures for? Vulnerability varies across population type and age depending
on interlinked factors such as inequality, poverty, gender, race and so forth. Therefore,
risk reduction and adaptation measures need to be tailored to address this differentiated

Governments and communities face Sometimes, this requires linking of development,

vulnerabilities that have various underlying DRR, CCA, humanitarian perspectives and
causes. Addressing these effectively requires a other disciplines like social protection, health,
combination of disciplines to analyse risks at all environmental care and ecosystem services.
levels, draw up plans and implement activities Through CRAs, government planners and
to reduce risks and strengthen resilience. decision makers will have a clear picture of the

85 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
cascading risks and compounding impacts on
Transformational measures: for example,
communities. Therefore, they should also identify
diversification of livelihoods, human
and plan actions together with other sectoral
resettlement and circular economy
approaches aiming to change the
fundamental attributes of a given system.
Using a multidisciplinary approach in planning
enhances collaboration among different
EWSs are critical instruments to reduce
agencies/groups. They bring different
risks, protect lives and assets, and facilitate
perspectives from a wide portfolio of risk
continuous risk monitoring (Hurlbert et al.,
management measures and discuss priorities
2019). A multi-hazard EWS can issue warnings
of action given the limited number of resources.
for one or more hazards and/or impacts in
This collaborative planning process also takes
contexts where hazardous events may occur
into consideration different national, regional and
alone, simultaneously or cumulatively over time
global commitments, standards and frameworks,
(compound events) and take into account the
and will allow for strategic alignment of efforts
potential interrelated impacts. Improved climate
and resources.
and disaster information services are also key in
supporting EWSs and ensuring the information
Impact chains can help identify different
reaches the last mile.
measures to address, minimize and reduce
existing and future risks, targeting weak spots in
Additionally, when various disciplines come
the visualized system (which can trigger system
together, the planning discussions become more
failures), reduce vulnerability factors and increase
extensive. Each person involved brings in distinct
resilience sources. A wide portfolio of measures
perspectives and expertise also in prioritizing
can encompass (UNFCCC, 2017, 2019):
appropriate measures and other important
elements to help prevent and/or stop cascading
Structural or hard measures: for example,
hazards, impacts and/or risks, contributing
dikes to reduce impacts from floods,
to decide on the most-appropriate selection
improved irrigation and water collection
criteria. For example, low-regret measures,
systems in drought-prone areas and
such as NbSs, have the potential to stop such
improved access to energy via renewables.
cascading impacts, address transboundary risks
Non-structural or soft measures: for and provide multiple co-benefits for the present,
as well as lay the foundation for addressing
example, capacity-building, integration
into the formal and informal education projected changes.
sector, changing social behaviour, land-
Irrespective of the chosen set of criteria, it
use planning laws and building codes.
is important to consider their relative weight
Ecosystem-based adaptation and and degrees of importance, given a specific
context. Deciding on the selection criteria and
ecosystem-based DRR: for example,
mangrove reforestation to reduce weight should be clearly documented to be
flood intensity or soil conservation and understandable by other actors and inform
agroforestry practices to reduce pests, later iterations. It should involve the whole
increase diversity and better filter water. multisectoral planning team, as well as inputs
from the targeted population depending on the
Other sustainable natural resource policy and planning instrument.

management practices: for example,
climate-smart agriculture. Additionally, a variety of decision-support tools
exist to help evaluate and prioritize the best
Social protection and economic measures: measures given the user’s specific context,

for example, cash transfers, cash for degree of uncertainty, available information
work, social insurance, adaptive social and type of decision-making processes, using
protection, climate and disaster financial quantitative and/or qualitative methods. These
risk transfer and insurance instruments. include, for example, cost–benefit analysis, cost-

86 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
effectiveness analysis, multi-criteria analysis, measures and revise existing strategies, plans or
robust approaches, and adaptation pathways and measures to account for current and future risks
participatory scenario planning. Other decision- given climate change.
support tools combine assessments and
planning stages, adopting flexible approaches Finally, deploying and implementing risk
and functioning under different levels of available management measures effectively might require
information such as the Caribbean Climate implementation at different stages of planning,
Online Risk and Adaptation tooL (CCORAL), response and recovery. This requires a wide set
the Community-based Risk Screening Tool – of knowledge, skills, techniques and approaches
Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL) (a project familiar with relevant stages, as well as insights
planning tool that helps users design activities on emerging trends in social, economic, political,
that support climate adaptation (i.e. adaptation to technological and environmental domains. This
climate variability and change) at the community broader range of knowledge and experiences (i.e.
level) and its suite, and the Flood Resilience a multidisciplinary approach) is needed to better
Measurement for Communities (FRMC) tool. understand risks and how to manage and reduce
These and other tools support users to design those risks (IRGC, 2018).

4.3.7 Using the concept of risk tolerance to identify and select


“Risk tolerance” is a relatively new concept, so little guidance on how to operationalize it
exists. Nevertheless, as risk is a value-based concept, evaluating risk tolerance could facilitate
identification of appropriate and legitimate risk management measures and help deal with
unquantifiable risks and non-monetary values. Therefore, it is vital to involve at-risk populations
when deciding on risk levels and to which degree these are tolerable or intolerable.

Risks can be categorized and/or classified based and to also consider societal valuation of risk and
on severity, spatial and temporal extents, and loss tolerance, which enhances political and public
societies’ valuation for tolerable and intolerable buy-in and facilitates dealing with unquantifiable
risks, using the results from risk evaluation. risks and non-monetary values.
This allows prioritization of risks that will be the
objects of risk management strategies and plans. Key in both frameworks is the importance of
involving at-risk populations (marginalized
Since the concept of risk tolerance is still people or critical ecosystems on which
underdeveloped, recommendations here are livelihoods depend) in deciding on acceptable
based on two frameworks that have been risk levels since not everyone has the same risk
proposed: one by Mechler et al. (2014) and the tolerance capacity (Opitz-Stapleton et al., 2019).
PCL framework put forward by Nassef (2020). The While involving scientific, technological, ethical,
latter proposes a systemic optimization of action economic cost–benefit analysis and political
across three main response clusters, namely, pre- considerations is important, how the community
emptive action by pre-emptive adaptation or risk values the risk, and its acceptance are the
reduction; contingent arrangements; and actual most important considerations. This remains
loss acceptance, without a given hierarchy of a subjective and context-specific exercise.
risk management strategies. Both frameworks Acknowledging this is a fundamental part of
propose to rely on economic valuation of measures the process, alongside selecting and applying

87 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
prioritization criteria for risk reduction measures. well as acknowledge limitations. Such processes
Both processes should be recorded to increase are recommended to the extent that they can
transparency, accountability and replicability, as inform risk management decisions.

4.3.8 Addressing, minimizing and averting risks through nature-based


The potential of NbSs to simultaneously contribute to address climate change, DRR and
conservation objectives, thereby contributing to overall sustainable development, has been
widely recognized. NbSs represent clear examples of how to apply integrated risk management
(IRM) approaches on the ground, operationalizing policy coherence among DRR, CCA and other
fields. They can help address systemic, multi-scale and transboundary risks, overcoming some
of the common challenges in integrating risks into planning for risk-informed development.
NbSs should thus be an integral part of the broad portfolio of available risk reduction and risk
management options.

In developing plans and actions to al., 2016).

comprehensively manage risks, NbSs are among
the commonly preferred options at the national By contributing to address the interconnected
and subnational levels. While many policy global challenges framed in the 2015 multilateral
instruments and risk reduction measures exist, agreements such as the Sendai Framework,
this subsection specifically focuses on NbSs, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda
which are increasingly being viewed as “win– (SDGs), but also other conventions such as the
win” solutions to global challenges. NbSs focus Convention on Biological Diversity, the Ramsar
on the restoration and sustainable management Convention on Wetlands of International
of ecosystems and their services, for example, Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
ecosystem-based adaptation and ecosystem- and the United Nations Convention to Combat
based DRR approaches. These help reduce and Desertification, NbSs are fostering coherence
regulate natural hazards, reduce exposure and among these policy objectives and represent
vulnerability and adapt to the consequences clear examples of how to apply IRM approaches
of climate change, thereby providing multiple on the ground. Therefore, a comprehensive
social and ecosystems benefits, and increasing approach to planning should consider NbSs
resilience to multiple shocks and slow-onset as part of the broad portfolio of available risk
processes (IUCN, 2016; Whelchel and Beck, reduction and risk management options and
2016; UNDRR, 2020e). be integrated into planning processes for risk-
informed development. In fact, many countries
The potential of NbSs to contribute and initiatives have started to integrate NbSs
simultaneously to climate change, DRR and across national, sectoral and local DRR, CCA
conservation objectives, and thereby contribute and development strategies and plans. Specific
to overall sustainable development, has been guidance (e.g. UNDRR, 2020f) and best practices
widely recognized. For example, mangrove have increased in the last few years.
restoration helps stabilize slopes and prevent
landslides, serves as a habitat for species, Approaches to implement NbSs are
regulates water flow to prevent or minimize the comprehensive by nature and require a
intensity of floods, protects coastal communities comprehensive approach to planning framed by
and sequesters carbon (Cohen-Shacham et all 10 key principles in this guidance. They can

88 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
facilitate collaboration between CCA and DRR more apt to reduce transboundary risks. This
fields as their design and implementation require further helps to deal with different spatial scales,
strong collaboration and multi-stakeholder fosters vertical and horizontal integration and
engagement across sectors and disciplines, has the potential to stop cascading hazards,
combining technological, organizational, impacts or risks early on in the impact chains
societal, cultural and behavioural innovation, (contributing to “operationalize” principles such
including traditional and scientific knowledge, as systemic risks and integration across multiple
with community-based or co-management levels). Moreover, by usually being “no- or low-
forms at the local level (EEA, 2017; Natoli, 2019). regret options”, NbSs can be implemented and
Additionally, they are usually based on landscape still hold multiple co-benefits despite varying
approaches such as watersheds, river basins degrees of uncertainties linked to climate- and
or marine and coastal ecosystems, which can non-climate-related hazards.
transcend administrative divisions and are thus

4.3.9 Integrating risks across sectors and levels

To comprehensively manage risks, they need to be coherently integrated throughout policy and
planning cycles. This is necessary to adjust or design policy and/or planning instruments in
such a way that they can reach their objectives without creating new risks, but on the contrary,
increasing overall resilience to multiple climate-related risks. This includes:

Integrating risks into a wide variety of national policies, sectoral or subnational strategies,
plans, financial systems, programmes, projects and other planning instruments

Analysing synergies and trade-offs among policy objectives

Combining bottom-up and top-down approaches

Adopting multidisciplinary and inclusive approaches

Many initiatives are already fostering horizontal and vertical integration, better linking local
realities with national and international processes.

