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Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

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Numerical study on serpentine design flow channel configurations for T

vanadium redox flow batteries
Ehtesham Ali, Hwabhin Kwon, Jungmyung Kim, Heesung Park

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University, South Korea


Keywords: A flow channel is a significant factor determining the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs). In
Vanadium redox flow battery this study, we use a three-dimensional numerical model to investigate the complexities of the fluid dynamics and
Cell voltage electrochemical reactions of VRFBs considering a number of serpentine design flow channels. The results show
Electrolyte flow rate that cell voltage increases with the reduction in the number of flow channels and increase in the electrolyte flow
Serpentine design
rate during the discharging process. The higher electrolyte flow rate significantly improves the uniformity of
Power-based efficiency
vanadium concentration at both electrodes. We observe that the pressure drop in the VRFB cell decreases with
increasing number of flow channels. Moreover, the electrolyte disturbance and flow resistance reduces when the
number of flow channels increases, which lead to a smaller pressure drop. As a result, the pumping power
derived from the pressure drop decreases with the increase in the number of flow channels. The maximum
power-based efficiency calculated for the quadruple serpentine design flow channel at an electrolyte flow rate of
60 ml/min is 97.18%. This serpentine design shows the lowest pumping power and achieves the optimum
power-based efficiency. The proposed numerical approach provides comprehensive insights into serpentine
design flow channel configurations for VRFBs.

1. Introduction A typical VRFB cell consists of an anode, a cathode, and an ion

exchange membrane. The membrane (separator) allows the diffusion of
In recent years, the number of energy storage systems for re- ions to maintain the neutrality, but it prevents the two different elec-
generative energy is consistently increasing because of the worldwide trolyte solutions from cross mixing. It is a key component of VRFBs
consumption of energy and the challenges to attenuate climate change. since it decides the life span, cost and efficiency of VRFB systems
Redox flow batteries are considered as a promising large-scale elec- [21–23]. During the charging-discharging process, the redox reactions
tricity storage technology for emergency power backup and inter- occur on the surface of electrodes and the vanadium electrolytes in the
mittent power systems as well as for stabilizing the electricity supply two electrolyte tanks are circulated by using pumps. As a flow-type
grid [1–4], because of their properties such as long life cycle, power VRFB cell, the transportation of electrolytes in the porous electrodes
rating, high energy efficiency, and flexibility [5–11]. To advance the significantly affects the VRFB performance. Flow channels were in-
redox flow battery technology, although great considerable progress itially applied in fuel cells; however, different types of flow channels are
was made in the past years with respect to VRFBs. The challenges which now introduced into the VRFB system, including interdigitated, ser-
are associated with improving the performance of the battery in terms pentine, and parallel flow channels [24–31]. The effects of these flow
of system efficiency, capacity and power, and also the difficulties in channels were widely investigated and reported in literature in contrast
optimizing the battery structures and improving the operation are still to the VRFB cell structure without the flow channels [32–35]. For ex-
investigated and need to be resolved. The VRFB was invented by Sky- ample, Xu et al. [32] investigated the performance of VRFBs by com-
llas-Kazacos and coworkers in the mid-1980s and was comprehensively paring their cell structure with and without flow channels. They con-
investigated [12–15]. VRFBs are attractive when coupled to renewable cluded that the VRFB with flow channels has a higher energy efficiency
energy resources due to their long discharge time and large energy and a larger pressure drop than that without flow channels. Lee et al.
storage capacity. For a clean future, the primary focus with respect to [36] numerically investigated the effect of the serpentine flow channel
research and development is on renewable energy sources such as wind, size and flow rate on VRFB performance. They pointed out that the
tidal and solar [16–20]. increasing electrolyte flow rate improves the electrochemical

Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University, 20 Changwondaehak-ro, Changwon City 51140 South Korea
E-mail address: (H. Park).
Received 11 June 2020; Received in revised form 11 August 2020; Accepted 18 August 2020
Available online 02 September 2020
2352-152X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

performance of the battery and a maximum power-based efficiency of the negative and positive electrodes, respectively, and the charging and
96.6 % was calculated for the 1.9 mm channel size at a 60 ml/min flow discharging processes can be described as follows. During the charging
rate. Messaggi et al. [37] investigated the performance of the inter- process of the battery, V 3+ is reduced to V 2 + at the negative electrode,
digitated and serpentine flow channel. Their results indicated that the whereas V4 + is oxidized to V5+ at the positive electrode. During dis-
interdigitated flow channels have a higher ability to uniformly dis- charging, these reactions occur in the reversed direction. During op-
tribute the electrolytes, while the serpentine flow channels exhibit a eration, proton transfer from one electrode to the other through an ion
better performance at a high pressure drop. Xu et al. [34] numerically exchange membrane and electron transfer through the external load
determined the performance of a VRFB cell considering flow channels. proceeds to form an electrical circuit. To describe the relative amount
They observed that the VRFB with flow channels showed a 5% higher of vanadium ion concentration in the electrodes, we define the state of
energy efficiency than that without flow channels. Khazaeli et al. [38] charge as follows:
numerically studied the effect of electrolyte flow rate on VRFB perfor- C V2 + C V5 +
mance. They concluded that increasing the flow rate from 10 to 70 ml/ SOC = =
C V3 + + C V2 + C V 4 + + C V5 + (5)
min improved the cell voltage by 50 mV. Tang et al. [39] considered the
VRFB performance based on pressure losses and electrolyte flow rate.
They established that the electrolyte flow rate incrementally improved 2.2. Model description
the concentration distribution uniformity within the VRFB cell. How-
ever, this approach leads to a large pumping loss and decreases the The three-dimensional numerical VRFB model is based on a sim-
system efficiency. To mitigate this problem, a flow channel was in- plified single cell structure as shown in Fig. 2. The VRFB cell is com-
troduced into the VRFB cell structure which improved the mass trans- posed of two porous electrodes, a proton exchange membrane to se-
port and lowered the pumping loss. Zhang et al. [40] numerically va- parate the two porous electrodes, two current collectors and the
lidated the effect of flow field designs on VRFB performance. They electrolyte flow channels. The flow channels are located at both sides of
compared the interdigitated flow field and serpentine design applying the VRFB cell to constantly provide the electrolyte. The geometrical
different numbers of flow fields. They reported that the interdigitated parameters of the VRFB cell are listed in Table 1. This type of three-
flow field performs well with regards to pumping power and distribu- dimensional model saves time and computational cost without losing
tion of vanadium ions at the electrodes. Also, the serpentine design with accuracy.
a different number of flow fields showed less pumping power and
pressure drop. 2.3. Governing equations
In the present study, a three-dimensional stationary model of ser-
pentine flow channels based on computational fluid dynamics and 2.3.1. Transport in electrodes
electrochemical reactions was developed. Based on the simulation re- In the battery, the V4+/V5+ ion couple and H+, HSO4 , SO24 ions
sults, the VRFB flow channel design and operating conditions were coexist in the electrolyte solution of the positive electrode, while the
optimized to improve the VRFB performance and power-based effi- V2+/V3+ ion couple and H+, HSO4 , SO24 ions coexist in the electrolyte
ciency of the system. The impact of electrolyte flow rate on the elec- solutions of negative electrode. Generally, the mass conservation
trical characteristics and efficiencies of VRFBs was also numerically equation of each species i is formulated as:
studied. The three-dimensional numerical simulations were carried out
at different conditions. This study was conducted to contribute to the ( ci ) + ·( Dieff ci z i i Fci + u ci ) = Si
t I (6)
fundamental understanding of serpentine designs containing a different
number of flow channels and to improve the electrochemical perfor- Where ɛ is the electrode porosity, c is the concentration of species, D
mance and power-based efficiency of VRFB systems which should be is the diffusion coefficient, z is the valence of species, к is the ionic
beneficial for optimizing VRFB designs. mobility of species, ϕ is the ionic potential, u is the electrolyte velocity,
F is the Faraday constant and Si is the source term. The source terms are
2. Numerical modeling listed in Table 2. The electrolyte solution is electroneutral [41]:

z i ci = 0
2.1. Electrochemical reactions and redox process i (7)
Where zi is the valence of species i, and ci is the concentration of
A schematic diagram of the VRFB is depicted in Fig. 1, which shows
species i.
two porous electrodes, two current collectors, an ion exchange mem-
The term Dieff is the effective diffusivity of species i, which are de-
brane, two electrolyte storage tanks and two pumps to circulate the
fined by the Bruggeman equation as follows:
electrolyte solution. A distinctive feature of a VRFB system is that it
only employs vanadium ions as reactive species to avoid cross con- Dieff = 1.5D
i (7)
tamination. The electrolytes are made of sulfuric acid solutions which
contain vanadium ions of different valences. The V 2 +/V 3 + and V4 +/V5 + Where Di is the diffusivity of species, and ε is the electrode porosity.
redox couples are stored in a negative and positive electrolyte tank. The For the fluid flow through the porous electrode, the superficial elec-
reactions that occur in the porous electrodes of the VRFB during trolyte velocity ( u ) is expressed using Darcy's law:
charging/discharging process are expressed as follows: K
u = p
Positive electrode: µ (9)
VO2 + + H2 O e VO+2 + 2H+ ;charge (1) Where K is the permeability coefficient of the electrode, p is the
pressure, and μ is the dynamic viscosity of the electrolyte. The per-
VO2 + + H2 O e VO+2 + 2H+;discharge (2) meability of the porous medium is described by the Kozeny-Carman
Negative electrode: equation as follows [42]:

V 3+ +e V 2 +;charge (3) d 2f 3
K ck (1 )2 (10)
V 3+ +e V 2 +;discharge (4)
Where Kck is the Kozeny-Carman constant and df is the fiber dia-
The oxidation-reduction reactions of V 2 +/V 3 + and V4 +/V5 + occur at meter.

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of VRFB.

Table 1
Geometrical VRFB cell parameters.
Term Value Unit

Cell height 50 mm
Cell width 50 mm
Electrode thickness 3 mm
Membrane thickness 0.2 mm
Channel size 2 mm

Table 2
Source terms of the governing equation.
Source term Positive electrode Negative electrode

V2 + concentration equation, s v 2 + - j/F

V3 +concentration equation. s v 3 + - -j/F
V 4 +concentration equation, s v4 + j/F -
V5 +concentration equation, s v 5 + -j/F -
H+concentration equation, s H+ -2j/F -

2.3.2. Transport in membrane

The transport process of the proton is considered for the proton-
conducting membrane, which is the only mobile ion, and the current
conservation equation is expressed as follows [41]:

NH+ =
F mem (11)

Where σmem is the conductivity of the membrane, ϕmem is the electric

potential of the membrane, and F is the Faraday constant.
Fig. 2. Three-dimensional VRFB model.

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

2.3.3. Transport in flow channel Table 3

Navier-Stokes equations were applied to investigate the electrolyte Operating parameters used in the simulation.
flow in flow channels and manifold domains for the incompressible Parameter Value Unit Reference
fluid, which are defined as follows [43]:
Positive rate constant 6.8 × 10 m/s [36]
(u · ) u = p+µ 2u
(12) Negative rate constant 1.7 × 10−7 m/s [36]
Positive transfer coefficient 0.55 - [36]
·u = 0 (13) Negative transfer coefficient 0.45 - [36]
Positive standard potential 1.004 V [36]
Where u is the velocity of the electrolyte, ρ is the electrolyte den- Negative standard potential -0.255 V [36]
sity, μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, and p is the electrolyte Pump efficiency 0.9 - Assumed

