Change Unchanging

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change unchanging

the collected verses of

yale miller

yale miller

njoma omi

change unchanging
the collected verses of yale miller

yale miller

njoma omi

published 2009 by The Cultural Collective All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the YALE MILLER MEMORIAL FUND Account #8103707397 Bank of America 15010 Jefferson Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 Attn: Juanita Robbins 313.821.6804

CHANGE UNCHANGING: THE COLLECTED VERSES OF YALE MILLER. Copyright 2008 by Yale Miller/Sankofa Emporium. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without expressed written permission from the publisher. For information contact: The Cultural Collective, 8900 E. Jefferson #607, Detroit, Michigan 48214. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the YALE MILLER MEMORIAL FUND, Account #8103707397, Bank of America, 15010 Jefferson, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230, Attn: Juanita Robbins, 313.821.6804.

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First printing

forward faith solar aura steak dinner before the book watermelon afrikan flag find one alabama red mud camaraderie? reconcile fall facet yourself tehuti stranded beautiful two poems life Important men damn baby alone iron bitch hate in one words one is all goddess reborn khryst yes us kill my poisoner change unchanging khristian focus iv 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

ebony ode to blackness valerian white amerikan breakfast fuckthisshit black M3 dollars miracle crow khrist within feminism infactuation negro please ahati smoking goddess new horizons social work for no apparent reason inglish man succubi the wound 89 circa flavor power trip face of heaven freedom black blastulae twin crash course shoe new afrikan horizons dream what happened poem for ya'le by the late great Yakini Abubakhari for njoma by Kefentse Bandele

35 37 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 74 75 76


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Special thanks to the mentors of Yale Miller

Chimba Omari and Yakini Abubakari


forward Yale Guy Miller was born on April 9, 1971 to Edna and Elwood Drake Miller, and received his primary and secondary education at the New Center Academy (in the Waldorf tradition), Friends School, and graduated from Holy Redeemer High School in Detroit, Michigan. Shortly thereafter he attended Wayne State University, and was also on scholarship attending Kemetic Studies sponsored by Ipet Isut at the Akwaaba Center. At eighteen (18) years of age he received his HIV/AIDS counseling certification and became the youngest HIV/AIDS counselor in the State of Michigan, which led to a ten year plus stint at the Detroit Health Department. After that he enjoyed a teaching position at Timbuktu Academy in Detroit, MI, and was employed at Catholic Social Services as a prevention specialist serving various at-risk communities, and mentoring countless youth on and off the job. Yale was very active in bringing about social change which included a Study In at Wayne State University in 1989 where the outcome produced an African Studies program that is still in effect today. Dedicated to the liberation of African people, at home and abroad, he was a Pan-Afrikanist who focused on cultural redemption and the collective restoration of the African mind, heart, body, and soul which culminated in a physical pilgrimage to Mother Africa (Kenya) in the early 1990s where he was initiated into the Gikuyu high culture, becoming very fluent in the Swahili language.

As a poet he was published in the anthology Pitch Black Poetry published by Broadside Press, and was a board member of Kabaz Black Jewels as well as a member of the Plebispsyche study group. It should also be mentioned that he was highly successful as a youth activist and was very involved in every facet of his children's lives not to mention the youth that he served over the years. As a contributing member of the Babas Club, which came out the efforts of fathers whose children attended Nsoroma Institute in Oak Park, Michigan, he was instrumental in addressing societal ills and formulating strategies that could be used to help Black men recapture their god-selves. On Saturday, February 24, 2007 around 5:15 p.m. shortly after departing the residence of a long time friend, a barrage of fatal gunshots were fired at Yales 1993 jeep by those whose hearts were overran with violence and souls devoid of the light of THE CREATOR, claiming his life at the young age of thirty five (35). Yale leaves behind his four beloved children, Fahd (Bahati) Hassan Abubakhari (ten), Edna Leona (Leah) Muthoni (seven), Maya Jan Deborah Selassie (five), and Ellyne Irene Wrarimu (two) as well as his loving wife Joya Porties-Miller. He is also survived by his mother Edna Lewis White (CuCu), father Elwood Drake Miller (Babu), mentor Bennie White-Ethiopia, brother Elliot David Miller and wife Amy, special brother David Houghton and his wife Kristie, aunt Deloris Lewis (Shangazi), uncle Arthur L. and aunt Trinita Lewis, their