Systemic risks can be observed, assessed and subnational policies, strategies and plans,
addressed by understanding and capturing the including at the sectoral level, and in financial
multilevel and multidimensional underlying systems, programmes and projects (hereby
drivers. This will prevent the many non-destructive referred to as policy and planning instruments).
yet non-linear and constantly growing risks from
becoming disasters that cross boundaries and Ideally, risk assessment findings (depending
affect entire systems. on the set objectives) and risk information
should be integrated throughout the policy and
To address these risks, coherently mainstreaming planning cycle. This will help adjust (existing)
assessed risks and addressing them by or design (new) policies and/or plans to ensure
integrating actions across sectors (horizontal) they can reach their objectives without creating
and at multiple levels (vertical) should be done, new risks or increasing vulnerabilities, thereby
rather than stand-alone processes. This can strengthening overall resilience to multiple
be conducted in a wide variety of national and climate-related risks.

89 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Moreover, integrating risks into development resulting in stronger synergies and reducing
plans and planning processes (e.g. national trade-offs. Potential trade-offs could entail
development visions or sectoral plans, such as in having to choose between detailed and resource-
the infrastructure, agriculture, education, water, intensive regional or local risk assessments, for
energy or tourism sectors and social protection example, to inform local land-use plans versus
schemes) is increasingly recognized as an less-detailed but covering larger spatial scales
effective and comprehensive planning approach for national processes such as the NAP and/
and helps facilitate synergies and trade-offs or national DRR strategies (key informants). An
among various policy objectives. This is echoed by additional and usual trade-off also happens when
the policy coherence agenda at the international climate and disaster risks are treated separately
level to reach targets and commitments made in planning processes, instead of addressing
under the 2030 Agenda, the Sendai Framework them jointly.
and the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, 2017; UNDRR,
2019c). Pursuing policy coherence among DRR, The involvement of a wide set of actors, including
CCA and development planning at the national planning and decision-making authorities across
level can provide a strong enabling environment sectors and at-risk populations, following an
for integrated implementation at the local level, inclusive governance system, helps overcome
some of these barriers (box 8).


How can subnational perspectives be best integrated into national policy or strategy
design (e.g. the NAP process)?

How can local-level risks be addressed and/or considered in national-level risk

assessments, and vice versa?

How can national orientations be best integrated in subnational and local plans?

Are transboundary risks taken into account and embedded in planning?

How could the policy or planning instruments interact with others operating at multiple
levels (are they contributing to achieving other objectives or undermining, and in
what ways)?

Horizontal integration
Adaptation and disaster risk planning is critical national DRR. They address risks associated with
to enable stakeholders to prepare for and climate change (NAP, NAPA and DRR strategies)
respond to the impacts of climate change. and non-climate-related hazards (DRR strategies)
The main strategy and planning instruments in and their declination at the subnational and local
climate change and DRR include NAPs,4 national levels for implementation.
adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) and

4 Note that NAP planning is an iterative and flexible process. In some contexts, the planning process might start at
the national level through the development of sectoral adaptation plans feeding into a national one, which provide a
framework for subnational planning. In others, subnational adaptation plans are developed first and fed into the design of
a national plan. Moreover, others pursue a mix of these two approaches, undertaking national and subnational planning
processes simultaneously (Dazé et al., 2016).

90 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
NAPs and NAPAs focus on adaptation population groups, to a range of shocks including
interventions by sectors. They give a road map those exacerbated by climate-related risks. In
for the country and all sectors, regarding the fact, 58% of countries “have also increasingly
main direction and needs to increase societies’ established sectoral planning instruments to
resilience to climate-related risks. In fact, a recent support adaptation progress and ‘21 per cent’ at
assessment of adaptation progress at the global the subnational level” (UNEP, 2021).
level shows that 72% of countries already “have
at least one national-level planning instrument in At the national level, it is key that all sectors,
place that addresses adaptation” and a further public and private entities, academia and civil
9% are developing one, with most developing society organizations are represented and
countries preparing NAPs (UNEP, 2021). Such participate in the process, following an inclusive
strategies and plans are also meant to inform approach. This can take the form of national
sectoral planning and are sometimes developed and subnational consultations, reporting to an
as an aggregation of regional and/or sectoral institutional mechanism in place to design or
adaptation plans as in the case of some NAPs. revise the policy or plan with clearly defined roles
and responsibilities. Attention should be paid at
Likewise, climate risks – derived from the how evidence and voices of different population
risk assessment – could be integrated into groups are being included in the planning process,
existing development (e.g. mid- and long-term via for example representative organizations,
development plans and vision) and sectoral building from local and regional consultations
planning processes (e.g. land-use plans, and on multilevel coordination mechanisms.
education, agriculture, water and energy). By The assessment team could take part in these
using the same risk assessment information as in consultations or there should at least be a
NAPs and/or NAPAs, strategies and plans can be mechanism set up for the risk assessment results
aligned and reduce changes creating new risks. to be discussed and to inform the identification
For example, the infrastructure sector represents and selection of appropriate risk management
an important entry point, as investments in the measures, among other sources of information.
sector are particularly long lasting (e.g. roads
and education and medical infrastructure), and At the local level, one comprehensive climate
often derived at least partly from public funds risk assessment could be used to inform several
framed by regulations and plans. planning processes sharing the same spatial and
temporal scales. Moreover, a comprehensive
Risk information generated by the assessment approach to integrating risks into local planning
would help to assess what adjustments need processes should also be multi-stakeholder
to be made in the existing strategy as well as and multisectoral and allow for integrating
protocols such as building codes and budget national-level considerations (e.g. in policies
allocation mechanisms to ensure infrastructure and strategies). Proximity may facilitate
set-up today will continue to serve its purpose coordination across sectors and institutions as
in the future, given climate change. Another well as involving at-risk populations, especially
important entry point with the potential to be a in deciding which risk management measures
game-changer or catalyse changes in other policy are needed, thereby increasing accountability
fields has been the education sector, including civil and ownership of the overall process. However,
servant training programmes, developing needed human and financial resources may be more
capacities and aiming to support sustainable limited and may demand particular attention,
changes. The social protection field is another incentivizing capacity development in the
potential game-changer, by focusing on reducing planning processes themselves.
vulnerability, especially that of the most-vulnerable

91 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Vertical integration
National and sectoral strategies provide the Another example of integrating risks into
overall direction of a country and a road map financial systems can be found in the Caribbean
defining how to collectively move towards its region, where CCORAL has been used to support
targets and vision. These are usually developed institutionalizing risk integration processes.
by the national development planning office
(for the development plan) and the national Other ways of applying risks in financing
climate change or DRR offices (for the NAP, mechanisms focus on pre-identified actions
NAPA and DRR strategies). However, at the and funding allocations at the national, regional
subnational level, local government units lead and subnational levels (see the case study
the planning processes. These local government on the Philippines in Annex 1). There is now a
units fall under the supervision of the ministry/ wide range of policy and financial instruments
department of interior and local government. including subsidies, taxes, grants, bonds,
This long-standing disconnect at the country level border adjustments (e.g. tariffs) and targeted
provides an additional challenge in integrating microfinance that have been used to help
risk assessments into plans and in ensuring integrate risks into planning. Moreover, the
alignment across these vertical planning private sector and public–private partnerships,
processes. Instituting ways to: (a) recognize such as in the insurance field, tend to already
local/subnational risks; (b) monitor and report conduct risk assessments as part of their
progress at the subnational/local to the national business-as-usual activities and monitor
levels; (c) identify roles, responsibilities and multiple risks, facilitating the integration of
accountabilities; (d) sustain financial, human and risk information in financial instruments. For
technological resources; and (e) ensure mutual example, the InsuResilience Global Partnership
reinforcement of these plans, should be carefully advocates for strong collaboration with the (re)
studied and operationalized. insurance industry to incorporate expertise on
risk analytics for developing countries for the
Linking local realities with national and scale-up of climate and disaster risk finance and
international processes, combining bottom-up insurance. The Insurance Development Forum
and top-down approaches can support vertical – a member of the partnership – and its Risk
integration. Bottom-up approaches such as Modelling Steering Group aim to accelerate the
ecosystem-based approaches that cross spread of risk understanding. This entails easy
administrative borders and bring together a variety access to risk tools and models to promote local
of actors can be used to showcase good practices, engagement and the integration of local data and
which can be fed into regional and national knowledge in the modelling process.
processes, integrating risk considerations into
financial or budgetary systems. Two additional elements could be considered
to help comprehensively integrate risks into
Mainstreaming risk into financial or budgetary financial instruments in the context of climate
systems represents another important entry change. First, expenditure or budget tagging
point for comprehensive risk-informed planning. exercises can help track public national and
If embedded in public financial systems that subnational spending to improve transparency
are “systematically” resourced and applied, this and help identify opportunities for integration of
could have important multiplier effects for risk- CCA and DRR planning and implementation as
informed investments (e.g. public annual budget well as track progress in reducing risks. Second,
allocations that factor in climate-related risks looking at whether funds can be disbursed at
before approving projects). A specific example the right time to initiate pre-emptive actions that
is the protocols in place for the approval of lead to reduced level of impact, and in which
public infrastructure projects that need to deliver combinations or layering of financial instruments,
services such as hospital buildings in the face can be as important as whether there are
of current and future climate- and non-climate- sufficient funds being allocated (IFRC, 2020).
related hazards (GIZ, 2019; Ahmed et al., 2021).

