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eT FTeE SITTRED TE WRRTOT OPRTAAT CT PT HET ATE AT TT CHT a. aft. i. : BXC-B-GYLI ude yferant arse mot pons Im 2090750 wate yfeecat AAT ae yea-aa - IT wae : at ave yurfes : 200 1, ter sree ere i Gea arg, sera ga atte yf St ugar stay ant ci fer gad ag eer oT, We A RT EAT TS Stray Tea, omeAy a a Lake Rear fy at a et aeteror ferent B ager et | 2, GRR cae wa Pe OMR srcuae H, sfaa ware, det we sik alan gfe sta A, B,C AT D @, are fier fet aa ai fren we oth Geng we A Relat saiizan Ae ‘feoett it seme St ape / reine cht Rearta H oman Paes art Ra SET | 3. Sa alam glean et ore F fea ae Shee A eat aT apenies fera & | vttair gfe 9 orie ares 7 fer | 4, 3a veer yferar H go wetie (ser) faq ae € | wees serie feet it sits ei F wat 2 | wets serie 4 ar weg (Ge) fq ae Fe a ow weg aT ga a, fed oy sae HK sia HET Ted Salt ort ten wa fe aw a afte weg wal @, dh sa weg aH sift wt St ora adi TT wate seria fore Sarr cor a gM GATE | aay Hey ait Neg stern B fey Tae TAH we ee aif aE | gaa A Re ae fide Ba at weit & sim wa EL Baa weet fe org shamr_gferar & falta serial Sah WH sia HoT YR wt, SIT WaT peel a © Pagan ge feu cae SE | i 8. SHIRES See SHG oer a & cer ae aac sare sites a ate Paha Seutergee saa a sgnfe & 1 9, Fal wr & fey va alan gfecrer & sia aioe & | 10. Tera Saat & fore as : seafrqere gre fq ame Tere Set & fore ge fee TET | @ were we & fee an aafers oe @ | sahean are sete er & fore fe ae UH Tera TT fore wea a ‘fraa feu ae sia aor wen frend de % Ba F pre SET | Gi) WR aE sohean ww a afte sen Sen 2, ot ea TTA THE HET TET, FAR Re me sail AS CH TH Ae ian @, fax of ge wer & fore sahrgar a, seh we wr Gs fe TET | Gai) WR SHtear grr SH wer ee Ae Fear sre @, sai, Tehieae aeT BR ae fea SIT e, a sa we fore, : waite fe Gi feat TET | wer Hae SIT ea aE TEteTOT feeraaT GAH eat BET AT Ta TT aE ‘Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the back cover of this Booklet. Nog BXC-B-GYLI (1-B) Previa 4 (ar) serie & fer Fa: Ae ee are viteaeE a ahee site ateaal % Fe mt are wena & see Are 1 sa erat % Fr| STE TH HAT FF MBS KB STETAT BF ATT | ufeg-1 warefia enfis anand dau H, aft wets oats St sat ef a sine a fare we TG, at eet BS wa Ft et as ara ae at WH ouaa a; fag a a wat & af ar SR See 8, at ef Hwa Ff eh a ara eT Beh st wet a, sik alee ent S del 8, apt fea wa 8 a apt fara re 21 wage: ute & sme x, water aebzira|™ yeercor aazit a aad & 2 @) a of cafe feet afie axe aT seer a faa star eats ae aad | @) wae aif a aa 8 fe ae at enfties eines a FAR | (oe) ates ainerat Hager A wera ot ser we Ht waft eth 2 1 (@ cir ort unftis dnqer at ae aaa. él BXC-B-GYLI ufeedq -2 ag fifa @ fe oste, ae, ok fae (ei) rater seem wea SB wera oe se AEE GT aT AT, FT a sires (Sifter) Ht gt Fat | waif, ager erara eT S amitaat & fee age Gl a § aiftg Fe arate & fee magn ren eT ae, | ee ate, HHT H datte mia aia wan Ba & oft ale awit aft ware aie @, afte feet TeIEt (aterica) %, eet reise A ger F aif re Bi &, Hh ag Pia 8 fs al TEST Seat cer & fey vata we a 7 at ae fran @, afte aa gi-fiare ach ore fats arg & oh afifey, ae apies & or Fo after a Seat sar F fewer wet 2 | wage vite’g & omen u, fafefar #2 atin watiires aécira site fadegut Frere ‘frarat twa 8? (@@) vers afters Haale, ga Sik fat agar aaftert € 1 ®), fret afters F at wrens S fae ing (ataft) sven dat 8, 3 fe vam | (© ae saftrese wate & A ua & Tet faq saa wa @ sh fies oa ‘gamtem (gs faféwafira) & fer fate (a) @1 att a sot afteea enfia a oT srita 2 @ (2-B) Ge) Directions for the following 4 (four) items : Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should. be based on the passages only, Passage -1 With respect to what are called denominations of religion, if everyone is left to be a judge of his own religion, there is no such thing as religion that is wrong; but if they are to be a judge of each other's religion, there is no such thing as a religion that is right, and therefore all the world is right or all the world is wrong in the matter of religion. 1. What is the most logical assumption that can be made from the passage given above ? (a) No man can live without»adhering to some religious denomination, (b) It is the duty of everyone to propagate one’s religious denomination. (©) Religious denominations tend to ignore, the unity of man. (2) Men do not understand their own religious denomination. Passage -2 It is certain, that seditions, wars, and contempt or breach of the laws are not so much to be imputed to the wickedness of the subjects, as to the bad state of a dominion. For men are not born fit for citizenship, but must be made so. Besides, men’s natural passions are everywhere the same; and if wickedness more prevails, and more offences are committed in one commonwealth than in another, it is certain that the former has neither enough pursued the end of unity, nor framed its laws with sufficient forethought; and that, therefore, it has failed in making quite good its right as a commonwealth. Which among the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the passage given above ? (a) Seditions, wars and breach of the laws are inevitable in every dominion. (b) It'is not the people, but the sovereign who is responsible for all the problems of any dominion. (©) That dominion is the best which pursues the aim of unity and has laws for good citizenship. (d) It is impossible for men to establish a ‘good dominion, BXC-B-GYLI (3-B) uftede-3 EHR Fa AR cecifen wea HT ager aad 2 fee eh arate aa @ | ATT ae aiu 8 ot poe UG Peers H GF safe & ata det 2, FAS aera wr a aT wt @ Aaa A ge a ae ot oa GH at: uit frgia 201 gafte sont, safe, fer, dardtaen, ferme, at af SB sre oe satire ha Sena wei fer ara alee | array feat At % fadward afte gf & dna sei F 1 ae fran fe afta & arr aera ooaer fier sit fee, a aaa ge are a f wa a gos cafe & oe go waren ftvard sear via ah 8, Ba, eH a gee cafe gaat fase fecrdt, sfrwierch acer, seat fiend ater aa €, aire zafte st fS 3 wi ages 8, ae aaa a ona 3. BXC-B-GYLI aufm uiedg & dal §, Aefeted werent aang 7 @: 1 Fara, ai & fee was % age aan # oreafagara 2 are wet a wm gatten @ | 2, searra ar dat cada & afer & fore arene & | 3. aif amet & gar et ar fear der 8, fae feet ciesda Goof areva 4 arate rei Pear ar aaAT e | 4, wana % ster St eA yt sik Prsfatea At uses wecracht # wenfee fren aT ae | aged & saat qed rf? () Hag 13k 2 @) Fae 23s (Raa 134 @ aaa asks = ufteda - 4 afronta mer ei w Fe TOF ating et & viorag we fare a at & fea cet Hoar vita ate 8; Steactts ER creates wr ser 35 fore, srerararttgcss Herd a ead fare wear 8 1 el oe A, ct ap cates @ cheeda of eae at fre we 2 | ar pag Regia ae 8B oe TET act ite esi Rafer act ar weet wa sift 2 ivan gH, ae gag are 8; Fig E feared aa ora 8, af cit wafer eT F fara al WA Ee se aT the wee dergeh anf aor ae we we | iv Hae Et ach 8 oft a Saar ad dead sh Hm aT wa wen wee OE | ter chads, Fige aaa eared amen Sat S 1 ET frefatad 9 a ear oar see ied & ae aad erates we arta B 2 ama aa wer & flraftra eat & are saint art & | am qe figia & afte & ar wrest & fet fh eo at aeat a ora a1 aif amitat At fren at wi, arate sit avon ctaria at faftaa act 8 1 ered ar afert wm sohterl gue 2, aif ma & wh wi a Rigen - siafitea et B 1 (a) (b) © @ (4-B) Gr) Passage -3 Inequality violates a basic democratic norm : the equal standing of citizens, Equality is a relation that obtains between persons in respect of some fundamental characteristic that they share in common. Equality is, morally speaking, a default principle, Therefore, persons should not be discriminated on grounds such as race, caste, gender, ethnicity, disability, or class. These features of human condition are morally irrelevant. The idea that one should treat persons with respect not only because some of these persons possess some special features or talent, for example skilled cricketers, gifted musicians, or literary giants, but because persons Passage -4 Aristocratic government ruins itself by limiting too narrowly the circle within which power is confined; oligarchic government ruins itself by the for immediate wealth. But even democracy ruins itself by excess of democracy. Its basic incautious scramble Principle is the equal right of all to hold office and determine public policy. This is, at first glance, a delightful arrangement; it becomes disastrous because the people are not properly equipped by education to select the best rulers and the wisest courses, The people have no understanding and only repeat what their rulers are pleased to tell them. Such a are human beings, is by now part of | democracy is tyranny or autocracy. — Plato commonsense morality. With reference to the above passage, the|4 | Which one of the following statements best following assumptions have been made : reflects the crux of the passage given above ? 1. Equality is a prerequisite for people to Participate in the multiple transactions (a) Human societies experiment with of society from a position of confidence, Kis ead ob yd Pbanentag 2 Oceurrence of inequality is detrimental to the survival of democracy, 3. Equal standing of all citizens is an idea @) Any fem to een cee Reena Peer in deteriorate by excess of its basic a democracy. principle. 4, Right to equality should be incorporated into our values and day-to-day political (©) Education of all citizens ensures a vocabulary. perfect, functional and sustainable Which of the above assumptions are valid ? democracy. (@) Land 2only (b) and 3 only (@ Having a government is a necessary evil (© Land 4 only because tyranny is inherent in any form (@ Band 4 only of government. BXC-B-GYLI (5-B) 5. BXC-B-GYLI 2 120 waftnit & aye Hi, so urea & sit As faaet @ 1 gah afaien, ga wae A 70 wah igh ter awd @ 1 BA eat At den Pret Oat si ata aH Be (@) 20 ) 30 (© som saa ar @, 3071 Tae safires a yt (Hd) sist | wei (sist wueft & fen) 8 wag ois ah wersit nw fan Fite st 3} ys ae eific et densi a ahead s Frafaaa 4 8 ata /aiaa eet 8/8 2 1 sata as?) 2 satroa uaz | ee fe fee 1a Re ar eT aR wet TR BAT: @ Fart @) Baa 2, © 13% 2eKi @ ahiaete @t wensit a ait BH sere: 25 afk 30 free] @ | waa # afteeon rai 21 2 wer =p] wraie 17 @ | war-B H siftrac wai 30 2] Te =TaH wre 22 2 | HATA SB 4 Frere] PaL-B A carats fay art & | Frafefiad aorta feran aifary : 1. FB wI stad wiais Aitar wT a vem | 10. 