2.3.4. Electrochemical kinetics Table 4

Electrochemical properties used in the simulation.
The Butler-Volmer laws were used for the transfer current densities
of the positive electrode j1 and negative electrode j2, which describe the Parameter Value Unit Reference
reversible electrochemical reactions [44]:
Initial vanadium concentration 1500 mol/m3 [43]
j1 Initial proton concentration 4000 mol/m3 [43]
Initial sulfate concentration 4500 mol/m3 [43]
c s 4+ (1 1) F 1
c Vs 5 + V2 + diffusion coefficient 2.4 × 10 10 m2/s [36]
= As Fk1 (c V 4 +)(1 1) (c 5 +) 1 exp exp
cV 4+ RT cV 5+ V3 + diffusion coefficient 2.4 × 10 10 m2/s [36]
V 4+ diffusion coefficient 3.9 × 10 10 m2/s [36]
1F 1 V5 + diffusion coefficient m2/s [36]
3.9 × 10 10
RT (14) H+ diffusion coefficient 9.312 × 10 9 m2/s [36]
SO42 diffusion coefficient 1.065 × 10 9 m2/s [36]
j2 HSO4 diffusion coefficient 1.33 × 10 9 m2/s [36]

c s 2+ c s 3+ Universal gas constant 8.3145 J/mol K -

V (1 2) F 2 V Faraday constant 96485 C/mol -
= As Fk2 (c V2 +) (1 2 ) (c 3 + ) 2
V exp exp
c V2 + RT c V3 + State of charge (SOC) 0.8 - -
Kozeny-Carman constant 4.28 - [45]
2F 2 Density 1354 kg/m3 [36]
RT (15) Specific surface area 1.62 × 104 1/m [36]
Electrode conductivity 1000 S/m [36]
Where j1 and j2 are the transfer current densities of the positive and Viscosity 4.928 × 10 3 Pa·s [36]
negative electrodes, k1 and k2 are the reaction rate constants, α1 and α2 Carbon fiber diameter 1.76 × 10−5 M [45]
Porosity 0.90 - -
are the charge transfer coefficients, As is the specific surface area of the
electrode, η1and η2 represent the activation overpotentials of the posi-
tive and negative reactions, which are defined as:

1 = s l E1 (16)

2 = s l E2 (17)
Where ϕs is the electrode potential, ϕl is the electrolyte potential, E1
and E2 are the standard equilibrium potentials for positive and negative
redox reactions, which are expressed by the Nernst equation:

RT c 5 + × (c H+)2
E1 = E10 + ln V
F c V 4+ (18)

RT c 3+
E2 = E20 + ln V
F c V2 + (19)
Where E10 and E20 are the positive and negative standard potentials.
The cell voltage is calculated as follows [31]:

RT c 5 + c 2 + (c H+)2
Ecell = E0,1 E0,2 + ln V V 1 2 IARcell
F c V 4 + c V3 + (20)
Where I denotes the electrical current density, A is the surface area
of the cell, and Rcell represents the electrical resistance of the cell.

2.4. Parameters for simulations

Fig. 3. Flow channel designs for the numerical simulation.
The operating parameters and electrochemical properties employed
in the numerical model to simulate the VRFB performance are listed in the design of flow channels plays a key role to improve performance.
Table 3 and 4. Four different serpentine flow channels were considered to investigate
VRFB performance. The schematic diagrams of the channels are shown
2.5. Boundary conditions in Fig. 3. A non-slip boundary condition was applied on the wall
boundaries of the flow channels and the porous media. The mass flow
The determination of flow channel parameters and specifications in

