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10th Grade Literature and Composition

Room 302
Mrs. Caty Wildes

Course Description
This course is designed to meet the Common Core Georgia Standards of Excellence. Its purpose is to focus
on the writing process and the analysis of various selections of literature. Students will read, discuss, write
about and be tested over selections from the works of all genres of literature including, fiction, nonfiction,
poetry, and drama. In addition to studying the various types of literature, students will also learn grammar,
vocabulary, and speaking/listening skills.

Grading Scale and Weights

(Each 9 weeks is 40% of overall average)

1st 9 Test/Projects/Major Quizzes – Daily - 15% Midterm Course Grades:

Papers - 60% 15% - 10% A (90-100)
Weeks: B (80-89)
C (70-79)
2nd 9 Test/Projects/Major Quizzes - Daily - 20% F (69 under)
Papers - 60% 20%
**Final: 20% of overall average

Class Rules
1. Be prepared. Students must arrive to class on time, have all necessary materials and begin
working quietly at their desks when the bell rings.
2. Be respectful. Students must show respect for all students, faculty and property.
3. Be positive. A student’s attitude and behavior should always have a positive impact on the
learning environment.

Attendance is crucial to student success in and out of the classroom. Please review attendance protocol, along
with consequences, outlined in your BCHS student handbook. (See Student Handbook for attendance

Make-Up Work
Classwork will be uploaded to Google Classroom. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility
to check Google Classroom for makeup work. All makeup work should be turned in within 3 days of
returning to school.

I am looking forward to a great semester and the opportunity to

teach and get to know each of you and your parents/guardians!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Mrs. Wildes

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