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5 __________________________ Total score: 40

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 2 Read the text again and  score: 10
the questions. circle T (true) or F (false).
1. Max is a high school student.  T/F
2. He is very good at extreme sports. T/F
Jackson High School’s Blog 3. He has got a brother and a sister. T/F
Search 4. Grandma Sally can sing very well. T/F
5. The Stevensons like playing
Hi there! I’m Bobby Mandelson reggae and Latin music. T/F
and I’m a second year student
at Jackson High. I’ve got a
new classmate. His name is 3 Order the words to make  score: 10
Max Stevenson and he is from questions 1–5 and match
Ottawa, Canada. Max is 14 them with the answers a–e.
and he is super cool. He can do 1. Max / music / play / sing / and / can ?
many extreme sports like parkour, bungee jumping

and surfing. He can also play many instruments
but he can’t sing. Max is a member of our school 2. like / maths / Max / French / and /
band. He likes ICT, geography and music, of course. does ?
It’s his favourite school subject! But he doesn’t like
maths and French.

3. school / Max’s / what’s / subject /

My new classmate lives in a nice house opposite
the park. He’s got a small family. He’s an only favourite ?
child and he lives with his mum Sophia, his dad 
Fred and his grandma Sally. His parents are both
teachers at Jackson High. They don’t like extreme 4. parents / extreme / do / sports / Max’s /
sports but they love music. Sophia can play the like ?
violin and Fred can play the piano. Grandma Sally 
can’t play any instruments but she sings very
well. At weekends, the Stevensons play music and 5. piano / the / can / play / Fred ?
sing all together. They love jazz, blues and pop. 

a. Yes, he can.
Comments 56
b. No, they don’t. But they like music.
c. He can play music but he can’t sing.
1. Is Max Stevenson a new student d. No, he doesn’t.
at Jackson High? e. Music.

2. What can he do? 4 Listen and complete  score:
07 10
the sentences with only
3. Can he sing? one word.
1. Nelson can fast but it can’t play
4. Where do his parents work? football.
2. Sophia Nelson, but it’s not very
5. What do the Stevensons do at weekends? intelligent.
3. Nelson understand her orders.
4. Nelson is in the garden.
5. Nelson is with Sophia.

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
6 __________________________ Total score: 40

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 2 Read the text again and  score: 10
the questions. circle T (true) or F (false).
1. Melanie hates watching films
on her sofa. T/F
2. She and her friends eat sushi
Melanie M. very fast because it is really good. T/F
I’m a big fan of Netflix!
3. They never talk about the film. T/F
4. Gru hasn’t got a wife. T/F
I love sitting on my sofa and watching films on 5. He always works very hard and
Netflix. I hate watching films when I am in my
bed because I always fall asleep very easily.
fast to save our planet. T/F
I like all kinds of films. There are so many on
Netflix: romantic films, drama, thrillers and a 3 Complete the text with  score: 10
lot of series too, but my favourites are animated some of the words below.
films and comedies. When my friends come
home to watch films with me, we always order seeing • good • horror • quietly • beautifully •
sushi and ice cream from a nearby take-away but • and • quickly • hate • well • beautiful •
shop. We usually eat sushi really fast because watching • hates • thrillers • spend
it’s delicious, but we have ice cream after the
end of the film. We really enjoy talking about Hello! I’m Jason, one of Melanie’s friends. I’m
the film and eating ice cream at the same time. 19 and I just love (1) films on Netflix
too. I especially enjoy them at Melanie’s house
One of the films we love watching is Despicable
Me 2. In this film, the main character, called because she’s got a fabulous Smart TV. You
Gru, and his three adopted girls are now a can see all the special effects and details very
happy family. Gru is an ex-villain who works (2) . When I’m at home, I like sitting
very hard to find and capture bad guys who (3) in my room in front of my new
want to do harm and create chaos on the computer. I’ve also got an iPad so I can watch
planet. Gru and Lucy, his partner, work very
films and series on both devices. My favourite
well together and they end up falling in love
and getting married. Gru is definitely one of kind of films are (4) because they
our heroes because he always solves problems are full of suspense and actions occur very
really fast to defend our planet, and he is also (5) . I don’t like comedies very much
a loving husband and father. but they are Melanie’s favourites.
One of Melanie’s favourite actors is Jennifer
Comments 29
Aniston. She really performs (6)
in all her many films, (7) I prefer
1. Does Melanie like watching all kinds
Jennifer Lawrence. It’s the battle of the
of films?
Jennifers between Melanie and I. We usually

