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Panel - Technical Report (25 %)

PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
Objectives, scopes and
PO4 - Investigation , WP(Complex engineering problem) -WK8
problem statements

• Not able/very poorly • Effectively and critically

conduct the conduct the investigation
• Poorly conduct the
investigation; and provide specific,
investigation; • Adequately conduct • Able to critically
research statements significant research
Critically investigate the research statements the investigation and conduct the
is too broad, or the statements by
problem in the project barely establish the reasonably identify investigation and
description fails to connecting to the
using research-based importance of the relevant research identify relevant
PO4 establish the research problems to the
knowledge and research problem areathus . statements and research statements
(CO2) 3% importance of the literature, using the
methods to identify The connections of connections and connections with
C6 problem area. The research-based
research gaps hence problem statements to established with the the literature, using
connections of knowledge and research
establish projects’ the literature, research- literature.By using the the research-based
problem statements to methods.
objectives within the based knowledge and research-based knowledge and
the literature, research- • Excellently establish
scope of study and research methods are knowledge and research
based knowledge and objectives and scopes as
answer problem slightly clear thus research methods methods,thus
research methods are well as present clearly
statements. establish vague objectives and scopes objectives and scopes
not clear, debatable, and reasonable
objectives and are established. are clearly defined.
or insignificant thus explanation of
fail to establish assumptions, limitations
objectives and scopes and problem statements.

PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)

Literature Review PO4 - Investigation , WP(Complex engineering problem) -WK8

• Able but at minimum

• Unable/Weak to • Satisfactorily able to • Able to critically • Excellently investigate,
effort to investigate,
investigate, review, investigate, review, investigate, review, review, explain,
Able to report review, explain,
explain, compares, explain, compares, explain, compares, compares and
investigation and compares, critique the
critique the referred critique the referred critique the referred scientifically critique the
develop literature review referred
literature/research literature/research literature/research referred
related to the project by literature/research
papers and relate the papers and relate the papers and relate the literature/research
using research-based papers and relate the
impact of the past impact of the past impact of the past papers and critically
knowledge and research impact of the past
researches to present researches to present researches to present relate the impact of the
methods to conduct researches to present
project towards project towards project towards past researches to
PO4 investigation and project towards
solving the research solving the research solving the research present project towards
(CO2) 3% perform research solving the research
problems. (0 - 5 problems. (11 - 20 problems. (21 - 29 solving the research
C6 activities problems. (6 - 10
references) references) references) problems. (30 and more

• Fail to report • Show minimum • Satisfactorily report

• Critically report good
extensive numbers of effort to report small average numbers of • Critically report
Literature critique based numbers of related
related and recent numbers of related related and recent extensive numbers of
project journal and recent journal journal
and recent journal
related and recent journal
Able to report extensive papers/research (0 - papers/research (40-
papers/research (16 - papers/research (30- papers/research (>50
numbers of current 50 references) and
15 references) and 29 references) and 39 references) and references) and develop
journal papers for develop good
unable to develop develop basic develop sufficient detailed literature review
reviewing related area of literature review literature review
literature review literature review relating all areas in
project scope. relating all areas in
relating all areas in relating all areas in relating all areas in project.
project. project. project.

PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)

Project Methodology PO5 - Modern tool usage , WP(Complex engineering problem) -WK6

