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Biological molecules

1. What are chemical elements in proteins?

A. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
B. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen
C. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
D. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur
2. The small molecules that build up into proteins are
A. Amino acids
B. Glucose
C. Fatty acids
D. Glycerol
3. Which row gives a positive results for the four chemical tests?

Benedicts test Biuret test Iodine test Emulsion test

A Green Violet Yellow No suspension
B Blue Blue yellow No suspension
C Yellow Red Blue Cloudy
D Orange Violet blueblack Cloudy

4. Water is an important molecule in organisms because it is a

A. Solute
B. Solvent
C. Solution
D. Suspension
5. Enzymes and antibodies are proteins. Special regions of these proteins have specific shapes
that bind to other molecules. Proteins can form specific shapes because they have
A. Molecules of different length
B. Molecules with different numbers of amino acids
C. Molecules with different sequence of amino acids
D. Molecules with other molecules or ions attached to them

Use diagram to answer 6 and 7DNA molecules are composed of sub unit molecules known as
nucleotides. The diagram shows a small part of a DNA molecule.
6. Which of the labelled parts of DNA A, B, C, and D indicates a base pair? [1]
7. Which of the labelled parts of DNA A, B, C, and D indicates a nucleotide. [1]
8. The diagram below shows how a starch molecule increases in length.

a. Name molecule A. [1]

b. Name two places where starch is stored in plants. [2]
c. Describe how would you find out whether a plant tissue contained starch. Include
the practical details of the test in your answer. [4]
9. The diagram shows a protein molecule.

a. Name the sub-unit molecules that are assembled into the proteins. [1]
b. Name two proteins found in human body. [2]
c. State two places in the human body where many proteins are made. [2]
d. Some seeds are rich in proteins. Describe the chemical test that you would use to
determine whether different types of seed are rich in proteins. Include the practical
details of the test in your answer.
10. The diagram shows a molecule of a fat.
a. Name the components of the molecule labelled X and Y. [2]
b. List two places in human body where fats are stored. [2]
c. State three roles of fats in the human body. [2]
d. Oils have the same molecular structure as fats. Many seeds are rich in oils. Describe a
chemical test to find out whether seeds from different flowering plant species contain
oil or fat. Include the practical details of the test in your answer. [2]

11. A student used DCPIP test to find out how much vitamin C is present in different fruit juices.
The concentration of the DCPIP solution was 10 g/dm3. The student followed these
1. Put 2 cm3 of DCPIP solution into a test tube.
2. Use a graduated pipette or burette to add a 10g/dm3 vitamin C solution drop by drop to
the DCPIP solution. Shake the tube gently after adding each drop. Continue to add
vitamin C solution until the colour of the DCPIP solution disappears.
3. Record the volume of vitamin C solution that was added.
4. Repeat the procedure two more times and calculate the mean.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with juices to be tested.
6. The results are shown in the table

Test Volume added to DCPIP solution/cm3

1 2 3 mean
10 g/dm3 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.9
vitamin C

Orange 2.4 2.6 2.3 2.4

Grapefruit 3.2 3.1 2.9 3.1

Apple juice 9.6 9.1 9.4 9.4

a. Explain why student took three readings for each test substance [3]
b. Use the results to calculate the concentration of vitamin C in the three fruit
juices. Show your working. [3]

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