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This chapter will cover the following marketing objectives, methodology, target

market, demand analysis, supply analysis, demand and supply analysis, projected sales,

S.W.O.T. matrix, marketing mix, and competitor analysis of the business. Commented [jvm1]: Make an introductory paragraph.
(You can still improve your introductory paragraph)

Marketing Objectives Commented [jvm2]: 👉Give at least 5 Objectives

related to market/marketing
👉Consider SMART Marketing Objectives
1. To create brand awareness by 10% each month and have a presence on social


2. To increase consumer confidence by 25% each quarter through creating an

advertisement that shows the quality and value of the product.

3. To improve sales performance by 30% by the end of 2023.

Methodology Commented [jvm3]: •Discuss how you conduct the

survey to determine demand? What is the sampling
The feasibility study is being conducted during the time of pandemic; the procedure you use? (Mostly are Quota sampling, since
you are required at least 30 customer respondents?
How did you qualify or choose reliable respondents?
proponents have decided to devise a data-gathering tool in the form of a survey How many are the respondents? Where are they
located? How many questionnaires do you have?
questionnaire through the use of Google Forms. The purpose of the online survey •Discuss how you conduct the survey to determine
supply? What is the sampling procedure you use?
(Mostly are Quota sampling, since you are required at
questionnaire is to assess the market feasibility of the product by obtaining the necessary least 5 competitors or business establishments? How
did you qualify or choose reliable
respondents/competitors? How many are they? Where
data and relevant information from the intended respondents regarding the proposed are they located? How many questionnaires do you
project. (Discussion here is limited)
•On Survey Questionnaire:
Discuss that you have two sets of questionnaires, one for
customers and one for business establishments. Describe both
survey questionnaire in terms of parts. What is the purpose of
the questionnaires?
Target Market Commented [jvm4]: 👉 Identify and describe your
target market. (Who is buying the product or service?
Who is your target market?)
👉 Describe your target market based on demographic,
Demographic Profile of Customer Respondents geographic, behavioral and psychological variables.

Figure 3.1 Here you will present first the different graphs that
describe your target market based on the first part of
your survey questionnaire.
Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Figure 3.1 shows the distribution of respondents according to the age group they

belong to. In terms of age, this reveals that out of 100 respondents, 40% are the age of 21

to 30 years old which is an indication that the majority of the target market belongs to the

so-called Gen Z group. This gives the business an idea to determine the preferences of the

other groups in order to create an appropriate marketing strategy. Moreover, 31% are the

age of 12 to 20 years old, and 16% are the age of 41 to 50 years old. While 9% are the

age of 31 to 40 years old, and the remaining 4% are the age of 51 to 60 years old.
Figure 3.2

Distribution of Respondents According to Civil Status

Figure 3.2 shows the distribution of respondents according to their civil status.

This reveals that out of 100 respondents, the majority are single, which makes up 72% of

the population, while the rest are married, taking 28%. This gives the business an idea of

creating promotional activities suited for groups of friends, and for couples as well.

The target market are the residents and visitors of Lucena City as the business is

situated within the compound of Phoenix Gas Station which is nearby several

neighborhoods and subdivisions, as well as various workplaces such as offices, resorts,

and a hospital, schools, and other commercial establishments. The fact that Lucena is a

highly urbanized city implies that the purchasing power of the residents is at a high level.

Specifically, the potential customers of the business are young professionals,

employees, walk-ins, passersby, travelers, students, and others especially the health-

conscious whose ages range from 15 - 69 years old. Commented [jvm5]: This is the discussion of the target
This is also the summary discussion of Target Market
based on demographic profile on survey.
Demand Analysis (This is Part 2 of your survey questionnaire from customers) Commented [jvm6]: 👉 Find secondary data that will
describe the present demand of your business. Prove
On Demand Analysis, and determine whether there is a demand for the
a. First, discuss the demand based on the secondary data you gathered. business. If low or NO demand, the business is not
feasible. Discussion of your secondary data based on
b. Second, present the different graphs/figures from your survey researches from books, statistics, internet sources etc.
questionnaires from customer respondents that will help you determine the
Annual Projected Demand.
c. Third, present the projected demand table computation after all the
presentation of all figures/graphs.