(8) a lot of time talking about them
2. What do Melanie and her friends always
while eating snacks. We (9) drinking
order when they see films together?
coffee but we love drinking green tea.

3. What do they like doing after the end
4 08Listen and complete  score: 10
of the film?
the sentences.

1. Alison Crammer is a
4. How many children has Gru got?

2. She likes films.
5. Does he always work hard to defend
3. In her new film, Alison has an .
our planet?
4. She and her boyfriend walk very

they are tired and have no food.
5. Finally, they get married and live .

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
7 __________________________ Total score: 40

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 4. What do the girls do in the evening?
the questions.
5. Why is today an exciting day?
New message
Recipients: Mum and Dad CC CCO
Subject: Greetings from Southern Italy 2 Read the text again and  score: 10
correct the wrong
Hi Mum and Dad,
I hope you’re doing well. Here we are with 1. The flat is very uncomfortable.
my friend Sarah in Positano, a lovely town in
the south of Italy. This country is fascinating.
Everything is so amazing and people are really
2. Rachel is swimming now and Sarah
nice and talkative. We have fun every day. We is writing the email.
are renting a flat. It is very comfortable. It’s got a
balcony with a view of the sea. It’s morning now 3. It always rains in Italy.
and Sarah is at the beach. I can see her from the
balcony. She is swimming in the sea. Sarah gets 4. Rachel and Sarah are organizing
up early every morning and goes out for a walk.
I hate getting up early and I don’t like going for a
a surprise birthday party in a local pub.
walk in the morning. I’m on holiday after all! At
the moment, I’m sitting on the balcony. I’m having 5. Rachel isn’t taking the selfie.
a big cappuccino, some fresh fruit and toast. And
I’m writing this email on my tablet.
We’re very happy because the weather here is 3 Complete the text with  score: 10
fabulous. It never rains and the sun shines every the correct form of verbs
day. It’s so different from England. Sarah and I below.
have very different routines during the morning but
in the afternoon we usually visit different tourist not work • say • live • work • walk
attractions together. In the evening, we go out for
dinner and then we meet other tourists at a pub. Thierry Dupont is Rachel’s friend. He is from
Paris but he (1) in Positano for some
We’ve got a friend from France called Thierry.
He lives in Paris but he has a summer job here, months because he has got a summer job.
so he’s living in Positano for some months. And He (2) as a gym instructor at a sports
today is an exciting day because it’s Thierry’s centre in a big hotel. Thierry loves sports.
birthday, so we’re organizing a surprise party in He likes swimming and playing a very unusual
our flat for him. sport called underwater hockey. Every
I’m attaching a photo of Sarah and me at the morning, he (3) to the sports centre
beach. Sarah is jumping high – crazy girl. I’m not which is 3.5 kilometres away from his house.
because I’m taking the selfie. At the moment, Thierry (4) . He is
I miss you a lot! talking on the phone with his parents. They
Take care, (5) ‘Happy birthday’ to their son.
Rachel Thierry feels really happy but he misses
his family very much.
4 Listen and answer 
09 score: 10
1. What’s Italy like? the questions.
1. What’s Michael doing?
2. What is Sarah doing now? 2. Is Sarah playing the piano?
3. Is the dog sleeping now?
3. Why isn't Rachel with Sarah? 4. Does the dog always sleep on the sofa?
5. Where are Rachel and her friends now?