92 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

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The application of anticipatory financing, like Furthermore, this can be facilitated by using
forecast-based financing (FbF) – a mechanism existing targeting and payout mechanisms and
to trigger early action based on early warnings channels such as those used by social protection
– will allow timelier and risk-based actions. To systems. When linkages to EWSs and FbF are
build an FbF system, the first investment needed in place, this enables prompt payouts to those
is to develop early action protocols, which in need, given the existence of social registries
delineate triggers, roles and responsibilities for with disaggregated and geo-targeted data.
quick action. Second, investments are needed Additionally, insurance payouts, contingency
in funding mechanisms to make resources budget lines and other instruments can provide
available at the time of the trigger. quick funds for response and recovery, if these
have been put in place before disasters occur.
A critical component of CRM is the ability This reduces the need for governments to
of governments to act on extremes using reallocate scarce resources or for borrowing
information over shorter timescales. This can under unfavourable financial terms directly after
be realized when integrated into plans and/or a disaster.
strategies that enable the release and use of
resources, based on peaks in risks and thresholds.

4.3.10 Using iterative and flexible processes


Given the dynamic nature of risk, adaptive management and planning based on strong MEL
frameworks, feeding back into an iterative integration process, are needed to flexibly adjust
implementation, inform future decisions and resource allocations. This helps ensure plans
remain responsive to needs and provide the enabling environment for timely and appropriate
actions that reduce vulnerabilities of communities and systems. The integration process
can be used to help fill identified capacity gaps and improve information-sharing and
coordination mechanisms.

Risk is context specific, meaning risk reduction (UNDRR, 2019c). Plans should be flexible
measures and management strategies are enough to allow the inclusion of multiple
also highly dependent on local realities and perspectives, timescales and new inputs, the
considerations. Thus, they need to be tailored, use of different methods as appropriate to the
discussed and decided upon with relevant specific context and for continuous adjustment
stakeholders, including at-risk populations throughout the process. This will increase the
for gender-responsive and inclusive planning, plan’s responsiveness to the evolving needs and
based on assessed differentiated vulnerabilities. capacities of communities and institutions.
Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all method

Adaptive management and planning based on iterative processes

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks contributing to building overall resilience (IFRC,
help appraise whether a risk reduction or 2013). M&E can inform learning (referred to
management measure is justified and whether it together as MEL frameworks) from successes
is bringing about the intended benefits, including and failures, feeding this back across the risk

93 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
assessment and planning stages enabled by an such as flooding has happened, based on setting
iterative process.5 up monitoring systems facilitating revisions. In
fact, failing to revisit a risk decision in light of
A comprehensive approach to planning requires new knowledge based on M&E is an important
robust MEL frameworks, established before challenge to implementation (IRGC, 2017).
implementation of risk reduction measures
supporting adaptive management and planning Policy and planning instruments could be
(IDRC, 2009; USAID, 2018). Adjustments reviewed in terms of their “adaptability” (i.e.
throughout the overall process are important to the capacity to respond to anticipated and non-
better operate in variable degrees of uncertainty anticipated changes and enhance resilience
given the dynamic nature of risk (e.g. uncertainty sources). Several tools exist to help assess
in risk estimates). Such adjustments to the adaptability of policies or programmes in
programming, based on continuous monitoring the context of climate as an underlying risk
including the identified risks (of extreme and driver such as the Adaptive Design and Policy
slow-onset processes), can reveal the need for Assessment Tool (ADAPTool)6 or the Food
new information (e.g. updated risk assessments), Security Indicator & Policy Analysis Tool (FIPAT).7
revise ongoing activities and strategies, inform
future risk management decisions and resource For a comprehensive approach, an M&E
allocations as well as help identify best practices framework should be designed by the same core
and support information-sharing across stakeholders involved in revising or developing
communities of practice. Some approaches in risk reduction measures and other plans. It
the field have started to test assumptions in their should include the institutions responsible for
theories of change after an extreme weather event implementation.

Using the integration process itself

Additionally, the integration process can be used frameworks and reporting mechanisms, which
to help fill capacity gaps and improve information- record the state of knowledge and progress
sharing and coordination mechanisms of existing for example of adaptation and risk reduction
or designed institutional arrangements (see efforts, can support making information more
the principle on inclusive governance), thereby widely accessible for the benefit of DRR, CCA
strengthening the overall enabling environment and sustainable development fields (IISD, 2012).
for risk-informed decision-making and planning. Mandatory reporting mechanisms for DRR and
CCA at the international and national levels could
To improve information-sharing and evidence- further support monitoring efforts and data
based planning, dialogues and peer-to-peer sharing among these different communities of
exchanges on M&E of CCA and DRR policies can practice.
help identify opportunities to harmonize DRR and
CCA policies and plans contributing to dealing Using the integration process itself can also
with multiple risks in the context of climate change entail strengthening key stakeholders’ (human)
spanning a wide range of policy and planning capacities at all levels, including technical and
instruments. The data and information from MEL “soft skills”, such as using collaborative tools and

5 Iterative risk management is an ongoing process of assessment, action, reassessment and response (Hurlbert et al.,
6 ADAPTool was developed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development and partners to assess the
adaptability of policies or programmes in relation to any defined stressor or external change, such as climate.
7 FIPAT, with its guidebook, is an analytical tool to help governments identify required resilience actions, monitor food
system resilience over time, and assess the extent to which current policies strengthen food system resilience. It was
developed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development and partners.

94 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
facilitation techniques, adaptive management about the adjusted/developed policies, strategies
and M&E. Capacity development strategies for and plans. Finally, the risk integration process
relevant actors have been integrated within the can be used to help showcase the value added of
process of designing NAPs, and DRR strategies DRR and CCA communities of practice working
whereby both entail an assessment of existing together to reduce existing vulnerabilities
and needed capacities (Dazé et al., 2016; UNDRR, and increase resilience to present and future
2019c). Some capacity development measures climate-related risks. This can be facilitated
can hold several co-benefits by enabling other by showcasing best practices from the local or
sectors (other than those directly targeted) regional levels, thereby building evidence for risk-
to better address climate and disaster risks. informed planning.
Conversely, the process can help raise awareness

95 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change


Risk approaches promoted by science and policy (e.g. by IPCC and UNDRR) are becoming more
comprehensive. However, for practical applications, some bottlenecks and challenges need to
be tackled, and further research and development is needed. There is a need for:

Pragmatic approaches for addressing the complexity and the systemic character of
risks in the context of climate change

Proper consideration of current risks and the dynamic nature of risk drivers including
climate change, as well as future risks

Improvement in the availability and accessibility of data on hazards and impacts, and
also on vulnerability and exposure factors

Consistent concepts on how to assess and manage risks related to slow-onset processes

Reflection on the appropriateness and relevance of some risk metrics such as the
concept of likelihood in the context of slow-onset processes and future scenarios

Better scenario concepts including storylines for future reduction of exposure and

96 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
The need for a comprehensive risk approach approaches on the ground are still in their infancy
that integrates DRR and CCA perspectives has due to several conceptual, methodological and
been discussed for almost a decade. Coherence practical challenges. The following sections
among DRR and CCA approaches, and SDGs propose and list some key conclusions on
has been pursued at the policy level. However, challenges and areas demanding further research
practical implementations of comprehensive for a comprehensive risk approach.



In reality, risks are the result of complicated and interactions between natural and physical
interactions in complex systems. This complexity factors and socioeconomic risk factors. Social
can never be fully addressed. And even a simplified vulnerability and transboundary effects are two
conceptualization of a system (e.g. with impact important fields where understanding is missing.
chains) cannot be fully operationalized. Hence, More evidence describing impacts, L&D related
there is always a trade-off between complexity to the combination of multiple hazards, exposure
and operationalization. The more complex the and vulnerability factors and underlying risk
conceptualization gets, the more non-quantitative drivers is needed.
elements (e.g. expert assessment, participative
elements and narratives) need to be added to a Another limitation is risk analysis across risks
risk analysis (IRGC, 2018). and sectors. It is still common to analyse and
address mainly single risks. Linkages and co-
While there are attempts to model even complex effects of multiple risks or specific exposure and
systems with approaches such as system vulnerability dynamics that are relevant for more
dynamics or agent-based models, the large than one risk are often not addressed. A major
effort and the lack of understanding of complex limitation for conducting multiple-risk analysis
processes, as well as the difficulty to adapt such comes from distinct planning processes, due to
approaches to the highly diverse context of real- existing institutional set-ups being less conducive
world risks, are preventing operationalization to collaboration in the risk assessment or
beyond the academic context. planning phases. More innovation from system
theory and concepts on managing systemic risks
There are still significant gaps in the need to be introduced into DRR and CCA.
understanding of many of the complex processes


DRR and CCA approaches often have different developments, where relevant and with a suitable
time horizons. While DRR often does not time-horizon (e.g. 5 years for agriculture, 20
focus on potential future developments, CCA years for small infrastructure, 50 years for large
assessments often do not focus enough on the infrastructure or 100 years for forestry).
current situation. For a comprehensive approach,
it is recommended to start with a thorough Equally, every CCA assessment could include a
analysis of the current situation. thorough analysis of the current situation, with
methods and information adapted from the
Every DRR assessment could be at least DRR context.
expanded towards an outlook on potential future

97 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

A sound risk assessment is based on the best Furthermore, data do not exist for many aspects
evidence and knowledge available, which implies of risk. It is important to not let data availability
working with data-driven approaches wherever drive a risk assessment. If a hazard, an impact
possible. This could include data on current and or a risk has been identified as relevant for a
past hazards and their impacts (e.g. from event country, a social sector or a social group, this
databases), data on exposure (e.g. population risk has to be considered in risk assessment,
data) and data on vulnerability factors. However, decision-making and planning, independently
for many aspects, data are available but are of whether data are available or not. Qualitative
not openly accessible. Either data have to be methods such as expert-based assessment
purchased (e.g. meteorological data) or they are and participative approaches are a good choice
simply not freely available. A free and open data to complement or substitute quantitative data-
policy to global and national databases is key for based methods.
a comprehensive risk approach.