• Unable to provide • Able to provide basic

• Able to provide • Able to provide good
statement of research statement of research • Able to provide accurate
adequate statement of descriptive scientific
methods, select and methods, select and and descriptive scientific
research methods, statement of research
apply appropriate apply appropriate statement of research
select and apply methods, techniques,
techniques, materials, techniques, materials, methods, techniques,
techniques, materials, materials, processes,
processes, software, processes, software, materials, processes,
processes, software, software, instruments,
instruments, instruments, software, instruments,
instruments, machinery and
machinery and machinery and machinery and
machinery and procedures as a
procedures as a procedures as a procedures as a problem-
procedures as a problem-solving
problem-solving problem-solving solving approach.
Able to identify, learn, problem-solving approach.
PO5 approach. approach.
select and apply approach.
(CO3) appropriate techniques,
P4 resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools • Unable to present • Able to present some • Able to present
• Able to present good • Able to present
to perform the project in chronological, of methodology in satisfactory
chronological, procedures that are
proper methodology. working and working and chronological,
working and chronological, replicable,
replicable procedures replicable procedures working and
replicable procedures rigorous, manageable
and strategies for data and strategies for data replicable procedures
and strategies for data and coherent for
generation and generation and and strategies for data
generation and generating valid and
4% validation using the validation using the generation and
validation using the reliable data by using the
modern engineering modern engineering validation using the
modern engineering most effective modern
machinery, machinery, modern engineering
machinery, equipment engineering machinery,
equipment, equipment, machinery, equipment
instruments, software equipment, instruments,
instruments, software instruments, software instruments, software
and IT tools. software and IT tools.
and IT tools. and IT tools. and IT tools.
Literature critique based
project • Unable to identify • Able to identify and • Able to identify and
to identify, learn, select and extract • Able to identify and extract sufficient extract good
and apply appropriate • Able to present detailed
chronological, extract basic working chronological, chronological,
techniques, resources, chronological, working
working and and replicable data/ working and working and
and modern engineering and replicable data/
replicable data/ procedures/strategies/ replicable data/ replicable data/
PO5 and IT tools to identify procedures/
procedures/strategies/ analysis tools and use procedures/strategies/ procedures/strategies/
(CO3) and extract information strategies/analysis tools
analysis tools and use of modern engineering analysis tools and use analysis tools and use
P4 in and use of modern
of modern engineering machinery, of modern engineering of modern engineering
references/journals/litera engineering machinery,
machinery, equipment, machinery, machinery,
tures which the research equipment, instruments,
equipment, instruments, software equipment, equipment,
was carried out in each software and IT tools.
instruments, software and IT tools. instruments, software instruments, software
area related to project and IT tools. and IT tools. and IT tools.
and why that method
was chosen.

PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)

Project result analysis PO5 - Modern tool usage , WP(Complex engineering problem) -WK6

• Able to organize and

• Unable to organize
• Able to organize but analyze gathered • Show good effort to
and analyze gathered • Excel in organize and
poorly analyze information or data, organize and analyze
information or data analyze gathered
gathered information but does not clearly gathered information
and fails to describe information, data and
or data and fails to describe the factors or data, clearly
the factors and results including clearly
describe the factors and limitations that describe the factors
limitations that describe the factors and
Able to organize, and limitations that influenced the and limitations that
influence the research limitations that
interpret, analyze and influence the research research problem. influenced the
problem. influenced the research
present the results with problem. • Able to interpret, research problem.
• Unable/very poorly problem.
the use of modern • Poorly interpret, present and explain • Able to interpret,
interpret, present and • Able to clearly interpret,
engineering and IT tools present and explain (but not always clear present and explain
explain the result present and explain
PO5 usage the result because of and concise) the the results from
because no results with excellent
(CO3) 6% minimum IT/software results from figures, figures, diagrams
IT/software figures, diagrams and/or
P4 applications are used diagrams and/or and/or tables due to
applications are used tables due to the use of
to show the results tables due to use of use of any modern
to show the results most effective modern
obtained in any modern engineering and IT
obtained in engineering and IT tools.
figure/diagrams/table. engineering and IT tools.

