The File Collector Historian

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The File Collector


Version 7.0, SP2

December 2016
Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, GE Intelligent Platforms,
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GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. disclaims any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of mer-
chantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the information contained in this manual and the
equipment or software described herein. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of such information, equip-
ment and software, is upon the buyer or user. GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. shall not be liable for any damages, includ-
ing special or consequential damages, arising out of the use of such information, equipment and software, even if GE
Intelligent Platforms, Inc. has been advised in advance of the possibility of such damages. The use of the information
contained in the manual and the software described herein is subject to GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. standard
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Trademark Notices

© 2016, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

GE, the GE Monogram, and Predix are either registered trademarks or trademarks of General Electric Company.

* Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.

All other product names and marks identified throughout this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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We want to hear from you. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about our documentation, send them
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Table of Contents

The File Collector 2

CSV File Formats 3

Example of CSV File that Imports Tags 5

Example of a CSV File that Imports Data and Data Quality 5

Example of a CSV File that Imports Messages 6

Example of a CSV File that Imports Tags with Step Values 6

Example of a CSV File that Imports Alarms 6

Example of a CSV File that Imports Enumerated Set 6

Example of a CSV File that Imports Array Tags 6

Example of a CSV File that Imports Array Tag Data 7

Example of a CSV File that Imports MultiField Tag Data 7

Example of a CSV File that Imports Python Expression Tags 7

XML File Formats 8

Format 8

For a list of tags: 8

For Data: 8

For Messages: 8

Example of an XML File that Imports Tags 8

Example of an XML file that Imports Data and Data Quality 9

Example of an XML file that Imports Messages 10

Example of an XML file that Imports a Tag with a Step Value 10

Example of an XML file that Imports Alarms 10

Example of an XML file that Imports Enumerated Set 11

Example of an XML File that Imports Array Tags 11

Example of an XML File that Imports Array Tag data 12

Example of an XML File that Imports Python Expression Tags 12

Summary of File Collector Features 14

Configuration Tab for File Collectors 16

Collector-Specific Configuration (File) 16

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. i

Troubleshooting the File Collector 18

Identifying Lines in which an Error Occurs 18

CSV File Imports 18

Troubleshooting Large File Import 19

Configuration of File Collector-Specific Fields 20

Index 21

ii © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 1
The File Collector

You can install the File Collector using the instructions in the Data Collector - General e-book. Optionally,
you can use the silent install feature, which is also described in the Data Collector - General e-book.

Use the File Collector to import CSV and XML text files into Historian. Since the files can contain data, tags
and tag properties, as well as messages, the File Collector is a very useful tool for bringing 3rd party data
into Historian.

The File Collector uses the ImportFiles folder for its operations, which can be found in the Historian pro-
gram folder.  The ImportFiles folder contains the following subdirectories:

Directory Function

Error If a CSV or XML file contains errors, the file collector will stop pro-
cessing it and place the file in this folder.

Incoming Files that are to be processed by the file collector are placed here.

Processed Files that have been successfully imported by the file collector are
placed here.

Working Files are placed in this folder while the file collector is importing
their contents.

NOTE:  The ImportFiles folder is not created until you run the File Collector.      

To import a file, place it in the Incoming folder. At the beginning of the next cycle (one of the parameters
entered by the user through the Historian Administrator), the system initiates the file import operation, pro-
cesses the data, stores the result in an archive, and moves the file from the Incoming folder to the Pro-
cessed folder. During the processing operation, the file moves to the Working folder and the filename
changes to YMDHMS-Data.csv or .xml file (for example, 010810103246-data.csv).

When processing is complete, the name changes back to YMDHMS-filename.csv or YMDHMS-file-

name.xml, as appropriate (for example, 010810103246-tagtest3line.csv). If errors occur during processing,
error messages are logged in the Filecollector_YMDHMS.log file (for example, FileCollector_01081214759.-
log) within the LogFiles directory and the file moves to the Error directory.

When the number of days you specify in the Processed File Purge parameter have passed, the system
deletes the imported file from the Processed folder. The Error directory is never cleared.

 l Since a File Collector is really an import function rather than a data collection operation, standard col-
lector features such as compression, buffering, browsing, start/stop collection do not apply.
 l If you are adding tags using the File Collector, ensure that you specify the Collector Source Address and
the Tag Source Address fields in the CSV file. If you do not, the Collector and Source Names are not added
to the tags created by the File Collector.