Analysis of existing institutional, organizational measures. Reviewing the effectiveness of

and individual capacities to respond or adapt to past plans and measures (e.g. how they have
the analysed risks is key to designing appropriate functioned in the aftermath of disasters) is
risk reduction and adaptation strategies and important to inform future decisions.


The consideration of slow-onset processes in risk management side, a long-term perspective is

assessment and decision-making and planning important, starting from monitoring slow-onset
is still challenging, as most risk concepts are processes to having long-term strategies on
focused on hazardous events with concepts such how to cope with and adapt to related impacts.
as return periods for the risk assessment. This This should include thinking beyond the limits of
guidance has discussed and proposed methods adaptation in the risk evaluation and addressing
on how to treat slow-onset processes as hazards transformational approaches in decision-making
and how to consider the effect of slow-onset and planning.
processes on hazardous events. For the risk



There is no appropriate concept of if and how but rather to complex processes, which have
likelihood can be applied for slow-onset events no return period or frequency, and potential
and for future climate impacts and risk. In reality, future developments are related to different
the concept of risk as applied in a pre-Sendai climate scenarios that have per se no likelihood.
Framework DRR approach (risk = impact of an Concepts on how to deal with this challenge and
event × probability of impact) can often not be if likelihood should be replaced by alternative
applied for several reasons. Climate impacts concepts have yet to be developed.
are frequently not related to a single event,

98 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

For potential climate futures, standard entry point for DRR and CCA. There are some
approaches exist with climate scenarios and attempts to use IPCC SSPs, which are linked to
model ensembles, as well as downscaling specific RCPs, but for national to subnational risk
techniques to the subnational and local scales. assessments, these scenarios are generic and
However, there are almost no examples of have a set of variables that are too reduced to
scenarios for exposure and vulnerability. Such allow an outlook of a specific country or region
scenarios are important because the dynamics with its specific context. Progress has been
of exposure and vulnerability often contribute made, especially at the local and subnational
as much or even more to a risk than the climate- levels, with some decision-support tools
related hazards. and approaches supporting the elaboration
of participatory development scenarios and
Furthermore, exposure and vulnerability factors foresight techniques.
frequently have a higher spatial heterogeneity
than climate hazard patterns and are the key



A core element of a risk assessment is a value- necessary to make this step explicit and address
based assignment of risk levels (e.g. from low to it in the scoping phase of a risk assessment.
high) and a risk evaluation (e.g. from acceptable A link to SDGs as a seed for discussion and
to intolerable). However, the context-specific decision-making on objectives and how the
criteria-building for this important step is often risk evaluation would inform risk management
not transparent and explicit. It is absolutely is recommended.



Risks are often local. While a lot of effort is

made to downscale climate scenarios, exposure
and vulnerability factors are often the factors
requiring high-resolution data because they vary
from one place to another and are characterized
by local and specific factors or combinations of
factors (e.g. highly erodible soils, steep slopes
and in-migration of people). Risk assessments
on national or subnational scales often do not
address the spatial component of risk in this
detailed manner. An alternative for high-resolution
spatial approaches would be to address specific
zones with similar, homogeneous attributes
(e.g. urban areas, coastal zones, mountains and
arable lands in the plains).

99 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
These can benefit planning efforts as landscape the spatial units of the planning process would
or ecosystem-based approaches and NbSs are improve the usefulness and likelihood of risk
already being applied, recognizing that risks often integration into planning processes. However,
cross administrative and political boundaries. challenges remain as the spatial scales of certain
Additionally, planning processes tend to have hazards might not match those of planning needs,
clear spatial reference units (e.g. municipality or nor are data always available or accessible in the
city-level plans). Aligning the risk assessment to right format, at the appropriate scale.



One of the main objectives of a risk assessment ongoing trends (e.g. land ownership or vulnerable
should be to support the identification of risk groups) and might include local phenomena (e.g.
reduction measures. This requires a deep missing maintenance of irrigation channels in a
understanding of the context of a specific system specific area).
and factors that are often related to historical or


The current state of risk management practices identify opportunities for financial mechanisms
and existing DRR and CCA strategies are often to foster collaboration between CCA, DRR and
not considered enough in a risk assessment. It development processes, as well as harmonize
is recommended to fully build on the existing actions and funding streams of development
context in DRR and CCA by including a systematic cooperation organizations.
review of existing measures, regulations, plans,
strategies and risk governance systems, as Finally, based on better understanding of
well as institutional coordination mechanisms existing contexts, deliberate choices could be
and the enabling environment, into the risk made to support governance systems capable
assessment. This will help identify opportunities of addressing multilevel and transboundary
for approaches that are more coherent, tailor risks, the engagement of all actors, and a shift
the needed risk assessment, and situate where in mindsets and incentives rewarding strong
and how it will inform risk integration across and leadership, political commitment and foresight.
among governance levels. It could also inform This will allow rethinking socioeconomic and
how the assessment process and revision, political systems, so they address the root
or design of policies and strategies can be causes of vulnerability, leave no one behind, and
used to strengthen the needed capacities and overcome institutional, political and economic
improve the risk governance system towards challenges for risk-informed resilient societies.
a systemic inclusion of risks. It could help

100 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

It is clear that comprehensive approaches to and tailored to a wide range of stakeholders on

risk assessment and planning in the context of an interactive online mapping platform (see the
climate change support integration of risks into Nepal case).
all sectors and plans, including considering how
risks may affect action across sectors and scales. Most cases can be related to all or several of
However, practical examples and guidance on the key principles presented in this guidance,
how to do so are still in their infancy. This guidance highlighting the importance of partnerships and
showcases some initiatives and early practices their role as knowledge brokers as well as that of
to demonstrate how comprehensive approaches inclusive governance through setting up and using
to integrating risks in planning processes have effective participatory processes. Most of the
been operationalized at different scales, and approaches strive to bring various perspectives
how they are overcoming some of the common and skills needed to help tackle systemic risks.
institutional and practical challenges for risk- They use a variety of decision-support tools such
informed planning. The case studies also serve as participatory scenarios and quantitative and
as an inspiration on how risk assessments can qualitative methods, combining traditional and
be implemented in specific contests, for instance scientific knowledge sources. These make it
how a final risk matrix can be designed (see the possible to work with uncertainties and identify
Viet Nam example), how impact chains can be possible synergies and trade-offs in pursuing
utilized (see the Madagascar study) and how more coherence among different policy agendas.
risk assessment results can be made available

101 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Assessing climate change impacts on relevant social, economic

and ecological systems
Francisco Meza, René Garreaud, Andrés Pica and Susana Bustos


Chile faces numerous challenges with regards to critical sectors to facilitate the development of
climate change. There is an urgent need to achieve adaptation measures.
carbon neutrality. At the same time, characterizing
and reducing the vulnerability of socioeconomic The project was led by the Research Centre for
sectors and natural systems to future climate Climate and Resilience and the Centre for Global
impacts is of utmost importance. In this context, Change of the Universidad Católica de Chile
the Climate Risk Atlas of Chile (ARClim) is the and involved 27 other national and international
first multisectoral assessment of climate risks research organizations. Results are displayed
under a coherent set of climate scenarios and on a specifically design web-based platform
a common methodological framework. ARClim ( that allows
is a project of the Environment Ministry of the user-defined visualization of results and access
Chilean Government, funded by the Deutsche to all the data used in the project. ARClim was
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit developed during part of 2019 and 2020 and
(GIZ) GmbH, with the aim to communicate the released for use on 3 December 2020.
potential impacts of climate change on several


Climate-related risk is usually understood as Climate Change (IPCC) fifth assessment report
the potential magnitude of damage that could assessment process, which combines concepts
materialize as a consequence of changes in of climate hazards, exposure (a metric gauging
climatic conditions. The project followed a the “size” of a system) and vulnerability (a metric
risk framework methodology developed in the that considers non-climatic factors that modulate
context of the Intergovernmental Panel on the impact of climate) to define climate risk. While

102 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
most human, natural and economic sectors will displays a rather pessimistic scenario of climate
be negatively affected by climate change, ARClim change risk, which can help to orient adaptation
also reveals some opportunities, mostly in the strategies. For instance, this information is being
expansion of some agricultural species and new used in a related project to assess the economic
investments in the energy sector. costs of no action.