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
8 __________________________ Total score: 40

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 tired after the excursion but they really
the questions. (3) (love) the place. Today is Monday
and the girls are at the university again. Right
Lara and Paula are two
Argentinian secondary now they (4) (write) a composition in
students. They are their bedroom. Lara and Paula wanted to have
spending three months a speaking class today, but it (5)
in London to study (not be) possible. The teacher called in sick. He
English. They are staying is at home because he has terrible toothache.
at the University of
London Bloomsbury
campus because it is 3 Imagine you are talking score: 10
summer time and the students’ to Lara. Write the
bedrooms are empty. Everybody is on holiday at the questions to complete
university except for some teachers who give English
the conversation.
classes to foreign students like Lara and Paula.
You (1) ?
The girls’ bedroom is on the second floor. It has got Lara No, I wasn’t in class last Friday.
two beds, a big desk with two chairs, an enormous
You (2) ?
wardrobe, a lamp, a sofa, a Smart TV, wi-fi and a
private bathroom. There is a window with a view of Lara I was in Hampton Court, a royal palace
the green park below. Lara and Paula have English outside London.
classes from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays and You (3) ?
Saturdays, they go on different excursions and outings Lara No, I wasn't alone. I visited the palace
to visit historic sites in and outside London. They are
with some other students and our
free on Sundays, so they can choose what to do.
Today is Friday and the girls are visiting Hampton You (4) ?
Court, a royal palace. The building of the palace
Lara Yes, we visit interesting places every
started in 1515. Was the palace small at that time?
Yes, it was. But then King Henry VIII decided to make Friday. But not every Saturday.
it bigger. King George II was the last monarch to You (5) ?
reside in the palace. Today the place is open to the Lara Yes, we are free next weekend. Maybe
public and it is one of London’s major attractions. we can go to a park and do some sport
You Great idea!
1. What do Lara and Paula do from Monday
to Thursday? 4 10 Listen to Paula  score: 10
talking to Peter and
2. Do they go on special excursions and circle T (true) or F (false).
outings on Sundays? 1. Peter was ill yesterday.  T/F
2. He's got Italian cousins. T/F
3. What are they doing today? 3. His Italian cousins were
in England yesterday. T/F
4. Was the palace small in 1515? 4. Peter and his cousins
visited London in the morning.  T/F
5. Who was the last King to live in the palace? 5. The three boys were not in Windsor
in the morning.  T/F
6. They don’t like historical buildings.  T/F
2 Complete the text with the score: 10 7. They travelled to Windsor by train.  T/F
correct form of the verbs 8. Travelling to Windsor was very
in brackets. expensive.  T/F
Lara and Paula (1) (visit) Hampton 9. The ticket to Windsor was £6 each.  T/F
Court last Friday. They (2) (be) very 10. They liked their spaghetti
Bolognese lunch.  T/F
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End-of- Student’s name and surname Date / /
course test __________________________ Total score: 80