2 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

CSV File Formats

The format for a CSV file is as follows:

Header (Keywords)
values (separated by commas)

where Command = [Tags], [Data], [Messages], or [Alarms] and Keywords = (see the following list).  Please
note that the order of the data must match the order in the header.  For example, if you are importing a
tagname, timestamp, value, and quality you would use the following syntax:
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:07,1,Good

Data values for a single entry should be kept on one line.

While importing an Alarm and Event only the following headers are considered.

 l Acked
 l Acktime
 l Actor
 l AlarmID
 l Condition
 l DataSource
 l Enabled
 l EndTime
 l EventCategory
 l ItemID
 l Message
 l Quality
 l Severity
 l Source
 l StartTime
 l SubCondition
 l Tagname
 l Timestamp

The following table lists the available header keywords:

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 3

DataQuality Value

Tagname Description

EngineeringUnits Comment

DataType StringLength

StoreMilliseconds CollectorName

CollectorType SourceAddress

CollectionType CollectionInterval

CollectionOffset CollectionDisabled

LoadBalancing TimeStamp

Type TimeZoneBias

HiEngineeringUnits LoEngineeringUnits

InputScaling HiScale

LoScale CollectorCompression

CollectorDeadbandPercentRange CollectorCompressionTimeout

ArchiveCompression ArchiveDeadbandPercentRange

ArchiveCompressionTimeout Timeout

CollectorGeneral1 CollectorGeneral2

CollectorGeneral3 CollectorGeneral4

CollectorGeneral5 ReadSecurityGroup

WriteSecurityGroup AdministratorSecurityGroup

Calculation CalculationDependencies

CalculationExecutionTime StepValue

Acked Condition

4 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

DataQuality Value

SubCondition EventCategory

Message Source

Severity StartTime

EndTime TimestampType

SpikeLogic SpikeLogicOverride

InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding

LastModified LastModifiedUser

ArchiveAbsoluteDeadband ArchiveAbsoluteDeadbanding

StepValue Value

NumberOfElements CalcType


 l StringLength = 2 times the number of characters (ASCII, Single Byte). For example, "ABC" = 6 StringLength.
 l TimeStamp: Timestamp resolution is in milliseconds for this collector. Do not try to import microsecond

You cannot import Last Modified User, Last Modified Date, and Calculation Execution Time fields on a tag.
Example of CSV File that Imports Tags
* This is a comment
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG5.F_CV,Import Tag 5,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG6.F_CV,Import Tag 6,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG7.F_CV,Import Tag 7,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG8.F_CV,Import Tag 8,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG9.F_CV,Import Tag 9,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG10.F_CV,Import Tag 10,SingleFloat,35000,0
Example of a CSV File that Imports Data and Data Quality
* This is a comment
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:07,1,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:08,2,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:09,3,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:10,4,Good

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 5

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:11,5,Bad
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:12,6,Bad
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:13,7,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:14,8,Bad
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:15,9,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:16,10,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:17,11,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:18,12,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:19,13,Bad
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:20,14,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:21,15,Good
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:22,16,Bad
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,7/20/01 11:23,17,Good
Example of a CSV File that Imports Messages
28-Aug-2002 19:39:30.567,General,User1,0,A Test Message value 2 with milliseconds,,
28-Aug-2002 19:40:00.000,General,User1,0,A Test Message value 0,,

Example of a CSV File that Imports Tags with Step Values

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG5.F_CV,Import Tag 5,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG6.F_CV,Import Tag 6,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG7.F_CV,Import Tag 7,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG8.F_CV,Import Tag 8,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG9.F_CV,Import Tag 9,SingleFloat,35000,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG10.F_CV,Import Tag 10,SingleFloat,35000,0

Example of a CSV File that Imports Alarms

FileCollector,HI,Mixer,3/10/2005 12:52:02,3/10/2005 12:52:02
FileCollector,HIHI,Mixer,3/10/2005 12:52:02,3/10/2005 12:59:12

Example of a CSV File that Imports Enumerated Set


Example of a CSV File that Imports Array Tags

TIGER.IMPORT_TAG1.F_CV,Import Tag 1,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG2.F_CV,Import Tag 2,SingleFloat,35000,0,0
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG3.F_CV,Import Tag 3,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1
TIGER.IMPORT_TAG4.F_CV,Import Tag 4,SingleFloat,35000,0,-1