Missing here are secondary data.

Figure 3.3

Frequency of drinking coffee

Figure 3.3 shows how many cups of coffee a respondent drinks each day. The

results indicate that out of 100 respondents, 40% of the population drinks 1 cup of coffee

each day, and 27% of respondents drink 2 cups of coffee each day, while 12% drinks 3

cups of coffee each day, then 4% drinks 5 cups of coffee and above each day, and lastly

the remaining 3% drinks 4 cups of coffee each day. Thus, the business can possibly add

up the production to meet the demand of the customers that drink more than one (1) cup

of coffee.
Figure 3.4

Percentage of respondents who go to coffee shops

Figure 3.4 shows that out of 100 respondents, 82% of the population go to coffee

shops, while 18% do not go to coffee shops. This indicates that there is a high chance of

opportunity for the business since the majority of the people come and visit coffee shops.

To get the projected annual demand. Commented [jvm7]: Sample only

Total population of your target market (you can use age or other demographic
variables as basis). Then, multiply by their percentage of willingness to buy the
product multiply by number of willingness to buy per month or frequency of
buying multiply by how much they are willing to pay equals projected demand in
peso value.
Sample only (Determine demand based on the different products/services you will
Projected Demand

Population Total population of your target market (you can 379,000

use age or other demographic variables as basis)

Multiply by Product User Status (percentage of target 73%

market who use pouch. Get the highest percentage based on
the survey. Do you use pouch?)

Number of Target Market Who Use Pouch 276, 670

Multiply by Buying Intention (percentage of willing to buy 54%

a denim pouch) Get the highest percentage based on the
survey. Are you willing to buy denim pouch?

Number of Target Market Who are Willing to Buy 149,402

Denim Pouch

Multiply by Purchasing Power (percentage of Willing to 43%

pay for a denim pouch. Get the highest percentage. How
much are you willing to pay for a denim pouch?)

Projected Annual Demand (per units) 64,243

Commented [jvm8]: Or you can further segment the
market using the frequency of buying.

How frequent do you buy denim pouch?

Once in 2 years 15% x 64,243 x 0.5 = 4,818
Annually 54% x 64,243 x 1 = 34,691
Biannual 31% x 64,243 x 2 = 39,831

Total Product Annual Demand is 79, 340 (per unit)

Supply Analysis (This is from survey questionnaire from competitors) Commented [jvm9]: 👉Find secondary data that will
a. First, discuss the supply based on the secondary data you gathered. describe the present supply of your business. Prove
and determine if there is insufficient supply of products
Discussion of your secondary data based on researches from books, or services of the business that you will engage in.
statistics, internet sources etc. 👉How many are the supply from different suppliers?
b. Second, present the different graphs/figures from survey questionnaires 👉Note: Supply here are coming from competitors
from business establishments/competitors. selling the same products or substitute products not
suppliers of raw materials of the business.
c. Third, present the projected supply table computation with market share
after all the presentation of all figures/graphs.
d. Forth, present the Gap table computation.
e. Lastly, present your Annual Projected Sales computation. Compute also
your projected market share based on the Gap. Make a realistic percentage
assumption of your projected market share based on the gap and your
capacity to produce the product/service.

Missing are secondary data

Part I Profile of Business Establishments
Figure 3.5
Average Daily Sales of the Business

When the respondents were asked about their average daily sales, the majority

answered above Php 25,000, taking up 83.3% of the population, while the remaining

16.7% answered the range of Php 7,000 to Php 8,999 average daily sales. Thus, the

business targets to have an average daily sale of above Php 25,000 in the long run.
Figure 3.6

Selling Price Range of the Coffee Products

When the respondents were asked about the selling price range of their coffee

products, the majority answered Php 110 and above, taking up 66.7% of the population,

while both the ranges Php 70 to Php 89 and Php 90 to Php 109 have a similar rate of

16.7% on their selling price range of coffee products. Thus, the business can use the

results as a basis of pricing the products.

