Practice Test 3

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1. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______ on the conduct of the entire
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse
2. Simon's business has been on the _______ for some time and I understand he's going into
A. fire B. rocks C. wave D. clouds
3.We've made some great improvements over the past three months, but we're still not out
of the _______ .
A. jungle B. bush C. dark D. woods
4. If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at ______ with popular culture.
A. crossroads B. distance C. sea D. length
5.I'd been living in this country for a few years, but it wasn't until I had kids that I felt like I
had really put down ______ here.
A. roots B. seeds C. nuts D. fruits
6. The party was already ______ by the time we arrived. Everyone was singing and
A. in full swing B. up in the air C. over the moon D. under a cloud
7.The entire staff was thrown off ______ when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
8.I know you have a good voice and have ambitions to be an opera singer but do not give up
your day ______ yet.
A. situation B. work C. job D. place
9.We at Buyrite throw down the ______ to competitors to match us for price, quality and
A. mitten B. gauntlet C. sword D. hat
10.Sometimes, we don't appreciate the ______ pleasures of life such as a beautiful sky, a
cup of coffee with a friend or seeing a good film at the cinema.
A. sheer B. simple C. normal D. plain
11.Various ecological issues have come to the ______ since the discovery of the hole in the
earth's ozone layer.
A. front B. back C. side D. fore
12.The full horror of the war only hit ______ when we started seeing the television pictures
of it.
A. base B. down C. home D. back
13.The most important parts of your job may seem difficult now but they will become
second ______ to you within a couple of weeks.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D. mind
14.I'm about to start my long-planned swimming regime. But I've got really terrible
cellulite, which makes me feel rather ______ .
A. self-assured B. self – centred C. self-conscious D. self-evident
15. The inconsiderate driver was ______ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted B. harassed C. condemned D. confined
16.From football to fashion, from TV to stage, we name the ______ stars whose careers are
likely to rocket in the future.
A. out and about B. up and coming C. down and out D. in and out
17. Obama expressed regret as a US drone strike has______ killed innocent hostages.
A. incongruously B. vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously
18.How do you calculate the distance to the horizon? As a _____, it’s 7 miles + 1 mile per
100 ft above sea level.
A. trick of the trade B. golden rule C. free hand D. rule of thumb
19.Just because we’ve had a good year, this does not mean that we cannot do better: we
must not ______
A. have our head in the clouds B. bury our heads in the sand
C. count our blessings D. rest on our laurels
20.The headmaster at my last school was was a stern disciplinarian and made sure
we______ the line.
A. drew B. faced C. touched D. toed

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