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Table 5 developed in our previous studies [36, 43]. The relative error tolerance
Boundary conditions for the simulation. was to set to 1 × 10⁻6 [39].
Parameter Value Unit
2.7. Mesh independence analysis
Electrolyte flow rate 60 – 180 ml/min
Outlet Outlet pressure -
The types of mesh chosen for the numerical model can affect the
Current density 60 mA/cm2
Operating temperature 298 K solving process and the simulation results. To obtain reliable numerical
Operating pressure 1 - simulation results and reduce computational time, it is important to
select an optimal mesh type and grid number for the numerical model.
The grids generated for the numerical model was a tetrahedral struc-
inlet and outlet pressure boundary conditions were defined for the tured mesh as shown in Fig. 4. Six meshes with different number of
positive and negative flow channels. A parametric sweep was per- grids were considered for the grid independence analysis to study the
formed which was a flow rate sweep ranging from 60 to 180 ml/min. consistency of the simulation results. The grid independence analysis
The flow rate sweep was conducted to determine the consistency of the was conducted by changing the grid numbers ranging from 55096 to
three-dimensional model for pressure drop and overall VRFB perfor- 361755. The simulation results obtained were compared with the grid
mance. The initial values of the boundary conditions used in the si- number 194312 as shown in Fig. 5. Hence, considering the accuracy of
mulation are presented in Table 5. results, computational time and cost, a grid number of 194312 was
considered for the numerical simulation.
2.6. Numerical details
3. Results and discussion
All equations of the numerical model were solved by using COMSOL
Multiphysics® software with the combination of built-in negative and In the present study, we focused on the channel number of the
positive electrodes, flow channels and an ion exchange membrane serpentine design and analyzed the VRFB performance and the power-
based on the finite-element method. The boundary conditions and based efficiency with respect to the varying number of serpentine
governing equations employed were based on the approaches channels. The flow channel is an important key parameter for the VRFB

Fig. 4. Generated mesh for the numerical simulation.

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 5. Grid independence analysis.

domain due to the inaccuracy of the reactant concentration evaluation

during the experiment.

3.2. Effects of flow channels and flow rate

The effects of the different serpentine flow channel designs and

electrolyte flow rates on the VRFB performance were numerically in-
vestigated. The flow channel is an important parameter which affects
the VRFB performance in different ways. Serpentine flow channel de-
signs with varying number of channels were investigated in this study.
The numbers of channels were 1 to 4, namely channel 1, channel 2,
channel 3 and channel 4. A series of numerical simulations were con-
ducted varying the electrolyte flow rate and number of channels. The
electrolyte solutions and current density were similar to that used in the
numerical model validation and the SOC of the VRFB was kept at 0.8 at
the beginning of the simulation. The effects of electrolyte flow rate and
channel numbers on the cell voltage were studied at the discharging
Fig. 6. Comparison of numerical and experimental results. current density of 60 mA/cm2 and a vanadium ion concentration of
1500 mol/m3. It should be noted that the electrolyte flow rate at the
positive and negative side of the flow channels in the simulation were
performance which significantly affects the distributions of the elec-
equal. The variation of the overpotential against the electrolyte flow
trolyte fluid flow.
rate for the serpentine design flow channels 1–4 is shown in Fig. 7(a),
while Fig. 7(b) exhibits the cell voltage curves against the electrolyte
3.1. Model validation flow rate. The flow rate of the electrolyte solution is an important key
factor affecting the VRFB performance. The highest value of the over-
The electrode area used here to investigate the numerical model was potential 0.0311 V was noticed at the electrolyte flow rate of 60 for
50 × 50 mm, with a thickness of 3 mm. For validation, the simulated channel 4. Meanwhile, the calculated overpotential for the channels
discharge cell voltages of the battery were compared with the experi- 1–3 ranged from 0.0289 to 0.0296 V. The increment of electrolyte flow
mental data at a constant current density of 60 mA/cm2. The details of rate reduced the calculated overpotential, which resulted in a high cell
the VRFB cell structure and the experimental setup are reported in our voltage. The cell voltage increased with increasing electrolyte flow rate.
previous paper [46]. The operating conditions were identical to those of Channel 1 shows a slightly higher cell voltage compared to channels
the experimental study. The comparison of the simulation and experi- 2–4 at electrolyte flow rates of 60 to 180 ml/min. The difference in cell
mental data is shown in Fig. 6 [36]. Fig. 6 shows that the numerical voltage at the flow rate of 180 ml/min for channel 1–4 was con-
model captures well the experimental data trend. The state of charge siderably smaller than that at lower flow rate of 60 ml/min. The effect
(SOC) dependent simulation results were compared with the experi- of electrolyte flow rate on cell voltage shows that the ionic convective
mental results. This clearly indicated that the numerical simulation diffusion is a dominating factor with respect to VRFB performance.
results fitted the experimental results well. The error between the nu- Fig. 8(a) presents the variation of the V2+ ion concentration against
merical and experimental results is more obvious in the low SOC the electrolyte flow rate for channels 1–4, while Fig. 8(b) shows the

