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Update History:

2022-03-15 Release notes

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.3_ added for E3D2.1 and E3D3.1

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.5_ added for PDMS12.1SP2/4 and
PDMS12.1 SP5

- Batch import fixed so that models/files not needed to add first to Tekla Aveva
interoperability dialog. Model/file names exist in macro files which batch import uses.
More information can be found in instructions from Tekla Warehouse

- Start/end points of a member in Tekla Structures compared in E3D after import were
switched even the end result (position, rotation) of imported member was correct.
This is fixed.

- If similar name of import log file exists, then new log information will be appended to
end of existing log file and so also previous log file information remains.

- If wanted the Tekla Structures GUID attribute can be mapped to name of E3D/PDMS
member and so visible in E3D/PDMS hierarchy tree. This works so that GUID attribute
exported in Tekla side using ExportToAveva application and then mapped to Name
attribute in AttributeMapping.txt file (Project.GUID;String;Name;String)

- Export path disappears in some cases when re-opening Tekla interoperability dialog
if UNC type path folder name used (e.g. \\XXX\yyy\zzz\export). This is fixed.
- It is possible to use SETTING_MACRO command and file definition for different
settings if AVEVA_IFC (=E3D’s ifc export) used in E3D export. Example definition
showed below in IfcExportSettings.txt file



Example file (AUTOEXPORT.mac) exists in the mapping folder after installation. It

includes options like below. More information from Aveva reference manuals.

EXPORT implied tube INTO sep CONT

export repre on
repre insu on translucency 75
repre obst on translucency 75

2021-10-22 Release notes

- New user guide instructions updated, file name Aveva E3D User Guide_2021-10-
- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.4_ added for PDMS12.1SP2/4 and
PDMS12.1 SP5

- In some cases cuts / anti materials like window/door openings were moved when
importing to PDMS. Example of case where cuts/anti materials created by two points
in wall direction (start/end) and height/width values defined by profile dimensions in
Tekla side. Fix was already done to E3D versions 17.2 but still error could occur in
PDMS versions. This is fixed now also in PDMS versions 29.4.

2021-08-27 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.3_ added for PDMS12.1 SP5

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.2_ added for E3D3.1

- Also other PDMS/E3D versions added similar to PDMS12.1SP2/4 and E3D2.1. See
details from release notes 2021-08-24 below.

2021-08-24 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.3_ added for PDMS12.1 SP2/4

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.2_ added for E3D2.1

- Official versions 29.3 and 17.2 added for PDMS12.1SP2/4 and E3D2.1. Please
uninstall first “P” preliminary versions 2021-07-02 if already installed. Good manner is
to uninstall first previous interoperability tool version before installing the new one.

- NOTE: IfcExportSettings.txt file handling changed. File is not any more edited by the
interoperability tool. Only if the file does not exist, then it will be created by default
settings but not any more after that. Purpose is that the user edits the file with
desired settings. There are two options to be used for export: option TRIMBLE_IFC
uses extrusion ifc format created by the interoperability tool and AVEVA_IFC uses
E3D’s own ifc export with surface ifc format. Below an example of IfcExportSettings.txt
file. Structural members normally exported using the tool (TRIMBLE_IFC) because then
members can be converted in Tekla as native profiles. For complicated pipes,
equipment objects (e.g. domes, dishes) AVEVA_IFC can be used because in some cases
surface format is more exact. Default value row can be used without model name
(hierarchy) rows but if also other option need to be used, then model name
(hierarchy) rows need to be added.
- Also attributes can be exported when AVEVA_IFC option used. See above how
configuration xml file defined. More information of the file from Aveva instructions.

- In Log file information added which option TRIMBLE_IFC or AVEVA_IFC used

- Import to PDMS/E3D does not sort PDMS/E3D hierarchies any more (to alphabetical
order). In bigger projects hierarchy sorting causes extra time because it has to use
claiming for all existing hierarchies. Sorting can be done/changed using PDMS/E3D
own tools if needed.

- In E3D version export labels of attributes (TRIMBLE_IFC option) changed to E3D.

Example: E3D Common.SITE. Before it was PDMS Common.SITE. Note: If attributes
converted to TS native members using ifc object conversion in Tekla, then correct UDA
name need to be used in the conversion setting file Objectconverterconfig.ini

- In some cases cuts / anti materials like window/door openings were moved when
importing to PDMS/E3D. Example of case where cuts/anti materials created by two
points in wall direction (start/end) and height/width values defined by profile
dimensions in Tekla side. This is fixed.

2021-07-02 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.3P_ added for PDMS12.1 SP2/4

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.2P_ added for E3D2.1

- There were some errors when in E3D side reading and handling of
IfcExportSettings.txt file when used E3D’s own ifc export. E.g. error message: “Process
cannot to access the file because it is used by another process”. This is fixed

- Import to PDMS/E3D does not sort PDMS/E3D hierarchies any more (to alphabetical
order). In bigger projects hierarchy sorting causes extra time because it has to use
claiming for all existing hierarchies. Sorting can be done/changed using PDMS/E3D
own tools if needed.
- “P” like preliminary version label used because these fixes wanted to give out if
“urgently” needed. Official versions planned to create after summer holidays.

2021-05-14 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_2.2.1.tsep) added

- in case a) project base point used and b) Angle to North value used (e.g. 90.0) and c)
many rows in Export To Aveva dialog exported at the same time, then an error
happened in export so that only the first export row was handled correctly using the
Angle to North value and other rows exported using 0.0 value for Angle to North. This
is fixed.

- If a fixed base point name “Aveva_BasePoint” found, it will be used as a base point in
export. If not found then the project base point will be used. This has been done
because if in some cases project base point and base point used in export are
different. In normal cases those should be the same. Global model origin will be used
if project base point not defined and “Aveva_BasePoint” not found.

