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NAME. _________________________________________________________.
DATE __________________________________________________.
GRADE. _____________________________________.

A. Change the verb into the correct form, and complete the sentences.

1.. I usually _______________(go) to school.

2.David never _____________ (mix) milk and eggs.
3.He _____________ (miss) her a lot.
4.Laura___________ (be) a beautiful girl
5. He ___________pay) me well.
6. They ___________ (visit) us often.
7. You _____________ (play) basketball.
8. Tom _____________ (work) every day.
9. He always________________ (tell) us funny storie.
10. You always ______________ (teach) me new things
11. She never _____________ (help) me with that!
12. Martha and Kevin _________ (swim) twice a week.
13. In this club people usually ______________ (dance) a lot.
14. John rarely _____________ (leave) the country
15. You always _______________________ (teach) me new things.
16. Michael _____________ (not dance).
17. Michel ____________ (not run) fast.
18. Tim and Kate _____________ (not work) every day.
19.This girl always __________ (not push) somebody.
20. She ______________ (not take) pictures.
21. It _____________ (not cost) so much.
22. We ___________ (not seem) so happy.
23. _________you go) to work by train?
24. ______________ (she drink) coffee every morning?
25. _____________ (he smoke)?
26. ______________ it hurt)?
27. ____________ (we dance)?
28. _____________ (they travel)?
29. ____________ Emma cook) well?
30. ______________ (Alexander exercise) regularly?
31. Barbara __________ (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.
B. Write the days of the week.

C. spell your name in english

_____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____
____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____
_____ ____ ______ ______.

D. Choose 3 interrogative sentences from the above and give them answers.
NAME. _________________________________________________________.
DATE __________________________________________________.
GRADE. _____________________________________

A. Change the verb into the correct form, and complete the sentences
1. The bee_________________ (buzz).
2. Joe ____________ (study) really hard.
3. A boy _____________ (kiss) a girl.
4.Isabella ____________ (enjoy) listening to music.
5. David never _______________(mix) milk and eggs.
6. Daniel __________________ (fly) to Paris once a year.
7. She never ____________ (do) her homework.
8. Lisa ___________ (try) to help her sister.
9. Mark ___________ (go) home at seven.
10.He _____________ (miss) her a lot.
11.Tim _____________ (watch) this show every night.
12.In this club people usually ______________ (dance) a lot.
13. Linda ___________enjoy of her sister.
14. John rarely _____________ (leave) the country
15. In this club people usually ______________ (dance) a lot.
16. Lucas and Clara ____________ (not eat) meat.
17. I _____________not swim) much.
18. You _____________ (not ski) at all.
19. It ________________ (not hurt).
20 He __________ (not bring) gifts.
21.She ____________not take) pictures.
22. It _____________ (not cost) so much
23. ______________ (Alexander exercise) regularly?
24. ___________ (I look) well?
25. _____________ (you rest) enough?
26 _______________ (William work) too hard?
27.  __________ ( they travel) often?
28. ______________ (Anthony go) to sleep too late?
29. ____________ ( you bake) cakes?
30. ____________(you be) ready?
31. _____________(Emma cook) well?
A. Write the days of the week.

B. spell your name in english

_____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____
____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____
_____ ____ ______ ______.

C. Choose 3 interrogative sentences from the above and give them answers.
NAME. _________________________________________________________.
DATE __________________________________________________.
GRADE. _____________________________________.

A. Write the days of the week.


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