Reading Comprehension:: A Tour of British Houses

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Reading Comprehension: A Tour of British Houses

Read the story carefully, then complete the tasks that follow:
My name is May-Ling and I arrived in Liverpool
this morning. I am going to study to become a
doctor at Liverpool University. It is the first time
I have visited England and I am very excited
about it. Liverpool is very different to Tokyo as
there are so many different kinds of houses and
the roads are much narrower. The taxi driver who
was taking me to the university saw how
interested I was about learning about the different houses, he bagan to name them
as we went by. The long row of houses looked really nice, we don’t have these in my
country. The taxi driver explained to me that some were built before WW1 and are
called terraced houses. Then I saw two houses joined together and the driver told
me they were called semi detached houses, where a house standing alone is called a
detached house. I was learning quickly, but I knew there were many more to learn.
As we drove into the country side, we went passed beaufiful cottages and farm
houses. We even saw a huge mansion belonging to a famous football player called
Mohammed Salah. As we headed towards the city centre, I recognised the block of
flats and was able to name it. We have thousands of flats in Tokyo. Before arriving
at the University, the diver pointed out a house with one floor, which he named a
bungalow. He explained that people, as they get oldrer like to live in these houses.

Answer the following in full sentences:

1. Where was May-Ling from? ______________________________________________
2. Where was she going? ___________________________________________________
3. What houses did she see? _______________________________________________
4. Who lives in a bungalow ? ___________________________________________

Circle (True) or (False). And then correct all mistakes:

1. May-Ling has been to the UK before. True False
2. A bus driver helped May-Ling. True False
3. A lot of houses were buit before WW2. True False
4. Older people like bungalows. True False
Discussion: Can you name more places people live in?

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