children Justin and Allison, father-in-love Vincent Robert Porties (Babu), mother-in-love Debra Joyce Porties (Yeiyu), sisters-in-love Cicely, Nadalyn (David Isaiah), his Kenyan family: CuCu Grace, Gicheru, Sammie, Maggie, Sarah and Ann, and a village of other special family members and brothers and sisters in the Pan-Afrikan and Afrikan liberation movements. A man of positive actions and righteous convictions, Yale lived to serve others, but his first dedication was to amelioration of self, family, people, community, and culture. While it cannot be denied that his actions and deeds greatly impacted many people, particularly the watoto (children), whom held a special place in his heart, his spirit lives on in the fecundity that sustains all existence. May these collected verses afford you an opportunity to share in Yales convictions, hopes, dreams, sorrows, frustrations, joys, pains, and ultimately his vision. The pen continues to be mightier than the sword.

Detroit, Michigan, 2008









by Fahd (Bahati) Hassan Abubakhari 10 (ten) years old 2009

Dedicated to the wife, children, and family of njoma omi Yale Guy Miller

if seeing is believing not looking is knowing

faith is to knowledge as hope is to belief

Yale Guy Miller

omi njoma

April 9, 1971

February 24, 2007


faith the faculty sensing absolute truth processing perceptions refining character ultimate knowledge certainly factual beyond flesh breathe of life ending death cosmonolougous rhetorician having harmony within

solar aura aakhu jua sol sun brilliance brings deliverance thy kingdom come thy will be done hellions suffer heavens severance castrated men oppressed made dumb find light wielders in the wings swing low sweet chariot i sing ra scolds apep the snake preserving real destroying fake still the cause good things grow once was blind, now I know the chlorophyll/melanin need soul khemystry carbons heed black seeds of totality liberate from partiality as we photosynthesize the calling to realize heliolotrous concentricity return humane civility

steak dinner eating products of a wound will it heal mine as i consume or exasperate my problems licking cows seething pain like a little evil goblin cattle see me coming and know it's time to sweat though i do not hate you ive reveled in your death you tasted your family's gore as you breathed your last breath now your blood drips from my jaws gnashing and rending without pause like a rebel without a cause

before the book i am a man of JAH not a man of the book you worshipers of the book shall perish for your idolatry no book can tell me of RA resonating in my soul faith is the faculty tediously unlearned through worldly parenting and books books books the books you deify know nothing JAH speaks to essential man, bumbling scribes misinterpret holy symbols are misused by lack of insight into bahavad-gita, al-quran, and other bibles anxious for the freedom carried in subtle breezes missed in the fervor of flipping through impotent pages making gods of whimsical definitions appraising sizes shapes and cover designs finding beauty in particles shitting on others exclaiming I have the truth denying that she has you frantically producing swords guns and books to defend your prophecies of peace killing the peaceful by natures grace

before the book/continued/ imaginative youth find refuge in dreams and ethereal idols of unbounded words the lord is my shepherd I shall not want to worship your graven crosses dollars and books but o the green pastures my alter is there where mumbi met gikuyu where eshu bridges planes where khunum spins his wheel calling all to paradise

watermelon undressed succulent sweet delicate flesh cut for comfort in eager palms sucked and poked til seeds emerge catching every sumptuous fluid drop upon lips tongue and skin engulfing epicurean ecstasy til an exhausted sticky end

afrikan flag Red as the vitality of diverse warriors forever eminent Black as the infinite depths of holes in outer space Green as the perfect tempo of corn strides in breezy fields I am the foundation for the opener of ways like the swallow, none can hinder me I am the one reckoned

find one answers within condone no sin nature is balance each soul kin hold to truth peace harmony rhythm opposites attract? Obey this system yin + yang + dark + light+ moon + sun + woman + man =1

alabama red mud finally alabama red mud dirt my color earth hued afrikans come in all shades mine is alabama red mud

