SodaPDF-converted-BEE3 HVE MCQ 91 Suggestions WITHOUT ANSWERS 18th Junel 2022

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For reducing tower footing resistance it is better to use

(A)chemical and ground rods only
(B)chemical and counterpoise only
(C)ground rod and counterpoise only
(D)chemical,ground rods and counterpoise

The process of ionisation in gas is brought about by

(A) Positive ions only
(B) Photons only
(C) metastables only
(D) all options

The impulse ratio of a rod gap is

(B)betweeen 1.5 and 2.3
(C)between 2.0 and 2.2
(D)between 1.6 and 1.8

If α and v are the Townsends first and second ionisation coefficients, d the distance of separation between the plates,
the Townsends Criterion for Threshold sparking is given as
(A) exp to the power(αd) = 1
(B) γ.exp to the power(αd) = 1
(C) exp to the power(αd)/γ = 1
(D) γ.exp to the power(αd) = 2

The insulation of the modern EHV lines for extra high system voltage more than 400 kV is designed based on
(A)The Lightning Voltage
(B)The Switching Voltage

When avalanche in the gap reaches a certain critical size, the electric spark discharge is mainly due to ionization of
gas by
(A) electron impact
(B) positive ion bombardment
(C) photoionization
(D) all options

High voltage d.c. testing for HV machines is resorted because

(A)Certain conclusions regarding the continuous ageing of an insulation can be drawn
(B)The stress distribution is a representation of the service condition
(C)Standardisation on the magnitude of voltage to be applied is available
(D)The stresses do not damage the coil and insulation

5.The velocity of a travelling wave through a cable of relative permittivity 9 is

(A)9x10^8 m/sec
(B)3x10^8 m/sec
(C)10^8 m/sec
(D)2x10^ 8m/sec

Penning effect explains

(A) increase in dielectric strength of all mixture of gases
(B) decrease in dielectric strength of many mixture of gases
(C) increase in dielectric strength of many mixture of gases
(D) none options

Current ratio arm bridge is used for

(A)low voltage high frequency application
(B)low voltage low frequency application
(C)high voltage low frequency application
(D)high voltage high frequency application

Liquids with solid impurities

(A) have higher dielectric strength
(B) of large size have higher dielectric strength
(C) none of the above
(D) has lower dielectric strength as compared to pure liquids

Partial discharge can be detected by

(A)listening to hissing sound
(B)a high tan(delta)
(C)optical methods
(D)all of the above
In case of impulse thermal breakdown of insulating materials, the critical time to breakdown is
(A) proportional to critical electric filed
(B) inversely proportional to critical electric field
(C) proportional to square of critical absolute temperature
(D) None of the above

In order to reduce ripples and/or voltage drop, it is more economical to use

(A) high frequency and high capacitance
(B) high frequency and small capacitance
(C) low frequency and small capacitance
(D) low frequency and high capacitance

The mechanism responsible for dielectric loss in a dielectric are

(D) B and C

Centrifugal methods of reconditioning transformer oil is effected for removal of

(A) water
(B) dissolved gases
(C) solid impurities
(D) all of the above

An absolute electrostatic voltmeter has a movable circular plate 4cm in diameter. If the distance betweeen the plates
during a measurement
is 4mm. Determine the potential difference when the force of attraction is 0.2gm wt.

In order to prevent an excessive evaporation of the aromatics during reconditioning of transformer oil using filtration
s under vacuum, the vapour pressure should be
(A) less than 10–4 torr
(B) less than 10–2 torr
(C) less than 10–1 torr
(D) none of the above

A generating voltmeter is required to measure voltage between 15KV to 200KV. If the indicating meter reads a mini
mum current of 2 microamps and maximum of 35 micro amps.
Determine the capacitance of the generating voltmeter. Assume speed of driving synchronous motor is 1500rpm.

The breakdown of solid materials is roughly given by

(A) Vb.tb = constant
(B) Vb.1n(tb) = constant
(C) tb.1n(Vb) = constant
(D) None of the above

A 33KV,50Hz high voltage Schering Bridge is used to test a sample of insulation. The various arms have the followi
ng parameters on balance. The standard capacitance
is 500pF, the resistive branch 800ohms and branch with parallel combination of resistance and capacitance has value
s 180ohms and 0.15 micro Farad. Dteremine the
capacitance of the sample and its parallel equivalent loss resistance.
(A)112.5pF and 4339 Mohms
(B)212.5pF and 2339 Mohms
(C)312.5pF and 1339 Mohms
(D)112.5pF and 3339 Mohms

A 500KV 2 micro sec rectangular surge on a line having a surge impedance of 350ohms approaches a station at whic
h the concentrated earth capacitance
is 3000pF. Determine the maximum value of the transmited value.