Projected Sales Commented [jvm10]: A sales projection is the
amount of revenue a company expects to earn at some
point in the future.
To get the projected annual supply. Result of supply must be coming from the It's a prediction that is synonymous with a sales
survey of 5 competitors. forecast.
This could be based on the demand of the market
I recommend this table to compute for the projected supply. Write the actual (your survey) or based on the capacity of your
machines, plant, stores.
name of competitors.
Supply Analysis deals with the number of production or
number of products sold in a specific trade area/market.
Annual Supply

Name of the Business Monthly Sales Annual Sales Market Share

of Denim of Denim (%)
Pouch (units) Pouch (units)

Competitor A 19,812 28%

Competitor B 12,132 17%

Competitor C 10,596 15%

Competitor D 8,556 12%

Competitor E 7,020 10%

Others 13,399 19%

Total Annual Supply 71,515

To get the Market share of its competitors.

Market Share (MS) = Annual Sales of Competitors _A_ divided by Total Annual
Demand and Supply Analysis Commented [jvm11]: Here you have to compute for the
GAP/Unserved market and Annual Projected Sales

Annual Projected Sales

Total Annual Demand 79,340

Total Annual Supply 71,515

GAP 7,825

Market Price P199

Annual Projected Sales P1,557,234 Commented [jvm12]: From Annual Projected Sales, make
your own realistic assumption of your market share.
SWOT Matrix Commented [jvm13]: 👉 Identify 5 for each S. W. O T.
👉Use the four windows for SWOT
Figure 4 👉Discuss the S. W. O. T. of the business

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Health benefits of ampalaya Taste of ampalaya vs. commercial

coffee. coffee.
The only business that produce Less accessible than some coffee.
ampalaya coffee in the Not known in the markets.
municipality of Sariaya. Unreliable cash flow
New flavour of coffee.
Availability of raw materials
Location of the market

Opportunities Threats

New in the market. Tough competition from local

Possibility in improving or players of branded coffee.
developing products of ampalaya Shortage of raw materials.
coffee. The tendency of changing
Filipino coffee drinking habits. consumer taste
Ability to develop or expand The environmental effects like
business calamity, earthquake.
Pest and Disease
The figure 3 shows a comprehensive view of the company’s key strength and

weaknesses, potential opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis determines potential

advantage of a business wherein the internal and external factors will serve as the bases

of the company for improvement and growth.

Discussion of SWOT Matrix


The strength of the company provides a competitive advantage among others. The

business potential strength that stated above are health benefits of Ampalaya coffee,
affordable price, the only business that produce Ampalaya coffee in the municipality of

Sariaya , new flavour of coffee and availability of raw materials.

For health benefits of Ampalaya coffee it is surely beneficial in terms of health

because Ampalaya are possesses vitamins and minerals that helps people to treat

diabetes, enhance body immunity, haemorrhoids relief. Another strength is that the only

business that produce Ampalaya coffee in the municipality of Sariaya, it will great

strength because there’s no direct competitor .New flavour of coffee, it will be their

trademark that retain to the mind of consumers especially the taste of the coffee .Lastly

the availability of raw material, especially that the main raw material is the Ampalaya

seeds that grown by anytime of the year and also in our site location there’s a near farm

of Ampalaya there.


The company weaknesses are a resource or process that limiting the company's

ability to reach its full potential. Companies are often analyze and identify their

weaknesses in order to be prepare in the incoming trade off. The identify weaknesses of

Kape De Ampalaya will be not known in the market, because they are new entry of

Ampalaya coffee in their target market. Next is less accessible in the market, of course

they are new once and there are many competitors out there. Also the taste of Ampalaya

coffee vs Commercial coffee, because we all know that many people hate the taste of

ampalaya, which will lead in the bad impression or possible trade off of Kape de

Ampalaya than commercial coffee which are habit and tested by other consumers. The

shortage of raw materials because of the environmental threat.

The last weaknesses that proponent identify will be the unreliable cash flow in

early stage of business operation due to slow business and high cost.


Every business has its own SWOT analysis to know and improve the business.

