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Part 3: Brittle Fracture Problem

A stripper column was constructed following the rules

of the ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, Division 1.
Perform a Level 1 Assessment for the shell section per API 579 Part 3.

Vessel Data
Material = SA 516-65, 1968
Design Pressure = 250 psi
Design Temperature = 300 F
Allowable Stress = 16250 psi
Inside Diameter = 90 in
Operating Pressure = 240 psi
Wall Thickness = 1.0 in
Critical Exposure Temperature = 20.0 F
Impact test data not available

Step 1 Determine MAT

Use option A - Figure 3.4

1.1 Get Following Parameters

Nominal thickness = 1.0 in
Material = SA 516-65, 1968
1.2 Determine Governing Thickness
Governing thickness = 1.0 in
1.3 Determine Applicable Material Curve
Material Exemption Curve = B
1.4 Determine Initial MAT
MAT From Figure 3.4 = 31 F
1.5 Reduce MAT
ASME P1 Group 1 or Group 2? = YES
Thickness < 1.5 inches? = YES

MAT = MAT(step 1.4) - 30F = 1.0 F

Check if CET > MAT

CET > MAT? 20 > 1 F? YES
Level 1 Assessment is Satisfied
Part 4-5: Metal Loss Problem

A cylindrical pressure vessel designed and fabricated according to

ASME Section VIII Division 1 has a region of external metal loss.
An inspection grid was obtained, and the longitudinal critical
thickness profile (CTP) was determined.
Evaluate this metal loss using Part 4, Level 1 and Part 5, Level 1.
Include MAWP calculations as appropriate.
Assume thinning is remote from major structural discontinuities.

Vessel Data Longitudinal CTP

Material = SA 516-65, 1968 Distance, mm Thickness, mm
Design Pressure = 4 MPa 0 30
Allowable Stress = 120.7 MPa 22.5 28
Inside Diameter = 1100 mm 45 27
Nominal thickness = 30 mm 67.5 25
LOSS = 30 mm 90 22
FCA = 3 mm 112.5 20
Weld Joint Efficiency = 0.85 135 17
Assume ambient temperature. Assess longitudinal thinning only. 157.5 14
180 17
202.5 20
225 22
247.5 25
270 27
292.5 28
Part 4 General Metal Loss Assessment 315 30

Step 1 Get CTP and Minimum Measured Thickness

tmm = 14 mm

Step 2 Get Governing Wall Thickness and Internal Diameter

tml = tnom-FCA = 27 mm
Dml = D = 1100 mm (external corrosion)
R= 550 mm

Step 3 Get Remaining Thickness Ratio

Rt = (tmm - FCA)/tml = 0.407

Step 4 Compute Length For Thickness Averaging

RSFa = 0.9
Q= 0.466 (use equation)
L = Q*SQRT(D*t) = 80.3 mm
Step 5 Compute tam

L/2 = 40.2 mm
Area 1 Area 2
x= 22.50 mm x= 17.66 mm
t1 = 14 mm t1 = 17 mm
t2 = 17 mm t2 = 19.4 mm
A1 = 348.8 mm^2 A2 = 321.0 mm^2
Area3 = Area 1 Area4 = Area 2
A3 = 348.8 mm^2 A4 = 321.0 mm^2

Area = A1 + A2+ A3 + A4 = 1339.6 mm^2

tam = Area/L = 16.7 mm
tam - FCA = 13.7 mm

Step 6 Check For Acceptance (Use Thickness Basis)

Level 1 Use P = 4.00 MPa

Compute tmin Using Eq 2C.9
tmin = PR/(SE-0.6P) = 21.96 mm
Check For Acceptance
Is tam-FCA>=tmin? FALSE
Part 4 Level 1 Assessment is Not Satisfied
Reduced MAWP Using Eq 2C.10
MAWPr = SEt/(R+0.6t) = 2.51 MPa

Level 2 Use RSFa*P = 3.60 MPa

Compute tmin Using Eq 2C.9
tmin== PR/(SE-0.6P) = 19.71 mm
Check For Acceptance
Is tam-FCA>=tmin? FALSE
Part 4 Level 2 Assessment is Not Satisfied
Reduced MAWP Using Eq 2C.10
MAWPr = (1/RSFa)*SEt/(R+0.6t) = 2.79 MPa