camaraderie? neglect and disregard oppose intimacy while faith inspires unity, you are disappearing will and intention are hardly mentioned so where is camaraderie fateful decisions are made silly my heart is filled with sorrow and i miss the glory of love


reconcile wayward pretensions precluded theft of mind ether time and space ulterior affections result in utter condemnation the light of becoming defeats transgressions brilliance reveals the venomous secrets barriers against intimacy crumble pleasure has no appeal as we work for peace synthesizing principled convictions


fall bowlegged black baby runnin' down the hall dont fall already cursin his mama black boy don't fall bowlegged pseudo-man cursing us all nigga hurry up and fall


facet yourself there is one truth with so many facets you wont know them all that is until The All calls submitting your will completely making you a deity perfect angelic servant facet yourself


tehuti husband of Truth guide of ancient quills now mine perpetuate thine perfection manifest real progress pointing to conscience beyond scrolls in words known to souls the seat of which is black and rich minds womb, holy tomb thank you whom till there perpetuate thine perfection


stranded stranded awaitin salvation divine redemption burnt out transmission tow trucks only come if you call them


beautiful red dirt green grass white rocks blown up mountain roaring four lane highway whatever happened to a small dirt road one lane cominone lane goin granddaddy said beautiful used to bes


two poems two african scholars admired by masses with beautiful large asses causing internal struggles for my tongues titillation of the labia universa a symphony of pleasure becomes a queen sweating sweet affection imagine my excitement at the scent of her arousal and the rhythm of her stride reverberating my soul into her throws of passion lost in wonderment transfixed fervently plowing my field butt around switch hitter hips of another even more intrigued by tasting my ablutions tossing up forbidden delicacies


two poems/continued/ may my senses remain consumed by excellent ignorance except for heaven on earth for she is more than sensual treats a volcano erupting fluid light granting another black sand shore as her magical powders settle providing the vital ash for ancient rituals of power a phoenix race's resurrection her orgasm rains divine protection a paradigm of love


life creation of expectation continuous fermentation of senses inflation of reality terrible truth experience transition


important men important men flip through papers make love to beautiful women and eat well important men ride in big cars making phone calls saying no


damn baby damn baby! you so large you keep growing quite intimidating with that large knife set it down, its already bloody as i wait, scared foolishly willing to die


alone since the murder i have grown alone here in this deep dark dank womb warm nurturing healing when you left once again the universe became my woman


iron bitch the muse of a thousand poets impenetrable by my words ignoring my affections what i thought was fertilizer ain't shit to her my heart begins to morn for the stranger i adorned impartially took my baubles dropping carelessly at her feet desperate seeds sprout in sand still seeking the moisture of paradise tromped under adamant paws the iron bitch drags a sleigh full of baggage across the desert loathing the terms of her existence shrugging of an oasis as if only a mirage


hate thieves are not to blame for the pain which wracks my brain depressing my dimensions into psychotic directionless delirium compromising my inherent integrity out of noble essence into the enemys trap what karmic debt must i pay to be free the giant mosquito mounting petrifies me sucking sucking sucking parents of the gods, help me smash her before she leaves my body a husk and feeds me to eggs making more like her i cannot go peacefully neither can i make war therefore i hate myself i hate hating myself when i havent done what i aught to do hate excuses my non-doing becoming weak with discontentment wallowing in desperate disease


hate/continued/ loathing the futility my hate produces the infertility the ignorant chaos the masochism of torturous complacence how long will i venture not to move toward a humane destiny


in one becoming Khrist is a goal where evil is normal where Khrist is normal perfection's home life run, supercede time accepting divine fathers and sons in one


words breaths formation contemplation parted mouth's reverberations resound throughout the universe thus return blessing or curse reliant upon intent force and rhythm when true say them


one is all who has called the one and all one creating all, yet distant preyed too externally i attest blaspheming west did invest this pest o' tests eastern eyes with sun rise to see the skies within


goddess reborn consider your divine attributes find the symbols each of them suits don yourself in such finery of daughters and sons of egypts ancestry sparkling robes, the sheerest of gowns kilts, vests, headdresses profound accentuate body set aura aglow prepare for a festive energy flow the time is right, planets congruent the goddess reborn offers unguent bring her a smile a will to dance an inkling to love perchance?