2. FAA we sitar wedi fifrad wr & wen | aan wad #8 atea/ad ah ae? (a) Farad (b) Rat 2 (198 2a, @ wH17e2 (8-B) a werii afte us ve fae Fifore aroa-1: fen, Sem 8 4 war AA @ ok wa faa ear & 31d Ma KZ wong: i, don a 2 ear BHF a way fraud wan 2 974 SI HEI ger: 40 Prenfld A ar H, oe ea & dion ar tae SATA BP aut ot Be & def a, fafefed 7a are 2 (a) Besa 8 fe tas ee (by) Wer ree aa & fore Fae Be. Tah wie (@ 3a wae BH fe a a aaa Ser ay there ea2 aed & (@ We Hae 2% fee wee SN Here Shai oft rere @~ a ari ott we wea 7 fra ifsc : wri: AD 4a wes, BE a FT wire wet 8 2 (a) Ber ar sae BA fore Saet we vat ) Te aR & fe Sar Ser. wae (WRT a ae 2a & fee wea ott ger Soi Ait sree & @) SH aa eS foes dt dae er, + @ Bact werr.2 Taha & BXC-B-GYLI In a group of 120 persons, 80 are Indians and], rest are foreigners, Further, 70 persons in the group can speak English. The number of| Indians who can speak English is (a) 20 (b) 30 (© 300rless (@) 300rmore Consider all S-digit numbers (without repetition of digits) obtained using three non-zero digits which are multiples of 3, Let § be their sum, Which of the following is/are correct ? 1. Sis always divisible by 74. 2, Sis always divisible by 9. Select the correct answer using the code given| 9, below : (@) lonly () 2only (© Both 1and2 @ Neither 1 nor 2 There are two Classes A and B having 25 and 30 students respectively. In Class-A the highest score is 21 and lowest score is 17. In Class-B the highest score is 30 and lowest score is 22. Four students are shifted from Class-A to Class-B. Consider the following statements : 1. The average score of Class-B will definitely decrease. 2. The average score of Class-A will]10. definitely increase. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) 1only ) only (© Both 1 and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 (7-B) Consider two Statements and a Question : Statement-1: Priya is 4 ranks below Seema and is 31 from the bottom. : Ena is 2 ranks above Seema and is 37" from the bottom. What is Seema’s rank from the top in the class of 40 students ? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Statements and the Question ? (a) Statement-1 alone is not sufficient to Statement: Question : answer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is not sufficient to answer the Question (©) Either Statement-1 alone or Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (@ Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are required to answer the Question Consider two Statements and a Question : ‘Statement-1: Each of A and D is heavier than each of B, E and F, but none of them is the heaviest. Statement-2: A is heavier than D, but is lighter than C. Who is the heaviest among A,B,C, DandE? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Statements and the Question ? (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to Question : answer the Question (©) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are required to answer the Question (@) Neither Statement-1_ alone nor Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question In the English alphabet, the first 4 letters are written in opposite order; and the next 4 letters are written in opposite order and so on; and at the end Y and Z are interchanged. Which will be the fourth letter to the right of the 13" letter 2 @ N @) T © H @ 1 Previa (am) seria & Ferg Agar: ae Re me ae ited a? Re site aaaT & a own} are venient & sere aire 1 7 EAT ere] mes aR Bat BH TST He BF ome BF TAT uftedg-1 sat sik seag dattt iR-Anin } aa F ara Shhh saa afaeq wr wT aT Te | wrreand af & : Stare dea A george errant # afer; aad ra chit & fare fase sik GT wart & ony der at aif wee; fe ‘Steam Sal & dal i der & aera Fg; fasret % fra ape Rafer oft mea fr gitfeat persed fase A arate aft sear afater maf; act wet ei, fh, Ter Tar aT we AGT wr wiawia fag | fag we Ws TAT Prreore sft wa @ : age ee sol erat ari, wha wetter afk vee Af «x sal, oot we ga okt Sai geen age & fore ste veg, ait adteoia wat tg sels veer, wet et ert at dean dan ae 2, sank & shade ore i ak aaa wa EI 1. fefafad 4 8 ahem ger sah aieee AT aratfives Protaras eae SEIT AAT % 2 (a) ane & Gat Polar ot afar wea afer aft siaaiafira 2 1 @) Tea A oat ot vera fe dereia frara % cea & fre srraftrs gata 8 (© Aa A sal sie serarg eich artes, we ame amie, onfis afk vwafarotia weit & fore rae Tee ” @ aa & oat fof A viear ae dk amfisya ® sit ain va A sen act a BXC-B-GYLI (8- aftedg -2 Reh René ond # FH aT a aA aT Fo itis ofeftat QReamifera) afer (aha sheter) & BT GARE (Hes) ohh aT ager a fenton @ 1 et ated aftr @ 8 grea of Gog sere ae & ot aqotaftt & fare alate a atte st ageit Ao saa a oat Ewa wes Be, Fo gagean fat A gaged a Hh a ae agit & ferq ofafirat ar weit aig ax fer 21 1990 % wars & we Saarh 3 aia afer (Gita siete Ofearcees) 3 seior we dew Tg 8, were apenas Ratan a Fem @ fh aaftes Fea tam ta a ee — sh wai sia a Rel 12, frefataa Ya shar eer safe aioe sr wralitves Pores amr TEIN TTB? (a) att a wR var & daa 8 aT anf | (>) Sgei 8 geet are veel & ea Met a sera ara epilator eT aafeT | (© Wai Twas steht (Crearhfer) & weer we fetes eat arf, > @ site steel a xt saa Ti & oran & fare &t fen sit afer | B) CR) Directions for the following 4 (four) items : Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should ge based on the passages only, Passage -1 India faces a challenging immediate future in energy and climate policy-making. The problems are multiple : sputtering fossil fuel production capabilities; limited access lectricity and modern cooking fuel for the poorest; rising fuel imports in an unstable global energy context; continued electricity pricing and governance challenges leading to its costly deficits or surplus supply; and not least, growing environmental contestation around land, water and air. But all is not bleak: growing energy efficiency programmes; integrated urbanisation and transport policy discussions; inroads to enhancing energy access and security; and bold renewable energy initiatives, even if not fully conceptualised, suggest the promise of transformation. Which one of the following statements best: to 12. i. reflects the critical message conveyed by the passage given above ? (a) India’s energy decision-making process is ever more complex and interconnected. (b) India’s energy and climate policy is heavily tuned to _ sustainable development goals. India’s energy and climate actions are not compatible with its broader social, economic and environmental goals. gy decision-making process © India’s ener} i is straightforward supply-oriented and ignores the demand side. (d) BXC-B-GYLI oD Passage -2 There are reports that some of the antibiotics sold in the market are fed to poultry and other livestock as growth promoters. Overusing these substances can that are create superbugs, pathogens resistant to multiple drugs and could be passed along humans. Mindful of that, some farming companies have stopped using the drugs to make chickens gain weight faster. Since Denmark banned antibiotic growth promoters in the 19903, the major pork exporter says it is producing more pigs — and the animals get fewer diseases. Which one of the following statements best reflects the critical message conveyed by the passage given above ? People should avoid consuming the @ products of animal farming. (®) Foods of animal origin should be replaced with foods of plant origin, (©) Using antibiotics on animals should be banned. (@) Antibiotics should only be used to treat diseases, ufede-3 hfe Ratensit oft we-zian areasit (hfe) ae vent A are a Fie & fee we areal BY Ah seu 8, rae fos At se He, WAGE Gases Bai Gf aoa thea ait are ware Bs Serre fare yf ar seer afer BI feo, sate oar anf amt ¢ saaeri § aa wa A ait i gem afte aa far var 2 1 gaa ga a At ET saftrs Gare act 8 fe a Sait Ht safe ara Qa dae soa a wae 1s. sade aiedg & died Hi, frevfetaa lareond wae 18: 1 we wet & se ee eT ta wget 1 2, af Pere ufo a, fara # are dae oor aa %, a ae suet @ aeierensit # em! safe 9 8 ehxh Gerongarent ara 8 2 (a) Waa ) Baa 2 ( 13 2a. @ aware BXC-B-GYLI 14. afte -4 amgfis fiers ones TST eT cen i gy a mera Ba 8, Free SIRT cr ite sare (Shat.) H gfe a 8 1 Praia, agft ef HALA., tha otk ast & ser ‘ars ath & 1 sa Reef BB Bar ot ore BAG eh 2, eh AA. ar BR Ah FT oT, va vin, aya ste aR Hed ster % Ferg omraears aegall & scare 8a Fe AAAI st ter wi i amine wd aE 1 aot Ree aeach (gaaviz affeata) 4, atstch. BS recat ea He om rar ® Fe ae aE “ois hy? a age war 8, dw om ot Ff srr ara Hah. gfBS sada vitede & ded ¥, Aeifafan gaunt wag ag Fs 1. we eg SAT. fet Ser wT fafa OT wr & fae aftart @ | 2, gh AAA. wh vet Font a ‘weg Frere PARRA ee @ 1 sage Fa staat qdaronqderent ar Ye ? @) at (by Bae 2 ©@ 13it 2a @ Aii7ee2 (10-8) Passage ~8 Policy makers and media have placed the blame for skyrocketing food prices on a variety of factors, including high fuel prices, bad weather in key food producing countries, and the diversion of land to non-food production. Increased emphasis, however, has been placed on a surge in demand for food from the most populous emerging economies. It seems highly probable that mass consumption in these countries could be well poised to create a food crisis. 18, With reference to the above pascage, the following assumptions have been made : 1, Oil producing countries are one of the reasons for high food prices. 14, 2, If there is a food crisis in the world in the near future, it will be in the qT emerging economies. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? () only @) 2only (©) Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 BXC-B-GYLI \ (Vee) Passage -4 A central of modern development economics is the importance of income growth, by which is meant growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In theory, rising GDP creates employment and investment opportunities. As incomes message grow in a country where the level of GDP was once low, households, communities, and governments are increasingly able to set aside some funds for the production of things that make for a good life. Today GDP has assumed such a significant place in the development lexicon, that if someone mentions “economic growth”, we know they mean growth in GDP. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made : 1. Rising GDP is essential for a country to be a developed country. 2. Rising GDP guarantees a reasonable distribution of income to all households. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (a) lonly (b) 2only (©) Both tand2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 15. Wa YET P,Q, RB, S, 7, U stk v reer TH Zi RQat TS sam ta € ok a FEAT S aan aa me aaa s ok Ue wae € it ta gerd Gh EPR s fal ford & Se wae Fe ora aA ITY mate BHA 2 @ QakR ® gsiku © Qakt. @ Taku 16. & eae oR 8, 2, 7,4, 18, 10, 21, 18, 31, 28, 43, 40 4, wea @ BE eB ace, Gel far a ait aa yg wan tat ar ae He | @) 0 @) 1 © 3 @ 6 a7. go Maat ar crepe AHS fear ee | wiateal fran ww Piftaa waft ar agar weft é | Tegan arse BREE (ar wa AIRE | 7B 10A 3c. 3c 9B 6A 0a | 13C 2 () 9B" >) 3A © 3B @ 3c 18, fa at afteat Hot eden orga Ree: aya: | 8) 4/6 16 | 52-5 | 236-25 aaa: |5|/A]B|C| D E agen Fare co eA HF HAE B 7 (@) 25° ) 6 (© 9375 (@ 328125 BXC-B-GYLI 20. (12-B) RX 15 keane A HET TTR STR whe Y TEA 2 HE kewhar #1 THETA TET, wat A 125 hanhae CATT TE TT Rea 2 #15 kar rE wT BST Bate yah eet at erat aT & | frafetaa Ha aear/aia ae 8/8? 2 aa a Pre oe a BT aT 2, Adit Ata Beart acts Pri | A eg ee BH eT AH TEI TA GA: (@ Fa 1 &) ¥ar2 © 1h 22 @ aw17e2 ew Rramit atten 3 6 wee F asat 8 1 ee wea & fae afta sin Gee @ 1 wera Haat wea 66: 7:8:9:10% aga 4 € | ge Prone ser Gow sis TET faq | sei ae wea F aitiecn sist 60m 8 aA aia Tra fae 2? (a) 2 7 ® 8 oO 4 | @ 5 15, Seven books P, Q, R, §, T, U and V are placed] 19, 16. 1 18. side by side. R, Q and T have blue covers and other books have red covers, Only $ and U are new books and the rest are old. P, R and § are Jaw reports; the rest are Gazetteers. Books of old Gazetteers with blue covers are (a) QandR e) QandU © QandT @ = Tandu Replace the incorrect term by the correct term in the given sequence 8, 2,7, 4, 18, 10, 21, 18, 31, 28, 43, 40 where odd terms and even terms follow the same pattern, (a) 0 ) 1 © 3 @ 6 Following is a matrix of certain entries. The entries follow a certain trend row-wise. Choose the missing entry (2) accordingly. 7B 10A 3c 3c 9B 6A 10A 13C 2 () 9B ® 3A () 3B @ 3c - You are given two identical sequences in two rows : Sequence-I: | 8 | 4| 6 | 15 [525 236-25 Sequence-I:[5]A[B]C]|D| EF What is the entry in the place of C for the Sequence-II? (a) 25 @) 5 @ 9375 (a) 32-8125 (13-8) BXC-B-GYLI A person X from a place A and another person Y from a place B set out at the same time to walk towards each other. The places are separated by a 15 km, X walks with a uniform speed of 1:5 km/hr and Y walks with a uniform speed of 1 km/hr in the first hour, with a uniform speed of 1:25 km/hr in the second hour and with a uniform speed of 1:5 km/hr in the third hour and 0 on. distance of, Which of the following is/are correct ? 1. They take 5 hours to meet. 2, ‘They meet midway between A and B. Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1and2 (@__ Neither 1 nor 2 A student appeared in 6 papers. The maximum marks are the same for each paper. His marks in these papers are in the proportion of 5: 6:7: 8:9: 10. Overall he scored 60%. In how many number of papers did he score less than 60% of the maximum marks? @ 2 b) 3 @ 4 @ 5 Areaterfeacr 4 (eat) meni & Ferg fdr: aie Re me ere atedal wt age site wtedat % aA wet art eae % sae shee | gr wera % AIG) SIN Te Barer Fe MRCBEE He BF arruThea BH TAT | uftedg—1 shit Gita se) & gai wana, Gi vftrar site satter fufia art oat @ othe 3 gh ait zed dai f aera wy a ue ont &, ae wea ga Te BS | oepite ait A, ve art dane A aah eet @, athe & ge aa writ & fae cise sree ue @, afk fafae ser weetafirat (et GA ave safer) oft eh srardt we wert at E 1 aie Goeth vet ste seas crafts Herds genes ae Sar TC A sist gat wm frit wr 8 ord, di ofaa oi aa ag ten % vant st ager 2 at € 1 Se qesead 4, sit gail & areata at soferit & gait S oniea thy ar aera @ 1 a1, Tee weds & ster w, Feafated gard wate aE € : 1. owefte ai a, sit & ga ure snats snfeat (Arata wists) a wat @ 1 2, sit ge set sft sr wed 2, wel ara a8 arta gar Ht Saat ai aT aa & | 3, Safafeua 3 dam a afia get At ‘afrar tt aac 21 4. oa ge anita a a wets F sist gait ot aftr & 1 aad 4 a stash george arr BE 2 -@) Fat 1 ake ) Faas © Faas @ Fam 1,33in4 BXC-B-GYLI afeae- 2 crRuteoh ae gt H me Sra Fs a are gre HAE Sa fatter wait atte wel wore aT AGAT POT aft 1 eh ght ageftat (Pre), st srptis tect At are seam, tomate, femaies, wer wat oh a sf apurtir (fiiferaie) a watt & 1 aes dah go of Su aa ore &, ott ches Tea aT Sra BI TH FH: ST Ba BL BA RAIA ar steam at at ag wee @, rata, Fat a fem gh wt dee adi at aria ae & aaprdtr S3 attest & are gh H ga: are Ear Bleak slats, apf wBeasil an sea sigs Fra % fem wen siaewer BAY Sect) & Be ya a ade aa & form sft far sete I ft cine cat Hague ot sae ara gait ar whee ener 2 1 22, Frafefad © fran afin : ‘qfaeae (wat I) ‘sder-frerg (igi) we date ‘fata BAY ARAM (siete) eater of (aféee wifin) uiteég & oger, aefe 7 a shah sft waftat pit unfeatth & oye a aa FP (a), Fat 1,4 ait 5 ) Fae 2,3,4 ft 5 © Fat 1,2,33it6 @ Fa 4sikg ez ek eee (14-8) Ge) Directions for the following 4 (four) items : Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage ~1 Fig trees (genus Ficus) are considered sacred in India, East Asia and Africa and are common in agricultural and urban landscapes where other large trees are absent, In natural forests, fig trees provide food for wildlife when other resources are scarce and support a high density and diversity of frugivores (fruit-eating animals). If frugivorous birds and bats continue to visit fig trees located in sites with high human disturbance, sacred fig trees may promote frugivere abundance. Under _ favourable microclimate, plenty of seedlings of other tree species would grow around fig trees. 21. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made : 1. Fig trees can often be keystone species in natural forests. Fig trees can grow where other large woody species cannot grow. Sacred trees can have a role in biodiversity conservation. 4. Fig trees have a role in the seed dispersal of other tree species. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (a) Land 2only () 3only (©) 2and 4 only (ad) 1,3 and4only 8XC-B-GYLI (15- Passage -2 At the heart of agroecology is the idea that agroecosystems should mimic the biodiversity levels and functioning of natural ecosystems. Such agricultural mimics, like their natural models, can be productive, pest-resistant, nutrient conserving, and resilient to shocks and stresses, In ecosystems there is no ‘waste’, nutrients are recycled indefinitely. Agroecology aims at closing nutrient loops, i.e., returning all nutrients that come out of the soil back to the soil such as through application of farmyard manure. Jt also harnesses natural processes to control pests and build soil fertility ie, through intercropping. Agroecological practices include integrating trees with livestock and crops. 22, Consider the following : 1. Cover crops 2. Fertigation 3. Hydroponies ‘Mixed farming 5. Polyculture 6. Vertical farming Which of the above farming practices can be compatible with agroecology, as implied by the passage? (a) 1,4and 5 only (b) 2,8, 4and 5 only (© 1,2,3.and6 only (@) 4and6only B) uitedy- 3 a tbat Bike wre Bs Rawr of gran 1 ont ret a bagi on gain sade ag Ste R, aR MAR agai A area ge ote aterefier ara wae A ee May vide ag Ter hm ory wR, ute oe eH eT 8 we far, dal wwe eR 8 | ede ole firs” & omer 8 age Rani oft womont, eri a er BAF oil (ateMRea) site dale Wai we eke ag Fez enfer Pose | 38S yam area 8 fH A se (Mz), wa ter araet f ae a after feearecira eft 1 ax vet ae we aR ge A 8 eet 8 Ge ard oft tate at qe Fria (fete agin) ax waa #1 23. safe uiede & omen we vfs, Pater 38 aha an watts Auta Pred a wate wut aurtar % 2 (a) age a are afta Tei B (b) Bigedet sare Aref chaPal age ees bth & vet Set F 1 (co) Ser Mean Sieh Sk Peni A sear. a1 (a) Bare siete oft ata afi, afer i en shar a wankia set BXC-B-GYLI wy free - 4 ae, ara, STeATEDERC ST aT, WH aansil A gg Tene atk AR ATA donmen Veit wr rT Tera WAT BL TARO (wrest) 3 Brat ee sealer, ee sth cangaitars erreca Pat | geil aE eee TL 8 aftr wong var @ cigars eit A ee Ha amr 1 Pg we tH ape % wet A eer oh el ern a eH fer 8, SH Reet ses rare grr sreepfera wh & afte seret Veh 2 aay aia wer argue ae gate & fas eafenere areca faty % meme ares eet A arret gun wn wo wa, Seo at Gre Gan Ba acai a ‘hy ‘are ey siaraen Ah et aE water ea oT 2 | wal a ere wal & oft og afer ae apm & Pea ma at of ara 8, fae’ Rafah we Re FaATERR wa Al steer Beh F srr BB wee sre Ren sa & sik yee wet Gergsit a wrguia stat 8 24, Sede viede & onan x, Frafeterr ghee arg 1g. 1 dh fet cafe creat a ge hf oat rae \ 2, caters Facoat a aRsthahe afte draeH 3 agua an Faro fren ot aaa 2 1 3, Taree & da Fae & waa a das Wil arama age) 4, torre Wit & ate San wah fre Sante ott qen-zatta wendy gaia wet E 1 5. 78 Tay sae mea 3 aeisa ergaiftes Taree fate 8, ot cian a fieg arg Harare Hi orem 8 | sade 1a strat pero’ wre 2 (a) Fra 1 sik 2 (Fae 3 ait 4 (© Fam 4 sits @) Fam 123i 4 (16-8) Passage -3 Computers increasingly deal not just with abstract data like credit card details and databases, but also with the real world of physical objects and vulnerable human bodies. A modern car is a computer on wheels; an aeroplane is a computer on wings, The arrival of the “Internet of Things” will see computers baked into everything from road signs and MRI scanners to prosthetics and insulin pumps. There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts. Hackers have already proved that they can take remote control of internet connected cars and pacemakers. 23. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most critical inference that can be made from the passage given above ? (@) Computers are not completely safe. (b) Companies producing the software do not take cyber security seriously. (©) Stringent data security laws are needed. (@) The present trend of communication technologies will affect our lives in future. BXC-B-GYLI (17- Passage - 4 A social and physical environment riddled with poverty, inequities, unhygienie and insanitary conditions generates the risk of infectious diseases. Hygiene has different levels : personal, domestic and community hygiene. There is no doubt that personal cleanliness brings down the rate of infectious diseases. But the entry of the market into this domain has created a false sense of security that gets conditioned and reinforced by the onslaught of advertisements. Experience in Western Europe shows that along with personal hygiene, general improvements in environmental conditions and components like clean water, sanitation and food security have brought down infant/child death/infection rates considerably. The obsession with hand hygiene also brings in the persisting influence of the market on personal health, overriding or marginalising the negative impact on ecology and the emergence of resistant germs. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made : 1. People who are obsessed with personal hygiene tend to ignore the community hygiene. Emergence of multi-drug resistant germs can be prevented by personal cleanliness. 3. Entry of the market in the domain of hygiene increases the risk of infectious diseases. Scientific and micro-level interventions are not sufficient to bring down the burden of infectious diseases. 5. It is community hygiene implemented through public health measures that is really effective in the battle against 24, 2 4. infectious diseases. ‘Which of the above assumptions are valid ? (a) Land 2 only (b) Sand4only (© 4and5 only @ 1,2and 4only B) 25, we we AY Rat ra, fre oie Fewt 26. 27. BXC-B-GYLI cafe Proadar Re mg G1 sre ga eT a TE AR ee MEAT aT Tee Bat B, we CE STAT ceo 8 are deal A eB ana ta a | a fram at vg ote aera Pola at FI armed fend fe me me H oA wedaing 2/8, va G8 oT oy 8 a eat ht ge a aaa 3 at we fafgat srr & 1 Bae wh whist Awe Pert: %o arnt Aisa ws a tae) front. we fafgat gall wei 1 ward E 1 frafattra 8 ata at 8 2 act Praha tae Rewiar fests sit Rertir ai aa fest, 78 feat arerateat @ vem arr ig 3 Ger Tet 8 site ae Fe B15 m A Sag 8 fra 2 was aR ae of ig ee, & cart 2, dae Gal Sard At 46 Sart ae sora Sct & 1 ale qdadt Sars 50 cm & wat 2, ai fig wal sour 8 1 ie A sare FH AG, fe Perit are yotta & cach 8 2 fa) 4 ) 5 @ 6 @ 7 ew aio H sist aire (ws sath #) ais & sfefedt ar sracites fat sat 2 1 wi a a sfatidi ft dem Part @ st art ag amr & waa Rea we aa G7 (a) 13 () 14 @ 15 @. 16% 30. 00 & 1000 ae 3s eta tes Pa wet 1 ea 8 feat quia H, siet ar ahaa 10 ae @ 6 7 © 8 @ 9. we after SH A BE 12 km Verh %, PR we fart ait 6 km Tar See Tea He aA si 8 km 2a 8 | ae year fag ae fare fear HR? (a) aod H 45°38 aH a &) See H 45°83 aR aT © Rang H asa afte sto @ we H 45°8 atts sow ~ (18-8) 25. 26. 27. BXC-B-GYLI A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II is given below, You havo to take the Statoment to be true even if it seems to be at variance from the commonly known facts, Read all Conclusions and then decide which of| the givon Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts. Statement: Some cats are almirahs. Some almirahs are chairs. All chairs are tables. Certainly some almirahs are tables. Conelusion-I: Conclusion:II: Some cats may not be chairs. Which one of the following is correct ? (a) Only Conclusion-I (b) Only Conclusion-II (© Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II @ _ Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II A boy plays with a ball and he drops it from a height of 1:5 m, Every time the ball hits the ground, it bounces back to attain a height 4/5" of the previous height. The ball does not bounce further if the previous height is less than 50 cm. What is the number of times the ball hits the ground before the ball stops bouncing ? @ 4 o) 5 © 6 @ 7 Images of consonants of the English alphabet (Capitals) are observed in a mirror. What is the number of images of these which do not look like their original shapes ? (a) 13 (b) 14 @ 16 qd) 16 28. 29. 30. (19-8) A bank employee drives 10 km towards South from her house and turns to her left and drives another 20 km. She again turns left and drives 40 km, then she turns to her right and drives for another 6 km. She again turns to her right and drives another 30 km to reach her bank where she works. What is the shortest distance between her bank and her house ? (a) 20km ) 25 km (© 30km @ 35km Integers are listed from 700 to 1000. In how many integers is the sum of the digits 10? (a) 6 ) 7 @ 8 @ 9 A woman runs 12 km towards her North, then 6 km towards her South and then 8 km towards her East. In which direction is she from her starting point ? (a) An angle less than 45° South of East (b) An angle less than 45° North of East (©) An angle more than 45° South of East (@) Anangle more than 45° North of East sete (ee) see 3 fe Fe: “ha fe are fee at age ite oa # AA oad arch rid ee e/a # ds ae at 7 eae TTT we? TR | witedg-1 aeratait 3 nex 3 aet (sh-2fs) atte ae ad ae 8 gw phe piyeel F wat Sie ae & sgET onetia far | Fe a sense wen & wert F var wat — adie afi LED vert & age va yer ik aifgan She Sci & aga ta vet | wet gH Sire HY — St Ps goat Hee & Agi Re ara} da 8 — tei x fs oar OR ep STA He Ba eT Fe FAA TOIT Ha Sraa, aafra dar 8 1 were wre & sierha, ita wet Hare seers OS HT AT (Gis) A der Fh sorta wh oe 1 a1. side vitede % ore ahrafaa, Preafeisa 4a sham en wali Rutes frat ai) water wat afar & 2 @ va dame vem A get Hest daar wera ar thet x sittin wfege waa Tea & | (bo) vem sqaor ar fart ifafa da ae art ea a oftge wa YE Aaa a | © As yom & fae ore Git & ver A, geen Fea 1 wr aE Ae | @ fet ones da a age dam a wore 7 Sraet helt & fore afees sara 3 fay sft meat @ | BXC-B-GYLI aftede -2 wae St feet A ee, ah ged ga at, Ra oh afra @, fed 4 yer earn) HT aT aE cava S& seer At area & | 32, sade uitedg & nem st, Patera qearere wad EE: 1.) wemropert safe Bt fefererar 3% fear HTT % ons area a dares seared aa WI 2 Tar wae A war ph, Atel a cafe & fare aterm & 3. Mek aefa @ fade pe ait 7 cereiat Ft scat set a art 2 1 4, Hai Hi fafaeen, whet 4 fatiern ert 8 1 aege ia aieat arcongaront art 8 2 (@) Fart ) Haat 2, 33% 4 (©) Fat 13k 2 @ Fad saita (20-B) aie Directions for the following 4 (four) items? Read the following four passages and answer the + gems that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage ~1 Researchers simulated street lighting on artificial grassland plots containing pea-aphids, sap-sucking insects, at night. These were exposed to two different types of light — a white light similar to newer commercial LED lights and an amber light similar to sodium street lamps, The low intensity amber light was shown to inhibit, rather than induce, flowering in a wild plant of the pea family which is a source of food for the pea-aphids in grasslands. The number of aphids was also significantly suppressed under the light treatment due to the limited amount of food Passage -2 Approximately 80 percent of all flowering plant species are pollinated by animals, including birds and mammals, but the main pollinators are insects. Pollination is responsible for providing us with a wide variety of food, as well as many plant-derived medicines. At least one-third of the crops depend world’s agricultural pollination. Bees are the most dominant taxa upon when it comes to pollination and they are crucial to more than four hundred crops. Pollination is an essential service that is the result of intricate relationships between plants and animals, and the reduction or loss of either affects the survival of both, Effective pollination requires resources, such as refuges of pristine natural vegetation. available. 82. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made : 81. Which one of the following statements best 1. Sustainable production of India’s cereal reflects the most critical inference that can food grains is impossible without the be made from the passage given above ? diversity of pollinating animals. (a) Low intensity light has more adverse 2, Monoculture of horticultural crops effect on the plants as compared to high hampers the survival of insects. intensity light. 3. Pollinators become scarce in cultivated ; . areas devoid of natural vegetation. (b) Light pollution can have a permanent F Diversity in insects induces diversity of adverse impact on an ecosystem. plants, Rape pa (©), White light is better for the flowering Which of the above assumptions is/are plants as compared to the light of other] i.» colours. (@) Lonly (@) Proper intensity of light in an ecosystem. () 2,8.and4only is important not only for plants but for (© 1ana2only animals too. @ Band 4only BXC-B-GYLI (21-8) | ufteiq 3 | afieng A wad add wate {|| ‘aerang wise ar sven at ge array tert | | & wri Raq ne seen F srftesey sit il Sager areal Hafez oA waft oft aul & fei At don H anf Ral Eg rae aha wow a} ada sai «oom Sm, viene sift amt a se ag set afte ve grit (Gani) fact ome, wat vie ar sonia WA 1 gat sift, Tes A aS A aria H gE ER Leas ar, wad aan & faq shese dari we frari ot Rsk adh 2 1 33, Prafefaa 1 a sta ae sade uiede & Aer ra ah aaa BT a aetaT BP (@) aia sag Hecate Vea aaEe (Fenetewns) Bi Tela ar ee Sel Haars 2 | & wry sh vital aa Hes dare 1 arcaftes Prien at ar feat aT aam & | ( weary viada & set eres ar Aes aT 2, wate aa a wm dee MAGI a1 uftedq—4 heave saferofer aa REET A copay a5 eran (=aeifaees) erat st eT TT fee Ge wrens wT Tei a Hawg | sah wre HF aea tm, rahe oi ahh aerrerersit 3 ere rere HPT ST aT =A, BPA %& ageia & ger age A wei aRrmrait & iter % det Her aroahs soe A sitar & re Seacrest sree amma 3 datos at aeaT feat | A stacey cite arereren 8 svar sm ea (SHE SR) % wat fader % fore BPA snferarear (eifeafed) car vat Gey oft ST E, Tat ABT SH aired gia wwe Hae BL 34, sige viteog & ova oe, Prefan waren ward 1 € 1. BPA, tat FH (et ded) apa are at aftafta ax arate 1 2, wg AA ara dei so A a oa.4 tases sit atresia arene ah 3. walawha sqrt ateBearers wri opie aa & fq yphs ae mitted aise} ea Ht art at aad f 1 sede 8 sash pleront ara e 2 @ Faa1ake &) Fat 2at 3 © Fraisins @ 1,23%3 Passage ~ A study conducted on the impacts of climate change over the Cauvery basin of Tamil Nadu using regional climate models showed an increasing trend for maximum and minimum temperatures, and a decronso in the number of rainy days, Theso climatic shifts will have an impact on the hydrological cycles in the region, lead to more run-off and less recharge, and affect the groundwater tables. Further, there has been an increase in the frequency of droughts in the State, This has driven farmers to increase dependency on groundwater resources to secure their crops. 