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Phases 1 04 Audioscript

Tests Answer Key Teacher It’s parents’ evening and we are at school with our students
and their parents. Listen to our students’ families telling
us about their free time activities.

Test 1 Man 1 Good evening, everybody! I’m Martin’s father. I’m thirty-
five and I’m a dentist. In my free time, I do sports. I play
Exercise 1 tennis with a friend. His name is Bob. Bob is really good
1 It’s Chris Martin, the lead singer and keyboardist of Coldplay. but I’m not.
2 No, he isn’t. He is British. 3 It’s on 12th April. 4 Yes, he is. Woman 1 Hi. I’m Julia’s mum. I’m a housewife. I cook and clean the
5 He’s from Exeter, in the south of England. house every day, so in my free time I watch TV or make
cakes for my family. They love chocolate cake!
Exercise 2 Woman 2 Well, my name’s Alice and I’m Michael’s aunt. Michael’s
1 How old is Chris? g; 2 Who’s Tim’s brother? a; 3 Is Guy English? e; parents are not here today. In my free time, I go out with
4 What city is Johnny from? b; 5 Who is his favourite singer? d Michael. We go to a café and have chocolate milk and
cake. We also watch films on TV. Our favourite films are
Exercise 3
The Lord of the Rings and Transformers!
1 b; 2 b; 3 a; 4 c; 5 c
02 Audioscript
Hello, friends. My name’s Myriam and I’m from San Martin de los Andes, Test 4
a lovely city in the south of Argentina. I am twenty-three years old.
Exercise 1
I’m a university student. I am a fan of Imagine Dragons. Dan Reynolds
1 It is in North Yorkshire, England. 2 The High Corn Mill and
is my favourite. He is very handsome! He is thirty years old. Are you a
Skipton Castle. 3 It is near the Town Hall and opposite one of
fan of Imagine Dragons? They’re absolutely fantastic but they are not
the oldest pubs (called The Raven). 4 Because it is small and
my parents’ favourites. My parents’ favourite is Adele.
traditional (with many beautiful stone houses and old medieval
churches). 5 Yes, there are.

Test 2 Exercise 2
1 There are two really important tourist attractions in Skipton.
Exercise 1 2 The village has got a street market. 3 There isn’t a cinema in
1 No, it hasn’t. 2 They’ve got brown hair. 3 Yes, they have. 4 Yes, it is. this town. 4 Visitors buy souvenirs at the street market or in the
5 Yes, it has. local shops.

Exercise 2 Exercise 3
1 false; 2 not mentioned; 3 false; 4 true; 5 true 1 an; 2 between; 3 are; 4 some; 5 many

Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1 ears; 2 eyes; 3 tail; 4 nose; 5 teeth 1 c; 2 b; 3 c; 4 c; 5 a

Exercise 4 05 Audioscript
1 twenty-one; 2 long; 3 London; 4 eyes; 5 hair
Hotel receptionist Regal Hotel. Can I help you?
03 Audioscript Richard Good morning. My name’s Richard and I’m from
Brazil. I would like a room for four for 24th
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our show! Our first December.
model today is Karen. She’s French. She’s only twenty-one years Hotel receptionist A room for four for 24th December? Let me
old. She’s got long fair hair and brown eyes and she’s got a fantastic see… Yes, we’ve got a big and comfortable room
smile. Thank you, Karen! for four.
Richard Where exactly is the hotel?
It’s Mary’s turn now. Mary is from London. She’s a medical student.
Hotel receptionist Our hotel is in the city centre. It is opposite
She’s nineteen. Look at her lovely green eyes! Thank you, Mary!
the cinema and next to an important shopping
Our third participant is Victoria. She’s only eighteen and she’s very centre. It’s near the park and the church too.
tall. She’s got fantastic curly hair and black eyes. Victoria is from Richard That’s great! How much is the room?
Montreal, Canada. Thank you! And now… Hotel receptionist A room for four is £350 a night.
Richard 350 a night… So five nights is £1,750.
Hotel receptionist That’s correct, sir.