6 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Example of a CSV File that Imports Array Tag Data
ArrayTag[0],6/11/2013 09:00:00,1,Good
ArrayTag[1],6/11/2013 09:00:00,2,Good
ArrayTag[2],6/11/2013 09:00:00,3,Good
ArrayTag[3],6/11/2013 09:00:00,4,Good
ArrayTag[0],6/11/2013 09:10:00,5,Good
ArrayTag[1],6/11/2013 09:10:00,6,Good
ArrayTag[2],6/11/2013 09:10:00,7,Good

Example of a CSV File that Imports MultiField Tag Data

MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:00,4,Good
MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:01,7,Good
MultiField.F1,05-22-2013 14:15:02,9,Good
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:00,241,Good
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:01,171,Good
MultiField.F2,05-22-2013 14:15:02,191,Good

NOTE: Before importing MultiField tag data in this format, you should add the User Defined Type using Historian
Administrator and associate that type to the MultiField tag.

Example of a CSV File that Imports Python Expression Tags

TagDerivedFromRawValue,SimulationCollector,PythonExpr,"{""imports"":[""math""],""script"":""tag.value + math.pow(10,tag.


 l Python Expression Tags do not support array or multifield tags.

 l It is important to include the CalcType header and set it to PythonExpr for each Python Expression tag.  If the
file contains a mix of tags that are Python Expression Tags with those that are not, then the tags that are not
should have the CalcType field set to Raw.
 l For Python Expression Tags, the SourceAddress must contain the tag's minified JSON configuration con-
structed as described in the topic on Constructing the JSON Configuration for a Python Expression Tag. (Mini-
fied JSON has no newline characters or comments. There are tools which can help you minify JSON.)
 l Note that the example in the CSV file uses repeated quotation marks ("") in order to escape quotation marks
("), which are a special character.
 l It is important to check that your JSON is valid, since no validation will be performed on the JSON at tag cre-

For more information on these tags, refer to the Python Expression Tags ebook.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 7

XML File Formats

The format for a XML file is as follows:

NOTE: Any tag property can be modified this way. See CSV File Formats for a list of properties.

For a list of tags:

<Tagname> .....</Tagname>
<Description> Test </Description>

For Data:
<Timestamp>..... </Timestamp>
<Value>.... </Value>

For Messages:
<Timestamp>..... </Timestamp>
<Topic>.... </Topic>
<Username>..... </Username>
<MessageNumber>.... </MessageNumber>
<MessageString>..... </MessageString>
<Substitutions>.... </Substitutions>

Example of an XML File that Imports Tags

<TagList Version="1.0.71">
<Description>Import Tag 1</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>

8 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

<Description>Import Tag 1</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 2</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 3</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 4</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 5</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 2</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Description>Import Tag 1</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
Example of an XML file that Imports Data and Data Quality
<DataList Version="1.0.71">
<TimeStamp>20-Jul-2001 11:00:18.000</TimeStamp>
<TimeStamp>20-Jul-2001 11:00:36.000</TimeStamp>
<TimeStamp>20-Jul-2001 11:00:54.000</TimeStamp>
<TimeStamp>20-Jul-2001 11:01:12.000</TimeStamp>

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 9

Example of an XML file that Imports Messages
<MessageList Version="1.0.71">
<TimeStamp>28-Aug-2002 19:42:00.000</TimeStamp>
<MessageString>Another test message</MessageString>
<TimeStamp>28-Aug-2002 19:48:00.000</TimeStamp>
<MessageString>Message One</MessageString>

Example of an XML file that Imports a Tag with a Step Value

<TagList Version="1.0.71">
<Tag Name="TAG6">
<StepValue> TRUE </StepValue>

Example of an XML file that Imports Alarms

<AlarmList Version="1.0.71">
<Attribute name="Acked" value="false"/>
<Attribute name="Actor" value="TheActor"/>
<Attribute name="Condition" value="Condition"/>
<Attribute name="DataSource" value="File Collector"/>
<Attribute name="Enabled" value="true"/>
<Attribute name="EndTime" value="12/25/2005 12:47:59.003"/>
<Attribute name="EventCategory" value="Process"/>
<Attribute name="Message" value="My message."/>
<Attribute name="Quality" value="Good"/>
<Attribute name="Severity" value="250"/>
<Attribute name="Source" value="SourceXML000003"/>
<Attribute name="StartTime" value="12/25/2005 12:47:59.003"/>
<Attribute name="SubCondition" value="Hi"/>
<Attribute name="TagName" value="TheTagName"/>
<Attribute name="Timestamp" value="12/09/2005 12:47:59.003"/>
<Attribute name="Acked" value="false"/>
<Attribute name="Actor" value="TheActor"/>
<Attribute name="Condition" value="Condition"/>
<Attribute name="DataSource" value="File Collector"/>
<Attribute name="Enabled" value="true"/>