Based on downscaled, bias-removed climate ARClim was built from publicly available
information, the project team identified 45 climate information. To minimize model bias, the use of
hazard indicators most relevant for Chile (all of gap-filling data and/or interpolation was avoided
them available in ARClim), covering extreme as much as possible, and existing information
weather events and slow-onset processes. Then, was relied upon instead. In most cases, risk (and
12 broad sectors (including human and natural its basic elements) was assessed at a commune
systems, as well as economic sectors) potentially level, the basic administrative division in Chile,
affected by climate change were identified, from and across the whole country (346 communes
where 55 impact chains were identified (i.e. in total). Nonetheless, in some cases, such as
a plausible narrative that connected hazards, the forestry and agriculture sectors, data are
exposure and vulnerability). By focusing on presented as a spatial continuum, whereas in
specific impact chains rather than on the hazard others, point results are presented, such as in the
itself, further cascading risks, such as parasites case of ports and towns.
and algae blooms that have negative impacts on
aquaculture, were also identified. Considering the diverse nature of the systems
under analysis, the simple combination of
Depending on the available information and different indices does not yield a comparable
the specific knowledge of the responses of the metric. For this reason, results were rescaled and
system under climate change, ARClim developed expressed in five categories, which represent the
a quantitative or semi-quantitative approach. degree of relative risk for each impact across
Climate change is assessed by comparing Chile. Thus, ARClim results can be directly used
past (1980–2010) and future (2035–2065) by sector-specific, nationwide institutions (e.g.
climate conditions under the representative the Ministry of Energy). However, further work is
concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5 emission needed to combine indicators with other sources
scenario. With few exceptions, exposure is kept of information, to assess local and regional risks
constant to actual values, and vulnerability does from a multisectoral perspective.
not include adaptation measures. Thus, ARClim


The project faced a number of major challenges. seemingly intuitive, the IPCC fifth assessment
Sectoral models have different climate data report risk framework is different from previous
requirements, in terms of specific variables as frameworks, thus causing some confusion in
well as formatting. A task group for metadata the definition of exposure and vulnerability.
was set up to facilitate data exchange and Furthermore, the project’s working groups tended
accessibility across research teams. This group to identify an ample set of relevant impact chains,
was also responsible for integration and the data some of which could not be quantified because
display providing specific recommendations of a lack of reliable exposure/vulnerability data
and guidance. and/or a weak relationship with climate factors.
Therefore, the project’s central team maintained
A second major challenge was related to a permanent dialogue and set up specific
implementation of the risk framework in sectors meetings for coordination and discussion until
that have different system responses, data the ideas were assimilated and a common
requirements and model results. Although narrative was established.

103 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
There is still a pending and major challenge with Users from the public sector (unfortunately,
regards to integration across sectors. Within the the opportunity to present early results to the
limited time and resources of ARClim, it was not private sector was not possible due to the tight
possible to develop a regional multivariate risk schedule) were always enthusiastic supporters
assessment. All elements have been developed, of the initiative, but normally developed high
but a consistent methodology for combination expectations about the potential use and eventual
needs to be identified and tested. The key results that can be obtained. For instance, they
question is how to weight the changing risk from suggested additional impact chains, some of
different activities and sectors that coexist in them plausible but others beyond the scope of
a unit of territory. Furthermore, sector-specific this project. These meetings allowed the central
risks are expressed either on a relative scale or team to present the limitations of the project and
with their own units, calling for a common metric share a fundamental concept for these types of
yet to be developed. studies: “we can only obtain results for cases in
which we have the knowledge, data, and tools at
Finally, a major challenge for ARClim was the hand”. Meetings were also useful to document
communication of results. Several workshops research needs and data gaps that have to be
were organized to present partial results and filled to expand the capabilities of ARClim.
receive feedback on relevance, clarity and realism.

Enabling factors and lessons learned

Some of the key enabling factors and lessons The web platform must be designed and

learned include: implemented to allow simple, intuitive
navigation, yet allow sophisticated
A core, directive group is essential, given analysis and accesses to all data/

the multiple working groups, multiple metadata used in the project. This will
requirements from the public and private enable users to conduct further analysis.
sectors, and eventual misinterpretation of
the methodological framework. ARClim provides sector-specific, high-

resolution, nationwide risk assessments,
Working groups need to be experts in their which are of immediate help for developing

specific sectors. These groups usually sectoral adaptation plans at a country
comprise academics, bringing all their level. Furthermore, ARClim offers the
expertise in research, but they also need to foundation to assess regional risks from
be in close contact with external groups (in a multisectoral perspective. However, this
the public and private sectors) to validate requires further research and work on
the proposed impact chains (including integrative assessment.
internal metrics) and propose new ones.
Building trust in the platform and

In addition to the sectoral working groups, methodology is essential for further

two others are essential: the one in charge development and refinement. ARClim
of providing climate indices and the other has been presented as a dynamic and
for developing the web platform. cooperative tool that can be updated
when new information is incorporated and
system understanding, and risk modelling
capabilities improve.

104 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

A subnational climate risk assessment

K. S. Kavi Kumar and Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati


GIZ conducted a subnational climate risk develop and pilot innovative concepts and tools
assessment in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu, for assessing and managing climate risks. As
together with local and international stakeholders. one of the countries most vulnerable to climate
The Global Programme on Risk Assessment and change impacts, India has an interest in methods
Management for Adaptation to Climate Change and concepts for the development of measures
(Loss and Damage (L&D)) developed and piloted to reduce climate-related L&D.
the methodology. The programme’s objective is to


A rapid L&D assessment was conducted in Tamil to provide a basis for further analysis. Based on
Nadu in 2014–2015. The assessment followed an the documented damage, event-specific damage
impact-based approach. The approach combined functions were developed for assessing future
data on past events collected from secondary impacts. With the help of projected impacts,
sources and from focus group discussions of qualitative analysis of field-level observation and
various stakeholders and household surveys at potential adaptation scenarios, state-wide L&D
the community level. The study focused on the characterization was conducted.
climate hazards of cyclones and salinization,
representing sudden and slow-onset climate For the analysis of future impacts, available
events, respectively. The aim was to identify damage functions were used, as well as
avoided, unavoided and unavoidable, economic qualitative analysis conducted to derive L&D.
and non-economic, and direct and indirect L&D. Adaptation scenarios were developed in
some cases.
For selected climate events, impact chains were
created to display cause–effect relationships and The underlying six-step methodology, developed

105 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
by the GIZ Global Programme on L&D, is a overarching objective is to derive assessment
customized approach that can be utilized results that help identify an effective and
to assess and develop various measures at sustainable combination of instruments and tools
national, regional and local levels. It can deal considering environmental, social, economic and
with severe climate risks, including residual cultural aspects as a foundation for an effective
risks that could contribute to potential L&D. The climate risk management approach.

Lessons learned

The assessment approach was found to in Tamil Nadu. Insight from a study based on
be beneficial as it allowed quantification of farmers’ assessment of damage incurred due
unavoidable L&D at state and community levels. to salinization has provided useful inputs for
It also made the non-economic losses visible. recognizing the severity of the issue. This could
The main lessons learned were on the need to help facilitate formulation of appropriate disaster
continuously improve the database as well as management plans together with relevant short-
modelling approaches, including verification. In and long-term adaptation strategies.
particular, the study identified that data on past
impacts (economic and non-economic) at state Having the data as evidence to raise awareness
level were missing. within the government departments is a key
challenge, especially for slow/gradual-onset
This was particularly true in the case of impacts events such as salinization. As recognized by the
due to gradual changes such as salinization. study, equally critical is the need to acknowledge
Farmers in the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and plan for transformation changes by
are being severely affected by salinization. the government.
However, in contrast to sudden-onset events
such as cyclones, the government does not After completion of the assessment, it was
provide assistance for the losses incurred due to recommended that future assessments should
salinization. Analysis of factors contributing to investigate non-climatic drivers of impacts
salinization in Tamil Nadu suggested that poor further at the local level, which would then
and unplanned developmental activities is one allow development of appropriate adaptation
of the main reasons. In addition to measurement measures. Moreover, risk tolerances need to be
issues, quantification of the extent of salinization determined for L&D impacts. The study strongly
in the state faces challenges due to a lack of recommended the need to conduct qualitative
proper baseline data. As the government does analysis to identify the non-economic L&D,
not fully recognize salinization as a potential which may otherwise be neglected at the policy
cause of L&D, necessary mechanisms for data formulation levels (Kavi Kumar et al., 2018).
collection and impact assessment are absent

106 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Mainstreaming climate risk assessment results in several planning

Vanessa Vaessen, Maminiaina Rolland Randrianarivelo and Alicia
Natalia Zamudio


In the national adaptation plan (NAP) process of in 35 adaptation projects in each municipality
Madagascar, several climate risk assessments and the Climate Change National Policy, as well
were conducted, supported by various partners as sectoral strategies such as the National Policy
and projects. Three regional climate risk and on Infrastructure and Equipment, the National
vulnerability assessments (CRVAs) using the Education Curricula, the National Plan on Health
vulnerability sourcebook methodology were and the National Strategy for Wood Energy.
conducted as part of a climate change adaptation All relevant indicators were integrated into the
(CCA) project, led by GIZ. CRVA results informed National Monitoring and Evaluation System led
various policy processes such as the NAP, 35 local by the Ministry of Economy and Budget.
municipal land-use planning schemes resulting


An inclusive approach was adopted including committee. Training of journalists was held for
all relevant stakeholders at the national and awareness-raising.
regional levels, applying a gender-sensitive
approach, given that the main objective was The approach used qualitative and quantitative
to inform the NAP. The National Coordination methods and combined socioeconomic data and
Office for Climate Change under the Ministry of trends with climate data and climate scenarios
Environment led regional consultation on the from all relevant sectors (forest and biodiversity,
NAP process. Various training sessions (NAP water and sanitation, public health, costal zones
training modules, SNAP Tool, CLiFIT) were held and fisheries, agriculture and livestock).
for boosting and dynamizing the NAP steering