98. Which one of the following statements best reflects the crus of the passage given above ? = - @) Development of regional climate models helps climate-smart agricultural practices. in choosing Heavy dependence on groundwater resources can be reduced by adopting} dry-land cropping systems. b) Climate changes increase the criticality of water resources while simultaneously © threatening it. (4) Climate changes cause the farmers to adopt unsustainable livelihoods and CR) risky coping strategies. BXC-B-GYLI (23- Passage ~4 Researchers were able to use stem cells to gauge the neurotoxic effects of the environmental pollutant Bisphenol A (BPA). They used a combination of biochemical and cell-based assays to examine the gene expression profile during the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cella upon treatment with BPA, a compound known to cause heart diseases, diabetes, and developmental abnormalities in humans. They ware able to detect and measure BPA toxicity towards the proper specification of primary germ layers, euch as endoderm and ectoderm, and the establishment of neural progenitor cells. 34, On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made : 1. BPA may alter embryonic development in vivo, 2. Biochemical and cell-based assays are useful in finding out treatments for pollution-induced diseases. 3. Embryonic stem cells could serve as a model to evaluate the physiological effects of environmental pollutants. Which of the above assumptions are valid ? (a) Land 2only (b) 2and 3 only (©) Land 8 only @ 1,2and3 B) 35. a 9219 a 108 Peni fren ore, AT aT 37. BXC-B-GYLI wn? @ 1 @ 3 @ 7 @ 9 WEN 3798125P369 31h 78 wT e | is PB ART? @ 1 ) 6 i @ 9 1 Sat, 2021 8 af } mai fa Wea a aa (we sft eet #) s0+01m 2, set m=1,2,3,... 1008 Sk Tat Aa TET e | adi gaat ak, af 2021 % nd fa dive aT (wre aft efiex #), nn % feet A ar & fer] 69+ 0-15n@ | at 2021 ot fine fale at ea HT ‘eri or apa Gee BT? (@) 217g ) 2078 (©) 1988 @ 187% 38, (24-B) At sttaferart AY aT Peart ae Rs 1a gph Bare | Fee ey ae ad aoa & aren Hi egatt At SATE 60 en | af n ae & over AY ETE FP Prete fen amt 2, @ Pefeea TA thay afta, wear GT ATE ATE STATE Fee wh fra sora 8? (a) P=50(2)"12 ew wear, cov Prenat ren & & site Fens art 50% aftrat & 1 ae area Frenkel # 30%, aetna % a fee Rentat # fat sf wgh t? (@) 45% (b) 40% (c) 30% (a) 20% um ae oe fear war 2, fra sata Peet ily Frealar faq me & 1 Tee Fa wee wT BET A Be WET aT Tet Sar z, Hel A ae A wera aa cet A oe a ara wa Ta freasi a ve sik aera fia at fe era/ana feat fa mm ae 4 saat whine 2/8, He G8 aT wT B aa Tat Ai ge a dna a ai | wer: we Ue, dae @ 1 wt aa, aot § go dag, Hate fret: go Wed Rigas ea a hE 1 Rowe: Go aa Ma ws a ast e | Prafafad 4 8 ata ad 2 2 (a) ag Pear ) Fae Fem (©) Prartisit feria dsi @ ad frends, +o Reo 35. if 3% is divided by 10, then what is the remainder ? @ 1 ) 8 © 7 @ 9 36, The number 3798125P369 is divisible by 7. ‘What is the value of the digit P ? @ 1 ) 6 @ 7 @ 9 37. From January 1, 2021, the price of petrol (in Rupees per litre) on m'® day of the year is 80 + O-m, where m = 1, 2, 3, ..., 100 and thereafter remains constant. On the other hand, the price of diesel (in Rupees per litre) on nt day of 2021 is 69 + 0-15n for any n. On. which date in the year 2021 are the prices of these two fuels equal ? (a) 21 May (b) 20°" May © 19 May @ 18 May BXC-B-GYLI (25-B) ology class at high school predicted that a local population of animals will double in size every 12 years. The population at the beginning of the year 2021 was estimated to be 50 animals. If P represents the population after n years, then which one of the following ‘equations represents the model of the class for the population ? (a) P=12+4650n () P=60+412n (©) P=50(2)20 @ P=50(2)"? Ina class, 60% of students are from India and 50% of the students are girls. If 30% of the Indian students are girls, then what percentage of foreign students are boys ? (a) 45% (bh) 40% © 30% (d) 20% A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts. Statement: Some radios are mobiles. All mobiles are computers. Some computers are watches. Conclusion-I: Certainly some radios are watches. Conclusion-I: Certainly some mobiles are watches. ‘Which one of the following is correct ? (a) Only Conelusion-I (b) Only Conclusion-IT (©) Both Conelusion-I and Conclusion-II (@)__ Neither Conelusion-I nor Conclusion-II Prerferfirr 3 (ria) seria & fre Pad : WF Re Te a aitedat oe vibe site atteaal % AA] Tt act wena & see Are 1 gr eat & rel wT THR Bar Be sree BF mae uieae me aiteBg 1 weRPT oad ste a arth aw wat % fare tart art (frees de) & want ar sien Sara 8; 15h ered i, ees wre ae tet Sera 3 ar ser ef hk ware A Gh A oRfea fier A aimai @ at at # | ratte ge 8 he a eter deen Hast weet A Ga ae} fee he ae | fi ott fara argc dee € 1 or dk cisa & SAT STARA state, satis gar an Fifer O sake St app we a GAM area F sit dare a Premio ae dr 8 41, fafafea a aha sen anfe vide a water ae % 2 (a) feat ft archer vara an sree sea os I OSH Her Bae | ufteds-2 o cafteatay SI EAT BA A a Beh ge Pete oT SH STEHT, et a ate a cates ah Oh, SHAFER oR, oer em 8 1 et we Fe walt ay dit duaa: ag at ort ate % fy eh eres (Reif) sre AAT ST TB ah mein & go oe H ata ster 8, | corte ater ator & 1” 42, 9a uieag & sem sie H, fre fran a ‘fen rar 8 2 (a) sae stat & dee F aenh (bo) sacs ate dau F sree © wader} dq ¥ seen @ wa ae 8 Oi ach ah F day areente ) safer ent at opie at PriBet|43, Frfetan #8 shat ange ord chi Hag wT, ae ae ak tise H fers sinter @ seen siranchra state | () Age era: ont vite & fay af ered at aha ae fore Sta Ha 1 @) Fo chi & aifer a4 wm oer A a Wor ar aa eae | ung ott 8 2 (@) aa sit saa St fhe eT (b) Wer sy rae & are efter fee ae © weit ar fea @ Fea apt fora BXC-B-GYLI (26-B) Directions for the following 8 (three) items : Read the following two passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only, Passage ~1 Medieval merchants risked the hazards of the Silk Road to reach the markets of China; Portuguese caravels in the 15 century sailed beyond the bounds of the known world, searching less for knowledge than for gold and spices. Historically, the driver for opening frontiers has always been the search for resources. Science and curiosity are weaker drivers. The only way to open up space, whether the space of solar system or interstellar space is to create an economic engine and that engine is resource extraction. 41. Which one of the following statements best sums up the passage given above ? (a) Wealth generation is the primary motive for any human endeavour. (b) Space, whether space in solar system or interstellar space, will govern our future ‘economy. (©) Human beings are motivated to explore new frontiers principally by economic considerations. (@) Wealth generation is based on the risk-taking behaviour of some men. BXC-B-GYLI (27 GR) Passage -2 most people would agree that telling deliberate lies is wrong, except perhaps in certain special situations where more harm will be done by telling the truth. Even the most truthful people probably tell a good many more lies that might be regarded as semantic lies; their use of words contains some measure of falsehood, more or less deliberate.” 42. The idea which the first part of the passage mentions is (a) agreement about telling lies. (b) disagreement about telling lies. (©) disagreement about telling the truth. (a) disagreement about the harm in telling the truth. 43. Which one of the following habits is found more often in good people ? (@) Mixing up the true and false (b) Intentional mixing up of truth with the false (© Falsification of facts (@) Complete concealment of truth -B) SRS a Howes oe ea ore 8, ef wee BXC-B-GYLI 44, WH Auta (8 ata), wre meh H sds, Fer] 47. WaT Sry YER Tea wher far wi ata 2 1g fear eT 8 A sa 16% 8 TAT TA 70% 21a ada om or ges aa — aH at frorat p% 2, tl gata ¥ p A Aelia we ‘are seats (Set) a Sighs ao fro 8 7 (a) 54° ob) 96° © 108" @ 120 24s fer star 8, safes aftr wets of fa STAT 2 Laie ah art Reet afar at rare fei, dh] 48. 2 ft ga: aca ai fa fer felt 2 (@) ara &) -3uaR © aeeafra @ War we 23 ae den cH sist & wart a] WER Seer A Wet A arch Gea aT sie] Batt Frafafad sari % far Fife : 1 eens St sat aa ares Ga Teh fam a wen @ oa shi sisi a IRIE aa a | 2. wa ten & cht sat & che & sie a ‘Fraeren ot Bea eI 50, safe eer i a aaa /ated we 2/é 2 (a) *aa1 ) FAH 2 (13K 2eHt @ at17d2 49. (28-8) gaya ae, “ae TS TH A yy rh ade org At EA A AR xg afar og 42 44 &, ot Prater may fara aifare : 1 9 ae aa, XA, Y A og A apy apn eft | 2, wate, xa, YA Ty A a ets adn writ # & ate-/Ae ae e/E 2 (a) %ati () Faw 2 (1st 2a @ WHLAG2 aft Piet aeg % yea 20% Bre eran @ athe Fax ae Apa 25e af deh @, ah pe A Ae aa frat BTS? (a) 0% ) sm ate () 5% Br (@) anata ated & art Raita +a ar aaa wa Prt fiftea der st 7 By Rem oe, a qprtpet Hoyt we S Saat GH aT si (1111...) Gt aonfte dr @ | tet aa det Sa 2? (a) 15713 (b) 15723 © 18783 (@) 15873 um cafes feet arf & 7s aig at 21 fea iT emt & | ae aed st aoa som AM sik gfe are, a sa sa arh a aed wer feos Pa ait A 2 (a) 24 (b) 21 © 18 @ 15 44. 