2021-03-18 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.2_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.1_ added for E3D2.1

- E3D side application (import, export) version _17.1_ added for E3D3.1

- #DEFAULT_VALUES definition (IfcExportSettings.txt) did not work in file based batch

export (related to improvement to be able to use E3D’s own ifc export (Brep) or normal
interoperability export). This is fixed.

- Folder definition did not work correctly in file based batch export. Folder definition in
interoperability dialog was used and not the definition in the file. Example definition below.


This is fixed.

- In some complicated cases (e.g. cut/anti material objects defined in TS using start/end
points and profile definition and offsets (beam, column objects and not contour
plates/slabs), the import to PDMS/E3D rotated (or had some extra offset) cuts/anti material
in some cases (like some windows cuts for sandwich panels). This is fixed.
- In import to E3D in some cases (e.g. pyramid profile in TS) the definition start/end points
flipped over. This is fixed.

- The origin information in E3D profiles (gensec) put to start point of profile. Before it could
be outside the profile.

- In E3D justification info added (e.g. horizontal beams as CTOP). Before it was NA. In
PDMS called TOS. Note: this works when used new profile catalog in E3D. There are
differences between old (PDMS) and new (E3D) profile catalogs and also coordinate
system is different for anti symmetrical members (L-C-,U-profiles).

2020-11-27 Release notes

- E3D side application (import, export) version _16.1_ added for E3D2.1

- E3D side application (import, export) version _16.1_ added for E3D3.1

- In E3D side file based batch export it is also possible to define the folder of exported
file instead of default export folder. Example of syntax is below



‘0605_PB_STEE_1’ is E3D/PDMS Hierarchy object,

‘\\server\TS-PDMS\0605’ is the storage path

‘|’ is a separator

- When exporting from E3D it is possible to export using Tekla Interoperability

export (current way) or also E3D own ifc export

Main purpose and benefit using E3D own ifc export can be that using surface (brep)
ifc format then complicated/difficult objects could be perhaps exported more reliable
compared to extrusion ifc format which used in Tekla Interoperability export. When
exporting pipes, equipment from E3D and importing reference model file to Tekla
Structures it probably not needed to create/convert native Tekla objects. Basic
example is dish/dome object/primitive in E3D which can be exported better using
surface/brep format. Tekla interoperability export will export dish primitive as a
cylinder which can be used in Tekla side for collision check purposes but cylinder is
not the same as dish/dome.
The file IfcExportSettings.txt defines which export option to be used for each
hierarchy name. E.g. “TRIMBLE_IFC” means Tekla Interoperability export and
“AVEVA_IFC” means E3D own ifc export. The file is located in the mapping folder where
also e.g. mapping files located.

Exported hierarchy name in the beginning of row of IfcExportSettings.txt is a key for

settings. So each exported hierarchies can have own settings in a row. Default row
values will be used if hierarchy name not found in the file.

When Tekla Interoperability dialog will be opened the IfcExportSettings.txt file will be
edited according to hierarchy rows which exist in dialog. Also file will be edited when
hierarchies added or removed in dialog. If IfcExportSettings.txt file does not exist it
will be created using default values. If hierarchy name removed in dialog then a
comment (//) added to front of row. If hierarchy name added in dialog then a row will
be added to file with existing default values which defined in #DEFAULT_VALUES row
(see picture below)

IfcExportSettings.txt can be used also when batch export used.

Below is an example of IfcExportSettings.txt file

When a new hierarchy added in dialog then a below row will be added in
IfcExportSettings.txt file

If settings not found for a hierarchy name (e.g. spelling mistake by user) then a
warning will exist in the log file when exporting. If user deletes IfcExportSettings.txt
file then a new will be created with default settings.

FORMAT ifc2x3 is an ifc export format name which is ifc2x3 (or IFC4). Note: Tekla
Interoperability export supports currently only ifc2x3. Also in Tekla Structures IFC4 is
not totally supported e.g. when creating/converting Tekla native objects. So at the
moment ifc2x3 is the correct format to be used.

INSU, OBST, HOLES settings means E3D settings described in next picture
HOLES option (e.g. HOLES ON) does not effect in TRIMBLE_IFC (Tekla Interoperability)

COMPONENT LEVEL setting specifies whether or not to create a separate IFC entity for
each Nozzle/Piping Component and so on.

ON : Create a separate IFC entity for each Nozzle/Piping Component and so on

OFF: Include each Nozzle/Piping Component and so on in the IFC entity for the
Equipment/Branch and so on

DATALEVEL setting specifies what level of detail to export, it can be one of the
following options.

G : Complex geometry only.

F : Facetted geometry only.
GA : Complex geometry and only set attributes.
FA : Facetted geometry and only set attributes
A : Set attributes only.
GL : Complex geometry and all attributes, UDAs and DDSE values.
FL : Facetted geometry and all attributes, UDAs and DDSE values.
L : All attributes, UDAs and DSTE values

E3D user interface settings shown in next picture

See more information also from Aveva E3D IFC export options document

2020-09-15 Release notes

- E3D side application (import, export) version _15.2_ added for E3D2.1

- This is an official 15.2 version installation for E3D2.1

- E3D side application (import, export) version _15.2_ added for E3D3.1

- This is the first installation for E3D3.1. Idea for version numbering is that all different
PDMS versions have the same number and also E3D versions

2020-09-10 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_2.1.1.tsep) added

- Size of the branches (hierarchies like FRMW, SBFR) written to log file. User can check
e.g. if too many members included in one branch which can slow down performance in
PDMS/E3D side

- Project basepoint definitions automatically used and not needed to define values
separately in the Settings-tab page (Specify Coordinates at Point)
Note: Need to check project basepoint when new 2.1.1 version used in existing

- 2.1.1 uses always (global) Model origin as a workplane when exporting. Before it used
the current workplane and by accident user could have other than global origin