khryst Original Source Balanced Dialect Clairaudient Voice Upright Square Passionate Prosperity Perfect Paradigm Sovereign Love Astral Matrix Pregnant Potency


yes us obeying cosmogenius law rebellion self destructs by design not to be born again christians have you forgotten the Khrist before Jesus the question Y must replace the silent J to finally betray the devil's lie the truth is Yes-us before any savior saint or other crucifixions the kingdom of heaven is within each and every vibrating molecule


kill my poisoner that shit you fed me is fighting in my stomach like demons what foolishness made me trust you if only i could vomit my brain might stop throbbing distress disrupts my synapse i snap leaping in spastic convulsions to kill my poisoner


change unchanging becoming what is ever changing into the unchanging is life beyond existence acceptance tolerance adoration respect redundant monotonous peace comfort is not complacence change! into the constancy of change unchanging divine paradox the same yesterday as evermore just honorable real conscience awaits your dance change into unchanging


khristian focus the Khristian focus is God in everyone Yesyou represents the point of connection His Imperial Majesty The Prince of Mercy Justice and Peace The Wholly Spirit is free the sun of man is manhood, management, manifestation of The Sovereign God's kingdom, our nation


ebony if your timelessness was recognized by my fragmented particles i might accept your CPR your gaze permeated me before your hyacinth breath only 18 years in flesh upon this musical alter your tongue breaks concrete turning soil to plant a garden full of playscapes for ghetto babies eating the intellect of monsters regurgitating mercy your husky voice summons naps to the pillow on your lap where I nap further dreaming of milky pearls dribbling from the mouth of a babe imbibed and inundating


ebony/continued/ your ancient maternal purity original yet so very new if only I could hear you like my own conscience among these foreign folkways your wisdom might absorb me


ode to blackness what in reality isnt black, in darkness unseen unknown what subject do you know all about putting it completely in the light, none do you fully comprehend ink on paper the beauty of knowledge is discovery the smart ones never stop learning only fools have knowledge the rest are had by her overwhelming blackness an ever realizing relationship thought un-betrayed until spoken and acted upon how black is the you nobody has seen as Unseen controls the scene is your spirit privately as it seems to us absorbing it where is the home of the light you emanate if not the carbon of your cells paneling your photosynthesis in the twinkling song of spectrum even the light is black as colors extend mix and change becoming indistinguishable like blue and violet shimmering in onyx eyed reflections what in reality isnt black in darkness unseen unknown


ode to blackness/continued/ what subject do you know all about putting it completely in the light, none ink on bright white paper do you fully comprehend the beauty of knowledge, discovery never get enough un-quantifiable stuff only fools have knowledge the rest are had by an ever realizing relationship the Un-definable begets the defined as children are born of abyssal wombs (Nun fathoms the miracle of birth) coming out of blackness


valerian wine degrees of peace digest revelations psychic channeling pores breathe inspiring northern highlights calming adversity in Sirius blue intensifying lifes radiance as sweet drops squeezed, from petals drifted return to lotus core


amerikan breakfast black chinese like teas mingle with diversity homeboys span the globe of richer color than coffee drunk with milk and cream sweetened by tan shafts-crushed chemicalized into crystalline granules even the wheat of my bread is bleached the texture is gummy between my teeth with grafted scraps of unfamiliar beasts potential frappe is merely a condiment my berries are minced my vine fruits pickled only my leafy greens are crisp this morning i am in amerika the sun rises as any place breaking violent constipation burning through mucus and too much fat diarrhea aerates lucky bowels bodies become earth ethers become air though no shamba may grace this scene


amerikan breakfast/continued/ there is still cooperation among men and land and tools loving the unity of God in this valley of death reality dispels illusions as bitter frigid space and time melt on undeniable horizons