8XC-B-GyLI diagram shows the percentage elements in the human body. Given that proteins correspond to corresponds to 70% If both proteins and the other dry elements correspond to p%, then what is the central angle of the “sector! representing p on the pie diagram ? @ 54 96° © 108° @ 120° Joseph visits the club on every 5! day, Harsh visits on every 24" day, while Sumit visits on every 9" day. If all three of them met at the club on a Sunday, then on which day will all three of them meet again ? (a) Monday (b) Wednesday (©) Thursday (@) Sunday The difference between a 2-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of the digits is 54, Consider the following statements : 1. The sum of the two digits of the number can be determined only if the product of| the two digits is known. 4. 48, 2. The difference between the two digits of | 50, the number can be determined. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) only () 2only (© Both 1and2 (@)_ Neither 1 nor 2 (29-B) 49.5 X said to Y, “At the time of your birth I was twice as old as you are at present.” If the present age of X is 42 years, then consider the following statements : 1. 8 years ago, the age of X was five times the age of Y. 2. After 14 years, the age of X would be two times the age of Y. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) 1only (b) 2only (© Both Land 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 If the price of an article is decreased by 20% and then the new price is increased by 25%, then what is the net change in the price ? (a) 0% (b) 5% increase (©) 5% decrease (@) Cannot be determined due to insufficient data When a certain number is multiplied by 7, the product entirely comprises ones only (1111...) What is the smallest such number? (a) 15718 (b) 15728 (© 15783 @ 15873 Aman completes 7/8 of a job in 21 days. How many more days will it take him to finish the Job if quantum of work is further increased by 50%? (a) 24 (b) 21 © 18 @ 15 N Freafeafera 2 (at) setter a Ferg Rider: HP Re me a aed wi vey ont Wea AA mrt act weaiett & se fore 1 ga meat % Ferg) ors aa aT BF ited) we A omentta B fede -2 ait Perec i, eT OR Ta siheoe, nfira fe efrera aT BARE TE SH a, ep (ale) % faxgia ve al ae ae B, dar f& ctards A tier 8 até eas aa a TS Wat %, ae sah wien, alee, wacnfe aer Ait ie safe At rar oe Faeke sacar 8 | ara eats wari aikt sheet a wits 23 &, ait aga 8 si = aa fed geen a ST fi go aad fig Fo cri wR shaci & fae > fee wae Gael et ore 8, ara A ere Hie @ aim arava: aga ada aa & stk aga sem Ba & sear Sa stra feta ae A arht aaa ora 2 laa atehal ghia ah agar citi A ft aera aA & fig wae we ‘Siari-freste a erat we | si. sade vitede & dal 4, Refers leroy war me : : 1. arate chads ara A aftr Pak aed Sah a erat TH aS | 2. Stadt at wae earl % fare sree water onfites gf at aren gfitaa aed € 1 3. sf fora % Hd ae me chit & fer arantt arid At ora 8 | aie 4 8 ahat ganda a eee (a) Farias ) Faas (© Faa2 a3 at, we at at ae go Te EAE org mre & | eg a HE BH He a ae ba tg A ape” & ARH, nt HR a ag a feed Ft aftr FH TT WS, & at &, weeroit & sft Harte, (Ge aaa) & at 4, Raed Sey frteararg A drat, aT % aH Be 3 Boze sf sear Great A FT EH FE ape A fra 28 &, saat oe Fa Pty cent Wa ae we HLA Ae Fy Freres tiga (aS) Gat a Fe, rare Gh, Poste) Poet eri Prater By sage gat en/oeh 2 | al ae ers, guet ott Rranencaii de 9 ae are/srt 2) ae denm sae fee seer Bt aaa 2, fa wa qe ok wa en ae fix ‘eticentta fren eT 2 | 2, Praffan fa sea wer sede visa S agia Pram at waa Ba & aera Be? (@) fererh wean get it afttreat omensit & ages ee ire seater ae Bi a cafes ah phere & ferare & fore ara Frere @ | wat at dent amis aa & fare ar eon, fret creer Ht fired et (b) © (d@) wre ies frag & aft, armies afte star-arers aera twtr Ht @ 1,233 BXC-B-GYLI (30- wath 8 | B) rections for the following 2 (two) items : the following two passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should je based on the Passages only, Passage ~1 Can a democracy avoid being a welfare state for Jong ? Why cannot mass welfare be left entirely to the markets ? ‘There is a built-in tension between markets and democracy. Markets do not work on a one-person-one-vote principle as democracies do. What one gets out of the market place depends on one’s endowments, skills, purchasing power and the forces of demand and supply. Markets reward individual initiative and skill, and may also lift many from the bottom rungs of society, but some people never get the opportunity to develop skills that markets demand; they are simply too Poor and too handicapped; or skill formation takes too long. By creating jobs, markets may be able to help even unskilled people, but capitalism has always witnessed bursts of unemployment, 51. With reference to the above passage, the Passage -2 In our schools, we teach our children all that is there to know about physics, maths and history and what-have-you. But do we teach them about the bitter caste divide that plagues the country, about the spectre of famine that stalks large parts of our land, about gender sensitivity, about the possibility of atheism as a choice, etc. ? Equally important, do we teach them to ask questions, or do we teach them only to passively receive our wisdom ? From the school, suddenly, the adolescent finds himselfherself in the unfettered world of university. Here he/she is swept up in a cocooned world of turmoil of ideas, influences and ideologies. For someone who has been discouraged from asking questions and forming an opinion, this transition can be painful. SER, coounptiine thttreen 52. Which one of the following statements best lowing mn made : ts the central idea of thi 1. Modern democracies rely on the market] "** wh yO TU" ee forces to enable them to be welfare) ®ve" above? states. (@) School curriculum is not compatible with 2. Markets ensure sufficient economic the expectations of children and parents. grow necessary for demosracies © be) (Emphasis on academic achivements ve. does give time for development of 3. Government programmes are needed for pereoiity md ala, those left behind in economic growth. Which of the sbove assumptions isare| © PfParing the children to be better _ citizens should be the responsibility of A ae the education system. (a a ) Sonly (@) Tobe a better citizen, the present world i dedsauy order demands societal and life-eoping a 7 skills in addition to academic content. 1,2an BXC-B-GYLI (st ey 57. BXC-B-GYLI ah fig P,Q TOR GH we ta KT fear 8 PH PQ:QR=9:58 14z PQ: PRI aor ar oA ear n 8, an Pees sea 8? @ 1 @) 2 © 3 @ 4 wm Pere (rat ahd) we ea at ve ot iat fen a 6 sama a a fas fara HHT A wahta fren on gaat 8? @ 4 ) 6 @ 8 @ 2 . AS Re me an faaedi Ha ww feet FT arate EE A ba babababaab 7 fear we fe eat (_) ate Te HT ae Soi, ww fare aH a SgATT FN (a) bababa &) baabba © bbaabb (@) ababab . sit & wT Ho, 2, 3, 3, 3 aT an at i Wy it ae 2 @ 3 ® 6 © @ 2 Prafeitra seri we fare Afi : 1 Se cle rene Sen \ 2 am wa wpisl a TRAE apres & aur et aaa ze | sade werd Fa ae-ar/ara we 2/8? (a) %aa 1 (b) Fae 2 @ 19 2a @ ai1782 59. 60. (32-B) (b) 10000 (100000 (a 1000000 age in 6 ar 1 eT A Hoy op cat & eer sae wr Prorat & A ay ore eater et 7a AHCTETE | BH rg ‘er son erat are Fre Tee > (@) 3 © 4 @ 5 @ 6 go traf 4, Bik c% AeA ps ger agar 3 frafea ot 8 | frafetan seri ox fara aific : 1. ap en a afte a daa saiftrna aie free | 2 ARrp+ game, tc awe iat freer | sede seri Fa aear/aea ae 8/8? (a) Far 1 &) FaR2 © 13 eat @ waz he 55. 56. 57. 8XC-B.GYLI 8. A cubical vessel of side 1 ms filled completely ‘There are three points P, Q and R on a straight line such that PQ: QR = 3:5. Ifn is the number of possible values of PQ : PR, then what is n equal to ? @ 1 @) 2 © 3 @ 4 On a chess board, in how many different ways can 6 consecutive squares be chosen on the diagonals along a straight path ? @ 4 ) 6 © 8 @ 2 In the series -b_a_ba_b_abab_aab; fill in the six blanks (_) using one of the following given four choices such that the series follows a specific order. (a) bababa (b) baabba (©) bbaabb (d) ababab Using 2, 2, 3, 8, 3 as digits, how many distinct numbers greater than 30000 can be formed ? fa) 3 (bt) 6 ) 9 (@) 12 Consider the following statements : 1, The sum of 5 consecutive integers can be 100. 2. ‘The product of three consecutive natural numbers can be equal to their sum. Which of the correct ? above statements is/are (a) lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 59, 60. (33-B) with water. How many millilitres of water is contained in it (neglect thickness of the vessel) ? (a) 1000 (b) 10000 (©) 100000 (@) 1000000 There are 6 persons arranged in a row. Another person has to shake hands with 3 of them so that he should not shake hands with two consecutive persons. In how many distinct possible combinations can the handshakes take place ? fa) 3 (b) 4 © 5 @) 6 An amount of money was distributed among A,B and C in the ratio p:q: 1 Consider the following statements : 1. A gets the maximum share if. p is greater than (q +1). 2 C gets the minimum share if r is less than (p +4). Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 Freierfirar 2. (at) werivtt a Bere Pager : Fe Ree a otedel a vite site otedat % AA sre sete orm i | Fo eae i s Ws aes (ia) K aa F FO IPE seme A gf a wae, “Rew we” (Flipped classroom) TET BH Ash B area w &, Tet Was ARR orem ga & ok sar a wa 4 om a wr ogi, arama a TUF, we sal, went ae g | ade se sat at amr fran 2a 8, . Prafafad 4 8 stat ae sage vitesse 4) Sighs rae aot arate wa a aertar 2 (a) wists aft ft gen A wan Fert] wate ae A ier Taft a faxaterererat aaa eat eh | fareraeg H ag arf feng fer sera fara west & ok ar oa HT saeee eae oT wef | ea sare fren & daiftia arent dear HF after fae wel ft ora Aa & sik waif, oF dem aera oft arts ott fecnftra a ae S | vent fren a fst aa dear area AT Ge FARK AT TT © @ aed € okt wage aa e | BXC-B-GYLI (34- See tn af ers wt Lea atten, a4 seem HAT AG TR, Fg erage Bs sot & Prevawer % fre ah ce aig swore Prensa ot & 1 SAL, seat anit a arent 65% 2, Fog FH srr =H mre Hg HE % fre we Gey ai Bag At germ, sae, Te, 8 ae -aresit oC oa Sar seer &, oH Fe eh, aaa det & fore arearerae @ 1 eH ae aoa aan & ard & ant Hr aRIReTa ae et orrererar & ate BO RRUFE HE eon Gen St citi A raeTeTsit BET a ae | 62, sade vies % ota H sfeniee, Freafotes 4a daa walfirs ahaa sik Peg freed @ wa 8? wat ont 4 aia caret & arr gee WeTR Rs CTEM BT BAT STILT F | fiat aga go Sade wea, saree ferme He eA ware H ata e 1 wait wR & vaxare ain frara % fee Si daha di eady a A sree & | ana ft arate daar sit derotat wei arent fe fa A adatefist anfat git aad Qafaf water 8 1 fa) (b) ©) (dd) B) Directions for the following 9 (two) item, : 2 Read the following two passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers ty se based onthe passages ony, items should Passage ~ 1 The best universities jj despite having the lux excellent teachers on their increasingly embracing the format, where students listen, home, and spend class time applyi i knowledge, solving problems, “tncosing examples, ete, Professors guide that discussion and fill in wherever necessary, explaining those bits that seem to be eluding tho students and throwing in advanced ideas that happen to be topical. These universities have made their video lectures available free for anyone in the world, They are also encouraging colleges and universities all over the world to integrate these online courses into their own pedagogy, picking heir payroll, are “flipped classroom” to video lectures at Ge) Passage -2 Our cities are extremely vulnerable to climate change because of large concentrations of populations and poor infrastructure. Moreover, population densities are increasing in them but we have not yet developed the systems to address climate change impacts. Our cities contribute to 65 per cent of the GDP, but there are not enough facilities to cater to the needs of the people. It is important to address the issues of air quality, transport, ete., that are vital to identifying sustainable solutions. We need to involve citizens in city planning and create an ecosystem that meets the needs of the people. the pieces that are appropriate for their needs | Which among the following is the most and building a package around them. logical and rational inference that can be ; ; made from the passage given above ? 61. Which one of the following statements best reflects the central idea of the passage| (a) Our cities need to have well-defined Pe ge given above ? administrative set-up with sufficient (@) Efficacy of universities would be better ieee in online mode of conducting classroom tuition as compared to conventional| (b) Ever increasing population densities is a method. hindrance in our efforts to achieve (®) Availability of higher education can be sustainable development, made easier and cheaper. without diluting the content. (©) To maintain and develop our cities we (©) We need not invest much in need to adopt sustainability related infrastructure related to higher intaryentions, education and yet develop better human grad aca capital, (@) Public-Private Partnership mode of (a) Private sector institutions in, higher development is the viable long-term education as well as coaching institutes solution for the infrastructure and can take advantage of this opportunity sustainability problems of India. and thrive well. (35-B) BXC-B-GYLI 66. Uh BXC-B-GYLI GH ada FPF Q 8 40 sim artes wea Fi | Fos ce tes a faeafefera # & Pre a, Pe 4a 4 és 4 2 # z EE etd, sik fara 3 2 a oft 7 Ha aad, Prafefied #8 saa ae 8? Go) re aT AEH, BH ARTA aaftew Qo) Biter ate Ba] aR arate © Raw, fas aige, @ aR, iia s aa gre afe QAP a 10% ar sim wa feu, QA feat oi ar far 2 @ 360 ) 380 @ 400 @ 420 69. um aafs Pa amt dim fiat Fa ww fr x a yr fe sah oa Peat oa 2X A oe fea, “aie y aa ¢ 40 Ra 2, Ty H wa z a se em am, fig aff z a 40 Ame, A ee HT wa suet a a |” x, ¥ ait ze Ta FT fear at 8? @ = 420 (b) = 360 (©) = 300 70. @ 270 germ «6 = ‘MATHEMATICS’ it ‘LBSIDNZUHDR’ % 64 # feat sre & | a ReNT F CHEMISTRY # a fear se 7 (a) DIDLHRSSX - (b) BIDNHTSSX (©) BIDLHTSSX (d) DGFLIRUQZ (36-B) wid 2 oH af ven firze At gf over 180° HI Aer arth ? (a) 70078 (b) 7:00 af 7:06 48 % At (720678 (a) 7.05 afte 7:10 7% at 00 wea areft wea aghast Hi, seen eet sere a Rm 6 ies aur Pg oft ere ers sat 35 frm 2 aim Here ard & | ht 90 eH aT aH 23 1, we Reef A Fea 967 iH WT RL Tera Set ot eo Pratt 8? @ 9 18 © 2 @ 43 Prafatad ste (oer) we Te fra ARR: 9P + 4P + PP + PP = RQ2; sei P, Qa R fir aH EI Fi ail rer areal aor aie AEA AT 2? (a) 102 (b) 120 © 202 (@) 220 frafefan wr (afrefeeem) & ra 7 Pra Hi Ox 3 = RQQ, Te P, QS R Ra ia F site R08! (+R) + QUAN ATR? @ 1 ® 2 @ 6 (@ srrater sitesi 3 are Rutter wef Rem 3H aR 63. 66, BXC-B-GYLI ‘qual amount of e the same quality foo 24 Special pencils of ty from the same ste bi rape te 2 pens and 7 pencils, ther’ following is correct?’ Which one of the (@) Apencil costs more than a pen (b) The price of a pencit j ke & Peneil is equal to that of a (©) The price of i ce 8 pen is two times the Price (@) The price of a i en i : price of a pency Pe” 8 threo times the P, then how much dia 8 _ Fa marks than (a) 360 (b) 380 (© 400 (d) 420 A person P asks one of his three friends X as to how much money he had. X replied, “If Y gives me & 40, then Y will have half of as much as Z, but if Z gives me ¥ 40, then three of us will have equal amount.” What is the total amount of money that X, Y and Z have ? (a) 420 (b) 360 @ F300 (d) 270 In a code language ‘MATHEMATICS’ is written as ‘LBSIDNZUHDR’. How is ‘CHEMISTRY written in that code language ? (a) DIDLHRSSX (bt) BIDNHTSSX (©) BIDLHTSSX (@) DGFLIRUQZ 67. 68, 69, 70. (37-B) At which one of the following times, do the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock make an angle of 180° with each other ? (a) At 7:00 hours (b) Between 7:00 hours and 7:05 hours (© At 7:05 hours (d) Between 7:05 hours and 7:10 hours In an objective type test of 90 questions, 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions, a student got a total of 387 marks. What is the number of incorrect responses ? @ 9 ) 13 @ 2 (a) 43 Consider the following addition problem : SP + 4P + PP + PP = RQ2; where P,Q and R are different digits, What is the arithmetic mean of all such possible sums ? (a) 102 (b) 120 (© 202 (@) 220 Consider problem : (PQ) x 8=RQQ, where P, Q and R are different digits and R # 0. ‘What is the value of (P +R) +Q? f@ 1 (b) 2 © 5 @ the following multiplication Cannot be insufficient data determined due to Preafertere 4 (em) erie & fre Rat: He Re me are wea a vie site oteaaT H A omrh are? eae % sae Are 1 ga ear H fre] STH TH HAT FF MDT Oe wF smh BF TARE | aaeay 1 Satis asa tet go fh fem ae wea, ft aA aeafs a sear aT AT FT we, wif wets caf oh dafis ot Tem 8, 8s Fae a Fa aT eI TaAT 8, ott sre wag & sigan wet et aw fh se See oe ar Say 8, aed aT gt aT Pola aT % St ei a Bet of AH Gi) & sins om fiat ora feet & yf sereeh ag wat & Sh vafty, Jafis asa F sete A er 7a St oT wad, Sac far wa A a ter ava &, vel wera weft @ od ot gt aT Fivta fear star @, site wee cafe cari at ose % sla sear wat 8 1 7. fafefaa #8 sha aor oehe giede er fran ait wala wae aera % 2 (@) a Bel a Tea & — 3 saan THI ‘fate & aro aferca FB | >) Fr ee a rea 2 — we at i wa ae aig areas sifted foie at ean, aE sf wafer fers wa 8 wel al St BoA | © Faffe wa Fo cafe ene a a ortfees ott careli eat 2 @) wr ad a rea & — ae aK ara one A safer % fare aaa 8 | afteda -2 ore after 3, er ae ae seta _ fn af (onfifetiae feria) GH deheteay (iaieaa), ap fatto, meat A ain & ope fafa Sie wd afta sere, aren renter aes ved sreratfca eared ar age ToT (wHHfSR Ts) aR aad Pe areal aeae SHH Fe A oy ce wa: rae fasen mar & fe aera Fae Fray 5 ad ard vats (Sate) FEC AY Gi ares UH sit Agar are HH afaTET BE % ary H Pola Sa Sh | geet see aH @, we — arra-ster at gan, ate feet Mt 1 Peery ator oy ar a geet safe, — ae Sharer Je ATH Bt A A ara vais a sa a at sae sis 2 af areranfea am safer H ai, at fica eta wt 2 seer. Pola ameter aca aeh, at feather F shag an a ye Eee Hem, aT ee Aare FG ais ae aiveaen site atm, fare aa aT ETT ard diet wear 8 2 af after oeta eof § raster a sreafeee 23 3 an H fiat gee fran (ore fiz) it, dt ae creme (Zier) Profat afea after ca Ferm dah vlat et fea ae sont att 2 72. uiteag & omen w, Pefated Fa Shean frig gf en Riigarent at agar amit & 2 1. oreaftes Sadie feat oh Qe aches eee tani are deers aA 2 a fra a1 3. FAR ak ht 3 wea & sifted safecmrm az fer 8 «I aad eet ab bar i 6 ) & Rare Sn eat ae | 5 yannifa aoa seqemit ak a Rice ee | Te Fe HT WANT AT : (@) Pra fasts buouk () Fat 1,2, 33m 4 © Fa 2,33i5 BXC-B-GYLI @ 1,2,3,43it 5 (38-B) 4 (four) items: Road the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only, Passage ~1 Nothing can exist in a natural state which can be called good or bad by common assent, sinee every man who is in a natural state consults only his own advantage, and determines what is good or bad according to his own fancy and insofar as he has regard for his own advantage alone, and holds himself responsible to no one save himself by any law; and therefore sin cannot be conceived in a natural state, but only in a civil state, which is decreed by common consent what is good or bad, and each one holds himself responsible to the state, CR) Passage - 2 In the immediate future, we will see the increasing commodification of many new technologies — artificial intelligence and robotics, 8D manufacturing, custom made biological and pharmaceutical products, lethal autonomous weapons and driverless cars, This will pose conundrums. The moral question of how a driverless car will decide between hitting a jaywalker and swerving and damaging the car has often been debated. The answer is both simple — save the human life — and complex. At which angle should the car swerve — just enough to save the jaywalker or more than enough ? If the Griverless car is in Dublin, who would take the decision ? The Irish Government, or the car’s original code writer in California, or a software programmer in Hyderabad to whom maintenance is outsourced ? If different national jurisdictions life, how will it affect insurance and investment decisions, including transnational ones ? 