- When Log-button pressed it will open the log file of selected row in the dialog and not
the last exported log file as before 2.1.1 version
- Only Brep (surface format of ifc) members included in the dgn-file which is inside
compressed tczip file. Before all members were included also in the dgn file. It did not
matter otherwise than tczip file size was a little bigger than needed. Idea for creating
also dgn file was that in some difficult cases the result was better than ifc but nowadays
there should not be a difference. Dgn file is not used when e.g. importing to PDMS/E3D
using interoperability link

- Note: Uninstall first the older Export To Aveva application before new installation

2020-06-17 Release notes

- Separate zip file for E3D2.1 link version added

- It has been noticed that in E3D side export anti symmetrical (e.g. U-profiles)
exported with wrong rotation. This happens if Bangle=90 degrees (not “standing”) and
profile mirrored by user definition (BANG 90 and LMIRROR true). This is fixed. Replace
the official 15.1 version folder files with zip folder files. Good to save original folders
before replacing. Purpose is to get the official new version after summer holidays

2020-05-26 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_1.2.1.tsep) added

- CompareSettings.ini text file had too tight tolerance values when handling changes.
Especially geometryTolerance value was too tight and causes in some cases that
member was not recognized as modified.
Use case is e.g. if only a movement under 100mm of member done in Tekla side and
no other changes then this could happen.
Real use case could be that pipe support member moved in Tekla and then imported
situation in PDMS/E3D and in Tekla is not similar.
This can be noticed also when Change viewer button/functionality used, in both Tekla
and PDMS/E3D side. This is now fixed in Tekla side in 1.2.1 version. In PDMS/E3D side
manual fix before next official release is following (see Tekla Warehouse / Q&A and
versions page):
Download the package (file CompareSettings.ini) from Tekla Warehouse and copy
(replace) the attached CompareSettings.ini text file to correct folder place which is in
PDMS/E3D side depending on installation path but when E3D used e.g. (probably first
folder name in most cases of clients is TS_E3D)
2020-04-24 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_2.1.1.tsep) added

- Previous 1.0.2 version had an error in link version data information. This caused a
warning message when importing to PDMS/E3D (“Model link version is newer than current
application version, please update import application. Continue Yes/No”). Pressing “Yes”
button continued import normally. Version 1.0.1 was correct. This is fixed now in 1.1.1

2020-03-20 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _29.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _15.1_ added for E3D2.1

- File based batch export improved so that exported hierarchies do not need to exist
before hand on Tekla Interoperability dialog. See new instructions for more
information. Batch numbers usage (given on dialog) works as before but PDMS/E3D
hierarchy names used in PDMS/E3D export instead of folder/file names.

- Feedback link added to Tekla Interoperability dialog where user can give feedback
(e.g. improvement wishes) to Trimble using Tekla -Aveva Interoperability feedback

- Fixes done in PDMS/E3D export side for circular torus primitive

2020-01-29 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_1.0.2.tsep) added

- Item objects of Tekla Structures were not exported when Filter option used. This is fixed.

- If space mark used in model name it will be changed to underscore mark because there
might be some problems in Aveva side in case space mark used in file name

2020-01-28 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _28.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _14.1_ added for E3D2.1
Errors found in previous release (2019-12-16) fixed. So e.g. new file based batch
import/export can be used with this version.

2019-12-20 Release notes

NOTE: Found a serious error in profile mapping in new link versions 28.1/14.1. It
means profiles imported to PDMS/E3D with wrong size. This error happens at least
when rule based mapping used (profilemapping.txt). This means best to use previous
27.1/13.1 versions before fixed version can be released. It cannot be fixed before New
Year. Very sorry and apologies for possible inconveniences !

2019-12-16 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _28.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _14.1_ added for E3D2.1

NOTE: There was an error in versions added to Warehouse 2019-12-10 (BOX, CYLI etc.
primitives not exported from PDMS/E3D). Now fixed and new versions added to

- In profile mapping file ProfileMapping.txt a possibility to rotate and mirror profile when
importing to PDMS/E3D. This has been done especially because in E3D it can be used
new profile catalogs (recommended) which have different coordinate system of profile
compared to old (PDMS) profile catalogs. There are two parameters at end of profile
line: rotation value in degrees like 90 or 180 and False or True for mirroring. If
parameters left out it means default value and no rotation or mirroring done. Examples

Using old (PDMS) profile catalogs




And using new E3D profile catalogs


So if profile imported in E3D (PDMS) with a different rotation compared to rotation after
export from Tekla, then these rotation options can be used to fix the situation
- If LMIRR=true option used in E3D it was not handled in export and profile was rotated
wrong. This has been fixed
- TEKLA material with / mark in material mapping file could not be mapped. This has
been fixed. E.g. S460G1+M/QT;HNS_S460G1+M/QT. Important to notice that
PDMS/E3D material HNS_S460G1+M/QT being Aveva’s SOLI element, not SMTE
- Batch import and export improved. There is a possibility to give batch number
information in Tekla Interoperability dialog which then used in file based batch
import/export. Alternative solution is that rows/models can be listed in a file.

See separate instruction document for batch import/export

2019-06-11 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version ExportToAveva_1.0.1.tsep) added

- This is a common tsep application for all versions from TS2017 upwards.
NOTE: older version needs to be uninstalled before this installation !