Klydonograph is used to record impulse voltages

(A) greater than 50 kV
(B) greater than 50 kV but less than 100 kV
(C) greater than 100 kV but less than 1000 kV
(D) None of the above
A surge of 15KV magnitude travels along a cable towards its junction with an overhead line.The inducatnce and cap
acitance of the cable and overhead line are
respectively .3mH,.4 micro farad and 1.5mH,0.012 micro farad per km.Find the volatge rise at the junction due to th
e surges.

Klydonograph when used for measurement of voltages provides information on

(A) magnitude and polarity
(B) polarity and frequency
(C) magnitude and frequency
(D) all the three quantities

The magnitude of pulse currents depends upon

(A) voltage applied
(B) no. of voids
(C)( a) and (b)
(D)none of the above

A steady current of 600 µA flows through the plane electrode separated by a distance of
0.5 cm when a voltage of 10 kV is applied. Determine the Townsend’s first ionization coefficient if a
current of 60 µA flows when the distance of separation is reduced to 0.1 cm and the field is kept
constant at the previous value-
(A)5.75 ionizing collisions/cm
(B)2.23 ionizing collisions/cm
(C)7.51 ionizing collisions/cm
(D)6.34 ionizing collisions/cm

Which element has flat frequency response upto 1000 MHz

(A) Bifilar shunt
(B) Co-axial shunt
(C) Squirrel cage shunt
(D) Rogowski coil

Determine (pd)min and Vbmin appying Paschen's law with given parameters Aa=12, Bb=365 and Townsend Second
ionization coefficient=0.02 for air.
(A) 0.89,326 Volts
(B) 0.89,325 Volts
(C) 0.88,325 Volts
(D) 0.90,325 volts

A Rogowski coil is required to measure impulse current of 8 kA having rate of change of

current of 0.01 TeraAmperes/sec. The voltmeter is connected across the integrating circuit which reads 8 volts for
full scale deflection. The input to the integrating circuit is from the Rogowski Coil. Determine the
R.C in terms of mutual inductance of coil-
(A)900.M secs
(B)100.M secs
(C)990.M secs
(D)1000.M secs

A peak reading voltmeter is required to measure voltage upto 150 kV. The peak voltmeter
uses an RC circuit, a microammeter and a capacitance potential divider. The potential divider has a
ratio of 1200 : 1 and the micrometer can read upto 10 µA. Determine the value of R and C if the time
constant of RC circuit is 8 secs.
(A) R=12.3 MΩ,C=01.3 µF
(B) R=25.8( MΩ,C=o1.4 µF
(C) R=12.5 MΩ,C=0.64 µF
(D) R=10.4 MΩ,C=0.56 µF

1.Determine the breakdown voltage for air gap of 2 mm length under uniform field
and standard atmospheric conditions.
(A) 10.59 kV
(B) 6.3 kV
(C) 9.2 kV
(D) 7.56 kV.

2.It is desirable to have wavefront control resistance

(A) entirely within the impulse circuit
(B) entirely outside the impulse circuit
(C) partly inside and partly outside the impulse circuit
(D) any where

3.If a single stage system using resonance test voltage is required, it is better to use
(A) series resonant circuit
(B) parallel resonant circuit
(C) series-parallel resonant circuit
(D) any one of the above
4.The voltage measurements using uniform spark gap are
(A) affected by nearby earthed objects
(B) affected by polarity of supply
(C) affected by dust particles
(D) all of (A) (B) and (C)

To determine intrinsic dielectric strength, the time of application of voltage is of the order of
(A) 10–8 sec
(B) 10–6 sec
(C) 10–4 sec
(D) No such consideration

A potential divider in high voltage measurements is normally connected

(A) Outside the generator circuit towards the load circuit
(B) within the generator circuit
(C) at a distance V/100 metres from the generator where V is the voltage to be measured in kV
(D) None of the above

While impulse testing a power transformer, the impulse voltage is applied to

(A) one phase and the other two phases are short circuited, the secondary terminals are short circuited.
(B) one phase, the other two phases grounded, the secondary short circuited
(C) one phase, two phases left open, secondary left open
(D) one phase, two phases left open, secondary short circuited

For capacitor dividers, if damping resister is inserted in series with individual element of capacitor divider, the damp
ed capacitive divider acts as-
(A) capacitance divider only
(B) resistance divider only
(C) resistance divider for high frequency
(D) capacitance divider for high frequency