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 7. (a) Numerically calculated overpotential for channels 1–4 against the electrolyte flow rate, and (b) the numerically calculated cell voltage for channel 1–4
against the electrolyte flow rate.

Fig. 8. (a) Numerically calculated V2+ ion concentration for channels 1–4 against the electrolyte flow rate, and (b) the numerically calculated V5+ ion concentration
for channels 1–4 against the electrolyte flow rate.

variation of the V5+ ion concentration against the electrolyte flow rate flow rates, further investigations were needed. Fig. 10 shows the con-
for channel 1–4. The V2+ and V5+ concentration increased with the tours of the pressure distribution for channel 1 to 4. The pressure drop
increment in electrolyte flow rate. Fig. 9 provides the contours of the in the VRFB cell decreased as the number of flow channels increased
V2+ ion concentration at the electrolyte flow rate of 180 ml/min and from 1 to 4. Thus, the electrolyte disturbance and flow resistance de-
initial vanadium concentration of 1500 mol/m3. Noticeably, increasing creased with increasing number of flow channels, which led to a smaller
the channel number from 1 to 4 reduced the uniformity of the vana- pressure drop. This result showed that the pressure significantly de-
dium ion concentration at the electrode. Channel 1 shows with respect creased as the number of flow channels increased. Fig. 11(a) exhibits
to other channels a more uniform vanadium ion concentration at the the variation of pressure drop against the electrolyte flow rate for
electrode. The average molar V2+ concentration was 1187.2 mol/m3 at channel 1 to 4, while Fig. 11(b) indicates the variation of pumping
channel 1 and decreased from 1181.3 mol/m3 to 1164.1 mol/m3 power against the electrolyte flow rate for the channels. The pressure
changing from channel 2 to 4. The contours of the V2+ concentration drop increased with increasing electrolyte flow rate for all flow chan-
presented in Fig. 9 indicate that the VRFB with channel 1, 2 and 3 nels. Channel 1 displayed the highest pressure drop of 3759.28 Pa at the
provided a more uniform concentration resulting in higher V2+ con- electrolyte flow rate of 180 ml/min, while channel 4 provided the
centrations. Reducing the channel number improved the cell voltage lowest pressure drop at the electrolyte flow rate of 60 ml/min. Fig. 11
due to the increased molar concentration. The average molar con- indicates that the pressure increase is caused by the lower number of
centration increased along the electrolyte flow direction as the elec- flow channels and higher electrolyte flow rates. These results specified
trolyte flow rate increased. that a smaller electrolyte flow rate significantly reduces the pressure
Pressure drop is an important factor when considering the number drop in the flow channels. The same trend is observed for the pumping
of flow channels. However, to understand the relation between the power, as shown in Fig. 11(b). The required pumping power increased
pressure drop and the number of flow channels for given electrolyte with increasing electrolyte flow rate for all four channels. The pumping

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 9. V2+ concentration of different flow channels. (a) Channel 1, (b) Channel 2, (c) Channel 3, and (d) Channel 4.

power was reduced with the incremental increase in flow channels. The whereas the electrolyte velocities were considerably lower in the up-
calculated pumping power for all four channels ranged from 0.36 mW stream and downstream regions. The electrolyte velocities increased
to 12.53 mW. The pumping power was calculated as follows: with increasing electrolyte flow rate.