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _27.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _13.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Change management functionality added in both sides (Tekla export and PDMS/E3D
import). When “Change viewer …” button pressed automatically compares two latest
exported .tczip files and shows visually results (new, modified, deleted, unchanged) on a
separate view of Tekla or PDMS/E3D. So similar functionality in Tekla and in PDMS/E3D
sides. This enables also easier checking which kind of model/members exported from
Tekla or will be imported to PDMS/E3D. Also e.g. deleted and modified members can be
easily seen and also attributes of them can be inquired. See pictures and technical
information below.
Technical information of Change viewer functionality

- Need to uninstall previous ExportToAveva application

- New .tsep application for (ExportToAveva) is for all versions TS2017 and newer

- After export is complete click first row (model) to be viewed and then press Change
viewer... button. All exported models (.tczip) files will be collected and can be used in

- In PDMS/E3D side select row/model in Tekla Interoperability dialog and press Change
viewer... button

- Also reference models (pipes, equipment) can be imported to viewer (formats are ifc,
tczip , dgn, dwg, skp), use Add other button (or Remove button)

- Also ifc files of grids can be used. New ExportToAveva tsep 1.0.1 version exports also
TS grid(s)

- Also ifc files of e.g. rebars can be used. Need to export from Tekla using normal ifc

- Reference model files (.trb) are stored to temp folder, e.g.

C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp\TeklaStructuresInteroperability. If .trb files already exist
then used (faster), otherwise re-created

- Some setting files stored to extensions folder, e.g. C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla

CompareSettings.ini file defines which tolerances used in comparison of object members.
Changes should not be needed.
PropertiesInUI.ini defines which attribute information displayed (right side pane) when
member clicked. Note: also some information can be hided. See example file.

AttributeMapping.txt (used also in PDMS/E3D side) defines which UDA attributes will be
used in comparison. E.g. if Project.USER_FIELD_1 value of member changed then
member will be noticed as modified (yellow color). Location for file is under Links folder of
Tekla model folder. In PDMS/E3D existing file is used

Syntax for UDA name is same as shown in ExportToAveva settings page or when
inquiring member after imported to Tekla.

Project.User field 1;String;:TEKLA1;String is example when first user field used.

PDMS/E3D uda name (like here TEKLA1) not used in Tekla side

Using right mouse button there are some commands which can be used, e.g. zoom, clip
planes, hide/show, projection type

- Also Model_scales.ini exists where scale factor of dgn files can be changed. Changes
should not be needed because same scale=0.001 used which also in TS side. But some
old (?) dgn files might need scale=1.0

- Also several separate change viewer windows for different model/row names can be
opened at same time

2019-04-04 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _26.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _12.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Obstruction volumes (reservations) can be exported from PDMS/E3D.

Representation on/off setting in PDMS/E3D in Graphics Settings dialog defines if
exported or not

- Round plates or round cuts were not imported to PDMS/E3D if chamfers used in TS
side. This is fixed.

- In some cases (if parameter name DEPT used for diameter) circular tubes exported
wrong from PDMS/E3D. This is fixed

- In some cases (WTHK parameter name used for thickness) square or rectangular
tubes exported wrong (as plates) from PDMS/E3D. This is fixed.
- L- , C-profiles if mapped as parametric/variable sections (defined by design
parameters) in profile mapping file imported with wrong rotation (180 degrees). If
library profiles used then rotation is correct. This is fixed.

- Log file information added if hierarchies used and some members do not have SITE
hierarchy definition: "Some members without hierarchy definition. When hierarchies
used then all members should have SITE definition. Use "check hierarchies" in Tekla

2019-02-21 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2019.1.1) added

2019-02-04 Release notes

- E3D side application (import, export) version _11.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Fixed the error where profile members imported to wrong location in E3D. This
happened only in E3D and in next workflow: Model started in E3D, then exported and
imported to Tekla. Then exported from Tekla and imported back to E3D

2018-12-17 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _25.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _10.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Permission handling of hierarchies in PDMS/E3D improved. In previous versions if

any hierarchy level (even not used) or member were locked/claimed import stopped.
Now import will continue if locked hierarchy levels found but those not used in
import. E.g. hierarchy ZONE used for other than structural purpose. Also SITE can be
locked if nothing imported directly under. Note that TEKLA-ZONE (for unplaced or
deleted members) needs to be available if SITE locked. There will be information of
locked elements in log file. Also if locked members noticed import will be continued
but nothing modified and information added to log file. Note: if a PDMS/E3D member
has been locked and so not modified in import the next tczip file import will not find
any changes if nothing actually changed to TS member. In this case you can use
attribute UpdateAvevaObjectsEvenTheyHaveNotBeenChangedInTeklaStructures=True
in ProjectSettings.txt file. Or change some UDA attribute for member in TS side and
add that attribute to AttributeMapping.txt file which also defines which attributes will
be checked in revision checking.

- Log file improved so that also PDMS/E3D id number visible for locked members and
so PDMS/E3D user can easily identify members in PDMS/E3D

- Refresh-button added to dialog. Note: you need to press refresh-button or close and
open dialog again to be able to handle deleted members (from TS side) correctly in
revision cases. So after importing the input tczip file you need to press refresh or
close/open dialog before importing the second (revised) input tczip file

2018-09-21 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2018i) added

- Installation version is named ExportToAveva_2018.1.1.1.tsep and it is first version for


- PDMS side application (import, export) version _24.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _9.1_ added for E3D2.1

- In Tekla interoperability dialog (PDMS/E3D side) "current item" column can be

resized. So more width can be added if needed

- Also "hierarchy" column can be resized and more width can be added if needed

- List-button added in Tekla interoperability dialog (PDMS/E3D side), in Mapping page.

It will list all unmapped profiles which then needed to be mapped. Otherwise PANE
members used in PDMS/E3D side.

- Imported members to PDMS/E3D could be rotated (bangle 180) if SITE or ZONE or

STRU position level set in PDMS/E3D side as non zero. E.g. SITE pos set to E0 U0
U100000. => This has been fixed

2018-08-07 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2018.2.1) added

- Report and template attributes were not visible in option list in Settings tab page.
This is fixed.
2018-07-02 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _23.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _8.1_ added for E3D2.1

- New version for PDMS12.1 SP5 added. There are 3 installations for different PDMS
versions, existing 12.0, 12.1SP2/12.1SP4 and the new one for 12.1SP5. Note: To make
it work you must do a change in DesignAddins.xml for PDMS12.1SP5:
<string>C:\TS_PDMS\12.1SP5\TS-PDMS_Library\TS_PDMS</string> . So SP2 changed to

- Version _7.1_ did not work for E3D2.1. Different .NET Frameworks versions 3.5 and
4.0 caused issues. This is fixed.