Partial discharge can be detected by

(A) listening to hissing sound
(B) a high tan δ
(C) optical methods
(D) all of the above
Protective resistance to be connected between the sphere gap and the test equipment is required
while measuring
(A) power frequency and higher frequency a.c. voltage
(B) power frequency and impulse voltage
(C) Higher frequency a.c. voltages and impulse voltage
(D) all kinds of voltages

Partial discharge measurement on a cable gives

(A) p.f. of the cable
(B) loss angle of the cable
(C) location of fault
(D)p.f. of the cable and loss angle of the cable

High voltage Schering bridge is used to measure

(A) Large capacitance without additional element
(B) small capacitance without additional element
(C) medium value capacitances
(D) all values capacitances

Sphere gap is used for measurement of

(A) a.c. voltage only
(B) d.c. voltage only
(C) Impulse voltage of any wave shape
(D)a.c. voltage and d.c. voltage also

If D is the diameter of the sphere, for better measurements, the gaps ‘S’ should be such that
(A) 0.05 D ≤ S ≤ 0.6 D
(B) 0.04 D ≤ S ≤ 0.5 D
(C) 0.05 D ≤ S ≤ 0.5 D
(D) 0.03 D ≤ S ≤ 0.6 D

High frequency currents and impulse currents are measured using

(A) resistive shunts
(B) inductive elements
(C) Hall and Faraday effect devices
(D) all options
High power-frequency currents are normally measured using
(A) low shunt resistance
(B) Hall element
(C) Current transformer
(D) all of the above methods

A generating voltmeter has

(A) linear scale
(B) non-linear scale
(C) no contact with high voltage electrode
(D)linear scale and no contact with high voltage electrode

When Oscilloscope is used as a null detector

(A) an inclined straight line shows magnitude unbalance
(B) an inclined straight line shows phase unbalance
(C) the area of the ellipse shows amptitude unbalance
(D)an inclined straight line shows phase unbalance and the area of the ellipse shows amptitude unbalance

Determine the breakdown voltage for air gaps of 2 mm and 15 mm lengths under uniform field and standard atmosp
heric conditions
(A)8.01 KV
(B)7.56 KV
(C)5.47 KV
(D)6.78 KV

For a 3 stage Cascaded transformer if P1, P2, P3 are the loadings of I, II and III stages primaries,
(a) P1 = P2 = P3 (b) P1 > P2 > P3 (c) P1 < P2 < P3 (d) P2 < P1 < P3

The short-circuit impedance of a three stage cascaded transformer as compared to a single unit
transformer is
(a) 3 to 4 times (b) 8 to 9 times (c) 15 to16 times (d) 352 to 452 times

In case of impulse thermal breakdown of solid insulating materials, the critical electric filed is
A. proportional to critical absolute temperature
B. proportional to square of critical absolute temperature
C. proportional to square of T0
D. None of the above is true
The breakdown of solid materials is roughly given by
A. Vb.tb = constant
B. Vb. ln(tb) = constant
C. tb. ln(Vb) = constant
D. None of the above

If p is the pressure of gas and d the distance of separation between the electrodes, the discharge voltage according to
Paschen’s low is directly proportional to
A. p
B. d
C. p.d
D.none of the above

According to the Bubble theory, once a bubble is formed, it will elongate in the direction of electric field under the i
nfluence of electrostatic forces. During elongation the volume of bubbles-
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. None of these

In case of both solid particles and gas bubbles present in the liquid and permittivity of gas bubbles is less / greater th
an that of solid particles, the direction of force is towards
A. areas of maximum stress/areas of minimum stress, respectively
B. areas of minimum stress / areas of maximum stress, respectively

Assuming p to be Constant and Townsend’s second ionization coefficure to be small during the applicability of Pasc
hen’s law. Then if (pd > (pd)min
A. electrons crossing in the gap make more frequent collisions with gas molecules than at(pd)min
B. energy gained between successive collisions is smaller than at (pd)min
C. energy gained between successive collisions is larger than at (pd)min
D. electrons crossing in the gap make more frequent collisions with gas molecules than at(pd)min and energy gained
between successive collisions is larger than at (pd)min
E. electrons crossing in the gap make more frequent collisions with gas molecules than at(pd)min andenergy gained
between successive collisions is smaller than at (pd)min
While conducting intrinsic dielectric strength on a specimen, its shape should be so prepared that
A. the electric stress is high at its corner
B. the electric stress is same all along the sample
C. the electric stress is high at its centre
D. No definite consideration

For applications in power cables, the dielectrics most commonly used is

A. Mineral oil
B. Benzene
C. Diphenyl
D. Polyolefins

Liquids with solid impurities

A. have lower dielectric strength as compared to pure liquids
B. have higher dielectric strength
C. of large size have higher dielectric strength
D. none of the above