Part 5 Local Metal Loss Assessment- Level 1

Step 1 Get CTP's

Done above

Step 2 Determine Thickness For Assessment

tc = trd-FCA = 27 mm

Step 3 Determine tmm, s, and c

tmm = 14 mm
tmm - FCA = 11 mm
s= 315 mm
c= NA

Step 4 Get Remaining Thickness Ratio And Flaw Parameter

Rt = (tmm - FCA)/tc = 0.407
lamda = 1.285s/SQRT(D*tc) = 2.35

Step 5 Check Limiting Flaw Size Criteria

Is Rt >= 0.2? TRUE
Is tmm-FCA >= 2.5mm? TRUE
Lmsd >= 1.8*SQRT(D*tc)? NA

Step 6 Groove Check


Step 7 Compute MAWP Using tc

MAWP Using Eq 2C.10
MAWPr = SEtc/(R+0.6tc) = 4.89 MPa

Step 8 Check For Acceptance

Figure 5.6

Compute RSF

Mt = 1.784 From Equation

RSF = 0.610

Compute MAWPr Using RSF

MAWPr = MAWP*(RSF/RSFa) = 3.32 MPa
Part 5 Level 1 Assessment is Not Satisfied
Step 9 Circumferential Check

Part 5 Local Metal Loss Assessment- Level 2

RSF = 0.914
Part 5 Level 2 Assessment is Satisfied

Longitudinal CTP
Thickness (mm)

0 100 200 300 400
Location (mm)
Part 6: Pitting Problem

Widespread internal pitting has been discovered on the cylindrical section of a

pressure vessel during an inspection. The vessel and inspection data are shown
below. The vessel was built to the ASME B&PV, Section VIII, Division 1, 1985.
Determine if the vessel is acceptable for continued operation at the current MAWP
and temperature. Perform a Level 1 assessment per paragraph 6.4.2.

Vessel Data
Design Pressure = 300 psi
Design Temperature = 250 F
Inside Diameter = 60 in
Nominal thickness = 0.75 in
Internal LOSS = 0.05 in
Internal FCA = 0.07 in
Material = SA 516-70, 1986
Allowable Stress = 17500 psi
Weld Joint Efficiency = 0.85
Maximum Pit Depth = 0.3 in
Maximum Pit Diameter = 0.5 in
Pitting has been arrested. No Supplemental Loads

Step 1 Determine the following parameters: D, FCA, trd or tnom and LOSS.
Done above

Step 2 Determine Thickness For Assessment

tc = tnom-LOSS-FCA = 0.63 in

Step 3 Obtain Photograph of Area with Highest Density of Pitting

Done above

Step 3 Determine tmm

tmm = trd-wmax= 0.40 in

Step 5 Get Remaining Thickness Ratio

Rwt = tmm/tc = 0.635 (pitting and corrosion on same side)

Check Remaining Wall Thickness

Is Rwt >= 0.2? TRUE
Is tmm-FCA >= 0.1 in? TRUE

Step 6 Check Pit Diameter

RSFa = 0.9
Q= 0.822 (use equation)
L = Q*SQRT(D*t) = 5.1 in
Is d < L? TRUE

Step 7 Compute MAWP Using tc

MAWP Using Eq 2C.10
R= 30.12 in (includes LOSS and FCA)
MAWPr = SEtc/(R+0.6tc) = 307.3 psi

Step 8 Determine Grade of Pitting

Pitting Appears to be Grade 2

Step 9 Determine RSF

Rwt = 0.635
Interpolate Between 0.6 and 0.8
RSF = 0.953

Step 10 Determine Acceptability


Part 6 Level 1 Assessment is Satisfied
Part 9: Level 1 Cracking Problem

A crack-like flaw has been found on a cylindrical shell of a pressure vessel.

The vessel was fabricated to the ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, Division 1.
Perform a Part 9 Level 1 assessment.

Vessel Data
Material = Unknown Carbon Steel
Minimum Yield = 38 ksi
Design Pressure = 300 psi
Design Temperature = 650 F
Inside Diameter = 96 in
Original Wall Thickness = 1.25 in
Uniform Metal Loss = 0.1 in
Critical Exposure Temperature = 100.0 F
Axial Crack in Longitudinal Seam Weld
Crack Length = 2c = 1.25 in
Crack Depth = a = 0.35 in

Step 1 Determine Load Cases and Temperatures

From Above
CET = 100 F

Step 2 Determine Length and Depth of Flaw

From Above
Crack Length = 2c = 1.25 in
Crack Depth = a = 0.35 in

Step 3 Determine Appropriate Figure

Figure 9.13: Cylinder, longitudinal weld, crack parallel to weld.

Step 4 Determine Which Screening Curve

Is Thickness > 1.0 in YES
Is Depth > 0.25 in YES
Use dashed 1-t curve
Crack is in weld, without PWHT
Use curve C
Use dashed curve C

Step 5 Determine Reference Temperature

From Table 3.2
Unknown Carbon Steel = Curve A Material
From Table 9.2, for Curve A with YS=38ksi
Tref = 89.1 F
Step 6 Determine Allowable Flaw Size

T - Tref + 100 = 110.9 F

From Figure 9.13

Allowable Crack Size < 0.5 inch

Step 7 Determine Allowable Flaw Size

Crack Length Exceeds Allowable

Part 9 Level 1 Assessment is Not Satisfied

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