107 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Given the different institutional mandates and as well as a lack of coherent approaches by
rapid changes in leadership and high-level civil development partners and donors supporting
servants, coordination among the different risk assessments and planning processes in the
agencies and government levels needed for an context of the NAP. Additionally, trade-offs were
inclusive approach was challenging. Institutions identified and undertaken. These included the
responsible for disaster risk reduction (DRR) most-appropriate risk assessment scales given
and for CCA lack incentives to work across the policy and planning objectives among less-
institutional silos, even though Madagascar has detailed risk assessments to inform national
a designated National Office for Disaster Risk processes, detailed regional ones applicable for
Management. Other challenges included the a few regions or detailed local level assessments
perceived and real power asymmetries between to inform local land-use plans.
this office and the Ministry of Environment,

Enabling factors for integration into planning processes

The process was flexible enough to include ensure CCA and DRR stakeholders and relevant
capacity development of relevant stakeholders, sectors (e.g. institutions) were involved and that
favouring a continuous learning process, which such groups had clear roles and responsibilities
helped build collaboration and buy-in for the to collect and share data and information
overall planning process. Integration of climate generated across sectors and stakeholders.
risk management into the National Education These were captured in a communication and
Curricula and into a training programme also dissemination strategy of assessment results.
helped to strengthen capacities and contribute to The strategy facilitated identifying multiple end
a sustainable approach. users and their needs, subsequently tailoring the
risk information depending on the various end
The objectives to inform various policy users. It was supported by engagement of the
processes, including the NAP, were decided on National Meteorology Agency. For example, using
before starting the assessments (and included index maps and impact chains in discussing
in the Terms of References for recruiting an adaptation options with decision makers helped
assessment team). This allowed the assessment summarize assessment results and conveyed
methodology to be shaped and the assessment them in a more usable and appealing format.
stage to be better linked with the planning one.
Additionally, including the identification and Risk information also supported broader
prioritization of adaptation options directly in the awareness-raising and advocacy purposes
Terms of Reference as part of the assessment during the NAP process. Other factors were
process facilitated the continued involvement instrumental in helping to overcome some of the
of key stakeholders (e.g. in regional NAP institutional barriers. For example, investing time
consultations) in the assessment and planning in understanding or setting up and strengthening
phases. At the local level, the results of the CRVA coordination mechanisms with clear roles and
informed the 35 different municipal land-use responsibilities to lead the NAP process and the
plans, which developed and implemented 35 CRVA process, including how the information
adaptation projects based on the assessments. would be managed and shared. This also
involved the setting up of a national database
The management of climate risks was a cross- system on climate change activities and actions
cutting theme in the CRVA and in the NAP. When such as risk assessments and ongoing activities
designing the scope and working group leading in the country.
the assessments, a practical solution was to

108 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Harmonizing disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation

for local resilience – a risk information web platform
Pradip Khatiwada, Reena Bajracharya and Janak Pathak


In Nepal, deployment of DRR and CCA governance (LDCRCs) and mainstreaming DRR and CCA into
systems and institutional set-ups does not seem their local development planning processes. It
to be deliberately planned in administrative silos. is a bottom-up, inclusive and decentralized DRR
Nepal has revised some policies and regulations and CCA planning process. Based on the local
based on the Sendai Framework for Disaster context and climate profile, it acknowledges
Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework). the needs of local people and builds on current
The local disaster management plan guideline and future vulnerabilities. The planning process
of 2011 was revised to the local disaster and promotes effective investment for resilience
climate-resilient plan (LDCRP) guideline of 2017. through risk analysis, adaptation capacity and
It guides local governments in developing their development of local institutional mechanisms.
local disaster and climate-resilient committees


The LDCRP guideline seeks to aid coordination (social, human, natural, physical and financial)
of all the local bodies from district to ward level and daily livelihood to develop the LDCRP. All
to work with local representatives to form an local governments are required to follow the
LDCRC. The LDCRC nominates disaster and guideline to develop and implement their plans.
climate change experts to form a local disaster
and climate-resilient planning subcommittee.
An integrated disaster and climate risk profile
based on vulnerability and capacity assessment
includes analysis of the five livelihood capitals

109 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

The 2017 guideline is intended to replace the local and budgeting process to achieve integration
disaster management plan guideline of 2011 and and mainstreaming (Regmi et al., 2019). Merging
focus more on disaster risk than climate change. the local disaster risk reduction management
It is not clear how the local adaptation plans for plan (LDRRMP) and LAPA into the LDCRP may
action (LAPA) framework will be incorporated raise a few questions in terms of harmonization,
into the LDCRP, and the current process set out especially when it comes to allocating funds for
in the LDCRP seems incompatible with the LAPA CCA. In the absence of a national act on CCA at
framework. DRR and CCA must be part of the the local level, local authorities do not prioritize
development priorities and agenda, and part of this work.
the local and provincial government’s planning

Enabling factors and lessons learned

Most municipal budgets prioritize disaster public favours infrastructure developments that
response and emergency relief. Identifying provide direct benefits and promote livelihoods,
commonalities and areas of convergence such as building roads, irrigation embankments
between DRR and CCA can provide a strong and culverts. DRR and CCA investments are lower
rationale for funding risk reduction measures priority, mainly because payback takes longer and
and preparedness. is not directly visible unless there is an extreme
event. DRR and CCA must be fully integrated
This also applies to development investments. into the local development planning process,
Most municipal infrastructure projects have co- to ensure these projects are risk informed and
benefits to mitigate disaster risk and adaptation climate resilient.
to climate change, yet they are not fully realized
by local governments (Mercy Corps, 2019). The

Visualization of integrated risk information

The Government of Nepal has developed an and non-government stakeholders together. For
online web portal to meet the needs of Sendai instance, vulnerability data are currently shown at
Framework Priority 1 on understanding disaster district level, whereas landslide susceptibility is
risks. Moreover, the Building Information Platform available to interrogate at ward level. There is now
Against Disaster portal is strongly based on an obligation to make all information or analysis
Nepal’s national Disaster Risk Management Act part of this portal. Every municipality can link its
2017 and national policy plan. The new interactive own information and run its analysis. The portal
web mapping tool brings all the disconnected is a good example of how to set up and present
information regarding risks including climate risk data in an integrative way. The technology is
risks, vulnerabilities, hazard events and near open source and could thus be replicated by any
real-time response information from government country or region.

110 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance programme and application in

Peru by Practical Action
Colin McQuistan, Orlando Chuquisengo Vásquez, Miguel Arestegui
and Miluska Ordoñez


The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA) resilience framework and tools working with
is a multisectoral and multi-actor partnership more than 110 communities in nine countries.
launched in 2013 focused on strengthening the The overall objective is to achieve climate-smart
resilience of communities to flood risk. It consists risk-informed development, using a resilience
of humanitarian, non-governmental organization, concept to help operate within the development,
research and private sector partners forming a DRR and CCA nexus, bringing together
science–society partnership for more evidence- humanitarian practitioners, development
informed and effective disaster (flood) risk partners, private sector, community members
management. ZFRA has applied and tested a and decision makers.


ZFRA uses an adaptive management cycle projects or plans. These are then implemented,
to foster resilience in what is referred to as monitored and evaluated. After a flood event
the “shared resilience learning dialogue”. The has occurred, assumptions are re-evaluated
approach is flexible and emphasizes continuous to ensure they hold true and risk management
learning and innovation among stakeholders. For strategies are appropriate. These insights are fed
almost each step, there is a variety of decision- back into each step. One of the decision-support
support tools, often co-created, starting with the tools presented as part of the toolbox, which
assessment step, and followed by identification can be tailored depending on the specific user’s
and prioritization of risk management context, is the Flood Resilience Measurement for
interventions drawing from the CCA and DRR Communities (FRMC) tool.
field, and integrating these interventions in

111 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Application of the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities tool
in Peru in two river basins systems

The FRMC tool and overall resilience-based to visualize the perceived risks from floods.
approach was applied in two river basins Moreover, the process helped to identify and
in Peru: the Rimac and Pirua River basins. select measures with and by the communities
Participatory vulnerability and (adaptive) involved having gained an understanding of the
capacity assessments,8 based on the Sustainable differentiated vulnerabilities by population groups
Livelihoods Framework, were also conducted as and their enabling environment, geared to increase
part of the FRMC application to gain insights into resilience sources. Additionally, to facilitate
current hazards, perceived risks and capacities. navigating the complexity of each decision-making
The FRMC tool facilitated communities to context, a Flood Resilience System Framework
measure their own flood resilience (across and Model (FLORES) was developed. As a result,
resilience sources) and track it over time. early warning systems led by the National Weather
Service considering citizen information, including
This decision-support tool helped integrate risk participatory monitoring systems combined with
information into local community-owned planning data from climatic stations, are being implemented,
processes, for example through illustrating grades among other initiatives.
and scores resulting from its application, helping


One main challenge highlighted has been to deal taking into account the future dimension of
with institutional barriers and siloed approaches, climate change (e.g. how underlying slow-onset
between DRR, CCA and development institutions processes are and can change risk patterns)
as well as communities of practice, including remains challenging, as many tools focus on
among international cooperation organizations past and present risk information.
using different methodologies. Additionally,

Enabling factors and lessons learned

The adaptive planning approach helps to overcome is used to raise awareness and strengthen
institutional barriers by accommodating various capacities geared towards self-empowerment.
perspectives, as it is inclusive and community Moreover, using a combination of tools, including
led, as well as being based on multidisciplinary scenario planning tools, bringing together climate
teams. Additionally, ZFRA applications could change scenarios with development plans, helps
draw from multiple perspectives and from well- to simulate different courses of action and
established working relationships with community prioritize appropriate solutions. By focusing on
organizations, facilitating participatory processes. managing risks, meaning integrating flood risk
Tailoring the risk information to different into planning and investment decisions including
audiences (e.g. by generating visual statistical in planning for response and recovery to avoid
evidence such as climate resilience scores from losing assets and development gains, rather
the FRMC tool) helps to attract the attention and than removing all risks from the equation, the
engagement of decision makers. FRMC tool and more generally, adaptive planning
approaches such as this one, help to operate
The overall assessment and planning process under existing uncertainties.

