Invictus Black as the Pit from pole to Нескорений світ Богів, що створили мене і мій

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Invictus Нескорений

Out of the night that covers me, Із темної ночі, що вкрила цей
Black as the Pit from pole to світ
pole, Проваллям від краю до краю
I thank whatever gods may be Богів, що створили мене і мій
For my unconquerable soul. рід,
Нескореним духом вітаю.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried Хай прикрих обставин стискає
aloud. тягар —
Under the bludgeonings of Я сліз та образ не збираю.
chance До крові гамселить недолі
My head is bloody, but unbowed. лихвар,
Та  я голови не схиляю.
Beyond this place of wrath and
tears Хоч в світі, що зітканий з гніву та
Looms but the Horror of the сліз,
shade, Не бачу нічого, крім болю —
And yet the menace of the years В тенетах років, без надії на
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. зміст,
Згубитись собі  не дозволю.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments Хай двері вузькі та високий
the scroll, паркан —
I am the master of my fate: Гріхами не спутати волі:  
I am the captain of my soul Я — вільний, я — духу свого
Володар своєї я долі.


1) The whole poem is written close to the text of

the original in terms of meaning with some

discrepancies or derivations in this regard.

2)The punctuation was somewhat distorted,

omitting all the semi-colons which might have

been caused by the influence of Ukrainian poetry

3)The number of lines, as well as the rhyme

scheme has been preserved, which is a

remarkable achievement, especially taking

account the preservation of meanings (predominantly).

with additions

4) Syllables: The original’s line pairs count different

numbers of syllables, whereas throughout the

translation the different amount is observed .

In my humble opinion, this is neither a

good quality, nora bad one — it is just different. But the

fact remains: the number was distorted.

Some stylistic devices

Anaphora(was not preserved in translation):

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul


Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade


До крові гамселить недолі лихвар

*the final goal was achieved by


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