Test 3 Richard All right then.

Hotel receptionist What is your surname, sir?
Exercise 1 Richard Benson. That’s B-E-N-S-O-N.
1 She is a young actress. 2 No, she doesn’t. 3 She drinks three Hotel receptionist And your mobile phone number, please?
litres of still mineral water. 4 She swims in her pool. 5 Yes, they do. Richard 00 55 41145 786490.
Hotel receptionist 00 55 41145 786490.
Exercise 2 Richard That’s right.
1 isn’t; 2 works; 3 hasn’t got; 4 doesn’t exercise; 5 listen Hotel receptionist OK then. See you on 24th December! And thanks
for calling Regal Hotel!
Exercise 3
(Suggested answers)
1 Do you get up early every morning? 2 Do you eat junk food?
3 Where do you swim? 4 Does your friend Amy listen to (classical)
Mid-course test
Exercise 1
Exercise 4 1 They are from New York. 2 No, she hasn’t. (She’s got long,
1 false; 2 true; 3 true; 4 false; 5 true straight brown hair.) 3 She gets up at 6.15 am (from Monday to
Friday). 4 No, she doesn’t. 5 Yes, there are.

© Macmillan Publishers S.A., 2018 This material has been downloaded from
Exercise 2
1 Sheryl lives alone in a flat in Denver, Colorado. 2 This young
personal trainer has got many hobbies. 3 Sheryl has fruit, cereal,
some yoghurt and a cup of red tea for breakfast. 4 Her last class
is at 7 pm at an old people’s home. 5 She goes to the mountains
with her boyfriend or with her friends at weekends.
Exercise 3
1 sisters; 2 live; 3 from; 4 loves; 5 likes; 6 makes; 7 doesn’t like;
8 many/some; 9 any; 10 has got
Exercise 4
(Suggested answers)
1 How old are you? 2 Where do you live? 3 Are there any beaches
in Denver? 4 Do you go out at weekends? 5 What do you do in the
Exercise 5
Students’ own answers
Exercise 6
1 b; 2 a; 3 b; 4 b; 5 a; 6 b; 7 a; 8 a; 9 a; 10 b
06 Audioscript
Interviewer Good morning! Welcome to Special Jobs on Radio!
We’ve got a special guest today. She’s Italian. She’s
beautiful and … she’s a pilot! Let’s meet Michaella
Gorini! Hello, Michaella.
Michaella Hello, Martin. Thank you for this invitation.
Interviewer Thank you for your visit! OK. Let’s start with our
questions. Are you single or married?
Michaella I’m single but I’m in love. I’ve got a boyfriend. He is also
a pilot for British Airways.
Interviewer And do you work for British Airways too?
Michaella No, I don’t. I work for an Italian company.
Interviewer Why do you like your job?
Michaella Well, it’s interesting. I visit different cities, I travel to
different countries, I buy souvenirs for my family …
Interviewer Do you work at weekends too?
Michaella No, I don’t. I only work from Monday to Friday.
Interviewer What do you do in your free time?
Michaella A lot of things. I watch TV, I go shopping, I do yoga, I go
out with my boyfriend …
Interviewer Is yoga your favourite sport?
Michaella No, it’s not. I love tennis but yoga is necessary for
me. It’s not easy to be a pilot. Remember I’m a young
Interviewer What do you eat on the plane?
Michaella I’m a vegetarian, so I eat a lot of salad and yoghurt.
Interviewer Is the food on board good?
Michaella Oh yes, of course. It’s excellent!
Interviewer What about music? Do you listen to music in your free
Michaella Yes. I love music. I love pop. I always have my
Smartphone with me and I listen to music on the plane,
when I go for a walk, when I travel by car … I like Ed
Sheeran, a British artist. I also like Taylor Swift and Ricky
Martin. I don’t like techno very much.
Interviewer Well, thank you very much, Michaella. It’s been a great
pleasure …

© Macmillan Publishers S.A., 2018 This material has been downloaded from

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