8 Such assessments aim to support communities to identify key vulnerabilities, understand perceived and actual
risks, analyse the resources and capacities available to reduce said risks and develop action plans to address identified
vulnerabilities and risks.

112 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Bottom-up approaches for cross-sectoral and multilevel risk

Donna Mitzi Lagdameo and Mareike Bentfeld


The Philippines is often cited as a best-practice risks of natural and human-induced hazards,
example of policy coherence and practical impacts of climate change, and impacts of
integration of DRR and CCA fields across national, damaged or overused ecosystems by adopting
regional and subnational/local scales. This an integrated risk management (IRM) approach.
case study highlights some ongoing or recent Another example is the Global Initiative on
initiatives and key enabling factors that have Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM), supporting
been identified and/or commonly cited. One such selected international and national, governmental
initiative is the global alliance called Partners and non-governmental, stakeholders in their
for Resilience (PfR). PfR member organizations efforts to increase coherence regarding planning,
combine their expertise to strengthen resilience implementation and reporting on disaster risk.
and livelihoods of vulnerable communities with


The PfR IRM approach brings together DRR, CCA, knowledge using a variety of tools such as games
and environmental management and restoration and storylines to provide the information needed
interventions to manage current and future risks to mainstream risks within various local plans.
(across timescales) happening at the community These include local climate change adaptation
scale and beyond, adopting a landscape approach plans (LCCAPs) and local LDRRMPs. PfR used
(enabling operation across administrative and the same risk assessment tools and outcomes to
political boundaries). inform the LCCAP and LDRRMP. These were then
integrated into the two key planning documents,
Local participatory risk assessments are mandated by the Department of Interior and
conducted by combining scientific and traditional Local Government: the local comprehensive

113 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
land-use plan and the comprehensive a variety of information sources and tools
development plans. Through the PfR initiative, a such as geographic information systems in
manual of tools for conducting participatory risk participatory processes.
assessments in communities and a checklist
of “minimum standards for local climate smart At the national level, the Philippines has a
DRR” programming were developed. LDRRMPs supporting legislative framework with integrated
and LCCAPs were annexed to the comprehensive financial instruments. In 2010, the country
development plans, which in turn were linked to enacted into law the National Disaster Risk
the annual investment plans to receive budgetary Reduction and Management Act or Republic
allocation from the local government unit. Act 10121 (RA10121). This superseded
the Presidential Decree 1566, the Disaster
In an effort to allow for greater synergies among Management Act of 1978. RA10121 transformed
different local planning processes with a more the then National and Local Calamity Funds,
coherent consideration of risk aspects, GIDRM used primarily for response operations, to the
supported the Department of the Interior and National/Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Local Government in harmonizing climate and Management Fund (N/LDRRMF). Due to the
disaster risk assessment methodologies used at enhancement, the N/LDRRMF was mandated to
the local level. By analysing the risk assessment allocate 30% for the Quick Response Fund for
requirements from different national ministries relief and response operations, while 70% is for
for specific local planning processes, a common broader risk reduction efforts.
set of methodologies has been identified that
can build the basis for more coherent and risk- All local government units automatically set aside
informed local planning processes. at least 5% of their internal revenue allocation for
the LDRRMF, the use of which is guided by the
Additionally, to support risk-informed decision- LDRRMP. As there is no institutional budgetary
making, the suitability model methodology was allocation for adaptation-related projects, it is
developed and tested in Leyte and Cebu in the important for LDRRMPs to also address climate-
Philippines. This methodology allows private related risks to be able to use the LDRRMF in
and public sector actors to use scientific data addressing climate-related and disaster risks.
related to climate change and disaster risks in In that regard, the GIDRM project, implemented
decision-making processes such as land-use by GIZ, worked on integrating the LDRRMP and
planning. The methodology helps to integrate LCCAP to allow local government units to use a
the climate and disasters by developing multi- single plan for successful application for funds.
hazard maps indicating different probabilities Moreover, under RA10121, all line agencies are
of hazard occurrence and potential for damage mandated to allocate at least 5% of their annual
to certain development options (e.g. buildings budgets under the General Appropriations Act,
or crops). These are expressed as a percentage which will also have the same 30:70 formula for
of expected annual economic costs, using allocation/use.


While much progress has been made, especially sectoral plans, which may lead to duplication
at the local level, difficulties in adopting a and siloed approaches (Sandholz et al., 2020).
coherent approach at the local and national Moreover, donors and partners supporting similar
levels remain. At the national level, an additional processes often use different approaches, tools
challenge comes from the many acts, laws and and methods.

114 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Enabling factors and lessons learned

To overcome some of these challenges, relying presenting visual and quantitative information of
on the existing legislative mandate has facilitated possible economic losses to local government
working across scales. Instead of prescribing officials (GIDRM initiative).
one methodology to follow, key principles,
minimum standards and flexible methodologies The PfR initiative implementation lasted for 10
were developed to allow each organization and years, longer than usual development project
community to focus on particular needs and time frames. This allowed a first focus on
context at the assessment and planning levels. building strong relationships with stakeholders
Moreover, policymakers and government officials and a common understanding of key terminology
at the local level were involved from the start of and underlying risk concepts, which facilitated
the process, including the same stakeholders the overall planning processes. Both relied on
that took part in the risk assessment and also bottom-up approaches to help mainstream risks
in the risk management part. This helped build across different planning processes (e.g. sharing
buy-in and ensure risk information was tailored lessons learned to feed the ongoing NAP process
to users, for example via multi-hazard maps or relying on mayors to talk to governors).

115 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Climate-informed decisions for resilient infrastructure for

sustainable development
Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc


Viet Nam, and especially its Mekong Delta, is one particular aspect: infrastructure.
prone to extreme weather events and slow-onset
processes such as sea-level rise. In collaboration With the overarching aim of sustainable
with GIZ, a climate risk assessment was development, this assessment looked at the
conducted with the aim to ensure the resilience of comprehensive and systemic management
existing and new infrastructure. The International of the planning stage of infrastructure
Climate Initiative global project Enhance investment projects. The climate risk-based
Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments, recommendations have been considered by
funded by the German Federal Ministry for the the infrastructure project owner in adjusting
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear detail design and construction of the sluice
Safety and implemented by GIZ with a case infrastructure accordingly in 2020–2021. The
study of the Cai Lon–Cai Be sluice system assessment is also in line with planning law,
in the Mekong Delta, is a good example of a which specifies all investments in the future need
comprehensive risk assessment focusing on to consider climate risks.


The basis of the approach was the Engineering infrastructure. The hazards considered included
Protocol for Infrastructure Vulnerability slow-onset processes because they are
Assessment and Adaptation to a Changing important for infrastructure. Also, coincidences
Climate (Public Infrastructure Engineering of climatic hazards with non-climatic hazards
Vulnerability Committee) and its step-by-step were analysed. Which hazard will have which
methodology of climate risk assessment for impact on different parts of the infrastructure

116 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
was analysed in detail. Based on the resulting present and future. Subsequently, the risk scores
potential impacts, engineering solutions were were categorized into low, medium and high risks
developed to mitigate those risks. according to the Public Infrastructure Engineering
Vulnerability Committee guidelines. High risks
The risk assessment approach combined require a considerable response in the detailed
qualitative and quantitative methods. In a mixed design phase, while a low risk level needs no
quantitative–qualitative assessment, individual immediate actions. Results were visualized in
risk severities and probabilities were classified a combined risk matrix for current and future
from 0 to 7 (0 means no negative consequence conditions, for climate and non-climate hazards
and 7 means failure of the infrastructure) for (Nguyen et al., 2019).
each infrastructure component and for the

Lessons learned

The climate service for infrastructure project and phenomena and their interactions with the
was a pilot, trying to understand whether the infrastructure, (b) the calculated probability
method described above can be recommended of occurrence and (c) expert-based judgment
for long-term infrastructures projects. The of the severity of the consequence, which led
threshold setting for the final risk scores was a to identification of vulnerabilities. Limitations
challenge. Thresholds were set by experts from regarded data availability for data on storm
different institutions engaging in discussions. surges, waves, water temperature and sediment
In this case study, present and future risks transport. It is recommended to increase
were both assessed. A risk score was specified monitoring and observation activities, to derive
for different components of the planned impact data of extreme climate events on
infrastructure. Measures for climate proofing of infrastructure. Further research is needed on the
single components of the infrastructure could impacts of climate change and the response of
then be developed. Risk scores were a result of: infrastructure components to specific impacts.
(a) quantitative analysis of climatic variables

117 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Over the years, various organizations have this guidance. This annex provides a list of
developed and proposed comprehensive risk CRM frameworks, including various guidance
management (CRM) frameworks in the context documents that can be used when assessing
of climate change; some of them are already climate and disaster risks and integrating them
being used. They share similar characteristics, into planning processes. It is an indicative list of
which have informed the comprehensive risk technical resources for further reading and is not
assessment and CRM approach proposed in intended to be exhaustive.


Adaptive Developed by the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA), this

management cycle approach focuses on identifying and strengthening resilience sources
and how these help communities to function well and even thrive
despite hazards and stresses.

