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739V399393Q 2 933390293 3IIII3 9 2 z 3 ) Gornmenicorhitn ee” = => fe it AR (GO cote rast) 4 als Nores & Querr a Caystem of purLie aly accept ed syenb phrogh whic pnroenicot rreravers of godexy Co With ore omorrer ”, —_—— eae . « » tone Conn ONC te *O mate common, Te ony means of Eee EMSA ot jaca from one caind +d omrstne™ provided i \ \ oe pono symbols, Sigh> ov wavi ors — —— ——_ oe tl Lamas 29¢ ys thes avcet of. commu nico yew Ve is not seat Innean> © ¢ openers COO pos WEA of- yehodi ah P omer > Symloob'e 5 BSTC , subject +o 19 —— 7 aivicaal yowarto Socio\ec* 1 “ wed th U.P.S.C. >= zee INrahec © guvjecs negionad Vrowertn ta: Zanenreom, US & (ncblor eegtisy Dynamic }. CROMBAS cones Oly " ing§leencee & ingiven ie Wee 40 Aram nen, prone cytes yn, eo =| Procwe Ve) on Jnea hy ets eed by rE]. guistic Ae vel> cermonye, & je xtcan. premaacs £™ snag SiIQes: | diveras , 7 spoo presen*® odd aoc Des 7 P z +r powaltel eva: —Joiggecerent | 4 ONS STO?. afin, St even, Rak or i) Biolingets Homans nave {anc errucwe & herped sinece cauied SLemguoge Paice BS) Fox P2 bene * Rioiosico Capable evolved ani to occonts (Om Qrieee- [3) Broce | Wwemscee © Lede Hernise tare of Soo rod lovey she Tree of WOM Chon + Lolth >> acanice OQ. T+ is Precuietney rd : Ss evoarrnm Prngy le 6aPa” a ano] 2 GC e ® © @ Nasbrat Gelstion : Hs pagienr one aotauhs (hy Pears Poon HYP U.P.S.C. lz: somo Logiwe, Noam Chomsiy ALS O v4, Can tarts aboot severe |n super eomciaxtro$s O3Se. 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Sienpn seq [UR Barjer cor yearn ow Pickard * ooo 8 we oa which ee ron Lange o3® cia = - | butcbiag bIgcl> Neesh | leona oe si cen LON Such as prepa uss across the Word - & auaiiony trends. _syufsraces &4 ener ae \ evowes poke creole - Gramm: ic obs reepete= ac. +e BDETe BickeOO NL ape yocarions lo s- Grothe Ena. ei the s fromm arepec Jrus some vmvesset § raxrnnco ht mod Moy be ch oe | nce leq . (Quesion Na U.PRS.C. = o> ly Op yeing ie sisek's coe pier ants Comment rex sn oS moth & & ee ain oO eo pe ads. (Boyer 6 cron ) amy aaa) one exyenenset AS ANA : e on nced van age: Wes pave cesses =P om Ov* asec ee ett ect Derel Biceer tw + jDeree KN Grammar 6 Mess) Ne Creole LAs : ‘ a lai Rumans. Whe s hornan languages. {ses Siei\on Qcross World . {anaited by c Creel) mon represey U.P.S.C. |= even al Co\rwre Ln ore ne loted. Lamceege is transfered 9 part of © wharas lCUlwre A & worole is lange ly through langue je: rhe torcunamissi ow Sas Wout trangsmi sere Lot toot \Orguede comp \ex% Colter antral Ces cos D r Socio Linguist | Sede hos LOS eo oe) Sse grass yy —-7 Voie Ouray 4d Gey © (9) "ep. by ©rv ae Noam Cihomsl’ in his Cri Hased 484 ho mogeneo4 more ; Mole * Lop. | ave eo Ext Ta spd em & wots property. Gor vith pr => Gewwice i SH wor es Som arsed mow speale os Herb jen ques Huan Louien Conte | Ex ° Tony Hol) & foond Noavear ikeuion Pie perudtc <> Lefiected in +5 Japanese ey 4 far Choi eZ ye won peed Dee mans ORO! \erned + ie TE pran asics avertion - fer ich ‘ en ans => Orne wants akrene Ibe vir evobly ienpossi ble. js come Apqrach theo of biobiag vente: Jexe Ecgush of Ligh dass & low GO ~ & beoreish) ao ee pegs ee oo chase acter used (= OIFferen} werd pecpeslk a. Coercive force AoplLnsg is reqectect by a ts ULF S.C. raiv® oun : cme Sapir - Wohorf typethens a2e5 . @ °S Liagvist™S 1 Licguisn’c Der enidiera \ Relotivism ON Sa of lag ---~€ Ex: Chaigen & Covecierany sy Mala dom Sir & NAdarn em Protnhowone | Ey Eros | oilebrewilepnprances (ores Ot yours pan | Rowone pecple EB sbovel Aee So \sraeti Cnildser mere Ge acho - Ce Ney AVE chon Enott'’sh ov Franich cnilctr]eo. — A\exancde— Goiore ® e ® e @ ® @ ® Brenser ia Engrish 5 so Sobconcavels ° @ @ @ o @ @ @ @ ) ) Doesnt en en whorg people follow monechrormay ese Ae HH re een wrere lmpatane yver TT “Ad Bor io i coy ze coadk(ten ) Breese ot et idles emavtem mee i gitee prayean => Acai sions t aif BARR core atts 2 oot ot ea OOS ashe Been —> More acuaont Beles: ainda erate Fh 3 7) a Norge decide OT note, PT ae Sure SRO, —__—_—-. s wabiar Lute. PRESTO ing influences & . . ——— hos Mere, HOOD fsx Ne blue |p vebber (tar Sag . coc 2 grounder k Qtownies _ B(a ce > Cx obey ti en ee ae U.PS.C. = some volse -oddstt Diss tess * Zing a came speo Oo wath Cannot wish & Low f4 i Now 1e* US do in rekoson of © 2: Coge ve PT onesQaes) bY ed on XH language FeVetops. Syrvov'e & | Y Hanvunco corer co#os Hanoid Contin => Boo al content (yocoraeny) or ©: w® basic peek ee, Tre Lense of Langage Aepends co\e4 D Berto A¥oR ON £ depends on ecnnoienco s ocsy, as, color is Seed 4p Gecotats 7 @ qexdrdsd® seiaguish skyects - view is that broloSy @r P oan a Rees phoretce Ss Needs Le. Ger LISHE eyes —> More cole _ ak Poles .- Au'siess ib 18 of doute colf> is easier . DSr egren We arora OT Furuse Of sya GeameaiQaer)” z. fourd envy sy Lag) eee Cendon & of speacss* Siete | Exrresreghy_ OF SRE ings in USA donn BScNer =. 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HUbe- C ‘i Peasan — Saits Elagance of ses fa Beri’ gasped enck or shape af oye a) ® - af ean ae ® Cornraunicoss'on — ® oe ae © pee Co (asp ve @ vse pt words either writken/ \wwewes wordless Spoifen +> Comey paeanings: oe meaning®,— pay 2S le ae ” Biy dunist a gavick evr & @ @ e@ 2e see ofc Un condasy @ lon es = J \ \localiarin otc © Argue tw Sr Silence, a Guts” |——— Exsonisl® oy, frok FORE Soeir. ifob wore? om Ea: Tan. aa Rana -CP— ) | ee a _ Geof of Fd) provers ~ pisiance per? “ Tooke dopat> oe lars wear) Ons geK ete body colt bovie a _ i sew dak cnn We: Horne —— pats aaron ia ay sencone Tena oh + Bus SF — | @ Preqmones Pete: Ween ; A a | ¥ , : Ex If 2 peopre gabieteg NEN ee ok @ © Bone wealies Nees hers. | ee eg] Sea of arect comrmd- covery ® eabad means. by non -vocak non= vente’ ~ B. Bircduorss| UN . + Seaman = : LS een | sce > Genet Eyetore Haprice ep we i Sse@e30oe@ | ot sreaning Gar OO 2, | Handhalee Gas Coes Symbol 0 Wop eeces ci se Wieck AYO U.P.S.C. Ps A gcienbfie stud a Y of NYE wos 4 a Exeprestion of Sento Chromed Doawid in Ta Man & Anicnoks (1832) in Vocab! Soveds ns pat of qords owe NYE Oe See cexcenomys Cs “vee Some » alt expression ef emotion ——— emotions Gund SOU" one Universo . SL WO: Lao ex? of a Gawd T Row soys 2.ob anc q use YS Ga) Heat (AV, tL See Mates stondgnale> & Shufing CHtS * Not inxeregeed Ex” Lime ° Vickey in Ue {US cece Ex NO Sor + ‘ ppisteagectiyh 1 SSS ie US B ROMENG in france Eas Of “Sign 5 ves a Vegor ta @ceece. 5 Sess Exs Pointing ax nead, US Srna Sxope 7 SEPIA ee potion of sprisicod space”, Here (rab prcats tn On enrering j wesn/ Ex + Bowing Consicunedt respect hk sagen, Ex US Rh vis JOQpOn ceacnom difteamt a porror video in Wp (eRe of cuwner*y xaxvsnt kw be more seraky e] lan EM Eemnoter N Ov 10 - . a ey qe , . 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Even weritlen sexes have NOO7 verbo ehements suck as Rendenting abt, qmmmngenrt of core ae ermowor, ere, Ov py D257 —» Type ) Prarect \ndodetet Cock ot VC ve pe \exteah x ES) enenigit® L, Promotes} Puc mevssco Ae Roioke ave son No} U.P.S.C. ran Accent ee Diolectt : Uni at ee Code- Swit ning « Weaning (Gero) T4 seporor Witt become SEP mere Begferencen ta Pronundaho ia ponolosy_mofphaina sos vnink eli gies Loy CrOnact ener of Heo/ Use ger? Te +s yous ety of UB Con*soum Xhen HY Or gtFerence> ov syne cor Onosse LOS 1-€ mosh sbt2 A> each Owen. usiag more Ran conve’ cot oNs soirecteo » ngaee pets cenod spect o> Non Ut ro

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