72, Which of the following statements best reflect the rational, plausible and practical implications that can be derived from the passage given above ? 1, Too much globalization is not in the best interests of any country. Modern technologies are increasingly blurring the economic borders. 3. Innovation and capital have impinged on the domain of the State. 2. 4. — Public policy of every country should focus on developing its own supply chains. 5. Geopolitics will have to reconcile to many ambiguities and uncertainties. Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) 1,4and5 only (b) 1,2, 8.and 4 only © 2,8and5 only 71. Which one of the following statements best reflects the central idea of the passage given above? (@) The conceptions of what is right or wrong exist due to the formation of a state. (®) Unless a ruling authority decides as to what is right or wrong, no man would be morally right. (©) Man is inherently immoral and selfish in a natural state. (a) The idea of what is right or wrong is necessary for the survival of human species. BXC-B-GYLI - @ = 1,2,3,4and5 -B) ere afte wher ovate (ot) % sagan wretit Aait % Renken are ar wa Rear are, Wwe ort uReiaRY (Gat.e,) Ae ah go ear we Pei wa A ue Baa | gle eed PAAR ona gre Pre A are ATTA 28) nf eA WB aR, ae efor eA ACOTT H de whe @ shia (aca om) HO A aes aad 8 ardafte as & dai any: feet of Ae & aren ol (Sifter Far) wage afk FH aftr aor 23 afte onfifes fA wh agar 2A faq Shr A A wea Ot aaa 8 | fag, sete at ar ava ait ga: Steer, Fa SATU HT sina Ot &, waif 8 se offer aco at da A aga oa wees @ aad & fret area dir worst @ sat adem eri rer How Gg fram 8 1 a ae sterol ser BET 3 TATE faq vores gee set fg ore 8, aa Tew HT sonam fier sore 1 Gare STA TE | 73. sede oitedg & agen, Pafefad wert Ha ai aaifies aaa, fadage sik] saragiites aera wr agar wertaT % 2 @) Sat ag Re a at ae TA agate (adie) ait wer fatter oq TERK Ft HET STKE | aa A at fe wah oh safe, Brew fe anti sem 23, ae af Bt scents wer ait wah afte anf afafaty st agra 23 & fare Sat wT ata far Ta | ag dai a go 8 Sai F fae Hen a ast a aad a sk Ss awa Rromer a tar ar deletes wT 8 | arte Fo A wre thlarfers aru & 6a 4, aneta afin wore # SEATS BUN TAT | 4. b) () (a) BXC-B-GYLI (40-B fed -4 sea Hh, af fen oR Ar SA ag ants carn age &, eH om antes sr veh oft rat (Fen), Hs an coi, apt are % ee ET Fe, eas 1 8 ard aE TA | prrafeitan a ater wer, TH Tite ga frgia at ager gaia 2? (a) Sia te ween 8 aes Ber aed aE wea | econ at facia atari sit Feast a aaa fife wer afer | (b) aan srfoqaert ate St wae itera & eit 7a BI (©) ahi % sufis aca at agi & fee fertta &a # gen oraz & | @ ) Passage—3 The resolution of bankruptey eases of Indian banks under the Insolvency ang Bankruptey Code should help bring non-performing assets (NPA) situation under some control, Despite the slow pace of resolutions by the Company Law Tribunal, the Code ean b in cleaning up bank books in future eredit cycles, The recapitalisation of public sector banks too can help increase the capital cushion of banks and induce them to lend more and boost Sconomic activity. But bad debt resolution and Tecapitalisation are only a part of the solution as they, by themselves, ean do very little to rein in reckless lending that has pushed the Indian banking system to its current sorry state. Unless there are systemic reforms that address the problem of unsustainable lending, future credit, cycles will continue to stress the banking system, National 1¢ helpful 78. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical, rational and Practical suggestion Passage given above ? (a) Lending by the banks should be closely implied by the|. GR) Passage ~4 In India, the objective of macroeconomic policy is to enhance the economic welfare of the people, and any one wing of such macro policy, monetary or fiscal, cannot independently work without active support of another. 74, Which one of the following statements best reflects the corollary to the passage given above? (a) The central bank cannot work independently of the Government. monitored and regulated by the Central (b) Government should regulate financial ernment. Government markets and institutions closely. (b) Interest rates should be kept low so as to induce banks to lend more, promote credit growth and thereby boost (©) Market economy is not compatible with economic activity. ; the socialist policies of the Government. (©) Merger of many banks into a few large banks alone is the long-term solution to make them viable and prevent their bad. (@) Financial sector reforms are required for 2, _ . enhaneing the economic wolfare of the (d@) Indian banking system —_ requires structural reforms as a long-term People. solution for bad loans problem, BXC-B-GYLI Gey) 76. 7. BXC-B-GYLI Preafeftra aot a fear sire: 7. eet ara | weet wet | aed ond [geet Frere ms en se rece aed if a He a ie A 61 99 14 16 B | 05 12 50 85. c 15 75 20 50. D 18 55, 12 50_||7% WS am Foal amanftal H or ae 1 VS amare ort At act eet 1 v3 aaa ara € 1 as mma A sry a5 af a are | frafatan seri 3 & star fated a7 8 wet a @ al a ar Rel ) 25 aa oe og ae Fo Tah ara 1 é © oe ey ar a et 1 @ 25 ae a om ag are feet of oer We ae ae e I Q aaa sit ws ve 1 fran aif : ori: Peat ae ar ifn fea gaan 2 | were: Fa WE a Tit aN sea 17al fer 1 wer: Faure 144 fer Ba aKa? aeit at wa def a, fefefad 7 a prea wet & 2 80. @) we wr a 8 & fae Fae wer waht ) pron tts Re eee () Few oer & fae war sik Fee ri A nara & @) wea ae AS fea hha Fe, + Ota Her-2 Tac & (42-B) 10 SFARER, 2027 TAT IR SPT? (a) tan“ Ara (WIA @ afar aa fae Me at wet atte I Fret Ae fay Afre | rat gH wert wT ae A EE re ar at Sar 8, 8S HA TTT TD a aay, a gfe & ara wea 3 at | Peat a af aearara Pia a fe S-T/aR Frome Rene wert Hagan whens 2/8, wa hy aes BT a aia Tea At Ge A Gita a a war: FORATE! wore: Fora Hee | woe ae! aig oft ga ret et BI frewt 3: wh Rawal Rewta: wh art REI frafefiad % & staat wat 8 2 (a) Hae feats ak fremi2 * ) eae Fens ait fremts. (©) ta Fremt.s ot fremts @ ad fread, 7a 2, 7883, 784 Pret : Freamt2 : SAGA 2, 7, 22, 67, 202, X, 1822 HK HAR wre? @ 603 (b) 605 © 607 (a) 608 1B. Consider the following Table : Runs | Balls [scored in| faced in the First|the First Tnnings | Innings 61 99 05 2 Runs scored in the Secon Innings 4 50 [Balls faced] inthe Second Innings 76 85. Player ae 15 20 50. 16. 17. BXC-B-GYLI fea |e > 13 55 12 50 coe i the fastest run scorer in the ‘Test f@) A o) B @ ¢ @ D Half of the villagers of a certain village have their own houses. One-fifth of the villagers cultivate paddy, One-third of the villagers are literate. Four-fifth of the villagers are under 25 years of age. Which one of the following statements is certainly correct ? (a) All the villagers who have their own houses are literate. Some villagers under 25 years of age are literate. Only half of the villagers who cultivate paddy are literate. No villager under 25 years of age has his ‘own house. Consider two Statements and a Question : ‘Statement-1 The last day of the month is a Wednesday. ‘Statement-2 :The third Saturday of the month was the seventeenth day. What day is the fourteenth of the given month ? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Statements and the Question ? (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient answer the Question Statement-2 alone is answer the Question Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are required to answer the Question Neither Statement-1_ alone Statement-2 alone is sufficient answer the Question (b) © @ Question : to ) sufficient to © @ nor to 78. 9. 80. (43-B) Which day is 10"" October, 2027 ? (a) Sunday (b) Monday (©) Tuesday (a) Saturday Consider two Statements and four Conclusions given below. You have to take the Statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow the Statements, disregarding the commonly known facts. from Statement-1; Some greens are blues. Statement-2: Some blues are blacks. Conelusion-1: Some greens are blacks. Conclusion-2 : No green is black. Conclusion-3 : All greens are blacks. Conclusion-4 ; All blacks are greens, Which one of the following is correct ? (a) Conelusion-1 and Conclusion-2 only (b) Conclusion-2 and Conclusion-3 only (©) Conelusion-3 and Conclusion-4 only (d) Neither Conclusion 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4 What is the value of % in the sequence 2, 7, 22, 67, 202, X, 18227 (@) 603 (b) 605 © 607 (@) 608 TOLD TO DO SO ‘DO NOT OPEN "qHIS TEST BOO} Ee 7.B.C.: BXC-B-GYLI _ TEST BOOKLE GENERAL S' TES PAPER - I Time Allowed ; Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS serena cen oe SS a ene _ Bieceteerscon emeityi ot mi maemo. ze soot ernie piace Sper Fbl for een Sg. _ Fontana toerter your Rol Number on the Meg inte Box provided slogsie ae sr iteanghing cee on te Tet Booklet Foo eats Gb vane ston) ask tom i pnd nhs Hoe Se torna Ti Ts abet conaint G0 (try You wl see tb epee meh SOU a Fach tp cms OS a hore mote ten ane covet remem, 92" oe he, An Seine ncn chs ONLY ONE errs esh Fee ar yrurremones ONLY on te seperate Anowex Shek provide. Sew dre jin the Answer Sheet. 7 x Ail ts cary equal mars SA es a the Aner ent th ope aus toms i he Tes Bate you end oat en er Sheet os por instruction set fo yo wh 2! ‘Admission Certificate. sa ae Bs eee eet ang al our rengnces on he,Anener Shee nd th “e er obo coe ig yer oni ie dna Sher You are sero si os Sadan aiaeeog atsnswer Sheet You are parma to te Fee rk are appended inthe Tet Booklet at the end 30, Penalty for wrong answers: aentle gapisus PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A C . cD BY A CANDIDATE. Gh triers oer cy ger Eaten gual ‘wrot ‘er zn given by the candidate, one-third of tl econ ecg ft cn ret ma en Ai seeantidat give more han ono anaorit willbe treated ava wrong answer even ifone

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