fuckthisshit venturing to move away from violent ingratitude witch pays my bills keeping me hooked unable to digest, nervous stomach trouble her brand of love is domineering force lying beneath a faade of professionalism she professes to care she professes to remember she professes she is only a professor not a parent or teacher leading me to say fuckthisshit i cannot afford to compute her false data i cry out leave me be cuz you dont know me my words are tired and out of breath i count the drops of blood diluting creeping ichors witch quantifies life and hates numerology her prosthetic tentacle, i refuse decomposition becoming bionic through psychophysical intelligence redefining artificial breaking away transforming into a new machine


black M fibrous fruits scrape rotten glued meat thirty feet from intestinal walls herbal tonics restored vitality water flushes heavy toxins physical healing becomes meditative spirit food a stomach shrinks to moderate size focal chakra increase potency in men once dimmed by hateful vengeance respect for retrospect returns consoling psychic repercussions of satans greatest gaffle cleansing static minds cling, millions of men convene the nations resource on crackers front porch a dynamic sovereign display of neglected forbears civil ways the whole village prays Free The Land! this federally reserved plantation demands unemployed emancipation with choices of freedom in quad formation communing to stand on solid ground


black M/continued/ where New Afrikans abound atonement resounds, resolutions round divine forgiveness rings profound hounds fear Reciprocities' order though black men did not draw this border we now approach with confidence to stand for justice and recompense


dollars notes of promise from liars IOU silver gold and happiness bitter scrounging petty wars lust blood and tears


miracle your miraculous appearance out of the bowels of hell like my own impassioned polyrhythmic breaths were you my husband and i your wife in a past life known as one self marriage of I and I with this power we shall fly


crow the black caw circles flashing glance recounts, ignorance deathly quiet precedes, calamities plucking corrupt eyes, spiraling dread perches on heads of mentally dead pure rogue saint bandito horrible thief of carrion gulping bloody senses ground in freedoms gizzards where blazing coals rage fanned by deceitful bellows a morbid gust goes, remaining unfathomed circling beyond 360


khrist within love all, not to condone lust nor greed which poisons home to know a mans Khrist within observe the rule which governs him twisted words misrepresent continued action proves intent


feminism dont be insane a man aint yo bane Aman made yo brain dont be afraid we're all man hand made then birthed through yo mamas womb hence the intense experience your first mans day half yo existence is man girl dont be afraid


infactuation beyond our platonic ties im possessed by x-ray eyes doomed to fantasize the hollows of your comely thighs weaning from a precious milk an aura wrapping me, supple as silk the babe of age denied the breast as hawks bring solid food to nest before the test of fledglings to fly or die give me reality let me chew strengthening bone flesh and sinew nudge me to leap and plunge so deep until an upward coasting sweep lifts me into the sky


negro please you still a broke ass nigga gettin paid gettin laid in the shade tryin to hit a lick with all that slick shit beggin massa please steady payin fees how you gonna grow down on yo knees nigga grow niggagrow nigga negro please


ahati at tension attention aten chan Tamos shaolin returns to orient our black dance the science of holy defiance from nile valley through song shan province since he came from pallava to kan chi indus kushite in china free fanning the flames of unity Bodhidarmas skills return that babylon may swiftly burn flickering red gold green black finally peeling the cap off of cap it all ism the true universalist mission to manufacture anuka as Buddhas blessed chuan fa drives home resounding aha


smoking goddess a beautiful black goddess smoking like a dragon her wrath, stern harsh yet just she knows the immortality of love her faithful convictions shall never falter her world is cruel and she communicates well pacing her inevitably violent existence by puffing clouds of death


new horizons so many suns linger on horizons avoiding the apex of midday smoldering chocking on uncertainty fearing needed change relearning lessons known all too well anxiously forgetting the cycle dwelling on pleasures of the night but the day is so young for high strung well hung afrikan bandits destined to restore a life of ecstasy arise o sun you are the god of crops of seas of men rise in honor of your mother who knows your silent names rise in honor of your father with timely seeds of freedom


social work a concentrated beam of force enlightens the wisest course peacefully pursuing peace though demons on the land unleashed wreak havoc on partial selves the myth of western culture fails only Shu blows Nubian sails throwing overboard complacence with arms of love and common sense