- Profile rotation / flipping issues fixed, e.g. Indian profile angle and ISMC had
orientation issues but some other cases also fixed.

- In
PDMS export there was an error when NDIA attribute used for circular profiles
radius. This is fixed.

2018-05-16 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _22.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _7.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Curved beams/polybeams export from TS and import to PDMS/E3D improved. In

some cases (especially when chamfer object type used) export from TS had rotation
error (usually 90 degrees). Also import to PDMS/E3D had rotation error (usually 90
degrees). These have been fixed. TS side export fix in newest service packages.
Previously you had to define in TS side as IFC export type = Brep (surface) which
means that member imported to PDMS as POHE element which is slower to handle
than normal member. This development was a big job but now all normal cases of
curved beams/polybeams should be handled correctly in import to PDMS/E3D

- PDMS/E3D side export of curved beams/polybeams improved. In some cases result

was not correct after importing to TS.
- Added parts/materials object types of Tekla Structures handled now correctly in
PDMS/E3D import. Previously only main part was imported to PDMS/E3D. Example
case is "Offshore Ring Plate" application and now whole plate is correctly imported

- It was an error collecting the REVO from EQUI. This is fixed

- Sloped beam end cut wrong when imported to E3D. This is fixed

- In some cases (one example case) duplicate GUID numbers exported from
PDMS/E3D to tczip file and import to TS could not be handled properly. This is fixed.

- Version number 22.1 added to PDMS side dialog (7.1 to E3D side dialog)

- PDMS/E3D log file information improved. For example information of deleted

members (if members deleted in TS side). Like “Deleted elements exist”, “Move
deleted elements” to created Tekla hierarchy folder in PDMS/E3D. “Number of deleted
members”. This information also because if e.g. problems (insufficient rights etc.)
creating Tekla hierarchy folder in PDMS/E3D, user can see the issue better.

2018-04-04 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2018.1.1) added

2017-09-22 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2017I.1.1) added

- Installation version is named ExportToAveva_2017.1.1.1.tsep and it is first version for


2017-06-09 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _21.1_ added.

- E3D side application (import, export) version _6.1_ added for E3D2.1

- New option for PDMS/E3D import :

TeklaDuplicateGUIDsCheckForImportSpecificAvevaSITEsOnly (default=True). If
option=True then only SITEs which exist in export tczip file from Tekla will be checked
for duplicate user defined attributes name Tekla_GUID. If really many SITEs (over 100-
200) it can take long time to check all SITEs in PDMS side. Duplicate Tekla_GUIDs will
appear if member(s) imported from Tekla have manually copied in PDMS/E3D.
Duplicate Tekla_GUID user defined attribute need to be removed because otherwise
revision cases can have problems.
This option (True) needed to be used also in case when hierarchies not used (FRMWs
level Tekla export files used). Default value is true and so automatically correct.

- Batch instructions added to PDMS and E3D versions. An interesting issue is that for
(batch) import TTY mode is much faster than graphical mode, up to 50% time
reduction and even more. One example results: manual import = 1min 30 secs, batch
(TTY) import = 30 secs. So for large files this is good to know.

- Link version name 21.1 added to log file of PDMS / E3D export

- Some fixes done like

- handling alignment position for «TOAX»
- information refNo/ID of unsuccessfully exported objects from PDMS added to
log file

-Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, versions 2016i_5_1, 2017_2_1) added

- Possible to use decimal values in Settings tap page for Project Base point in Tekla
Structures and Specify Coordinates at Point. Decimal values may be needed especially
if Angle to true north attribute value used.

2017-03-22 Release notes

- E3D side application (import, export) version _5.1_ added for E3D2.1

- See improvements of PDMS link version 20.1 (below).

- In some cases save command in E3D caused a crash. This is fixed.

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, versions 2016i_4_1, 2016_6_1, 2017_1_1)


- Also asterisk mark (*) can be used in rules when defining hierarchies in
AvevaHierachy.txt file. E.g. STRU;rep=CLASS_ATTR=3*:Uda=USER_FIELD_1 means that
if CLASS_ATTR begins with 3 then USER_FIELD_1 uda will be used. Asterisk mark can
be used also in front of comparison text like *3. See also updated instruction file
- AvevaHierarchy.txt file can be opened also by button in UI dialog

2017-03-17 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _20.1_ added.

- In PDMS side in Tekla interoperability dialog link rows colored as yellow even no
updated file exist. This is fixed

- In some cases rectangular profiles defined with two values like 400*800, 800*400,
PL400*800, PL800*400 were rotated after importing to PDMS. This is fixed.

- Linecuts were not imported to PDMS correctly in plate and slab objects (polygon cuts
were ok). This is fixed

- Linecuts were not imported to PDMS in some cases of wall objects (type=ifcWall).
This is fixed
- New option DeleteEmptyContainerElementsAfterImport. Default value = False. If
option=True and containers (hierarchies) modified by Tekla export definitions, then
containers deleted if no members/containers exist inside deleted container, so
"lowest" container will be deleted

- Very slow import or even out of memory exception in some cases when importing to
PDMS. Reason was handling of SBFRs. This is fixed.

- In some cases batch import in PDMS side did not work and stopped. This is fixed.

- Information added "Error creating element + GUID number" if for some reason
member could not be imported to PDMS.

2017-01-30 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _19.1_ added.