One of them is the opportunities. Some of the opportunities of Ampalaya coffee is, it is

new in the market. Because it is new in the market, there is an opportunity that the

consumers of coffee will taste it to test if it suits to their preference. Another opportunity

of Ampalaya coffee is that there is a possibility in improving or developing products of

Ampalaya coffee. When the consumers will like the taste of this coffee, the business can

develop another product that has a chance to help the business increase its revenue and

can also benefit the consumers as well. Aside from those opportunities, there is another

one, and it is the opportunity of becoming a drinking habit of many Filipinos. Why?

Because we all know that many Filipinos are coffee addicts, so this Amapalaya coffee

has the chance/opportunity to become one of their habits to drink.


The business threats are the environmental effects, shortage of raw materials, pest

and disease, the tendency of changing consumer taste, tough competition from local

players of branded coffee. Environmental effects like calamity, earthquake, typhoon or

flash flood which may affect the inset of ampalaya so there is a chance that the supply of

ampalaya will also affected it can be result of shortage of raw materials. Pest and disease

is another threat that will face of the business it will affect the supply of raw materials.

The tendencies of changing consumer taste, nowadays consumer in terms of taste they are

seek to find other taste. Tough competition from local players of branded coffee can

bring down because there is a chance that the other business has a good offer to our

supplier and consumer.

Marketing Mix Strategies

This part of business plan is where most business put most of their effort specially

when the demand of the product is low marketing program is use to spread out a business

offers it may be added grow of expense and usually it’s a bit costly but at the end of the

day if sales go up, then your expenses in this program will be cover up due increase your

profit as well. So it’s really important to choose the best options to make demand higher.

Below is the list of marketing programs following on marketing strategies;

Product Commented [jvm14]: 👉Identify and describe all the

products/services offered by the business. Provide
The Koffe Mo’Ko Manufacturing Co., provide a quality product that deserves

of the consumer. We offer Ampalaya coffee with high benefits. We have good packaging

and good services.

Product Description

The product of the Koffe Mo’Ko Co. is made up from fresh ampalaya seeds.

Table 11

Product Description

Product Description Price

Ampalaya coffee is made

up with ampalaya seeds it
has a taste of bitterness that
150 grams for 100.00 Pesos
helps you to prevent
Diseases. It can make 40-
50 servings.

The table above shows the picture of the product, its description and price of the

product. There is one size of packaging which is 150 grams. The price of 150 grams is

100.00 pesos.

(Improve your product description. Limited description of the product offerings.)


Packaging strategy helps to attract consumer and also to be presentable in the

business industry. It helps to consumer to easily find the brand they looking for. The

packaging of the product consists the name and logo of the business, the size, and health

benefits of the product.

Table 13

Packaging Cost Commented [jvm15]: Present in a table computation of

Packaging cost.
Size Unit Cost Number of Days Annual Cost
13 x 21 cm 150 pcs/day 8.5 264 ₱336,600.00
Total ₱336,600.00

The packaging is called zip lock stand up pouch that is available in the

company of Entre Pouch at Unit 107 Pearl of the Orient Tower, Roxas Blvd., Ermita,

Manila, Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Maynila, 1000 Kalakhang Maynila in the Philippines,

it also available in shopee, Lazada and can order through facebook. Entre pouch offer

different prices depend on the bulk order for 10,000 and above it is 7.23 pesos only. Print

of sticker product is for 1.27 pesos only, which will be contracted to printing services in

Lucena City.

Price Commented [jvm16]: 👉 What is the pricing strategy

to be used for products/services?
👉 How much does your product or service cost? (for
Cost-plus pricing, also called mark-up pricing, it is the practice by a Koffe
each products and services) The price you set should
reflect your customer’s perceived value of your product
Mo’Ko to determine the cost of the product and then add the desired percentage of and should correlate with your budget or production
Show computation of price.
margin on top of that price to determine the selling price to the customer.

Cost-plus pricing is a very simple cost-based pricing strategy for setting the

prices of goods and services. Add the direct material cost, the direct labor cost, and

overhead to determine what cost production of products. A mark-up percentage is added

to the total cost to determine the selling price. The mark-up percentage is profit.