The increase in liquid hydrostatic pressure

A. Decreases the breakdown strength
B. Does not affect the breakdown strength
C. Increases the breakdown strength
D. None of these

In case of both solid particles and gas bubbles present in the liquid and permittivity of gas bubbles is less / greater th
an that of solid particles, the direction of force is towards
A. areas of maximum stress/areas of minimum stress, respectively
B. areas of minimum stress / areas of maximum stress, respectively

Liquids with solid impurities

A. have lower dielectric strength as compared to pure liquids
B. have higher dielectric strength
C. of large size have higher dielectric strength
D. none of the above

The increase in liquid hydrostatic pressure

A. Decreases the breakdown strength
B. Does not affect the breakdown strength
C. Increases the breakdown strength
D. None of these

In a Van de Graaf generator, the width of the belt is 1 m, and surface charge density permissible is 30 micro Coulom
b per square meter. To supply a current of 300 micro ampere, the velocity of belt should be
A. 1 m/sec
B. 10 m/sec
C. 3.16 m/sec
D. None of the above

In Cockrofts-Walton circuit, the optimum number of stages for maximum output voltage (for a fixed supply voltage
magnitude) is
A. directly proportional to square root of optimum number of stages
B. directly proportional to frequency
C. directly proportional to capacitance per stage
D. inversely proportional to load current
E. none of the above

Assuming p to be Constant and Townsend’s second ionization coefficure to be small during the applicability of Pasc
hen’s law. Then if (pd > (pd)min
A. electrons crossing in the gap make more frequent collisions with gas molecules than at(pd)min
B. energy gained between successive collisions is smaller than at (pd)min
C. energy gained between successive collisions is larger than at (pd)min
D. (a) and (c)
E. (a) and (b)

The break down voltage V and gap d is normally related with other as:
A. V=k.(d to the power 2)
B. d= k.(V to the power 2)
C. V=k.(d to the power n)
D. None

All parameters remaining same, the breakdown voltage is

A. higher with negative polarity at all pressures
B. lower with negative polarity at all pressures
C. higher with negative polarity at low pressures.`
D. none of above options

From the following which is polar dielectric:

A. Teflon
B. Polyethylene
C. Quartz
D. Nylon

In case of mica, dielectric strength can be expected to be more than

A. 1500 kV / mm
B. 1000 kV/mm
C. 500 kV / mm
D. None

Penning effect explains

A. increase in dielectric strength of all mixture of gases
B. increase in dielectric strength of many mixture of gases
C. decrease in dielectric strength of many mixture of gases
D. none of the above

The value of Townsends second ionization coefficient has

A. no relation with E/p ratio
B. high value for low E/p ratio
C. no application if the gas pressure is low
D. Low value for low E/p ratio

Which of the following applications, include use of low permittivity ceramic -1. Suspension insulators for high volta
ge lines 2. Super conductors 3. Pin insulators for low voltage lines 4. High voltage cables
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1 and 2 only

In a Van de Graaf generator, the width of the belt is 1 m, and surface charge density permissible is 30 micro Coulom
b per square meter. To supply a current of 300 micro ampere, the velocity of belt should be
A. 1 m/sec
B. 10 m/sec
C. 3.16 m/sec
D. None of the options

The process of ionization is brought about by

A. Positive ions only
B. Photons only
C. metastables only
D. all of the above

An electron liberated due to impact of free electron is secondary ionization & due to impact of positive ion is primar
y ionization. Is the statement correct or wrong?

In Cockrofts-Walton circuit, the optimum number of stages for maximum output voltage (for a fixed supply voltage
magnitude) is
A. directly proportional to square root of optimum number of stages
B. directly proportional to frequency
C. directly proportional to capacitance per stage
D. inversely proportional to load current
E. none of the above

If "alpha" and "nu" are the Townsends first and second ionisation coefficients, d the distance of separa-tion between
the plates, the Townsends Criterion for Threshold sparking is given as
A.(exp) to the power (alpha.d)=1
B. nu.( (exp) to the power (alpha.d))=2
C. nu.( (exp) to the power (alpha.d))=1
D. ((exp) to the power (alpha.d))/nu =1

In a Cockroft-Walton circuit, input voltage 100 kV load current-100mA, supply frequency 100 Hz, each capacitor 90
nF. The grand maximum output voltage is
A. 100 kV
B. 200 kV
C. 300 kV
D. 400 kV

The electric field in a gas bubble which is immersed in a liquid is

A. lower than that of the field in the liquid
B. higher than that of the field in the liquid
C. higher than that of the field in the liquid
D. none of the above options


EXAMPLES: 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1 to 4.6


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