- Holes and beam end cuts were not created when exporting from PDMS in version
18.1 => this is fixed

- E3D side application (import, export) version _4.1_ added for E3D2.1

- Error message happened in some cases when tried to import/export in earlier link
versions => this is fixed

- Profiles as GENSEC members instead of SCTN

- Example of new profile catalogue mapping file added if new profile catalogues used
in E3D

2017-01-20 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _18.1_ added.

- New options added in PDMS side to file ProjectSettings.txt to support certain

workflows: UpdateAvevaObjectsEvenTheyHaveNotBeenChangedInTeklaStructures,
KeepDeletedObjectsInDELETED_FRMW, AvevaSiteCanContainOneTeklaModelOnly
.See detailed descriptions in new instruction file: AVEVA_PDMS_E3D_Instructions2017-
- Handling canceling import in PDMS side. It means correct file selected next time in
Interoperability dialog in case PDMS session canceled (not saved) after importing
Tekla file

- PDMS import: Polybeam handling error if PL profile prefix used. E.g. angle (L) profile
had wrong rounding between two legs of profile. This is fixed.

- PDMS export: cable tray fix in PDMS export, problem: positioning of the extrusions
(SEXT). This is fixed.

- If locked or claimed members found in PDMS then import will stop and user needs
to fix situation (unlock) before next import. Information given in log file.

- PDMS import: if something strange happens then a TS member id number added to

log file and so can be identified and do fixes in Tekla side if needed. If this information
is available it is added to log file

- It was possible to add duplicate files/rows (exactly same name) in interoperability

dialog. This is fixed (not any more possible)

- Manual path editing was possible in interoperability dialog in PDMS side. Did not
have any effect but might be confusing. This is fixed (cannot edit any more)

- Sort Hierarchy after import SBFR element is not at the top of the members list. This
is fixed

- In some cases HVAC/MEP pipes (cylinders) with bended curves not correctly
exported from PDMS. This is fixed

- If spaces used in hierarchy definitions there will be a message text for user like
"spaces not allowed in hierarchy names"

- Warning messages of duplicate IFCGUIDs (Tekla guids) included in log file. Duplicate
guids can happen if manually members copied in PDMS side. In this case import stops
and PDMS user needs to fix situation, information in log file.

- Also new combined video TeklaPDMSVideosCombinedWithVoice.mp4 for different

workflows with voice added to package NEW_HELP_VIDEOS (9th January 2017)

2016-11-01 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016i_3_1) added (Installation version
is named ExportToAveva_2016.1.3.1.tsep
- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016_5_1) added

- Aveva_Psets.xml definition file can be used also from XS_FIRM, XS_PROJECT

definitions. Before only under model folder

- UDA values were not written to DiscreteAccessories which type will be e.g. plates
created by beam command and used ifc export type of auto. Also e.g. hierarchy UDAs not
written. This is fixed.

2016-10-11 Release notes

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016I_2_1) added (Installation version is
named ExportToAveva_2016.1.2.1.tsep)

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016_4_1) added

- Different SITEs (when hierarchy used) written also to message bar. Recommended
way is to use only one SITE per one export file

- Log button added to dialog to be able to directly open .log file of export

- Dialog can be put behind other windows when export is running. After finish it will
pop up. So now possible to do other things (dialog does not disturb and be topmost)
while export is running

- AvevaHierarchy.txt file can be used also from XS_FIRM, XS_PROJECT, XS_SYSTEM. If

exists in model folder (...\links\Aveva\...) then also used from model folder


- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016I_1_1) added

- Installation version is named ExportToAveva_2016.1.1.1.tsep and it is first version for


2016-09-22 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _17.4_ added.

- PDMS import: angle (L), channel (C) profiles rotated in some cases in import. This is

- PDMS import: top and bottom level values of columns vice versa shown in PDMS.
This is fixed

- PDMS export: hollow sections exported with zero radius value and could not be
imported to Tekla. This happened if parameter definition name in PDMS for diameter
is named as DIA. This is fixed (also DIA parameter name added in addition to

- PDMS export : also attributes exported even Tekla UDAs (TEKLA_GUID,

TEKLA_IFCGUID) not defined. These UDAs highly recommended to be defined because
otherwise revision handling does not work

- If PDMS hierarchy definitions used (AvevaHierarchy.txt) deleted and unplaced (wrong

hierarchy definition) members will be put under current PDMS SITE definition and
under _TEKLA-ZONE which will be created. Note: this happens if only one SITE
definition (which is highly recommended) used in export from Tekla. If several SITEs
defined then separate TEKLA-SITE created and there needs to be permission for

2016-09-02 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _17.3_ added.

- In revision cases UDAs correctly checked and member modified in PDMS/E3D if

needed. UDAs which listed in AttributeMapping.txt file (PDMS/E3D side) will be
checked for comparison.

- In some cases (e.g. rotation where profile similar and also center of gravity values
similar) member change not updated in PDMS/E3D side. This is fixed.

- In some cases deleted members in Tekla side not deleted in PDMS/E3D side. This is

- Slab generation points changed to tos (top of steel) after importing to PDMS/E3D in
case of slab/plate type and placed horizontally.

- If material undefined (Matref=Nulref) member not exported from PDMS/E3D. This is

- Rule based mapping works also for profiles without prefix in profile name like
400*400. Usually concrete members. Wall panels still imported as PANE members.
Example of mapping line is


2016-07-01 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _17.2_ added. See 17.1 release notes
because this is mainly a fix version.

- In some cases if hierarchies used and hierarchy definition e.g. FRMW empty (not
defined) import routine stops. This is fixed.