Literature critique based • Successfully

• Able to tabulate • Able to tabulate
project • Unable to tabulate
information into information into
tabulate information • Excellently tabulate
Able to tabulate information into into related area of information into related
related area of interest related area of interest
information and results related area of interest interest in area of interest in
in project/parameters in project/parameters
in referred journal in project/parameters project/parameters project/parameters
project but with project but with
papers according to project with use of project but with good project by full usage of
minimum use of moderate use of
area/parameters of related modern IT usage of related related modern IT
related modern IT related modern IT
project with use of tools/software modern IT tools/software
tools/software tools/software
modern IT tools/software tools/software
Discussion, suggestion
PO6 - Engineer and society, WP(Complex engineering problem) -WK7
and conclusion

• Show shallow • Able to moderately

• Able to critically
discussion and discuss the results. • Able to critically
• Unable to discuss discuss the results
suggestions were The discussions, discuss the results. The
the results that meets and make suggestions
minimally suggestions and discussions, suggestions
the specified needs and conclusions that
explained/did not meet conclusions are and conclusions are
with appropriate meets the specified
the specified needs partially meet the effectively meet the
consideration for needs with
with appropriate specified needs with specified needs with
public health and appropriate
consideration for appropriate appropriate
safety, ethical, consideration for
public health and consideration for consideration for public
cultural, societal and public health and
safety, ethical, public health and health and safety, ethical,
environmental safety, ethical,
Able to discuss, cultural, societal and safety, ethical, cultural, societal and
considerations (if any) cultural, societal and
reasoning, suggest and due to shallow environmental cultural, societal and environmental
conclude based on considerations (if any) environmental considerations (if any)
sources of literature considerations (if any)
contextual knowledge to review. due to minimum considerations (if any) due to comprehensive
due to sufficient
assess impact towards sources of literature due to moderate sources of literature
sources of literature
societal/ health/ review. number of literature review.
safety/legal/cultural review sources.
issues and the
consequent • Did • Address the basic • Reasonably address • Successfully • Convincingly address
responsibilities relevant not/unconvincingly suggestion for further the suggestion for address the the suggestion for further
to professional address the improvements and further improvements suggestion for further improvements and future
engineering practice. suggestion for further future research works and future research improvements and research works relevant
improvements and with no or unclear works relevant to future research works to professional
future research works relevant to professional relevant to engineering practice.
with no or unclear professional engineering practice. professional • Excellently conclude the
relevant to engineering practice. • Moderately conclude engineering practice. projects’ achievement
professional • Weakly conclude the the projects’ • Conclude the and findings relevant to
PO6 engineering practice. projects’ achievement achievement and projects’ achievement professional engineering
(CO4) 5% • Did not conclude the and relevancy to relevancy to and relevancy to practice.
A4 projects’ achievement professional professional professional
and relevancy to engineering practice. engineering practice. engineering practice.
engineering practice.
• Article’s relevance is • Article’s relevance is • Article’s relevance is • Article’s relevance is • Article’s relevance is
none; analysis of vaguely clear; sufficient; analysis of good; analysis of very clear; analysis of
author(s)’ argument is analysis of author(s)’ author(s)’ argument is author(s)’ argument is author(s)’ argument is
missing; no support argument barely visible; visible support visible; visible support reported in detail;
for literatures’ visible ; minimum for literatures’ for literatures’ Detailed support for
evaluation; missing support for literatures’ evaluation, analysis of evaluation, analysis of literatures’
analysis of evaluation and methodology and methodology and evaluation,analysis of
Literature critique based methodology and minimum analysis of results. results. methodology and results.
project results. methodology and
Able to critique of article results
argument/findings and • Missing any • Basic effort to report • Satisfactorily report • Good effort to report • Detailed explanation on
able to fit information about how information about how information about how information about how any information about
arguments/discussion literatures findings fits literatures findings fits literatures findings fits literatures findings fits how literatures findings
with area of interest in related to each other’s related to each other’s related to each other’s related to each other’s fits related to each
project in regards to (i.e., supports, (i.e., supports, (i.e., supports, (i.e., supports, other’s (i.e., supports,
societal/ health/ contradicts, provides contradicts, provides contradicts, provides contradicts, provides contradicts, provides a
safety/legal/cultural a different perspective a different perspective a different perspective a different perspective different perspective or
issues and relevant to or methodology) or methodology) or methodology) or methodology) methodology)
professional engineering
• Fail to relate findings • Minimum effort to • Able to moderately • Able to successfully • Excellently relate
to students projects relate findings to relate findings to relate findings to findings to students
and recommend students projects and students projects and students projects and projects and recommend
expected recommend expected recommend expected recommend expected expected
parameters/data/ parameters/data/ parameters/data/proce parameters/data/proce parameters/data/procedu
procedure. procedure. dure. dure. re.
PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)