Climate risk An approach developed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für

management Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to manage risks from
framework short-term extreme events and long-term gradual changes. It focuses
on ways to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated
with climate change (GIZ, 2019).

Comprehensive Developed under the Platform for Climate Adaptation and Risk
risk management Reduction (PLACARD) project, this approach brings together the
approach climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk management
(DRM) cycles using a four-step sequential approach, namely CRM
monitoring, climate risk framing, climate risk analysis, CRM options
and CRM implementation (Leitner et al., 2020).

Integrated climate Developed by GIZ and the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, this
risk management approach focuses on the five phases of climate risk management and
their relationships with a typical DRM cycle, including risk analysis,
risk reduction, emergency management, relief, disaster risk financing
and building back better.

PCL framework Developed by Youssef Nassef, this framework focuses on pre-emptive

action, contingent arrangements and actual loss acceptance. It
proposes classifying climate risks according to their tolerability and
linking this evaluation to the demand for action (Nassef, 2020).

118 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

IEC 31010 Risk This standard provides guidance on the selection and application
management – of techniques used for risk assessment that is applicable in
Risk assessment various situations. It is used to support decision-making and risk
techniques management processes, especially when uncertainty is strong
(ISO, 2019).

INFORM Index for Developed by the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre of the
Risk Management: European Commission, this model/methodology uses a composite
Concept and risk index and includes data on hazards, exposure, vulnerability and
Methodology coping capacity to understand and analyse the level of risk across
regions or countries (Marin-Ferrer et al., 2017).

National Disaster Published by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Risk Assessment (UNDRR), these Words into Action guidelines focus on Priority 1 of the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. They aim
to motivate and guide countries in establishing a national system for
understanding risks and implement holistic assessments to cover the
wide array of dimensions of disaster risks (UNISDR, 2017b).


Assessment of Developed by GIZ (Global Programme on Risk Assessment and

Climate-related Management for Adaptation to Climate Change (Loss and Damage),
Risks: A 6-step this methodology is part of a climate risk management framework
Methodology that focuses on assessment across the full spectrum of risks and
on specific data needed in each step. It also proposes fit-for-purpose
measures for implementation of actions (GIZ, 2021).

IVAVIA Guideline: Developed under the RESIN (climate-resilient cities and infrastructure)
Impact and initiative of the European Union H2020, this guideline on risk
Vulnerability assessments aims to unpack impacts related to climate change in
Analysis of Vital urban areas and infrastructure (Rome et al., 2018).
Infrastructures and
Built-up Areas

The Vulnerability Developed by GIZ together with other institutions, this sourcebook
Sourcebook: offers a wide array of tools – from a conceptual framework to
Concept and standardized vulnerability assessments to monitoring and evaluation
Guidelines for of adaptation actions (Fritzsche et al., 2014).

119 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

Capacity for Developed by CADRI, a global partnership composed of 20

Disaster Reduction organizations working towards the achievement of the Sustainable
Initiative (CADRI) Development Goals, this capacity assessment and planning tool
tool helps facilitate multidisciplinary approaches and increases coherence
across United Nations programmes to prioritize risk reduction actions
at national and subnational levels;

Caribbean Climate Developed by the Caribbean Community Climate Centre, this

Online Risk and Caribbean-focused tool aims to help decision makers understand
Adaptation TooL and identify actions that minimize climate-related losses and
(CCORAL) develop strategies for climate-resilient development; http://ccoral.

Climate & Disaster Developed by the World Bank, this tool presents a systematic way
Risk Screening to identify potential risks for agriculture-based projects and how
Tools - Agriculture extreme temperature, precipitation and other related hazards can
Projects affect production, other related risks and economic losses; https://

Climate, Developed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,

Environment this practical and user-friendly tool was developed to systematically
and Disaster integrate climate, environment and disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Risk Reduction into development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and follows an
Integration integrated approach to assess risks;
Guidance (CEDRIG)

Community-based Developed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development,

Risk Screening International Union for Conservation of Nature, Helvetas Swiss
Tool – Adaptation Intercooperation and Stockholm Environment Institute, this project
and Livelihoods planning tool seeks to systematically assess impacts of climate
(CRiSTAL) change on local communities and livelihoods. It is also a context-
specific decision-making framework centred on livelihoods and
gender-sensitive approaches (IISD, 2012);

Food Security Developed through the Climate Resilience and Food Security in
Indicator & Policy Central America project and in partnership with various organizations,
Analysis Tool this policy analysis tool helps governments identify required resilience
(FIPAT) actions, monitor food system resilience over time and assess the
extent to which current policies strengthen food system resilience
(Echeverría and Keller 2014);

120 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Zurich Flood Developed by ZFRA, this framework combines 44 indicators of
Resilience resilience and systems thinking to help users understand and develop
Measurement actions that will help them withstand and respond to shocks; https://
for Communities


Addressing Climate Developed by the Inter-American Development Bank, this project

Change within preparation technical note aims to provide climate risk management
Disaster Risk options and develop considerations to track progress on the ground.
Management: A It helps users identify effective solutions in strengthening resilience
Practical Guide (Herron et al., 2015).
for IDB Project

A Guide to Developed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red

Mainstreaming Crescent Societies, this guide aims to help national societies and
Guiding Principles their staff to systematically integrated climate and DRR measures in
Disaster Risk humanitarian work (IFRC, 2013).
Reduction and
Climate Change

Bonding CCA Developed under the PLACARD initiative, this “bonding” tool
and DRR: showcases innovative approaches to improve cooperation,
Recommendations collaboration, capacity sharing and coherence between DRR and CCA
for Strengthening communities (Leitner et al., 2020).
Coordination and

Integrated Risk Developed under the global initiative on Partners for Resilience, this
Management Law checklist identifies entry points to improve current laws, policies and
and Policy Checklist implementation plans, and to integrate DRR, CCA and ecosystem
management and restoration approaches across scales (PfR, 2019).

Integrating Disaster Developed by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, this

Risk Management practitioners’ guide focuses on integrating DRM approaches into
into Climate Change adaptation actions and decision-making. It draws on practical
Adaptation experiences from Asia and the Pacific in implementing risk-centred
CCA actions (ADPC, 2013).

Minimum Standards Developed by the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, this
for Local Climate‐ checklist identifies practical and simple steps to integrate climate
smart Disaster Risk information in DRR actions, at national and community levels (Red
Reduction Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, 2013).

121 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Toward Resilience: Developed through years of collaboration and lesson sharing among
A Guide to Disaster project agencies/organizations working with populations most at risk
Risk Reduction and from climate change and disasters, this guide highlights the replicable
Climate Change elements from good practices in integrating rights-based approach to
Adaptation DRR and CCA integration (Turnbull et al., 2013).


Climate Change Developed by the European Environment Agency, this technical report
Adaptation and aims to better inform national and subnational strategies, plans and
Disaster Risk actions towards more coherent implementation of DRR and CCA. It
Reduction in also explores the application of domain-specific methods and tools to
Europe: Enhancing drive mutually beneficial learning and capacity-building (EEA, 2017).
Coherence of
the Knowledge
Base, Policies and

Common Ground Developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Between the Paris Development, and informed by country approaches in Ghana, Peru
Agreement and the and the Philippines, this report examines the potential for increased
Sendai Framework: coherence in the approach used for CCA and DRR, structured around:
Climate Change policy and governance; data and information; implementation;
Adaptation and financing; and monitoring, evaluation and learning (OECD, 2020).
Disaster Risk

Disaster Risk Developed by the UNDRR Regional Office in Africa, this report
Reduction and proposes pathways for policy coherence across the integration
Climate Change spectrum and uses them to assess the level of integration between
Adaptation: DRR and CCA policies. It was developed based on the analysis of DRR
Pathways for Policy and CCA strategies from 32 countries in the region (UNDRR, 2020c).
Coherence in Sub-
Saharan Africa



Coherence Developed by the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations

Cookbook: Building for DRR, this cookbook presents recipes for building coherence
Resilience in an and highlights the important role civil society organizations play in
Integrated Way this process. The various case studies present success factors in
enhancing coherence between DRR and CCA, including resilience at
the local level (GNDR, 2019).

122 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change
Developing Developed by UNDRR, these Words into Action guidelines seek to
National Disaster help national governments develop their national DRR strategies,
Risk Reduction contributing to the achievement of Target (e) of the Sendai
Strategies Framework. The guidelines contain a 10-step approach to the
development or revision of an inclusive national DRR strategy, which
can be customized based on national circumstances (UNDRR, 2019c).

Disaster Risk Published by the Asian Development Bank, this practical guide
Management and presents actions to strengthen disaster resilience, including the
Country Partnership integration of DRR into development plans and presentation of
Strategies: A actions for consideration in the development and implementation
Practical Guide of country partnership strategies in developing countries (Asian
Development Bank, 2017).

Integrating Disaster Developed by UNDRR for United Nations Resident Coordinator Offices
Risk Reduction and and Country Teams, this guidance note suggests steps for risk-
Climate Change informed actions for each phase in the United Nations Sustainable
Adaptation in the Development Cooperation Framework life cycle with the end in view
UN Sustainable of formulating and implementing cooperation frameworks that
Development support countries, communities and people in using climate and DRM
Cooperation approaches to build disaster resilience (UNDRR, 2020g).

Mainstreaming Developed by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission

Disaster Risk for Asia and the Pacific, this guidebook presents practical steps in
Reduction for mainstreaming DRR into policies, plans and programmes across
Sustainable key sectors. It discusses strategic approaches towards risk resilient
Development: A development in the region (ESCAP, 2017).
Guidebook for the

123 Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning

in the Context of Climate Change

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