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Growth Microorganisms

Dr. Eng. R. Darmawan

Pengaruh Lingkungan Terhadap
Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme

Osmotic pressure
Oxygen classes
Klasifikasi Mikroorganisme berdasarkan

Typical pertumbuhan mikroorganisme terhadap temperatur, puncak curva

menunjukkan pertumbuhan optimum (Pertumbuhan tercepat), reproduksi
menurun cepat pada saat temperatur sedikit diatas puncak curva.
Klasifikasi Temperatur Mikroorganisme

* Psychrophiles ( 0-20°C)
* Cold temperature optima
* Most extreme representatives inhabit permanently cold environments
* Mesophiles ( 20 – 45°C)
* Midrange temperature optima
* Found in warm-blooded animals and in terrestrial and aquatic
environments in temperate and tropical latitudes
* Thermophiles ( 50- 80°C)
* Growth temperature optima between 45ºC and 80ºC
* Hyperthermophiles
* Optima greater than 80°C
* These organisms inhabit hot environments including boiling hot
springs, as well as undersea hydrothermal vents that can have
temperatures in excess of 100ºC
pH Classification

pH – measure of [H+]
each organism has a pH range and a pH optimum
acidophiles – optimum in pH range 1-4
alkalophiles – optimum in pH range 8.5-11
pH and Microbial Growth

*The acidity or alkalinity of an environment can greatly affect

microbial growth.
*Most organisms grow best between pH 6 and 8, but some
organisms have evolved to grow best at low or high pH. The
internal pH of a cell must stay relatively close to neutral even
though the external pH is highly acidic or basic.
*Acidophiles : organisms that grow best at low pH
( Helicobacter pylori, Thiobacillus thiooxidans )
*Alkaliphiles : organisms that grow best at high pH
( Vibrio cholera)
*Most of pathogenic bacteria are neutrophiles
Osmotic Pressure
Osmotic effects on Microbial Growth

* Osmotic pressure depends on the surrounding solute concentration

and water availability
* Water availability is generally expressed in physical terms such as
water activity (aw)
* Water activity is the ratio of the vapor pressure of the air in
equilibrium with a substance or solution to the vapor pressure of
pure water ( aw 1.00).
aw= P solu
P water
Osmotic effects on Microbial Growth

Environmental factors and growth

1. Osmotic Effect and water activity
organisms which thrive in high solute – osmophiles
organisms which tolerate high solute – osmotolerant
organisms which thrive in high salt – halophiles
organisms which tolerate high salt – halotolerant
organisms which thrive in high pressure – barophiles
organisms which tolerate high pressure – barotolerant
Bacterial Classification

Bacterial Classification

(Tortora et al.)
Willey et al., 2014
Ex : Counting Chamber

(TPC = Total Plate Counting)

Absorbance test
Ex :
MTT assay
colorimetric assay for assessing cell
metabolic activity,
Bacterial Growth
Talaro et al., 2012
Bacterial Growth Curve

During typical bacteria growth (growth cycle)

bacteria cell divide by binary fission and their mass
and number increase in an exponential manners.
Bacterial growth in culture can be separated into at
least four distinct phases.
Bacterial Growth Curve

Talaro et al., 2012

Bacterial Growth Curve

Willey et al., 2014

Bacterial Growth Curve

Willey et al., 2014

Bacterial Growth Curve

Willey et al., 2014

Bacterial Growth Curve

Talaro et al., 2012

Bacterial Growth Curve
1. Lag phase

This is period of intense physiologic adjustment involving the

induction of new enzymes and the synthesis and assembly of
ribosome. In lag phase and during this phase there occur
1. increase in size of cells
2. increase in metabolic rate
3. adaptation to new environment and
necessary enzymes.

The length of lag phase depend upon

a. Type of bacteria.
b. Better the medium, shorter the lag phase.
c. The phase of culture from which inoculation in taken
d. Size or volume of inoculum.
e. Environmental factors like temperature.
Bacterial Growth Curve
2. Logarithmic (Exponential) phase

In logarithmic phase the bacterial cell start dividing and their

number increase by geometric progression with time. During
this periods :

a. bacteria have high rate of metabolism

b. bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics
c. rate of penetration of the medium it depends
on the concentration of material in the media
Bacterial Growth Curve
3. Stationary phase

In stationary phase after some time a stage comes when rate

of multiplication and death becomes almost equal it may be
due to
a. depletion of nutrient
b. accumulation of toxic products and sporulation may
occur during this stage.
Bacterial Growth Curve
4. Decline or death phase

In decline (death) phase, during this phase population

decreases due to death of cells the factors responsible are

a. nutritional exhaustion
b. toxic accumulation
c. autolysis enzymes

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