Report delivery PO10 - Communication , EA

• Able to present fairly

organized report and • Able to present
• Unable to present • Present organized • Able to present good
follow the standard excellently organized and
organized report and report minimally and organized report and
format, but in some effectively written report
to follow the standard follow the standard follow the standard
areas, it is difficult to according to the standard
format. format. format.
understand the flow of format.
• Unable to coherently • Minimum effort to • Able to report • Able to coherently • Able to excellently
report research report research research activities and report research report all the research
activities and findings activities and findings findings with the activities and findings activities and findings
with the underlying with the underlying underlying logic. All with the underlying with the underlying logic
logic. The reader has logic. The reader has the research activities logic. All the research and easy-to-follow
to make great effort to to make considerable and findings are fairly activities and findings writing structures.
Able to deliver effective understand the effort to understand written with are fairly written with
report and design underlying logic and the underlying logic underlying logic but underlying logic.
documentations to show the flow of ideas. and the flow of ideas required minor
PO10 that students could thus required major improvements.
(CO5) 2% comprehend and improvements.
A4 communicate effectively
on research activities • Choose • Choose appropriate
• Choose appropriate • Choose correct • Choose appropriate and
with the engineering inappropriate words words and make many
words that express words that express precise words to express
community (supervisors, and make many spelling and the intended meaning the intended meaning the intended meaning
external examiners) and spelling and grammatical errors in
and support reader and support reader and support reader
with society at large. grammatical errors in the sentences, thus
comprehension. comprehension. comprehension.
the sentences, thus the engineering However, some However, some Sentences are free from
the engineering community have to
sentences have sentences have spelling and grammatical
community have to make effort to spelling and spelling and errors.
make effort to understand the report.
grammatically errors grammatically errors
understand the report. that impede the flow that is minor.
f i ti
• Unable to present • Minimum effort to • Able to moderately • Able to successfully • Able to excellently
and communicate with present and present and present and present and
the logic of the communicate with the communicate the logic communicate the logic communicate with the
evidence from the logic of the evidence of the evidence from of the evidence from evidenced logic from the
literature. from the literature. the literature. the literature. literature, which
enhances the
clarification of the

PO Performance Criteria Weak (0-2) Marginal (3-4) Acceptable (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
Report format & writing PO10 - Communication , EA
71% - 100% in 51% - 70% in 31% - 50% in 11% - 30% in 0% - 10% in plagiarism
plagiarism report plagiarism report plagiarism report plagiarism report report

• Moderately organize
• Unable to organize • Able to organize
each chapter and • Excellently organize
each chapter and each chapter and • Excellently organize
adequately write the each chapter and
Able to write the inadequately write the write the report with each chapter and
report according to accurately write
report/document report without minimum compliance accurately write
PO10 the standard format according to the
according to required complying to standard to standard format according to the standard
(CO5) 2% due to sufficient standard IEEE format,
format with good writing format (IEEE), (IEEE), showing IEEE format, showing
A4 knowledge on IEEE showing excellent
skills, reflecting that the showing minimum minimum writing excellent writing skills
format, thus shows writing skills
students could writing skills. skills.
fair writing skills.
comprehend, relate and
organize effectively all • Very poor • Poor communication • Adequately show • Show good • Effectively show
the research activities. communication as as each topic/sub- communication as communication as excellent communication
each topic/sub-topic topic of research continuity of each continuity of each as continuity of each
of research activities activities are topic/sub-topic of topic/sub-topic of topic/sub-topic of
are not connected to minimally connected research activities are research activities are research activities are
each other. to each other. shown. relatively shown. clearly shown.

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