for no apparent reason for no apparent reason i break out in tears i call your name with fear for no apparent reason you walked out on me i wonder where you cold be for no apparent reason i sing you this song youve been gone too long for no apparent reason


inglish man du a luk lak an inglish man way yu worin bot haw mi yus der wurds den de was only fa paten an sellin tings befo we com tawkin bot Jah Rasta


succubi shes one a dem succubi shell suck you dry she hates the man you see just drinks his precious energy shell entice you with her frame sweet voice or the sound of her name disciplines her bane, she plays a deadly game she wants the energy, released in a mans seed shell suck you again and again until your life is drained


the wound before painful memorys came the startling visualization crimson slices in flesh spreading into beautiful sheets and streams remarkable yet pleasantly temporary now a crusty puss filled character is often teased and scraped from nostalgia


89 circa im my own god im not a faade im your brother not your sire so stay off my sac ill set your pyre on fire if you don't step back i hold a few titles i don't worship idols these recitals is vital to our survival apep's my rival temper my sword with the heat of my bible to compromise is not viable the means to freedom is tribal unity is divinity you front on me im not liable for what happens to you through me and my crew you bound to catch you an eyeful


flavor flavor most thick flavor thick! sweet tart grapefruit cocktail juicy flavor


power trip get that cracker off yo wall! im talkin bout jesus yall from stain glass raping yo ass Cross Pimps collect cash congregangsters talkin shit catchin spirits throwin fits holy? I doubt it where's the men? harmonious culture, semblance of kin and land control relationships since youre on a power trip


face of heaven
/In memory of Grandmother Irene Gildresleeve Lewis/

freedom is immanent great artificer in crisp smelling linen the dance of your soul is beyond earths atmosphere is your blue gown now the wind tells us to just keep going your playful theatrics are the song of birds crying and praying for your wisdom with grace we remember your light the way you lived in Khrist we honor the holy spirit of a woman who often smiled into the face of heaven


freedom Freedom thumps in your heartbeat Slavery wont let you see Distorted reality don't want me to be Programmed through my TV Theyre taxing my water and electricity Taxing my property but don't take care of me Is theyre will and intent government I thought that's what welfare meant Fat pigs say the moneys spent Switching patterns of a maze To keep some in a lab rat race But the rhythm moving through your soul And every virtue you extol Purifies the temple Physical spiritual mental How can we reach the pentacles If we always eat their chemicals So full of disease we burn or freeze For some more polluted cheese


freedom/continued/ But them rebels have got a plot To blast lab walls till they drop Swinging swords of third ventricles Slashing the krakens tentacles Saving the world Let words of truth unfurl Now is the time To recompense the crime Time for nation time for race Time for time, time for space Our own kind Free the land for peace of mind


black blastulae the penis enters the vagina like ooosh stretch push grind bend precious fluids blend strokin strokin stroking til we exite the penile glands then ejaculation sploosh out comes jism yes and sperm begin to swim with sole purpose finding the ovum to fertilize up in a fallopian thus we have conception the cell splits, they split again after two more times we have blastulation Black Blastulation foundation of the nation


twin We met through pre-destiny Planetary commonality uncanny Separate parents yet progeny twin called the case Our purpose to unite our race Vivid visionary style Utopian gods profiles beguile Away I miss familiar vibe Summoned inside black ocean tribe Hard to describe, certainly kindred Through fire earth and color red What shall this friendship beget At least something I won't forget Sista love sent from above Felling sad and displaced So beautiful with solemn grace Unbecoming this frown Let beams set off your crown Enlightening inner vision


twin/continued/ Seeing right decision Let nicety of Jahs embrace Summon pearls to your face With your cheeks upward crease With your breath pleasant speech Though in the belly of the beast Your innocence his poisoned feast


crash course Looking inward I see She is outer vision On a crash course collision With herself With skeptical heart and head Her logic leaves her black-dead Like brain dead but only To what she cant see All are blind to blackness Still fear not to enter Our living fuel lies deep Vibrant Within our center


shoe impressions complement feats past in skins, with sole the base of history


new afrikan horizons so many suns linger on horizons avoiding the apex of midday smoldering chocking on uncertainty fearing needed change relearning lessons known all too well anxiously forgetting the cycle dwelling on pleasures of the night