It is good to check hierarchies with ExportToAveva application. With new version it is

even easier to check. See ExportToAveva improvements

- Tekla side application (Export to Aveva, version 2016_3_1) added

- Tekla side applications (Export to Aveva, versions 211_5_1 and 210_7_1) added

- When checking hierarchies (Check Hierarchies button) added red color in dialog row
if missing hierarchy definition

- Also sorting possibility added. So easy to sort and see parts with missing information

- When filter-content type (not selected type) used then automatically selects parts of
that filter. Previously needed manual selection

If selection option wanted to be used then a new (temporary) selection-content type

row can be added and then used for selected part (good to use part selection switch)

- Many rows/models can be checked at same time. So select needed rows/models and
press check hierarchies button

- If-then-else possibility added to AvevaHierarchy.txt file.Syntax is that attribute value

can be checked first and if true then next attributes will be written in row. If value is
false then row not written at all and next row definition will be used. Checking can be
done also in middle of row. E.g.

This means that if (option) value = CV then first row used for ZONE definition. If CS
then second row used.

2016-06-28 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _17.1_ added. See also general
instructions update (at end) for basic rules when handling update settings

- Better handling updates, always checking from whole model (SITEs) to avoid
duplicate members in PDMS

- Better log file,

- e.g. include warning of polybeams, tapered members if not mapped. Then not
imported to PDMS

- if no permission to create SITE for TS created members if hierarchy definition not


- Space in file name changed to _ . Space can cause problems in PDMS

- Default values for UpdateAvevaCreatedObjects = True and

UpdateAvevaCreatedObjectsHierarchyBasedOnTeklaExportedHierarchy = True.

This is probably most common case (PDMS members always updated by TS members)

- DISH export from PDMS as cylinder type, so it will be visible in TS

- Option CheckAndRecreateAvevaModelDeletedObjects (default=false) added in

settings file ProjectSettings.txt to decide how deleted members in PDMS handled
(recreated or not in next export from TS). This has been done if e.g. by accident user
deleted members in PDMS

- If hierarchies used and only one SITE definition exists in exported file from TS then
<SITE NAME>+"\TEKLA-ZONE" created under existing SITE in case of e.g. missing
hierarchy information. This is because then extra permission not needed. If many SITE
definitions exist then "TEKLA-SITE" created and need to check that there is permission
to do it. Recommended way is to use only one SITE definition in one file exported
from TS
- Fixes for cuts/antimaterial positions in import of round cut profiles (e.g. cylinder cut)
in horizontal and vertical cases

- GENSEC (e.g. polybeam handrails) members added also to TEKLA-UDAs in file

Then also updating works correct in PDMS for GENSEC. In previous versions this
change needs to be done manually

2016-05-12 Release notes

- Tekla side applications (Export to Aveva, version 2016_2_1) added

- Tekla side applications (Export to Aveva, versions 211_4_1 and 210_6_1) added

- Improvements done for checking illegal characters in file names

- In some machines 210_5_1 version did not start depending on library dll updates.
This has been fixed

2016-05-10 Release notes

- Example video (E3D_Hierarchy_Import_Update_2016-04-21.mp4) added to NEW

HELP VIDEOS package. It will so import using E3D 2.1 version and hierarchies. This
E3D link version not yet officially released because wanted to get some feedback first.
For testing link can be downloaded from dropbox link:

Password for zip file is tekla. So install existing E3D link from Warehouse and replace
folder TS-E3D_Library with new one from dropbox link. Purpose is to release also E3D
link version soon.

2016-05-04 Release notes

- Example video (PDMS_IFC_Export_Example.wmv) of showing export in PDMS side

using new 16.2 version added to NEW HELP VIDEOS package
2016-05-03 Release notes

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _16.2_ added

- Improvements for exporting pipes in PDMS side. Only in PDMS12.0, PDMS12.1 was

- In PDMS import new SITE's are created in the CurrentElement database.

- Log file improvement if update hierarchy setting set to true and no hierarchy
defined: Import of file without hierarchy --> settings changed to false.

- Also added warning to user if database is read only, the import will then be stopped.
Earlier it gave error.

2016-04-20 Release notes

- New video ImportPDMSModelExportUsingHierarchies.mp4 added to

NEW HELP VIDEOS package to show workflow where PDMS hierarchies used. So
PDMS model imported to Tekla Structures and converted to native members and
PDMS hierarchies (SITE,ZONE, ...) stored which then exported back. Existing videos
ExportToAvevaHierarchyExample.mp4 and
TS_PDMS_UpdateHierarchiesShortSmallModel.mp4 show how different hierarchy
definitions can be used in Tekla side and exported and then imported to PDMS using
hierarchies defined in Tekla.

2016-04-04 Release notes

- Tekla side applications (Export to Aveva, version 2016_1_1) added

- Tekla Structures extension package (.tsep) file extension used. Use extension
manager to install (see e.g. Tekla User Assistance). Note: Date for application needs to
be April 6, 2016. Earlier version had an error if settings used

2016-03-31 Release notes

- Tekla side applications (Export to Aveva, versions 211_3_1 and 210_5_1) added

- ExportedToAveva folder created where exported files situated

- AvevaHierarchy.txt file created to model folder ..\Links\Aveva\Export\Settings\ where

PDMS hierarchies (SITE,ZONE,STRU,FRMW,SBFR) can be used. Tekla side UDAs and
report fields can be used. If comment // mark used in front then hierarchies are not
used. UDAs can also be combined. Example of file content could be








//not used SBFR;Uda=SBFR

Several rows e.g. to FRMW definition can be used and if first one is undefined then
later one used. If optionmenu UDAs used and text values wanted to be used then
need to use>

- There is also Check Hierarchies button which can be used for checking hierarchies
which used in PDMS import

- PDMS side application (import, export) version _16.1_ added

- When application started (Tekla Interoperability) ProjectSettings.txt file created

where next settings can be defined




So if modeling started in PDMS can be defined if objects wanted to be updated by

changes done in Tekla. Default is no (false). Also possible to define if hierarchies can
be updated in PDMS by Tekla definitions. Default is no (false). Yes value is true.
Mapping folder can be also defined
- Deleted members in Tekla side are positioned to own hierarchy -DELETED and
colored as red color. Then user can see situation and after that delete permanently in
PDMS. Also members with wrong , missing hierarchy are placed to separate -
UNPLACED hierarchy

