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Empower You Consultancy

Back to Work Training Program for Infosys

Empower You Consultancy Pvt. Limited, Revision 0

Kolkata, WB, 700107
Phone: +91987654321
Place: Kolkata
Date: 1st October, 2021
Contents Empower You Consultancy

 Covering Letter

 Introduction

 Training Description

 Our Methods

 Pricing

 Terms and Conditions

Covering letter
Empower You Consultancy

Date: 30th September 2021
Kolkata 700107.
Subject: Training Programme for employees returning to office
Reference: Web listing of Infosys looking for a training program
Dear Sir,
We would like to start by first thanking you for providing us with the opportunity to present
ourselves for this training program. Our firm - Empower You is one of the leading
consultancy firms in India, that has been operational for over 10 years, and have given
solutions to thousands of clients pan India.
We have also kept our business running online throughout most of the lockdown period and
have recently come up with our flagship “Back to work” training program for companies
looking to bring back their employees to office. This program is highly appreciated by our
other clients and we have implemented it in our firm as well.
The program is wholistic and will help each and every employee to get used to the new
normal at office and assist in a smooth transition back to work. We hereby submit our
proposal which we feel will meet your requirements and have also given the details of the
program which we hope are according to what you need.
Looking forward to your consent to start the program immediately.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
For Empower You Consultancy
Managing Director

Empower You Consultancy
Organizations have seen substantial disruptions since the emergence of COVID-19, affecting
employees, customers, partners, and others both inside and beyond the workplace.
Organizations must address employees' COVID-19 questions and concerns, as well as
comply with directives and instructions from federal, state, and local officials and the
medical community. They must also reassure employees of the actions being taken to
preserve everyone's health, safety, and well-being.

A well-trained workforce is critical to any company's success. Regularly trained employees

can provide value in new ways and remain aligned with the company's goals and vision. The
COVID-19 pandemic was a difficult phase for everyone and employees of every organization
coped with their work through the work from home model. It is essential for employees to
undergo training to understand how to work in a post COVID office space.

Coming back to work after a pandemic of this scale is a very challenging task and we at
Empower You can provide solutions to make sure that employees are comfortable and their
transition is smooth through our training program which is exclusively designed. The post
pandemic world is completely new and we understand that going back to work might be
extremely worrisome.

Established in 2011, Empower You has been a pioneer in consulting solutions to multitudes
of organisations across the country. Empower you is a leading people management
consultant based in India. We specialize in customized training sessions that are geared
towards the needs of our clients. We have been in the business of training corporate staff
and management for 25 years and can design courses to meet specific needs and generate
measurable results.

Empower You provides employee training that can elevate performance once again in the
office space whilst keeping in mind new protocols that will come into effect once the
employees are back. While the circumstances of each firm are unique, a return-to-work
training session specially designed by Empower You can help employees manage the many
changes they may encounter and communicate leadership's sympathy and empathy during
these trying times. Based on a thorough review of your processes and employees, our
programmes are tailored to your company's specific needs.

A firm can constantly improve, and employee training is a crucial part of building and
strengthening a business from the ground up. The finest firms understand that each
employee is critical to their success, and that each employee must be connected with the
company's objectives. Empower You will give you options for every kind of potential
scenario. Please take a look at the training proposal attached. We've put together a
customised plan for your firm to help you maximise the value your employees bring to the

Training Description
Empower You Consultancy
Empower you proposes to provide in person training to Infosys’s employees on “Coming
Back to Offices”. Training will take place either at all the Infosys offices in India or at the
Empower You classrooms which are present in all major cities and are fully-equipped with
audio and video technology for full-time sessions. Our team carefully plans and enacts
training programs with your company’s overall goals in mind. We work to prepare your
employees for the company’s future needs without hampering your business in the process.

The following are the modules which our program covers:

 Module 1: Raising awareness on new behaviours in order to keep workplaces safe

 Module 2: Guidance on psychological adjustments to help employees cope
 Module 3: New policies and SOPs that should be implemented in every office setting
 Module 4: Mental wellness program and how to be social once again
 Module 5: How to handle breach of protocols

Details of each module:

Module 1: Raising awareness on new behaviours in order to keep workplaces safe

 How to adjust to a new normal working environment

 Preparing to return to the work place
 Arriving at the office – how to maintain social distancing in and around the
 How to maintain protocols in common areas
 Daily health check requirements and standards for self-monitoring
Module 2: Guidance on psychological adjustments to help employees cope