10 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

<Attribute name="EndTime" value="12/25/2005 12:47:59.004"/>
<Attribute name="EventCategory" value="Process"/>
<Attribute name="Message" value="My message."/>
<Attribute name="Quality" value="Good"/>
<Attribute name="Severity" value="250"/>
<Attribute name="Source" value="SourceXML000004"/>
<Attribute name="StartTime" value="12/25/2005 12:47:59.004"/>
<Attribute name="SubCondition" value="Hi"/>
<Attribute name="TagName" value="TheTagName"/>
<Attribute name="Timestamp" value="12/25/2005 12:47:59.004"/>

Example of an XML file that Imports Enumerated Set

<EnumeratedSet SetName="TestSet7">
<EnumeratedState StateName="State1">
<LastModified>9/17/2012 16:37:48.260000</LastModified>
<EnumeratedState StateName="State2">
<LastModified>9/17/2012 16:37:48.260000</LastModified>

Example of an XML File that Imports Array Tags

<TagList Version="1.0.71">
<Tag Name="ArrayTag1">
<Description>Import array Tag 1</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>
<Tag Name="ArrayTag2">
<Description>Import array Tag 2</Description>
<EngineeringUnits> PSI </EngineeringUnits>

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 11


Example of an XML File that Imports Array Tag data

<DataList Version="1.0.71">
<Tag Name="ArrayTag[0]">
<TimeStamp>11-June-2013 11:00:18.000</TimeStamp>
<TimeStamp>11-June-2013 11:01:18.000</TimeStamp>
<Tag Name="ArrayTag[1]">
<TimeStamp>11-June-2013 11:00:18.000</TimeStamp>
<TimeStamp>11-June-2013 11:01:18.000</TimeStamp>

Example of an XML File that Imports Python Expression Tags

<TagList Version="1.0.71">
<Tag Name="TagDerivedFromRawValue">
<SourceAddress>"{"imports":["math"],"script":"tag.value + math.pow(10,tag.value/70)","parameters":[{"name":"tag","sourc
<Description>Python Expression Tag example</Description>


 l Python Expression Tags do not support array or multifield tags.

 l It is important to include the CalcType header and set it to PythonExpr for each Python Expression tag.  If
the file contains a mix of tags that are Python Expression Tags with those that are not, then the tags that
are not should have the CalcType field set to Raw.
 l For Python Expression Tags, the SourceAddress must contain the tag's minified JSON configuration

12 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

constructed as described in the topic on Constructing the JSON Configuration for a Python Expression
Tag. (Minified JSON has no newline characters or comments. There are tools which can help you minify
 l It is important to check that your JSON is valid, since no validation will be performed on the JSON at tag

For more information on these tags, refer to the Python Expression Tags ebook.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 13

Summary of File Collector Features

The following table outlines the features of the File Collector.

14 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Feature Capability

Browse Source For Tags No

Browse Source For Tag Attributes No

Polled Collection No

Maximum Poll Rate N.A.

Unsolicited Collection No

Timestamp Resolution 1 ms

Accept Device Timestamps Yes

Floating Point Data Yes

Integer Data Yes

String Data Yes

Binary Data No

Import CSV files Yes

Import XML files Yes

Imports multiple files with various exten- Yes


Collector compression No

Reads data, tags, and messages Yes

Start/stop collection from Historian Admin- No, scanned at user-specified interval. Set to 0 to stop.

Set file specs and import interval from His- Yes

torian Administrator. (Timestamps for data
or messages may be at intervals less than
the import interval.)

Python Expression Tags No

Create Historian Tags Yes.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 15

Feature Capability

NOTE: The File Collector can be used to create Python

Expression Tags for those collectors that support them. See
the Python Expression Tags book for a list of collectors that
support Python Expression Tags.

Configuration Tab for File Collectors

To display the Configuration tab for a File Collector, select a File Collector from the list on the left and click
the Configuration Tab. The screen shown in the following figure appears.

Configuration Tab for File Collector

Collector-Specific Configuration (File)

The Configuration tab displays the following information.

16 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

This Field... Indicates...

