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Dear Sir,

I am a student under your tutelage in ACT370 Sec-1 . With great regret, I am writing to you to inform
and seek your permission and consideration in regard that I might not be able to attend the today’s
exam due to ill health. My symptoms consist of cold cough and fever so I have isolated myself from my
housemates and afraid that I might put my fellow coursemates at risk too.

I hope and pray you will kindly consider my predicament and enable me to take my pending Midterm at
a later date of your convenience.

I am ashamed and sorry to be inconveniencing you but my current health status has left with no other
alternatives. I hope that my situation warrants your consideration to enable me to take my impending
mid at a later date.

Thanking you and asking for a place in your prayers.

Mohammad Musayed Hossain

ID: 1431169630

ACT370 Sec 1

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