 How to promote good hygiene and cleanliness in workspaces

 Ways to manage workload, the workpace and the work schedule
 Use of a buddy system to monitor stress and provide support

Module 3: New policies and SOPs that should be implemented in every office setting

 A Standard Operating Procedure which can be used in common areas such the
canteen, gyms, recreation rooms and elevators
 Also contain safety precautions and incident reporting processes
 Guidelines in case of sickness and health emergencies
 Explanation of signage / notices in the office and what they mean

Empower You Consultancy

Module 4: Mental wellness program and how to be social once again

 How to partake in social huddles/ meetings with covid protocols in place
 Alternatives for coping with the anxiety of coming back to work
 How to express concerns and fears openly and improve communication amongst

Module 5: How to handle breach of protocols

 Process to be followed if an employee experiences any symptoms

 Process for contact tracing if the need arises


 Provide free vaccinations for all employees, including their families and only allow
fully vaccinated employees to return to work
 Operate with not more than 50% capacity of employees by dividing them into shifts
 Establish isolation areas near entrances and quarantine rooms for employees who
are suspected to be positive
 Conduct regular sanitisation activities of all common areas, especially touch prone
 Screen and monitor each and every employee and maintain records of the same
 Establish vending machines for masks and sanitisers
 Place auto- dispensing sanitisers at common areas and encourage employees to use
them regularly
 Encourage employees to use their own transportation methods and if using the
company bus, ensure that the bus is sanitised regularly and operating at 50%
capacity with other protocols in place

Training Plan
Empower You Consultancy

 We plan to have an introductory session online, during the last week of November to
help employees understand what they can expect from the training program
 The online session will be held over one week, with 5 sessions per day, covering the
employees of around 7 offices per day so that the all the employees can attend it
without facing any bandwidth issues
 We would be having a tie-up with a software company to address the large audience
 The online session will be for 1 hour, with 2 sessions lasting 30 minutes each. The
first session will consist of the explanation of the training program, the second
session will be an interactive session so that employees can mention their
expectations from the program.
 The training program is likely to begin during the first week of December, as and
when employees start coming to work
 Since the employees would be coming in shifts, we have planned to hold 4 sessions
per office to cover all the employees of that particular office location
 We would also be providing video explanations of all the training modules so that
employees can access it at anytime
 We also plan to hold an online quiz once all the training sessions are over in all the
offices with a cash prize for the top three performance per office

Tentative Schedule:

Modules Timing
Raising awareness on new behaviours 9 am – 10 am
Guidance on psychological adjustments 10 am – 11 am
New policies and SOPs that should be implemented 12 pm – 1 pm
Break for lunch 1 pm – 2 pm
Mentall wellness program and how to be social 2 pm – 3 pm
once again
How to handle a breach of protocols 3 pm – 4 pm

Empower You Consultancy

A)Online training per office

Particulars Price
Software tie-up fee
Cloud repository fee
Online quiz platform fee

Trainer fee

B) Offline training per office

Particulars Price
Trainer fee
Infrastructure fee
Stationary fee

Terms and Conditions

Empower You Consultancy


Empower You will provide a comprehensive training programme for the employees of
Infosys, across the organization’s 50 offices in India. The training will be covered in a hybrid
model comprising of both online and offline training and will be covered over a duration of
23-4 days per office depending on the number of employees returning to office per location.
The employees of your organization will be assigned to groups and will be subject to
simulation-based training on site. The programme will require all employee to take part in
an end of training evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the programme.

Infosys will be required to pay Empower You 50% of the total service charge as a deposit
during the formal agreement and execution of the contract. The payment of the remaining
50% will be required as and when all the employees are done with their evaluations and
formal conclusion of the training programme across all offices.


In the event of cancellations in service at any point after commencement of the programme,
Infosys will be required to forfeit a portion of our services charges depending on duration of
the programme that was completed prior to the disruption. The following durations will be
followed during our association post a formal agreement:
1. In the event of cancellation 30 days prior to commencement, Infosys will be required to
forfeit 25% of the deposit.
2. In the event of cancellation within 2 days after commencement, Infosys will be required
to forfeit 100% of the deposit.

Submitted by:
Swetha P (232KD)
Aditya Karmakar (182KD)
S Arvind (188KD)
Aravind Menon (187KD)
Himanshu Mittal (199KD)
Mohit Kumar (209KD)
Rajat Rangari (220KD)

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