Step of Computing Cost plus ricing

Step 1: Determine the total cost of the product or service, which is the sum of fixed and

variable cost (fixed costs do not vary by the number of units, while variable costs do).
Step 2: Divide the total cost by the number of units to determine the unit cost.

Step 3: Multiply the unit cost by the markup percentage to arrive at the selling cost and

the profit margin of the product.

(Show also your computation of price based on cost.)

Raw Materials Quantity Cost Cost per Cup

Fixed Cost:

Packaging 10 pcs 54.50 5.45

Operating Cost 10 times 15.00 1.50

Variable Cost:

Water 1200 ml 2.20 0.22

Coffee Beans 62.50 grams 17.00 1.70

Fresh Mango Fruit 250 grams 30.00 15.00

White Sugar 250 grams 12.50 1.25

Milk Syrup 670 ml 78.00 7.80

Caramel Syrup 60 ml 8.70 4.35

Ice Cube 2 bags 40.00 4.00

Total Cost per Unit 41.27

Mark-up Ratio 75%

Unadjusted Selling Price 72.22

Adjusted Selling Price 79.00

Distribution Commented [jvm17]: 👉 Illustrate the channel of
The distribution of coffee product has four channels. It is start from the 👉Identify all possible wholesalers and retailers of the
👉If possible, contact them to know if they are willing to
producer or manufacturer, next is to the wholesaler, to the retailer and lastly to the handle new product (specifically your product)

consumer. The product will be deliver using delivery vehicle to stores. This is distributed

in Candelaria, Sariaya and Lucena City in Quezon.

Figure 15

Koffe Mo’Ko Manufacturing Co. Distribution Channel

Retailer Consumer

Note: Suppliers of raw materials are not part of channel of distribution. They are not
The following are sample channel.

Note: If you will use Channel 2 or Channel 3 you have to identify the retailers or
wholesalers who are willing to handle or sell your products. Commented [jvm18]: This might help you in your
Promotion Commented [jvm19]: 👉Identify the different
promotional activities to be used.
The promotional strategy helps the business to promote their product. The 👉Leaflets, flyers, signage, posting to websites such
as FB, Google, YouTube, Tweeter, etc. TV Radio
Advertisement. (Required to have Website and
choice of a target market and formulation of the most appropriate promotion will Facebook page, Leaflet or flyer and Business signage
After your presentation of all promotional activities that
influence the customer to buy our product. Advertising is one of the best promotional and you’re going to do, present a table showing your
Promotional Expenses.
common techniques to use conclude that this is effective way of attracting and get

attention of customers. Koffe Mo’Ko Co. provides tarpaulins and flyers, transit

advertisement and social media page as their tools for advertisements.

Figure 16

Social Media Advertisement

Figure 17


Figure 18

Transit Advertising

Flyer Advertising

Figure 20

Booth for Promotion of free taste and give away

Figure 21

Cup Give away

Table 12

Cost of Advertisement Strategies

Program Size Pieces Cost Annual Cost

Tarpaulin 3x2 ft. 10 108.00 ₱1080.00
Fliers 500 4.00 2,000.00
Social Media
Transit Advertising 1 1,500.00
Product giveaways 500 28.00 15,500.00
Free Taste with stand 60 14,000.00
Total ₱34,080.00

The table above shows the advertisement tools and its cost. It consists of

tarpaulin, fliers, brochure, product giveaways and free taste with stand and web page. The

tarpaulin will be posted near in the road, and some retail stores, while the fliers will be

conduct by the marketing staff and will be giving in the places where there are many

people near in targeted market (Candelaria, Lucena and Sariaya).Also the free taste and

product giveaways will conduct in the park, public market, near in the retail store and

places where there’s an event that has many potential customers. The total cost of

advertisement is ₱34,080.00.
Competitors Analysis (List of direct and indirect competitors.) Commented [jvm20]: 👉 List of direct and indirect
👉Direct competitors – same industry or business
Competition cannot be eliminated in business. Once an entrepreneur decides to 👉Indirect competitors – not the same business or
industry but it can be substitute
enter a certain industry, he must know that there are other businesses who offer the same 👉Analysis of competition. Determine who are most
advantageous or not among them in terms of marketing
products and services as him. This competition can be a means of promoting the business

to achieve greater number of loyal customers and gaining more profit, but if not

strategically planned, it can be means of losing them. Therefore, knowing the competition

and the business’s competitors is a crucial step in entering a business. In this matter,