dream dream of unity and work see the vision of divine reality resolve to establish our kingdom on earth dream the dream of heaven in daily service manifest the miracles mortals say are impossible ride the waves of dream into a better world dream of Afrikan sovereignty and establish it in your inner space carry it to the farmers, clothiers, and architects of your village dream of the ancient Afrikan panacea restored give the dream breath, hands, feet, and future to sing, dance, clap and crumble the walls of hate dream of superior technology long forgotten solar powered hovercraft and crystalline domes clean air and water, peaceful homes and gardens


dream/continued/ dream of the Afrikan diet and eat your dream. dream of eggplant, yams, cassava and melons purple, orange, white, and green, dream the dream of survival. dream, wake up, see, be and do. dream of study, and prayer envisage the light of your aura radiating throughout the world. shoot like a star into perspective on planets, galaxies, and universe. walk fully grounded sharing the dream of saints, saviors and redeemers. dream like Marcus, Ida B., Malcolm, Sojourner, Martin, and Fannie Lou. dream awake and do. dream aloud and say, give voice to the mind of freedom dream


what happened whatever happened to no matter what ill always be here ill never leave you you know Ill love you no matter what


poem for yale by the late great Yakini Abubakhari Born of The energy of NEBULAE, destined for the replication of time and space and thought The bearer of truth by thy own presence a hope for all our tomorrows The seed of our universe See the path created only for THEE and be about your ancestral job your mind, thoughts, eyes, touch, taste are your bestowed weapons choose them well, for each is blessed with our collective energies. One Love


for njoma by Kefentse Bandele His soul ambition was for us to be free, and now theres a hole in our African community. I'm outraged, because all the brotha did is what real brothas do, attain information and knowledge and pass it to the youth. BlackStar bookstore is once again in my poem, That's the genesis of our relationship, or where I got to knowem. Comin in, tall and bronzed skin, always with a smile, he was usually seen with either or both woman and child. I have guilt in my heart, took it for granted that Id always seeem again, either at BlackStars anniversary or at the African World fest at summers send. But wheres the consistency in my last line? If I called him my brother we should have broke bread all the time. But never-the-less, you will not die in vain.


for njoma/continued/ Those lost African souls who assassinated you will thoroughly know your name. Even if it comes to inflictin pain! Njoma, me and the community gon look after yo seeds, and to the greatest of our ability provide yo queen with what she needs. So until we meet again look around that place, all those we talked about and learned from, you can clearly see their faces. Malcolm X, Dr. Clarke, Kwame Ture, and so on. Now your eldest child must step up with a legacy to build on. And you yourself have taken on a spiritual mission, and Im lightin a white candle to smooth out your transition. Youve rejuvenated us all, and now I gotta another story to tell. From the entire African community my brother, we bid you farewell.


All proceeds from the sale of this book go to:

YALE MILLER MEMORIAL FUND Account #8103707397 Bank of America 15010 Jefferson Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 Attn: Juanita Robbins 313.821.6804 Contributions and donations are also welcome.

change unchanging
the collected verses of

yale miller

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All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the YALE MILLER MEMORIAL FUND Account #8103707397 Bank of America 15010 Jefferson Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 Attn: Juanita Robbins 313.821.6804

change unchanging
the collected verses of

yale miller

yale miller

njoma omi

On Saturday, February 24, 2007 at 5:15 p.m., shortly after leaving the residence of a long time friend, Yale Miller, affectionately known to family and friends as Njoma, was viciously murdered by fatal shots fired at his jeep, claiming his life at the young age of 35. Husband, father, teacher, counselor, activist, and poet, to say that Njoma will be missed is indeed a gross understatement. However, we must rejoice in the realization that the works of his spirit live on in the fecundity that sustains all existence. This opus of his collected verses stand as a living testament to the majesty of his quintessence.

published 2009 by The Cultural Collective

All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the YALE MILLER MEMORIAL FUND Account #8103707397 Bank of America 15010 Jefferson Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 Attn: Juanita Robbins 313.821.6804

$9.95 USA

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