- TOS (top of steel) changed for beams in PDMS side, before NA (neutral axis) used. It
uses same way to handle positions as ifc object conversion in Tekla

- Similar file name limitation removed to be update model started in PDMS. Before
need to use same file name in FRMW level. When modeling started in PDMS and then
continued in Tekla it is good to do first export in Tekla immediately after ifc object
conversion without modifications in Tekla. This means that in PDMS side easier to
recognize changes (also deleted members) when two export files from Tekla can be

- Export from PDMS: two files exported, filename without time stamp and with. So e.g.
pipe files easier update in Tekla because file name is same

- (BIMPublisher application can support also in Aveva export several filters (UDAs)
which can be combined. So Tekla Organizer functionality can be simulated and used)

2016-02-03 Release notes

- PDMS/E3D application fixed so that also other drives/folders than c- can be used.
Otherwise no changes (version number still same)

2016-01-14 Release notes

- New version/application of export to Aveva added to version 21.1 (211.2.1). This is

also needed to get some imperial mapping fixes. This export to Aveva application is
recommended to be used instead of old export to PDMS. Also option list export fixed
and UDA values (string) can be correctly seen in PDMS/E3D instead of integer values -
dgn file of Brep (surface ifc format) objects added to exported file. Brep objects will be
imported to PDMS/E3D as POHE elements

-Custom parts not any more exported when normal filter used in export. Connections
+ details (normal+custom) correctly filtered out

2015-12-28 Release notes

- PDMS application, VERSION _15.1_ added, E3D application VERSION _1_ added,
Release notes, dated 28.12.2015
- Polybeams (e.g. railings) exported from Tekla version TS21.1 can be imported to
- Support for Aveva/E3D 2.1 version added (separate installation like PDMS 12.0 and
12.1). No support for previous E3D versions
- Export from PDMS/E3D includes also TEKLA_Guid attribute. This enables to transfer
and modify e.g. user defined attributes (and profile) from PDMS/E3D to Tekla native
objects using new ifc change management application. Example could be status
- Fixes, improvements done to handle better mapping of imperial profiles

- Fixes, improvements done to PDMS/E3D export of some pipes and also structural
objetcs, like HELE, PNOD
- New version/application of export to Aveva added to version 21.0 (210.1.1). This is
also needed to get some imperial mapping fixes. This export to Aveva application is
recommended to be used instead of old export to PDMS. Also option list export fixed
and UDA values (string) can be correctly seen in PDMS/E3D instead of integer values

NOTE: initial_GUID user defined attribute added to support also workflow modeling
started in PDMS/E3D and then converted as native Tekla members and updated in
PDMS/E3D. By accident same initial_GUID can be modified to other Tekla member if
UDA values taken from other member and modified to other which can can cause
problems when modifying members in PDMS/E3D side. This can be prevented by
editing a little objects.inp file which exists in ...\Environments\common\inp folder.
Edited/corrected objects.inp files can be downloaded. There are separate objects.inp
files for default, usimp and usmet environments. Usimp environment uses
folder ...\Environments\usimp\inp. Environment usmet uses folder

2015-10-29 Release notes

- PDMS application, VERSION _14.1_ added, Release notes, dated 29.10.2015
- Export of pipes, equipment also from PDMS12.0 version
- PDMS hierarchy used for selection what to export/import in PDMS side
- Mapping/log file improvements , unmapped profiles information in log file
- Handling PdmsExportAttributes.txt UDAs correctly if manually edited the file

- Export pipes,equipment better in PDMS side (e.g. cylinder)

- Improvements and fixes to alignment of members
- Fixed importing UDAs to PDMS of integer, double type. Before only string type
- Version number label added to Tekla Interoperability dialog

- Profile exported from PDMS as TS profile if one to one mapping found. Then in
revision handling situations Ifc change management application can be used for
updating native TS profile

2015-09-23 Release notes

- New version of Export to PDMS added to TS version 21.1 (211.1.1)

2015-06-08 Release notes

- New version of Export to PDMS added to TS version 21.0 (210.3.1)
- Fixes done to handle UDAs (PDMS_PSets.xml), e.g.
- unnecessary warning removed
- modifications stored immediately, not after first export
- In some cases (polybeam or curved beam) not all profile texts added to .tcZip file -
this is fixed

- PDMS application, VERSION _13.1_ Release notes, dated 08.06.2015

- Plate profiles rotation handling improved
- Export of pipes, equipment improved (PDMS 12.1 version)
- Positioning/alignment of parts improved in PDMS export
- Revision handling did not work for .tcZip (TS21.0) files - this is fixed

2015-03-16 Release notes

- New version of Export to PDMS added to TS version 21.0 (210.1.1)
- file extension changed to .tczip (instead of .ifczip)
- more parts can be exported as extrusion format like polybeams, tapered (cones)
- also plates with complicated chamfer definitions can be better exported as extrusion

- PDMS application, VERSION _12.1_ Release notes, dated 13.03.2015

- also BREP parts (exported from TS) can be imported to PDMS as polyhedron objects
- Note: IFC export type in TS can be also defined as Brep in user defined attributes tab
page IFC export
- some fixes done especially when importing complicated parts with cuts and chamfer
corner rounding
2015-01-22 Release notes
- New versions of Export to PDMS added to TS versions 20.0 and 20.1 (200.5.1,
- some fixes done, e.g.
- connection parts not exported any more if only phase filters used
- property definition file (PDMS_Psets.xml) can be opened also with ifc export dialog
- new easier user interface to define properties (e.g. user defined attributes) to export

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