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Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Taguig Branch




TIME : 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Day/s : MONDAY

Name : TEST I-10 : 100 =

Hernando, Alistair A.
Student :
2019 – 00342 – TG – 0
Year/Sec : BS – ECE 3-1
Signature :

Instructor : Engr. Arsenio L. Domingo TOTAL : 100 =

Please read the instructions carefully BEFORE ANSWERING.

TEST I:. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . S c o r e 100 pts


1. Identify Different Types of Water and Explain.?

2. Discuss the Different Types of Geological formation of Ground
3. What are the Problems of Ground Water and Explain?
4. As a Lending Source, What makes LWUA Advantageous over other
5. What is LWUA’s Financial Expertise?
6. What is LWUA’s Technical Expertise?
7. What is LWUA’s Institutional Development Expertise?
8. Define and Explain water treatment Process
9. What are the mandated functions of MWSS despite this is under
privatization and continue to exercise.
10. What are the sources of Metro Manila water supply? And explain?

Answer the QUESTIONS and explain?

1. Identify Different Types of Water and Explain.?

ANS. 1. The Groundwater

Groundwater is found under the ground surface in soil
pore spaces and geologic formation cracks as part of the
natural water cycle. Groundwater can be found
underground in subterranean aquifers. The majority of
groundwater comes from snowmelt and rainfall that seeps
into the bedrock via the surrounding soil.

2. Surface Water
Surface water is any body of water above earth; the term
stream refers to all moving surface water, from big rivers
to little brooks and everything in between. Streams, rivers,
lakes, marshes, reservoirs, and creeks are all part of it. It
is easily accessible and provides 78 percent of the fresh
water used by humans.

3. Wastewater
Wastewater is any water that has been used and whose
quality has been influenced by human usage. It is the
contaminated form of water produced by human activity. It
might be the result of agricultural activity, urban water
consumption, sewage input, and stormwater runoff.

4. Stormwater
Stormwater is runoff produced when precipitation from
rain and snowmelt events pours over land or impermeable
surfaces instead of sinking into the earth. This water flows
across surfaces such as asphalt that contain contaminants
such as engine oil, fertilizer, and radiator fluid.

2. Discuss the Different Types of Geological formation of Ground

ANS. 1. Aquifer (Unconfined and Confined)
A geological formation with structures or textures that
store water or allow for significant water movement
through them. Aquifers provide affordable amounts of
water to boreholes or springs.
An unconfined aquifer, also known as a water table, is
an aquifer with a free water surface, indicating that the

water table exists. A confined aquifer, on the other hand,
is one that is restricted between two impermeable beds,
such as an aquifuge or an aquiclude. The water in the
restricted aquifer will be subjected to greater pressure
than air pressure.

2. Aquitard
Aquitards are also saturated formations. It allows water to
pass through it but does not produce as much water as an
aquifer does. It is due to their slightly permeable nature.
However, if there is an aquifer beneath the aquitard, water
from the aquitard may leak into the aquifer.

3. Aquiclude
An aquiclude is a geological formation that is impermeable
to water flow, which means that no water flows through it.
It holds a significant volume of water, yet it does not allow
water to pass through it and does not produce water.

4. Aquifuge
An aquifuge is a completely impermeable unit that is
neither porous nor permeable and will not transmit any
water. That is, it cannot hold water in it while also allowing
water to pass through it.

3. 1. What are the Problems of Ground Water and Explain?

ANS. 1. Groundwater overdraft
Groundwater overdraft, also known as lowering the water
table, happens when more water is drained from a
groundwater basin over time than is replenished by all
sources, such as rainfall, irrigation water, streams fed by
mountain runoff, and purposeful recharge. First, a cone of
depression occurs locally around the well, and then the
water table progressively drops across a wide area. As a
result, existing wells, springs, rivers, and wetlands all dry

2. Pore collapse and land subsidence

When large volumes of groundwater are withdrawn from
particular types of rocks, such as fine-grained sediments,
this occurs. The rock compresses because the water

helps to keep the earth in place. When the water is
discharged, the rocks collapse in on themselves. happens
when huge volumes of groundwater are extracted from
specific types of rocks, such as fine-grained sediments.
The rock compacts because the water helps to keep the
earth in place. When the water is removed, the rocks
collapse in on themselves.