Scan Interval The rate at which the input directory, Historian\ImportFiles, is scanned for any
new files. To change it, enter a new value.  The scan interval cannot exceed 65
NOTE: Changes to the Scan Interval do not take effect until the File Collector is restar-

CSV File Spe- The file extension for the CSV file being imported. You can specify more than
cifications one extension type, such as: csv,txt,dat.

XML File Spe- The file extension for the XML file being imported.

Purge Pro- The number of days a file can reside in the Processed Files directory before
cessed Files being deleted automatically.

Purge Error The number of days an error file is retained before being deleted automatically.
Files (days) The default is 10.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 17

Troubleshooting the File Collector

If you are experiencing any problems with the File Collector, use the .LOG file (in the \LogFiles folder) to
troubleshoot. The .LOG file sometimes logs errors that do not get processed to the Historian Admin-
istrator. For example, if you have no archives in your system and you attempt to import a .CSV file with
formatting errors, the file is not processed and no alerts are sent to the Historian Administrator (if there
are no archives created, the message database has not been created). But this error does appear in the
.LOG file.

The following table lists typical Error messages received with the File Collector and tips for troubleshoot-
ing those messages.

Typical Error Messages and Suggested Solutions

Error Message Troubleshoot by...

12-Aug-01 13:38:00 - Import Line Error: There is an extra line in the file. Open the file in Note-
Input past end of file pad and remove the extra line.

12-Aug-01 13:38:00 - Error Occurred On

Line 12: General Format Error

10-Aug-01 15:47:02 - Import Line Error: Two fields were rolled into one due to a missing
Type mismatch comma. Open the file in Notepad and add the
10-Aug-01 15:47:02 - Error Occurred On
Line 2: General Format Error

12-Aug-01 14:18:12 - Invalid Import Field: If an import field is invalid, (in this case Time res-
TimeResolution olution should be StoreMilliseconds) the import will
12-Aug-01 14:18:12 - zPro-
cessFragment>> Aborted Import Due To
Formatting Errors

Identifying Lines in which an Error Occurs

If the File Collector log file contains an error description such as:
20-Jul-01 10:1717 - Import Line Error: Input past end of file
20-Jul-01 10:1717 - Error occurred on Line 7:Geneal Format Error

the line number in the log is produced by the SDK, not the File Collector. This means that the line number is
counted relative to the header or field list for each section of the file, ignoring comments and blank lines.
CSV File Imports
If a .CSV file has an extra line in it, it may not successfully import using the File Collector. If a .CSV file has extra
commas on the data line, it may not import completely.

Typically, a .CSV file must be less than 10 MB and an ideal file should be 1 or 2 MB. If the file size is greater,
then the File Collector may not respond.

18 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

If you view these files through Microsoft Excel, the characters are not visible. It is recommended that you use a
text editor to examine files that are causing format errors when you attempt to import them.

You cannot import CSV or XML data that goes back beyond the Archive Active Hours setting (1 month by
default). Adjust your Archive Active Hours setting and re-import the data.

Also, data before the first archive will not be imported.

Troubleshooting Large File Import
To prevent a locked file scenario when building large files for import into the Incoming directory, first build the
file under a temporary file name or directory that will be ignored by the File Collector, then rename or move
the file to the real file name or Import directory when the file is fully built.

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 19

Configuration of File Collector-Specific Fields

Enter values for the File Collector-specific field parameters through the File Collector Maintenance - Con-
figuration Tab of the Historian Administrator.

Descriptions for collector-specific fields are listed in the following table.

This Field... Indicates...

Scan Interval Collector initiates import operation at beginning of the scan interval spe-
(seconds) cified in this field.
NOTE: Changes to the Scan Interval do not take effect until the File Collector is

CSV File Specification The file extension for a .CSV file to be imported.

XML File Specification The file extension for an XML file to be imported.

Purge Processed Files The contents of the Processed Files folder is automatically purged after the
After (days) number of days specified in this field.

Purge Error Files The contents of the Error Files folder is automatically purged after the num-
After (days) ber of days specified in this field.

20 © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Index X

XML file formats  8

collector-specific fields  20

collector features  14


File  2

troubleshooting (File Collector)  17

configuration  20

File Collector-specific fields  20

CSV file formats  3

features  14

fields, configuration of  19

File Collector

collector-specific fields  20

features  14

overview  1

troubleshooting  18

file formats  8

.CSV  2

.XML  7

formats  8

.CSV file  2

.XML file  7

summary of features  13

troubleshooting  18

© 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 21

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