Koffe Mo’Ko Co., as a mentioned in the previous chapter, has a few numbers of indirect


Table 3

Marketing Strategies of Indirect Competitors (GreenPasture Corporation)

Products Image of Channel of

Pricing Advertising & Promotion
Offered packaging distribution
30% product discount
Business trainings 3 Channels
300.00 Business forums ABC’s
+ Gold
per box Radio Ad MBC’s
Social Media IBO’s
Testimony of Consumers

+ Silver
per box
Table 4

Marketing Strategies of Competitors (DMI Medical Supply Co., Inc.)

Products Image of Channel of

Pricing Advertising & Promotion
Offered Packaging distribution
Social media
Radio Ad.
Mx3 Testimony of Consumers
Coffee Flyers 4 channels
per box
Mix Mx3 Rewards Program(Earn
Points every purchases)
Promo products (Buy 1 get 1)

Table 5

Marketing Strategies of Competitors (J’Mar Marketing)

Products Channel of
Image Pricing Advertising & Promotion
Offered distribution
Social Media
198.00 Radio Ad.
Markcafe per box Raffle Promo 4 channels
(12 sachet) Markcafe Booth

Table 6

Marketing Strategies of Competitors (GOLDSHINE Pharmaceutical, Inc.)

Products Product Channel of

Pricing Advertising & Promotion
Offered Image/packaging distribution
Social Media
Bundle products
5 in 1 179.00
Radio Ad. 4 Channel
Coffee per box
Tv commercial
Mix 12’s
3 plus 1 121.40
Coffee for 12
Mix with sachets
Table 7

Marketing Strategies of Competitors (Ultra Green Company)

Products Channel of
Image Pricing Advertising & Promotion
Offered distribution
Green for Social Media
2 channels
Coffee 1 pouch Free Shipping
(210 grams)

Or you can use this format

Your Competitor Competitor Competitor 3 Competitor

company 1 2 (GOLDSHINE 4
(DMI (J’Mar Pharmaceutical, (Ultra-
Medical Marketing) Inc.) Green
Supply Co., Company)

Based on the table about analyze/compare your advantages or disadvantages over

your competitors. What will you do to if competitors are much advantageous over your

company? What are your strategies to overcome competition?

1. Questionnaire to Customer Respondents and business establishment.
2. Questionnaire to customers should be given to you described target
3. Minimum of 30 respondents and minimum of 5 business
4. Divide your questionnaire into three parts
a. Demographic Profile – Age, Gender, Civil Status, Occupation,
Monthly Income, etc., (You can remove/add profile that are
un/necessary based on the need to determine the demand or
based on the relevance of your feasibility study)
b. Market Analysis





Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Greetings of peace!

We, the college students taking up Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration at Sacred Heart College, are currently conducting a feasibility study

entitled “Feasibility Title” as partial fulfilment for the requirement of Business Research

1. We ask for your help by answering the questionnaires provided below.

Rest assured that any information you will share will be kept confidential and will

be used solely for academic purposes. Thank you very much for your time and

cooperation. Your help and positive response are highly appreciated.


Name of the Proponents





Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Greetings of peace!

We, the college students taking up Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration at Sacred Heart College, are currently conducting a feasibility study

entitled “Feasibility Title” to gather relevant information and to assess the market

feasibility of our business idea.

The following questionnaire is developed to ask you a few questions regarding

your business operations. In this regard, may we request you to answer all the items

honestly, accurately, and thoroughly.

Rest assured that any information you will share will be kept confidential and will

be used solely for academic purposes. Thank you very much for your time and

cooperation. Your help and positive response are highly appreciated.




Directions: Please put a checkmark (/) on your most applicable answer.

I. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Commented [jvm21]: Choose profile that are applicable

to ask from your target market.

__ Male
__ Female
__ 12 - 20 years old __ 41 - 50 years old
__ 21 - 30 years old __ 51 - 60 years old
__ 31 - 40 years old __ Above 60 years old
Civil Status
__ Single __ Separated
__ Married __ Widowed
__ Divorced
Occupational Status
__ Student __ Unemployed
__ Employed __ If others, please specify: ______
__ Self-Employed
Source of Income
__ Allowance __ Business
__ Employment __ If others, please specify: ______

Monthly Income
___ Below Php 10,000 ___ Php 26,000 - Php 40,0000
___ Php 10,000 - Php 25,000 ___ Above Php 40,0000
II. MARKET ANALYSIS Commented [jvm22]: (Observe the alignment of thoughts
in your questionnaire. Provide choices. Take note to make
questions that are relevant to determine the demand. Demand
Directions: Please put a checkmark (/) on your most applicable answer. means the willingness and capability of your target market to
buy the product/service. Important questions that you might
1. Do you buy this product? ask 1) Which or what product/service are you willing to buy?)
_______ yes _____ no

2. How often do you buy groceries? How often do you eat in a restaurant/ fast
food? How often do you buy this product? Commented [jvm23]:
❏ Daily This is a question to determine the frequency of buying.

❏ Once a week
❏ Twice a week
❏ Once a month
Other: Please specify__________

3. E. g. How many cups/liters/grams/pieces (size) of (product) do you usually

buy? Commented [jvm24]: This is a question to determine the
__ 1 to 3 cups/liters/grams amount/number of products consumed or bought by the
target market.
__ 4 to 6 cups/liters/grams
__ 7 and above cups/liters/grams

4. Where do you usually buy the product/service?

__ 7/11
__ Butter and Coffee Café
__ Café Jungle
__ Café Mate

5. What flavor/variants of product do you usually buy? You can choose more
than one. Commented [jvm25]: This is a question to determine the
__ Avocado product preference.
__ Banana
__ Mango
__ Strawberry
__ If others, please specify: ______

6. How much do you usually spend _________? How much are you willing to
pay for a product?
__ Php 50 - Php 69
__ Php 70 - Php 89
__ Php 90 - Php 109
__ Php 110 and above

7. If ever there is a new product/service in the market, are you willing to try our
new product/service?
__ Yes __ No


Instruction: Please indicate the answer on the space provided based on the
requested data. (Optional)

Name: ______________________________________________________________
Business Name: ______________________________________________________
Business Location: ____________________________________________________
Date of Establishment: _________________________________________________


Instruction: Please put a checkmark ( / ) on the space that best corresponds to your

1. How much money did you invest in starting up the business?

_____ Below Php 100,000
_____ Php 100,001 – Php 300,000
_____ Php 300,001 – Php 500,000
_____ Php 500,001 – Php 700,000

2. What is the average number of customers visiting PER DAY?

_____ Below 30 customers
_____ 30 – 40 customers
_____ 50 – 60 customers
_____ 70 – 80 customers
_____ 90 – 100 customers
_____ Above 100 customer
1. How many are the average number of products sold in a day?
_____ Below 100
_____ 101 – 200
_____ 201 – 300
_____ 301 and above

2. How much is your average DAILY sales? (create your own choice)
_____ Below Php 5,000
_____ Php 13,000 – Php 14,999
_____ Php 5,000 – Php 6,999
_____ Php 7,000 – Php 8,999
_____ Php 9,000 – Php 10,999

3. What are the products/services bought by your customers? (Enumerate the

different product/services they offer.)

4. How much is the selling price range of your products/services?

_____ Php 50 - Php 69
_____ Php 70 - Php 89
_____ Php 90 - Php 109
_____ Php 110 and above

Other relevant questions you might ask:

• How much is the average dine in/ purchase of your customers? (Give choices)
• Number of years in operation
• Number of employees
• Average number of customers in a day/week/month
• Type of customers of clients do they have (students, public employees/ private
• Add questions which you think important/relevant to determine supply.

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