Ppump = Q ·
pump (24) 3.3. Effects of flow channels on the power-based efficiency

Where ΔP is the pressure drop, Q is the volumetric flow rate, and Efficiency is a parameter that assesses the performance of energy
ψpump is the efficiency of the pump, assumed to be 0.9 in the present storage systems. Decreasing the number of flow channels reduced the
study. overpotential providing a uniform molar concentration at the elec-
To describe the flow characteristics at the porous electrode for the trodes and resulting in an improved cell voltage. However, the power
different flow channels, the electrolyte velocity in the porous electrode loss due to the pumping power and overpotential was investigated to
along the geometrical center line of the positive electrode was defined evaluate the optimum power-based efficiency of the VRFB cell. The
and investigated. Three zones namely upstream zone, zone with flow power-based efficiency (ψpower) was calculated as follows:
channel and downstream zone were observed along the x-axis as shown
in Fig. 4. The variation of electrolyte velocity along the x-axis at dif- Pnet Ploss + Ppump
= =1
ferent electrolyte flow rates for channel 1 to 4 is shown in Fig. 12. The power
Ptotal Ptotal (22)
electrolyte velocities in the zone with flow channels are significantly
larger than in the upstream and downstream zone due to the strong Where Pnet is the net output power, Ploss is the power loss during the
fluid convection. With the increase in number of flow channels, the discharging process, Ppump is the consumed pump power, and Ptotal is the
electrolyte velocities slightly decreased in the flow channel zone, total power. The power loss is expressed as follows:

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 10. Pressure distributions for different flow channels. (a) Channel 1, (b) Channel 2, (c) Channel 3, and (d) Channel 4.

Ploss = IA ( + + ( Vmem) 2 ·
A mem 4. Conclusions
mem (23)
In this study, a three-dimensional model was developed and applied
Where 1 + 2 is the total overpotential, δmem represents the mem- to study a number of serpentine flow channel designs for a VRFB cell.
brane thickness, ΔVmem denotes the voltage difference through the The VRFB cell performance with varying number of flow channels was
membrane, and σmem indicates the electrical conductivity. determined and it was validated whether a higher number of flow
The variation of power-based efficiency against the electrolyte flow channels is required for VRFBs. The results revealed that a higher
rate for channel 1 to 4 is depicted in Fig. 13. It was observed that as the electrolyte flow rate and a lower number of flow channels significantly
electrolyte flow rate increased, the pump power improved and the improves the uniform molar concentration at the porous electrodes. A
power loss decreased. The variation in the power-based efficiency is lower number of flow channels provides a higher cell voltage, especially
due to the counterbalance between the increased pump power and the at higher electrolyte flow rate due to the enhanced convective mass
reduced power loss. The power-based efficiency gradually decreased transport of reactants. However, the pumping power to supply the re-
with increasing electrolyte flow rate and the highest efficiency of quired flow rate for the VRFB cell and the pressure drop through the
97.18% was noted at the electrolyte flow rate of 60 ml/min for channel porous electrodes also increased. With the increase in number of flow
4. The reduction of power loss is fast at lower electrolyte flow rates channels, the pumping power dropped, which resulted in a reduced
which prevailed over the increase in pumping power. The power-based vanadium ion concentration at the electrodes. The simulation results
efficiency started to decline when the increase in pumping power ex- suggest that the VRFB using channel 4 with a flow rate of 60 ml/min
ceeded the reduction in power loss. Hence, it indicated that there is an achieves the optimum power-based efficiency of 97.18%. Our numer-
optimum electrolyte flow rate at which the highest efficiency can be ical approach will be applicable when an increased number of serpen-
achieved. tine design flow channels are required for commercial scale VRFB

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

Fig. 11. (a) Numerically calculated pressure drop for channels 1–4 against the electrolyte flow rate, and (b) the numerically calculated pumping power for channels
1–4 against the electrolyte flow rate.

Fig. 12. Numerically calculated electrolyte velocities at positive electrode along x-axis for channels 1–4 at different electrolyte flow rates. (a) Channel 1, (b) Channel
2, (c) Channel 3, and (d) Channel 4.

E. Ali, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101802

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