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 3. The twins stay at home with
the questions. a babysitter when their
parents go to work. T / F / NM
Jason and Eileen Brown are a young, married 4. The Browns don’t usually get
couple and have got two babies called Kevin and up late at weekends.  T / F / NM
Martin. The babies are one year old and they are
5. Jason likes walking quickly
twins. The Browns live in the suburbs of Manchester.
Jason works in an international company in the to his job. T / F / NM
city centre and Eileen is a doctor at the University 6. Eileen and Jason never go to
Hospital. At the moment, they are both working the park with the babies.  T / F / NM
and the babies are not at home. They are staying 7. They hate listening to pop
with their grandma Dora. She lives in a comfortable and techno music. T / F / NM
house five blocks away from her daughter’s house.
8. The New York Philharmonic
Every morning, Jason and Eileen get up early and Orchestra concert was terrible. T / F / NM
have breakfast. They usually have coffee, toast, 9. Eileen’s mum wasn’t at home
orange juice and some yoghurt. After that, Jason last Saturday. T / F / NM
changes the babies and then Eileen feeds them.
10. The young couple returned from
When they are all ready, they get in the car and
Jason drives to Dora’s house to leave Kevin and the concert very late at night. T / F / NM
Martin with her. Then Jason drives Eileen to the
hospital and leaves the car on a street near the 3 Complete the text with  score: 10
hospital. He doesn’t drive to the city centre because the correct form of the
there is a lot of traffic and there are no chances to verbs in brackets.
find a parking area. Jason walks quickly to his job
Grandma Dora’s birthday (1) (be)
that is only twenty blocks away. He loves walking
and doing sports. Jason and Eileen finish working at on 4th February. She has got a nice personality.
5 pm, they pick up the babies and drive back home. Dora can’t (2) (drive) but she likes
(3) (walk) or taking the bus when
In their free time, the young couple takes their
babies to the park. Jason and Eileen like sitting she goes to the city centre. She does yoga
under a tree to read a book and listen to classical and has got a healthy diet. She likes fish and
music. Last Saturday, the twins stayed at their chicken but she (4) (not like) beef.
grandma’s house because Jason and Eileen were She loves eating fruits and vegetables.
at a concert. The New York Philharmonic Orchestra
was in Manchester for the third time. Jason and Now, Dora (5) (play) with her
Eileen loved the concert. two baby grandchildren but last week she
(6) (be) ill. Eileen and Jason
(7) (be) very worried because Dora
1. Where do the Browns live? had a high temperature. She (8)
2. Where are the babies staying at the (not be) well at all. When the doctor
moment? (9) (arrive), he said, ‘This lady has
3. What do Jason and Eileen usually have got the flu. She needs to rest and take some
for breakfast? medicine’.
4. How does Jason go to work every day?
Jason was in his office at that time and
5. Where were Jason and Eileen last
(10) (call) his wife to ask about
Dora’s health. After a few days in bed,
grandma Dora was well again.
2 Read the text again and  score: 10
circle T (true), F (false)
or NM (not mentioned).
1. Dora lives near her daughter’s
house. T / F / NM
2. Jason can’t drive. T / F / NM

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4 What would you like to  score: 10 A B C
ask Dora? Read and 1. also but so
complete the questions. 2. also and too
3. takes doesn’t take don’t take
4. usually never sometimes
Hi! I’m Dora,
Eileen’s mum. I love my 5. go don’t go goes
two baby grandsons. 6. always never usually
I really like playing 7. celebrate are celebrating celebrated
with them! 8. prepares prepared is preparing
9. arrive are arriving arrived
10. but so also

7 Write about 50 words score: 20

using the information
1. Where ? below.
2. Were ?
3. Do ? Name  obert Graham, Dora’s
4. Is there ? ex-husband
5. How many ? Nationality Canadian
Birthday 29th September
5 Choose the correct score: 10 Pets canary (Ted: small and yellow)
answers. Abilities play golf and table tennis
The Browns live in a big detached house. It is Likes music: country and jazz
very old (1) ... it’s comfortable and has got a Routine get up early, work in an oil
beautiful garden with flowers. There are (2) ... company, have lunch in a
three tall pine trees and an old oak. Eileen cafeteria, finish work at 5 pm
and Jason (3) ... care of the garden. They call a Yesterday ill, in bed, watch TV
gardener to do so every week because they are
(4) ... very tired after work and at weekends.
Jason (5) ... to the gym three times a week. 8 Listen and complete  score:
11 10
Dora and Eileen do yoga with an instructor the sentences.
twice a week. They all take turns to do physical 1. Tattoo and Rafael are two , Eileen’s
activity so that the babies are (6) ... alone. mother’s .
2. They eat dog and milk.
Last month, they (7) ... Jason’s birthday, so
3. They don’t like .
Dora (8) ... a chocolate cake and invited some
4. On Wednesday, the two dogs were in the
of Jason and Eileen’s best friends. They (9) ... at
about 5 pm and waited in the living room. It was
5. Now, Tattoo and Rafael are sleeping under a
a great surprise for Jason! He was tired after
in the .
a hard day’s work (10) ... extremely happy.

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