3. Saline intrusion
Fresh groundwater in coastal areas is found in a layer
above saline (salty) water that entered the aquifer from the
adjacent. The influx of sea water into an area that is not
normally exposed to high salinity levels is known as saline
intrusion. This could be the inflow of saltwater into a
freshwater wetland or aquifer. Fresh water floats above
saline water because it is less dense than saline water.
When people draw water from a well too quickly, the
boundary between saline and fresh groundwater rises.

4. Reversing the flow direction of groundwater

The cone depression that forms around the well causes a
local tendency to the water's surface. The resulting
hydraulic gradient can be large enough to tightly reverse
groundwater flow direction. Such inversions may allow
septic tank pollution to contaminate the well.

4. As a Lending Source, What makes LWUA Advantageous over

other Sources?
ANS. LWUA is the only lender with the financial, technical, and
institutional development capabilities to enable water supply
projects in bodies of water to generate a return on investment,
whether in the public or private sector. The joint venture is also
more than just a water plant construction project, but an
integrated development effort to ensure that water services to
the population are both, especially taking into account the
economic and cultural nuances of the community. Long-lasting
and dependable. LWUA's extensive knowledgeis responsible
for transforming the Philippines' local water supply development
into a working model for today's Asia. Water bodies benefit from
this extensive knowledge through LWUA's various support

5. What is LWUA’s Financial Expertise?

ANS. Since 1973, LWUA has funded water projects with the
participation of national governments, bilateral and multilateral
funding sources, and internally generated second-generation
funding. Government and private financial institutions have
recently been used as new funding sources. Historically, these
water sources had no access to the body of water. The funds
are then distributed and redistributed to the aqueduct on
competitive terms by LWUA. Simultaneously, some funds will
be made available as grants. In light of recent Charter
amendments, LWUA is also responsible for assisting water
district graduates in obtaining reputable positions and accessing
non-traditional sources of funding. Pricing and implementation
for socially responsive and economically feasible pricing, as well
as pricing reviews to determine if it meets the needs of water
development needed for expansion, are also part of LWUA's

6. What is LWUA’s Technical Expertise?

ANS. Through extensive research and training at home and abroad,

LWUA's team of engineering engineers has gained unparalleled
ability in water supply and sanitation development through field
practices. Their knowledge spans all phases of planning,
design, construction monitoring, operation and maintenance
monitoring, water source identification and development, and
system efficiency enhancement.

7. What is LWUA’s Institutional Development Expertise?

ANS In order to ensure the water district's overall success and

sustainability, LWUA provides institutional development
assistance in the form of advisory and management services
and is responsible for WD-related decision-making,
management, and technical competence through training
interventions. Relocate to and design and provide water
business practices. District system for more efficient business

8. Define and Explain water treatment Process?

ANS. Impurities in raw water could be suspended, colloidal, or

dissolved. The goal of water treatment is to remove all impurities
that are objectionable, either from a taste and odor standpoint
or from a health or public safety standpoint. Screening,
flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection all work
together to remove impurities from our water supply, making it
safe to drink and suitable for other uses. After being treated, the
water is sent to a storage reservoir before being distributed to
household consumers, businesses, and industries.

9. What are the mandated functions of MWSS despite this is

under privatization and continue to exercise?
ANS. Despite privatization, MWSS maintained some of its functions.
Among the legally mandated functions are:
1. Facilitating the exercise by the concessionaires of its
agency powers.
2. Carrying out accounting and notification functions.
3. Monitoring, reporting, and administering loans and
performing related functions in connection with existing
4. Managing and disposing of retained assets.
5. Managing and operating the Umiray-Angat Transbasin

What are the sources of Metro Manila water supply? And

10. explain?
ANS. The Angat, Ipo, and La Mesa Dams are the major sources of
water for Metro Manila. The water from these dams is
subsequently treated at the La Mesa and Balara Treatment
Plants, where it is transformed from raw to clean and usable
water. The major source of water for the Metropolis is the
Angat Dam, which feeds straight into the Ipo Dam. And flowed
a particular distance of 6.4 kilometers to Bicti, after which it
passes through 5 aqueducts, each about 16 kilometers long to
the La Mesa Dam and the La Mesa Portal. The neighboring
Lamesa processing factory receives 60% of traffic from
Lamesa Portal Head. 40% go 6.8 kilometers back to Balara
Processing Treatment Plant.

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THANK YOU and Good Luck!!!!!

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